Murdoch autism moment #1/7
Dr ogden: *quotes Shakespeare*
Murdoch: Merry wives of Windsor
Julia: I'm impressed!
William: you would be the first. The Jesuits thought I was far too analytical for literature
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tumanina · 2 years
Jim Humble’s MMS 1
The book MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, First Edition (2016) by Jim Humble with Cari Lloyd, came to my attention some time in 2019 possibly. I did not read it then. The book came to my attention again on 24 May 2022. This time I read it. I joined Telegram groups (testimonials and videos), I surfed the website https://jimhumble.co/ and watched a documentary (The Universal Antidonte by an unrevealed reporter). I also read what was too shared with me,  Forbidden Health by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker.
What caught my attention in May 2022 was that I was hearing it from someone who had tested it on themselves, their children, their wife, and their parents. And that specifically had taken it to address Arthritis in the fingers, and that it was successful (I cannot state whether in stopping it or reversing it, am always careful to not get carried away) - a condition a family member has too, and that I care to help where possible.
That person\s wife had taken it before a decision to go to the hospital when COVID symptoms increased at home, no hospital visit ensued or was the story that the visit to the hospital was made and that the drops were taken anyway and symptoms reduced. either way.
June 13, 2022 I was ill, and it was clear it could be of those tested positive for COVID 19. God willing while I had done some research on how to get Sodium Chlorite 22.4 (mind you with a “t” not a “d”) and HCL 4%, it was far from arriving, and a person who had them passed them on to me. And so, I was ready to test it out, in light of what it might do to COVID symptoms but too as a way to test out what I was otherwise intending to pass on to a family member for Arthritis, a buffer, myself.
Did MMS 1 cure me from COVID 19?
In Allah’s will I am getting well, today 19 June, and negative in my rapid test. I cannot tell if MMS 1 intake was a cause to the relief but there is one matter I could feel directly: the “cup“ protocol that is intended to help get mucus out, before the illness hits the chest with congestion, that, I felt clearly, that mucus was exiting even before I could identify that it was there, be it in my breathing channels or chest. 
The protocols I applied
1. Starting Protocol from book: MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
2. The Lung Protocol (The Cup) from book: MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
3. The COVID protocol from a chart the friend shared with me that showed four stages of application depending on the severity of COVID, I applied both second level: COVID positive with no symptoms or low symptoms (one drop per cup, one cup per hour over 8 hours,, + ten drops MMS1 in half cup water: gargle three times, apply twice or three times a day also add on brush teeth with the remaing, with fresh ), and the third level: COVID positive with symptoms to acute symptoms (same as previous except that the 8 dozes are taken one per 15 mn instead of one per hour, ie process completed in 1 hr 45 mn). 
4. Add on that was shared with me and is not on record in the book, as tested by that person (MMS1 in water in cup, quantity handlable, getting the water through in each of the nostrils till it reaches the throat) - I do not recommend the use of this one without familiarly with MMS use and dosages and its effect on one’s own body.
5. Add to that, I was recommended to take pro-biotics, and I did once a day over three days.
Note I used Arwa bottled water. Not free of extras but low enough that it should pass. ie as close to distilled water as I could get my hands on.
What I did over a period of 6 days,
Monday 13 June, (day 1)
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 1/4. The start on Monday 13 was at 10pm because this is when I received the drops, 10pm to 5am waking every hour to take it
Tuesday 14, (day 2)
Rapid test Positive.
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 2/4. Started at 5pm, ended midnight. 
The COVID protocol third level: took that Tuesday 14 June before starting on the starting protocol, it was intense but still felt manageable, even though all this was new to my body.
Also, the Lung protocol for mucus excretion if any.
Wednesday 15, (day 3)
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 3/4. Start 11am to 6pm. And the Lung protocol.
Thursday 16 June, (day 4)
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 4/4. No additional protocols. 
Starting Protocol completed.
Friday 17 June, (day 5)
COVID protocol level 2: Positive, no symptoms or light symptoms, which consists of one drop MMS1 in half cup water per hour, every hour, over 8 hours.
Saturday 18 June, (day 6)
On this day I made a severe mistake: I was well enough though not fully recovered, I did the third level COVID: a drop MMS1 with half cup every 15mn for 1 hr 45 mn. I knew I was pushing but I was tired of the stretch over 8 hours, I felt sick after that, threw up, diarrhea, and so all that I consumed that morning was released and I could barely put anything else in my mouth till the next day, lied down most afternoon and evening not from illness, rather from excess intake. 
Sunday 19 June, (day 7)
Rapid test Negative.
No MMS intake.
Fever up to 38.6 but mostly within the 37s choppily over two nights, daytime was mostly clear.
Every rise of fever the feeling was in my back, acutely, to the point that I could not find restfulness in a position lying down almost no matter the surface, floor, mattress, hard soft..
Flu like sensation around the nose ducts areas
At times beginning sensation of weak chest with some mucus from throat or nose.
الحمد لله. الشافي.
No matter the steps actively taken for an attempt to heal, I trust my healing to be from Allah.
I cannot tell if MMS1 is a curer of COVID symptoms, but I can tell like mentioned above it is likely it helped to the least with the mucus extraction. I have had in the past weakened moments in my chest from bronchitis to coughing heavily in flus, and that this time did not continue onto my chest could have - I say could have - been stopped through Allah’s will by MMS1 Lung protocol. No one will know.
I at least took it, MMS1, familiar with it, and if need be, someone with severe illness can at least ask me and I can reply about the process and flow, but I can’t answer to it being a cure to what I experienced this week, nor to other illnesses, at least not yet.
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knovesstorytelling · 3 years
Murray Mysteries Season 1 Trailer Drop!!!!!
We're so, so excited to share the trailer for Murray Mysteries, Season 1!
Mysterious, don't you think?
Check out our Patreon, website, or Redbubble! Just search for Knoves Storytelling!
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Marvel Masterpieces - Series 1 (1992)
Battle Spectra | #4 Spider-Man vs Venom
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murdochpod · 3 years
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emiratespurewater · 3 years
الآن يمكنك بسهولة شراء MMS1 MMS2 عبر الإنترنت على Emiratespurewater.com. ستجد هنا أفضل المنتجات عالية الجودة لتنقية المياه. قم بزيارة موقعنا للمزيد من المعلومات. الدفع بعد التسليم.
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spaceexp · 5 years
Record-Breaking Satellite Advances NASA’s Exploration of High-Altitude GPS
NASA - Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) patch. April 4, 2019 The four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft recently broke the world record for navigating with GPS signals farther from Earth than ever before. MMS’ success indicates that NASA spacecraft may soon be able to navigate via GPS as far away as the Moon, which will prove important to the Gateway, a planned space station in lunar orbit.
Image above: Illustration of the four MMS spacecraft in orbit in Earth's magnetic field. Image Credit: NASA. After navigation maneuvers conducted this February, MMS now reaches over 116,300 miles from Earth at the highest point of its orbit, or about halfway to the Moon. At this altitude, MMS continued to receive strong enough GPS signals to determine its position, shattering previous records it set first in October 2016 and again in February 2017. This demonstrates that GPS signals extend farther than expected and that future missions can reliably use GPS at extreme altitudes. “At the first apogee after the maneuvers, MMS1 had 12 GPS fixes, each requiring signals from four GPS satellites,” said Trevor Williams, the MMS flight dynamics lead at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “When we began the mission, we had no idea high-altitude GPS would be such a robust capability.”
NASA's MMS Captures Magnetic Reconnection in Action
Video above: On Oct. 16, 2015, MMS traveled straight through a magnetic reconnection event at the boundary where Earth’s magnetic field bumps up against the sun’s magnetic field. Video Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Duberstein. MMS’ orbit shift allows it to continue its mission to better understand the complex magnetic processes around Earth. MMS studies a fundamental process that occurs throughout the universe, called magnetic reconnection, in which magnetic fields collide and explosively release particles in all directions. Near Earth, reconnection is a key driver of space weather, the dynamic system of energy, particles and magnetic fields around Earth which can adversely impact communications networks, electrical grids and GPS navigation. Magnetic reconnection was long predicted by physicists, but not directly observed until the MMS mission. To study Earth’s magnetosphere, the region of space dominated by the planet’s magnetic field, MMS spacecraft maintain a highly elliptical orbit around Earth. A highly elliptical orbit resembles a long oval around the globe with an extreme high point, or apogee, and low point, or perigee. MMS’ tight formation and highly elliptical orbit require extremely accurate navigation data from GPS satellites, which are operated by the U.S. Air Force. The main GPS antenna signals enable navigation down on Earth, but precise high-altitude navigation requires both these as well as signals from the antenna’s side lobes. Side lobe signals radiate out to the side of the direction an antenna is pointing and extend past Earth.
Image above: A simplified antenna radiation pattern with different lobes of radiation extending from the antenna. Image Credit: NASA. Communications engineers usually consider these side lobes wasted energy. However, the signals can be used by satellites at high altitudes on the opposite side of the globe as the GPS satellite. (Such high-altitude missions fly above GPS satellites’ orbit.) Previously, most engineers considered the upper limits of the GPS navigation in space to be an altitude of about 22,000 miles, or the altitude of satellites in geosynchronous orbit — until MMS. Additionally, the navigation maneuvers allowed the spacecraft to gather data not available to scientists during normal operations.
MMS Spacecraft Transition to Tetrahedral Flying Formation
Video above: Visualization of MMS’ transition to its tight, tetrahedral formation in July, 2015. Video Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. “MMS usually flies in a close, tetrahedral formation [that looks like a pyramid],” said Thomas Moore, the project scientist for MMS at Goddard. “During the orbit-raising maneuvers, the spacecraft became a [straight line or] ‘string of pearls,’ which gave us unique data about the magnetosphere that may further our understanding of magnetic reconnection.” MMS’ tight configuration and record-breaking GPS fixes would not be possible without the mission’s Navigator GPS Receiver, an instrument developed at Goddard. It can detect faint GPS signals while withstanding the harsh radiation environment within the magnetosphere. NASA has made this revolutionary technology available for licensing through the Technology Transfer program, ensuring that commercial enterprise can also benefit from this innovation.
Image above: A diagram showing how GPS antenna signals can serve spacecraft at high altitudes. Image Credit: NASA. NASA is exploring the upper limits of GPS service with more than just MMS. NASA navigation experts have run simulations demonstrating that these services could extend even farther when taking into account the collection of six international GPS-like constellations. These constellations are collectively referred to as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). In fact, NASA simulations show GNSS signals could even be used for reliable navigation in lunar orbit, just as a car uses GPS on an interstate highway. Engineers are considering using GNSS signals in the navigation architecture for the Gateway, an outpost in orbit around the Moon that will enable sustained lunar surface exploration. “We’re working with the international community to document GNSS performance for space users, including side lobe signals,” said Joel Parker, a Goddard navigation engineer representing NASA internationally in GNSS policy. “A better understanding of GNSS capabilities will allow high-altitude missions to take advantage of the robust navigation signals they provide.” Thanks to MMS and NASA’s navigation engineers, the sky is no longer the limit. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate provides strategic oversight to MMS. Goddard’s Explorers and Heliophysics Projects Division manages the mission. The four MMS spacecraft launched on March 13, 2015, from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on board an Atlas V launch vehicle. NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program office oversees the agency’s work in navigation policy related to GNSS. NASA, consulting the United Nations International Committee on GNSS (ICG), collaborates with other U.S. agencies and the six international GNSS providers to define GNSS requirements and develop additional capabilities. The team of SCaN navigation specialists charged with aiding the ICG are based out of the Exploration and Space Communications projects division at Goddard. Related links: Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS): https://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Navigator GPS Receiver: https://ntts-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/t2p/prod/t2media/tops/pdf/NavigatorSpecSheet_Final1.pdf Technology Transfer: https://technology.nasa.gov/ Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN): https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/index.html Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC): https://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/home/index.html Images (mentioned), Videos (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA/Rob Garner/Goddard Space Flight Center, by Danny Baird. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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wpspurewater · 3 years
What is the MMS Convention
Jim Humble's Supernatural occurrence Mineral Enhancement has been around now for various years, and with a month to month volume of around 15,000 units getting delivered out from one side of the planet to the other, it appears like it will turn out to be increasingly more hard to prevent the adequacy from getting this astounding compound. What's more, is that as the writing becomes out there of individual encounters from people experiencing conditions as benevolent as dandruff and straight up to the more genuine pathologies - it is close to difficult to track down any genuine instances of MMS causing a person's mischief. Shockingly, the equivalent can't be said about a significant number of the drug reciprocals that exist out there right now. 
As to, there are various translations on how best to utilize and regulate this item. We have discovered that Jim Humble's unique convention is as yet the best out there, so this is the one that we will tissue and explain the specifics to assist people hoping to utilize MMS. 
Before we start, it is imperative to know that MMS or sodium chlorite ought to consistently be initiated with the fitting corrosive, with this being citrus extract, acidic corrosive, and lemon juice. We like to utilize citrus extract, as we have discovered this to be simply the most reliable as far regulating goes. When utilizing the citrus extract, the suggested proportion once watered down is 5 drops of activator to each 1 drop of MMS. Most units that are on proposal inside the commercial center are sold with sufficient citrus extract to make up 5 fold the amount of activator as supernatural occurrence mineral enhancement. 
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The proportion is typically regulated in a 5 to 1 spread - accordingly being 5 drops of activator to 1 drop of MMS. It is then proposed that the arrangement is left for at least three minutes before ingestion. Beneath we will diagram in point structure how to draw in the MMS convention: 
Step 1...Initially start with 1 drop once each day, and proceed for a couple of days as so. 
Step 2...Then continue to 1 drop two times a day, taken once in the first part of the day and once in the evening. On the off chance that sickness isn't capable, the next day continues to 2 drops morning and night, adding one drop each day. For instance, day 3 would expect you to take 3 drops in the first part of the day and 3 drops around evening time (alongside the proper measure of actuating arrangement). 
This game-plan ought to be followed until a limit of 15 drops taken multiple times every day is reached, or in any case, detoxifying signs are experienced - like sickness, looseness of the bowels, or in any event, spewing now and again. If an obstruction point is reached, and any of these signs are shown, at that point it is suggested that measurements be diminished for 2 - 3 days by approximately 1 - 2 drops. At this stage, a brief delay ought to be kept up until any horrendous side influences vanish. 
Step 3...The technique laid out in sync 2 that appeared above ought to be clung to until such time that the 15 drops two times every day is reached without indications of queasiness. At this stage, it is emphatically suggested that the measurement is then expanded to 15 drops taken 3 times each day, with this level being kept up for a time of 7 days. After this, the support portion ought to be between 5 - 7 drops each day for more established people, and 5 drops two times seven days for more youthful individuals.
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                         buy mms Jim humble
                         Buy mms1 & mms2 usa
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Could you rank all of the EFU season premiers?
1.) LRS3 Sink or Swim
2.) LRS1 Crush, Chop, & Burn
3.) MMS2 How the Mighty Med Has Fallen
4.) LRS2 Speed Trapped
5.) EFS1 Rise of Five
6.) LRS4 Bionic Rebellion
7.) MMS1 Saving the People Who Save People
This isn’t to say I don’t like the bottom of the list, it’s just based on what I currently feel more like watching (I’m really bad at choosing favs).
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Murdoch autism moment #1/1:
Julia: "you recognize Nikola Tesla? ??"
William: "yes he's one of my heroes <3"
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hendoshka · 5 years
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سائل الـ MMS1 حمض كلوريد الصوديوم، وحمض الستيريك. يرجى القراءة عنه متوفر المعلومات في بروتوكول السرطان
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Marvel Masterpieces - Series 1 (1992)
Battle Spectra | #3 Wolverine vs Sabretooth
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duypt-blog1 · 7 years
Lựa chọn phần mềm quản  lý MMS1
Quy trình phần mềm quản lý sản xuất http://isap.vn/giai-phap/mms1/2  MMS1: - Quản lý vật tư hàng hóa theo 1 quy trình khép kín từ khâu nhập hàng, xuất hàng cho đến khâu thống kê thông tin cùng lúc đánh giá tình ái hình tồn kho. - Cân đối được lượng vật tư hàng hóa tồn kho với kế hoạch sản xuất nhằm đưa ra quyết định kịp thời chính xác phục vụ cho làm việc làm ra cùng lúc phân phối hàng hóa. - thông báo thống kê và truy vấn dễ dàng theo tất cả những định mức có trong cơ sở dữ liệu.
Phần mềm quản lý sản xuất MMS1 một môi trường cộng tác liên kết công việc của có thể cán bộ cáng đáng làm ra đồng thời kinh doanh của công ty. tất cả những thông tin được những cán bộ tham dự trong quá trình làm ra tuần tự bổ sung qua các khâu xuyên suốt theo quá trình mua hàng – sản xuất – marketing. Mọi thông báo được up date đồng thời bổ sung thường xuyên đồng thời không có bất cứ sự trùng lặp nào. Khi suer dụng phầ mềm làm ra, ngành nghề từng khâu được quy cách hóa cùng lúc bé nhỏ hóa hỗ trợ mấy người áp dụng xử lý ngành nghề chuẩn xác trong thời gian nhanh nhất, đồng thời giản đơn. doanh nghiệp dễ dàng thay thế cùng lúc luân chuyển cán bộ vào những vai trò ăn nhập.
Cùng với phần mềm quản lý sản xuất MMS1, ISAP mang lại cho đơn vị kinh doanh bạn nhiều phần mềm quản lý khác nhau: phần mềm chăm chút khách hàng, phần mềm quan hệ khách hàng, phần mềm quản lý hệ thống bán hàng ô tô, phần mềm quản lý kho http://isap.vn/giai-phap/inventory/3 ,..
Phần mềm quản lý sản xuất MMS1 được xây dựng, làm ra nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu quản lý của các tổ chức có nhu cầu lý số liệu tập trung thống nhất, nhu cầu lấy cùng lúc phân tích tình hình dự trữ đồng thời cung ứng hàng hóa, ái tình hình làm ra,.. một cách nhanh chóng ngay tức khắc đồng thời chuẩn xác. MMS1 là hình thức công nghệ thông minh được cung cấp để quản lý, điều khiển mạng máy in công nghiệp, tăng hiệu năng máy in, viện trợ chống hàng chưa kiểm định hàn kém chất lượng, bảo vệ thương hiệu. MMS1 rất kết tiếp tục các máy in ở mỗi dây dính chuyền sản xuất với hệ thống quản lý in tập hợp, giảm tối đa những lỗi phát sinh vì thao tác thủ công, hỗ trợ đơn vị kinh doanh chấm hết được thiệt hại bởi in nhấn bao bì không chuẩn xác quy chuẩn, nâng cao thành công, cải tiến quy trình sản xuất.
ISAP kho phương thức các phần mềm chuyên nghiệp cùng lúc thành công. Để được tư vấn kỹ lưỡng các phần mềm quản lý http://isap.vn/ doanh nghiệp, liên quan hotline: 0962 464 466.
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giaiphapodinas-blog · 7 years
Phần mềm quản lý máy in 
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wpspurewater · 3 years
Looking to Buy MMS1 & MMS2 in the USA? Wpspurewater.com is an excellent supplier of MMS2 capsules. We offer the best range of products for water purification at reasonable prices. Find out more today, visit our site.
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bichinheosfofinhos · 6 years
MMS para curar o seu animal.
Curando animáis:
Todas as regras que se aplicam aos seres humanos também se aplicam aos animais.
Eles também sofrem com enfermidades e o MMS (dióxido de cloro) e MMS2 podem acabar com elas, seja na água de beber ou em algum sistema de desinfecção no corpo do animal.    Na verdade não é correto dizer que o MMS cura, não é verdade. É o próprio corpo que se cura, através dos mecanismos regenerativos da natureza no organismo. O MMS só proporciona ao sistema imunológico as ferramentas para eliminar os microorganismos que estão presentes. Então o corpo se recupera de forma assombrosa na maioria dos casos, tanto nas pessoas como nos animais.
Os animais respondem com o MMS de forma muito parecida com os seres humanos. Não há uma só condição ou enfermidade que o MMS não possa ajudar, tanto em pessoas como em animais. Não dou importância aos nomes das doenças dos animais, simplesmente tratei animais de acordo com o quanto enfermos estavam.
•  Para uma doença muito grave usei doses cada hora.
•  Para menos grave usei 2 ou 3 doses ao dia;
•  Doenças como câncer, quando o animal estava a ponto de morrer, adicionei MMS2 nos moldes do protocolo 2000.
Há duas formas básicas de dar uma dose a um animal:
Plano A: Dê uma 1 dose, duas vezes ao dia, uma pela manhã e outra à noite com
MMS1 ou  MMS2 . Isso resolverá a maioria dos problemas resultado de uma enfermidade em qualquer tipo de animal.
Plano B:  É indicado para resolver enfermidades causadas por vírus. É muito mais intenso, porém tem tido êxito.
Trata-se de dar uma dose de MMS cada hora durante pelo menos 8 horas por dia.
Sobre o plano A: Normalmente minha sugestão para um doente seria dar uma dose de 4 a 6 gotas, espera uma hora, depois dar uma dose similar, faça de maneira que possa o doente ir dormir depois da segunda dose.  
Importante: Para animais estamos falando de 2 gotas por cada 22 kg de peso corporal. Se o animal pesa 90 kg a dose é de 8 gotas e se pesa 11 kg a dose é de 1 gota só.
•  Adicione 1 gota de ácido cítrico a 50% para cada gota de MMS1 que esteja usando e espere 20 segundos até que mude de cor, depois adicione água 60ml por cada gota.
Para doenças “de todos os dias” causadas por bactérias em lugar de vírus, pode usar 2 doses ao dia. Geralmente isso já elimina a doença. Se o animal não parece estar melhorando em dois ou três dias, deve pensar que o problema é causado por um vírus ou por outro micro organismo mais forte que as bactérias. Nesse caso vá ao plano B.
Se o animal estiver muito doente, ao ponto de estar prostrado, procure dar-lhe a solução de um jeito ou de outro, inclusive pelo reto também pode funcionar.  Uma seringa sem agulha pela garganta é uma forma.
Se você for interná-lo com MMS2 em lugar de com MMS1, utilize um tamanho de cápsula zero por cada 70 kg de peso corporal. Dê essa dose uma vez, espere 2 horas e logo dê uma segunda dose do mesmo tamanho. Faça-o de novo na semana seguinte e à noite. Tente por um ou dois dias mais, 2 vezes por dia. Isso deveria curar a maioria dos animais. Se não melhorar logo, continue com o plano B (em busca de Vírus e doenças  mais difíceis)
Sobre o plano B (doenças mais difíceis).
As doenças causadas por Vírus requerem um fluxo continuo de doses durante um período adequado de tempo cada dia.   Basicamente precisa uma dose de MMS1 cada hora e outra de MMS2 cada duas horas durante um período de ao menos 8 horas, se puder ser de 10 a 12 horas é melhor. Os resfriados e gripes são causados por vírus, portanto terá que tratar seu animal cada hora durante um dia ou dois, ou mais tempo.
Para AIDES, as pessoas têm que serem tratadas com uma dose cada hora durante 8 horas ao dia por 3 semanas. Não há dúvida de que os animais têm doenças que requerem tratamento similar. Os animais podem se curar mais rápido que os humanos.  A razão para o tratamento por hora está nos protocolos 1000 e 2000.
Dosificando animais:
O cálculo das doses corretas é fundamental, por favor tenha cuidado.
Este parágrafo abarca a administração desde o tamanho de um elefante até um rato.
Dividimos o animal em partes de 22kg. Calculamos quantas gotas dar ao animal por cada 22 kg de seu peso. Se o animal pesa 44 kg vamos lhe dar uma dose de 2 gotas, serão 4 gotas. Isto é, 2 gotas por cada 22 kg  de seu peso corporal.
Se um urso pesa 220 kg seriam 10 vezes 22 kg lhe é dado uma dose de 2 gotas, se deduz que 10 vezes 2, seriam 20 gotas a dar a esse urso.
Se digo dá a um elefante de 220 kg uma dose de 3 gotas, seria dado a ele 30 gotas.
Então, se um animal pesa 11 kg que é a metade de 22 kg, e se dissesse, dê a ele uma dose de 2 gotas, só daria a ele 1 gota.  Não esqueça que todas essas gotas têm que estarem ativadas com ácido cítrico ou ácido clorídrico.
Os animais ruminantes não podem receber MMS por via oral porque eles não engolem imediatamente. Seu sistema digestivo tem vários compartimentos e o alimento passa por fases que sofrem a ação de bactérias, protozoários e fungos que degradam a celulose que está no alimento. O MMS aí, pode prejudicar a digestão do animal.  Para eles pode ser usado o CDS injetável. Jamais injetar o MMS!!! 
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