#maybe i'm just a prude tho LOL
biborispavlikovsky · 2 months
absolutely insane night tonight but main highlight was having the artist at the concert i went to press my hand to their thigh (to hold them up but the way it was done.... i shall respectfully be remembering that forever) after clutching hands with them and having them do a shot above my head earlier in the set
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steamypits · 9 months
🔞ミ 😈 ミ🔞
helscome my porn art account. it's not done yet. i'm mira i'm a trans bitch (27) who tries to draw boobs pictures sometimes. (and maybe write a little bit)
let's lay down some ground rules:
all strictly explicit art will be posted here as a crop with a link to a full version elsewhere (work in progress lol)
in no particular order,
hyper (various aspects and degrees)
tf/body modification/weird anatomy/amputee
candy gore/mild eroguro (potentially. very rarely.)
size difference (varying degrees, though likely not macro/micro)
probably other stuff (it is a mystery)
i'll likely try and tag my stuff both for organization and blocking purposes, tag formatting and list will be established eventually ™️
my askbox is open to requests, character prompts, questions, comments, etc. it ain't a soapbox. if i leave your ask unanswered, i either forgot about it, didn't have anything particularly interesting to say, or just plain didn't see it. i do love receiving and answering asks tho so fire away 👽
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papichulo-com · 2 months
What I think the boys would think of me:
Ponyboy: Okay but like I'm literally him as a girl. I get myself in the most stupid situations cus I don't use my head. I'm into what he's into: books, poetry, movies, music, art, etc. We'd both end up in dumb situations together. Maybe he'd be like my best friend lol. We'd give Darry a headache together.
Johnny: *sigh* I'd really like to say that he'd be head over heels in love with me and we would have an amazing romance and relationship...but you can't always say what you like. In all honesty, he might think im too much of a prude. He might see me as annoying lol. I am dramatic so he might just think im just a liiiiiittle bit crazy. But hopefully he'd give me a chance. His character seems to be understanding and considerate of others. As a gf I might not be his type. But for the sake of entertainment purposes -- and safeguarding my sanity -- I will say I'm his gf in my fictional universe lol. (All yall other Johnny simps, I'm open to sharing him >;) )
Dallas: would hate me lol. Mans would wanna throw me into the dumpster and never look at me again. He'd wonder why I'm even here but since I'm Johnny's gf (if he ever did want that with me *heart eyes*) then he'd put up with me. Prolly wouldn't think im good enough for him tho. He'd prolly think Johnny's wayyy outta my league.
Two-Bit: oh we're making dad jokes together. We'd have actual roast battles. We'd play pranks on each other. He'd by my buffoon bestie.
Steve: would think of me the same way he thinks of Pony. Will literally run me over with a car.
Sodapop: Would be happy Pony has another friend who gets him. Would think I'm a lil annoying tho.
Darry: AW HECK NAHH THIS MAN IS ACTUALLY GONNA BE THE ONE WHO THROWS ME AWAY IN THE DUMPSTER!! Like he'd scold me and Pony so much it's not even funny. He'd tattle on me to my dad. He'd make me do the house chores with Pony. "Just because you're dating Johnny doesn't mean you can get away with murder-" MAN SHUT UP NO ONE ASKED- I'm jk I ain't gonna disrespect Daddy Darry over here. He'd secretly love me tho (hopefully).
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
okay... last ask... for now.. I DON'T WANNA BOMBARD YOU SKHSKS
hc of Sage and MC getting into a fight where he accidentally says something seriously hurtful? Mc who deadpans upon hearing it and calmly walks out of the room they're in. Later Sage (or anyone else) goes to check on them in their room but they can overhear crying coming from the other side of the door. Yknow the vibes
anywhos, thank you for all you do for the fandom ozzy! You keep the brainworms alive and well.
[Gets carried off by a giant cockatiel]
This post has a really good example of this and I'm gonna try really hard not to be too similar lol
Reg I want you to know that I've written this for Kit,, like they got into a really bad argument over something and she semi-accidentally said something hurtful so he said it was her fault Snow died and if you listen real closely you can hear my heart breaking at that part
GN!Reader, hurt/comfort, self-hating thoughts, vague mentions of (metaphorical) violence and self-harm, soft ending, kinda long
It was such a stupid fucking argument. He couldn't even remember who started it, much less what it was about. In the moment it doesn't matter. You accuse him of drinking too much. He calls you a prude. You snap that his anger makes him dangerous. He snarls that you're a coward.
Your voices are rising. There's nothing physical - no blows dealt, no blood lost - but it still hurts. That's the danger of letting someone in, isn't it? You expose the softest parts of yourself and wind up vulnerable. Beaten. Gutted by the hand of the person who you love most.
There's some part of him - that dark, gnawing monster in the pit of his chest that craves blood and destruction - that knows you will leave him. And maybe that's why he does it. So that when he sits at the bar and drowns his pain in whiskey he'll feel that it was inevitable. That he is simply a monster obsessed with his own self-destruction and there was nothing he could have done to change it. It puts flames in his blood and red in his eyes.
He knows you. The little fears that creep out of shadows, the insecurities that whisper in your ears, the regrets that refuse to rest in the graveyard of your past. You'd shared them all with him in moments of intimacy, his arms wound around your waist and your fingers combing through his hair as you mumbled your secrets. Yeah, he knows you.
He knows how to hurt you.
The words fly out of his mouth before he even knows that they're forming on his lips. And it isn't until he sees the way your shoulders stiffen and your eyes go dark that he realizes it would have hurt less if he'd just hit you.
Your lips move soundlessly for a moment. Then you shake your head just slightly and stumble like the world is spinning and run as far away from him as you can.
He feels sick to the pit of his stomach. Didn't he make a promise once? That he would never lose control of his corruption? That he would never, ever, ever hurt you?
Fuck. His head is pounding. He wishes he could tear his own throat out. He hates himself for it - well he hates himself for a lot of things but this is just the fucking cherry on top - but his ears flick as he tracks your footsteps. They move in short bursts like you have to stop to catch your breath.
A door slams shut. The fire in his veins finally turns to ice. His hands won't stop shaking no matter how tightly he balls them.
He isn't sure what prompts him to look up but he sees Felix and Anisa. How long were they standing there for? He has no idea. But from the look of horror in Felix's face and the look of rage on Anisa's, he guesses it was long enough. Before either of them can get a word out, he storms away, through a hidden passage and into the darkness that craves his damnation.
It's not the first time he wishes Elowen had killed him in Mournfall, but it's the first time he means it.
The other two Starsworn know better than to intervene right away.
First they collect themselves. They've seen Sage's temper explode but it's never been like this. Never against you.
It's Anisa that goes off to find you, about an hour after the incident. She thinks back to the question she asked you oh-so-very long ago; Do you trust Sage? She remembers the way a tired smile had quirked the corner of your lips when you confirmed you did. In fact you'd seemed a little amused that she'd even asked.
Maybe it's wrong of her but she can't help but wonder what your answer would be now.
She doesn't have an ilephta's sense of hearing but she can still make out the sounds of your muffled sobs and choked wails from halfway down the hall. It tears her heart in two.
When she steps nervously up to the door she can't bring herself to knock. Not when you let out another muffled scream into your pillow. So instead she leans her back against the cold stone wall and waits.
And waits.
And waits.
It takes another half hour for your wails and sobs to subside, and even then she still hears clear sniffling. You only go silent when she taps on the door.
Her voice is soft. Sincere but not pushing. Do you want her to beat Sage up? ... No? No, you're right. It wouldn't make you feel better. She just wanted to bring a moment of levity. ... Well, look, i-if you... If you want to talk about anything... You know where to find her. And if you want her to send Sage out of Fathom so you don't have to- ... ...no. You're not that type of person. She knows that. She just... She just hopes you won't let him think what he said was okay just because he's hurting too. That's all. But you're a strong person, perhaps stronger than you realize. She doesn't mean to tell you how to handle this. She's just... She's worried about you. ...
The door creaks open. You poke your head out just enough to see her. Your eyes are red and puffy from sobbing and your voice is scratched from screaming. You thank her. She asks if you'd like some tea. You're about to refuse when a rough cough rattles your dry throat.
... maybe a cup wouldn't hurt.
Felix goes to find Sage.
While he might not have the ilephtas impressive knowledge of Fathom's hidden passages, he does have a tracking spell. And it's using this spell that he finds Sage leaning over a balustrade, cold night air cutting against his skin, moping.
He tells Felix to leave before he's even set foot in the balcony. Felix promptly ignores him and walks over anyways.
The stand in silence for a few minutes, looking out at the night suffocating Porrima. Sage asks how you're doing. Felix admits he doesn't know for sure, considering he didn't go with Anisa, but he imagines the answer is 'not well.'
Sage buries his face in his hands and asks Felix to throw him over the railing.
Green flames flicker at Felix's fingertips. He clenches his hands into fists to snuff them. Then crosses his arms over his chest and tells Sage to get over himself. Sure, Sage did something horrible. And it's good that he feels guilty over it. But he hurt you. You are the one that suffered the wrath of his rage. You are the one that ran off with tears in your eyes. So Sage needs to stop being so damn self-pitying for a moment and do whatever he possibly can to help you. And if that means staying away for a while, fine - but he needs to put in the effort before he turns tail and runs away.
Sage's growing growl dies in his throat. He fixes Felix with a tired glare. Amber eyes are gradually come into focus. His throat is thick with angst as he asks if it's even a good idea. Won't his presence hurt you more right now?
Felix sighs. The fight drains from his shoulders and he looks out at the skyline again. The air doesn't feel quite so oppressive this time. The distant torches seem to glow just a little brighter.
He loved Rime. And Rime loved him. There was no doubt about that. But they argued - gods how they used to argue sometimes - and they hurt each other. Ugly words were gargled like broken glass in bleeding throats, tears formed rivers, pain was a currency. They were horrible incidents. Ones that Felix still shudders to remember.
But there were other things too. Hesitant touches. Whispered apologies. True remorse. More tears - always more tears. New understandings. New beginnings. They're messy and imprecise and confusing. But they were genuine.
No matter how devoutly and purely you love, you will inevitably hurt your partner. Just as they will inevitably hurt you. But if you love them enough, you won't just run away. You'll stay and pick up the pieces and try to mend them. And with any luck you'll make something stronger in the process.
Sage closes his eyes and takes a long, slow breath. The same way you taught him to do when the little beast in his chest starts to claw and gnaw and crave.
Not again. Not again.
Sage knocks softly on your door. He doesn't want to wake you if you're asleep. It's late now - or early, depending on how you look at it. He'd stayed outside longer than he meant to trying to figure out what to say. All he'd really accomplished was remembering how shitty he was at stringing together sincere words.
He just barely hears you mumble that the door is unlocked. It creaks almost painfully loud when he opens it. His ears pin against his hair. His tail gives an agitated twitch.
You're little more than a pile of blankets and pillows and two weary eyes poking out of them. As his own eyes rapidly adjust to the dark, he can make out dried streaks of tears clinging stubbornly to your cheeks.
Gods he hates- ... No. This isn't about him.
You sigh softly and lift up the blankets, revealing the empty spot against your side that was normally reserved for a certain overgrown cat. He hesitates. Wrestles down a new wave of self-hatred. Kicks his boots off and half-heartedly nudges them to the side. Leaves his armor and sword on the desk and drapes his jacket over the back of the chair. Slowly crawls in beside you, settling into the familiar dip in the mattress that is his and his alone. You tuck yourself against his side and mumbles that he does a much better job of keeping you warm than the blankets do, anyways.
And for a few minutes you both sit there. You mush your cheek into the broad expanse of his chest. He runs his fingers up and down your spine.
He's... Sorry doesn't even begin to cover it. You know he didn't mean any of it, right? That he was just worked up and angry and he lashed out at the nearest thing. And that doesn't make it right - it'll never be right - but he never in a million years wanted to hurt you.
You close your eyes and hum in agreement. You know he didn't mean it. But he still said it.
He knows that. And he knows he'll have to work hard to regain your trust. That is, if you even want him to....
You tilt your head up just enough to lock eyes with him. Call him an idiot. Snuggle back up to his chest.
The little laugh he gives is somewhere between relieved and incredulous. It's the first time he's relaxed in hours.
Sure, there's plenty of work to be done, discussions to be had, apologies for be made.
But you're still here in his arms. And that's enough to lull him to a restful sleep.
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wearethewinx · 2 years
ok i actually wanna do a visual version of this post with photos/sketches but i don't have time right now so i'm gonna start w just pasting what i wrote in discord lol. WINX FASHION (this is very long)
BLOOM: the authoritative, the essential, the indispensable Girl Next Door. Denim, t-shirts, raglan, sweatshirts, coveralls, maybe even some corduroy. signature color is blue, obviously, but liberally employs yellow and small pink accents. also likes earth tones and creams, and gets more into rusts, mustards, oranges, and greens after befriending stella
strongly prefers comfy casual, and very rarely wears skirts unless it's for an Occasion. likes striped tops and decorated jeans. acid-wash prints, beading, embroidery, patches, loves em all. not much for jewelry, except the occasional bracelet, or some simple barrettes
flat shoes 9 times out of 10, and she particularly likes yellow shoes. sneakers, slip-ons, the odd ballet flat, perhaps a simple combat boot in the winter
oh she never wears skinny jeans tho. prefers flares or loose straight cuts
FLORA: cottagecore, mori kei, 00's ruched princess, 70's flower child. mostly pinks and greens, but she'll wear any color that can be found in a garden. never black or white. she also loves deep berry maroon and golden yellow, and occasionally electric blue or a lighter, strawberry red. she also looks really good in lilac and adopts it into her wardrobe more after befriending the winx
she doesn't really do embroidery or embellishment, texture in her outfits comes from gathered/draping fabric. she LOVES a ruched top, especially paired with a ruffled miniskirt. the main points of visual interest to her outfits are usually printed fabrics, and for jewelry she always wears her signature bangles and earrings, but also likes to incorporate matching neckwear
the sunset colors she keeps more contained to her 70's-styled looks. lava-lamp type prints with broad, wavy bands of color, tight bellbottoms and brightly colored boots, or miniskirts and off-the-shoulder tops with massive bell sleeves. those are more 'going out' looks tho
working in her garden is where she pulls in more of the mori kei elements and earth tones, plus a pair of galoshes. in cold weather tho she goes FULL mori with tons and tons of cozy drapey layers
for shoes she does wear heels but prefers more comfy ones, like espadrille wedges with long ribbon ties, and sandals obviously, or the occasional chelsea boot. her preference is bare feet tho so she doesn't own that many shoes. and for formal occasions, while she does love a princess dress, she takes a lot of inspiration from traditional linphean garb. tbh she'd go topless and barefoot 90% of the time if people in magix weren't such PRUDES
MUSA: the key motivator behind all of her style choices is music subcultures, so there's a lot of variation, but she is also an extremely practical, comfy butch at her core. she loves pure reds, rich blues, ultraviolets, and pale yellows, as well as bright purples and magentas- club light colors. not much white, except for graphic tees, but she does favor black. she likes graphics, heavy fabrics, and accessories as points of visual interest, especially belts
rarely wears skirts outside of schoolgirl punk, also she wears exclusively low-rise pants sorry but she does. big cargo pants are one of her signatures, and heavily ripped jeans. she avoids shorts for the most part, but she has some truly heinous basketball shorts that stella has tried to burn multiple times
the s2 concert hiphop look is a vibe she returns to often, but she also favors emo/rock/grunge styles, and club looks. torn clothes, useless suspenders, safety pins, studded belts and bracelets, stacked earrings, fingerless gloves, hats (especially beanies,) patches and pins, etc
when she just feels like looking nice or especially if she's going dancing she might whip out the one single solitary minidress she owns (courtesy of the rest of the winx whining abt how good it looked on her) and she likes to layer on translucent, spacey looking fabrics that catch the lights and look hella groovy. dipping into ravewear territory a little bit
for shoes she wears BOOTS. AND. PLATFORMS. AND PLATFORM BOOTS. but sometimes platform sneakers. she likes chains and studs to dress up her shoes too
STELLA: has the most varied wardrobe, but she still has rules. for one thing stella Does Not Wear Black. ever. she ADORES color, glitter, sparkle, texture, accessories, asymmetrical drape, formalwear that looks like a gaudy lampshade, and Fun. i think stella's go-to earth designer for red carpet looks would be guo pei (who you might know as the lady who made rihannas famous gold met gala look). she favors stellas color palette and her designs are Impossible, Maximalist, and Regal as all fuck. there is no better designer i can think of to clothe the new Queen of the Sun
her favorite colors are warm, bright greens, yellows, oranges, and strawberry reds, but she also wears paris hilton pinks, light/bright purples, occasionally electric blue or sky blue accents. she also wears earth tones, but prefers light, gold-leaning shades (NEVER just Brown) sometimes incorporated as polished wooden beads (historically considered extremely expensive, upperclass jewelry on solaria)
she LOVES heels and always matches her shoes to her outfit, and particularly likes colorful strappies, but she also likes gogo boots and Fancy Sneakers. she also LOVES jewelry, and is basically always wearing at least a couple of rings (including the staff of solaria obvi) and earrings or a bracelet/anklet. she's not big into necklaces but she does like ornate collars for formal occasions, or for halter tops
miniskirts and decorative belts/wraps, cropped bodycon long sleeves, those tops from the 00's that were just a square that u tied on with string, cropped halter tops, and, every now and then, some flashy bellbottoms inspired by bloom and flora
i think she'd also love alberta ferretti's use of earth tones, and elie saab's more colorful pieces
oh and i think mak tumang is what stella's designs would look like. every single one of his gowns is smthn i can imagine her designing except for all the pastels ofc. stella would just crank the brightness up
TECNA: definitely the narrowest range of fashion choices of the bunch. she's not much for fashion, she likes to be comfortable and unconstrained. purple, white, green, magenta, black, occasionally steel blue or teal. athletic clothes. track suits, running shorts, yoga pants, compression tops, sneakers sneakers sneakers, and that's pretty much it. smooth, stretchy fabrics, colorblock designs, little to no accessorizing (except functional techwear)
formalwear is whatever her research indicates is Typical and Appropriate to the occasion so that can vary wildly
the one way her style diversifies is with the occasional 60's mod look, courtesy of stella's interference. tecna would just look so fucking good in a cloche hat and a monochrome/colorblock shift dress
AISHA: camo and millennial pink are her signature colors, but she's a sucker for almost any shade of green or blue-green. she also likes lavender, lilac, and mustard, and stella is constantly trying to convince her to wear richer plum shades or golds and yellows. she avoids reds or other shades of pink, though, and usually keeps neutrals for more daring or sexy looks
SHE. LOVES. AN. ARMY. PANT. hoodies, dolphin shorts, pleated miniskirts, hiking!!! boots!!!! cami tanks and sports bras as tops, macrame bracelets, waist beads, trackpants, basic adidas, sashes and sarongs, and string sandals are the backbone of her wardrobe. she does not own underwear, only swimsuits
for formal affairs it depends on whether it's State Formal or Civilian Formal. androssi royalty have pretty strict dress codes and most of her outfits are her mothers, or even her grandmothers, just tailored to fit her. for her own though she likes light, flowy fabrics, and sleeveless or detached sleeves. nothing constricting. those super tiny knife pleats, or something very light and stiff that kinda. puffs out a little. so it doesn't really touch her legs
oh she likes embroidery and beading alright but usually prefers fabric taping to decorate her casual looks
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 3 years
this doesn't have much to do with what i was just talking about, but like. i've been thinking (yet again) about the fact that i haven't dated anyone or anything like that and like. idk if i actually ever want to date or have sex? like, i do, but at the same time i don't? but i think it might be bc of my social anxiety, not bc i'm not interested in these things, tho idk for sure? i can't tell. and i'm definitely bi, like, i'm not ace or aro or anything. ik for a fact i do experience romantic and sexual attraction to all genders, so it's not bc of a lack of attraction or anything.
i have conflicting feelings. like, on the one hand i DO want a romantic relationship and/or to have sex, but also thinking about it makes me so anxious. i think it might be bc i'm afraid that 1. i'm too ugly for anyone and 2. that my social anxiety will get in the way and ruin any potential relationship i try to have, which like... the 2nd option is actually very possible tbh and i hate it.
maybe a better way to put it is i might be content with never having a relationship/sex if it doesn't happen? but idk, i feel like it would still make me sad not to ever experience it.
and like, i also can't tell if the desire i have for a romantic relationship and/or sex atm is actually what i want rn or if i'm just letting my own fears/insecurities/societal pressures get to me lol
also, slightly related, but i kinda feel like a prude. like, not just bc i've never had sex, but also bc i feel like i might have to know someone for a while before i do have sex with them. (tho idk for sure tho bc, like i said, i've never dated or anything... and i think i get attached easily, so i could be wrong lol) (also lowkey feel like this about the fact that i don't drink and probably never will) also i'm not trying to imply this is bad, i'm saying the opposite: it's fine. this is actually like, very normal/common. but like. i feel like in some circles i'd be judged hard for it? maybe bc of the extreme sex positivity movement where ppl are constantly like "it's okay to have lots of sex/one night stands!!!" which is true, but like. idk, this is probably just my insecurity/fear that ppl judge me for not having had sex yet manifesting itself in a different way lol
bruh idk. i'm talking about this shit as if anyone will ever express attraction to me and i'll have a chance to experience romance and/or sex. it's never happened and most likely never will
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