#mike wheeler is so sweet
astrobei · 1 year
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he’s very tired after his surprise party btw
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macaulaytwins · 2 years
idk what you guys are talking about, giving your best friend that you’re in love with relationship advice and then crying in the car right next to them afterwards IS flawless representation
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drangues · 1 year
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i read this fic by @inky-iridescence and loved it so much i ignored my shame and dmed them for mikes superhero suit design so all credit to That goes to them! um. yeah, MIKE AS A SUPERHERO EVEYONE SAY HELL YEAAHHH *kicks chair down and collapses*
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bugsbenefit · 4 months
Mike's og character design having a birthmark is really cool i think but also related gripe i have with the show is them not giving him a scar post s3 which would have been in the exact location the birthmark would have been in originally. perfect set up and then they fumbled the prime opportunity to make a homage to their original idea
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the show always picks and chooses when to be medically accurate. like how Steve never needing immediate medical attention after the multiple blunt hits he got over the head is an actual miracle. but it's easy enough to suspend disbelief on that since people get knocked out and get back up again in movies all the time. everyone's used to that
but actual bleeding wounds are a lot weirder to just magic away especially when Jonathan and Nancy both got lasting scars from something as clean as a knife cut in the same show
face skin already scars incredibly easy to begin with and on top of that the cut Mike gets is the opposite of the clean knife cut J/ancy made. that's from getting his face forcefully smashed into a metal pipe and giving it's bleeding like that (unlike Max who only got bruises, no broken skin from hitting the wall) he seems to have either hit a valve/edge or the blunt force was That much. that wound lining is going to be jagged as fuck either way, no way that heals cleanly irl (only upside here is the mall being built as a cover for a new military base so the pipe's at least not rusty, small wins. low tetanus risk who cheered)
i get why they'd ignore it from a technical perspective. giving a character facial scars is always tricky since you need to make sure it's in the exact right place every day with how obvious even small placement errors would be. i get they avoided the hassle. still, fumble imo, would have been really cool. kind of more surprised i've not seen more fans go with medical accuracy on this, that's things fandom usually jumps on. i've seen no art and like one fic go with that scar now that i think about it
anyway that's the closest canon got us to the birthmark territory but then they didn't L
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moonlitdark · 2 months
📹 madmaxwonderland (x)
JCB with Stranger Things cosplayers at Comic Con France
"Come on, my loves!"
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ice-sculptures · 2 years
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b o o p
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will80sbyers · 7 months
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STRANGER THINGS 3 • Chapter One: Suzie, do you copy?
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
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astrobei · 1 year
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byler x jurassic park. thank you for your time.
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messrsbyler · 1 year
Will’s eyes always turned a bit greener during sunsets. Although, green wasn’t the correct word to describe them. Beautiful, sparkling, infinite; those were words that could paint a picture of Will’s eyes, but none of them could depict their colour as the sun sank below the skies.
Mike imagined the sunlight of an afternoon seeping through the branches and leaves of a tree in full bloom. He thought of the halos around the green and the oranges from the clouds, the mix of shades and lights all reflected in Will’s eyes, and yet again came empty for a word to describe it all.
He was in the process of pondering over the limitations of the English language and how unfair all of it was, when Will turned away from the sunlight bathing his face and found Mike looking. A nervous smile pulled from his lips and a new shade spread over his cheeks. It was as lovely and as lacking of a name as his eyes were.
“What?” he asked.
Mike kept looking at Will and shook his head. There was so much he could fit in that question alone. He could talk about how ‘green’ was a stupid and plain word, about sunsets and trees and leaves, about heartbeats and old promises made in a basement.
Everything, he wanted to say. But just as ‘green’, the word felt too big and yet too hollow and plain.
“Nothing,” he said instead and smiled back. “Just looking.”
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thranduel · 2 years
everyone wants byler’s first kiss to be a rain kiss but i have to disagree. i don’t really like big dramatic kisses especially if it’s in the middle of an argument or one of them is trying to shut the other up because it feels cheesy and rushed so hear me out
i need them to be sitting down somewhere alone where it’s quiet and where no one else is around so they can talk and let everything out. they’ll both finally realise their feelings for each other AND the audience will find out that this has been building up the entire time as well. i want it to be the most beautiful “it’s always been you” moment even if they don’t say those words exactly. the audience should just know that this has been planned from the start and it’ll be the most incredibly written slowburn ship
i want to see tears in mike and will’s eyes as they finally realise how much they love each other. and maybe they could add a few little flashbacks here to show the audience what memories they’re thinking of because it’ll make it even more emotional. then when will notices that mike is starting to cry (something he rarely sees since mike always bottles up his emotions), he puts his hand on his face and tries to wipe his tears, but then he also starts crying himself and they both laugh quietly for a moment for making each other cry. after that, they just look at each other and lean in a little bit to show that they’re both ready and comfortable. AND THEN they slowly pull in and have the sweetest kiss. like are you kidding me that’s the most beautiful and wholesome thing ever
and then after they pull away from each other, they press their foreheads together and they’re crying because they can’t believe they finally made it to this moment and get to be with the person they love most. mike asks if his kiss was that bad to try and make will laugh because he’s still crying and will jokingly says it was pretty bad even though they both know that’s not true. then mike asks will if he’ll promise to always stay by his side because he’s so terrified of losing him again and will just says “yes” (this is obviously a parallel to the day they first met when mike asked will to be his friend and will said “yes” and then mike said it was the best thing he’s ever done. I’M GONNA CRY). then mike kisses will’s forehead and pulls him in for the tightest hug and they just sit there holding onto each other
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hypezombies · 9 months
I need miwi crumbs in s5 please 😭 like either joyce or karen, or dustin and lucas finding out will and mike are dating and saying something like "makes sense, cause when you were younger you used to *insert very sweet, cute, clingy behaviour* all the time". Like after the initial shock (which joyce probably wouldn't have) they start rethinking everything and have an oh moment. Honestly I just really really need some miwi crumbs, I don't care how I get them, just give them to me
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jazz-penguin · 1 year
Mike Wheeler for sure belongs to a sentimental type of "call me when you're home" boyfriends and kisses Will goodbye, runs to count how long it takes to bike from his home to the Hopper-Byers' house with all his maps and watches, finds out it takes 22 minutes, panics when Will doesn't call in time, and when he finally calls, Mike is like "what happened Will are you okay??? What took you so long?!"
"... Abort, Lucas, it's not code red anymore, he's home".
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rotisseries · 11 months
the way elmike had the possibility of a very close and real and intimate friendship stolen out from under them because of heteronormativity telling them the only way they were meant to fit in each other's lives was romantically, even though neither of them truly wanted that... pushing them further apart... tragic. literally so tragic
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