#mmmm if anyone has any recs for us to add to our tbr pls feel free to drop em below
seth-shitposts · 11 months
mmmmmmm one of these days we will go through the Alexsandr Kallus/Garazeb Orrelios tag with a very fine tooth comb to read as much as possible and comment on every fic we read. Might just do the same to just Star Wars Rebels fics in general.
Because we want all the found family shit. all of the shenanigans and perilous adventures. All the hurt/comfort. All the cute fics, the one shots, the multichapters stories. A treat of the whump. All the character studies and explorations. Maybe some AUs, definitly wanna see the canon divergents.
Cannot fully express just the deep love and adoration Alex and I have for SWR.
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