#mihawk doesn't give a fuck about his birthday
beanghostprincess · 2 months
I know oda just choose birthday by names but thinking about cross guild and the moment buggy hears mihawks birthday date and it hits him what day it is. He could ignore this damned day and now he meets a reminders its existence.
I don’t think mihawk would celebrate but hope you get me. I need buggy to suffer and not be able to do anything with the fact that first time in years he’s forced to acknowledge the date that for so long was his only friend special day.
He realizes what day it is and he is awfully quiet and less assertive because he won't stop thinking about Shanks. But not in the way he usually thinks about him (angry and extremely insufferable), more in a melancholic, sad, post-breakup way he only feels when it's his birthday. Because he remembers Shanks' birthday and how they celebrated when they were kids. He remembers that there were times in which they were actually happy and couldn't imagine a future without the other.
Then Mihawk tells him that it's his birthday (for some reason. He actually never says it. Perhaps they find out another way) and I think it'd be extremely angsty if Buggy just?? Was angry at Mihawk for no reason?? The swordsman doesn't understand anything but Buggy is feral when he is around him instead of actually being scared or just, you know, sassy. He is actively angry.
Mihawk doesn't get it. And tbh, Buggy doesn't get it either. It is something he can't control. It just happens. It just makes him angry that somebody else has Shanks' birthday. Not because it makes him think about the redhead (although that is also something to add there) but because he is still a bit possessive of the date. As if nobody but Shanks and his memories of when they were friends should own this day.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Sanji's birthdays and how it's celebrated throughout the AUs
Happy birthday to the most easily transferable child in all the blues!!!!!! 🥳🎂🎉🎈
It's long and it's not every au but!!!!! It's most of them that are more fleshed out and
Warlord!Sanji: Zeff knows he should ban them all but he made Mihawk take the kid so this is penance, and Sanji is smiling so brightly and calling them all his parents as Boa sticks a party hat on him and the family photo is a photo no one is ever going to believe a poor waiter took as they insisted "Uncle Zeff should be in it"
Golden!Sanji: It's a quiet affair, there's not even cake, it's just a normal day. Sanji finds a present on his bed and it's a book of tales specifically about the All Blue. He hugs Mihawk and thanks him.
Golden!ASL(Sanji's the s, RIP Sabo): It is very much a big thing. All their birthdays are. Luffy and Ace help Mihawk make and decorate the cake(Ace helps make it and Luffy does most of the decorating), put up decorations("Luffy please don't snap your limbs like rubber bands, Ace these are flammable-quit flying around!"), and a present they all picked out. It's a knife set in a chef roll. Sanji hugs them all and thanks them.
Shirohige!Sanji: Gets to make the menu and not the food. He is banned from the kitchen for the day. When Ace joins it's much easier because they're in so much fucking love you don't understand, Sanji is willing to take a day off for this boy, even if it his birthday(when it's Ace's he makes sure Ace only eats the food he makes)
Trafalgar!Sanji: They don't celebrate anything, he only celebrates it because Luffy found out and made him. Law thinks it's ridiculous they now have to celebrate living thanks to Sanji's boyfriend/captain making them. Ridiculous.
NBL!Sanji: it's a medium affair, there's cake and a present but no decorations and it's far more mellow than Golden!ASL but just a bit bigger than Golden!Sanji.
Hancock!Sanji: It's a royal affair of course they go all out, who do you take them for? Marines?
ASL+S: They bring home Sanji's preferred animal somehow, someway. In all of the ASL+S AUs.
Blue!Sanji: The quads always loved spicy seafood pasta. Sanji eats it every birthday. Judge always made something sweet for it, usually a pudding.
Clown!Sanji: Buggy's crew loves throwing parties, Sanji's first birthday with the crew is the biggest party they've ever thrown. Sanji's not sure how they could ever top it. And every year they do.
Redhair!Sanji: Shanks puts his coat on Sanji and lets him be captain for the day. It's the only day of the year that mutiny is not threatened.
Croc!Sanji: Oh he's blowing money. And everyone is swooning for the little prince of Baroque Works. Even Daz is smiling.
White heart!Sanji(Trafalgar+Shirohige): The crews all get together to celebrate Ace's and Sanji's birthdays and their wedding. Law lets Bepo be protective as hell. But the feast is grand and they party like there's no tomorrow.
Fishman!Sanji: Cookbooks and maps from almost the whole island. He spends the whole day reading(and the next several months)
Revolutionary!Sanji: they don't celebrate, Sabo and Sanji do not know each other's or Koala's birthdays. They do celebrate Sabo and Sanji's anniversary and Dragon tries to make sure they can be together for that(the Okama start giving them lube soon as the know, Sanji has the biggest stockpile in the blues)
Donquixote!Sanji: The four Cs: Cocaine. Cake. Cigarettes. Chaos.
Loved!Sanji: He used to spend it with his family. He still does. A royal party and a birthday shared with his brothers. But at night it's just him and Luffy and a spare cupcake Sanji snagged just for them.
Nico!Sanji: The celebration is an exchange of stories about their moms every year, private and calm.
Charlotte!Sanji: Katakuri visits him and they catch up. Katakuri loves his little brother and how free he is. He doesn't give Sanji a present, never will. Just wishes him happy birthday and receives a letter for his.
Friend!Sanji: Spends a birthday in a town with one of his friends every year. Gets woken up with breakfast and sent out to play and be a kid. He brings whoever it is back to the Baratie for dinner and cake.
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
One Piece Chapter 1099 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
After a week break it's time to see if One Piece will take the lead in emotionally devastating me for this week, given how other things are leaving me on 3 week breaks of ship-based anxiety, not that you could tell of course I've kept it sooooo well-hidden
Anyways, it's time for more One Piece and so, more Kuma backstory, let's see where we go from here
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release also
Oden cover this time, Tanukis are giving him a makeover
We pick up where we left off two weeks ago, King Becori has returned and has been burning down the south
Kuma though is fighting through the fire to save people
Becori got the idea from the Goa Kingdom fire, figures
The people though are a lot more resistant to the act than the Goa Nobles were, so Becori orders a few to be killed to silence the mob
Kuma is here and he is fucking pissed
The church is being used as a shelter, as Bonney worries for her dad
Despite Becori's threats, Kuma lays out the entire castle, the One Man Revolution of Sorbet
News travels to Marejois about a new king in Sorbet, as Saturn learns that the people voted Kuma to rule
Kuma though says he's just a figurehead, since a previous king, Bulldog, is actually running the country
A much more adult looking Bonney is running laps in the church though, surprising everyone in how much she looks like Ginny
Seems she somehow ate a Devil Fruit, but also wasn't aware of it, since her aging up was unintentional and she was just trying to up her stamina
As the others try to see how much control Bonney has over the fruit, King Bulldog arrives at the church
Hey it's that old version of Bonney she used in the Reverie, but also Bonney here...
Turns out Queen Dowager Conney was an actual person, explains some things at least in how she made it to the Reverie in that disguise
Kuma yelling at Conney at the back thinking it's Bonney XD
Conney is Bulldog's mother, and Bulldog as Kuma's advisor has come with news
Becori's still about, running a smear campaign on Kuma, thus the moniker of 'The Tyrant'
The propaganda means he's still backed by the World Government, and thus it's only a matter of time until they come back to finish the job
Wanting to protect Sorbet, Kuma leaves it in Bulldog's hands, and goes out to confront Becori again at sea, this also means Bulldog and Conney will take care of Bonney in the meantime
'But I'll be so lonely' welp that's another knife in my riddled heart right now
Alas, Kuma does confront Becori, sitting pretty on a Navy ship and accusing Kuma of usurping him and being a corrupt dictator
Kuma sunk the armada, which got him a bounty (Carrot meanwhile sinks a bunch of Yonko ships and doesn't even get one bounty...yes I'm still sore about it the anime did not help validate her conclusion in Wano)
'He was a hero' 'I don't care, he was my dad first' - Oda please my heart doesn't have room for all these knives
Bonney also wants to be a pirate when she's 10 and cured
Kuma journeys out for info on Sapphire Scales, traveling to all the places he sent the Straw Hats to
He first goes to Chopper's island, since they had vast medical information
Then to Mihawk's island, doesn't look too occupied back then
Oh hey it's those Grand Fleet guys, Jeet and Abdullah
The bounty hunters of course fail in trying to claim Kuma, this was very pre-Dressrosa
Vegapunk's old home is next but they don't have answers
Tequila Wolf is sailed past again (Kuma and Oden have now sailed past it), I don't know what the next one is but it looked like Kuma helped it out, maybe it was Brook's island?
Then Weatheria (Nami's island) and the Boin Archipelago (Usopp's island) with Heracles'n
The stress is creeping up on Kuma though, dead ends and Bonney's 10th birthday is getting closer
Now that's a draconic ship there
The Revolutionaries have found Kuma, Morley has joined and Betty is still looking way different to how she does now
Dragon has a drink with his old Comrade, Ivankov and Inazuma are in Impel Down at this point, but despite all the news around Kuma he doesn't listen to media
Betty also gets Kuma's blessing to lead the Eastern Forces, since Dragon wouldn't allow anyone to take Ginny's position without it
Sabo and Koala also wanted to see Kuma, if only Dragon showed this much pride in his biological child
But he does give Kuma some intel, Vegapunk is moving labs and security is lax, good time for an audience
I think the move is implied to be the Punk Hazard incident too
Kuma is more than willing to rejoin the Revolutionaries once Bonney is cured, and Dragon is more than willing to welcome him back
Back at Sorbet, Bonney is learning how to fight, the scales are still spreading slowly though
Kuma takes Bonney to Navy Science Division Lab 08, which will later be where Egghead Island is, telling her it's a check-up
Got a little box for her like Nezuko
Everyone's surprised about how weird looking the other is
Vegapunk CAN cure Bonney, so clone theory might be done now
Bonney is playing with Sentomaru at this moment so she's not privy to the conversation
Stem Cell Treatment will be the method, real life solutions being thrown in there
The price is exorbitant though, equivalent to building a cyborg
Vegapunk also learns that Kuma's a buccaneer, even though his association with the WG would make that dangerous information
Vegapunk can't explain why Buccaneer blood is special, but he'd like more of it to clone him
Kuma is of course concerned about the idea of clone soldiers, but with Vegapunk using it as a form of payment he's more than willing to do it
Vegapunk hoped at least that the clone army's ability to deflect bullets and shoot lasers would scare evil pirates into submission, having watched Oppenheimer I think the sentiment is meant to be similar
But Kuma does like the idea of robots bearing his likeness protecting the innocent
Saturn meanwhile though has other intentions for them 'a weapon's worth is defined by how many it kills'
The bots are named Pacifista after Kuma's proclaiming himself a pacifist, two men looking to do some good without the hindsight of what damage they will wrought
This was a steady chapter really, could've been a lot more devastating for sure.
We've slowly built up again to all the stuff leading to Kuma's affiliation with Vegapunk, as well as his brief run as a pirate. Much like Corazon it seems most of his travels were fuelled by trying to find a cure for Bonney. A lot of blasts from the pasts this chapter too, though I suppose it makes sense that Kuma visited the places he sent the Straw Hats to, given how them being sent there was tailored for their skills or what they needed to improve on.
The Bonney Clone theory is likely dead, but I still can't put it past Oda to pull the rug, especially for Chapter 1100 - Oda and round numbers after all.
But yeah, it seems a brief alleviation for the moment, before it likely goes to hell again...
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