#meg and cecile love their pranks! ;D
britishchick09 · 2 months
poto rewritten short stories 6/6: meg the fooler
in honor of read an e-book week, i'll be sharing sneak peeks of the rewrite's first short story collection (which will be an e-book exclusive out this spring)! last but not least is meg and cecile being epic pranksters! ;D
The door creaked open…
“BOO!” Meg yelled, running out from the vanity.
“AHHH!” a dancer screamed as she put a hand on her heart. “You got me, Meg!”
Meg laughed. The foolee was none other than Cécile Jammes, her pranking partner. They had pulled many tricks throughout the years on the other dancers, the singers, the stagehands, the managers… no one was safe from their pranks on April Fools’ Day!
…No one except The Opera Ghost, that is.
“I have a little something for my partner in crime!” Meg said.
“Oh!” Cécile’s brown eyes sparkled as Meg handed her a little chocolate fish and popped it in her mouth. “Mmm, thank you. Are you ready to start?”
“I’ve been ready since last night!”
Cécile smirked and tossed one of her caramel brown ringlets over her shoulder. “I know exactly what we can do first.”
 A few minutes later, chatter sounded through the ballerina dorm as the corps de ballet filed in. Some did stretches, a few lounged on the sofa, others sat at their vanities and some stood around to talk. Meg and Cécile waited near the back, hiding soft giggles behind their hands.
“Here she comes!” Cécile whispered.
Meg gave an excited squeak as Sorelli DuPont walked in. She rubbed a horseshoe on the wall for good luck.
“What in the world?” Sorelli looked at her horseshoe, which was covered with a rubber bathing cap! “Oh, I should’ve known…”
“April Fools’!” Meg and Cécile exclaimed.
Sorelli rolled her eyes. The jokesters looked over at Fleur, who sniffed a tulip… that sprayed her with water! Elena was brushing her hair at her vanity. She gasped as she realized that cold cream was on it! The lotion belonged to Colette... who smeared ketchup all over her face! Nellis opened her vanity drawer to find nothing inside except a paper fish and April’s paper nameplate had ‘Fools!’ written on it. The remaining seven ballerinas were pranked as well, leaving Meg and Cécile in stitches.
“I knew this would happen.” April said with a sigh.
“You two are almost as bad as The Opera Ghost!” Colette exclaimed.
“And just as delicious!” Meg added as she swiped some ketchup from her face.
“No one could ever be as great as that ghost. It’s-” Sorelli paused at Meg’s look. “He’s the greatest trickster in the opera house.”
“We may be great, but he’s the true master.” Cécile agreed.
Meg looked down at the floor as an idea sprung into her mind. She looked up, her eyes widening with a gasp as she exclaimed, “I got it! We can join forces with Mr. E!"
“Seriously? You want us to partner with The Opera Ghost?" Cécile asked with an uneasy frown.
"Yeah! The Ghost is a bit scary, but Mr. E is perfectly fine. He has access to every corner of the opera house, so..."
Sorelli groaned. "Great. You'll be unstoppable.”
"Oui... unstoppable!" Cécile exclaimed with a grin. "Let's do it!"
Meg cheered. "This will be the best April Fools’ Day yet! I'll go get him!"
She ran down the dressing room hallway, stopping at the very end. She put her ear to the door and listened.
"Meg woke me up by putting my hand in cold water," Christine was saying. "It startled me so much! One of her many tricks for today!"
"What's today?" Erik asked.
Meg wanted to shout, 'April Fools’ Day!' but she let Christine say it instead.
"Ah, yes. One of the best times of the year for The Opera Ghost," Erik chuckled. "Ayesha likes it, too. She stretched out on my legs and I sat up to pet her... and then she started walking towards me. She was going to lay right on my pillow! I caught on and laid back down before she could, but she found a nice spot next to me."
Christine giggled. "Oh, how funny! She nearly tricked you!"
"Sounds like she'd be the perfect kitty prankster!" Meg exclaimed as she ran into Christine's dressing room.
Erik looked up. He was doing a mirror chat with Christine, who looked over her shoulder at Meg.
“Then we’d have three tricksters scurrying around!” she realized with a chuckle.
“More like four.” Erik added with a wink.
“That’s exactly why I’m here,” Meg said. “Meet Cécile and me on stage after practice, Mr. E!”
Erik frowned. “Can’t I just meet you?”
“Nope. I don’t prank alone,” Meg smiled as she added, “Cécile won’t be scared of you, I promise.”
She went up to the mirror and held out her pinkie, getting a confused look from Erik.
“That’s a pinkie promise.” Christine explained.
“It is!” Meg agreed. “It’s one you can’t break.”
Erik looked at Meg’s pinkie before slowly lifting his own.
“There you go! It’s a date! But not the ones you and Christine go on!” Meg said, giggling at Erik and Christine’s rosy blushes.
 Meg sighed as she stood on her tip toes and tried to peek into Box Five. It was eleven-forty on the dot. Ballet practice had ended not too long ago and now she and Cécile were waiting on stage.
“He should be here by now!” Meg said impatiently.
“Maybe he doesn’t want to partner with us,” Cécile hoped as she fiddled with her coral ring. “Let’s think of some more pra-”
Just then, the chandelier lights went off! Cécile’s scream echoed through the theater. Meg jumped a little, but she wasn’t afraid.
“The electricity’s gone out!” Cécile exclaimed in a panic. “Let’s fetch the managers!”
“Or you could fetch The Opera Ghost.” a voice said.
The lights returned and a shadow stepped out from Box Three.
“Mr. E!” Meg exclaimed happily. “I thought you’d be in Box Five!”
“Got you, Little Miss,” Erik said with a smile. “Consider that an April Fools’ gift from me.”
“The greatest gift would be partnering with us!”
“As long as you’re not creepy.” Cécile added.
“Oh, that’s only The O- Opera Ghost. Y- You won’t need to worry about creepiness with me,” Erik reassured her. “Y- You’ll just need to w- wo- worry about all the sneaky tricks we’ll pull.”
Cécile’s fearful face was replaced with a sly one.
“So you’re in?” Meg asked.
“Yes, Little Miss,” Erik smirked. “I’m definitely in.”
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anachronisticcrab · 3 years
Solangelo Headcanons
So I’ve got a lot of these cause I’m such a simp for Nico and Will (feel free to ask me about any other Headcanons on either character, cause I’ve got LOTS)
They’re both massive nerds, but neither of them really like the same kind of things
Like, Will is more of a Star Wars and Star Trek fan, he loves Harry Potter more than life itself, and reads medical textbooks and animal books for fun
But Nico is such a linguistics and mythology nerd, we all know he loves Pokémon and DND, and he’s really into classic literature and art
They both spend 90% of their dates geeking out over their interests, and even when they talk about something the other doesn’t understand, they’re super supportive and sweet cause they’re both cute geeks
As much as they aren’t interested in the same things for the most part, they do have a few interests in common (pirates, astronomy, Dreamworks and Disney animated movies, The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, music, marvel and DC)
They absolutely have movie marathon dates. It’s their favourite thing. Their favourite movie series’ are Pirates of the Caribbean, Night at the Museum, and The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Nico loves watching Star Wars with Will because Will mumbled the lines along with the characters and does little lightsaber noises along with it and he’s so cute
Will likes watching movie adaptions of classic lit with Nico because he points out everything that’s different from the books, why the movies are bad, and insists on pausing it to go on rants about everything they got wrong. Will fucking loves it
They both have tattoos. Will’s got the sun over his chest, and a small semi colon on his left wrist next to a treble clef. Nico’s got a semicolon on his right wrist next to a bass clef
Will loves Halloween, and Nico could take it or leave it (he never did anything for it because he grew up in Italy), but Nico does couples costumes because Will looks at him with puppy dog eyes and Nico’s helpless
They’ve gone as Jed and Octavian from Night at the Museum; Buzz Lightyear and Woody; those two crazy pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean (the one with the wooden eye who dressed up in drag, and the short one who got upset over parlay); 1930’s mobsters; Adam and Barbara Maitland from Beetlejuice; Han Solo and Luke Skywalker
They actually talk to Mr. D, and that’s why they’re his favourite— they play poker with him, they talk to him, they treat him like anyone else and he lives them for it
Will loves every single one of Nico’s siblings (Rachel, Hazel, Reyna, Meg, Jason, Connor, Travis, Percy, Tyson, Estelle, Chiara, Piper, etc). They share ridiculous Nico stories and plan pranks on him— they all adore Will
Will’s siblings and friends lowkey love Nico more than Will. He brings them McDonalds, teases Will and makes Will blush, attempts archery to try to bond with them (he really tries, but he’s just really awful), he tells Will’s little siblings bedtime stories. Nico’s just really awkward, and he really tries, and they all love him. Of course, Cecil, Lou Ellen, Austin, and Kayla bug Nico a lot because he’s so awkward, but the truth is they really, really, really like him
Will is horrible at music. Like, truly horrible at anything to do with music. But he has an encyclopedic knowledge of music from over the last 200 years, and randomly quotes lyrics and talks about musical theory all day long
In contrast, Nico is amazing at playing piano and guitar, plus he enjoys playing the drums. He’s really musically talented, but knows nothing about the theory behind it or about the artists. Whenever Nico tries to learn a new song, Will nerds out over the musician/background of the song/cool lyrical devices that make it an amazing song. Nico frickin loves it
Nico loves cooking, while Will can’t cook for his life. Like someone get this boy some help, he almost burnt down his mom’s house while microwaving popcorn. They agreed that Nico would cook and Nico would clean
Nico can’t drive for shit. I mean, cars don’t exist in the city where he grew up (there’s not enough room for vehicles on the few roads in Venice), and even if there were, he’s Italian and gay (sorry about the stereotypes there, but I really can’t see Nico being a good driver). Will drives them everywhere or gets Jules-Albert to drive them, and hides Nico’s drivers license to ‘protect the public from his menace of a boyfriend’
You know how I mentioned the no vehicles in Venice thing? Yeah, no bikes are in the city either. Will taught Nico to ride a bike after the Giants War (before they started dating). Hazel took videos and pictures cause Nico was freaking out over it and yelling at Will not to let him die
Will finds animals on the street and adopts them. Nico begrudgingly helps Will to take care of the animals until they find good homes for them (mostly from people in New Rome)
Unfortunately, Will gets attached to them, and now they have 5 cats, 2 dogs, 3 snakes, 4 lizards, and a blue Jay
They’re both really grumpy in the morning. If you wake either of them up, they will probably bite your hand off
They like going on runs a lot? They’ll go on jogs once a day if possible, and they’ll chat or share earbuds while doing so
They go on dates on canoe lake a lot. They like to have races on the canoes, and to just float out away from everyone else (they totally don’t joke about being pirates or pretend to be pirates while on the lake, that’d be ridiculous and childish)
When Will’s been in the infirmary for too long, Nico walks in and throws a Kit Kat at his head, and then drags him out of the infirmary (sometimes by his ear, sometimes by his hand, depending on how long Will’s been in there for or how annoyed Nico is that day)
Nico’s teaching Will how to speak Venetian (he sucks at it, but Nico appreciates the effort)
Nico takes a long time to get used to PDA, and even after they’ve been dating for years, Nico’s really only comfortable with holding hands and hugs (plus cheek kisses or quick pecks) in public. Will’s fine with it, and he didn’t stop smiling for three days after Nico first pecked him on the cheek in public
International dates! Paris, Venice, Milan, Madrid, Banff, Athens, Cairo, Tokyo, Sydney, Ho Chi Minh, everywhere! They love travelling!
They have a lot of conversations where they tell the other how amazing they are (since they’re both pretty self-deprecating, and they think the world of the other, it ends up with them just going ‘shut up you’re beautiful, why do you put up with me’ for hours on end)
Dates on roofs! Nico and Will point out constellations at night and cloud watch during the day. They have picnics on the roof of the Big House, and the Hades and Apollo cabins all the time
They buy each other Funko Pop figures for birthdays, Christmas, and basically anytime they want to get each other a gift
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britishchick09 · 2 years
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i discovered a secret door in the empress’ box at paials garnier! :o
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