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Happy Half-Blood, Buck, Full-Moon Eclipse 🌘 . Time to let go of everything that no longer serves. . “The full effects of eclipses take up to six months to be fully unpacked, but you're likely to feel them intensely as they happen. The lunar eclipse on the 16th is a powerful time for releasing; whether you need to let go of a habit, a relationship, or even the past, the energy is there to help you. The downside of this is that if you don't use this energy to transform what you've outgrown, you're likely to be confronted by drama, or find yourself caught up in obsessive and self-destructive thoughts, or projecting past hurts onto current situations.” . “The planets come into play, too. “Restrictive Saturn, transformative Pluto, and illusive Neptune will all be triggered by this lunar eclipse (all these planets are retrograde, which means we are coming to terms with the past),” Stardust adds. “All these planets may cause havoc in our personal lives — but, they can also create change. We are letting go of the limits that hold us back and evolving into the person of our dreams. We are seeing things and others for who they are. We are letting go of the restrictions that hold us back.” . https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.refinery29.com/amp/en-us/2019/07/237735/full-buck-moon-lunar-eclipse-july-2019 (Image source unknown) . . Credit: @postcardstotheuniverse . #FullMoon #LunarEclipse #AMWriting #thehugmovement #AMPublishing #ManifestingAbundance #Wishes #Dreams #SpiritualLife #Abundance #ParadigmShift #LOA #LawOfAttraction #IAM #Photography #Photograph #Postcard #MelisaCaprio #Artist #PostcardsToTheUniverse #Empower #Love #Manifestation #ManifestingMagic #Grateful #Gratitude #InspiringStories https://www.instagram.com/p/B0AjavxgcqG/?igshid=15ui4d2ajd130
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