delcat177 · 4 months
Okay okay, hear me out before the edible hits
Point is I'm lucid and I just realized something important:
Rental stores used to annihilate my executive dysfunction in gaming.
It's simple prioritization. "Oh shit this has to go back tomorrow" goes one of four ways:
"This was a waste of $2" "I am satisfied with the amount of game I have played" "I need to play this as much as humanly possible before it goes back" "Fuck it I'm keeping it longer and I'm eating the late fee can't stop won't stop"
And bam, there, I knew what I wanted. Do you know how hard it is to know what you want in a modern Steam library? Or movies on a streaming platform? *Of fucking course you do, you've scrolled that scroll.*
Rental wasn't just convenient and fun, it was a palpable way of processing my media wants and needs as a single action, instead of a miserable second job.
I can't speak to anyone else's backlog, but, uh.
We need this back?
We need this back.
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FaceTime With Mom! Time with my parents has become so valuable. It brings a smile to my face learning their wisdom as well as being able to teach them some new things. Technology helps keep us connected, it also brings a new facet of joy and laughs. #vaughn & #janalee #momisms #carepackage received! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_5r_MOJ5gdrqv-4XWHPZOonTzgiAmExc5MR40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsnothingbutluck · 1 year
The Mom Song (William Tell Momisms)
Get up now, get up now, get up out of bed, Wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your sleepy head. Here’s your clothes and your shoes, hear the words I said, Get up now, get up and make your bed. Are you hot, are you cold, are you wearing that? Where’s your books and your lunch and your homework at? Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat. Don’t forget, you’ve gotta feed the cat. Eat your breakfast, the experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all, Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall. Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today, Don’t forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play. Don’t shovel, chew slowly, but hurry, the bus is here, Be careful, come back here, did you wash behind your ears? Play outside, don’t play rough, would you just play fair? Be polite, make a friend, don’t forget to share, Work it out, wait your turn, never take a dare, Get along, don’t make me come down there. Clean your room, fold your clothes, put your stuff away, Make your bed, do it now, do we have all day? Were you born in a barn? Would you like some hay? Can you even hear a word I say? Answer the phone, Get off the phone, Don’t sit so close, turn it down, no texting at the table. No more computer time tonight, Your ipod’s my ipod if you don’t listen up. Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming home? Saying thank you, please, excuse me, makes you welcome everywhere you roam. You’ll appreciate my wisdom someday when you’re older and you’re grown. Can’t wait til you have a couple little children of your own. You’ll thank me for the council I gave you so willingly, But right now I thank you not to roll your eyes at me. Close your mouth when you chew, we’d appreciate, Take a bite, maybe two, of the stuff you hate. Use your fork, do not burp or I’ll set you straight. Eat the food I put upon your plate. Get an A, get in the door, don’t be smart with me, Get a grip, get in here on count to three, Get a job, Get a life, get a PhD, get a dose of I don’t care who started it, You’re grounded until you’re 36, Get your story straight and tell the truth for once for heaven sake. And, if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump to? If I’ve said once I’ve said it at least a thousand times before, That you’re too old to act this way, It must be your father’s DNA. Look at me when I am talking, stand up straighter when you walk. A place for everything, and everything must be in place. Stop crying or I’ll give you something real to cry about. Oh Brush your teeth, wash your face, get your pj’s on. Get in bed, get a hug, say a prayer with Mom. Don’t forget I love you (kiss) And tomorrow we will do this all again Because a Mom’s work never ends. You don’t need the reason why, Because, Because, Because, Because, I said so, I said so, I said so, I said so. I’m the Mom, the Mom, the Mom, the Mom, the Mom!
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1eos · 12 days
boy momism needs to end for true gender equality to be met
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battlfofendorr · 9 months
Five –  
Five minutes late, and already Beth Boland was starting to feel the antsy anticipation.  Soon - or later, if he felt like testing her - she’d be face-to-face with Rio again. Every time it was an instant wash to her nervous system. The way he stalked - swaggered? - towards her, unreadable, so mutable. 
So alive.  
Sometimes, it was overwhelming. Sometimes, it it felt not like summer and winter, or spring and fall, but like all four– 
Four – 
Four brains was one too many, no matter how often they’d come together to work – Rio, and Beth, Ruby, and Annie. Triangles and pairs, but so rarely the whole of them all together.
For a reason, as it turned out.  
“Too many cooks spoil the broth,” Beth snapped, and though it was a complete non sequitur to the conversation they were having - an argument over the best way to infiltrate, of all things, a shoe emporium - she could see in his slightly raised eyebrows that Rio was as surprised by the outburst as she was.  It was such a small difference - not something that anyone else would notice. But she knew him like she knew her favorite book. “Someone needs to go home. And if you don’t stop squabbling immediately, it’ll be me.”
It’s a Momism, a hangover from spending all day corralling small children on a field trip, followed by dinner and chores for one child too many, if she counted Dean. 
For a moment, it’s tense as Ruby, Annie, and Rio share an almost appraising glance - curiosity piqued by the way she’s slipped into the Mom role so seamlessly.   
Annie - so often the victim of that voice growing up - was the first to respond.  “Nose goes?” Annie asked, touching her index finger to the tip of her nose.
A childish answer - Ben would have been amused - but Beth just stared flatly. 
Ruby and Rio - so rare to interact, to even acknowledge one another - waited a long moment, letting Beth’s silence stretch out. 
Rio breaks first.  
“Sorry, Mami, but this is too important to leave to you three.”
Three – 
Three friends - the best of friends - crowded into a restaurant booth, conversation as dead as the drop they’d been trying all week to make.  Dead as the three of them would be, if they didn’t figure it out. 
“Maybe we could–” Annie started, but Beth shot her that look, the one that said she was as disappointed as she was tired.  
“Well what if we–”
And Ruby snorted, like she’d somehow already read her mind and found the idea as repulsive as her taste in men. 
“But there’s…” 
“Give it up, girl,” Ruby snapped. “We don’t got it.”
The timing could not have been worse, because like a shadow Rio appeared in that instant at the head of the table - not a waitress with the drinks they all so desperately needed, but a condemnation waiting to happen.
“I thought I made myself very clear,” Rio said, his raspy voice almost tactile as it scraped over them, raking them over coals in a beyond metaphorical way. It cut, right to the soul. “You make the drive, you do the drop, or you won’t like what I gotta do.” 
“We tried,” Beth started, but she couldn’t even muster up the energy to argue. Sure, they’d tried. But none of the excuses she could dream up would make a difference to him. Sure, Kenny was sick - not just a little sick, but the real kind.  The medicine and doctors type of sick. Flu, but a nasty one that was threatening to make its way through her whole household. 
And Dean wasn’t just no help - he was as bad as the kids, whining about dinners and leaving laundry strewn about the room.  
And Beth, still drinkless, was running on no sleep, and still had piles of dishes to catch up on, after the first attempt at a drop failed to do much more than waste an evening.
It wasn’t a headache so much as that she was just tired. 
Annie gave her that pleading look - the one that said “Hey, sis, save my bacon” without actual words. 
And Ruby had that same expression - maybe not pleading, maybe concern. 
As if they hadn’t been in worse situations a dozen-dozen times over?
Beth wants to stay neutral, to stay above the fear, but the longer she sits, the closer the table is growing, until even Rio breaks threatening silence.
“How you doin’, Elizabeth?”
“I”m OK,” she started to say, except instead of one Rio standing at the head of the table, there were two.
Two – 
Two times. She’s hired a hit man to kill someone two times. It might as well be twenty, with all the meetings - the paperwork.  At least this time, the hit man isn’t hitting on her. No, he’s disgusted by everything about her - the tidy blouse, the primp pumps, the flouncy, strawberry curls. Even the pallor of her skin - "You ever see the sun, lady?" 
It’s all wrong. It's offensive. But isn’t that the point? It shouldn’t be easy, though - shockingly - the arrangement part of it at least is.  
Still.  She can't help but wonder, idly, how many before it’s a habit?  How many times before someone brings her a punch card? 
At least she doesn’t know the target, personally, on this one.
One – 
“It’s one last job,” Beth finds herself saying, like she hasn’t already shown everyone that she’s beyond addicted to the drama of it, to the control - to the danger.  And, of course, to that man - the one that pulled their strings like a puppet master. The only true competitor she’s come up against in as long as she can remember - possibly ever.
“For him?” Annie asks, still reeling from her recent prison stay, still nursing that anger - the blame - as if she weren’t at all responsible for any of her own involvement. 
“For us,” Beth clarified. “For me, for you.”
“For Ruby?”
Their friend’s departure still burned, a gaping hole that like a chasm split the earth between the two sisters. Blame - plenty of that to go around - hung awkward where their friend had always stood. 
“We don’t need Ruby.”
It has never - not once - been true.  Annie almost points it out. But Beth, well, she has that look again - like the darkness that has swallowed her up off and on for the last decade has finally faded for good. 
Annie wants to say no. But her sister’s coming back to life in ways she'd never anticipated, and the chances of her ruining that are zero.
Zero – 
Zero reasons exist for anyone to be awake after 2:00 a.m., a fact that Beth Boland knew, once - before the kids, before the schedules, before the fun had drained out of every aspect of her life, leaving her with nothing but color-coordinated schedules and over-baked cookies to show her work - not even a thank you tossed her way in appreciation to savor and bolster her through. 
She wears a coat, gloves, all tight and black, like she’s pulled her fashion advice out of someone else’s playbook.  
And maybe she has - but at least she’s finding space to play. 
Beth walks through the park, past the empty swings, the uneven bars, the plastic slides. And then she she sees it - the thing that makes the night so much better than the day time. 
“Take your time, Elizabeth.”
Rio, sitting on a bench, savoring the moment - as if he’s just enjoying watching her walk, and the night time is somehow infinite.
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cquackity · 11 months
bedrock preyduo are so petty as they should be. they should argue like suburban moms
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teazzle · 2 months
im adopting a momism (im not telling you anything that's wrong) except im going to use it as a mantra for myself when i have to tell my roommate to do something to maintain the cleanliness of the apartment (im not telling him anything that's wrong)
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mikotyzini · 1 year
I love all the tiny head canons that you sprinkle in most of your story e.g momisms, characters fav foods, and just so many more small details!! they just add so much to you're stories
Thank you!! I love those little details since I feel like it gives us more insight into what type of people they are! And over time, since I've written so much, I've just kept coming back to the ones I really like 😆
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anarchocuntboogaloo · 9 months
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delcat177 · 1 year
Please understand this as me hearing it in my head from Mom, who said it frequently enough that I hear her version of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all":
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The internet came into being in my teen years, so it's genuinely hard for me to imagine me as a second-grader being utterly schooled by bored randos for...enjoying life?
I have absolutely met these joyless, angry people, though. What hurt you, angry people? Were we not all born of a mother?
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chussy · 2 years
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isaiah4031kjv · 24 days
“Momism” (Proverbs 31:30)
This slideshow requires JavaScript. A mother who honors God will be a good mother. This is true because her desire is to be the kind of parent He wants her to be. Instead of bringing up children just to fulfill her own needs, she wants to raise them for the glory of God. This approach to motherhood stands in striking contrast to what’s happening in a lot of homes today. Hans Sebald, a University…
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autodaemonium · 7 months
Pronounced: smtshuhiaynrikilnniefdhuh.
Pantheon of: perspective, flimsiness.
Pronounced: sshsigblptahisuhleztsnah Legends: lip synchronization, aggression. Prophecies: capacity, avenue. Relations: ədəɒkɛrhdtaʊtifkikaɪdɛ (mica), wɛɑvðyudðsvklseoədʃə (arsenic), zætmltibɛiɪətiizɪrrl (iodopsin), əruaɪɑiədpdʒiousrdnrnk (halocarbon).
Pronounced: wayahvthyudthsvklseouhdshuh Legends: symbolatry, creating from raw materials. Prophecies: insulation, momism. Relations: sʃsigblptɑɪsəleztsnɑ (loam), zætmltibɛiɪətiizɪrrl (sewage).
Pronounced: zatmltibayiiuhtiizirrl Legends: trek, concussion, computerization. Prophecies: ether, airborne patrol, section eight. Relations: əruaɪɑiədpdʒiousrdnrnk (customs), wɛɑvðyudðsvklseoədʃə (capital), ədəɒkɛrhdtaʊtifkikaɪdɛ (cash flow).
Pronounced: uhduhoukayrhdtowtifkikaiday Legends: sunrise, jackstraws, punch-up, mining, commitment. Prophecies: stem turn, dark ground illumination. Relations: zætmltibɛiɪətiizɪrrl (caliche), əruaɪɑiədpdʒiousrdnrnk (glutelin), wɛɑvðyudðsvklseoədʃə (relatedness), sʃsigblptɑɪsəleztsnɑ (fuel oil).
Pronounced: uhruaiahiuhdpjiousrdnrnk Legends: tradeoff, cheat. Prophecies: initial public offering, dogfight, laying on, prohibition, headshot. Relations: sʃsigblptɑɪsəleztsnɑ (tenderizer), ədəɒkɛrhdtaʊtifkikaɪdɛ (referent), wɛɑvðyudðsvklseoədʃə (hemoglobin).
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dralbum · 1 year
favorite scent?
is this as in perfume bc I LOVE FLORALSSS i love like rose and peony and also i love bakery scents SO YUMMM i literally bought a strawberry poundcake candle today (spent like 30 dollars on one candle but like it’s whatever. i’m coping.) i rlly wanna get this cologne that my friend recommended me it smells JUST like chocolate it’s divine…..classic vanilla is awesome too but that’s my momisms talking
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forever-vestige · 2 years
My mom, to her boyfriend,
“Have I ever taken you down into the canal when the frogs are mating?”
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so-well-defined · 3 years
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No truer words have EVER been spoken.. so good I stole this post idea from @shays68_closet because I am going to let y’all in on a little secret: Are you listening? 👂🏼 Pay attention! Take notes! 🤓 🤫 I simply tell everyone I’m planning a cleaning day and somehow the whole household magically disappears.. best part? Sometimes I don’t even clean. I just do face masks and sit around drinking wine alone in peace, smelling sweet things instead of farts. 😉 Follow me for more #momisms and advice on keeping your sanity in a house full of boys! 🤪😝😎 How do you keep your sanity in a house full of testosterone? Or any house where you don’t live alone for that matter! 😆😆😆 #boymom #momlife #momhacks #outnumberedbyboys #lifestyle #momstyle #wineandfacialsftw #entrepreneurdiaries #parenting101 #mompreneur #momlife101 #resellerreallife #reseller #resellercommunity #momsgottricks #followmeformore #adviceoftheday (at Cinco Ranch, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2g5DXl6dS/?igshid=13adn0i7vpoj0
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