sonocomics · 9 months
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Let's be honest: this is the REAL reason Jin turned on humanity :x
Click HERE to view the first masterpost of my Xenoblade 2 comics!
Commissions Info | ko-fi | Patreon | Can you spot my patrons?
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loveandmad · 1 year
Thinking about Blades as therapeutic partners
Rex brushing Pyra and Mythra’s hair and Nia petting Dromarch and Vandham grooming Roc as a method of self-soothing
Poppi having Tora give her a maintenance check even though they just did one a few days ago because he just heard something that sounds like gunfire and she knows he needs to take his mind off things (and Lila doing the same for Tatazo)
Brighid giving Morag heated massages after long training sessions
Pandoria helping Zeke during his recovery via electrical muscle stimulation
Jin giving Lora little ice cubes to suck on to help ward off a panic attack
Minoth reading his latest manuscript out loud to help ground Amalthus after a flashback
Haze/Fan helping her Driver control their breathing after a nightmare
Blades as therapeutic partners
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chufff · 1 year
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oh to be two composers writing a ballet and also gay
for minoade may, days 17 (elements/motifs) and 18 (artists AU)!
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hauntedtotem · 6 months
Gender of the day
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Whatever this genre of man is
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dukeofdumbass · 1 year
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Wahoo! It's (almost) Minoade May! If you know me, you know that I go crazy over prompt fills - they help my poor little writing-blocked brain focus and create. Since we're coming up on the M month of the year, I've provided 31 prompts to help celebrate one of my favorite pairings, and certainly the most pivotal one to my journey as a member of the Xenoblade fandom. I've had so much fun with them over the past two years. Will you join me?
The Prompts
I'm a writer by principal satisfaction, but I've chosen prompts with the aim of suiting both written and visual mediums. They are as follows:
Fantasy AU
Favorite Items
Monster AU
Mythra Space
Modern AU
Feelings Denial
Artists AU
Hidden Talents
Pet Names
Whump Space
Fusion AU
Meta Gimmicks
Inside Jokes
Roleswap AU
Free Space!
The Guidelines
Both platonic and romantic dynamics are accepted and encouraged!
You can reference or include Addam's wife, or you can ignore her! Up to you :)
Please avoid significant age gaps / grooming for the comfort of all participants.
Adult content (sexual/violent/traumatic) is fine, but do tag/warn appropriately.
Background ships/dynamics are great - just make sure minoade are the focus.
Some Notes
"Meta Gimmicks" refers to anything about gameplay (originally it was "Gameplay Gimmicks") that brushes up against the fourth wall; ex. characters' flexible knowledge of their damage/stats, skill/weapon names, calls back or forward in ~ludonarrative~ elements.
"Monster AU" includes the subgenre of "Minoth with extra features" such as horns or equine legs; in other words, the "monster" component need not exist in a wholly alternate universe evocative of halloween horror, but instead can build onto the inherent horror elements of Minoth's status as a Blade and Flesh Eater. Too, mermaid/centaur/vampire can give you some inspiration, here.
For "Fusion AU" the intent is for entries to feature a proper fandom fusion - say, Star Trek in specific, rather than space odyssey at large. A Zelda fusion would perhaps contain some elements of Fantasy, but should be adequately differentiated. Including characters from either fandom in the fusion is fair game - whatever helps you paint the setting.
I didn't include a space for death/bereavement, but that can of course fit within several of the other prompts related to such abstract endpoints of life. Please, feel free to embellish and improvise just about as much as you wish.
Sharing Work
I will not be creating a separate Tumblr for this event; however, I post sparingly enough on my main Tumblr, here @dukeofdumbass, that I intend to simply reblog entries here. On Twitter, I will be sharing the event announcement on my variously-pruned main Twitter @dukeofdumbass and retweeting entries on my former bot (I cleared my crontab before it was cool ;) @floraminoade. To keep things consistent, the event tag will be MinoadeMay, in CamelCase, on both Twitter and Tumblr. Please @ mention either/any of my accounts to make your participation clear. If the need becomes apparent, I will make an Ao3 collection as well, and of course I will be commenting on and otherwise supporting all fics written for the event.
Hanging Out
The elephant in the room: if I'm not on Twitter/Tumblr, where am I? I hang out and post daily self-improvement doodles in my minoade ship server, linked here: https://discord.gg/mbFWVsp7ad. I will be adding a channel for collation of MinoadeMay entries - I didn't necessarily understand the complaints about the discordification of the internet until I happened into doing it myself... I recently started my first career position, finally, so I'm taking the solution that works for me!
Any Questions?
Please DM me on Twitter/Tumblr (again, @dukeofdumbass) if you have any questions, or on Discord RoseOfATHeNs#8608. I don't have the wherewithal to reply to timeline tweets, and I'd prefer asks that I can reply to and tag rather than replies/reblogs with questions on this post. Any feedback is much appreciated, and updates will be made to this info post as needed.
...That's All, Folks!
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sinobop · 2 years
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
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@the-absolute-worst Ask and you shall receive :)
Ok so this was a hard one for me to do because you only get 10 answers and most of the characters in this DLC you already meet in xc2, so I opted to list characters that are purely in TtGC only
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Things im slightly disappointed we didnt get in the torna dlc
why addam was in uraya to awaken mythra
Addams wife. wanna meet her i bet she was cool
the main game talks about how tornan tech was all advanced and its ships could run without titans and yet aside from the titan matrix and i think the ship that rescued everyone at the end? we dont see any of that. most of torna is rural and even the capital doesnt suggest that its any more advanced in technology than the base game countries
who is gort to lora. Stepfather??? mothers employer??? father??? my moneys on stepfather bc he and rynea shared a bed and his dialogue implies he met rynea after lora was born
more of jin and haze’s relationship. im ok with them not being close, i even tend to see them as mostly bound by their affection to lora, but considering what happens in the main game more interactions to put that in context would’ve been nice.
we were ROBBED of minoth and malos having known each other as amalthus’ blades honestly. it also makes the scene with him and cole weird because they talk like they know each other but malos never even directly addresses him in torna. like minoth even sarcastically calls him “comrade” but it’s so weird bc canonically they would never have spoken before this???
Didnt have to be there but since i feel like brighid didnt get much, a scene of jin and brighid discussing their journals. Wouldve given more weight to their conversation in morytha if theyd had at least one significant interaction
it really feels like jin’s line about not liking fighting from the base game isn’t really taken into account at all. not to say he comes across as though he likes fighting but it felt more like a “im not aggressive but totally willing to throw hands to protect myself and my driver” situation and i just wish some actual discomfort or active dislike of fighting was portrayed rather than that one line.
ok but seriously why was milton with them this could’ve been easily solved by a line of dialogue or two “oh he wants to stay with me so i made him my squire/assistant” sort of thing, but the whole time i was just wondering why addam had brought this child he rescued and clearly cares for into potential danger when he had a perfectly good camp to leave him at. Mikhail makes sense bc where would team lora drop him off at? but cmon why is the catboy here to begin with
very VERY self indulgent but i wish mythra had sarcastically called malos partner back
give the tornan king a personality please
also does he have like a wife??? if addam is fourth in line who’s second and third after zettar. i know this stuff doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things but hey (is a worldbuilding buff) they made him fourth in line and then didnt elaborate so here i am. 
how did lora get haze and when?
again only like four of these are legit things i feel really should’ve been explained/included the rest are my personal wants but yeah what would you have liked them to have covered in the torna dlc that they didnt?
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theawezomeone · 9 months
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shebasbathtub · 2 years
Mythra, pointing to Addam: Is there no way we can get rid of him?
Haze: Not without a cause, Mythra.
Mythra: I have a cause. It is beCAUSE I hate him.
Minoth: Sounds like a good enough cause.
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sonocomics · 8 months
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...I am
Not a Fan of this sidequest :v
Click HERE to view the first masterpost of my Xenoblade 2 comics!
Commissions Info | ko-fi | Patreon | Can you spot my patrons?
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loveandmad · 2 months
XC2 Incorrect Quotes
Lora: And now for a gay update with Minoth and Amalthus. Minoth: Getting gayer. Lora: Thank you, Minoth.
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chufff · 1 year
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bonus doodles that were on the same page:
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Torna: The Golden Country Masterlist
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cuddling by the campfire with lora - drabble
lora dating a blade - headcanons
holding hands with haze - headcanons
getting injured while protecting jin (xc2) - headcanons
jin with a s/o whose love language is acts of service (xc2) - headcanons
addam origo as your dad - headcanons
dating minoth - headcanons
confessing to mythra through a song - headcanons
mythra's s/o eating her cooking - headcanons
pyra and mythra fighting over your hoodie (xc2) - oneshot
mythra teasing you about your crush on pyra (xc2) - headcanons
supporting pyra & mythra (xc2) - headcanons
crushing on hugo ardanach - headcanons
brighid being jealous - drabble
brighid trying to set you up with morag (xc2) - headcanons
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Going through the cast for Scrooge 2022 on IMDb and- the guy that plays Minoth in Torna plays the Ghost of Christmas Present??? Minoth can SING??! ❤️❤️
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