#mj plays kh
bonbonpich · 2 years
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so here's MJ letting JW plays an amateur dentist w BM bc his mouth deserved to be ripped!
he’d literally do anything for him.
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so err, i saw this meme and i saw them. i'm sorry KH.
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daisy--sorbet · 5 years
and bc im in a talkative mood
lets talk abt the kh games i guess since i have a lot of love for this series
ive been replaying like. all of the games p much except for days and re:coded since sfjsdf they r not an option but
lets just. quick bullet points for all of the ones ive replayed recently
i forgot how weird the controls feel. it feels so stiff when you go from playing kh2/3/bbs back to the original. but i still love the game tbh bc its just. its such a fun lil time
except for monstro. fuck monstro. still my least favorite world of all time :/
honestly, playing this and beating it on proud mode gave me a lil hope for my abilities ngl like wow i guess maybe im not that bad at video games after all
atlantica is honestly one of my fave worlds from 1. i hate certain aspects of the swimming, but the little mermaid was one of my favorite movies growing up so i think just being able to fight shit w ariel is like. dream come true.
i dont really know if i have a favorite world overall, though. neverland is fun because of the flying tbh, halloween town’s atmosphere is rly good, and agrabah is still just. one of my favorite places bc of how much i love aladdin sfkjhsdf
traverse town i guess would have to be my favorite world? the music feels like home.
or 100 acre woods. it makes me so smiley. i love winnie the pooh. hes shaped like a friend and sometimes i really need a friend.
also i beat up tidus a lot so rip him i guess. i was like. level 10-12 by the time i left destiny islands so sdkjfhsdf sorry tidus, u were the easiest to get tech points from.
still the cutest version of sora/kairi/riku. kairi they did u so wrong in the following games :(
not my favorite sora, tbh. hes up there bc hes naive and a lil stubborn, but i think he falls behind...
kh re:chain of memories
this sora. hes angry, hes upset, hes stubborn, hes rash and impulsive and i love him to death. he feels so human in this one, and honestly???? i get what ppl mean when theyre like “re:com sora feels the most real” because he honestly does.
namine i love u so much oh my god????
the card combat system isnt actually too bad once you get used to it actually? i was extremely adamant about not playing this one bc i didnt want to learn the combat system, but... stickman sham’s videos literally pushed me to be like “okay sure, ill give it another go” and now im on floor 7
also stickman sham’s videos are just. so fucking funny sdkjfhsdfkh thank u for coming to my tedtalk
larxene could literally kick me down and threaten to kill me and id be ready to propose.
and then she’d kick my ass and id be like “hey axel, i also love u” 
im very biased against marluxia rn though because he was a pain in the ass to beat in kh2 but hes lookin to be a promising villain ig? :0
uhhh last comment but
hjo’s voice for sora in this game amuses me so much sfjkhsdkfh its just. so funny to hear him try to sound younger i guess??? idk
also this is the only game im playing on beginner because im not that great at it sfkshdf maybe one day ill get around to it, but not rn
probs one of my fave entries tbh? that whole beginning sequence with roxas just <333 i love him so much.
axel is still one of my fave characters and i think this game was what solidified my love for him. 
i think the bosses i had the most trouble with were xaldin and demyx. this is just me talking about non-optional ones though.
i read somewhere that like. the absent silhouettes, from easiest to hardest, are just: marluxia, lexaeus, vexen, zexion, larxene.
and i beat them: zexion, larxene, vexen, lexaeus, marluxia.
like. i struggled so much with marluxia holy shit??? fuck him :/
also i learned yesterday that the pride lands are optional???? wtf.
most fave world: either olympus, beast’s castle, or agrabah.
least fave: pride lands i guess
i dont rly have much to say here other than i rly loved most of this game
except for those FUCKING CARS.
kh bbs
i said quick bullet points but im a fool so
fave worlds: olympus, disney town, and neverland
least fave: none, tbh. its a really solid game imo even though it sorta falls victim to the “we cant talk to each other about any problems bc plot called for it” but the dynamics between the characters are just. v good. i love.
i question how anyone trusts xehanort when he looks like that, but also he’s supposed to be some esteemed keyblade master so i guess its more of a “i want your approval, even though u creep me out” than anything else
aqua’s route was honestly the hardest for me to begin with tbh. i had to grind for so long just to get her to to a point where she wouldnt immediately die. 
terras route was my fave, i think. hes just... rly fun to play as.
ventus is <333
i just really love this game, okay
uhhh fave d-link: none because i constantly forget about using them. but i guess if i had to pick, probably stitch bc of the ukulele part. its very cute.
ill ramble abt 3D, re:com in its entirety, and reverse/rebirth later skfjhsd
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crystalwolfseer · 6 years
No worries! May I have a reading for the near future between MJ and KH(me), anything I need to know? Thank you! :)
Hi again! Thanks for coming back! 
Cards Pulled: Three of Wands (Reversed), Five of Swords, and the Ace of Wands (Reversed)
Cards Dropped: King of Wands (Reversed)
My Interpretation:
I get the feeling that both good and bad things will happen between the two of you. Nothing major. I mainly get the feeling of something good. The Three of Wands tells me that you should just let things happen and go with the flow. Do not force things.
The Five of Swords tells me that something may cause some misunderstanding or conflict. Communication is key at this time. Be clear and honest. Playing things off could cause some trouble.
The Ace of Wands tells me that as long as you are true to yourself, things won’t be too complicated or complex. The King of Wands tell me that whatever is going to happen won’t be this big thing, but that doesn’t mean it is not as special or important.
I wish you both luck.
I hope this helps and please private message me if you have any feedback.
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vengefulartist · 6 years
Hello! This is KH, the dinner went okay. He didn’t bring up any of my faults. I wanted to know any insight for the future of MJ and I? Thank you!
Hey Sprite KH! I'm gonna answer this on a personal level, if I may. It sounds to me like some things have happened and you two are trying to work through a rough patch. I think some miscommunication may have been at play but open and honest communication about things will help strengthen the ties. As of right now I can't say for certain if you two will be more than friends. But if you guys can work through it I am hopeful. Best of luck
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littlebirdiebooks · 7 years
Helloo! Thank you for doing the readings. May I have one in regards of my love life? I'm KH and there's MJ. Yes, in my face type of reading that's honest please
Hey!I pulled the 9 and 10 of Pentacles.This is the weirdest reading I've ever done. I'm gonna combine the music and cards because I kind of have to. Die Young by Kesha was playing and with that flowing into the cards I'm getting a full on whirlwind relationship between you two. I think things will progress very quickly, and I'm getting major marriage and even children vibes from the 10 of Pentacles. It feels like it starts/started at a party from the music that's been coming up (Elle Me Dit by MIKA came up halfway through writing this) and it just snowballs into massive relationship. I don't want to assume you guys are young but I am getting a youthful vibe. I don't want you to feel stuck when you reach the 10 of Pentacles, if you want to explore something else I want you to have the bravery to take that step.Much love ❤️
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daisy--sorbet · 5 years
tfw ur about to go Super Dead until you beat literally all kh games since ur ps3 fuckin died and ur getting 1.5 + 2.5 remix for ps4 so
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