#me? illustrating scenes from a fic i'll never publish??
n4c9s · 28 days
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A warmth fills your chest. As you reach out to hold it, you can feel it spread to your neck and your arms. A heart beats next to yours and there is a warm breath on your shoulder. It's comfy here.
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herooffire101 · 1 month
I took a class on Death and Dying, and now I'm having thoughts on Persona 3
So I'll admit that I'm a Persona fan. My favorite one is Persona 3, which, for most of my current followers, didn't know I was even a fan. I've watched let's plays of P3FES (not fully), P4G (fully), and P5/P5R(not fully, but I watched Tom Fawkes stream him playing Royal when it came out fully), and I have played at least a bit of each of them. I want to at least finish my playthrough of P3P (female route) before I even decide to get a PS5 and get P3Reload (and Monster Hunter Wilds). And I had thoughts.
I would like to warn you that this does have some heavy topics, and if that’s not your cup of tea, then it’s okay that you ignore this. I have to get this out somehow, with the thought bugging me until I wrote it out.
This was a thought I had, thanks to one of the college classes I’ve taken recently, called “Death and Dying”. Yes, that is the class’s title. In the course description, it is “A study of the dying process, death ceremonies, and rituals in many cultures from past to present, with an emphasis on Western Civilization.” I know that this is a heavy thing for a lot of people, but I had to take this course for the certification I’m working towards.  This thought came from my latest class (at the time I started typing this rant) about how we could talk to and prepare children about loss, and we were given books for children on death, with various ways death could be explained to them. One book had a two-page section on how funerals were performed in different cultures, and I remember reading somewhere, it may have been a fanfic, about how Japan does cremations. I have no idea what the history is, but I can see why. And then I remember, ‘Wait, I’m a Persona 3 fan. What does this knowledge I now know put into context of what the characters went through in the game’s backstory?’ If this is your first introduction of some of my liked video games, hi, I’m HeroofFire101, and I’m the writer of the unfinished fanfic Dragon’s Fool. I currently still have a half-finished chapter left before I post the next chapter and several half-written scenes in the fanfic. The reason why I never finished it is writer’s block. I slid back into more Persona fics because Reload came out and it reminded me about some things. (I’m not talking about it). But what does this knowledge made me have this thought?
It's mainly how Yukari has, spoiler warning to those who haven’t completed her social link, issues with her mother, specifically how her mother basically went AWOL after her dad died in the game and story. I’m not going to lie, I don’t know a thing about the Japanese culture, but I do know is that with how sudden her dad died ingame, (and the MC/FeMC’s parents), how was Yukari informed about his death? These four books we looked at in class, they each had a purpose, three of them talked about death in different ways. One uses animal motifs, one humanizes it, one I think that it should be used for around middle to high school aged children because of the illustrations are so out of place for me (and I never really was into what most kids watched back in the early 2000s). The fourth book was actually more of a workbook on letting kids process their grief (fascinating book, for 6–12-year-olds and published in 1988. I like it). This is where the thought gave me. Did anyone use anything to help explain death to these characters, especially Yukari?!? Hell, even Mitsuru should have been helped due to her being a fucking victim. Don’t get me wrong, I love these characters, but were they introduced to the concept of death after the explosion at the Kirijo Lab that caused the Dark Hour as children? I know, this is coming from a fan from America, but did something cause the adults around them (not counting Mitsuru’s father and Itusuki, they have exceptions for VASTLY different reasons) to forget to help the children. The Teacher of the course, an actual preacher (trust me, I was surprised at first, but also helped realized that he may be the best teacher for this course), said that, with a story to illustrate it, children either get really clinging or very withdrawn to the point of anger at remaining parent/friend/themselves. Yukari is one of those kids who withdrawn herself, and thanks to her mother’s reaction and subsequent actions, distanced herself, probably for the better. Again, before the game even started, we have context within her backstory. As fans of the game, we can create stories using the information given to us, even create AUs of this beloved game. I just want to share this information and thought I had while in class.
If you made it to the end, thank you for reading, and I’ll be haunting the Persona 3 tag. I don’t know if I’ll post more on Persona 3, but I’ll at least read the posts.
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Tell me the sceeeeene :3
(send me one of my fic titles and i'll tell you which was that scene)
I think it was the meet cute.
"B-E-A, you're 'V, just V" "You're goddamn right I am"
I'm trying to remember because Bea started as a self insert and I had a whole prequel with a tragic backstory about the VDBs and Pacifica and it was really just a huge fuckin' mess. And then the Clouds rescue idea?
I still have the original Streetkid doc in its 119 page glory in my gdrive, I haven't deleted any of the earlier scrapped versions. It was in first person too. Also there was no ending I just lost interest.
Actually, if anything, I wrote it around the title. It was never untitled, it was always "A Streetkid Named Desire" and a love story between Bea-as-self-insert and the Masc V I made (only his hair color has changed).
Here all three versions under the cut, starting with the very first original version. And you can find it in this chapter of the original fic and this chapter of the rewrite.
Embracing the embarrassment but here you go, also I illustrated certain scenes with screenshots of V because I just liked looking at him and re-reading my fic because it was just how I daydreamed. I never had any intention of publishing it in any version when I first wrote it.
Look at this shitty ass outfit in my baby modder days.
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OG gdocs for MY eyes only version
We walked into a dark room, only dimly lit by the dancing nude hologram in the center of the table. The table was scattered with shards and diagrams. A man sat on the right side of the round couch and Jackie motioned for me to slide in from the left. I eyed the man suspiciously as I sat down. Jackie slid in next to me and nudged me to move towards the right, closer to the stranger. He was reading a screamsheet held in front of his face. He wore a leather jacket and dark jeans, I noticed the fingers replaced with chrome, silver. Gorilla arms, maybe?
"V, meet uh, heh, Bea," Jackie chuckled and said under his breath, "Didn't realize your names would rhyme."
"Sounds like you took my gimmick," the man said. He had a smooth voice with a slight gravel, a hint of some eastern state accented his vowels. Philly, maybe? Or Brooklyn? 
"B-E-A," Jackie said, "You're 'just V'."
"You're goddamn right I am!" The man put down the screamsheet and tossed it on the table, finally revealing his face. He looked me up and down, slowly, and offered his hand to shake. I obliged and shook his hand. His fingers were cold and he let his hand linger too long. I started to squeeze tighter and tighter as I narrowed my eyes at him to see how long it would take until he had to pull away. I saw the corner of his mouth lift up in a smirk when we both realized I'd reached my limit. I must have been right about the Gorilla Arms. 
He had dark blue eyes, like an ocean, or at least what oceans used to look like. I felt a stabbing pain in my chest as it brought back memories of Pacifica for a brief moment. His hair was a matching blue with green undercut in a hideous mullet. He had blackwork tattoos going up the sides of his face and down his neck, covering the top half of his ears and around his eyes giving him a striking if not haunting look. His lips had the barest tint of black bleeding inward from the liner around his lips. Interesting tattoo. He had his septum pierced and three lip piercings, just silver studs below his lower lip. Two eyebrow piercings, one on either side as well as the bridge of his nose and a dermal anchor under his left eye. He had scarification on his cheeks, basic line work, subtle. It finely accented the chrome highlighting his cheekbones. Carved into the tattoo on his neck was more chrome, following the curve of his neck down to his collar bones.
A Streetkid Named Desire - Chapter 5
The booth was dimly lit by a blue dancing nude hologram in the center of a table littered with data shards. A man sat on one side of the round red velvet couch that lined the wall and Jackie motioned Bea to slide in next to him. Jackie followed and nudged her with his elbow in her side to get even closer.
The man held a screamsheet in front of his face. He wore a flashy red crystaljock bomber with garish yellow accents. His fingers were black and silver, some kind of cybermod. The sleeves were rolled up but Bea couldn't see any addition marks to tell if it was Gorilla Arms, Mantis Blades, or what.
"V, met uh, heh, Bea," Jackie chuckled and mumbled, "Didn't realize your names would rhyme."
"Sounds like you stole my gimmick," the man said. He had a smooth voice with a slight gravel, a hint of some eastern NUS accent on the vowels.
"B-E-A-," Jackie said, "You're 'V. Just V."
That sounded familiar to Bea. She never remembered customer names, it was like her brain automatically purged everything the moment she clocked out.
"You're goddamn right I am!" he tossed the screamsheet on the table, finally revealing his face. He looked at Bea like she was an all-you-can-eat buffet and he'd been stranded in the wilderness starving for weeks. He offered his hand to shake.
Bea shook his hand, his fingers were cold and he let them linger too long. Bea squeezed tighter and tighter to see whose grip was stronger. She couldn't grip any harder and the corner of V's mouth lifted in a smirk.
Hmm, definitely Gorilla Arms.
He had piercing grey eyes, almost a hint of green like the sky before a tornado hits. His hair was cut in a mullethawk, turquoise on top with a black undercut. He had black tattoos along the sides of his neck that went up to cover the top half of his ears. His eye sockets were also tattooed black and two sharp angled black lines under his cheekbones carved his face into a skull.
Wait a minute, where had she seen those ear tattoos before? Tons of edgy wannabe rockerboys had some skull tattoo, but the ears were unique.
He smiled at her, his lips had a tint of black bleeding inward from the tattoo liner around his lips and multiple facial and ear piercings. The black cyberware across his aquiline nose and cheekbones finely accented the chevron scarification on his cheeks.
His look was haunting and Bea tried not to stare. Something was eating at her. He seemed so damn familiar.
Faster Nomad! Kill! Kill! - Chapter 4
V sat upright in the booth and fidgeted with the placement of the data shards again when he saw Jackie walking towards the booth with a woman. She was tall with yellow and green hair. V had to do a double take. Lots of people in NC have that color hair, besides, hers was shorter, straighter, and the sides were shaved. She also had bangs. The girl in the window did not have bangs. She wore a loose green tank top, tight black leather pants. An HJKE Yukimura smartpistol in a drop holster was strapped to her right thigh. V couldn't help but stare at the femme fatale walking towards him. As she got closer, V noticed she wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples formed tight points in her shirt, he could even see the outline of a nipple piercing. He picked up a screamsheet on the table and pretended to read, hiding the redness spreading across his cheek.
Two pairs of footsteps, one heavier than the other, stopped at the edge of the table. "V, met uh, heh, Bea," Jackie chuckled and mumbled, "Didn't realize your names would rhyme."
V smiled behind the magazine, "Sounds like you stole my gimmick." He had a smooth voice with a slight gravel, a hint of some eastern NUS accent on the vowels.
"B-E-A-," Jackie said, "You're 'V. Just V."
V slapped the screamsheet down on the table, "You're goddamn right I-" he looked up, "am." It was her. She changed her hair, sure, but her green eyes and the gold cyberware across her cheeks, the gold cyberware lines around her shoulders, it was her.
He tried so hard to forget her, but she was permanently etched into his brain. It didn't look like she recognized him, either. He could make a better first impression then. Jackie nudged her into the booth first. When he slid in, he nudged her even closer to V until their legs touched. Her leather was cool against the thin denim of his worn jeans. V turned to her and stuck his hand out to shake and she took it. The same electric pulse when her fingers brushed his against the glass of tequila was magnified by her whole hand. It was soft and warm; she wore a thin gold chain bracelet around one wrist and a series of thick black and gold rings around each finger. He let his touch linger, she felt like a lifeline and if he let go, he would drown.
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leofrith · 11 months
Fic qs: 3, 40, 65?
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
For one-shots it's usually an idea for a scene or even a line of dialogue that I end up building the whole thing around, which is to say I have no fucking plan whatsoever and I'm just winging it. For long fics I need more of an outline or I'll die, but I also don't write in order so my WIP docs are basically a bunch of separate scenes in more or less chronological order which I connect together as a go. Which isn't really a good system. I need a better process but I'm still figuring things out as I go in terms of writing something long.
As far as chapters go, I mostly just write until I think I've reached a good stopping point. I don't really write to a specific word count or anything like that because the content is more important than having an even length for each chapter IMO..... all that being said, I do not recommend my creative process to anyone under any circumstances ever. 🥴
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I THINK ABOUT THIS CONSTANTLY and I have like soooo many moments from my long fic that I would love to commission at some point, but I feel like I should probably at least publish them first. 🫠 But there's a campfire scene (these bitches sure love a campfire huh) fairly early on with Eivor and Leofrith that would be a nice to have illustrated, and I would also kill to have someone draw Leofrith's Hidden One look as it exists in my head.
Unrelated to the long fic, I neeeeeed Eivor with the darksaber from the Star Wars au. I need it. That fic also has a lot of vision/dream sequences in mind that I think would lend themselves to some really cool art. I think all my fics would be illustrated if I had any artistic ability whatsoever. :(
I should also mention that beloved @sarma did a bunch of art inspired by my concept for a post Mando s2 fic that, if I'm being realistic, will probably never see the light of day. But they still make me fucking crazy when I look at them :))
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I answered this one here! But I'm also going to add the little one shot that has been percolating in my brain ever since I finished the Dead Kings DLC for AC Unity. I need to write more about Arno and Leon and their accidental little found family. And I will. 🤪
send me a number!
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arwainian · 1 year
Reading This Week 2023 #5
Welcome to the second week of my school reading heavy life and the weirdness of formatting this when i have to read things for class in chunks instead of all at once
Started and Finished:
fe3h fic (all on ao3)-
The Short Side of Eternity by wanderlustt Vexing by DistractedSiren What Never Was by HTFNoelle Smiles That Reach the Eyes by Recipe The Moon Behind Clouds by printers_devil yours is my spring by northofkites Let Your Heart Hold Fast by wearwind Tanaras by wearwind Agabhainn by wearwind Architects of Heaven, chapters 1-8 (all currently published) by wearwind things we cannot recall losing, chapters 1-3 (all currently published) by wearwind The Signet of His Lords by queenlua Deer Among Cattle by queenlua
can you tell i had a long trip back to my dorm this past sunday? the majority of these are fics on the shorter side that i read on the plane and train ride, and then the last two i read early on in the week. really enjoyed Deer Among Cattle since I just met Judith in my playthrough
Batman/Superman: World's Finest #11 written by Mark Waid, illustrated by Dan Mora
this was my sunday morning read before i left home, and i am just so enjoying this comic even though i have not read the superman stories that it is apparently referencing and building on (according to my dad, who very happily explained what the Reveal was)
"Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory" by Raymond Williams
school reading! this will reappear in the coming weeks as the class instructed me to read through it all together once, and then read it again in chunks taking note of specific parts. this was for my 19th c. pop culture class
"Women, marriage and the family" by Tanya Evans, from British Women 1700-1850 edited by Hannah Barker and Elaine Chalus
always enjoy some evidence based social history, this is for my Jane Austen class
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
the reread for class continues! i fucking love the first proposal scene and i read portions of it outloud to my boyfriend
The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster
read a section of this about what Economic and Social Class of people are represented in Jane Austen's works which was very enlightening
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Constance Garnett, narrated by Frederick Davidson
audiobook my beloved, i love reaching parts and quotes that ended up in The Great Comet bc i just become a pointing meme every time
Sam Patch, the famous Jumper by Paul E. Johnson
this dude is fucking legendary and also reading about him makes me sad because he does not seem to be having a good time
Started and Ongoing:
The Gentleman's Daughter by Amanda Vickery
more for my Jane Austen class, this one is about like landowning but untitled women in Austen's day and Wow the chapter on pregnancy and childbirth and motherhood was heartwrenching
Oathbreaker by quandry on ao3
another fe3h fic, this one is multichapter and i'm getting through it slower. unsure if i'll continue it or just abandon it to pursue other reading, but i think it's an interesting trait on a character changing sides/getting recruited post-timeskip
Beastars, Vol. 4 by Paru Itagaki, translated by Tomoko Kimura
i started reading the first chapter yesterday and then remember that there's another book that I want to be reading during my free time because I know my dad is waiting to talk about it with me so then i felt guilty and. stopped reading this? i will power through it once i have read at least one chapter of that other book
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nedjemetsenen · 3 years
Writing tag game!
I was tagged by @saijspellhart, feel free to read if you want to know more about me and experience my shame. Who decided we should talk about our first fics!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Technically 6, but let's not count the note fic and say 5
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All This We Do in the Name of Ma'at is number one and the others are all pretty close to each other so, eh?
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yep! I try to respond to every comment both to encourage further commenting and to express appreciation for the existing comment!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angsty endings. If I want sad endings, I'll read the news or history books. Fiction is my happy place.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Well, All This We Do in the Name of Ma'at has the best payoff and it's happy, but Bells, Rings, and Other Modern Things makes me smile more, so it's an either or depending on your preference.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really. I'll write characters from one properties into a world based on another property, but I don't bring in characters from both properties. It just doesn't appeal to me. It's completely possible that could change some day, though!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope! I'm lucky that the "worst" I've seen is awkwardly phrased comments. Nothing I'd call hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have written it and probably will again at some point. It's not something I actively look to write, but I let my stories be guided by my characters and I LOVE romance. It's very hard to write people in love without them getting hot and heavy at some point (outside of sex-adverse love relationships).
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had interest expressed, but I don't think they actually did it? It's a lot of work and I tend to write long fics!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and idk if I'd be good at that. I like controlling the final written project. @saijspellhart and I are doing a collab where she illustrates and I write, but we discuss ideas for each chapter together and that works really well for my writing style! She has some great ideas!
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I think I have to give this to puzzleshipping (YuugiXYami/Atemu), which I've shipped since the early 2000s. I'm not always active in that fandom, but it's the only ship that I return to again and again. All the other ships from my childhood are no longer on my radar. I lost interest in them when I lost interest in their associated show.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
If I publish something, I'm gonna finish it, so nothing that's on AO3. I do have some non-published stuff that I wrote scenes for, but will never fully develop, though. I just wanted the ideas out of my head.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, characterization, and pacing/logic. At least, those are what I feel strongest in and what people tend to complement.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Anything visual. I am not a visual person by any definition of that word, so I just don't describe stuff most of the time. It doesn't bother me in reading my work, but it is a thing that visual people sometimes call out.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I avoid it if at all possible because I find it frustrating to read a story and come across a line that I can't understand. It breaks the immersion because I have to stop and go "wait, what did that say?" That's not something that I want my audience to go through.
If I have a character say something that's not in english, then I try to ensure that my audience knows what it means.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
....I preface this by saying that I was young and, even then, I knew that the show was stupid, but it had some really neat ideas for the characters and that's what gets my creative juices flowing! Anyway, Loonatics Unleashed. Don't recommend the show, but I will defend Rev and Tech until my dying day. Still two of my babies! Huh, maybe I should have listed them along with puzzleshipping. I suppose I've shipped them just as long and I love them just as much. I just don't write those stories since it's a dead fandom and I like my stuff read.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My favorite fic is almost always whatever I'm currently writing.
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And the only person I know well enough to tag is the one who tagged me, so I won't tag anyone, but feel free to play along!
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