#miles isn't used to it from people outside of family so when he realises that they are his family too he is SUPER physically affectionate
trashymouthgremlin · 1 year
Hobie's place is where they all crash into cuddle piles, especially after a rough day. There's a spot where if things suck, one of them will just curl up, and then everyone just knows it's cuddle pile time. Hobie, Miles, Pavitr, and Gwen will sometimes just nap like that, appreciating physical affection with each other, tangled up, holding each other's hands, or just all smushed together in a tight hug.
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listwjanka · 3 years
Victor - pt1
I am dying.
There is a spear bored through my stomach. The rush of battle has been wearing off since I realised that this injury will end my life. My nerves are slowly waking up to the pain and soon, I will be writhing on the ground like a worm cut in half.
My assailant's grip has slipped from the shaft, his body crumpling in on itself under the weight of my axe that is lodged in his skull. When I turned up behind him seconds ago, I was not expecting him to spin around so quickly, so instinctually, with this primal dread in his eyes. He looks so young. I believe he would've struck me even if I were a friend.
-- + --
I am eight years old.
My mother stood in the doorframe of our little farmhouse, smiling sweetly at yet another census taker. It's the third one in the last few months.
"Good Sir, I assure you, there has never been a daughter in the Kyrzig homestead. It's me, my husband and our three boys." She gestured behind her, letting the official take a look. Mother needn't let him in, as the entire house was one large room without so much as a door. Rarely, my parents hung spun linen around their bed if they truly desired privacy or they would send me and my brothers outside to work or play.
"Victor, please, come over." I shuffled from the wooden stool I'd been sitting on and warily made my way to mother. She reassuringly put her hand on my crown of dark hair and I wrapped my arms around her in turn, all the while staring at the stranger. "This is our youngest. My husband, Bogdan and Alyosha are out in the fields. Just half a mile northeast-"
The census taker cut her off curtly. "Right then, I will pass this on to the responsible department. Since Lord Cantor was," he paused meaningfully and met her gaze, "relieved of his position, the archived records have been revealed to be quite spotty." Jotting down some notes in the thick leatherbound book in his gloved hands, the official took his leave. "The fiefdom Mattheus appreciates your cooperation."
Mother's smile vanished from her face as soon as the official did.
-- + --
That evening, my parents and Bogdan sat around our crudely table while Lyosha and I were carving wooden figurines on the floor. A lot of words fell that I didn't understand at the time. The next morning, as we set out to forage, Lyosha would explain that our family was no longer beholden to Lord Cantor, but to a Lord Mattheus. The former had been killed by the latter.
"But didn't Lord Cantor also kill Lord .. uhm.."
"Lord Bezel," Lyosha added. "A lot of people fight over this land. It's getting worse."
I remember how little I understood of the world. Alyosha was just two years older than me, yet seemed to wise to my young eyes. I remember how he explained that Svarog, our sprawling continent, was difficult to live on. Our fiefdom was about as fertile as it got, hence this southeast chunk of the land was particularly sought after.
"Whoever has enough people behind them can assemble an army and just take us and our land and we have to serve them. And that is that." We were cutting mushrooms as he finished his lecture. "Lyosha, why do we serve ... anyone?" It wouldn't be until years later when I realised that such deep sadness shouldn't be embedded in a child's eyes. But at that moment, all I did was look up to Alyosha's face and think he looked so much older than his age.
"Life out there is a lot like life in the forest," he began and pointed around him. "This forest isn't ours. It belongs to the bears and the wolves that live here. They could drive us out if they wanted to.
The beasts in this forest are its rulers because they are powerful. We are only allowed to enter if we follow their rules. We can't go here at dawn or dusk or night. We can't build here. We can't herd here. All of that would anger them and they would chase or kill us or both.
The fields aren't different. We can have our home there because the mighty allow us to. They demand a tithe for letting us live on their land. So we follow their rules.
Except all these Lords and powerful people are like... a hundred wolves and bears each so we have to be even more careful with them."
"A hundred bears!?"
"Now, quiet down and look for stonecaps before we attract a hundred bears!"
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neo-culture-mafia · 5 years
Hi Princess (Aftermath)
First part
If he would have just told you. If he would have just told you what was going to happen, you could be prepared for this immense pain where you felt -- as if your stomach had been flipped upside down, and your emotions put into a bottle; shaken like a cocktail that was being served to the Devil himself.
As the video had come to a close, it was almost as if Mark was outside your front door...waiting. The door opened and you dropped everything: remote, blanket, and worry. You ran over and grabbed the older boy by the arms. "He's here. He's home, right?" You asked, panicked tears stinging your eyes.
He could only watch as you broke in his arms. "...y/n..." "He's here. He's coming up right now, isn't he?" You ask and slipped on your slippers to run down the hall to meet your boyfriend who pulled this terrible prank on you.
"Y/n. No. Stop it." Mark grabbed your waist and dragged you down to the hard and cold ground. "No. You stop. Get off of me." You wrestled with him. Your heart was going a million miles an hour and your head wasn't even yours, as it felt like you were floating on cloud 9.
Mark didn't get off though, he held onto you and kept you grounded to the floor. Yet you stopped struggling once someone else's arms were wrapped around your body.
"Calm down. It's okay." The soft words were familiar and comforting. It was all becoming real. He was gone...really gone...not coming back.
You broke down, holding your chest. Your hair was a mess as you gave up. You buried your face in the closest cloth you could find. You wheezed as you tried to catch your breath. Your head throbbed as you laid in someone's arms in the middle of the entry way to the once comforting home of you and Jaemin...now it was just your home.
Your eyes felt like they were bulging out of your head as you became dizzy from the lack of oxygen. You gripped onto the persons arm and didn't let go for a second. You couldn't even breath on your own anymore.
"Come. Back." You cried and screamed like a little baby. You heard murmurs behind you and realised people were here...yet you weren't moving for anything.
"Close the door." Mark said who was still sitting close to you. The door shut with a click.
"Please come back." You cried harder; coiling your body into yourself...trying to become non-existent.
This is it...this was how you were going to die...a broken heart...you were sure of it.
"Please." You begged, but he was never going to walk in the door again. You would never experience his touches anymore, or his kisses that were late at night when the moon held all of your guys' secrets, or the slow dances in the living room that ended in a long talk of the future for both of you...you had nothing.
You were hurt by the actions, but just felt an immense sense of guilt...if you just had told him you loved him one last time -- maybe he would have stayed. If you were more important -- he would have stuck around...if you would have shown him the pregnancy test sooner -- he would know that there's a little boy on the way.
You subconsciously held your stomach, and held on tighter to the person. You felt hands rubbing your back and realised the Junior Forces were here. They were family...and they would help...but it was all just too empty without Jaemin.
You were now rocking yourself in the arms of someone...someone who had comforted you enough to stop you crying in the moment. Hair was matted to your face and your face was blotchy with tears.
"...y/n..." You could hear Renjun whisper. But by looking at Marks reaction, everyone was telling him to shut up. You turned yourself around to look at the boys who sat close to you with their knees to their chest and arms holding them together, on the tiny block of hardwood -- meant for one to take their shoes off...but the Junior Forces were using it as a final family holding...building everyone stronger for the inevitable struggle that was coming.
You looked at the boys, and focused on Renjun. You nodded slightly, and he saw you and broke himself. His chest shook a little as he puffed out his cheeks and breathed. He couldn't make eye contact as he could only stare at his hands infront of him.
"He-..." he trailed off, shaking his head as if it would shake reality from his mind. "He gave me this to give to you." He finally got out and opened his pocket. He grabbed the small item and placed it in my hand.
I turned my hand over, looking in my palm.
The cool metal of your shared engagement rings ironically burned your skin. You could only nod, acknowledging it's presence. "Thank you." You nodded, giving a weak smile and setting it next to the key dish on the entry table.
You took another look at the boys and they looked disturbed.
"...y/n..." Jisung breathed. You hummed and he looked down to his knees that were near his chest. "I-" he began but was caught off with the hiccup bubbling from his chest.
He got angry a little, and gripped his knee a little too roughly. "It. Hurts." He said and you knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Alot." He choked out. He sniffles and you couldn't miss the single tear rolling down his cheek. "Jisung..." you called, setting your hand on top of his comfortingly.
"It's okay..." You breathed, reassuring him. His lip quivered as his eyes met yours. Your eyes became warm too, but you needed to be the rock in this moment.
"Its okay to cry, Jisung." You said and his face was lost in his knees as he wept loudly. Some of the boys looked at him in confusion...and some in envy.
Chenle broke...then Hyuck...Mark was a whimpering mess in the opposite corner. You turned towards the person who still held onto you, and held you when everything went wrong in the first place...Jeno. Renjun was getting closer to both of you.
"I'm so...sorry..." Jeno spoke in broken sentences. He looked at you with tears in his eyes and a heavy heart making a home in his chest. You held his face. "There is nothing. Nothing, to be sorry for." You said and he could only clench his teeth and crack his knuckle to stop from bursting into tears.
"He did this himself." You spoke, some tears falling down your own face. "He did this for us...all of us..." You reassured Jaemin's best friends.
Renjun was scratching his skin...trying to stop the flowing of tears. He tried to stay strong...but he had been strong for too long.
"Renjun." You spoke softly. "I'm fine." He said and you rolled your eyes at his stubbornness, you set a hand on his arm. He quickly pushed it off. "I said: I'm-" "Renjun." You sternly said and regripped his arm. Be finally looked you in the eyes and you couldn't explain the hurt you saw in his eyes.
"You don't have to be so strong all the time." The words made his shoulder drop with the weight of reality.
"He's...he's really...not coming back?" He cleared his throat, shaking his head again. You grabbed his hand more comfortingly.
"It's okay...renjun...to be sad..." Jeno said in short sentences, rubbing his wet eyes. "Its okay..." He tried continuing. He turned his head to the sky to make sure his tears didn't fall.
"Its okay...to cry..." Jeno said and the pain was evident in his voice. He was dealing with the death of his best friend, but also telling himself to let his guard down which was hard and not easy.
You patted Jeno's shoulder and held Renjun's hand. Yet Renjun's grip overpowered yours as the silent sobs raked through his body.
He tried to muffle his heartbreak with his hand...but it wasn't working. You dropped your hands and pulled his face into your shoulder. He gripped onto your waist, throwing his head into your shoulder. You held him as his body shook with each violent sob that was thrown from his gut.
Eventually everyone now huddled around you both. They laid into each other and released their pain and heart break.
Yet you knew...Jaemin was here. He was everywhere. He was here comforting the hurt group...but also in the base where he looked over the other members. He was with Doyoung who was downing his 5th bottle of beer; with Jungwoo who was crying silently into his pillow; with Johnny who had been staring at a blank wall since the time of detonation; with Jaehyun who was clearing the matches and lighter from his work box, opting to hang them above his work station; and with Taeyong...who sat alone in his office, crying, wishing he volunteered to go instead of him. Jaemin volunteered, he couldn't say no...Jaemin wouldn't let him.
"It's okay." You told all the boys, a few stray tears running down your cheeks. You didn't know if you were telling them it was okay, or you were trying to convince yourself that it would be okay.
You sniffled, rubbing someone's back who still shook with cries.
"It's okay."
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pooma-unvolunteers · 3 years
We live in a world......
Group Discussion.
Participants: Mr. Suraj, Dr. Parvathi, Mrs. Rekha Kumbar, Mrs. Sweta srinivasta, Leader. Ms. Leena Rai, Mrs. Pooja Hanji, Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Menon,
We live in a world where simple kindness is a revolutionary act.
A kind person is either treated as a mentally challenged or he is isolated from the society for being real.
Are we so cruel?
Let's know about our world we live in.
• Pooma: A teacher once said, the future of my world is in my classroom today.
How many of us agree to that.
We were once in that same classroom.
How far have we benefitted our world through the years.
We have grown up in so many areas of life and fields were our excellence is reaching the skies.
But have we found the solution for our quenching thirst of craving happiness.
Nothing else brings happiness more than sharing the surplus you hold in all aspects.
Which means, your tumbler is overflowing and you paid in full and in return you are paid in full.
• Dr Parvathi: For a teacher whole world or the surrounding is like a classroom only. Because some or the other way she teaches,learns , implements and delivers knowledge
• Mrs. Sweta Srivastava: Look at a person's life and you can fairly estimate their personality, their beliefs and their mindset.
Nothing is a 'chance' phenomena.
It is all rooted in our choices, in our decisions and in our truest and deepest desires.
Kindness is a virtue . In all relegion kindness is considered as an important value.
• Dr Parvathi: We are still in learning phase so I think excellence is still a Question mark??
• Mr. Suraj: Very nice topic! And it's truly is.
"Children are the mirror in which a teacher sees himself." isn't it?
When he laughs, they laugh, when he cries, they cry. You know love begets love and hatred begets hatred. When an teacher shares his launch to an empty stomach or wipe out tears of sobbing face , he doesn't express his love , his care but go straight through their heart.
Nothing please an teacher when he sees his children are happy and motivated.
And you know when his happiness get doubles ,twenty five years from now when he looks back and says, "You were very important person in my life ." This shows how the children used to enjoy your company. You were not just a teacher for him but an inspiration.
• Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Menon: I totally agree that the happiness a teacher gets is when his/her students come back to them and tells that whatever I have achieved is only because of you .
A classroom is definitely a place where transfer of knowledge, values, emotional bondage takes place.
• Pooma: On one side technology has done things which has even made us forget God in some cases and forget ourselves in many cases.
We do appreciate ourselves that the deeo rooted implications in all walks of our life, specially in education, the technology.
But have we ever realised that the technology came with a bane on us we are yet to realise it.
Of course I agree everything comes with both advantages and disadvantages but what if we are unable to see some disadvantages which plays a blindspot for many advantages it boasts???
• Mrs. Rekha Kumbar UNV: It's always the students or the disciples who revealed their teachers or Guru's to the world respectively.
Hanuman revealed Rama
Swami Vivekananda revealed his teacher,Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa
Chandragupta Maurya revealed Chanakya.
Aristotle revealed Plato...
When students achieve success,and reveal their teachers..it's the most valuable gift.
Pooma: For example: Cell phones bring you closer to the person far from you, but takes you away from the ones sitting next to you. Have we ever realised that?. Never, not even once.
All we do is try to keep in touch with every single person through social media sometimes we even text our siblings sitting in the next room.
Immersed in technology we are lacking humanity.
We started thinking that spending time with the person next to you or our loved ones is a waste of time.
Rather think that a text through the phone is more than sufficient to keep in touch.
Technology connects farthest distant relationship closer, whereas nearest relationship farthest.
Back to our question - What kind of world do we live in?
We live in a world where Wealth is more important than Happiness.
We live in a world where Love is hidden and Violence is practiced in light.
We live in a world where there is more information and less meaning.
We live in a world where we have very long contact list and a very short friend list.
We live in a world where emotions are symbol of weekness and impassioned is symbol of strongness.
We live in a world where people are always in hurry but never reach on time.
We live in a world where quantity matters over quality.
We live in a world where poor walks to miles to get food and rich walks to digest.
We live in a world where Honesty, Peace, Equality and Love are just bookish words.
We live in a world where pizza arrive faster than police.
We live in a world where truth offend people and lie comfort them.
We live in a world people have reached Moon but still hesitate to go at neighbor's house.
We live in a world where people have thousands friends on Facebook and still waiting someone to stand outside the ICU.
We live in world where our goodness is consider fake and our help called selfishness.
We live in a world Love is always sacrificed and Hatred is always continue.
We live in a world where people install more security features in their phones than their homes.
We live in a world where taking selfies is more important than helping someone.
We live on the same world where a person, exactly Einstein stated at him as: days are near to relaise that such a man with flesh and blood walked on this earth with us. Who was that: Gandhiji.
We live in a world where if you say the wrong answer in class, you get laughed at.
We live in the world
Where if you dress a certain way, you get looked at.
We live in the world
Where if your grades aren't as good as others, you're stupid.
Where people say “You need to eat more” or “You need to lose weight”.
We live in a world where people don't know the things that others are going through.
We live in the world Where if you don't know what you want to do with your life, you won't have one.
We live in the world Where if you aren't part of the “in-crowd”, you are a loser.
We live in a world where we all expect to live up to other people's expectations.
We live in the world
Where one word can make someone and their life.
We live in the world
Where we constantly judge people.
We live in a world, where being yourself, isn't accepted.
• Mrs. Pooja Hanji: We live in the world where everything is pointed out or criticized, whether it's wrong or right.
We need to go on . Exeptional ones will lead us and others will follow them.
Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
• Leader. Leena UNV: Kindness is which is the habit to show empathy and always ready to be supportive instead of personality who is famous for that cruel face.
That can be true that a very earthy person is taken into the category of fool or an ignorant individual by some but as there are basically two kinds of personalities in common like coconut personality and mango personality so if we behave and be the mango fruit we can earn true respect may be at later stages but children learn and follow the same
The classroom and the students to be considered our own home and family and to be treated in such manner but alas ! these days teachers are worried for their kids and families (most of them) but consider only their job or the responsibility to teach.
Experiences play role lifetime achievements to sort out other issues and be the winner with flying colours at later stage
• Mrs. Rekha Kumbar UNV: Self Awareness and realisation on why we are here ..and working on our thoughts which gives rise to feelings,actions, attitude ,behaviour and finally destination
• Mrs Suraj: It's true that we are living in a world that has seen transformation in last fifty years where
Chairty is blurred by egotism and hunger is overturned by greed.
In total the fight is Spirituality Vs Materialism. But again if children can't feel pain , can't understand the meaning of.
Similarly if they do wrong can't realize how it feels when you are right.
So experiencing both is necessary to motivate other.
Yet , what is the correct? so what I feel give them freedom to do the wrong and guide them to do the self introspection in decision making.
Even though one try, one can't control children these days.
So here the formula of Content Vs Concept implies
If we want to teach them for life long.
Give them pen in right and mobile in left. Keep a tab. Let, they should not be imoosed but give them choice to experience good and bad themselves. See we just not have to teach but we have to develop skill that sustain lifelong to choice something worthy. Appreciate positively where there is a growth and respond critically where there is fall
And Leve the rest, one will see positive changes oneself.
See there are teachers who complain and there are teachers who make dedicated efforts to experience the changes.
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