#maybe i will post my fav gems someday
can finally relax for a minute (not long) and am comfy enough in bed to rub my legs together like a happy little cricket (why is this the human comfy response), gonna look at my weird remote locations on Google earth until I fall asleep
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pragmatic-optimist · 9 months
Sonia, I'm roping you in with an ask even though you're not always here (miss u, love u) 💜 we know you are the romcom QUEEN - give us your top 5 favourite romcoms!
Hi friend, thanks for this totally not difficult-at-all question. Lol.
Okay, as you know, I can’t ever answer anything succinctly. I am going to take this opportunity to plug this nonfiction book I’m listening to on audio, titled “From Hollywood with Love: The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of the Romantic Comedy.” –highly recommend it to anyone who is a rom-com nerd like me.
The book asks the following question to determine what can be considered a romantic comedy:
“If you removed the love story from this movie, would you still have a movie? If the answer is no, it’s a romantic comedy.”
With this question in mind, here is my list (not in ranking order, I’m just listing them as they come to me.) Also, yes, this means I can’t list the 2000 gem that was Miss Congeniality. That is my #1 favorite Sandy movie. Not to worry, though, Sandy B. still makes the list.
Here we go:
Serendipity: The trope. NYC as a character. The cast—John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, John Corbett, Molly Shannon, and the illustrious Eugene Levy who stole all of his scenes as the Bloomingdale’s employee making John Cusack’s life miserable lol. It’s just so good. It’s peak rom-com in the early 2000s. Those of you old enough to appreciate that era of rom-coms will know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s one of my all-time favs. 👏🏽
Two Weeks Notice: Sandy B. Listen, I had to work hard not to make every movie on this list a Sandra Bullock-starring film. I feel like choosing your favorite rom-com actress from the 90s/2000s is a little like choosing your boyband team from that same era. I am Team Sandy B. all the way. (No disrespect to Julia and Meg, and so many others who also made movies I loved.) I love Sandra in this movie opposite Hugh Grant, she’s so smart and so funny. The premise of this movie is actually one I still hold out hope for seeing written as firstprince fanfic someday. Sandra is an environmental lawyer who goes to work for a billionaire’s company in order to save a community center that is very dear to her. There are aspects of that plot that I think Alex and Henry would fit into, and aspects to tweak because I don't think Henry would be quite as arrogant or bumbling as Hugh's character. I could talk about this at length lol.
Definitely, Maybe: Again – the cast. Ryan Reynolds. Isla Fisher. Rachel Weisz. Abigail Breslin. The trope/premise?? So good. I love how it jumps through time and shows us how second chances present themselves in our lives. It’s just a really lovely film and probably my favorite Ryan as a rom-com leading man, though The Proposal is a close second.
Hitch: This movie had me in tears, both from laughter and emotions. Also, the scene where Will Smith is teaching Kevin James’ character how to dance. Iconic. "I'm making the pizza!" “Don’t need no pizza, they got food there!” 😂
My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Windex. Nia Vardalos and John Corbett, watching their characters meet and fall in love. Just so damn dreamy. 😍 I also really love how this movie portrays that when you choose a partner, you’re also choosing their family. 💖
Set It Up: I know this is six lol. But I had to add in a movie post-2010. I love this one so much. I know a movie has become part of my personality when I start adopting the dialogue into my everyday vernacular lol. “I overdicked” is said A LOT. 😂 Also GLEN POWELL. 😏
Thanks for the nice ask! 💕
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blueberrypie31 · 4 years
Can I just rant abt sth for a moment
Ok so sth recently happened that got me upset. To start off with the context, I love pretty clothes. I rmb i used to google a d browse through appstore to find like a cool fashion game I could play. Occasionally I downloaded some fashion apps and played them for like a ten minutes before getting unsatisfied, then deleting them afterwards. I didn’t know why. They werent really up to my taste so eh :/
Then I heard of this game called Miracle Nikki? Or Love Nikki in some regions. It looks anime-ish so I thought this would be more interesting than the other games I’ve seen (I find that Japan stuff has rather innovative and interesting ideas). It took me a while to find it cus I didn’t know what the Love Nikki app was called in my region aka SouthEast Asia, but after some persistent searching I found it.
And it became one of-no-tHE APP that I played the most. I absolutely loved the clothes in 360 mobi Nikki (that was what the app in my region was called yea). It had beautiful fantasy-esque dresses that are so gorgeous and vivid with amazing detail. Go search love nikki suits on tumblr and u can see what I mean. I fell in love with the design of the clothes in game and it didn’t hurt that the story was kinda interesting as well, and did have an ongoing serious plot. I practically played the app everyday when I could and finish up all my stamina to grind for clothes i wanted. It was satisfying whenever I managed to complete the suits I wanted and it feel great to admire them from time to time cus I really worked at it u know
But then recently the app hasnt been working so far on my phone and at first I thought it was nth but like network issues. After like two days I got a bit confused when the app couldnt open and decided to research. Apparently the company that made the app had decided to do a “transfer”, deleting the app servers and creating new ones. The new app was up in the store but only for a short while for some reason before it was deleted as well. I didn’t know any of this because it was announced on facebook and I don’t actually touch Facebook that much, so I was out of the loop. Reading the comments posted where the announcement was made it turns out that the “transfer” wasn’t really a proper transfer either. You don’t get all the suits and clothes from the last app and u have to start from scratch. Not even the money or the gems u earned get transferred either. Some weren’t really happy that there wasn’t an English language option since the app was in viet/thai. It was a rip-off in my opinion and I have read some upset comments about the whole situation
So I guess sadly that I might not be able to play Love Nikki again. It was an amazing game but unfortunately was taken out for whatever reason I dont quite get nor like. I really reALLY loved that app a lot and its sad cus I didn’t even know I was playing it for the last time several days ago until its too late. Im hoping maybe that in the future sb might recreate Love Nikki and make it available in my region but whelp lets not get my hopes up too high
Im prob gon search for some other fashion games later, but I’ll be honest in saying that I don’t believe Love Nikki will ever be pushed down from my Top Fav games to play. It was just so unique and stood out amongother fashion games. Interestingly I do actually have another fashion game that is quite similar to Love Nikki but not really called Helix Waltz. It’s nice. But doesn’t really have the same charm that Love Nikki once did
And there. Goodbye Love Nikki for now. Hope someday I can play u again. It has been so much fun. Its tragic that Im cant access the game anymore after all the effort I put into finding those suits I wanted and progressing through story mode. Ah well. Can’t really do much on my end. Sad.
-Pie :/
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minimoll7 · 7 years
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Aaaayyyy so I found a post where someone shared their top 20 favorites and I decided I wanted to make my own to xD I made this template myself and I have a blank one (tho without text at all, I can input the “Top 20 Favorite Shows” if anyone wants me to). If you wanna do your own with my template, just shoot me an ask or PM!
Hit the read more if you really want to know my opinions on each. I suck at summarizing so it is a bit of a read, sorry about that heh
20) American Dragon: Jake Long - I thought this was the coolest show when I was a kid and I would always try to watch it whenever possible. Tho, while its not as cool now to me as it was back then, I still love this show and its characters
19) Milo Murphy’s Law - As soon as I saw the first ep, I just knew I was going to love this show. I’m a bit behind as of now but I cannot wait for new episodes! This show has a lot of charm and great characters, not to mention catchy songs!
18) Code Lyoko - I absolutely adored this show as a kid and it still holds up as a big fav now. The whole idea of going into a virtual world really fascinated me as a kid. I mean yeah sure Digimon had that to, but I was never really lucky in catching it on TV. Plus, the idea of the virtual world being animated in 3D while the real world was in 2D? Sign me up!
17) Xiaolin Showdown - Another show that I adored as kid and still do now. The characters and animations really made this show for me. I love how they all react with each other and some of the expressions it had to offer are top notch. And let me tell ya, this show has probably one of the funniest villains out there, Jack Spicer. He cracked me as a kid and no matter how times I rewatch the series, he still cracks me up
16) SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron - I never grew up with this show but I had just recently finished watching it for the first time. The animation for this show, especially at the time, feels amazing and it really does have this nice 90s feel to it. The show itself is really fun to watch and I am a suckers for cats and cool aircrafts. The SWAT Kats’s Turbokat is almost just as cool as an Arwing! I find the characters to be really likable and while I do question some of the designs for the female characters, I overall just really enjoyed them all
15) The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius - Jimmy himself was a huge part of my childhood and it still saddens me that his show doesn’t air on TV anymore. The characters are incredibly memorable to me, especially Sheen. The humor in this show never fails to get me to laugh and I always loved the interactions between a good chunk of the characters
14) Wander Over Yonder - I fell in love with this show after just watching a few episodes. The characters are well-written and the art is jaw-dropping, well, to me at least heh. The show itself is generally very sweet and the humor is great as well! I also adore the fact that Wander himself is always willing to help and its always kind to others. He’s a protagonist that we all need in our lives. Hopefully, we’ll get a season 3 someday
13) Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja - Love puns? Love action? Love ninjas? Well, this show is definitely for you (maybe). This show has a lot of cheesy jokes and puns, which is something I can appreciate. Puns are always an easy win for me haha The characters themselves to I find to be really likable, especially the main protagonists, Randy and Howard. The villains to are really entertaining as well. The animation for the show can be pretty awesome at times and its a shame that nobody talks about it
12) Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) - Despite my distaste for blood and guts kind of violence, I couldn’t help myself from watching this anime. The story was amazing in every sense of the word. I’ve never watched anything before that has played with every single emotion I have (and I’m emotional to so that’s saying a lot I suppose haha). The characters and their development was well done as well. I highly recommend this show to anyone who hasn’t seen it (and can stomach the violence)
11) Avatar: The Last Airbender (and by extension, Legend of Korra) - I’m a complete sucker for elemental stuff, which is probably my favorite aspect of this show. Watching the characters fight each other with an element is pure entertainment for me. And speaking of entertainment, the humor. My goodness, this show wasn’t just action-packed, but also hilarious. The character development to is astounding and I’m sure we know just how well-written Zuko’s arc was (like damn son, it felt like a real experience almost). Another show I highly recommend to anyone, along with its sequel series
10) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - I remember just how shocked I was when I watched the first episode and found myself loving it. I was never expecting a girly show like this to be as good as it is (and don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a cartoon being girly, I just expected to be aimed for little little kids). I adore the animation, the characters, the story (when its present) and the lessons that each episode teaches. This show will never stop being entertaining to me, no matter what anyone else has to say
9) Animaniacs - I would’ve rated this show higher but I had to consider every segment the show has, not just personal favorites. Despite that, tho, I absolutely adore this cartoon. I didn’t grow up with it, but I first found it about 5 years ago and have loved it since then. While there are some segments that I strongly dislike, the ones I do love are completely worth it. Buttons & Mindy, Rita & Runt, Slappy Squirrel and the Warners made this show for me and I love them all (especially the brothers ha). The humor is some of the best I’ve seen in cartoons to
8) Over the Garden Wall - This miniseries captured my heart almost instantly. The animation, the story, the characters, I just can’t really hate anything from this show. I love how scary and unsettling the characters can be but yet there’s always a simple reason behind them (well, not always lol). And Greg, like come on, how can you hate this kid. True, he was annoying every now and then, but his innocence and his “words of wisdom” just makes him really likable, to me at least. I can rewatch this show over and over and I can never be tired of it
7) Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy - Whenever I think of cartoons, this one is usually the first to come to mind. This was one of my big favorites as a kid and its still one now. The humor in this show is great and its a gift whenever Ed speaks. And there’s just something special about how the entire show was animated and I can never truly put it into words on just how much I love it. Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy is just one of those where I can’t really explain why I enjoy it so much, but trust me, if you haven’t seen it, its well worth your time (and it also has a really catchy theme song)
6) Pokemon - And by Pokemon, I mean the entire series, not just a specific arc or two. Before I was even into the games or just the Pokemon themselves, I enjoyed watching the anime even as a little kid. The anime is really the only reason why I got into the games in the first place. I know the series can be repetitive, some arcs more than others, but I just can’t stay away. I love Ash, Brock, Misty, Dawn, Serena, Clement, Team Rocket and etc. The slapstick humor in the original season is probably the best of this show’s humor but as the years went on, the battles have become better and better and I just love that. I just love Pokemon and no matter what people say about the anime, I still enjoy it to this day!
5) Watership Down - I would have never imagined liking this show as much I do. I mean true, I’m a sucker for rabbits, but I wasn’t sure if this show was truly great or not, but hey its at number 5, its obviously great! Yeah, the animation and some of the voice acting is quite lacking and the design and voice change in season 3 was hard to adjust to, but the story and characters are well worth it. Its definitely one those gems that don’t get a lot of attention, I highly recommend this show!
4) Generator Rex - Similar to Watership Down, I went in not expecting to love it as much as I do now. I knew the show was going to be great, but boy do I love it or what. Like dudes, this show is incredibly underrated. The whole concept with the nanites and E.V.O.s are just insanely cool. It also had a crossover episode with Ben 10 which was an awesome episode to say the least (also Ben merged with Rex in his Upgrade form and it was freaking sick). Like seriously, if I were to try to explain why I love this show so much, we’d be here for a while. Just please, watch this show if it interests you
3) The Amazing World of Gumball - I fell in love with this show upon seeing the first episode and by that I mean I became obsessed. I love everything about this show. The characters, animation, humor, the references, designs, just everything! And seriously, if there’s any kind of animation I had favored the most from a cartoon, its this one. I adore this show so much and I literally cannot wait for the next episode. It sucks that more story related shows, like Steven Universe and Star vs the Forces of Evil (both of which are still great, don’t get me wrong), takes all the attention away from this one. Its sort of underrated in that sense but seriously trust me, everything about this show is completely worth it. I highly, HIGHLY, recommend this one
2) Teen Titans - Aaahh Teen Titans, was obsessed with it as a kid and I still am now (to bad its hard to find stuff to reblog bleh). This is just one of those shows were I can’t explain why I love it as much as I do. I mean, I know I’ve repeatedly said this (because I’m actually bad explaining why I like things and tend to reuse the same sentences over and over oops) but like, I simply adore the characters and the stories. While Starfire lacked some good character development, the rest of the characters really grows and it never gets boring watching their arcs over and over. Like, I don’t know why I can never bored of this show, but I can’t. I just love it to much (and it also has one of the best theme songs ever)
1) Fairly OddParents - No no no, not the newer seasons. The older seasons! This show was my jam back as a kid and surprise surprise, its still my jam now. Excluding shows meant for toddlers, this was the first cartoon I ever got into (probably, it could’ve been SpongeBob or Looney Tunes but I kind of doubt it). This show means more to me than I could ever say. This show sparked an interest for animation and helped really get me into drawing. I was always interesting in drawing, but this show was what pushed me to keep going. It was also the first show I ever drew fan art for. I remember drawing Timmy and Cosmo almost nonstop for a year there, back when I was 2nd grade and finally taught myself how to draw them. I remember making comics with these characters, sharing and reenacting jokes with friends, never shutting up about it aahhh and come on, well all remember the Jimmy Timmy Power Hours, that crossover was legit the coolest one for me. This show is incredibly important to me and despite the direction the show has gone now, it’ll forever remain as my favorite show <3
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