#memoriweek 2019
commander-anya · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week
Day Six: Favourite Touch - I saw something…
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laufire · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week: Day Three – Favourite romantic gesture.
   A.L.I.E.’s rules. No Frikdreinapast this line. I’ve never crossed it.                                                      I never met a line I wouldn’t cross.
[Caption: gifs of season 4 episode 4 of The 100. Emori hesitates before crossing A.L.I.E.’s established perimeter against people like her. Murphy extends a hand, and after taking a deep breath, she reaches for it and crosses, while Murphy smiles fond.]
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doortotomorrow · 5 years
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memori engagement week - declarations of love - [“you're one of the few people on this planet who doesn't hate me at the moment...I don't think I want to blow it.”], [“screw ‘em...I wouldn’t cover it up, I think it looks pretty badass”], [“thank you for saving my life”], [“you’re cute for a thief”], [“you’re not the only one here trying to save someone you care about”], [“come with me to Arkadia”], [“don’t give them a reason to pick you next. survive...please”], [“who needs food when you have love, right?”], [“hey...your home is with me, okay?”], [“there’s no way in hell I can leave the man I love behind.”], [“think you could love me forever?”], [“my answer is yes...I will love you forever even if we die today.”]
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stupidspaceseven · 5 years
A Memori Fic Rec
Hi Friends! In the spirit of celebrating memori engagement week I’ve decided to celebrate some of my favorite fics! Under the cut are a range of fics in different genres and ratings, divided between canon fics and AUs. It’s long but by no means exhaustive. All these fics are completed ;) Happy reading!
Canon Compliant Fics
How All This, And Love Too, Will Ruin Us by biextroverts
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Found Family/Angst
Emori finds a family and loses a lover on the Ring.
A great Ring fic that covers the six years in space. I’ve only read it once because it made me That Sad, which is really a testament to how well writting and IC it is, so if you’re a sucker for angst and raven&emori friendship definitely give this a read. 
The Lotus Eaters by maelidify: @maelidpoetree​
Rating: M (no smut), One shot; Genre: Fluff, Character Study
“I don’t like this place, John,” she said. “We’re not safe here.”
Am I partial to this fic because it was a gift to me? Yes, but I firmly believe that more people need to read it and that the author deserves more recognition in general! This pre 4.08 science island fic is sweet and romantic but explores inner conflicts of nature in such a beautiful way (with some awesome anecdotes and metaphors). All her writing is beautiful and poetic and it’s worth your while to go through her memori tag to find/read the stuff she hasn’t posted on AO3.
Cataclysmic by maelidify; @maelidpoetree​
Rating: E (by author request don’t read if you’re not 18+) One-shot, Genre: Angst
She’s looking up at him, half angry, half looking for permission for something. For what—?
More breakup angst!! This remains the best Murphy POV I’ve read, it’s messy and angry and sad and the fic tears me up a little every time. I’d even recommend this to people who don’t like/read smut because, while present, it’s tasteful and really this fic is about all the emotions. If the two fics in a row haven’t clued you in just read everything Liz writes, because I don’t have space to talk about all her fics but they are all worth your time!!
First Impressions by interlude; @bombshellsandbluebells
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Drama
John Murphy comes back to Arkadia with an unfamiliar grounder woman. The Arkadians and former delinquents react.
(Or: Memori seen from different points of view. Takes places between 4x03 and 4x04.)
Personally I’m a big sucker for outsider POV fics, and the author does a great job with keeping all those outsiders in character and addressing their most pressing motivations while keeping memori in the spotlight of the fic. The story has all the urgency present in s4 and fills in some of the gaps nicely!
The Wild by Debate; @stupidspaceseven
Rated: M, Multichapter; Genre: Fluff
When Emori points up at the sky, it’s with a pointer finger twice the width of his own. He locks away the knowledge that she trusts him deep inside his chest.
[Post Wanheda 2, detailing Murphy and Emori's early season 3 adventures as they grow to mean the world to each other.]
This one is a shameless self-promotion, but I’m recommending it because I think it’s really good!! Fun shenanigans, theft, first kisses, angsty backstory reveals, smut, this fic basically has the works, and I’m like, 98% sure it’s the longest memori canon complaint fic out there. (I have a host of other memori fics, canon compliant and otherwise if you want to check those out too, but this one’s my personal favorite).
Canon Divergent AUs
Her What If List by the_most_beautiful_broom; @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Meet Cute/Ugly
Memori Appreciation Week: Day One: Canon Divergence
Emori and Otan's latest robbery goes awry when the mark ends up being very much awake, but all's well that end's well, and an unexpected connection is made in the middle of the desert.
And she wonders if his eyes weren’t just sad, that they were just asleep. Because maybe it’s the fire, or the fading adrenaline, but now Emori can swear his eyes are sparkling. Which is a stupid thing to think. She’s in the middle of the dead zone, with a gun that isn’t a gun, and a man who could be conning her just like she’s trying to con him.
A really imaginative AU with Grounder!Murphy. This puts our characters in a familiar situation but makes it new and unique. Emori’s POV is both critical and vulnerable and the memori banter is amazing!
home is what the heart protects by emperor_bell
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Family/Friendship
"John Murphy had lived a hundred lifetimes in his year on the ground and yet still, somehow, after a year of living in space again, nineteen year old John Murphy hears the word “dad” and his first thought is 'I’m too young.'"
I'm obsessed with the thought of Emori having a baby in space, and I set out to write Memori parents. Instead I wrote 2k words of John Murphy feelings. Enjoy.
More messy feelings! The dialogue here and what characters (mostly Murphy) do versus what they think and say is really interesting and makes for an engaging read. Plus a look at how complicated memori as parents would be and a super angsty sequel if that’s the kind of thing you’re into!
Taking A Village by Zaffie
Rated: M, Multichapter; Genre: Found Family/Survival
Once they get it all sorted, the technical aspect of living on the Ring turns out to be the easy part. It's the rest which is hard. Everyone's got their personal demons to face - except when you're seven people trapped together for five-plus years, "personal" is easier said than done.
This one is much less memori-centric than spacekru-centric, but it’s probably my favorite Ring fic, and the AU aspects just make it better. Both Murphy and Emori are incredibly in character and their chapter is beautiful and sad. If you happen to also be a big Spacekru or Raven fan this fic is a must. Also there’s a great sequel in the works!
I know the sound of your heart by dylanobrienisbatman; @dylanobrienisbatman
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Fluff
Bellamy fought hard, and got them the 80 acres on the edge of the valley. They built a house, big enough for all of them, they had a farm, they were happy and safe. Emori should be happy, she should feel like it was enough, but it wasn't. She and John were still apart, and their history made her scared to try.
But as time went on, she watched as John became part of the group. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but the longer she waited, the more it seemed like he was really better.
Was it time to give him another chance?
The soft spacekru feels in this one are almost as great as the memori ones which feature reconciliation and addressing their s5 issues in a healthy way. The lead up to them getting back together is as good the second go around as in the first.
eat, drink, and be merry by flowermasters
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Fluff
Murphy and Emori do what they can to improve morale.
So this is the wedding fic that everybody needs in these hours. There’s a healthy dose of spacekru to make it all the ore sweeter and Murphy and Emori are adorably in love while trying to maintain their aloof and uncaring reputations. This fic did so much to heal my soul while in the depth of the s5 angst. 
In This Valley by Kats_watermelon; @katswatermelon​
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Angst/Fluff/Kidfic
written for day 1 of memori week, prompt: canon divergence 
This is mostly a really fun spec fic if God Complex went worse and Murphy and Emori got six years alone on Earth. There are big shifts in tone from the start to the end of the fic, but they feel earned and memori have a cure kid in addition to Madi and you get to see them square up with Diyoza asap. Something for everyone!
Life After the Mountain by Ghelik; @ghelikblack 
Rating: T, Series of One-shots; Genre: Hurt/Comfort
The Mountain falls and the grounders keep their distance, because the Sky-People are soldiers that have earned their respect and the lands of the Mountain that they have conquered. Which is good, because skaikru might need a break.
Series of one-shots in an AU where season 3 kind of didn't happen, but elements of it might be borrowed from.
This one is a little different because it’s a series of one shots and not all of them deal with memori but the fair majority of them do, and it’s a great what-if of how Murphy and Emori learn to function in society in a (sort of) kinder world. There’s lots of angst and vulnerability and feelings of inadequacy as well as fluff and healing. The fics span genres so there’s probably something for everybody!
Burn brighter than we ever have before by Zoadgo; @jonnmurphy
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Drama
Murphy flees an unknown threat in the Promised Land, running right back to the desert that almost killed him the first time he crossed it. It seems intent on fixing its past failures, and Murphy isn't strong enough to fight it on his own, this time. But someone from his past offers him a chance to survive, and even to prosper in the Dead Zone. That is, if he can bring himself to trust someone who has already betrayed him once.
Another great Murphy POV with additional cool (or hot, rather) desert descriptions and personal conflict. It’s a cool what-if and explores how things could have gone down if t100 didn’t go full scifi. Most of all Murphy and Emori’s understandings of each other/immediate connection shine through. 
Show Them the Mercy They Won’t Find on Earth by berxnica
Rating: NA (no smut), One-shot; Genre: Drama
she just showed up swollen and scared, eyes so impossibly big that they left no room for a smile. she pulled murphy aside and removed the blanket that she previously was clutching to her stomach. and there it was, her stomach, swollen and full and round with the promise of life.
Another memori becoming parents fic, but in a different era. The character understanding shines through in the prose here. Our faves are suspicious and afraid and angry while still being soft with one another. If kidfic is your thing at all it’s def worth your time!
Earth Skills: Reap What You Sow by BeaRyan
Rating: E, Multichapter; Genre: Crack/Smut
That week everyone got high on mutant corn and John Murphy realized juvenile prison might not have taught him everything he needed to know about how to please a woman. Canon adjacent.
This is a Memori story from John Murphy's snark-tastic POV and as such contains minor whomp of everyone. Complete.
This story contains a multitude of side pairings, but it is really good for a laugh, and despite being cracky Murphy and Emori’s feelings are very real and present and sweet. A grand ‘ole fic.  
Litany by infernalandmortal; @infernalandmortal
Rating: T, Mulichapter; Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
After leaving an abusive relationship, Murphy moves into his best friend's house. He's fine, really. Their new roommate comes with more than enough baggage of her own.
(A Memori college AU)
If you read memori fic chances are you’ve read this, but it’s definitely worth reiterating! Great writing really brings forth raw emotions from both Murphy and Emori’s POVs and a lot of reading this fic is like getting sucker punched in the best way. There’s also a nice side helping of found family feels, and you get it all in Amanda’s lovely prose (her setting descriptions? kill me) truly a must read.
Little Beast by infernalandmortal: @infernalandmortal
Rating: T, Multichapter
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
John meets her eyes from across the room. What are you running from? his eyes ask.
Nothing, she blinks back. Everything.
“Will I see you again?” His eyes are trying not to be earnest. They are a strange shade of blue-green in the flickering yellow street light outside her house. They are uncomfortably difficult to read.
“Maybe.” It’s all she can give. She’s supposed to fear boys like this. “I’d like to.”
(A Memori-centric small-town AU. Title and opening excerpts from Little Beast by Richard Siken.)
Less angsty than Litany, but no less emotional, this fic is *chef’s kiss*. The fic features Murphy and Emori growing together and becoming family with one another while trying to manage their pasts. The growth the characters have through the fic is amazing and the ending make me feel all kinds of Soft. There are also bonus drabbles in the same ‘verse. And after you read those you might as well read everything else by this author because her stories are numerous and amazing. 
Don’t be surprised if I love you (for all that you are) by not_a_total_basket_case; @raven-reyes-of-sunshine​
Rating: G, One-shot
Genre: Fluff
Emori doens't want to find her soulmate, she wants to make that choice herself.
Who doesn’t like a good soulmate AU? The mechanics of soulmates in this AU are really unique and structured in a way to make the payoff at the end all the better. It’s a great friends to lovers story, and the supporting cast is lovely too, this fic make you feel all warm inside. 
Tired of Yourself and All of Your Creations by Chash
Rating: T, One-shot
Genre: Fluff/Drama
Murphy didn't ask to be successful and relatively wealthy and friends with people in good standing in society. It just sort of happened, and now there are all these families who apparently think he'd be a good match for their daughters. Being a respectable member of society is a pain, really.
I certainly didn’t know I needed a memori Regancy!AU until I read this, but the characterizations were picture perfect and the plot quick and smart without getting pulled down by the type of dialogue common in regency writing. A very fun AU!
Quiet Thought Come Floating Down and Settle by LayALioness
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Drama/Fluff
When Murphy meets the girl, it’s not under the best circumstances.
A great example of canon transferred to modern AU well with prickly Murphy and mysterious Emori. The story is fast paced and all of Murphy’s inner musings and snark are highly amusing. 
traitors never win by Kats_watermelon; @katswatermelon​
Rating: T, Multichapter; Genre: Crime/Drama
Murphy's been kicked out of his crew. Emori's been alone for a while now. They both have a knack for robbery and dreams bigger than their pasts, and they're willing to steal from anyone and everyone to prove it.
If you like the high drama this is for you, a very edge of your seat read with a great payoff at the end. Lovely dialogue as well and a combo of both Murphy’s and Emori’s POVs.
Golden by frikdreina;
Rating: E, One-shot; Genre: Smut/Fluff
It was their two years anniversary and Emori had planned this for weeks. Murphy would be at her place after seven and Emori skipped her last period so she could get everything done before he got there. Her heart was pounding as she unlocked the door to her apartment, the thrill of anticipation taking over her. It was like if electricity was running through her veins and she couldn’t get enough of it, with her mind drifting to the way he kissed her and how his touch had always felt right on her skin.
If you’re just looking for some hot and sweet memori smut this is the fic for you! Doesn’t get into anything too kinky and remains intimate throughout with great descriptions. 
she’s the tear in my heart by flowermasters
Rating: M, One-shot; Genre: Fluff/Drama
Murphy is in love with the girl he's sleeping with, and is incredibly bad at handling it.
Oh man This Fic. The banter is amazing and full of little call backs and tie ins, the descriptions speak to Murphy and Emori so well and transfer to a modern AU so easily. The fic is lovely and if you want something where Murphy and Emori are just dumb about their feelings than this is for you. Another author to keep your eye on if you like memori (or becho) fics. 
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kingstoken · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week (Day 8) - Beach Wedding
It was on that beach that she first realized that this was a second chance for them, so this is where they started their new life together 
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Memoriweek prompts
Suggestions so far!!
Thanks @katswatermelon and @boomheda !!
Most romantic moment
Most underrated moment
Most heartbreaking moment
Favorite touch
Favorite line/scene/episode/season
Favorite AU
Fic prompts:
AU / Modern AU
Canon divergence
Favorite trope
Time jump
Ok in the past we’ve always done broad prompts like this - I’m thinking it might be better to do something more specific this time, at least for fics. It still makes sense to have two prompts a day to target all kinds of content makers.
What about things like:
Time / forever
Flowers (he gave her LEAVES!!! And now the idea won’t leave me alone)
Etc etc I’m open for other better ideas
Also @awstenskknight pointed out the last days prompt should 100% be “wedding”
@dailymemori @murphystartedthefire @the-most-beautiful-broom @infernalandmortal @doortotomorrow @laufire @maelidpoetree
Also please let me know if you want to be added to the tagging list!
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commander-anya · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week 
Day Two: Favourite Underrated Moment - Aka Protective!Husband Murphy
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laufire · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week: Day Seven – Favourite love declaration.
   The proposal’s answer.
[Caption: gifs from The 100. Even after finding themselves on opposite sides when Emori decides to help the rest of the space family against Josephine and Murphy, Emori runs to him and refuses to leave him behind, telling him: “My answer is yes. I will love you forever, even if we die today“.]
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laufire · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week: Day Four – Most heartbreaking moment.
   If she dies, you die.
[Caption: season 4 episode 8 from The 100. The two of them are tied up to the drop ship, with Murphy trying to bite off his restraints. Emori tells him enough, that he can’t stop Clarke and the rest to use her for the nightbloodexperiment; he replies that he won’t let this happen to her. Emori begs him to go along with them and let them carry on with it, so that they won’t pick him next. She begs him to survive, the both of them with tears in their eyes, Murphy clearly disagreeing.]
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laufire · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week: Bonus.
   First meeting vs. proposal answer.
[Caption: gifset from The 100 paralleling Emori and Murphy’s first meeting in the desert -when Emori robbed Murphy’s group and left them in the desert (and him unconscious), but the bond they’d formed made her give him information to get out of it-; and Emori staying with John in season 6 episode 8, despite having found each other in opposite sides and the fact that both Murphy and Echo asked her to leave.]
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commander-anya · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week
Day Four: Most Heartbreaking Moment - 5x06 Exit Wounds
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doortotomorrow · 5 years
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memori engagement week - favourite kiss - forest tryst
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laufire · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week: Day Two -- Most underrated moment.
    Emori: how can I get rid of this girl so I can conspire in peace with my bf?
    Emori: I’ll use some PDA and make her believe we’re gonna have sex in the kitchen.
[Caption: gifs from The 100. Emori starts getting affectionate with Murphy and tells Clarke how to get to the bathroom by herself, so he can stay in the kitchen, and she can tell him about the conversation she overheard and made her believe they’d use her as guinea pig.]
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laufire · 5 years
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Memori engagement week: Day One -- Best Slytherin moment / Con.
          (nothing like an explosion to revive the ~spark)
[Caption: gifs from The 100. John gets the idea of using the fuel in the drop-ship to get rid of the Eligius members following them. After blowing up them up, he and Emori start making out in the woods (though Emori states it doesn’t mean they’re back together). It turns out one of them survived, so Emori proposes to use him as hostage and Murphy smirks, proud.]
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doortotomorrow · 5 years
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memori engagement week - most romantic gesture - murphy’s proposal
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laufire · 5 years
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Memori Engagement Week: Day Five – Favourite episode.
   2.12 -- Rubicon
[Caption: gifs from the first episode shared by Emori and Murphy in The 100. The set shows them feeling drawn to each other as soon as they meet, revealing their secrets, Emori giving him the information to get to the City of Light. The middle gif has Murphy following her indications, leading the rest of the party at night with a full moon on the background, with the quote “I believe this is what they call having faith“.]
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