#mcd Donna
fruitcakebro · 2 days
The real reason that Phoenix Drop's economy improved so rapidly after Garroth and Aphmau took over is because the previous head guard was embezzling funds from the town coffers, and Garroth actually cares about his code of honour.
I imagine him being so incredibly confused when he first starts being the one to run the books. Like, 'Wait, how is this possible? From the income sources available, I'm working with almost time and a half what I thought I was. How has the town gotten into such disrepair?' and then talking to Donna about it, and just having her start cursing out the previous head guard for being a 'dirty, thieving, son of a rat's whore' and Garroth just staring in horror -because respect for the dead and all, plus he was a guard, how could he be a thief?- and then Donna explains what probably happened, and Garroth just bluescreens.
Anyway, that's how they were suddenly able to afford to house a merchant after the old head guard and lord died.
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goat-guy-tm · 2 months
I feel like the fact that Donna acted as a mother figure to Aphmau isn't talked about enough. This random girl showed up to the village she lived in, and this woman, who at the time considered herself to be all alone with no family sje claimed, took in this girl and treated her as her own daughter.
There is something about that to me that is so soft it hurts my soul, the idea that Aphmau, the reincarnation of Irene the MATRON, found a mother figure in some 'random' famer woman from a run down little town.
And Donna is not perfect by any means, and she doesn't need to be, hell she probably doesn't want to be. Aphmau could have chosen any of the older women in Phoenix Drop, but out of all of them was Donna, a rough woman who wanted nothing but a husband who looked good and would take care of her. She chose to look after Aphmau, to be a mother figure for this lost girl.
Maybe, in a way Donna saw a bit of herself in Aphmau. A girl lost with no mom, just trying to find her way in the world, and Donna wanted to be to Aphmau what she never had; a loving and caring mother.
Donna has always been one of my favorite characters, and she always will be. In her 'vainess' lies a deep love for her fellow citizens of Phoenix Drop, and I feel she gets over looked so often. I still like to believe that no matter what, even after those 15 years she still saw Aphmau as her first born. Even if she was never truly Aphmau's mom, and never could be in the most base sense, she still saw her, the next Lady Irene, as her little girl to protect. Maybe the fact that Aphmau never aged those 15 years nailed it in for her, that Aphmau was still her little girl, even if she never saw those young child years.
Maybe I'm being too sappy, but Donna's relationship with Aphmau makes me emotional. I adore seeing caring, loving mothers in fiction, and Donna feels like Aphmau was her world for so long, and she adore that girl like she was her own.
I love Sylvana, but it was a missed oppertunity to make Donna and Logan Aphmau's adoptive parents or something.
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Only the pookies who know me know how much I hate Kiki, it’s also all over my google doc where I just bitch and moan about her…
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Donna I wanted to go for more of a traveling medic but like, she also cute and puts a lot of time into her appearance as well…I love her
Zoey I wanted to give the vibe of an otherworldly vibe, I am not fully settled on this design so I might fix it later.
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making low effort memes for a fandom that probably should’ve died a long time ago is what i live for
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rosetashes · 2 months
Aphmau couldn't cook when she first arrived at Phoenix Drop. But she had an iron stomach, nothing can make her sick. Since she couldn't cook, and didn't want to constantly depend on others so she would eat raw meat. It didn't hurt her, but she was forced to stop after nearly giving Garroth, Logan, Dale, and Donna a heart attack. Donna and Garroth made sure to teach her how to cook after that. She loves meat, and mainly eats it and soup. But after she adopted her kids she started adding vegetables in every dinner. She still does it even after the Irene dimension, it was helpful when Lilith and Alina were added to the family.
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renaissaniccatherine · 11 months
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girlboss and malewife mhm mhm
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phoenix-drop-guard · 1 month
The past 24 hours have been an experience:
O'Khais guard comes and threatens us while also saying Zane has decided to marry aphmau, first what the fuck moment.
Then, someone just pops through the floor boards. Thanks nicole, I guess. Then aphmau and nicole decided to stage an escape and throughout all of this Kiki isn't doing to well so I'm taking care of her.
And now, now we are in the werewolf village and I see Donna, over the hill, with some random guy and logan is nowhere to be seen.
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theladyofrosewater · 11 months
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Quick sketch design of Donna! I know its a bit messy but if you want better quality you'd have to pay me(I'm joking these sketches are just to get the design and color nailed down since thats more important than nice lineart to me although I do have a commission sheet). If you want to request any Diaries characters my asks are open
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gaybae1021 · 9 months
Talkin mcd werewolves
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I always had such a spot spot for the mcd werewolves. Specifically, I really liked how they didn’t go down the Twilight route, keeping traditional anthro and scary designs and not doing Alpha bs (cough cough mystreet).
That being said, the werewolves felt kind of poorly defined to me, the tribes were more like plot devices, appearing and vanishing without any real discussion of the impact. The fact that Bodolf’s tribe was hardly mentioned in season 2 I think shows that they ran out of ideas for the werewolves.
Luckily my brain is absolutely overflowing with ideas about them, so here’s my redesigns and thought process:
To anthro or not to anthro?
While I really liked the choice of anthro werewolf designs, I absolutely suck at drawing anthros. It also felt weird doing that for child characters, I know the series kept kids as normal wolves but does that mean werewolf puberty involves an awkward transition from animal to anthro? It just kind of Icked me out, so I’ve decided to keep all werewolves as full wolf transformations. Unlike twilight though, I’ll be largely referencing Wolfwalkers.
I know the series had four tribes, but so far I’ve only needed three for the story. If I ever need more tribes, I’ll add more. I haven’t named them yet either, so I’ll denote them by color for now.
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Red Wolves
Og wolf tribe, led by Bodolf and Khira. Wolves in this tribe are smaller than the other tribes, with shorter limbs, tails, and muzzles. They have light patches on their muzzles, above the eyes, and on their paws. Brown and Amber eyes are most common.
Brown Wolves
Yip’s destroyed tribe, and also the type Logan was turned into, hence Yip bonding with him so quickly. They are the largest and stockiest wolf tribe, with wide muzzles and short ears. They have lighter markings under their eyes, on their chests, and the underside of their tails. Green and hazel eyes are most common.
White wolves
Fenrir’s tribe. Medium-sized, but thin and lithe, almost more fox-like than wolf. Large ear tufts, neck ruffs, and tails make them look larger than they are. They have dark markings inspired by huskies. Blue and grey eyes are most common.
All tribes, despite size difference, are significantly larger than actual wolves, and most adults werewolves outweigh the average human.
Werewolf Creation
Werewolves can be born by having one or two werewolf parents. They can also be created by being bitten by a werewolf while in wolf form. The person will become the same tribe as the wolf that bit them. Children’s marking will usually follow basic genetics, but those bitten can develop markings independent of the appearance of the wolf that bit them.
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Transformations, like in Wolfwalkers, are astral projections. The person does not physically transform, rather their consciousness leaves their body and manifests as a wolf. This most often occurs during sleep, but anything that causes a “disconnect” between mind and body can also cause the transformation. So being knocked unconscious, meditation, or sufficient intense emotion will also do the trick.
Werewolves in wolf form can still understand spoken language, but they cannot be understood by humans. Werewolves in human form can still understand werewolves in wolf form.
While transformed, the two forms are still linked. Injuries sustained to either form will transfer to the other. In the same way, so long as one body is being sustained, the other does not have sustain itself. Since the body is technically resting, the wolf does not need sleep, and so long as the wolf hunts, the body does not need food. Hypothetically, werewolves can remain transformed indefinitely. However, there are risks associated with this.
Lost werewolves
In the past, Werewolves were occasionally used in blood sport and hard labor. A massive beast of human intelligence that never needed sleep? It was easy to see why fighting arenas and military generals were eager to capture werewolves and use them for their own gain. Sometimes, they would manage to escape, but they no longer knew where their bodies were. Being separated from their bodies for long periods of time would essentially cause them to go feral. These “lost werewolves” are essentially immortal, the strength and instinct of a wolf combined with a faded but still present human cunning, and no need for sleep. The stigma of werewolves as dangerous is mostly due to the few cases of attacks by lost werewolves. This is what happened to Logan, and also what destroyed Yip’s tribe.
No alpha crap in my version, we’re following actual wolf behavior with a leading couple. I don’t necessarily think the tribe is a fully related family unit like wolf packs, bringing new people into the tribes is actually quite common, but most of the tribes definitely follow the idea of “they are our leaders because they take care of us” not for any strength/bloodline reasons.
Now onto the werewolf characters I have so far!
Bodolf and Khira
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Leaders of the red wolves. Both have equal authority, though are quite different in their beliefs. Bodolf is more open to working with humans, whereas Khira is less trusting, and unless a human is joining their tribes wants very little to do with humans.
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Turned after an attack by a lost werewolf. Initially struggles with accepting this new part of himself, but becomes more comfortable with support from Donna and Yip. Gains his leader mark after fully accepting his role as Yip’s guardian. His growing family kind of symbolizes the regrowth of a tribe that was almost wiped out.
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Last surviving member of the original brown wolves. Was taken in by Donna and Logan while they searched for his tribe, and more importantly, his body. Eventually Logan and Yip find the ruins of Yip’s tribe, and after an epic showdown with the lost werewolf that turned Logan and attacked Yip’s tribe, are able to bring Yip’s body home.
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Child of Kiki and Zane. Initially human, she was born very weak, and Zoey didn’t have much hope she would survive. Desperate, Kiki took her to the Red Wolves, hoping that turning Leona would give her the strength she needed to make it through. Bodolf was out, so Kiki had to plead to Khira, who has never been fond of her. Khira initially refused, as she had no idea what effects turning a child would have. She also insisted that if she did it, Leona would have to stay with the tribe. Kiki was able to convince her otherwise, and Khira begrudgingly agreed to turn Leona. The turn was successful, and Leona’s health improved, though she has some developmental delays and stunting.
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Le gasp, a significant shift from canon! Not entirely sure if I want her to become a werewolf, but at the same time it would be incredibly cool and give her something else to do in season 2 besides generic mom. If she is turned, it was either an accident by Rollo/Lello, or she intentionally had Logan turn her. She gets her leader mark at this point.
Rollo and Lello
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Identical twins, both in human and wolf form. It can be difficult to tell them apart while transformed, though their personality differences make it clear who’s who very quickly. Rollo is energetic and playful, while Lello is more reserved.
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Prince of the White Wolves. Unlike the other tribes, during the timeskip his tribe has adopted many human practices. They live in a more traditional kingdom, and have more traditional power structures. For example, Fenrir’s mother has significantly less power than his father, and lacks the leader mark. Fenrir recognizes the problem with his tribe’s new practices, but doesn’t stand up to his father. He is kind, but also cowardly, and when push comes to shove his loyalty stays with his family. Takes the role of leader after his father is killed by Laurance.
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lucindasthighs · 1 year
Yip is so funny to me bro. His parents are the only functional relationship in the series. His name is a wolf pup noise. A girl kissed him on the cheek and his first thought is that it's a KISS OF DEATH to poison him. He's the last surviving member of a werewolf tribe but nothing is done with that. He's just a funny little guy.
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donna and aph have def kissed
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whythobestie · 16 days
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Fish Donna Week Day 4
Siren / Bioluminescence
Why not both?
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garussy · 1 year
If my marriage isn’t like Logan and Donna’s I do not want it and that includes the emotional werewolf reveal with our friend trying really hard to get her dog without disturbing us
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scary lady 2 electric boogaloo
Donna’s Redesign
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headcanon time babeyy
•She’s originally from O’khasis, but she and her mother moved to Cat Island when she was 13.
•That “favor” that O’khasis owes her family is actually because she saved a young Garroth from drowning when she was 12 and he was 7. They and a bunch of other town’s kids were ice skating and he fell through the ice.
•She didn’t know that Phoenix Drop’s Garroth was the same Garroth she saved as a child. Well not at first anyway.
•Despite her mother’s.. love.. of cats, Donna’s more of a dog person.
•She and Molly are literally Phoenix Drop’s mothers. They’ll mother anyone and everyone.
•Donna and Molly are besties.
•Shameless oogaler. She’s been oogaled her whole life, so she figures she might as well do it back. Right?
•She worked as a farm hand in meteli as a teenager. Because she has the experience she likes to help Brendan tend the fields and help Kiki with her animals if she ever needs.
•When she was 20 she moved to Phoenix Drop to get away from her mother. There she opened up her.. “not” brothel.
•She takes in women who don’t have anywhere else to go and helps them get on their feet.
•Some of the women who stay with her do partake in brothel behavior. She doesn’t judge, money is money, and if they’re ok with it so is she.
•She’s strong asf.
•She works as Phoenix Drop’s nurse. She was taught how to care for people’s health by her uncle, so when someone has a non-life threatening ailment, she’s there to help.
•She first got with Logan because she thought he was cute and he had money. She only fell in love with him after the first few weeks, when she realized he did in fact have a heart.
•She will NOT tolerate rude, disrespectful, or ungentlemanly behavior. Will literally punch you in the nose. Watch it.
•Before adopting Yip, she had no desire to have kids. She’d never been fond of little crouch gremlins but Yip changed something in her. She never hated kids, I want to make that clear. They just made her mildly uncomfortable.
Next up: The rudest werewolf in town. Stay tuned!
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rosetashes · 2 months
A head canon of mine that's somewhat canon, is that Aphmau writes children books about the people she meets. The stories are clearly watered down for kids and over exaggerate some things, but the stories can be traced back to certain people. The genre of the stories range from love, adventure, and moral story. Some examples of the stories are:
1. The Red Knight, an adventure story about Laurence and him being a good shadow knight.
2. Be Strong Loyal Man, a story about Dante and his loyalty while he waited for 15 years.
3. Kind Ghost, a story about Malachi when he was young.
4. Such A Helpful Elf, a story about Zoey and all the things she helped aphmau with.
5. The Mean Priest, a story about Zane and what he did (it ends with him dying for good)
6. We See You Lonely Guard, a story about Garroth and him realizing his family is in Phoenix Drop.
7. A Wolves Heart, it's the story about Logan and Donna falling in love. (Logan has mix feelings about knowing that the book is there)
8. Run Hoodie Man, Aaron's story and how he became more friendly.
These are just a few of them, but despite writing everyone's story, Aphmau never made a kid story about herself. So on her 'Birthday' just before Alina turned three. Everyone close to her came together and made her a story called "The Purple Lord".
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not to be ungrateful but Lady Aphmau somehow completely fucked up rebuilding the babe house
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