#mh comic spoilers
scaryfilm · 11 months
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the way they r literally in love do you even care …….Do u .. Even CARE?
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frostbittenstatic · 10 months
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mini sketches
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They’re literally girlfriends. To me.
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vinegar-rights · 2 years
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Hi Jessica ^_^
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
Skully gave Jessica the hard drive because they didn't want to give Tim and Jay the ad revenue
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m0th-gh0st · 2 years
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the-tiktok-rogue · 5 months
Alex’s plight another skully fic
it had been a couple months since this had started, the coughing fits, the headaches. the tall faceless thing that stood around stalking him.
He tried confronting it in the past, then running from it, then he didn’t know what to do, it felt like everyone was plotting against him.
Alex was about to answer his door when he saw through the spy hole a figure in a skull faced mask
“get off my door stop or i’m calling the police”
“You can’t run from this forever” the voice barraged his brain.
“You’re trespassing, I could easily shoot you.”
“that wouldn’t do you very good” the voice was now behind him
Alex jumped and turned around, there it was, that skull faced figure.
“I have information for you about the being, the operator.”
“The Operator? that thing has a name?? and why the fuck is it following me that thing has been ruining my life!”
“You are infected. You have a virus that will infect others.”
“You mean i’m contagious?!”
“You have been for a while now.”
Alex’s heart started racing his mind spiralling how could he keep this under control, how could he be with Amy when all of this was over, he couldn’t infect her too.
“How can I be cured?”
“Death is the only solution”
Death. Alex’s mind spiralled more. if he’d spread his infection to the other cast members, then he’d have to be the anti body….he couldn’t believe he was thinking this but…he remembered Tim had this sickness too back in brian’s house, had he spread it to him?….would he have to kill Tim?
“I see now. I’m going to have to kill all the other infected. I’ll start with Tim.”
the skull man’s expression changed, he looked worried.
“I said death was the solution. But I didn’t mean killing, I can collect the infected at the end of their natural life span and-“
Alex had already made up his mind and was going off to find Tim.
weeks passed, Alex had as far as he knew killed Tim, and Brian.
Who was next?. Sarah.
he took her to the hospital basement for ‘re-shoots’ of brian’s school scene, in the day time, then while sarah’s back was turned in the basement, he picked up a rock and bashed her skull in in a fit of rage, Alex was overcome with it, he bashed her head in until her eyes bled and she died…then he left.
he realised he was filming the whole time so when Alex came back home he rewound his tape, over the footage, he also hadn’t washed sarah’s blood off of his head, so he quickly ran to the bathroom and washed his head.
who was next. Seth.he lied to Seth and said everyone had disappeared and he needed his help.
he brought Seth to that same basement and tackled him stabbing him with a piece of glass, cutting his neck and watching him bleed out, Alex left.
when Alex came back home he fell to sleep, and his dream the skull faced man in a dark place walked up to him.
he took off the skull faced mask and Alex saw Sarah and Seth’s faces
“why, why did you kill is Alex” Sarah’s face asked crying
“We were your friends Alex, why did you kill us?” seth’s face asked
both faces asked why why why louder and the loudest being a screaming WHY?!
Alex woke up in a cold sweat crying
“i’m sorry…i’m so sorry Sarah…Seth…I had to, I had to to protect Amy.” Alex justified to himself
after sacrificing Jay Alex went off to be with Amy, 3 relatively normal years passed of living with Jessica and Amy, until Alex saw on youtube, a channel called marble hornets. It was Jay! he had somehow survived and he was friggin uploading again.
He couldn’t let Amy get infected, he couldn’t let this walking virus continue AGAIN.
he raced to his car, quickly telling Amy a lie
“Visiting family in my hometown for the week, i’ll be back soon babe”
he drove all the way to collage town, then realised, if Jay was still alive then so was Tim and possibly Brian. fuck.
He continued to watch the youtube channel and saw these totheark responses not from Jay, by process of elimination it was probably Brian, as Tim seemed normal in the interview. He’d kill Brian first that thorn in his side.
He went to Brian’s house, with a gun this time, and broke in, he found a person in a hoodie and frowning mask, tackled him and unmasked him, yep, that was Brian, Brian wrestled him off but Alex shot the bullet casing. Alex didn’t hear anything after that so assumed he’d killed Brian, about time to be honest.
Alex quickly left. Jay would be next.
A couple weeks passed and Alex continued watching the youtube channel, Jay had conveniently posted his apartment in entry 24 and Alex recognised it, he brought some matches with him and lit the apartment ablaze then he drove home.
The Skull faced one had appeared at his house outside his door but he ignored it, only managing to hear one line from him.
“she will die.” Alex tuned it out and ignored, just another lie he thought.
Alex felt better already, Brian was gone and Jay, sure he hadn’t killed Tim but considering how normal he was in entry 15 Alex didn’t care, he clearly wasn’t infected anymore, Alex relaxed knowing he could live his life with Amy problem free-
until Amy walked in with a camera.
his heart dropped, like walking in with a pipe bomb about to explode, he tried warning her to turn off the camera, he knew the camera brought the operator about, just like 3 years ago, and before he knew it. like clockwork it appeared.
He watched his girlfriend fall down the stairs and quickly urged her out the window to the second story of the house, Alex held back tears knowing Amy was infected.
“God forgive me Amy.” he said before pushing her off of the ledge of the house. he legs broke and he heard her scream out in pain, she was alive but she wouldn’t be for long. Alex pulled his gun out, and climbed down.
“Alex…help me please” she muttered gurgling blood.
like putting down old yeller he pulled his gun out and sobbed
“Amy, this is all Jays fault i’m so sorry. I tried so hard to protect you, but I have to do this.”
he shot her in the head multiple times, then ran as the operator appeared taking the body.
Alex struggled to sleep that night rolling around in bed, when he dreamed again Amy’s face appeared on the skull masked one.
“Why did you kill me Alex?….I loved you don’t you love me.” Amy sobbed beginning him for a response
“Alex you broke my heart. I’ll never forgive you.”
Alex woke up in a cold sweat
“IM SO SORRY AMY” Alex screamed crying into his pillow. he passed out again before coming to.
He checked twitter and Jay was still alive! and posting. fuck it he liked that totheark so much, maybe Alex should pose as him, Alex compiled some footage and edited it to glitch out like totheark videos, then he edited the footage of Amy, cutting it off before they jumped out the window, he put it all on tape, and mailed it to Jay, and waited.
years passed after that, and many things happened, Alex killed Jay in benedict hall but he still had nightmares, nightmares of Jays ghost begging for forgiveness.
“why did you kill me Alex, I only wanted to help, I wanted to find jessica, WHY????”
then something even more horrifying Alex saw his own face screaming. was Alex going to die?
months passed and Alex was fighting Tim, Tim slit his neck, this was what his dream meant….all those years, he was going to die.
Before his vision faded to black he saw Amy, her hand touching his and pulling him up
Amy smiled “now we can finally be together, I love you Alex”
Alex cried and smiled “I love you too.”
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robitherat · 2 years
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bong350360 · 4 months
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omg hiiiiii heard sm things ab uuuu girl whats wrong with you :3
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timdoubleyou · 2 years
in a funny meta way multiple people inhabiting a masked person’s body does precede skully
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frostbittenstatic · 11 months
do u guys ever think about how brian had been to/got stuck in the ark enough times that he knew it was something like a dream and he knew how to get out but once he died he had to the come to terms that he wouldnt be able to escape again and that he was living with the thought that it was his fault
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dolorum-magne · 2 years
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I read the comics recently
I love skully
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selfish-solace · 1 year
a sad day for bear lovers everywhere (imagine a banner that says "THIS POST IS ABOUT MARBLE HORNETS DO NOT DERAIL" at the bottom)
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vinegar-rights · 2 years
I think abt skully a lot
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soundedwave · 1 year
Bro got sacrificed to the hole
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blueberrydykez · 10 months
im so mad david was fed into the ark he was one of the hotter characters
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