shippingcrumbs · 3 years
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incorrectmyhero · 2 years
Ship bingo; TodoKami (Todoroki and Kaminari)
MeiIida, and MeiMomo
ooo MeiMomo... interesting.
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no bingo life, but in fairness im not a Todokami fan. I just don't see them getting along well enough to date. Like I think they'd be great friends but Kami seems even more talkative than Midoriya and I think Todo would take a minute to adjust to someone so hands on bff.
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no bingo, but these some babeys right here <3
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never even thought of meimomo... that's actually adorable
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originaldouble · 3 years
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Iida: [walks into the kitchen]
Mei: [is wearing gloves and googles and welding a sandwich together]
Iida: I love you.
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dumpstertrashfire · 3 years
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For the last day of iidamei week on Twitter! A Fullmetal Alchemist AU. u w u
Not done with days 4-6 though so stay tuned for those lol
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unluckyozzyart · 4 years
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Iihatsu comic: Page 1/4
This comic was made 2 FUCKING YEARS ago, but  never convinced me how the coloring looked and well today is the day (?
I don’t have a context for this, I just ship this (?
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
An Iida/Hatsume relationship saga, part VI
Game Show Host: And now we’re back to the Newlywed Hero Game!  Here’s where we find our how well newlywed pro heroes know their partners!   Before the commercial, we asked our guests what their partner’s favorite thing to do is!  Ingenium, you’re up! Tenya: Mei’s favorite thing is to “make a baby!” Audience: OooOoOoOooh Host: Keeping it frisky, huh? Tenya: -realizing what he’s just said on tv in front of millions of people-  No!  Not that!  It means... Tensei: -watching at home-  This is the greatest day of my life.
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theteapotofdoom · 4 years
I know you love the Shigabowl but may I present: Tenyabowl Also Tensei being the wingman for all of them, but at the same time is like “break his heart I break your soul :D”
I feel like I really need to talk about Iida more on this blog so you can all fully realise how much I love him and how much I think about him daily. I completely agree with you, Tenyabowl is real and canon and the only bitch I trust.
Like, we don’t talk enough about the fact that Horikoshi said that Iida is canonically considered as one of the pretty boys of the class. I mean we been knew, but it’s good to have Horikoshi’s written words to prove it. I have this very strong headcanon that literally EVERYONE in 1A (and all of the first years tbh) has some sort of crush on Iida. For most some of them, it’s full-on hardcore yearning and pinning, for others it’s more of casual “damn he is pretty”. No one is immune to the Iida charm, he is the beautiful beefy jock, prep, nerd who loves his friends and learns from his mistakes and goes feral when no one is looking. Chaotic good KING ...
Just for funsies, here are my favourite Iida ships in ... some sort of specific order but not completely? Mostly in order of preference, but things tend to switch around.
1) Shiniida (Shinsou x Iida) YEAH I KNOW IT’S A CRACK SHIP but I really can’t help it ... Iida and Shinsou are my two favourite students characters, and there is surprisingly a lot of good art and fic out there and I’m weak. Also, Iida is jock/prep/nerd and Shinsou is 1000% pure goth, so they complete each other as soulmates and reach perfect balance together. (Please talk to me about Shinsou joining class 1A and Iida being a good class rep who helps in to fit in and Shinsou going full yearning ...)
2) Iideku (Iida x Deku) CANON KINGS!!! The number one spot can switch around between Iideku and Shiniida depending on how I feel. Iideku is so incredibly powerful and important to the story, and I’m actually really bitter that most people sleep on it. It’s literally from enemies to rivals to best friends to lovers (yeah remember that Iida and Deku’s relationship didn’t have a super smooth smart). I am enamoured with how much they trust each other, respect each other, and how much they keep influencing each other for the better. Like, the Stain arc and the Bakugou retrieval arc are PEAK Iideky content. Horikoshi is blessing us with beautiful parallels and emotionally charged scenes, we love to see it. Like, the scene where Iida punches Deku is one of my favourite scenes in the entire series (and I’m lowkey bitter that the fandom keeps reducing it to “shouto is mad that iida punched his boyfriend”). I’m could actually write a whole ass essay about iideku and why I love it so much, but I will have mercy on yall. 
3) Todoiideku/Todoiida (Todoroki x Iida x Deku and Iida x Todo) I’m putting this two together because they have similar energy and I like them for similar reasons! I just think that Iida deserves all the boyfriends you know? Todoiida doesn’t hit me as hard as iideku because they don’t have much connexion and history but it’s still so good. It’s just a really cute ship, with just enough drama to give it the good flavour. And also the concept of Todo and Deku just both being super smitten with their cute tall speedy bf is just beautiful to me ... like i said he deserves all the boyfriends.
4) Iidachako (Iida x Occhako) THAT SHIT IS JUST CUTE AS FUCK MY DUDES ... here I don’t have too much meta to share. It’s just that Iida is my favorite boy after Shig and Ochako is my favorite girl after Toga, and I love their friendship, so the idea of these going from best friends to awkward pinning to actual couple is just ... it’s just that good shit, you know? Actually, they remind me a lot from one of my favourite ship ever from the show Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun (it’s good you should all watch it) between Nozaki Umetarou and Sakura Chiyo. Chaotic clueless oblivious toll boy and small fierce emotional cute girl. We love to see it. It’s not favourite ship for either of them (I’m actually a HUGE closeted kacchako shipper, don’t @ me, they’re cute) but I love it nonetheless. 
5) Meiida (Mei x Iida) I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT ... CHAOTIC NERD BABIES ... I THINK THEY SHOULD KISS ... I think they had a very fun chemistry during the internship arc and I would love to see more. I think they have a lot of potential because Iida has a very mechanical quirk and Mei is well, an expert mechanic, so you could do so much with them!!! I also like it because Iida looks very organized and chaotic on the surface but is actually very chaotic and messy deep down, while Mei looks chaotic and messy, but she is actually very confident and organised. LOVE ME SOME PARALLELS ...
6) BakuIida (Bakugou x Iida) I just ... I just like ... the dynamic ... Bakugou looking like a punk but actually being an ace student who goes to bed at 8am and never breaks any rule, and Iida acting like a nerdy lawful prep but actually being a full ass punk who goes tries to murder villains in dark alleys. THE POTENTIAL OF THIS DYNAMIC ... GIVE IT TO ME ... I WANT THE FICS ... FEED ME ... I feel like they would just be very passionate and so the relationship would be chaotic but they would actually help each other out SO MUCH ... i love it.
There are a lot more Iida ships I like (IidaMomo, SeroIida, IidaYama ...) like I said, I’m pretty sure that every first-year student in UA has a crush on Iida because how could you not??? But these are my favourites at the moment.
Hhhhhh that post got out of hand, I didn't even get to talk about Tensei BUT I AGREE WITH YOUR TAKE!!! He is equally best wingman and protective big bro who will kill whoever hurts his baby brother. Tensei is a pro hero so he has the potential of being TERRIFYING I just know it. (Also I suddenly remember that Shigaraki x Tensei is one of my crack ships ... don’t @ me, I know ...)
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twindoodleart · 4 years
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This was a quick doodle.
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ultra-shipper · 5 years
Your ship summary for Meiida was seriously adorable. Is there a chance for gush as well??
Oh, absolutely, Anon-san!
I think Meiida is one of the best ships out there because it has the sheer capacity to be absolutely insane or completely down to earth while consistently being soft and refreshing.
Often times with fictional relationships you’ll get the opposites-attract energy. But with these two, you’ve got two wildly alike people - one being an adorably overenergetic mechanic with the mind of a genius, and the other being blessed with the speed and bravery of a thousand leaders - that still manage to contrast each other just enough to be fresh and new. It’s really quite sweet!
The likelihood is not exactly matching up to Izuocha or Bakushima in canon possiblity, but I think a lot of people would be massively happy if this happened.
I also think they are remarkably charming; like beyond the realm. Their battle in the Sports Festival was amazing in the sense that Hatsume saw Iida and immediately knew how he worked, how his Quirk operated, and exactly what items to give him for her pitch. And although he doesn’t show it, I get the feeling Iida admires her tenacity and passion for her career path and school work, so much so that he still went back when it came to the Licensing Exam.
TL;DR I really love this Ship for its refreshing nature and energetic participants.
Thanks for the opportunity, Anon-san! Remember ask box is OPEN for Ship Summaries, Gushes, and Headcannon Requests!
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Mei: this is unbelievable, you owe me an explanation
Iida: No, you owe me an explanation! I stood under the roof and you fell to my arms from heaven, I fell and ended up in your arms, I inspect the school and there you are again. You even show up in my dreams, would you leave me in peace? You must really be in love with me, I don't blame you... Alright, I give up, you win. Where are we going? To the beach! Do you like the beach?
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angelfishcake · 6 years
upsetting headcanon
Neither Iida nor Hatsume can dance.
We know Iida can do the Robot but it's never stated he does it WELL
You know that stupid step-slide-step thing you see in 50s movies, they're doing that on the stupid dance floor to Uptown Funk. 
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redhalcyons · 6 years
» past nightfall
pairing: hatsume mei/iida tenya
word count: 1,800
rating: general
summary: It’s stressful for Tenya sometimes when he hears Mei working in the late hours of the night. His hero duties can take him into the late evening fairly often, but he knows that there are times when he needs to step back from his work and allow himself to indulge in relaxation.
Mei, however, never knows those limits. She tinkers away late into the night, always forgetting about breaks for food and sleep unless she’s snapped out of her work.
( read here )
some soft romantic iidamei in the am
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tokoyumi · 6 years
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Yeah so… here are all my Iida ships…. Tag yourself I’m Iida x People love and appreciating him EDIT: PLS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS IIDA AND HIS BROTHER HAPPY AND HEALTHY 
@thatonepersonwholikesmemes @saritaadam
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Iida Appreciation Discord!
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Frustratingly, tumblr won’t let posts with links show up in the tags, but I have made a discord channel for the love and appreciation of our boy Iida Tenya. Message me if you’d like an invite, but I also plan to reblog this post with the link so feel free to check the notes and come on in!!!! We’re a fairly quiet group so far so please don’t feel shy! ^_^
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dumpstertrashfire · 3 years
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For the first day of iidamei week on Twitter.
Body swap soulmate AU inspired by Your Name.
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