#mermay 40k
aqua-the-smiter · 2 days
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Decided to be a lil quirky and silly and write a part 2. Featuring a surprise guest! Selkie!Ferrus Manus x Argena Seeva Argena returns the next day and finds out a little more about her new friend. SFW Ferrus's seal form is a leopard seal Thanks to @bispaceual for the idea of squish seal Ferrus Iron Hands divider by @squishyowl
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Her heart was starting to beat faster and her hands shook as she tied her bay’s reins to the post again. The mare gave her a look that seemed thoroughly tired of her mistress's antics, and after a moment she instead removed the bridle all together.
“You put up with too much, Fox.” Argena told her, stroking her muzzle. “You’d better not wander off too far, or else.”
She shook out her long black mane and bent her head down to graze. Gena smiled, patting her neck before turning and walking to the edge of the cliff.
She’d been thinking about it all day. It was the only thing her mind really could focus on, and she’d breezed through her day’s work as fast as she could without it becoming sloppy. Practically counting the minutes as she worked, replaying their conversation the day before over in her head. A part of her still wasn’t convinced that it hadn’t been just a lovely dream. But her hand remembered the texture of his fur on her skin. It had to have been real. She was going to meet her selkie again today. He’d promised he would be there, and something told her he wasn’t the lying type.
A real selkie. The thought was thrilling and a little terrifying.
His name was Ferrus, and he had entirely too many crappy brothers.
A part of her wanted to tell everyone she knew about him. Sheer excitement and wanting to share the joy of her discovery with others. Magic was real, and it was still here. Just hiding. The more rational side of her knew that was a very bad idea. At best he would be chased off. At worst, hunted, or have his sealskin stolen again. Not that she thought anyone in her village would be a threat to him. Even the strongest men were dwarfed by her selkie. He was so tall and strong.
She was greeted once again with the sound of waves and the scent of the sea mingling with heather and thistle. Gulls flew overhead, and a group of perfectly ordinary seals rested a ways down the shore. From somewhere behind her a raven crawked in a nearby tree.
But as for her seal…
Scanning the shore where he’d been initially turned up nothing, and her heart clenched for a moment. He wouldn’t lie to her, surely. Either he hadn’t expected her this early, or something had happened to him. Maybe one of his brothers had found him…?
She hoped not.
Where was he…ah, there! Picking her way carefully down the rocky slope, she made her way over to him, bare feet sinking into the sand.
The problem was that she had been looking for him in his human guise. But down the cliff, in a sunny patch of warm, soft sand lay an absolutely enormous seal. His coat was different from the others. Dark gray on his back, light gray on his sides and a white belly, dappled all over with dark spots. His shape was different too. Narrower, sleeker. Longer jaws, a slimmer snout. Clearly, he was a predatory creature. His coat was shorter too, but very dense.
There he was. Curled in a crescent on his stomach, snoozing peacefully in the warm late summer sun. She had to cover her mouth to suppress a squeal of delight. 
He was so cute like that. His seal form would probably be actually quite intimidating if he was awake, but he just looked so…squishy and content laying there. That’s it. He looked squishy. Without the water to support his impressive bulk, all his natural seal blubber just kind of squashed against the ground. He definitely wasn’t as plump as the regular seals that frequented this beach, but clearly he packed enough weight to look just as soft when he relaxed.
“Hello Ferrus.” She sat down next to him and whispered where she thought his ear would be. He didn’t stir, and she contented herself by just sitting with him and watching him nap. The selkie must have been setting a very good example, because soon she’d fallen asleep as well, resting against his side, though unintentionally. 
She awoke to a wet snout pressing against her forehead.
“I didn’t expect you to be so forward.” Ferrus said, with a definite lilt of amusement in his voice, his neck craned around so he could look at her. Also confirming he could still talk in seal form.
Argena sat bolt upright. “I’m sorry! I must have fallen asleep waiting for you. I didn’t want to wake you up since you looked so comfortable.”
He laughed, and this time it was definitely a seal’s bark. “No harm done. I don’t mind at all. You are the only person I’ve been pleased to see in a long time. You can lean on me if you’d like. I don’t mind.”
“That’s very flattering to hear, honestly.” She said, doing just that. He seemed far less grumpy than he had the day before. Maybe the nap had done him some good.
He stretched and gave a bone-cracking yawn, his jaws gaping wide. Showing off a maw full of sharp teeth. Then that bear trap of a mouth shut, and he went back to being rather cute.
“There’s something I forgot to ask you yesterday.” She broached, a little hesitantly. 
“Why did your brother hide your sealskin?”
Ferrus curled his lip, showing off those teeth again. “I did leave that rather vague, didn’t I? He did it because he thought it was funny.”
“...That’s it? He stole your ability to transform for a prank? What the hell is wrong with your brother?”
“Yes, that is it. At least, that’s what he told me, and I don’t care enough about him anymore to dig deeper. I don’t know what he was thinking, and it doesn’t matter now. I’m not going to talk to him again.”
“I wouldn’t either.” She agreed. “What was his name?”
Ferrus didn’t answer for a moment. “Fulgrim. The more I think about it, the more I’m not sure how we ever became so close. We had some similarities, yes, but we were fundamentally different in far more areas. A part of me wonders if he was ever sincere.”
“Were you close with any of your other brothers? Before…all of this?”
“A few. Vulkan and I always got along. Before I left for good I used to forge things. Weapons, armor, the like. He did too, and we got along very well due to that. He was always kinder than I was, but we still got on. I had no real quarrels with Roboute or Leman or Sanguinius either. I regret not cultivating better friendships with some of them. Maybe I would have had help then. But it’s too late to dwell on that, and I won’t mourn it.”
“It must have gotten lonely though. And your brothers have some very odd names.”
In truth she doubted he would have been so lenient with her if he hadn’t been isolated for so long. On one hand it made her wonder if this would last very long. But on the other…he clearly did place some value in honor. 
“It did. Truthfully I am glad I met you. I doubt I would have gone to seek out anyone of my own volition. It is in my nature, but you have proven yourself good company.” He admitted. “And indeed, they do. But it is what Father called us.”
“Wait. You have a father? Why didn’t you go to him for help? Or are things strained between you and him as well?” She could believe it, with how long Ferrus seemed to be able to hold grudges.
“I didn’t wish to get him involved in what amounted to such a childish spat. I thought it would be easy enough for me to handle. It was, in the end. Even if it required me dirting my knuckles with Fulgrim’s filthy blood. But no. I have no quarrel with Father. He is strange, and distant at times, but he is not bad. To myself or any of my brothers.” 
“Fulgrim was the one being childish. But…maybe that’s why nobody else stepped in.”
“I asked!”
“I know.” She held up her hand. He let out a huffy snort and rested his head back on the sand. “But you said you’ve always been more of a loner. Maybe nobody was sure what to do. You being the way you were, and only really close with Fulgrim. Family spats are always ugly, and not fun to be in the middle of.”
He sighed. “You may have a point there. I suppose if any of them came and apologized I’d be willing to put things to rest. It’s funny, really. With one breath they would make fun of me, and with the next they would praise my work and ask me to make them things. I am not as thick skinned as I thought I was.”
“Or you just got tired of hearing the same thing over and over. I know I would.” She paused, thinking of a way to change the subject. “What did you make? Anything really special? My father makes things out of metal too. He’s a goldsmith. He’s been teaching me to do it too, since I’m the only one of my siblings who seems to have the talent for it.”
“Impressive.” He nodded in genuine approval. “I’ve made a few things like that too. Once Roboute was trying to woo an elven maiden. I made him a diadem to give to her.”
“Did it work?”
“She hadn’t left his side since the last time I saw him, so you tell me.” Ferrus said with a smug smile that looked very odd on a seal’s snout. “It would be nice to work a forge again.”
“Will you be sticking around long?” Maybe she could find a way to help him with that.”
“Aye. I found a decent little cavern in some of the large cliffs down that way.” He gestured with his tail. “I don’t think I’ll be leaving again. This is my home, and I missed it. So maybe I’ll be able to pick my craft back up. I’d like to see what you make as well.”
“Why not? I never thought I would have found such a kindred spirit with you.” He was very pleased with the prospect. It had been one of the reasons he and Vulkan got along so well. “Although it is a little unexpected. I didn’t think women usually took up that kind of thing in this part of the world.”
She shrugged. “Usually no, but Da doesn’t really care. He’s very proud of his work, and more than happy to have one of his children take after him. He’s always been well respected, and so casual about it that I don’t think anyone else really minds enough to make an issue. And it’s not like I don’t want to have my own family someday either. I just haven’t been approached by anyone I consider a good match. Besides, I enjoy the work.”
Or at least, anyone I could show my family. She thought, her mind wandering back to Ferrus’s human form. And it was pleasing to know she had something in common with the selkie.
“Is that why your hands are tattooed? Does it help you with your work?” She asked, remembering another question she’d wanted to ask.
“They do.”
She felt him shifting underneath, and she scooted forward so he could sit up, his sealskin around his shoulders as he shifted back to human. He offered her one of his massive hands so she could take a look. The only unmarked part of them were his fingernails, which were maybe a little bit too long but otherwise as pink as they were supposed to be. She took his hand between hers, studying the inked lines. There was an odd sensation of underlying power in them as she traced the knotwork with a finger. Amusing herself by picking out one line to follow.
“They’re beautiful. How did you get them?”
“Oh, it was a long time ago. I was much younger then. I suppose more adventurous than I am now. But they have proven their worth. And I like the way they look.”
“So do I.” Gena voiced her agreement. “They suit you very well.”
“Heh. Do they now?”
“They make you seem very fierce. Like a warrior.”
“I was, back in the day. All my brothers and I are, actually. There hasn’t been much fighting to do in a long time though. That seems to be all behind us. I can’t say I don’t miss it. And some of my best works were weapons.” The smugness returned. “I was the strongest of them, you know.”
“Oh I just bet you were.” She grinned up at him, taking his mild boastfulness as a jest. “Are you sure being the tallest also makes you the strongest?”
“I was!” He said with feigned offense. “Both of those, actually.”
“I can believe it. You’re such a big seal after all.”
“Oh hush up.”
But there were no teeth in his words. Just amusement. He really did seem more open today. More at ease. She would have been concerned that it was going a little fast, but he had been alone for so long. Whether he acknowledged it himself or not, he must have been at least a little lonely. And for the length of time he hinted at. Centuries, if she was reading it right. He must have been his own beast all right, because that much time alone would surely drive a mortal completely mad with isolation.
And she felt a small thrill as well. His first contact with anyone in centuries had been her, and he’d decided he liked her after a small conversation the day before. She realized that she had been granted a rather hard-to-earn thing, and was determined to make the best of it. She definitely liked him too. He was rough, sure, but there was warmth underneath it. Then of course, there was the mind bending realization that she had, by sheer luck, befriended a real selkie…
They had fallen into a comfortable silence after that, watching the waves. A few pelicans dove in, scooping up fish with their oversized beaks. Once a pod of dolphins had breached a ways away from the shore. She always loved to watch them. They were immensely graceful creatures. Although Ferrus seemed more than pleased to go over just how much faster he was in the water when she asked. Once there was a glint of greenish-blue in the water that made him narrow his silver eyes in suspicion, But he never elaborated on it, and the way his hackles had seemed to raise made her think better of asking. If there was real danger, he would have said something.
The time came for her to depart. As she stood brushing sand from her skirt, she turned to him. 
“Will I see you again tomorrow?”
Ferrus tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I will be here. But we should probably figure out an easier way of meeting up.”
“I’ll give it some thought.” She promised. “I doubt I'll be able to make excuses every day anyway. Much as I would like to. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to talk to someone like I have you.”
Maybe we were both hungering for companionship
“Agreed. This has been remarkably pleasant.” 
Putting it mildly on his end.
“Tomorrow then.” She gave him a bright smile then, and squeezed his hand before clambering back up the cliff. He rubbed his fingers together. Her hands did good work, but they were still so soft…
He stayed out long after she had departed again. But this time he wasn’t left alone. 
There was an odd prickle in his hands, erasing the warm feeling that Argena’s touch had left him with. A raven fluttered down, hopping on its skinny black legs over the sand. Ferrus’s head shot up, and he glared at it.
“Brother!” It-he-crawked at him. “It has been a while.”
“Has it?” His voice was dripping icicles.
In a moment, in the bird’s place was a tall, pale young man with long black hair and glittering black eyes. He was draped in dusty black traveling robes and a cloak, and in his right hand he held a plain wooden staff. 
“What do you want?”
“Oh don’t be like that. You haven’t been seen in centuries. It was pure luck I caught sight of you. I wanted to know how you’ve been.” Corvus said, his tone mollifying.
“As you can see, I’m just fine. You’d better not start spying on me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. I can see that temper of yours is still as hot as ever.” 
“Indeed, it is.” He hissed. “How long have you been watching?”
“Long enough to see the young lady, if that’s what you were wondering about.”
“If you-”
“I won’t! Ferrus, come now. You know I’m not like that. I only came here out of brotherly concern, nothing more. Father is concerned. So are many of the others. I will tell them you’re alright, and nothing more. Does that sound good to you?”
“No.” Ferrus snapped. “I would prefer if you said nothing at all. You remember what I said before I left?” “I do. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry you felt you needed to go to such extreme measures.” Corvus confirmed. “Fine, fine. I won’t say anything unless I’m asked.”
“I suppose that’s the best I can get from you. Storing pieces of information like a dragon hoarding gold. Why can’t you like shiny things like a real raven?”
“It is what I do best. And I do, actually. I just like my shiny things to be of high quality.” He said with a razor grin. “Would you-” “NO!” “I jest, brother.”
“Of course you do. Now get out of here before I actually lose my temper!” “I’m going, I’m going!” He squawked indignantly, before returning to bird form and flapping off with indecent haste.
Ferrus sighed. Seems things might not remain so quiet. Then he cured himself, realizing belatedly he’d forgotten to sing for her. Damn it all. Next time, then.
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Adopt-A-Jophiel Part 1
Past =-= Next
Author's note: The wonderful @egrets-not-regrets and I collaborated and wrote this part of Jophiel's story in Mermay, where Erriox and Lenora meet and adopt my Primaris Blood Angel Jophiel. Thanks to @egrets-not-regrets for allowing me to borrow the pair of cuties and collaborating on this fic with me! If you haven't already, please go check out @egrets-not-regrets writing they are very good at it! Thank you for @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric. Also thanks to @kit-williams for letting me borrow Roland and Arnault, they are more mentioned than here. So this is going to be a three parter.
Author's note 2: So, I had this and the other two parts ready and queued up before the poll for who should I work on next was done. I will be working on Karlsor and the others and get them out soon-ish.
They also have rally good writing!
Summary: Jophiel continues to avoid other mer-astartes and finds somewhere to try and take care of his wings. He meets Lenora, a Harpy who helps him out.
Warnings: Unhealthy coping skills, mentions of attempted self harm, let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Jophiel had found somewhere to hide, it was a nice rocky area near the water. His wings are heavy with water as tries to shake them out before almost keeling over backwards and silently swearing as he rests on his haunches. His broody blood Angel colorations aren't quite perfect with the occasional touches of gun metal gray, stripes of yellow and black, with touches of dark green that are in tiny spots along his tail.
He has some venomous spines on some of his fins, which isn't what First Born Blood Angels or Successor chapters have. It's not super common, but not super uncommon among his brothers of the Primaris with the gene-seed of Sanguinius… Jophiel knows that all Primaris Marines are chimeric- aren't wholly one, but have at least two, some having three or more gene-lines within them.
Perhaps it's from his other gene-line that he gets the spines, venom and yellow patches? He shakes his head, those thoughts aren't productive. His wings are so fragging heavy as he starts the arduous process of trying to dry the wretched things. He frowns at his wings, they are far more a curse than a blessing. He knows that his gene-sire the Holy Primarch Sangunius was blessed by the God-Emperor with wings, but it was not… it was not a blessing for an Astartes to have the wings.
As they could cause madness within their fellow Astartes. Speaking of that, he grabs his knife from his belt as he grabs his hair and roughly chops it off. He wonders why his hair grows so fast, he has to keep his hair short, keep him looking less like his Blessed and most holy Primarch Gene-sire. It was … it was both auspicious and unholy to look too much like one's genesire. He tucks the blade back into the place he'd taken it from as he focuses on his wings again as he slowly tugs the left one in front of his scowling, red eyed gaze as he starts to try and dry and preen his feathers.
He's watched birds of all kinds preen their feathers, and try to emulate them. Some of the feathers have come loose as he pulls them out, and more of them out, and more- and he stops when the scent of blood hits his nose and he blinks, looking down at his left wing, and how it is even more unsightly to look at. He’s been letting out little chirps and trills, not that he realizes the noises he’s making, as well as little hisses and chirpy-whimpers of pain when he pulls the feathers out that he shouldn’t have. He grumbles and scolds himself as he lets go of his left wing. He brings his right wing over and starts to preen that one- fuck why does preening his wings hurt most of the time? He stops when he hears a voice call out to him. He turns to face the person- a Harpy, a mortal woman, who is looking at him with concern, and surprise.
"Hello," Jophiel calls out to her cautiously, his wings look a ruddy mess and his feathers are scattered about him, some of them covered in his blood, as he's not been entirely careful or kind to himself as he's over-preened his wings. Again.
"Fledgling, are you in distress?" Lenora calls out cautiously, realizing quickly that the calls weren’t exactly coming from a lost harpy youngling.
She eyes the massive form of the large black and red mer? No- he's got wings, but he is not a Harpy, perhaps he's a siren or a hybrid of some kind that she's not met or heard of before? Mers can be hostile towards Harpies, but he’d sounded so distressed and the state of his wings had her wincing.
"I… am not in distress?" Jophiel says, although it comes out more as a question than a statement of fact or falsehood.
"Your wings are in a frightful state," Lenora says, her wingclaws down by her hips as she gets a good look at him.
He's larger than Erriox, but from the look in his eyes, he seems… younger. A lot younger. Lenora's heard that there are different kinds of Mer and Astartes. Perhaps he's a rare form of Astartes? Erriox has spoken of his brothers and cousins sometimes. But as far as she knows, he's not told her about winged mer-astartes. She would have remembered if he had or not.
"I… can… take care of my wings." Jophiel says hesitantly, defensively as he folds his wings on his back and shifts away from the harpy.
"Not with the sorry state they are in you can't." Lenora points out, as she carefully steps over to him. "Pulling your feathers out like that will hurt you and your flight capabilities in the long and short term."
"I can swim in the sea, air and void of space," Jophiel says, "The wings are … a mutation."
Oh he shouldn't have said that as he tries not to curl in on himself. He is curious why she's talking to him. Harpies and Mer sometimes don't get along, and while he can tell she's cautious of him. He's surprised that she's talking to a very large, very unknown and powerful entity.
"Mutation?" She asks with a slight frown and her eyebrows wrinkling together in confusion before smoothing out. "Have you had someone teach you how to take care of your wings?"
"No," Jophiel says truthfully, "It's … hard to hide them on Ancient Terra. I could hide and ignore them back… where I was before."
"Even if you want to hide them, it's not a good idea to ignore the care of your wings. They’ll drop more feathers and itch more." Lenora says bluntly. Her heart strings are tugged a little at how likely this Mer-Astartes hasn't had someone to teach him how to take care of his wings.
He likely doesn't have a flock and he seems twitchy enough. And while he'd huffed and fluffed his bedraggled wings at her, the Mer-Astartes hadn't made a threatening or dangerous move towards her. Had even shuffled away and flinched from her occasionally, which had worried her even more at his reactions.
"I can help you by teaching you how to take care of your wings," She offers.
"Why?" Jophiel asks her honestly confused on why a stranger would help him with his greatest source of shame.
"Because to me, you seem like a lost fledgling who’s afraid of his own wings and doesn’t know what to do with them. Our wings are a point of pride for us harpies." She says, "My name is Lenora. What is your name?"
"… My name is Jophiel," Jophiel states after internally debating with himself if he should answer or try to ignore the strange harpy. He doesn’t deny that his wings are… something that he dislikes. “I’m not a Fledgling! I’m… old enough?”
He tries to count how old he is, the Mechanicus only counts the milestones of their training and how well they did and what their next milestone in training is. Also- once they had been taken to their Chapters to be trained, he’d been an Aspirant, and had recently graduated to being a Scout, not quite a full battle brother yet, before he’d come to Ancient Terra. He doesn’t have even one temple-bolt that denotes he’s survived 50 years in service yet.
"It's nice to meet you, Jophiel." She says, giving him an encouraging smile, still laughing in the back of her mind. Not a fledgling, indeed… she was sure Erriox would agree with her. 
Lenora slowly goes over how to properly take care of his wings when she realizes, with his half aquatic form, that her cousins, the Gannet harpies, were better suited to help him properly take care of his wings and teach him how to use them to swim. They look dreadfully soaked and from the way they almost hang limply from his form, terribly heavy. She carefully, and slowly teaches him how to keep his wings neat and healthy.
How to have the oils coat his feathers. It takes more than one day to help him get his feathers back into their full glory. Bright white wings that are absolutely massive but are reasonably sized for his body frame. She slowly got to know him over the next several weeks, but it took some time before he agreed to her invitation to visit her gannet cousins with her to learn to swim with his wings. Lenora couldn’t help but laugh at the poor mer being cooed and fussed over by the gregarious gannet harpies. Poor Jophiel couldn’t even muster a protest about not being a fledgling then, blushing over all their attention on him. While he is thankful to have learned how to properly waterproof and use his wings in the ocean, leading to more successful hunts, he was reluctant to visit the gannet harpies again. The attention was just too much!
One of the times that she'd been helping him with the parts of his wings that no matter how you stretch and twist, can't get without help from another set of hands she notices something that has her heart clench a little. He's got venomous spines- that remind her of her beloved mate- Erriox. Who she's spoken of in bits and pieces to Jophiel about. She also notices that he's not entirely black and red. He occasionally got spots of gray and yellow striping that reminded her of Erriox and she wondered… She'll have to ask Erriox if he knows if hybridization between mer-astartes pods is possible or not.
She’s at the nest she shares with her mate, it had been a few weeks since she’d met Jophiel. Erriox had been off on a Hunt with his shoal, and he said that he’d be back at around this time, unless something waylaid him. She is happy to see him as he comes home and greets Erriox enthusiastically as he swims over to wrap his arms around her. His smile fades somewhat as he smells a strange Astartes on her and it has his venomous spines puffing up.
“Have you met someone new recently?” Erriox asks her his eyes flashing with emotions, too quickly for her to recognize. 
“Yes- I know that you don’t like talking about your brothers or cousins much,” She starts, “But can Astartes have wings?”
“Wings?” His first thought was of some chaos mers, who’s mutations can have wings, but even that is a rare occurrence.
“Large, white, looks like Angel wings?” She says promptly, “Blonde hair, red eyes, large frame. Doesn’t have Chaos Mutations.”
His hearts start to beat faster. White angel wings? Blonde hair and red eyes? What was the primarch of the Blood Angels doing here on Ancient Terra? Would this mean that his own gene-father would be here too? If he was, he would have to hide Lenora elsewhere. Somewhere safer... No! he can’t have what happened in Olympia happen here too, not with Lenora at stake. He won’t go through such Hell again, there was much more to lose this time.
As far as he and any of his brothers and cousins are aware of, none of the Primarchs have shown up on Ancient Terra before. If this is the first of them arriving it would mean Big Changes. And which part of the timeline is he from? Before or during the Heresy? He needs more information. At least she met one of the more base-line friendly Primarchs. He shudders to think what would have happened if she had met one of the less friendly ones.
Erriox grasped the harpy firmly, shaking her a little, “You met the Blood Angel primarch? Sanguinius?”
“Primarch?” She parrots, confused, “No? His name’s Jophiel. He says he’s a Primaris Marine, whatever that is?”
“Oh.” Panic over. The Iron Warrior mer lets out a sigh of relief and nuzzles the harpy to apologize for his overreaction.
“Your reaction explains why he tries to hide his wings,” Lenora says lightly. “What’s a Primarch?”
She nuzzles into Erroix, trying to help the mer calm down. Wordlessly accepting his apology by nuzzling him more in return. She had noticed the way he’d started to panic. If that was the reaction that poor Jophiel got from others, it’s no wonder he’d been so scared of his own wings at first. 
“A Primarch is the gene-father of each Astartes legion. We Astartes are their sons, not by blood, but by the gene-seed that are implanted within us. The Primarchs are the source of that gene-seed.” he explained, “Not all primarchs are… safe to be around, and that includes my own gene-father.”
Lenora understood then why the mer started to panic.
Erriox quickly changed topics, “Primaris marine? That’s what you said that Jophiel was?”
“Yes, that is what he called himself,” She replies. “What does ‘Primaris Marine’ mean to you?”
She allows the change in topics for now, she’ll try to ask him later, or try to bring it up with Jophiel. Lenora knows that some people shouldn’t be parents, and the results of them having children, have the chicks suffer. All chicks deserve to have good parents, but not all who become parents should have chicks. She gently squeezes one of Erroix’s hands. He squeezes back. 
“I have heard of primaris marines in passing. They are supposedly larger, stronger and faster than any of us First-born are. Of the few that have been here, it is said they are chimeric with multiple legions’ gene-seed implanted in them.” A slight bitterness flows through the mer, are the first-born not good enough that they now have to mix the gene-seed of multiple legions? At the same time, given what he had learned about Horus’ betrayal and the chaos it sowed, it made sense that the Imperium needed to make more Astartes and have them more enhanced in order to fight against Chaos. Erriox couldn’t deny that he was curious about this Jophiel though.
“From what Jophiel has said and not-said, he’s been avoiding other Astartes Mer since his arrival because his ‘psyker illusions’ aren’t working to hide his wings… whatever that means,” Lenora listens to Erroix speak about what he knows. Noticing the faint sting of hurt and bitterness, she leans into him a little to help ground him. “Did you want to meet Jophiel? He seems like a kind mer, if just a bit shy” 
Erriox hums appreciatively at her, “Perhaps next time you meet him. I will come as well.” 
“He’s not talked about any of the local Astartes shoals… So I don’t think he’s interacted with them yet.” She nods in agreement at that, “I’m going to be visiting him in a couple of days. He’s off hunting with some of my gannet cousins. While he’s a bit intimidated by the attention they give him, he does seem a lot happier after he’s been off on a hunt with them.”
It worries her that Jophiel’s so isolated a lot of the time, she knows that some species are more content being on their own than others. But, she can tell he’s a social fledgling-mer. She’s glad that Erriox is back though, she’s missed him, and would like to introduce him to Jophiel. She hopes that it will be good for both of them. Perhaps Erriox might convince Jophiel that the local astartes pods aren’t so scary and to join one?
Erriox lets out a bark of laughter, having met the gannet harpies before, “Your cousins can be a lot to take in.”
“Only sometimes,” She said with a short laugh. “They mean well… They also call Jophiel my son.”
She looks at him carefully at that. Over the time she’d gotten to know Jophiel, she’d grown fond of the fledgling. She’d started to harbor maternal feelings for him, but hadn’t said anything about that to young mer, because she had wanted to talk to Erriox about him, and have the pair of them meet. Rather than spring a ‘surprise I adopted your younger cousin’ on him. After all, if she did adopt someone, she’d like to have her mate’s knowledge and approval beforehand, and have them know, and hopefully like each other before such a thing. It is highly unlikely for the two of them to be able to have children the traditional way. Adoption is a valid option, should they talk about it in depth and agree on it. Besides, Lenora had spotted some of the Iron Warrior venomous spines and faint coloration, among some personality traits that reminded her of her beloved Erriox. Especially now that she knows that Primaris Marines have more than one ‘gene-seed’ that perhaps… he’s got some Iron Warrior in him as well as Blood Angel?
“Son?” Erriox teases her, “You have to stop picking up lost fledglings, love.” Not that he minds, as long as it made his harpy happy, he supposes. 
“You should talk!” Lenora retorts playfully, “You’re the one who found the last one!”
Ignoring her remark, the mer smirks and nuzzles into her neck, “Or perhaps you are feeling broody and need to be taken care of…” 
Lenora squawks and laughs when Erriox suddenly picks her up, tosses her into their nest, and pounces in immediately after. 
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kit-williams · 19 days
Controversial Mermay Opinion
So I got struck with this as I've just been playing around with what the Primarchs (Pri-mer-chs) would be and Sanguinius... our lovely fabulous hawk boy.
See that's the problem he is so tied to his wings that it makes picking a fish HARD for him and his sons since they have that Vampire and Angel motif. A very heavy sky motif... so what would be a way to give him what he deserves... to not be tethered to his trope.
To bind him to another
Might I propose this... his motif relies on the heavens and to some degree fire/the sun you force his motifs to be the abyss and the water/the dark
I makes sense to me! Because he is so inherently tied to his wings of being near divine in appearance that you have to make him near divine in this too. Of course, he will still be beautiful and easily bound to his hunger not much has to actually change about Sanguinius just I had to fundamentally remove him from his wings and what better way then to make him something fundamentally OTHER.
Still have the glittering golden locks... still be kind... still hungers for blood... still Sanguinius more or less... just don't ask another person what his tail was... don't question how he swims through the water as if it was air or even not there... just don't question... he can hear you think... your thoughts are so loud...
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bleedingichorhearts · 10 days
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲: 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐬 (𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓)
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: The terminal for the horny plane is here.
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𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets(I test it), @bispecsual(I must think of it now), @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
TW // SMUT, Biting/Marking, Breeding/Ovi (what do you expect from a fish man?), Cervix, Yandere Themes.
“𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙘” will be used as translation language for high gothic and others.
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To be transformed into a creature of the sea was… quite the experience. Not painful, it’s on the more… pleasurable side. Talon-like hands clawing at each other’s scales, new and old. One desperate, the other shocked at the amount of things that just happened within the span of 6 hours.
To be truthful, it did hurt at the beginning. Waking up to an ache in your spine is not the best way to wake up. Nor was seeing that your legs have been turned into a fish tail and have become much smaller than Amadeus who “helped” the entire process. His own snow white tail wrapping around my own. His fangs skimming the skin of my neck, kissing there and atop of my breast that partially grew scales on them like a form of protection.
If I wasn’t so frozen at so many things happening at once. I would have probably panicked in this new body of mine. This… transformation should be impossible! To have never happened! What happened to me that made me this way? To make me a creature like him?
Amadeus purrs into my neck when he exposes it by gently pulling my hair back in his talons. His tongue lathering my skin in his saliva where he wants to bite, occasionally nibbling it.
“Such a pretty thing you have become.” He mumbles, his other hand carefully tracing my scales down my tail. Sometimes teasingly rubbing underneath one, sending jolts of overstimulation through my new body. My hands immediately grasping at his shoulders, a tiny whimper leaving me as he inhales deeply at my neck, a curse of his language leaving him.
“Let me ease your troubles, vita mea(my life.)” He rumbles, vibrating the waters around me. A cry escaping me when he suddenly pushes his fingers through a certain slit near my waist. My waist bucking onto them at the shock of it filling me, gaining a shocking discovery the transformation still allowed feminine parts.
“Amadeus…” I managed to whine at the creature who thought it was a good idea to initiate a mating session while I was trying to comprehend this new change. My nerves hypersensitive at the moment to accommodate the change.
Amadeus simply chuckles into my neck, enjoying how my blood rushes through my veins while he slowly pumps his fingers into my fluttering walls. Dragging and curling them almost painfully against the more delicate spots. My “airway” choking on the water around me, burning my throat as I cum rather quickly on his fingers. My walls clamping around his fingers, threatening to pull him back in.
Despite the quick and embarrassing high, Amadeus was purring at the sight. His head lifted up from her neck to look at the climax the spread into the water. His blood red eyes admiring everything before him, not missing how she curled into him. Twitched when he slipped a finger underneath her small, fragile scales that were the most sensitive. Watching how they shift and gleam under the bioluminescence light of his nest making her glow with blue radiancy.
Throne, her over sensitivity will make this process easy, but very pleasurable. Her blood will hype up his nerves as well. Not as strong as what she was feeling, but it’s all the better to get her quickly nested than having to chase her down as soon as she figures out how to move like him. He will be able to track her down more easily once their bodies connect more intimately.
Pulling her hair back more. His lips give a few wet kisses to her neck, just below and above her jugular. His tail wrapping more around hers like a snake, pressing his body flush against hers, enjoying how small she was against him, unable to fight him off. His scales rubbing up against her own sensitive ones, some locking together as he feels her cry out to him with his tongue in her mouth. Her pretty little eyes looking up at him, glazed with pleasured tears and some confusion.
“𝙎𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙖 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚.” He grins switching his kisses back to her neck, speaking in an entirely different language. One of not his usual Romanian. “𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪’𝙡𝙡 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙, 𝙈𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙙.”
His eyes carefully watch of her face contorts into one of uncomfortable shock. Her eyebrows rising up, her eyes closed as her mouth opens in a ‘o’ shape. The feeling of his cock sliding out between his slit and into hers probably too much for her to bare.
He shivers when he feels himself sitting perfectly in place inside of her walls that hugs his tentacle-like cock, his tip gently prodding at her cervix. His nose coming back to nuzzle at her exposed neck, his mouth finally opening in the process to finalize his decision to drink her lifeline, to have a boosted pleasure. His fangs piercing her soft skin while he times his thrusts with each sip her takes from his little life.
He groans after each thrust and cry that rips from her throat. Her own hands clawing at him, digging into his scales with no regard of his tolerance. Not that he minds, no. He can feel how it affects him. How it makes him want to process his clutch through her womb right there, right now, but she wasn’t ready, her walls too tight for them to push through.
Oooooh, but it gets harder and harder not to with each high he rings out of her. Her walls continuously gripping at his cock, dragging him back into her needy core. Her climax ringing around his cock and running down and between his scales.
He doesn’t think he can stop himself to open her walls up for his clutch a bit more. His movement becoming more and more erratic with each bloody sip he gains from his little life. Her new transfusion of blood having a lot more effect to him than he had originally thought.
He eventually abandoned the act to feed as he pulls off his feeding spot on her neck, her blood flowing through the water as he makes a readjustment to latch onto her shoulder instead. His thrusts deep and quick as he yearns to fill her up with his clutch. Her cry’s of overstimulation not helping him nor her to stop his frantic thrusts into her fluttering walls.
He growls when she screeches at him, her claws digging into his scales, giving him a mark on his shoulder as he thrusted a bit harder than intended. Not liking the attitude she had given him in that split second of mating.
Her body freezes up on him. Her tail unconsciously wrapping around his own as he purrs in satisfaction. His eyes closing in content as his cock pluses with the intention of storing new life in another. His hand moving from her hair to hug her closer as he unlatches himself from her shoulder, licking at it to close the wound.
The first clutch pushes up against her cervix as she whines at him. Wrapping her arms around his torso the best should could, nuzzling into his chest while he rumbles praises and affirmations towards her. Vibrating the waters in a pleasing way as he gives a thrust to pop the clutch through her cervix and into her womb. A cry greeting his ears.
He gently pats her head and traces his talons through her hair in immediate response. The urge to comfort his mate strong. Yet he still has more eggs waiting, pushing to be deposited. He can’t back out now.
He try’s his best to fall back into the main part of his nest, gaining a snarl and a whine from his little life making him freeze up for a moment. Watching her as she nuzzles back into his chest, still trying to accommodate everything that has happed while taking his clutch.
He quietly coos, his talons coming forward to hesitantly message her scales. Another mix of purrs, growls and whine escaping her. His instincts telling him to stay right were he his, to not move a muscle.
So he doesn’t, obeying her primal command. Watching how her stomach grows with each egg deposited into her womb. Her nose nuzzling into him as she starts to purr herself.
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egrets-not-regrets · 9 days
Mermay: Stay
Erriox (Iron Warrior mer) finds a wounded Lenora (osprey harpy) seeking shelter at his nest to recover from her injuries. Luckily, he was already well prepared.
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Author's Note: Not my original planned story for Mermay. So in this world, the Astartes are mermen and named humans are now harpies.
Thanks to @saradika-graphics and @squishyowl for the fic dividers!
OCs: Erriox (Iron Warrior); Lenora
Tagged: @shadowfirecat, @kit-williams, @bleedingichorhearts, @barn-anon, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual, @ms--lobotomy
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She flew on, trying to breath in regular measures and ignore the pain and aches from her body wounds. It was difficult as stabbing pain struck in sharp bursts with each flap of her punctured right wing. Lenora roughly shook her head, trying to get rid of the tears leaking from her eyes. Her pride hurt more. She just lost her nest and territory to some brazen bald eagle harpy. Though she put up a good battle, in the end, the bald eagle chased her off, herself barely escaping from more serious wounds. 
Bless the SkyMother! The osprey harpy nearly cried with relief as a familiar cave near the base of Steelix Cliff came into view; that cave belonging to the Iron Warrior merAstartes, Erriox. 
Manoeuvring to get into the cave was a different story. On any other day, it wouldn’t have been a problem, but it was proving to be more difficult with her wounds and increasing exhaustion. All was going well until she neared the cave mouth. Her right wing faltered in the last flap, causing the osprey harpy to crash into the bottom lip of the cave and into the water. Lenora let out a burst of shrill, whistled curses in angry frustration as her claws and talons scrabbled for purchase on the slippery rock, feeling her wounds sting harshly from the seawater. Finally, her talons were able to dig into the rock face and she slowly and painfully dragged herself into the cave entrance before collapsing in a flat, unhappy pancake of waterlogged feathers. 
Lenora eventually stood up and shook herself off, ruffling and puffing out her feathers to get as much air between them to dry out and build back some warmth around her body. Once she felt she was sufficiently dried, the harpy stalked past the secondary underwater entrance and crawled into the nest at the end of the cave, her path lit by the bioluminescent algae that grew on the walls. 
It was a large nest shaped from the rock within the cave, lined with sticks, twigs, grasses and seaweed, feathers and cloth, and decorated with an assortment of collected items. Whatever was embedded in the rock base or within the sticks and twigs of the nest emitted heat, making it surprisingly comfortable and warm despite the dampness of the cave. Lenora knew that was Erriox’s doing. She didn’t know how he made it happen, but she guessed it must have been some sort of clever Iron Warrior mer-magic and engineering. Erriox who did most of the nest-building first, after all. He had welcomed her to bring materials to make the nest more comfortable as he let her stay over when the storms and seas turned too rough to make the flight home. 
In harpy culture, nest-building and sharing were gestures that could be considered a courting gift. Lenora had thought about asking Erriox about it, wondering if it was similar in merAstartes culture as well. Even though the Iron Warrior mer never outright said it, the stoic mer had always been surprisingly kind to her ever since their temporary alliance in taking down the group of kin-stealing human poachers. If he indeed intended for it as part of courtship, she would probably not say no, Lenora mused. 
The harpy breathed sharply as the aches and pains from her injuries came back with a vengeance. At least the bleeding had either slowed down or stopped. Lenora plucked out some down feathers from her body; and wincing, she stuffed them into the still bleeding puncture wounds. Harpy down feathers, at least for their own kind, acted as a coagulant and an effective healing factor when working in conjunction with their own healing potions. Unfortunately for Lenora, she had lost her pack of potions and herbs during her territorial battle with the eagle harpy, so her own down had to do for now. She then tore off two strips of cloth and bandaged her deep punctures, one on her wing and one on her leg. Once completed, the osprey harpy sighed and focused on breathing evenly and ignore the pain as she adjusted her injured body to settle into the nest more comfortably. She just needed rest to let the wounds mend. When she wakes up, she’ll go fishing for food, Lenora decided as she closed her eyes. 
Erriox knew something was wrong he when returned to his nest from his hunting trip with his brothers. Why were there traces of Lenora’s blood in the water? He quickly swam through the underwater entrance and into the cave, alarm bells tripping in his head as the scent of his osprey harpy’s blood became stronger and heavier. Erriox spotted her familiar brown form in their nest, her right wing flopped over the edge. The MerAstartes quickly made his way to his injured harpy’s side. Seething anger rose as his eyes roved over the gouges in her back and the soaked bandage on her right wing. 
She woke up with a start, ready to buffet the offender with a wing slap. Only to relax when she realized it was the Iron Warrior mer. 
“Erriox? Thank the Skymother, it’s you.” Lenora sighed with relief. 
“Who did this to you?” The merAstartes growled menacingly, his venomous dorsal spines raised in anger and agitation. 
Lenora trilled softly, trying placate the irritated mer, “It was only a territorial scuffle…”
“I asked for who, not how.” He demanded. 
“I lost my nest and territory to a bald eagle harpy.” She replied, her voice sullen, “I know what you’re going to say: that nest was too open, too vulnerable.” Her voice lowered as she turned her head away from him with shame. 
“I was not going to say that. Don’t put words in my mouth.” He stated tersely. 
“Sorry.” The harpy mumbled, tucking her head under her wing, feeling even more miserable than before. 
The mer’s gaze softened as he off his helm before reaching in and tilting her chin to face him again, “Look at me, Lenora... I may have said that before, but it is irrelevant now. Let me help with your wounds as you have helped with mine.” His gauntleted hand cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking her facial feathers as he crooned. The mer pressed his forehead against hers in a comforting gesture. Lenora pressed back against him, nuzzling him in return. Erriox purred, deep and reassuring. 
“You’re back and wing are not the only place that’s wounded. Sit up and let me see your front.” The mer commanded. 
“You’re correct.” Lenora replied as she slowly sat up, revealing the deep puncture wounds on her thigh and by her right shoulder. Two other sets of  deep cuts marred her front: three long cuts clawed diagonally from her right shoulder to her left breast; the other cut across her collarbone, coming dangerously close to her vulnerable throat. The thick feathers in the area were stained rust and grey from the dried and watered down blood. The Iron Warrior’s yellow and black striped fins flared as he examined the extent of her injuries. 
“They should have mostly stopped bleeding now. Except for the deeper ones.” She explained quietly, “It’s not as bad as it looks anymore.”
Erriox begged to differ, “Where are your healing potions?” He asked sternly. 
“They were lost during the fight.”
The mer opened a nearby chest and pulled out a bottle of glowing orange liquid, “I do not have anything specific to harpies, but I’ve seen this healing potion applied to other creatures with no ill effects. I can use it on you if you are willing.”
“Let’s try it.” Lenora agreed as she laid down on her front, exposing her back again, “There are some shallow cuts there you can test it on.”
 The Iron Warrior mer looked at the mess of scratches and blood-matted feathers on her back. He took off his gauntlets, then closely examined her wounds, lifting matted feathers every now and then, “This healing potion is topical rather than something you drink. Your feathers will block the way.”
Lenora nodded, “You can go ahead and pluck out the feathers around my wounds. As long as they are plucked out cleanly, they will grow back. If you see any of the fluffy down feathers that can be salvaged, could you put them aside please?” 
Erriox paused, he knew that doing something like this was considered an intimate gesture among harpyfolk and was generally reserved for their close kin, friends and lovers. The only exception for strangers taking part in feather and wound care rituals were healers. Especially while a harpy was this vulnerable. The mer felt like he needed to be sure of her consent before he proceeded. 
“You trust me?” He asked.
Her bright yellow eyes met his metallic amber gaze, “I trust you. And I have not been wrong in that yet.”
Those sincere words in her reply settled deeply in his hearts. She trusted him. Erriox never thought much of it during their interactions up until now. After their temporary alliance, Lenora chose to continue to interact with him: mostly seeking him out to trade materials at first. There were some things in the ocean that were too difficult for her to acquire for obvious reasons and other materials he desired but were too far inland or too near major settlements to make the trouble worth it. From there, they just naturally spent more time together: from trading labour and information to trading stories and meals. Trust had never been an issue between them… maybe except for the time they first met, when Erriox nearly drowned the osprey harpy. But to hear her say it,… those words held significant weight. 
“Then I hope I will never prove you wrong.” Erriox solemnly replied. 
Lenora smiled at him fondly, “I know.” Sometimes that merAstartes was too serious for his own good.
The mer’s hands diligently and patiently plucked the feathers around her wounds. Matted, bloodied and damaged feathers were discarded into a container, any salvageable down feathers were reserved in another. Erriox started to understand why these kinds of rituals were reserved for a harpy’s close and trusted ones as he watched Lenora doze off and her muscles relax. His prey, sleeping so peacefully right under his hands; it would be so easy for him to end her right there, right now. No. He pushed those dark thoughts away as he continued in his task, slowly and surely revealing all the gouges and cuts underneath her feathers. Once that was completed, he took a damp cloth and cleaned off the dried crusted blood on her skin. Lenora woke up then, her nictating membrane moving sideways, clearing the sleep from her eyes as she blinked. 
Her back, when cleaned, was crisscrossed with a multitude of claw marks. 
“This…” Erriox glared at the sight. Whoever did this would pay. Lenora keened softly at him, breaking his angered focus. 
“Fighting over territories is common among harpykind. It’s not so much different than merAstartes battles between the different shoals and pods. Just… not as deadly.” The harpy explained. 
The mer scoffed, “Not as deadly. Your wounds, if left untreated…”
“… would eventually heal. It just takes longer.” Lenora interrupted his sentence, “I do appreciate you helping me with my injuries. Thank you. Truly.  I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it.” Erriox grumbled, still bothered by the notion of his harpy having to deal with such injuries alone. He poured some of the potion over the shallower cuts, watching flesh and skin knit together until they were nothing but thin lines. Then he poured the potion into one of the deeper cuts. Erriox frowned, it took longer for her flesh to mend those cuts, and even then there’s still an open gap. There was only a limited amount of potion, so he must ration it carefully. He made a mental note to stock more healing potions next time.  
Lenora shuddered slightly at the sting from the liquid starting to work and heal her deeper wound. Suddenly it stopped. The harpy turned her head and noticed the mer looking at the potion bottle. 
“Erriox, try lining the down feathers in my wounds and then pour a bit of the potion onto them. The down might speed up the healing process so you don’t have to use as much of it.” She said. 
He did as Lenora advised and luckily it worked as well as she had guessed. The Iron Warrior watched with fascination as the down feathers absorbed the droplets of potion before dissolving into webs weaving and growing into her flesh. Erriox repeated the process several more times before Lenora’s wounds on her back became just pale lines on her skin.
“Harpy down contains healing magic?”
“To different degrees. Yes.” The osprey harpy confirmed as she sat up and unwound the bandage on her thigh. The bleeding had already stopped and the down feathers in the puncture wounds were already dissolving. 
“For most harpykind, our down feathers acts to stop our bleeding and kickstart our healing, but even this process takes a relatively long time. Typically, we have to use our down in combination with our healing potions to make the healing process much quicker.”
He asked, curious, “How much quicker?” Passing her the potion. 
“ Thirty minutes to an hour for an injury that may take a week to naturally heal.” 
Lenora stuffed a few more down feathers inside her thigh injury, before dripping a few drops of the healing potion into them. She sighed in relief as she felt the potion work and the pain steadily faded away, “The exception are our healers and sorcerers whose own internal magic heals themselves and their feathers are naturally imbued with their own magic. They don’t require potions for assistance.”
She asked the mer who was quietly watching her, “Could you help me with these ones?” Gesturing to the wounds on the upper half of her body, “I can’t see what I am doing there.”
“Lay down on your back.” Erriox ordered. It took a few moments of awkward repositioning of her wings and tail, but eventually the osprey harpy was on her back, facing him. The merAstartes started to pluck her feathers from around her chest wounds, exposing the torn skin underneath. Doing the same as he done on her back. 
“Does harpy down work on others outside of the harpy race?”
Lenora winced as he pulled out a bunch of feathers from a rather tender spot, “It worked on you.” She answered. 
“When I found you, you were badly injured but alive. Your body was already healing your wounds, but slowly and you drying out in the sun was not helping either. So I used my healing potions and my down feathers on you, which seemed to help kick start your healing factor again and mend the slices in your tail. Magic for us is much more effective if freely given as opposed to being coerced or taken.” 
The Iron Warrior mer listened as his harpy rambled on, contemplating collecting some of Lenora’s down for his apothecary brothers. If harpy down can speed up or kick start healing like she had demonstrated, it would be a useful ingredient that he knows they would be interested in. Especially if they have a willing supplier rather than having to hunt down harpies for them. A selfish part of him wanted to keep Lenora and her magic all to himself. She was his and he had laid claim on her first after all.
“Amelia, the healer we rescued, would be much better at explaining all this.” Lenora ended. She felt the last puncture wound slowly closing once the potion dripped in. The harpy sighed in relief as she felt its effects take place, leaving behind soreness and exhaustion. But it was natural as healing also required her own body’s energy to mend itself as well. There was still a quarter of the potion left. 
“Thank you for everything, Erriox.” She smiled at the merAstartes, sitting up and stretching her wings, pleased at the lack of stabbing pain when she did so. 
“What is your plan now?” The mer asked, “Do you want your old nest uback?”
“I… haven’t thought that far beyond resting and recuperating.” Lenora confessed, “if you’ll have me, of course.” She quickly added, not wanting to overstay her welcome. 
Erriox reassured her, “You can stay as long as you want.”
She smiled at him, thankful for the mer’s allowance to use his home. The osprey harpy turned thoughtful, “I don’t… think my old territory is worth fighting over, at least my old nest isn’t. Yes, there were a few extra shoals of fish to hunt there, but I have come across other similarly productive areas in my flights. There are more options out there to explore.”
“Stay here then.” Erriox insisted, “This nest is well-protected. My shoal patrol these waters regularly, and these waters are productive. You will want for nothing here.” 
“I… ” Lenora became surprised and flustered by the generous offer, “I would love to. Thank you. I really appreciate it.” 
The Iron Warrior mer chuckled. “Stop thanking me. This nest is yours as well.” He had built the nest with Lenora in mind, after all. Hoping that one day she would stay more than just a night or two. Whether or not she knew that, Erriox had left it to chance. Now fate has seemed to play his harpy right into his hands. 
The osprey harpy looked around at some of her personal effects that decorated the nest and the cave. She laughed brightly, “I suppose you’re right.”
“In harpy culture, such generosity would be considered a courtship gift.” Lenora gently teased him. 
“What if it is?” Erriox asked her, his tone was stoic and resolute, but she heard a hint of hopefulness to it. 
“Truly?” She was struck by his fond gaze looking back at her. 
“Then I would accept.” The harpy leaned forward and opened her wings, drawing the merAstartes into a feathery embrace. Erriox slid into the nest, letting Lenora pull him close. He wrapped his arms around her, memorizing the warmth of her skin as his fingers wove beneath her feathers, chuckling when she twitched from one of his hands settling on her naked back. 
Lenora trilled happily, “I could not think of a better partner to have as my mate, regardless of how different we are.” 
A pleased purr rumbled from the mer’s chest, preening at her compliment. She nuzzled the soft part of his throat that wasn’t covered by the collar of his armour, “I don’t have much to gift you in exchange, but as a start, you can keep my down feathers. It’s yours to do as you wish. You deserve them.”
“That is more than a generous exchange, my harpy. Do not think so little of it.” Erriox rumbled, his lips brushing against Lenora’s before kissing her deeply. She sighed into his kiss, relaxed and content.
“Did you leave behind anything of importance in your old nest?” He murmured against her lips. 
She gave him a quick peck, crooning, “Nothing that cannot be replaced. Please don’t worry about it.”
“Will you be staying the night?” Lenora then asked, tucking herself against his armoured chest, one long wing draped over his body. Instinctively, he laid his tail over her legs and covered her hip with his large pectoral fin, being mindful of his venomous spines. 
Erriox nosed her feathered crown affectionately, “Only for a while. Then I will head out on another mission.” 
She hummed thoughtfully and pressed her lips to his throat again, “Be careful.”
“I will. Now sleep and recuperate, Lenora.” 
Erriox watched and waited until the osprey harpy fell into a deep slumber. He then extricated himself from her, donned the rest of his armour, and silently dove back into the sea via the underwater entrance. 
He had an eagle harpy’s nest to visit and some belongings to recover. 
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 15 days
Child of the Sea, Child of the Land (Oops all Mythicals!)
Edit 2: Tis Finished! ENJOY!!!
Edit: Tumblr did it again dammit don't read yet its not finished!
Oops! All Mythical edition, and as a regular story instead of a poem!
Featuring a saytr reader with a posterior of a horse. Reader is a literal horses ass. And a human torso. But they're very pleasant otherwise. Why not a centaur? Cause Satyrs need more love!
Also a cameo from Lenora and Erriox who are ocs from @egrets-not-regrets ! They're great check our their stuff!
Warning: Flirting, Abrupt proposal that Kinda equates to marriage, violence, threats of getting eaten, descriptions of blinding, the word Whore, description of burning.
Notes: The mythical creatures are the humans of this world they can own other animals who are still just animals. No weird inter species stuff going on. The mythical creatures with human features just exist, as do the regular animals.
Tag: @kit-williams @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Long ago in a world not unlike our own, their lived vast communities of strange and wonderful creatures.
There were the harpies that patrolled the skys, hunting and chorusing with their fellows. Each taking after the bird that shared their features in form and function.
There were the land dwellers, who tilled the soil, and raised the creatures of their farms to suit their needs. They came in many shapes and variances of limbs.
A centaur with the body of an Elephant who watched over the inland waterways, a drider who wove fine their silks in clothing, and most commonly, those land folk who we would call saytrs.
But more than deer or goats, they walked and ran with a plethora of mammalian hindquarters.
It is in this group we find, a very dutiful satyr. Their hind quarters were strong, resembling a horse, but enchanting with their feathered ends that contrasted their complexion.
Each day they tended to their farm, alongside their parents. With love and care and only Occasional outbursts of frustration.
"Oh Dammit!"
"Um...sorry?" They snorted before grabbing a drying towel to mop the wet from their legs.
Anyway! However devoted...and dampened, this particular land dweller was, they did their work with a smile. For it truly brought them joy.
"Fucking Dammit! Get back here!"
Languag- Oh Nevermind!
You got ahold of the wayward gelding before he could cause even More damage than he already had.
"Honestly Gemstone," You sighed, leading him back to his pen. You'd need a new chain...and a new fence panel.
The idiot had knocked the whole setup over trying to reach for a bit of graze on the other side.
You sighed heavily, another log to the pile. "What am I supposed to do with you huh?" You asked the rhetorical, as you tied Gemstone off to the side.
Huffing, you hefted a less destroyed panel over, followed by dismantling the first, fetching a new chain, and finally setting everything back together to your satisfaction.
You glanced back at the offending party.
"Well? Got anything to say for yourself?"
The gelding's dark eyes simply staired back. Before he slipped his tongue out and followed that up with a huge Yaaaaaaaawn.
Your serious facade broke. "Pfft! Ha..." You sighed, gently taking his head again and scratching his face the way he liked. "Guess I can't stay mad at you. Even if you are a silly bugger bear! Silly Silly bugoo be-wawr!" You cooed before returning him to his place.
"And stay there! Goofball." You shook your head and smiled, as your mother approached.
"That old fence panel finally gave up the ghost huh?" She asked, walking over.
You snorted, not unlike the horses you shared features with. "Yep, had to redo it." You huffed. "Cause somebody was a greedy Fart!" You scolded the horse again.
Gemstone simply went on munching his hay, unbothered.
Your mother chuckled, "Well it seems you've got this well in hand," She surmised, before handing you a bundle and a pitcher.
"Hm?" You took it, smelling something delightful.
"Your favorite," Your mother explained. "And some lemonade to help you stay hydrated. Go ahead and eat your lunch."
"Awww, thanks mom."
"You've more than earned it sweetie. mwah." She replied, with a kiss on your cheek, before walking back to your cottage.
As you watched her go, you felt an odd twisting in your heart.
"Her next birthday is pretty soon." You spoke, to no one in particular, maybe Gemstone could listen to your thoughts.
"I want to get her something special. I still remember when she showed me her collections of shells." You mused. "Some of those are even older than me..."
Your mother Loved the beach, and the ocean, after all she was born and raised with it practically next door. She'd spend hours at your age combing the beach for shells and sea glass.
But now...now it was so much more difficult for her. Between age and farm work, you couldn't even remember the last time You went swimming, let alone to the oceanside.
But...if your idea worked out, you'd be able to present her with a beautiful gift! A genuine piece of coral, and one in her favorite color no less!
There's was just one...small issue. Even at your best, you would not be able to dive long enough to retrieve it.
And even with your strength, you doubted you could break a piece from a creature that was more or less living rock.
And even if you Could, you'd run the risk of offending....one of them.
You felt a shiver pass through you.
Ah yes, the third and final group of this strange world's denizens. And by far the Most dangerous.
The sea folk.
Among their numbers were your typical mermaids, selkies, even the occasional crustacean-kin. Those honestly weren't frightening at all, no more so than any other stranger would be you mean.
But the most dangerous, most deadly, and most mysterious beings of the ocean, were those known as The Mer Astartes.
Armored, huge, stoic and nearly unknowable...but not completely.
Word was they Could be propositioned, for the right price.
That problem being that price, or rather the nature of the payment, varied Wildly depending on what mer you managed to contact.
You could end up trading something as banal as some land food items, to being demanded your own severed foreleg.
Again you shuddered.
But you would not be deterred! After all you knew where to gathe all the necessary ingredients. Those would be easy.
Well...all but...one.
As you sat beneath the shade of a tree, you gathered your long, luxurious tail into your lap.
The hair was wirey, strong, but well kept. It was a matter of pride for horse folk like yourself.
With the seasons changing, and biting flies soon to be a factor, you didn't want any of your precious equines to go without.
Besides...well kept satyr tail hair would be seen as more valuable...you hoped.
You turned your gaze toward the sea, though you could not see it. With your anticipation you could almost catch the faintest hint of salt brine.
You hoped the objects you would gather would be enough.
You hoped the old stories about the merfolk's preferences were true.
You sighed. "Another log to the pile..." You mumbled.
You left your tail unchanged for now. You didn't want your mother noticing.
You finished your lunch and the days work, and turned in early. You had a long day ahead of you.
The port city was Bustling with activity, even as early as you had set out.
You'd let your parents know you'd be away running errands, and the farm had another of your village's neighbors looking after it today.
Meaning you could focus solely on your task.
The crowds of different animal folk buzzed about with purpose.
Ox and cattle folk carrying Huge burdens, and drawing carts through the city streets.
Harpies of many kinds, flitting and squawking their trade and barter above in the open air and in the air market.
Like the Vulture and Eagle harpies displaying a variety of bone trinkets, and dried salted meats.
Hummingbird harpies tending to and selling flowers.
A hippo centaur carrying water with its little calf following close behind.
But you had two particular items in mind. And you wanted Prime quality for the task at hand.
You surveyed with not just your eyes, but your sharp nose as well, until-
"Oysters!" A voice cried out. "Fresh fish and oysters! Caught only this morning!"
You approached the calls, and what greeted you was an Osprey harpy. The bird woman stood behind a stall filled with fish and other marine delicacies.
"Greetings and welcome! Please have a look at our wares." She entreated as you approached.
"Hello," You replied, scanning over the offerings.
Mussels of various sizes were displayed in boxes filled with clear salt water. And many dried salted fish hung in bundles around the stall.
Plenty to chose from!
Maybe...too many.
Well, this might be harder than you first thought.
What type of Oyster and Fish Skin would most appeal to a mer Astarte?
"Something on your mind dear?"
You were woke from your thoughts by the Osprey women, the experienced seller clearly seeing your hesitation.
"Ah well..." You felt awkward, not sure how to explain your reasoning for Needing these things.
"You see...I need an Oyster and some fish skin, but I'm not sure what particular..."
"You're trying to contact an Astarte?"
You froze before stammering over your words. "How did- I mean no- I."
The Osprey harpy smiled and held up one of her taloned hands. "It's alright dear, you're not the first to go snooping for things based on the old stories."
You relaxed a bit.
Only for her demeanor to become strict. "You're not trying to lure one in to poach it are you?"
Poach an Astarte?
On your own!?
"Pffffffft! Ha!" You couldn't help the outburst, only to see the Osprey's face was still serious.
You quickly tamped down your laughter. "Oh ah, sorry no. No no no, I need to ask one for help you see."
The harpy's posture immediately relaxed. "Oh?"
"Mmhm," You nodded before retrieving a piece of parchment from your satchel.
"I want to give my mother a piece of this coral." You explained, showing the image and information you'd copied from a book.
The Osprey looked over the image, examining it closely. "This Coral..."
"Is only found in the waters controlled by the mer astartes, I know." You completed her thought, returning the page to your bag.
"I know it's risky...but my mother hasn't gotten to see the ocean in so long, and it's hard for her to make the journey." You explained. "I was hoping I could bring a small part of the ocean to her."
The osprey harpy's gaze softened, clearly moved by your wish. She seemed to be mulling over her next words.
"Well...I think I can help you. At least a little bit."
You perked up.
The Osprey pulled up something from behind the counter, and laid it down so you could view it.
It was a map of the port city and nearby shorelines.
"Your best bet is to go here." She explained, pointing to a particular spot.
The name scrawled across the parchment stared back at you.
Fire Drake Shore
You paused for a moment. "Why there exactly?"
The Osprey smiled wryly. "You'll have the best chance finding someone willing to help with your quest."
"Really!?" You asked excitedly, the Osprey nodded.
"But," Your joy was interrupted buy the harpy's shift in tone back to serious. "You Must go during the day, and stay no later than sunset." She explained further. "Different mers are more active at different times of the day. You might end up contacting something far more dangerous if you don't heed these warnings."
You nodded, letting the words sink in. "Fire Drake Shore, during the day, no later than sunset. Got it!"
"Alright," The Osprey once again relaxed, placing her clawed hands on her hips. "Now, how's about I get you set up with a proper oyster and the finest shimmering pickled fish skin." She crowed, reaching into the oyster box and for her knife. "I'll even give you a discount!"
"Really? You don't have to-"
"Think about it as being for your mother." The Osprey said, gathering your purchased items together.
Well...you supposed you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thank you, thank you so much! Um...what is your name?"
The Osprey woman smiled. "It's Lenora, sweetie."
"Well...thank you so much Lenora!" You said gratefully as you payed.
Once your items were secure, you bid Lenora the Osprey woman farewell, as you excitedly made your way to Fire Drake Shore.
As she watched you leave, the Osprey harpy felt happy, but still a little concerned.
"I wish I could've helped you more." Unbeknowst to most, Lenora had...a certain relationship with a mer astarte she'd helped by chance.
Had he not been on an extended hunting trip Erriox could have been convinced to help. He'd have grumbled and groused, but he'd have done it. Maybe even would have smiled at the adorable Horse folk getting to give their mother a beautiful gift, before acting like it didn't affect him at all.
The Osprey harpy smiled at the thought of her companions rough, but sweet demeanor. But as her thoughts went on she found herself troubled.
Fire Drake Shore was the best place that Horse saytr could go...but even there wasn't completely safe.
She hoped things would work out.
By the stars, and the ancient mothers, she hoped it would work out.
The crashing of waves, and salty brine met your ears and nose as you approached the shoreline.
Fire Drake Shore...
You're not sure why it was named such, nothing about it spoke to you as very...fire drakey.
But as your approached the gently rolling waves, and breathed in the salty air, you couldn't deny this place was beautiful!
Serene, and yet lively. With the call of gulls in the air, you made your way down to the water.
You stood before the waves, watching as their reach came just far enough to touch your hooves.
And for a moment, you gave yourself permission to just...enjoy the present.
The way the water would run up the sand, before seeming to vanish and melt into the beach as it receded. The salty brine that filled your nose and lungs. The way the water stretched so far out it was nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the sky began.
But you couldn't dwell on that for much longer. There was...something else that had to be done.
One more piece to prepare...or rather two.
You gathered a chunk, about one third of you precious tail, into one hand. With your other, you took out a knife.
It wasn't even all of it...but the piece would be noticeable in its absence.
But it Would grow back. And the struggle would be worth it, it would all be worth it.
With careful precision, you began to cut through the strands of your own tail.
Snip, by snip, broken severed hair, by severed hair. You winced, but did not falter until at last you held the separated hair in you hand.
"No turning back now." You muttered, pulling out the oyster and fish skin.
You used your knife again, plunging it into the gap of the oyster and carving it open. Then, you sprinkled a bit of vinegar into the gap from a small flask you'd bought.
But rather than use your knife for the final ingredient, you chose a less painful method.
You'd intentionally let your lips become chapped and plucked and picked at the dry skin until you tasted Iron.
You carefully wrapped the now opened oyster, the fish skin and the horse hair into a bundle, much like a gift.
You pressed your bleeding lip to the parcel.
"Please, Please let this work." You whispered your prayer, feeling your heart race despite your quiet.
And with that, you reared back and Threw your bundle as Hard as you could into the sea, where it splashed and sank below the waves.
Nothing. But maybe you just needed to wait longer. You paced back and forth a bit, looking out into waves, hoping to see something come from them.
You felt your heart sink.
All that preparation, all that hope...and for what?!
Part of you wanted to scream, the other half wanted to cry.
"RrrraAGHH!" You let the frustration out, kicking the sand and stomping about. Snorting and head tossing, and flicking what remained of your tail!
Only to slip and fall ass over tea kettle onto the sand. "WOah-oOOF!"
You laid there in disbelief for a moment. "UuURghaaaaAh!" You let out an odd mix of growl and shout in frustration, covering your eyes with your hands and thrashing for a minute before...
Before you just, slumped down, defeated.
You let out a sigh, and laid there.
The sounds of the waves and the gulls, the scent of the brine and the sluggish sparse clouds above....all was Just as peaceful and as beautiful as when you first arrived.
Maybe you could wait longer?
But maybe that wouldn't help.
Lenora had said this beach was the best option. Wouldn't that mean the old stories of summoning Astartes were true?
True doesn't mean a certain method would always work...the ocean was avert place after all.
Maybe no mer astartes had seen your offering.
You brought yourself up and sat, facing the waves still rolling.
The waves your mother used to love, the same ones that went on even without her being here...
If waves could love...would they love even when no one was watching? When the people who once adored them left and some never came back?
You felt a twinge and sniffed as some tears began to form at the corners of your eyes, you wiped them away quickly. And sighed.
Well...at least the view was pretty.
You sat there for a bit, before bringing yourself back up to stand.
There was no use dwelling on something that couldn't be changed. You'd find something else to give your mother, even if the disappointment of your failure still stung.
You turned to walk back into town, perhaps you could find something nice at one of the stalls-
A damp wave of water suddenly doused you, soaking you from head to hoof in brine.
"P-pthoo! What the-" Your shout was cut off as you realized you were enveloped in a shadow much larger than you.
Your eyes trailed up at the imposing figure before you.
Long marine tail? Check, it was the color of cooled molten rock and had bright red orange veins.
Armored torso? Check, it was plated a deep green color, with dragon like insignias on the chest and shoulder pauldron.
Inscrutable, helmeted gaze? Check, the large marine had red lenses that peered down at you intensely, regarding you with curiosity, as you regarded Him with trepidation.
Neither of you spoke for a moment. The only sound passing between you his breathing. Until you decided to break the ice.
The Astarte tilted his head slightly before bringing up his hand between the two of you.
You found yourself bewildered as you were presented with the parcel you'd just thrown into the sea.
Was he...trying to return it to you? "...oh...Oh, no!" You replied, gently pushing it back towards him, his arm didn't even budge. "It's for you!"
The slight twitch backwards he did is response was more readable. He was confused.
"Ah sorry Sorry, what I mean is...I need your help. And...I was told that the best way to contact you was buy...throwing this into the ocean." You hurriedly explained.
This seemed to give the marine pause, before he lifted his other hand to his helm.
Click, hiss
With a practiced ease he removed his helm, and you were taken aback by what greeted you.
A skin as dark as charcoal, but eyes that were surprisingly soft despite them being totally red. And his hair! Long and pale and curly, it seemed to bounce as it came free.
You felt a slight blush creep over your skin. He was...very attractive.
And when he spoke his voice was warm, and smooth.
"I see," He replied to you. "Though this method is a bit...outdated, To serve and to aid is the most honorable of acts. How may I assist you this day, child of the land?"
You had to force yourself to respond. "I well...I was hoping to contact an Astarte so I could get my hands on some of this. Ah one sec let me find it."
As you fumbled in your bag you had no idea Pyrus, the large Salamander, was secretly enjoying how adorable you looked.
Land dwellers were always so funny. Though he Did wish you didn't appear so frightened, but he supposed it was natural, all things considered.
You finally pulled the coral parchment from you satchel, gladdened that it wasn't too soaked, and displayed it for the marine.
As he looked over the image you continued to explain. "I want to give it to my mother as a gift. She's...always loved the ocean."
The marine looked to your face, some of your apprehension was replaced with melancholy. It tugged on his two hearts.
"It's...hard for her...she can't travel as easily these days so...I wanted to bring a bit of the ocean to her." You explained. "This coral is her Favorite color, and I wanted to give it to her for her birthday. So...in exchange for these items...do you think you could help me?"
Pyrus felt his chest swell. The Salamanders prided themselves on the virtues of love and camaraderie. To see your concern and desire to please your loved one was not only sweet, it was very attractive indeed.
He was a Slight oddity in his pod. Most of his kind didn't really...feel attraction in the sense that most baseline creatures did.
Those that did preferred the features of sea folk, which was fine, but...it did leave him a bit isolated in the fact he much preferred the features of land walkers.
He just found them so...fascinating! He'd spend hours watching at a distance as the port city buzzed with life. The music, the food, the inurmerable sights and sounds and experiences to be had.
And him...stuck out there in the ocean. Oh sure he had the ability to swim through air but if he took one step in that town the people would scatter in fear.
Not...like he blamed them.
Between his preferences and his hobbies, he often felt...alone.
Even amongst his brothers, but maybe...he didn't have to be as alone anymore?
"Indeed, this is a task I can take well in hand." He proclaimed. And he saw your ears perk up.
"You can! Oh thank you!"
Pyrus held up his gauntleted hand, he may be about to ask something...much in return, but he would not get your hopes up or lie to you.
"But...I must ask for one more thing in return."
You waited, unsure of what he'd ask for, but you'd gotten this far.
"The truth is...it is quite Lonely, below the waves." He began, now himself feeling awkward. "I hold each of my brother close to my heart but...we do not share the same interests."
"As your mother yearns for the sea, I yearn for a connection I cannot obtain within it." Pyrus continued. "So I wanted to ask, if I grant you this request of your heart, would you grant me mine?"
You tilted your head. What could you offer the heart of an Astarte?
Pyrus squared his shoulders, he would do this right! Even if it was sudden. "Dear child of the land...would you join me beneath the waves, soothe my lonely heart, as I will soothe yours. You kindness and devotion have smitten me. If I grant you this favor, this is what I ask in return."
He...he what now?
You shook your head in confusion. "I'm...sorry, did you just ask me...to...Join you under the waves?"
Pyrus nodded, a bit worried about your tone. You didn't seem to like the idea.
"Yes, we Astarte possess the ability to change others into our kind. Granting the ability to live in the water as we do."
You didn't know how to respond. But, you didn't want to lie to him.
"I...um...I'm sorry." You replied. "I mean...your offer is Very flattering." Very flattering, an ungodly attractive and kind man just essentially...proposed to you out of nowhere???
"But...I have to say no." You stated. "As much as I love this place...it isn't my home. My home is back on the farm, with my mom and dad and our creatures...I can't just up and leave them. They Need me." You explained.
Oh...oh...Pyrus felt his dark skin flush with embarassment. Of course you couldn't just up and leave the family you cared so much for, what was he thinking!? Stupid Pyrus, absolutley stupid! "Oh..."
You saw his dejection, and you felt your heart twist. He really did seem so sweet.
"Hey," You entreated, getting his attention. "Even though I can't Live with you...I'd love to get to Know you."
Pyrus perked up a bit at that.
"We just met, so the living beneath the waves together isn't the best idea. I mean...what if we found out two weeks in we were terrible room mates." You jested, trying to lighten the mood.
Pyrus did feel a slight smile turn the corners of his mouth and he chuckled. "I...suppose that is true."
"But I do want to learn more about the ocean, and I'd be happy to come and visit! Heck, if possible we could even find a way for you to visit my home!" You offered.
Pyrus could sense your earnestness, and it made him so happy. A place where he'd already have a friend, and be able to explore without worrying about scaring others.
He felt a buzzing excitement light in him. But he kept his composure.
"I...would like that very much."
"Perfect! Then let's start with proper introductions." You held out your hand and shared your name to the marine.
Pyrus took your small hand in his, rejoicing in this new connection. "I am Pyrus, son of Vulcan," He stated. "And I will grant you this favor, in return that you will visit and teach me of your home, as I teach you of mine." He stated.
"You will return...won't you?" He asked softly, knowing he technically couldn't Force you to uphold this vow.
You smiled, and gestured for him to lean down a bit. He acquiesced.
"Mwah," You placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, causing the son of Vulcan to freeze in surprise for a moment.
"I do solemnly swear!" You stated proudly.
Pyrus felt that blush return, all about his face and neck. But again he reined in his response.
"Thank you, landling." He hummed returning his helm to his head, and taking the originally offered bundle of items.
Pickled fish skin was a rare treat, as was the vinegar oyster, and the horse hair was useful as string was difficult to come by underwater. He stowed these items away and turned toward the open sea.
"It will take some time to retrieve this coral. Please wait here until I return." He asked, and you nodded.
"I'll be here." You assured.
After a number of hours had passed, you were Really wishing Pyrus had given you a better idea of when he'd be back beside, some time.
Good lord you were bored. You'd forgotten to bring a book or journal or even a sketch pad. And you could only take so many naps in the shade before your body refused to fall back asleep.
At least the beach was peaceful, and you marveled at the shift from bright day, to hazy evening and finally the sunset-
That...that made you more worried.
But...it was probably fine. Pyrus and his brothers were out there, and if his brother's were anything like him, you'd have nothing to worry about.
As you sat back pondering these troubling thoughts, you saw a large shape begin to emerge from the water.
Your heart leapt, and you quickly stood up. Finally!
"Pyrus!" You called. "I'm so glad to see yo-"
The shape broke through the surface and your gut felt like a brick of ice dropped into it.
That...that wasn't Pyrus...
The sun's dipping rays illuminated the purple pink armor, rimmed with gold, as the unknown Astarte continued to advance, languidly drawing closer.
You didn't move. You almost couldn't bear to breathe.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Running might only make things worse...especially now that you were in his sights.
The Astarte emerged completely from the water, just off to one side of you. Unlike Pyrus who had come to you, talked to you, like an actual living being.
This one instead eyed you, and began circling you where you stood with a curiosity that felt...predatory. Swimming through the air in a way that felt so...targeted.
As if daring you to move...to flinch.
"Well...well....welllllll." The Astarte cooed with a sick glee in his voice, slightly modulated as it came through his helmet. "What have we heeeeere?"
Suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed your face roughly forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"A cute little saytr, all alone. How sad...how pitiful...how..." He hummed and the image of him licking his lips came to mind. "appetizing."
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
"Me? Ah pfft nope!" He responded nervously, as best you could with your chin in his grasp.
He seemed a bit stunned you could respond, but quickly recovered. "Oh? And why is that my little...morsel?"
Think fast think fast. "Ah I mean...have you actually ever Had horse meat? It's really not that good." You explained. "Mostly grisle and wirey muscle, very stringy, not at all appetizing." You stated, as if critiquing a five star dish. And one you'd never actually eaten, only hearing about it from others.
"PFFtt ha Ha HA!" Well you weren't sure if that was positive but you'll roll with it. His laughter had caused him to let go of your chin.
"And the torso bit isn't much better!" You continued. "Far too much adipose, and so low on nutrients. Dare I say you'd be better off eating sand and tree bark. At least then you'd been getting fiber."
The Astarte continued to laugh. Full on shaking cackles as you Slowly stepped back. "Oh My...you're quite funny." He said as he calmed, and removed his helmet.
Beneath you saw a beautiful but terrifying appearance. His face was pale, his eyes a luxurious but cold looking purple with unnaturally shaped pupils.
His Teeth. Sharp, fanged, with marks on his chin you weren't sure if they were makeup or...blood trails from previous meals.
And his hair...it wasn't hair. It was long tendrils with sharp mouthed ends. Like a Medusa but with carnivorous eels instead of snakes.
"Oh go ahead, enjoy the visage~" He cooed, brushing back his...locks. "I'll allow it since you entertained me. Most land folk just scream and cry and beg for their lives. Not nearly so entertaining after a while."
You swallowed dryly. "I mean...why lose your sense of humor am I right?" You shrugged nervously, still carefully working your way back.
You couldn't outrun him, but maybe you could keep him distracted till-OOf!
You suddenly found yourself pinned to the sand, the large Astarte floating above you.
Those eyes, those eyes, they looked down at you with a sadistic glee, as his hair fanned out in different directions.
"Ah, ah A-ah~." He sing-songed. "Tsk, tsk, I didn't say you could leave. How Rude to try and break from a conversation without proper decorum."
He held you down effortlessly with one hand, Just hard enough to be uncomfortable. The other tapped your nose as if you were a naughty child.
"Hmm~ Well, this has been fun." He conceded. "But I really Am hungry, and I think a sweet little treat like you, would just perfectly Hit the Spot~" His jaw unhinged, revealing a second set of jaws behind the first, as his eely locks began swarming revealing their own nashing teeth.
"And the Sweetest part will be your screams! Please be as loud as you can! It makes the meal even more thrilling!" He chortled planting his other hand in the sand next to your head.
You couldn't move, the pressure was too much, but you did still have your satchel.
You reached in feeling the small bottle of vinegar you'd brought. You grasped it tightly and in one quick motion, broke the bottle into his face!
"RWAGGGG!" He cried and hissed as the glass and acidic liquid went into his eyes, causing him to rear back.
You scrambled away as his hands came up to his face, he fumbled over to the sea water, desperately splashing it into his eyes and dipping his face.
"You little Whore!" He snarled, still doubled over, his eyes and face had blood running down them.
That...that move had been pure adrenaline. You capitalized on his weakness and disbelief, cracking him square in the face with a downward kick.
Now blood ran over his mouth from his broken nose, as he sputtered and choked.
You did it again, rapid repetitive strikes with your hooves.
You might've even broken some of his teeth.
Still flush with rage and adrenaline, you shouted. "How's that taste you deep sea, punk ass fish breath Bitch!"
Only to Immediately remember what you were up against when the marine caught your next strike.
"WOAH!" You suddenly found yourself upside down, looking up at your attacker as he held you by the leg.
The blood made his expression even more deranged as he smiled, oh no.
"AAAAH-O-OOF!!! Next thing you knew you were being flung away and down like a rag doll, right into the middle of the beach. Even on sand the impact knocked the wind from your lungs, and you worried briefly about broken ribs.
Briefly because you saw the violent violet marine approaching, stalking toward you like a cat hunting a mouse. You scrambled to your feet though it hurt.
Everything hurt.
You stepped back slowly as the marine advanced, enjoying your rapidly deteriorating courage.
He towered above you. "I'm going to enjoy, ripping you apart piece by piece." He said lashing out with his claws. It left a shallow but long and stinging cut on your face. You stumbled back.
"I'm going to enjoy Flaying your skin inch by inch." He laughed lapping the fresh blood from his claws.
He raised them again as you had nowhere left to go. No hope of escape. You braced for the worst.
"And I'm going to Relish keeping you alive as I Devour you -OUGh!"
His speech was cut off as a blur of green and orange suddenly burst from the ocean, tackling your assailant.
Even in the more dim light you saw the red helmet lenses, the burning firey veins on that molten rock like tail. And you saw the steam rising from the grappling marines.
"Ah-ah-ah AHhhhhAh!" The purple marine actually shrieked as the the coils smothered and burned him. You could smell the burning fish flesh...
The gauntleted arm of the second marine held his head in a vice grip headlock. The purple marine struggled and slashed and bit, with both his limbs and his living hair.
But soon his struggles weakened and ebbed into nothing, the last tremoring shakes of life as he finally stilled.
There was a moment of pause before the green marine made a sudden swift jerk.
You heard a sickening crack! And the purple marine'a body dropped to the sand.
You could see the green marine's heaving breaths.
You hoped you weren't wrong this time. "P-pyrus?" You asked hesitantly.
The marine did not answer verbally, but instead reached into his pack, and pulled out a fist size lump of coral.
Your mother's coral.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Pyrus!" You cried jumping past the object and wrapping your arms around your Astarte.
You pushed and nuzzled into his chest plate. Rubbing your head up and down it in glee. "I knew you'd come back!"
Pyrus removed his helmet with his free hand and dropped it, before leaning down and bringing his arm around you.
He nuzzled close to you, feeling your skin and heartbeat. The same precious heartbeat he'd been seconds away from never hearing again. "I'm so sorry! Had I known, I would've protected you better. I thought you were safe here."
He'd need to contact his captain and chapter master. A Chaos marine making it this far in their territory, could not and would not be tolerated.
But for now he brought his large hand to your face examining the damage.
It was then you realized you'd rubbed your bloody cheek on his chest plate.
"Oh! Sorry."
"Thanks." You sighed, utterly exhausted. You did take the coral from Pyrus, examining it closely.
"No...you have nothing to apologize for." Pyrus assured. He even noted the Slannesh marine's broken nose and teeth. His hearts swelled with pride. "You fought well, Here."
You hesitated for a moment, as Pyrus leaned down, only to relax when he simply laved his tongue over your cheek.
His saliva soothed the sting of your cut, helping the wound close.
"Its even more beautiful in the water." He stated, noting your fondness. "I would love to show you when you next visit...if you wish to."
He wouldn't blame you for not wanting to.
Instead, you smiled, tired but genuine. "I'd like that very much...and hey, maybe with the right prep, my mom and dad could see it too."
Pyrus smiled. "I will help in whatever way I can, to make it a reality." He assured nuzzling you again.
You both stood there, watching the waves crest and roll in the newly fallen night.
You could go back into town, find a inn to stay at, but you didn't fancy being alone.
"Pyrus, is there somewhere...we can stay the night together?"
The marine seemed surprised by your request, but nodded. "Of course, follow me."
He led you a little ways down the beach, to a sheltered cave where sand met surf.
It would've been cold in the night, if not for the living heater that coiled around you as you settled in for sleep.
As you laid down, you felt a great peace overcome you.
"Sleep now my dear child of land." He cooed, petting your head. "I will guard you."
You smiled and cuddled into him. "And I will keep you -yaaaawn- from feeling too alone."
Outside the waves and winds rolled in. The brine of the sea carried inland, as the seabirds hunkered down in their nests.
The horses rested safe in their pens, and the winds gently waved the leaves of the trees.
And two lonely souls rested well, as they didn't feel so alone anymore.
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avggendelmain · 23 days
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Konrad Curze mermay drawing
(This was originally just going to be a sketch but, like, y’know.)
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beethereal-knight · 6 days
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Mer!40k Designs: Part 1 2 3 4 5 It's overdue, but it's still MerMay, I can post MerGuilliman...
Bonus old sketch from a few months ago + Fin details:
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nitro-devil · 20 days
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Mer-May Magnus! @yestheantichrist gave me the Idea for an Oarfish for Magnus and YESSS HE WOULD BE SO PRETTY AAAAAAAAA
Tbh I wanna be a Seahorse too
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searyyn · 4 days
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whorety-k · 12 days
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My half of an art trade with the lovely @angronsjewelbeetle who drew me the absolute coolest Mer!Corvus from my fic
PLEASE go check him out and look at his incredible art and writings!!!
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A Little Death
Author's note: I know, it's a little late. But I thought I'd add Ramiel to Mermay, at least 1 chapter. Thank you for @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric!
Warnings: Mentioned Character Death? I mean, he survived. More mentioned Character Death, let me know if I need to add more.
Summary: Ramiel wakes up after being murdered by his mentor and saying his last words in one of the brother's he cares for most.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Waking up after being stabbed through the Hearts and collapsing into Cedric's arms. He feels bad that Cedric had to hold, yet another battle brother as they died. Apothecary Brothers have difficult jobs that are soul breaking if they aren't tended to properly. As a Chaplain… well.
A Chaplain in Training, part of his job is tending to the spiritual and mental needs of those around him. One of the times he'd joked to Cedric that they could be quite the tag team, Cedric healing the physical ailments, while Ramiel helps heal the mental and spiritual ones.
Before they'd been more separated in their chapter Specific Training and his Mentor, the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras had decided that he'd been… too something with his fellow Primaris and he'd been more isolated per the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras orders.
Which he had to obey as the Apprentice of the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras. He flinched as he remembered some of the things that his mentor, the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras would order him to do, had the memories feel like sharpened knives stabbing into his mind.
He shook his head, and looked around, wondering if this was the afterlife that was spoken about. The Heaven, where those who died Gloriously and/or Served the God Emperor with all of their might and life would go to. It is… well, it's almost disappointing, as heretical as that sounds, and he's appalled at himself for his dismay.
As he still hurts, a lot. He rubs his chest, near where he'd been stabbed. He's breathing, and from the scent of blood in the water, still bleeding. Where is he? He's not on in Space, where he and part of the shoal of Black Templars had been flying through space before his mentor the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras decided that he was to be killed for being an Abomination.
Which had him blinking the stinging from his eyes. He's not an abomination to be purged! Or at least he thinks he isn't. He rubs his face and sighs, shaking his head. No, he needs to focus on the basics. He's alive, in an ocean. He looks around to try to see if he can recognize any of the flora or fauna and as his hearts sink into his stomach, he doesn't recognize where he is. He swims closer to the surface of the water and looks up at the sky, he's blessed this night, for it's clear enough for him to see the stars.
And to his dismay he doesn't recognize the night sky at all. So he's on a planet he doesn't recognize, in a system that he's not been to before, or memorized the star patterns of to do an old-school type of navigation to go by. That is… less than ideal. He needs to find shelter, food, and medical supplies, aid from an Apothecary would be Ideal, but highly unlikely in this situation.
He looks around and slowly, carefully starts to swim in the direction of a cave system that he's spotted and carefully as he can, while heavily wounded, tries to find anything potentially Dangerous in the it that he can see from an initial glance. So far, he doesn't see or sense anything Alarming, so the goes deeper in. He's got some medical supplies and food rations on him.
As he goes deeper into the cave system he notices that some of it seems to have been destroyed or blasted or had broken somehow. He tilts his head as he swims around the areas of the the cave system that have been destroyed in some manner. There is a … feeling … perhaps a taste in the water?
Something that sends alarm bells ringing in his head and his scales itch. Something is Not Right here, he grumbles to himself, just his luck he found somewhere Not Good to try and hide in, when he hears a noise and darts in the direction of hefting one of the few weapons that he has on him, when he'd nearly been murdered he'd only been wearing his armor and some weapons, his bolters had been due for Tech Marine Maintenance, so he only had a couple of combat knives with him.
He hides a bit and takes a peak around the next bend and blinks in surprise. Surely- no- it can't be! Cedric was … back near where is Mentor was, and he knows that Cedric's mentor and informed every one of their fellow Templars that if they should deliberately try to harm his Apprentice that they'd feel the full displeasure of one of the more senior ranked, and power Apothecary Space Marines in their entire chapter. He knows that his mentor the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras can be… tempestuous at times, but even he knows better than to mess with an Apothecary's Apprentice. All lives are within the hands of Apothecary and Chaplain Marines, it's best not try and piss them off.
"Cedric?" Ramiel calls out half hopeful, half afraid of seeing if its his brother or not.
He tilts his head in confusion, Cedric looks… a little older than he remembers. Cedric whirls around eyes wide as he stares at Ramiel in utter shock, confusion and some other unnamed emotions.
"What- how- you… you died," Cedric croaks out hoarsily as he stares at Ramiel as if he were a ghost.
"I thought I died," Ramiel fully admits as he carefully swims closer to Cedric, "But I hurt too much to be dead… do you know where we are, brother? Why are you slightly older than I remember?"
"I… a few months after you were killed by the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras, more fighting between Primaris Space Marines and First Born Space broke out, the Chapter Master himself interceeded and declared that the Primaris Space Marines are not Unholy Abominations and that we are to be allowed to live and serve faithfully beside our First Born Brothers…. It only took a few deaths and Challenges to prove his point," Cedric explains, "One of the First Born brothers that challenged- and lost, to our Chapter Master was, the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras."
Cedric swims closer to Ramiel looking his not-dead brother over and pulling out a small med kit- he hadn't known when he went off in a not-huff from his Very Mean and Rude Older Black Templar Brother to explore this cave system that he'd find someone he'd thought was embraced by the light of the God Emperor. He's missed Ramiel a lot. Ramiel patient waits for Cedric to finish looking him over and patching him up. He's… rather surprised by some of the information that Cedric gave him. He's glad that his fellow Primaris Space Marines in the Black Templar Chapter are now safer and more protected due to the orders of their Chapter Master.
"Wait… the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras was slain in a trial by Combat by The Chapter Master?!" Ramiel exlaims in shock, eyes wide at that knowledge.
He's uncertain how he feels about his mentor the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras death. His emotions about his mentor the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras are… complicated. Part of him, and he's deeply ashamed and he will have to do penance for it, later, is glad that his mentor failed in surviving the Challenge to their Chapter Master. Wishing death on others will only cause suffering and death upon oneself, or those they care about. Cedric explains, as best he can about When and Where They are. Ramiel's eyes widen in shock when he hears that they are on Ancient Holy Terra. Still, hearing about Chaos and Renegade marines also ending up here alarms him.
"Lets get out of this cave system, there is an older brother I want you to meet," Cedric says as he grabs one of Ramiel's arms as they start to head out of the cave system.
Cedric and Ramiel stop, "I thought the exit was that way?"
"No- it's over in this other direction." Cedric counters, they point in two completely different directions and stare at each other for a moment.
"Perhaps there are multiple entrances and exits?" Ramiel offers quietly.
"That makes sense, it is an under water cave system," Cedric replies slowly.
The two of them are trying to find a way out, when they hear a strange, worbling chuckle and, Ramiel gives one of his comabt knives to Cedric as the face opposite directions, their backs to each other as they hear Unholy noise of Chaos cackle and croon at them. Oh no. There must be some Chaos Marines around, or have had done something to this cave system.
"I had noticed that some sections of this cave system were destroyed in some fashion I couldn't identify," Ramiel says to Cedric uncertainly after swearing a few choice words.
"Perhaps Chaos Space Marines have done something, or are doing something in this cave," Cedric offers unhappily.
"If that's the case we need to get out of here and report our findings to some of the Loyalist First Born Marines," Ramiel says, as his hearts quail with un-astartes-like emotion and potentially having to deal with some First Born Space Marines again. So soon after nearly being murdered, by the Honorable Veteran Chaplain Mephisteil Petras.
Cedric seems to have heard the wobble in his voice and lightly tugged him into a one armed hug, "Claude and Catius are also on Ancient Terra. I had to also help patch Catius up… He's… stripped himself of the colors of his chapter due to… being abandoned by his first born brothers to the Warp."
"What?!" Ramiel yelps, eyes widening, someof the First Born Space Marines that they hadn't met outside of the occasional Iron Hands or Imperial Fist where the Ultramarines. "Poor Catius, I hope we can find more of his fellow Primaris Marines somewhere on Ancient Holy Terra."
"I've been looking when I've had the chance to," Cedric replies, even though the answer has been he's only found Catius. "Claude has also arrived and is in the same pod too. We recently made contact with Jophiel."
"How are they doing?" Ramiel asks as he swims after his fellow Primaris Space Marine Black Templar.
"Claude seems to settling into the pod well." Catius says, before grinning, "And Jophiel got adopted by a Harpy named Lenora and her mate, a Loyalist Iron Warrior by the name of Erriox."
"Really? Good for him!" Ramiel says.
They are talking about Happier Things, to Distract Themselves from the fact that they are stuck in an Ancient Terran Chaos-twisted underwater cave system. Besides, Positive Emotions (so long as they weren't Excessive) sometimes Helped.
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kit-williams · 18 days
The Equinox Song
Mer Anrir time! Yes I am going to milk this song again
Anrir's Fish vibe: angler fish
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
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You could finally afford to go to a Night Lord Equinox song! Only happens twice a year and everything in the local area got expensive or overbooked to come and see them sing. You've wanted to do this for years as listening to the recordings online only could do so much to quell the craving you had to hear them sing live. You were bouncing with excited energy as your best friend had come with you finally having enough of your wanting to see them. Fences had been set up around the dock, the beach closed off for a good mile, and no boats to disturb them as Night Lords were notoriously Territorial and known to kill with little provocation... you could tell as a few of the early arrivers were wearing masks made of bone. You looked over the pamphlet as like with most mer-songs someone went missing at every event... you look over the warnings: stop listening if you feel compelled to get in the water, avoid prolonged eye contact with a mer, mer's while aquatic can 'sprint' in short distances so if you think you're far enough you probably aren't... and other warnings.
You were especially excited to hear, what was assumed to be the head of the shoal, the angler sing. Where you sat you could see the large rock that most of them would sit on... the smaller smoother rock for the singer, and other various less desirable spots. Younger Night Lords would swim right up to under your feet and sing as they spin in the water some with glowing red eyes just looking up with sharp toothed grins. But you watched as more and more Night Lords were appearing and hissing, barking, shoulder bumping, and other displays as you watched one smaller Night Lord get thrown from a spot on the rock. There was singing during all of this but it wasn't the main song... it wasn't their song. You had gotten so caught up in the antics that you jumped slightly as your friend touched your shoulder. "Look." She whispers.
You softly gasp as you can see on his rock you could see him pulling himself out of the water. The moon was bright enough that you could make out some details. Long black hair that covered his eyes but not his nose and mouth ended at his waist... both front and back, his torso pale and covered in scars, twisting patches of midnight blue scales covered his chest and arms, the tips of his long fingers were black and his hands webbed, like all night lords poking out of his hair were long red ear fins that reminded you of bat wings, and your eyes landed on why he was called the angler as there was a lure that let out a pulse of bioluminescent light... his face lit up for a moment and you swore he was grinning at you.
The shoal got into place, the wind was blowing but otherwise everything else was quiet. His voice was soft... it was like a lullaby... but was it powerful as it caried on the wind in such a way that recordings failed to do it justice. You couldn't help but hold your breath as his voice croons supernaturally as you could feel it in your bones as this was why people were scared to hear them sing. He sings and as he goes on he sounds louder... stronger... almost as if he is singing directly to you. How his whole body sways and his arms held out as he sings... its as if you're watching something tribal... something sacred and intimate... you shiver as it feels like you are there alone... the water doesn't look so cold.
You swallow as the rest of the shoal bursts out singing, their voices filling the moonlit night air. Those on the rock were flashing white bioluminescent streaks down their tails akin to bolts of lightning spidering over their tails. Just like the storms they were fond of singing during. Right below the viewing area, churning the water were others as they churned it with their dancing, spinning and bobbing in the water as they sing up to all the humans just out of reach. Unnatural eyes glittered and glowed in the moonlight as the water rushed down their pale skin and dark scales. However, their antics couldn't pull your eyes away from him... you were hyper focused on him and at this point there was no denying it when the lure lit up his face... he was looking right at you.
It was magical... so otherworldly... so... get in the water... something told you deep in your gut that if you let him finish the whole song to you that you weren't going home tonight! You were shaking as you got up and ran covering your ears. The song was almost over and you were certain that when you stopped it would have been over. Your hands are shaking and you're on the verge of hyperventilating as you want to throw up even. Your chest was pounding from how hard your heart is racing and you wiped the sweat off of your face as you notice the lonely drink machine. Coins are fed into the vending machine and your trembling hands struggle with opening up the can. You put your head between your knees to come down from the adrenaline high as you were now safe. The waves were loud but no longer calling you to get in.
You exhale in relief as you continue to stop feeling like trash. Something scrapes against the concrete next to you... but you didn't hear footsteps. You open your eyes and see there is a lot of water wetting the concrete turning it dark as it soaks up the liquid. Your throat tightens and you start to shake... your hair is blocking what is to your side and you start to turn your head. You nearly scream as a webbed hand grabs your chin and guides you up gently. Your grab his arm that holds your chin as tears gather in your eyes as the large merman looms over you as he cups your face like a lover would. His lure lights up and you see thin spines on his face near his eyes raise and push the hair over his eyes away.
You realize you're looking right into his eyes as you watch large bioluminescent patches under his black eyes glow. He leans in cooing to you... знішчыць... he croons to you... the last... знішчыць... verses... of his... song... знішчыць.... He leans in and you just melt into his kiss as your body goes limp... you don't hear people scream for you... his mouth on yours feels so good... your name being shrieked by your friend... you pull back to breathe... strong arms wrap around you as you are pulled into the water... it doesn't feel so cold as he sings to you. знішчыць... pulling you down... знішчыць... and down... знішчыць... and down... знішчыць... into the dark... знішчыць....
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𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐤
|°𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬°| |°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°|
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: For those who are dangerously curious and greed for their appearance.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
TW // SMUT/NSFW, Yandere Themes.
|°𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬°| |°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°| • {𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐤}
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐤
A monster of war simply put. It’s best to accept your fate if you find its talons locked onto your vessel with its heavily armored hide and scales slowly crushing your vessel. Taking the joy of seeing your crews blood staining its deep waters. No one knows how old it is either, to become so massive in length and impenetrable muscle. Some say it was just born bigger than the others or this creature was here since the World Serpent: Jörmungandr. Battling against the mythed creature.
It crimson scales shift along it serpentine-like body when in the more deeper waters, but up near the surface they change to a deep blueish-green, blending into its surroundings. Its spinal fins, anal fins and pelvic fins are surprisingly graceful for such a big, powerful creature. Flowing against a current with ease. It’s best to just keep out of this creatures pathing or else you will find yourself being pressurized by its tail/body wrapping around your vessel with its pitch black arms/talons ripping into your haul. Unknowingly or not, it does not care for casualties.
𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
With Spartak being a “monster of war” he is quite calm. Simply roaming the territory’s of the waters for an unfortunate snack or some…bloody interest, but other than being huge, terrifying and territorial. He’s a good serpent-creature-god-thing to cuddle and lounge with.
Spartak doesn’t have many interests or… companions. He’s mostly just meditating while he patrols, but every once in a while he carefully watches what you do; either it would be cooking, looking at the tiniest materials he’s ever seen or presenting him a… gift? He’ll blow bubbles for you. Yes, bubbles, and it tickles. He thinks it’s funny how effective it is against your small body.
Spartak will wrap his long tail around you if he deems cuddle time or sleepy time. Most of the time he’ll just leave you resting atop of him, but the monster gets touchy! He wants cuddles after so, so, so long without contact, and your free real estate.
If in a…battle(squeezing ships) he would like for you to watch; like his main characterization. Watch how his muscles and coils squeeze the blood right out of a ship. Watch at how safe you can be under his fins and arms. Yeah… that sight of metal and mush definitely didn’t get him anymore crafted gifts and good scritches from you.
If in an actual battle? He’ll be so quick to shut that down. Any challenger is a dead one, and nothing much could challenge him. It’s how he… professes his loyal courtship to you. Ripping their heads off and using the skulls to decorate his nest and be trophy’s of those who tryed to get you to be theirs. No, you’re only his.
𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬:
If you happen to see him rip into his combatant and he wins? You bet he’s staking his claim wherever he pleases. His talon trapping you underneath him as he would take you raw. His teeth leaving big, purple marks along your back and shoulders as the pleasure of his cock prevents you from feeling anything else but him.
Oh, once your time comes or his? He is having the time of his eternal life! He’s happily rutting into you with such power and depth you have never felt from him. Watching as your body would bounce forward only for him to drag you back onto his cock again and adjusting his position. Cry’s leaving you before they are silenced with too much vocal use, or by his slimy tongue. He’s been far too lonly little world, he wouldn’t mind some pups.
You run from him? Ooooooh boy, I seriously don’t recommend it. He’s the apex predator of his seas, what makes you think you can run from him? He’ll be hot on your tail. Capturing you before breaching the surface and idling right where he…floats. Looking so angrily down at you before using you like a fleshlight, or a tasty meal set before him.
He can be… friendly however, when he senses he has done too much to you. A low, deep whine leaving him when he leans down to gently nuzzle your aching neck all the while changing his brutal pace to a more slow and deep one. He doesn’t want you to break just because he was fucking you too hard or wounding you too much. You mean so much to him than you realize.
Aftercare is surprisingly sweet of the monster of war. He knows he was too much, did too much. So he stays around you the best he can; carefully nuzzling and licking up your wounds he made on your precious skin. His talons gently tracing your skin in an effort to make you feel safe and collected under his touch, soothing that ache of mating, and his body curled close around you, purrs of his own relaxing you in your unconscious state.
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egrets-not-regrets · 17 days
So I can’t remember who it was that said merPerturabo would be part sculpin. Just reading up sculpins and the family they belong to. I think it would be fitting of Iron Warriors to be different shades of the scorpionfish/sculpin family. I know what I want merErriox to look like now. 🐟🐠❤️🐟🐠
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ms--lobotomy · 20 days
5th fic in 4 (?) days? I'm so normal. I'm so normal. I'm so normal. Aaah [Previous] [Next]
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Summary: Your first day of work after you start feeling a funny way about the funny merman.
Word Count: 1257
Content Warnings: car dependent infrastructure, Typhus existing again, cliffhanger
Image Credit: @squishyowl
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Your fingers drummed on the steering wheel as your playlist looped back around to that song. You couldn't close your eyes, not now, but your heart beat faster in your chest as you remembered how he held you, the beat of his hearts against your face. It's just fascination, you told yourself. You haven't even known each other for a week.
You pulled into the employees' parking lot before you found a spot, cut Dave Grohl off mid-word, and got out of the car.
"Sorry, Dave," you mumbled as you locked it.
You speedwalked towards the door, going through all the familiar motions of clocking in. You looked at the time. Two minutes late. You sighed as you checked in with the baby turtle. It was a green sea turtle, but the babies were more black or dark brown than anything. You bent down to look at it. The tank was very small, but the little one didn't seem to mind it. After a few moments of swimming, it settled on the bottom. The corners of your lips quirked up before you heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around. It was Typhus.
"Hey," he said casually. "Oh, you found the Nurgling?"
"The what?"
Typhus chuckled. He came in close to you, and you backed away slightly. "I call him the Nurgling," he said, looking down at the tiny sea turtle. "I don't know if it's going to be his name, it's a bit of an in-joke I have with someone. Haven't given him a nametag yet, either. First thing I'm going to do today. How's the merman?"
"Oh," you said, slightly taken aback before remembering that he was there too. "He's doing... better than expected. I showed him some of my music, and he seemed to like it. I hope, at least?"
"Alright, okay," said Typhus, nodding slightly. "Didn't know that one of the first things you'd do when you found a merman was to show him dad rock. But to each their own."
"Why, what would you do?"
"I'd show him Slipknot, personally," he shrugged.
You let out a slight laugh, turning to walk away before he continued.
"I think someone should check up on him," he said. He was much taller than average, reaching almost 7 feet standing. "Don't you think?" He moved a little closer to you, and you backed away, but you were getting precariously close to the wall. Shit.
"I mean, I would like to get to know Stella better," you mumbled. You tried to walk away, but he shifted in front of you.
"Aren't they so busy, though?" he asked, turning up his nose a little bit. "I don't have anything going tonight, and I'd hate to get in the way of anyone's activities. Besides," he said, "all of us found the merman. It's all of our duty to look after him, right?" His leg was almost between yours, and you shrunk back even further.
"Excuse me, what the actual fuck are you doing?" asked the girl with the brown ponytail.
"Maya, it's not what it looks like--" said Typhus, backing away.
Maya was around 5 feet tall at most, but she looked at Typhus with nothing less than fury in her hazel eyes. "Back off, Typhus. Now." Her hands were clenched into fists, with only the chipped nail polish on her thumb showing, but her tone was more akin to scolding a disobedient dog.
Typhus looked at her, then at you before backing away slowly. "Guess we should get back to work," he muttered before turning tail and heading towards one of the animals in need of rehabilitation.
"I'll say," said Maya, glaring at him before she turned back to you. "I know you don't want to hear this, but you're going to have to stand up for yourself one of these days," she said, in a tone low enough that Typhus couldn't hear. "I know we're coworkers, but I care about you. And I hate to see this... asshole get in your face when you clearly don't want it."
You paused, shuffling your feet before steeling yourself. "I'll do my best," you mumbled.
"You said that last time," said Maya, raising an eyebrow.
"Alright," you sighed. "Alright, I'll try for real this time."
"Thank you," she replied, moving off to her next post. You stood there for a moment, hands over your stomach. You grabbed your index and middle finger with your dominant hand before heading off to your post and starting the workday for real.
The workday ended in due time, slow and steady. Most of it was spent in the breakroom when not checking in on the animals and feeding them. Typhus was gone from the picture for much of it, gods know where. You said your goodbyes to the group before getting back into your car, and your playlist was back where you'd left it. You sighed, putting your head on the steering wheel.
Alright, you reasoned with yourself, you need to go home. You have a merman to attend to.
The song finished, and you showed up at your house soon enough. You didn't even enter through your front door, instead beelining to the back. Mortarion looked up at you, his tail swishing in the water, before he swam to the side of the pool.
"How was... work?" he asked. "Do pardon me, I am still learning your species' nomenclature."
"Work is the right word," you said, kneeling next to him. "I do hope you didn't get too lonely, Mortarion.."
"I endure," he said, looking up at you. You took off your socks and shoes and left them by the side of the pool before you looked down at your pants.
"Is something wrong with your pants?" Mortarion asked.
"I..." you started. "So, humans wear pants underneath their pants. Most of the time, at least? And it's a bit uncouth in our culture to show them. Uh..." you started, blushing. "Man. I'm too tired to go upstairs and change. Is it okay if I show you the... garments under my pants?"
"I don't see anything wrong with it," Mortarion shrugged before you tugged off your pants. You took your phone and keys out of your pocket, and put them on the glass table by your pool before dipping your legs into the pool again. Mortarion looked away, before he looked back up at your face.
"You're beautiful," he said, before tensing up. You heard a car pull into your driveway, and you tensed up too.
"I'm not expecting anyone," you said, getting up quickly. "Please. Hide?" you asked.
"You don't exactly had a huge pool," he grumbled, submerging himself.
You entered through the back door, and looked out front. The car was... familiar, though you couldn't put your finger on where it was from. Hurriedly, you looked for something to put around your waist before you found a blanket on your couch and draped it over you as quick as you could. And then you saw the person coming out of the car.
It was Typhus.
Part of you was relieved that it wasn't a fed or anything, but it was Typhus. You rushed back towards Mortarion, towards your backyard, as he made his way through the gate. He shut the wooden thing with a quiet thud, as his eyes darted to you. You shifted the blanket over your legs, glad that it was covering quite a bit.
"I..." you started, your fists balling up. You looked to your feet. "I didn't invite you here."
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Taglist: @bispecsual@justeverythingnothingelse@bleedingichorhearts @nekotaetae@historitor-bookshelf
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