#mod serpy
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Don't talk to me or my son or my son's son ever again.
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lgbt-romanian-teens · 7 years
Pe lângă faptul că e homofobă și de aia o urăsc în mod special, azi mi-a amintit draga mea profă de religie de ce nu o suport. A zis, și citez "Dacă ești impulsiv și ai ridicat tonul, e mare păcat să zici că ai reacționat așa pentru că ești impulsiv". Uhm? A uitat să menționeze că păcat e dacă nu faci cumva să te controlezi și o oră am stat să-i explic că s-a exprimat greșit (evident cu clasicele comentarii de la alții în fundal). Am fost singura care a ascultat cu atenție ce a zis. Era greșit.
mda..ce sa zic.. Nu stiu de ce se mai fac orele astea de religie.Mai sunt si obligatorii dintr-a 1 a pana intr-a 12a. Pana intr-a 8a era suficient. Macar daca ne invatau ceva mai interesant ca istoria religiilor. Profa mea doar sta de vorba cu noi, atat si nu spune ceva interesant, ne povesteste amintiri din liceu sau mai stiu ce, ora de stat degeaba. Si imi amintesc ca a intrebat-o cineva odata daca e homofoba si a raspuns; ‘’Nu, nu mi-e frica de nimic’, poate doar de serpi”…..
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Sub menus I finished this week. Option and Close Game were easy to complete.
Stats isn't technically finished because it doesn't change based on the player's social stats yet, but I wanted to get it done visually so I can move forward with something else.
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If you've been keeping up with my recent posts, you've probably noticed there was a mysterious triangle in some screenshots. I'm happy to officially say that the game's control scheme has changed. It's now a point-and-click! You can use the mouse to interact with things! I've wanted the game to play this way since the beginning. I found a great plugin to do it with.
The arrow keys no longer work in standard scenes, though you can still navigate Mementos with arrow keys if you wish. Otherwise, as seen here, you can use the mouse to move around.
I was hoping to show this off in a standard scene before I posted more about Mementos, buuuuut pixel art has been easier to get done as of late, haha.
Last week I was pretty depressed about having to drop some art I spend quite a bit of time on. It was related to the game's cursors. The plugin I'm using has a built in way to change them when hovering over interactables. Long story short, because I'm using pictures for dialogue, they don't work properly. These three are the only cursors that survived in the end.
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Mementos, Default, and the Battle Cursor
Under the Read More are the cursors that were cut from the game. I need to mourn all that lost work somehow.
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The Go cursors are the ones I'll miss the most. I made one for each scene transfer in the game, and there were a lot of them. Sometimes you just have to let it go and move on though. That happens a lot in game dev, haha.
Instead, I plan on doing some color theory on the standard scenes to make it more obvious what the player can select in each scene. I already applied this idea to Mementos, since I knew I would never be using the hover cursors in the area. Everything you can interact with uses cool, bluish colors, to contrast the warm reds that make up everything else.
That's all for now! Next update I'm hoping to get more progress done on finishing the background of a scene. I want to show off a fully functional standard scene sooooo so badly.
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Head empty, no thoughts.
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I'm SO CLOSE to getting this area's art done, but I need another day or so to finish the line art and color. So small update today, I thought I'd show everyone how things function in standard areas with the test assets. There have been some touch ups to the dialogue art as well!
I made a post talking about redundancies in the UI after last week's update. Now I've made it so you can select the MENU and MAP UI highlighted in red, or use the right click on the mouse to open the main menu. I'll have a more thorough example of how this all works once I have the café area ready.
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When did this happen?! Uh celebration post um, uh, fuck MEME
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Oh my god, this thing is actively still going?? Heck yes!! I've been desperate for some sort of outlet for the blatant Ryuji/Joker vibes I got while playing the game, so I'm SO happy to see something out there where we can romance the men!!
I'm on a mini hiatus for personal work over the holidays, but still active, definitely!
Ryuji really was down bad immediately in the game. He's this:
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Can't draw while I'm at work, so I've been working on the full game's non-confidant script lately. While writing the opening, I noticed a pattern that I stopped writing every 10 minutes to write down a new asset I need. I wonder, if I weren't also the artist, if I would get more writing done if new ideas didn't pop into my head during the process lol. I may just have a problem with making everything fancy tho. But can you blame me? Persona 5 set the bar high.
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I’m not asking for an actual timeline of the game development process, I was just wondering what you had expected as far as a time frame when you started? I’m new at programming and game development myself and I know it takes a long time, especially on a solo mission, so I was curious if you were pretty close to estimating your skill level in terms of getting where you are… if that makes sense?
To be up front, I'm not the best person to ask this. I'm a hobbyist, and do this between the occasional commissions, my day job, ADHD, and frequent health problems.
When I suggested this game about 8 years ago, I was in art college for an animation degree with just a few *coughpoorlytaughtcough* game dev classes. I thought I could make it in maybe 3 years because that's what I heard was a usual amount of time, only to stop for a several year hiatus until about 2022. I only recently started learning how to pull my shit together in the form of doing small build after small build. That's still an uphill battle with ADHD, but I'm trying.
I didn't start my dev journey..."professionally," as it were. I still treat this as skill building. Like a beginner pianist who's learning their scales and how to read sheet music. I learned the most about the engine I use, RPG Maker MV, by fucking around in projects that didn't get too far. I love to push it's limits by attempting to execute visual elements that the engine wasn't built for, which requires me to learn about it's basics. I'm as clear on the path to the end of this game only because I have a good grasp on what MV can do now, on top of dropping some features that crept up on me.......I was actually planning to animate every menu in the beginning. Like a maniac.
So, uh, my answer is I missed my timeline by a huge margin and I'm still terrible at estimations. I try not to let that past hold me back though.
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I downloaded like 20 hours of P5R footage today and when it was over I paused and had a slight moment of, "Am I really in this deep?" Like, the idea in my head is that I can always have my plot/art references without the internet. But if anyone were to find it on my computer, I think, for the first time, I might agree when I get called an obsessed maniac who needs to go outside more...!
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Skipping this week's update. Have another commission, and want to pour all my time into it so I'll get done faster then the last one. I'll update next Friday and the 29th instead.
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It's been a while since I mentioned combat, it got buried under my rambles. Sorry about that!
Combat is primarily a means for grinding money to help you whoo your confidant of choice. There are a few other uses for it as well.
-Like you mentioned, this includes collecting masks of matching arcanas to gain bonus points while hanging out with confidants.
-Collecting Persona Masks increases the amount of combat skills at your disposal (changing Personas has been quite difficult to execute mid-battle in RPG Maker MV, so Joker's list of available skills just increases as you collect "mask" items). There's a variety of shadows with different weaknesses and collecting skills helps you to Down them, same as P5. At the start of the game, you only have Arsène and his listed skills, Eiha and Cleave.
On how you acquire these masks, I want to include shadow negotiation, though it's proving difficult to implement. If can't get it to work right, I have a backup system ready that amounts to a Steal ability you would find in your standard turn-based RPG.
-There are a few other reasons I included combat, but those are a secret for now. ;3p
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Sifting through sound effects right now and GOD the walking sfx in Persona games is burned into my brain. They are so distinct and satisfying to me. I don't know why.
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Just saw your newest video, and I LOVE how you draw Akechi. Like he looks like *himself*, not a woobified version of him if that makes sense? But the art style is still distinct from the game's designs
(Hi, Vu! Nice to talk to you again. ^^)
I'm glad you like him! :D I think I get what you're saying, it's easy to soften his features to fall in line with his prince persona, when one has that in mind. I don't have a cutesy art style in general though. I prefer to work with sharp points and older faces, so I played to that strength. It certainly makes it easy to make him look jaded lol.
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just wanted to say
every time i've seen you post, i get inspired
you're still working on this game, you haven't (visibly) given up
it makes me feel like one day, i too can finally get one of my games up and out (im still in the script stage, its been like 8 years)
in the meantime, i'm going to massively enjoy every single update you give
I haven't given up and neither should you! I've been busy with commissions and health issues as of late, but I've never been more into the project. I've had this sideblog for the same amount of time, since 2016, and had no idea what I was doing at the start. If I can get this far, I'm sure anyone can.
You didn't ask for advice, but if I may give some? Break your project down into the tiniest pieces you can and work smarter, not harder. It's much less intimidating that way. For example, I started with the simple goal of getting the dialogue to function visually with test assets. I made it work in a single in-engine event, then copied and pasted it, simply replacing the dialogue instead of starting from scratch each time. Then I moved on to getting the date graphics to work. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are video games.
It's never too late to start OR finish something! You can do it! And I know I'll be able to do it too with people like you cheering me on! :3
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