#miss sundae r u single
blossom-hwa · 3 years
Okay I'm super sorry if I'm requesting too many things but I was listening to holiday music while driving home from work yesterday and was suddenly struck by the need for some chaotic holiday/winter shenanigans with the boyz, if that's okay? Reader involvement isn't necessary! Pretty please and thank you sooo much ❤❤❤ -🌻
You’re not requesting too many things don’t worry Sunny!!! I literally owe you everything for half the fics I’ve written in the past year so there’s no way I could refuse, also this is what the drabble game is for!! I hope you enjoy this half-baked bullshit LMAO
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
(don’t think I've mentioned it but all of these text aus are in the same universe lol)
(also this ended up not being as holiday-ish as you probably wanted.... SORRY)
Title: Holiday Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just the boyz being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing
quick clarification:
papi: sangyeon
angel: jacob
moon scribblez: kevin
new kid: chanhee
starbucks tissues: changmin
sundae: sunwoo
bread: younghoon
the better hyun: hyunjae
the better jae: eric
professional rollerblader: juyeon
foodie: haknyeon
new kid: I'm going to commit murder
sundae: who’s he making empty threats about this time
moon scribblez: who wants to hear about the cockroach that fucking crawled out of my mop today!!
papi: pls don’t tlalk about it I was scarred for life
papi: it’s not an infestation Kevin
new kid: is no one going to pay attention to my murder
angel: I will! but I won’t be an accessory
moon scribblez: I BEG TO FUCKING DIFFER
new kid: I love you jacob
angel: love you too <3
sundae: /barfs/
papi: #1 sunwoo just bc you’re allergic to emotion doesn’t mean the rest of us are
papi: some of us are capable of love
papi: #2 I don’t own the center I'm just the center director therefore I do not take responsibility for any possible infestations we may have
starbucks tissues: I heard my name :D
papi: therefore take it up with the owners @ moon scribblez
starbucks tissues: but it’s always halloween :(
moon scribblez: I TOOK THE MOP TO THE SINK
moon scribblez: AND YOU WON’T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY??????????
papi: I just deal with the parents and the kids not bugs
moon scribblez: time to pin it on ella
starbucks tissues: :(
sundae: now look what you’ve done chanhee
sundae: you’ve made him sad
starbucks tissues: :(
angel: I think I'm going to head out
angel: I don’t think even I can heal this rift
moon scribblez: well if jacob’s out I'm out
moon scribblez: I have a solution to my problems 
papi: just don’t get me involved
moon scribblez: no promises !
starbucks tissues: I can scare ella if you want kevin :)
moon scribblez: YES FUCKING PLEASE
papi: I'm going to get fired
moon scribblez: maybe so :D
new kid: no one cares about my problems I see
new kid: everyone hates me
sundae: ya it’s bc you’re the new kid
new kid: I exist only for pain 
bread: so hyunjin told me to tell changmin to stop using various horror movie masks to terrify him at work
starbucks tissues: so out of work is fair game?
bread: idk he didn’t specify
bread: probably
starbucks tissues: :D
the better hyun: oh what the fuck this shit isn’t normal
the better hyun: it’s impossible for someone to be so cute but so terrifying
starbucks tissues: I'll take that as a compliment :D
the better hyun: it isn’t but whatever makes you happy ig
the better jae: changmin
the better jae: I only ask that you leave the nun mask and chucky doll at home when we have our christmas party
starbucks tissues: well that’s no fun :(
bread: changmin I'm sorry but your idea of fun is very different from ours
bread: Jacob back me up
angel: I'm sorry changmin but he’s right :(
starbucks tissues: :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
the better hyun: by the way for the party
the better hyun: who’s doing what???????
the better jae: I'm bringing the xbox!!
foodie: I'm bringing cookies !
papi: I'm cooking with Kevin and juyeon
professional rollerblader: yes it’s going to be fun
professional rollerblader: Kevin says he’s going to make a cheesecake
the better jae: can I save a piece for jisung??
moon scribblez: if we don’t eat all of it
new kid: why
new kid: why did I just hear screaming from the tutoring center
moon scribblez: oH MY GOD SANGYEON
professional rollerblader: TAHT WAS GLORIOUS
sundae: what happened
foodie: why do you only show up for chaos
sundae: I only exist for chaos nothing else is worth my time
the better jae: fair enough
angel: what happened? I thought I saw someone fall ??
angel: but I'm across the walkway so idk :(
angel: is everyone all right?
papi: I think I have a concussion
moon scribblez: oh please you just fell off a tiny stepladder
professional rollerblader: can’t believe sangyeon just fell off a stepladder trying to put up a fucking Christmas stocking 
papi: I hate christmas
papi: I hate everything
moon scribblez: the kids are laughing
moon scribblez: I think I'm going to bust a lung
papi: my dignity has been stripped and I no longer want to live
the better hyun: wait juyeon why are you even there 
the better hyun: you don’t even tutor
foodie: ‘does she even go here’
the better jae: ‘does she even go here’
foodie: ERIC
the better jae: HAK
sundae: oh wow amazing their brain cells conjoined into one single coherent thought and of course it had to be a mean girls reference
starbucks: how did this start out with younghoon telling me to stop scaring hyunjin at work
bread: honestly I don’t know
moon scribblez: winter break is upon us
moon scribblez: and I can now bask in the fact that I don’t have to teach spoiled rich assholes basic math for two whole weeks !
papi: speak for yourself
moon scribblez: your fault for being center director
angel: I hate to agree with Kevin and be mean but you really did bring that upon yourself sangyeon
papi: want death
professional rollerblader: no don’t die! we need your food for the party tomorrow
papi: can’t believe all you care about is my food not even me
sundae: did you expect anything different
papi: on a regular basis no
papi: but it’s the holiday season
new kid: holidays are a social construct made to force us into the world of capitalism and giving our money to fat fucking corporations like amazon
starbucks tissues: if I could give Jeff Bezos a heart attack with my nun mask I would
new kid: that’s the only use of that mask that I approve of
starbucks tissues: turn around
the better jae: was that
the better jae: was that new
bread: I don't think I've ever heard chanhee scream that loud
foodie: I’m at the food court and I heard that what the fuck
foodie: the build a bear is like all the way down the mall what the fuck
starbucks tissues: :)
bread: I think that scream rivaled changmin’s dolphin levels
sundae: brb still dying of laughter
sundae: I'm so happy I caught that on video
new kid: Kim sunwoo
new kid: don’t you fucking dare
sunwoo: [ 1 video attached ]
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
professional rollerblader: I can’t believe I missed this I'm so mad
foodie: I think the fake Santa Claus looking over in abject horror just adds to it
starbucks tissues: ^^^
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
angel: there there
angel: no one’s dying tonight
new kid: someone IS
the better jae: bet changmin’s mask can
new kid: I'm ripping that fucking mask to shreds
starbucks tissues: :(
bread: now he’s hugging the fucking mask like it’s his baby 
bread: [ 1 image attached ]
the better hyun: as I have said before
the better hyun: it is not normal for someone to look that cute while holding a fucking horror movie mask
papi: I've come to accept that none of you are normal
papi: I think it’s best for your sanity to accept that too
moon scribblez: I'm so late but I'm also rolling on the floor with laughter
papi: can confirm he’s actually on the floor
papi: Kevin you give our center a bad name
moon scribblez: I deadass do not care
moon scribblez: you gave me ashley today so I'm giving you chaos
moon scribblez: suck it <3
angel: she can’t be that bad?????????
moon scribblez: Jacob I know you’re an angel
moon scribblez: but you don’t understand
angel: I guess I don’t :/
foodie: I'm going into a food coma!
foodie: don’t attempt to contact me for the next twenty four hours peace <3
sundae: we wouldn’t have in the first place
foodie: :(
angel: sunwoo don’t be mean :(
sundae: fine
sundae: sorry hak
foodie: :)
new kid: the power of one Jacob bae
starbucks tissues: he prevents wars with just his smile
bread: all hail the angel
the better jae: *bows*
angel: guys pls
moon scribblez: no they’re right
moon scribblez: he took me home last night when I was drunk off my ass
moon scribblez: a true angel
angel: guys pls I'm blushing :(
papi: can confirm ! I'm sitting next to him
papi: also he made me hangover soup so can confirm the angel bit too
professional rollerblader: honestly if Jacob wasn’t here we wouldn’t have survived last night
professional rollerblader: he de-escalated Mario kart
professional rollerblader: stayed sober
professional rollerblader: took people home
foodie: all hail Jacob bae
the better jae: I thought you were in a food coma?????
foodie: came back to pay my respects to our lord and savior Jacob bae
the better jae: ok valid
angel: g u y s
the better hyun: has this conversation just become an all hail Jacob bae conversation
moon scribblez: do you want to fucking argue about it
the better hyun: no on the contrary
the better hyun: I'm joining
the better hyun: alL HAIL JACOB BAE
papi: amen
moon scribblez: aMen
professional rollerblader: a fucking men
angel: I'm going to start crying guys pls
new kid: NO DON’T CRY
starbucks tissues: Jacob don’t cry :(((((((((
angel: you guys are so sweet I can’t not cry
papi: I'm hugging him now no more crying
the better jae: two bros, chillin in a hot tub
the better jae: no feet apart bc they’re secure in their masculinity and love each other very much <3
moon scribblez: fuck
the better jae: YOU RUINED IT
the better jae: yOU BITCH
professional rollerblader: didn’t Jacob call us sweet like one minute ago?
new kid: well he’s an angel he sees the best in us
sundae: there’s no best in you bitch
new kid: oh fuck you
bread: great way to end the holiday season ig
31 notes · View notes
AWAE 1x7 rewatch: thoughts and reactions
The time has come at last to rewatch the season 1 finale of Anne with an E. This one, as far as I can remember, was extraordinarily eventful, so we’re in for a long, bumpy ride. Let’s take off with no further rambling. 
I like the parallel between the two simultaneous conversations in the cold open - the girls on one side, and Anne and... Moody of all people on the other. Funnily enough, both conversations are about Anne, and yet they’re so substantially different. Anne tells Moody about Christmas (or the lack thereof, to be painfully precise) at the orphanage, and at the other table Josie is gossiping about the Cuthberts being poor now. Of course, Anne is not deaf, and is certainly not immune to hearing nasty things about her family, so she calls Josie out on it. 
“It’s only true, you’re poor.” Well, yes, but it’s not nice to state the truth in such a rude way. Josie is just being nasty. I know she gets at least a bit better at the very end of season 3, but this doesn’t excuse her behaviour right here and now. And fuelling Anne’s insecurity about whether the Cuthberts will keep her or not is just the cherry on top of her nasty sundae of gossiping and taunting. 
Being a choir kid myself, I really enjoy the beginning of this performance of Angels We Have Heard On High, and I chuckle to myself at the funny reality of Moody being the token boy in the choir of girls. This is more common than one might imagine.
The beautiful song can’t be enjoyed for too long, though, as Anne almost has a panic attack and runs off in the middle of the chorus, and Diana, good friend that she is, follows her out. 
I’m missing something here. What exactly happened to make the Cuthberts need a bank loan all of a sudden? I mean, the bank did show up at the end of last episode, but... what am I missing?
It’s heartwarming how Marilla is now more concerned about Anne’s future than anyone else’s. She’s a mother already. This is beautiful, even though it comes up amid a bad situation.
It is a rare occurrence that Matthew should raise his voice, and that makes it all the more effective at attracting the attention and making himself heard. But it’s kind of scary, too - you know, when the quiet person raises his voice, you know things are getting serious.
That was some ending to the cold open - believe me, with how bad the current reality is, I do not need Matthew collapsing to the ground. I mean, I know full well he will be fine, but it still makes my heart skip a couple beats.
There, Anne has raised the sensitive subject - and Marilla reassures her, just as Diana did earlier, that she’s a Cuthbert for life now. For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health... ok, I’m turning into Anne here. This is not a marriage. But it’s a family, and they are going to get through this together.
This is one thing I like about Rachel Lynde - she can be a bit rude and insensitive at times, but she knows when it’s time to stop - for the most part, of course. But leave it to Marilla to let her pride turn away any offers of help, lest it should be perceived as charity. It’s ok to accept help, you know. 
“We can’t keep Jerry on”. See, this is the difference between Anne and Jerry, at the moment at least. She is a part of the family, someone to be provided for and looked after; he is still not. As much as I hate saying it, he is a farmhand who gets paid to do a certain job and when they can no longer pay him, they need to lay him off. But that will change, of course, I know it well. And soon enough.
Anne’s willingness to give her beautiful puff-sleeved dress says quite a lot considering how long she had dreamed of such a dress and the fact that it is the only valuable object she possesses. It almost just breaks my heart to see her and Marilla let go of so much. But that’s just me, I get attached to objects easily and it hurts me to see even people in fiction give away or break or lose their possessions in any way. That’s an issue for me to resolve, not to discuss here. 
Even though I know Marilla said they were going to lay Jerry off, the fact that he’s accompanying Anne to Charlottetown makes me think of something - this trip is exactly when their sibling-like bond was formed, and it’s extra special just for that reason. I have, of course, forgotten some (read: most) details, so it might be misinformed of me to assume, but I think after this journey Jerry would stay with the Cuthberts even if they can’t pay him anymore. 
When Jerry tells Anne that it’s ok to ask for help sometimes - just what I said about Marilla’s pride earlier - it dawns on me how similar Anne and Marilla actually are, even if it isn’t shown very explicitly. They both refuse to admit they need help, and in fact stubbornly refuse it. Like mother, like daughter, even though they’ve been a family only for a short time. 
If someone looked at Anne and Jerry right now, it wouldn’t be too far off to assume they are siblings - bickering, annoying each other partly-on-purpose... If anyone ever asks me to prove Jerry and Anne are honorary siblings, this trip to Charlottetown will be my supporting argument. This and the moment in season 3 where Jerry tells Anne about Diana.  
Jerry singing cheerfully while Anne is all like “This is an Important Journey™” makes me think this boy will teach Anne not to take herself so seriously all the time. Considering their relationship in later seasons, I can say that, at least the way I see it, he actually did teach her that by showing her an almost parallel- universe perspective of what her life could have been like. I mean, they’re perfect foils, those two - both kids with difficult childhoods who have had to grow up too fast and work from a young age, but so different in every other aspect: Anne is an only child and an orphan, Jerry comes from a large family that is still united and happy despite their poverty; Anne gets to receive an education and strive towards larger goals, Jerry is denied this opportunity because he needs to help support his family; Anne ends up with the Cuthberts by mistake, a girl instead of the boy they wanted, but gets to stay and be raised as the daughter they could never have had; Jerry could have easily been the boy the Cuthberts originally asked for (and judging by Matthew’s comments in the last episode of season 3, he goes on to become exactly that), hired to help with their farm work. I could go on and on, but this is not what we’re here for. Either way, I just wanted to say how very glad I am that Moira took this one-mention character from the book and made him into his own character, a foil for Anne and an important agent in the story. Anyone who has been following me for a while will know how important Jerry is for me - and I didn’t even remember his book counterpart existed at all. But now, let’s get on with the episode.
Anne selling her “if-these-were-ordinary” items is sure to be interesting... I remember it being so, but not the particulars, It’s been a while. Let’s hear.
Ah, sure, Anne uses her talent for storytelling to sell every single thing so well. She could be an excellent saleswoman. Also, is this the brooch that got Anne chased out of Green Gables on her first day? That’s an important one. 
I have to say all Cuthberts are lucky that Anne went on this trip alone with Jerry. Had Marilla been there, Anne would never have managed to pull all of this off.
“Everyone will be moved to generosity”, alright, but do you, Rachel, think Marilla will accept it? Charity, I mean. I don’t really think so.
What are these scoundrels doing to my precious Jerry? They almost just killed him for so little as they were able to take from him. Jerks. 
Ah, and who should appear out of nowhere but Gilbert Blythe... I remember this next part being interesting. 
I see Anne has realised she was insensitive about Gilbert’s father, and I see Gilbert is preparing to travel, just as his father wanted him to. This is nice. Meaningful. A more mature conversation than these two usually have. 
Wait, are those two... the same odious creatures who beat up my poor Jerry... they’re... Nate and- Dunlop, was it? Those two who live at Green Gables in season 2, with the gold rush and all that. I remember now. It had escaped me when I was watching season 2 for the first time that their debut was actually here, in the season 1 finale. See, this is what rewatches are for. Also, those two are dirty miscreants and I hate them. Just wanted to get that one out of my system.
T-R-U-C-E - an important word for Shirbert at this stage. But what is with the sudden mention of Moody out of nowhere? This is almost like that time in the third season when they were discussing the Take Notice board and Anne was like “Ruby...”, and I was like *facepalm*. Hey, Moody and Ruby... I see now. Or is there anything to see here?
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Maybe I’m overthinking it. Let’s move on now.
You know, I’ve always wondered why exactly Jerry reacted the way he did here... but now, thinking it over once again, I know why - he has just been beaten up and robbed in a ditch, how do you reckon he’s going to react when he sees Anne, whom he was specifically sent here to accompany and take care of (not that she needs to be taken care of, but she sure could use some help sometimes), talking to a guy he doesn’t know? For all he knew, something terrible might have been about to happen to her. I’m just impressed he was ready to throw down after what those... ugh, my vocabulary is failing me - did to him just minutes ago.
Poor thing, he won’t stop apologising even though he’s badly hurt. And of course he wouldn’t like the city after what happened to him. Who would.
I usually do not condone moment-wreckers, but this here was an awkward silence at best, and all Jerry did was break it - and make me smile in the process. And that makes up for everything.
Ruffians - that’s a good word, pretty much the one I was looking for a minute ago, thanks, Miss Josephine. That’s what they are, the wretched rogues... hey, my vocabulary of elegant insults is back. I hope I won’t need it much, though.
No, Matthew, I won’t have you talking like that either. What would some money be to Anne and Marilla if you are gone? No consolation, that’s for sure. See, this is one of very few reasons I’ve kind of made my peace with the show’s cancellation - that Matthew survived the whole show’s run safe and sound. And Ruby as well. But still, #renewannewithane
Yes, very well said, thank you, Marilla. Anne would never chose something material over Matthew.
Oh, this one - another moment of Anne and Jerry looking positively like siblings. And it’s golden, too. Poor dear Jerry can’t sleep in a bed of his own because, well, he’s never had one, so he crawls into Anne’s. My own little brother has only ever done something of the kind once and I will never forget that night. It was uncomfortable at first, since we, unlike Jerry, aren’t used to sharing a bed, but it was definitely lovely overall. This is beautiful.
Ah, of course, I’d forgotten this one - of course Aunt Jo fixes everything and will not take no for an answer. She pays for Jerry to keep on working at Green Gables - even though, remembering what those two... uh, hoodlums are going to keep doing to him in season 2, I might have preferred that he be away from there for a while. But then, you know, Anne couldn’t have taught him to read, and that’s important - both for him as a person and for the plot of season 3. 
No, Matthew, what do you think you are doing? It was a bad idea - for my own sake - to watch this at night. As someone who has had suicidal thoughts for my own reasons, I know how Matthew feels, and I want him to stop feeling that way. But of course, I know things will work out. Eventually.
I see Anne has learnt a lesson about accepting help, accepting love. And she talks Marilla into it. This is good. 
Of course, once again Anne’s rough childhood has given her a means to dealing with a situation. She’s selling her services now. And she’s happy to do it. And she’s realised that although they’re poor in money right now, they’re rich in something much more valuable now. 
I’m not going to lie, Angels We Have Heard On High brought a tear or two to my eyes. Things are looking up.
Although, if they knew who the boarders really are, they wouldn’t have been so happy. Not at all. But that’s another story for another time.
Oh, they’re there already... things are about to... get interesting, to say the least. I can’t wait to get into season 2 soon.
To sum up this last episode of season 1: the Cuthberts are poor; Matthew is ill; Green Gables is at stake; Anne and Jerry take off for Charlottetown to do their part in trying to save it; the Cuthberts do not accept charity; valuable lessons about accepting help and love; Jerry takes a hit from two... boarders at Green Gables, is that what we call them now?; Anne and Gilbert spell T-R-U-C-E; Anne and Jerry become siblings; Aunt Jo saves the day; Matthew thinks about taking his own life, gets over it just in time; the Cuthberts are rich, though not in money; things are looking up, but thugs are in the house.
21 notes · View notes
dreamgirlbreezy · 5 years
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 I was having fun with my friends in club ENSURE when something caught my eye I thought I saw Donnie but that couldn’t be hi he told Rocky he was studying tonight so I went back to partying when a hour went by I was going to the bar and happen to stop and look towards VIP and saw Tony and Donnie Donnie was there the Donnie who told my daughter he was too busy studying to see or speak to her I was staring at him until he looked dead at me. I went walking towards VIP section I was going to have a few words with him about himself. No one hurts my baby and gets away with it.
I was let into the VIP section and I went walking right to him and the girl that was all over him looked at me.
“Hey Lisa” I looked at Donnie as he smiled at me then I looked at the girl.
“Hey Donnie you mind if I speak to him a few minutes please”
“It’s cool Stacey I'll be back” me and him went walking off over to the side. “What’s up how you been?”
“What’s up? How I been? I been dealing with my daughter who’s heart you broken and here I find you in a club living your best life while my daughter can't get you off her mind”
“Wait a minute your coming at me like I stepped out in the relationship? As if I was the one who cheated it was your daughter who broke me not the other way around so you pointing the finger at the wrong person I have the right to be out I’m motherfucking grown I can do what I want and when I want your daughter thinking about me has shit to do with me being here or you being in my face right now.”
“How can you say that you are here best friend she cares about you and loves you and you just going to throw it all away for some bitch shaking her ass up on you”
“No I didn’t throw shit away your daughter did the moment she kissed that nigga the moment she went out with him knowing good and damn well that it wasn’t as friends she ruined it all the moment she kept it from and started lying on her friends just so she could see him, you need to be home telling her all this not me I was cheated on you think she was the only one having sleepless nights, up crying at night wishing that we was together again well she wasn’t know your facts before you shoot off at the mouth and I’m done, I came here to have a good time not talk about this shit here.”
“No wait don’t walk away from me my daughter--”
“Your daughter what look I was given so much of myself I thought I’d die I loved your daughter and I was good to her great to her had pussy being thrown at me left and right and I never acted on it and all I wanted was the same love and loyalty from her and she couldn’t do it that was too hard for her to do when she got the first chance to cheat she took that shit and didn’t give a damn about my feelings. So I don’t give a damn about hers I hope you do let her know you saw me out I don’t care and I know for a fact that she still seeing that other nigga so before you came at me check your child bye” he walked away from me I stood there looking at him as he went back to his friends I couldn’t believe all he said I know she’s not seeing Rodney well I need to ask her that she said it was over between them, I walked out of VIP and went back to my friends I will talked to Rocky when I get home.
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 I was sitting in the livingroom watching TV when my mom walked in from her night out with her friends.
“Hey ma how was the club?”
“It was good and I saw Donnie there”
“You did how was he did he look good?”
“He looked like him we had words and he told me you were still seeing Rodney thought you ended things with him?”
“I saw him twice and ended things with him he was sorry for breaking me and Donnie up when I told him about what happen the first time and the second time I saw him he was out with his friends and stopped to talk to me to see if me and Donnie was able to fix things yet so who ever told him that didn’t know all the details.”
“Oh well he think yall are still seeing each that boy is still in love with you he’s just hurt and not being with you is hurting him too, but I think it’s time you move on to someone else”
“I rather be single ma if you don’t mind my heart can't take much more of love right now”
“I think you should think about dating again”
“Ma I don’t wanna date right now I think I need to get over Donnie first”
“It’s been almost a month and Donnie is out here living it up with other woman and you haven’t”
“I’m not into woman” I smiled at her she giggled.
“You know what I mean”
“I know but with finals next week I just wanna get through that and deal with finding a man later.”
“Thank you now off to bed looking for a job tomorrow”
“You don’t have to work you know that”
“I know but I need to do something with my time out of school”
“Oh okay if you say so you know you don’t have to but it’s up to you”
“Thank you now off to study a little then bed see ya” I got up and went upstairs to my room and sat on the bed pulling out my books I started studying.
 Finals has come and gone and I think I did good on it right now I was out with Sammie, Jada, Mia, Tiff and Trina we was at a bar having a good time even tho I don’t drink I was still having a good time it was late I was probably going to call it a night soon the time was 1:30 in the morning.
“I would work at a topless bar I love my titties” Sammie said we all laughed
“I don’t know about all that I would really need money to do a job like that”
“Yea I agree I couldn’t do it”
“How many job apps did you fill out?”
“I did a lot at least 20 pull I did some online so hopefully someone calls me I wanna work”
“I know you do” my phone was going off and I checked it.
‘Hey you’
‘Hey how you doing?’
‘I am druunk yup yup I feeling noooo pain right now’
‘Are you home your not out are you?’
‘I am wit Tony eh si driivingg ‘
‘Oh okay good your not driving glad about that’
‘I I have to tell yoou somethiing’
‘What do you have to tell me’
‘Oour friendshi was the best preamble for our love storye. Ill never forget the day I meet u, an I will always remember the day I loved u.’
“Who are you texting?” Mia asked sipping her beer.
“Donnie he is drunk texting me”
“I love drunk text they tell the truth” Mia said
“I thought Donnie had a new girlfriend?” Sammie ask
“New girlfriend?”
“Yea I saw him out with some chick they was at Local restaurant together”
“WOW well I don’t know all about that”
“How do you know he got a new girl she could just be a friend” Jada says
“Yea did you ask him?” Mia asked
“No but they looked like they was on a date together” Sammie said I just nodded and looked back at my phone.
‘you hearddd me ? huh’
‘Yes I did, so you still love me?’
I smiled “What did he say?” Mia asked looking at my phone “Awww he still loves you, you know a drunken man speaks sober thoughts”
“That’s what I know” Jada said
‘Does u still loovve mee’
‘Yes very much’
‘Do you know who your talking too?’
‘Raaqueel Rosse Steelee my bestfried somoe I miss’
“He misses me”
“Awww” they all say
‘I miss you too’
‘U r myy girrl I loovve u bby’
‘I love you too’
‘I looove u cause wit u I I  dot feel alone on Sundas an my Mondas are not that bad. u make my week, my month, my year and my life!’
“LAST CALL!” the bartender says
“Let’s get out of here ladies, I’m feeling x rated so I need my man” Jada said we all giggled and left the bar walking to the car with Mia she was parked next to me.
“What are you going to do about Donnie?” Mia asked
“Let him keep drunk texting me until he falls asleep and text him tomorrow see how he feels I mean it’s good to know how he feels but I need the sober man to tell me these things not his drunken ego”
“Yea I feel you” Mia said as I got in my car and checked my phone.
‘If u feeel alone, I I will bee ur shadow. If u want too cry, I will be ur shooulder. If u r sad, I will b ur smile. Ever time u need me, I I will b there.’
“No texting and driving” Mia warned looking at me.
“I’m not I was checking it before I started to drive I won’t text and drive I know the law ma’am”
“Good see ya later” Mia said smiling at me I smiled back.
“Yea see ya” I started up my car and was off, I was thinking about Donnie I was driving playing some music when my phone went off again I wanted to check it but no texting and driving so I wasn’t going to look until I got home I was driving through the green light when the next thing I knew BAM my car went spinning and everything went black!!
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theaurorfileshq · 4 years
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R I V K A   W A L D R O N  /  A U R O R   C O R P O R A L
AGE:  Thirty-Three
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Gendervoid, She/Her
IDENTIFYING FEATURES: blackwork sigil tattoos covering back, shoulders, arms, & feet ; usually wearing black (or red, on occasion) ; hair never longer than shoulder-length, rarely brushed ; constantly has sweets in pockets ; always looks like she’s slept six hours or less
(+): Dueling/Combat Magic, Occlumency, Wandless Magic
(-): Protective Magic (Cannot Conjure a Patronus), Touch Aversion, Maledictus - Raven Form (Beginning to Lose Control of Shifting Episodes)
CW: implied domestic abuse, child abuse  
Rivka grew up deep enough in the Mississippi swamps that it would be difficult to pinpoint exactly where on a map. It was a place so drenched in old magic that it was palpable in the very air and water, and seemed to make the environment around them constantly shift. She and her mother - Delvene, father - Gil, and paternal grandfather - Lochar lived in an old manor house that had previously belonged to her mother’s proud Pureblood parents… Leaving them the place in their will was just about the best thing they ever did for their daughter, a squib, who otherwise would have inherited nothing. That they died only months after a short & sweet little wedding on the front porch wouldn’t arouse suspicions for many years.
Contrary to her mother, she displayed her magical abilities early, around age four. Young Riva left a trail of mayhem in her wake whenever she went tearing off into the swamps to play. And when she came back it was with all manner of critters and trinkets she shouldn’t have been capable of collecting herself while she was so small… She had a knack for making things move without touching them, going so far as to levitate some crawdads right out of the river. At age five, a particularly bad argument between her parents in the kitchen resulted in a lot of upturned chairs and broken dishes, as well as one dark-eyed toddler up a tree in the shape of a raven. They couldn’t manage to get her down again until she fell asleep and naturally shifted back in the middle of the night. But by then the damage had already been done… she had gained her father’s attention.
Her wild ways would only continue to intensify as time went on, especially after Gil decided in a fit of devilish inspiration he was prone to that he needed to harness the raw potential of her magic as soon as possible. He set Rivka to task running errands for him, usually to harvest potion ingredients, but sometimes to sit in certain places to listen and watch, sometimes to carry little packages or scrolls back and forth… He twisted what should have been a carefree and adventurous childhood into a rigorous training regimen. And the more she tried to resist his lessons, the crueler and more insistent Gil became. He demanded absolute obedience and deference and, brilliant little thing that she was, Rivka realized quickly enough that it was better to do as he said rather than risk the consequences. But, instead of controlling her, as he anticipated, his abuses only made her find every possible route of escape and every reason to buck authority. It made her elusive and feral, incapable of letting anyone in close enough to touch.
The one exception to this rule came in the form of Fidel Romero, a local auror in Mississippi who had been tasked with monitoring large-scale truancy & neglect cases of newly school age magical children in the area. Despite the many messages sent to the manor house in the swamp, the last officially known address for Rivka, now eleven, none of her Ilvermorny letters had been opened, nor had they received any indication she would be attending. When Fidel visited, he found that only Delvene remained, among a mountain of unopened envelopes, in a crumbled shell which had formerly been a stately Pureblood house of some repute. And all he could get out of her as she sat nearly catatonic on the porch in an old grey rocking chair was that a demon had crawled out of the swamp and swallowed her whole. With no other clues to go by, he ended up encountering Riva by chance… when he caught her stealing a handful of candies from a corner store in town. Once he plied her with a sundae the size of her head, Fidel got enough out of her to determine that her father clearly had no interest in her attending Ilvermorny. And so, he didn’t hesitate. He took her into protective custody that very evening.
Riva may have put something of a target on her back when she loudly declared in the entrance hall upon first entering Ilvermorny that she was not afraid of any bullies. That she did so while single-handedly dispatching of one such bully before ever laying hands on a wand did nothing to dissuade the particularly vicious or determined among them; but all the same, she took to Thunderbird house and to her studies like a lightning bolt to the tallest tree in the forest. Contrary to what her wild demeanor and odd social habits outwardly suggested, it was an environment that she thrived in. She was even capable of being attentive and quiet during class, although her reputation of wildness suggested otherwise. All it took was a good teacher to recognize her struggles and advise her to redirect her anger and frustrations elsewhere. After Riva became captain of the dueling club, there was a decided shift around her. The bullies that once targeted her were suddenly less eager to engage when she challenged them to a formal duel, in the proper arena.
In the summers between school, she would return to Fidel’s care briefly before vanishing again into the swamps she loved so dearly. He worried over her constantly, always concerned she was with her father. He had grown to distrust and despise the man over time, after gleaning what he could from Riva about his cruelties. Every time she left, he almost expected to never see her again, but miraculously, about two weeks before the end of summer, she would reliably arrive on Fidel’s doorstep again like clockwork, as if nothing had ever happened. He learned to be content with that for a while, until she came home one year with tattoos on her hands and back. Seeing red, he tore through the swamps looking for Gil for days and found nothing but a low, faraway sound like an echoing laugh taunting him. Despite his best efforts, Fidel couldn’t keep her away from him, as no lock or barrier would keep her. She flew through his fingers time and time again like a bird slipping through the bars of a cage. But he didn’t want to cage Riva… he only ever wanted to protect her.
She managed to hide any new tattoos or bruises she came home with after that, not out of fear of her father, but to protect Fidel and his big stupid heart as best as she could. She knew he wanted to tear Gil apart, that if he could he’d spend his whole life hunting through the ever-shifting landscape of the Mighty Mississippi bogs until he brought him to justice. But as much as she wanted to, Riva found herself unable to resist each time Gil summoned her to that old house constantly moving through the swamps. Somehow he held Dominion over her thoughts and actions, so much like that name she always overheard coming in hushed whispers from the darkest corners. The summer before her final year was when everything came to a head, when one night she returned unexpectedly early, in strange clothes, scratched and bruised and bloody, hands and feet and hair all torn from her flight… She would never fully explain to Fidel what happened, but what she saw that fateful night would come out in pieces, in nightmares, in long silent stares into the darkness. There had been fire, blood, and shadow, ancient tongues, and strangers in the woods. In the end, although she managed to claw herself out of her father’s grasp, she would never feel truly free of him.
The Mississippi River had always been her deepest & truest love, and the most comfortable home she had ever known. And so it only made sense that she’d follow it to its end. Living with Fidel and getting close to his family had helped guide her there, to the NOLA auror academy. Riva knew it was an opportunity, not only to improve her skills, but to further distance herself from the life with her father she had escaped. However, this time had its own share of challenges… It was in the academy that she finally had it explained to her exactly what being a Maledictus meant. To say that the diagnosis devastated her would be an understatement. In many ways, Riva felt that her world ended right there. In others, she knew she needed to do what she could for the people she loved in the time she had left. Becoming an auror was suddenly so much more important and urgent for that reason, and because she wanted to follow in Fidel’s footsteps while still walking her own path. But as it turned out, protecting him would also eventually mean deceiving him.
In her first year as an auror, Fidel got too close to finding Gil, close enough that she took it upon herself to throw him off the trail. Riva knew the swamps better than anyone, knew how to get to her father wherever he was, like her life depended on it. And so she also knew exactly how to keep Fidel away, this man that she had somehow grown to love more than her own blood. She followed him, carefully manipulating the clues as he came upon them, throwing her voice here or there, making just the right noise at the right time to get him to turn and miss something. She always kept just out of sight or out of reach in the dark, her heart pounding in her throat whenever he grew within arm’s length. It was one of the most difficult things she ever had to do, and not just because of the emotional toll it took on her, or the hurt she knew it would cause if he ever discovered the truth; but also because Fidel was damn good at what he did. It would be a few years before she saw him set the case aside, and even then she understood that it wouldn’t be forever.
Despite her adventurous nature, Riva was content to stay in Mississippi for a long while, perhaps because she found it difficult to miss out on even one moment with the ones she loved, knowing she would eventually run out of time with them. Instead of pushing to climb the ranks as quickly as possible, she focused on making herself like water, flowing easily along her path, trying not to rush too quickly towards or away from anything. She worked this way for ten years, collecting cases under her belt but largely avoiding anything that might draw too much attention to herself. But fate, as always, demonstrated that it had other plans for her… that it was not content to see her wasting away in one place, however comfortable she was to stay there. About a year ago, fate quite literally snatched her away in the middle of a case. Her superiors knew for certain that something was wrong when they didn’t hear from her for a week. But as soon as they mobilized a force to search for her, she turned up with a fuzzy memory in northern Minnesota, prompting investigation into the incident from MACUSA (since she had been transported over state lines such a significant distance). In the days following her recovery, she fervently worked on a list of codes that would not stop running through her head, insisting to anyone who would listen that they were significant to her abduction. Finally, about five days after turning up on the other side of the country, she saw the strange messages for what they were: a set of clues she had left for herself. Once she deciphered them, she was able to lead MACUSA to the northern branch of an Animagus trafficking ring operating along the Mississippi River, where they managed to take five or six smugglers into custody. This prompted her superiors to recommend her to MACUSA, after over a decade of solid work for them. And after meditating on it for a while, and receiving some vital encouragement from a certain gruff father figure, she agreed to apply.
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