#mine's a cleric just so you know :3c
i still need to get around to making icons for her and it’s on the to do list while i redo my icons in general
but faye starter call!!!!
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thirteen-jades · 4 years
3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18
3. what race and class are you itching to play but haven’t yet?
So many. Oh god so many of them. I really wanna play a lamia cavalier that’s her own mount.
6. best DM you’ve ever had?
You know the answer to that one, miss bloodsucker :3c
7. worst DM you’ve ever had?
I’ve not had too many bad DMs, luckily. I guess that guy I played with once early this school year, but even that was more inexperience than anything else.
8. combat, roleplay, exploration. rank them in order of your favorite
RP > exploration > combat, usually
10. what got you into dnd? 
A friend of mine my freshman year in high school. We played it in the back of a bus to and from a water polo game.
13. what’s something you’re working on as a player? (e.g., getting better at roleplay, thinking more tactically during combat, writing more notes, etc) 
Spell flair! You may have noticed a bit of it with Cybele but I’m trying to make my spells a bit more interesting than just “I cast Mage Armor”. I really liked the flower petals one for Bless and wafting a puff of mind-altering pollen into a creature’s face for Charm Person.
15. the most creative solution to a problem / encounter / puzzle that you’ve thought of?
Honestly, probably my little vacation to the Astral Plane. I got whisked away there by accident, was stranded with a guy that’d have tried to kill me if he knew who I was, picked up by pirates/slavers, and was generally stranded. I wound up talking the captain (good old captain Shamag) into a duel, where if I lost I’d simply surrender (and probably be tortured, etc. before being sold into slavery on the astral plane) and if I won I’d become part of his crew (along with the companion) and work off my debt. That ended up turning into me simply giving him my fairly expensive (16k gp total, I think?) shortswords in exchange for a ride home, which I think was pretty good, all things considered.
18. what’s the first thing you’re doing when you hit level 20?
Depends which character it is, I think. For funsies I’ll also list what they plan to do once their campaign is complete:
Sisava’s still gonna need a lot of advancement to feel safe in her current environment, but I think her next goal would be some position of political power (in disguise, probably) or else forging a coalition of people willing to help fight back against the Divines. Obtaining Divinity herself is clearly in her future if she makes it that far. If by some stroke of divine luck everything doesn’t go to hell in that campaign and Sisava manages to actually come out on top... honestly I think she’d just wanna retire, or at least take more of a back seat. She’s already tired of the near-death experiences and things haven’t even really gotten going yet. Probably try and make the kids gods too, and have them make a world that’s safe for her and hers.
Nyxisha has perhaps the best reason to want to become a goddess I’ve ever come up with; she’s a fanatical and extremely protective cleric and wants to achieve Divinity so she can better protect and serve her mother-figure goddess. Once her campaign is done she’s gonna be doing whatever protector-goddesses do.
Cybele wants a planty city. Admittedly she’ll probably have it before level 20 but by the time she gets there she’s gonna make her new goal (if she’s not achieved it already; it’s hard to tell when things will happen at this point) to get all the alraunen to agree not to hurt humans and hopefully integrate them into her city too, which would have lots of benefits if it worked properly. There’s not really a clear end in sight, though I’m sure there would be one eventually. She just wants her kingdom to be prosperous and friendly and get along with the neighbors.
Nessali: She wants to get her goddess proper Divinity and, y’know, rescue her soul from that scythe. So once the campaign is over it’s gonna be onto that, either personally questing for the cult’s goals or else serving in some kind of leadership position.
Sinead: Sinead is a really interesting character because she literally doesn’t care about the quest she’s on at all. All she wants is some headpats and ear scratches and snuggles from Tyrania, and nice food and a safe life together. So that’s pretty much her goals at this point. And probably forever. She’s a simple girl.
Maya: Maya’s goal is and probably always will be pretty simple: die the messiest death possible against the most dangerous creature she can find, and drag as many people to hell with her as she can. She’s a chaotic evil gladiator with a deathwish; probably not great for a long campaign but I liked playing her and wouldn’t mind doing it some more.
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nutwit · 5 years
5, 14, and 32 for the dnd ask meme, please!
o shit another one ok!
in the words of the good red man, here a we go i think i said that last time actually oh well
5. Favorite NPC
Oh that’s a tough one.  I think it’s tied between Bernard Tripsocket, gnome conspiracy theorist, Julian Montressor, the dapper physicist pirate captain of the Stern played by Christopher Jackson, and Mzumiel (Zoomy), a three-city-block-long beta fish eel monster, demon lord of the fourth column, master of the ethereal and lover of model trains, the billion-eyed and long-mouthed, and owner of the most soothing telepathic southern accent this side of the underdark.
this next one’s a doozy so its under the cut
14.  Introduce the other parties you’ve played in / DMed
I’ve DMed for just one other party, and played in just one other party too.  And technically speaking, the party i DMed for was part of the same story as all the characters in the last answer?  Here let me explain.
There are three parties:  the CFRP, the Freelancers, and the Librarians.  The CFRP stands for Center for Firmament Research and Protection, and they’re the party I outlined last #asked and answered.
The Freelancers are a team of legendary heroes *snrk* who do adventures for hire.  They’re honestly a more traditional dnd party, but we play the freelancer campaign in dungeon world, so fuck you.
Helios Amastacia, high elf paladin.
Remember Venus Amastiacia from the last post?  Her older sibling has been out looking for their wayward sister for years.  Helios is built like a brick shit house and bares the power of Tyr, the one-armed god of tactics and war.  They’re by far the most level-headed of the bunch.  Strong parent vibes but also strong sibling vibes, and also just generally very strong.
Tex McCree, human fighter.
Jesus Fucking Christ this man.  He’s fucked his way across half the continent, at some point toppled some kind of feudal lineage, accidentally got a lordship, peaced out of that and found A Shotgun, somehow, sweet-talked his way into bed with the chairwoman of the Shatterpeak Council (Keegan’s mom), he’s a mess!  He’s a mess!  He got grossed out by touching a dead body like a week ago!
Mira the Blade, human thief.
She’s the best thief in the world.  No, really.  I’m not just saying that, it’s important for her character arc.  She’s even stolen from the Amastacia vaults, which she and Helios have laughs about sometimes.  She likes to push the limits of her abilities and wouldn’t be caught dead in a bathing suit for a number of unspecified reasons.  Very gay, extremely gay.  Has an as-of-yet unidentified link with Nikolai Hoobluff from the CFRP campaign.  :3c
Hollik Bannagammer Merrilin, gnome bard/barbarian.
Baby boy.  He just wants to write good songs about his heroes, Mira and Helios.  Him and Tex are very good chaotic friends who have never caused problems ever for the party in any circumstances.  One time he bought approximately 2000 dollars worth of fish from a butcher at 4 in the morning.  His catchphrase is, “Hello, new friends!”  Also if you hurt his friends he will kill you.
Sunbeam Talbot, halfling ranger.
So this one’s fun.  In the second arc of the Freelancer campaign, before Talbot joins up, they get hired by Hollik’s brother Bernard to steal his notes back from the museum he recently got fired from because his notes prove some big conspiracy or whatever.  Talbot happened to work at that museum, and Mira tried to steal his ID to get in, but Talbot clocked her before she got away.  So now that the museum’s been destroyed by ancient death roots from beyond time (don’t ask), he’s hunting her down to figure out what the fuck is going on.  Also, in the CFRP campaign, he’s the head of the CFRP. 
So, for those of you keeping track, the timeline is super convoluted and intriguing.  I have a lot of reveals I really really want to get to, so hopefully we’ll be able to start playing again once school lets out after next week.
So that’s the Freelancers.
The Librarians are a group of relic hunters brought together by a mysterious pair of brothers to recover a mirror from an ancient ruin that totally isn’t made of rebar and concrete for undisclosed reasons.  We haven’t played much with them because Katie’s been busy but I’m totally in love with her world.
Alys al’Damo, half-elf wizard.
Alys is off looking for the chosen one to guide them on their quest for something something.  She doesn’t really know who or what she’s looking for.  All she has to go on is vague prophecy and tarot-like character descriptions that she adheres to vehemently.  She also has a very good hawk familiar and specializes in fire magic.
Vix Sen, half-orc bard.
Vix is a very strong very sexy fashion designer.  She’s the Edna Mode of dungeoneering.  She’s designed turtlenecks for the king of all turtles probably.  Mostly she spends her time nowadays casting three thunderwaves in a minute jesus fuck Vix please I like having EARS.
Jedediah Brookes, human warlock.
Doctor Brookes is very dirty and greasy and very nice.  He has a secret doctor’s office in the seedy part of town where he stitches people up for free if they’re down on their luck, but in secret, like batman.  But surgery doesn’t explain his witch bolts.  Turns out his dad is a god of healing or something?  And Jed, being great, begrudgingly made a pact with him to be his emissary on earth.
Cederus Dur-Barundeaunt, dwarf cleric.
This boy is mine!  Cederus is a very old, very wise dwarf who’s spent most of his life in the clergy.  He’s that sort of old man style rascal where your pop pop would smuggle you a sweet when your mom said no sweets.  The most important part of his characterization though, and the reason I love playing him so much, is because of a bit of worldbuilding I did with Katie.  Dwarves in this world calcify as they get old.  Cederus is getting on in years, and two parts have already started to turn to limestone:  his upper leg, and his eyes.  He is totally blind and relies on his familiar to see.
I had to do some homebrewing with Katie to make Cederus work right because clerics aren’t supposed to have familiars and I had to start at level 2 for this campaign.  He’s got an extremely thick french accent.  I love him.
32.  Your favorite role to play (tank, healer, etc)
I haven’t played many roles actually (I’m the DM it’s my curse), but honestly, I don’t even think of characters like that at this point.  I’m not really very interested in playing any particular “role“ over the others, because I’m not really into that kind of play?  The numbers and the mechanics are a lot of fun, sure, but the reason I play DnD is to write a good story with my friends!  I’d much rather play a character with a motivation or theme that I’m really into than fill a party role, although roles can be useful in coming up with motivations!
THIS WAS SO BIG IM SO SORRY and also very late!  but if anyone is interested in more of this, let me know!
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