#maybe i should use tumblr more for this stuff.....
extralively · 16 hours
Deeper in the Dark (16): Little Slice of Happiness
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Deeper in the Dark: Chapter 16 Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character Ongoing story This chapter: fluff and smut (but a soft kind of smut) | NSFW Full story on AO3
I thought I could post this chapter here on tumblr since it's fairly short and sweet and could be read as a standalone (sorta) so here (◡‿◡✿)
It's set during JJK0 before the day of big fight!
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December 7th
There was something brushing against her cheek when Yura slowly brought herself out of sleep. When she finally cracked her eyes open, she found a familiar blue pair staring back at her, and she first wrinkled her nose as she pretended to be cranky before a small smile spread across her lips.
“’Morning,” Satoru said, his thumb gently caressing her cheek, and Yura shifted her face towards it before a yawn suddenly escaped her.
“Morning,” she eventually replied. She let her eyes fall closed again as she let out a sigh, her face shifting down to press against the arm underneath her head.
“Nooo, don’t go back to sleep,” Satoru said, gently patting her cheek. “Not on my birthday.”
Ah, that’s right. It was Satoru’s birthday today.
Yura let out a small snort, then playfully bit at the arm under her.
“Nooo, don’t eat me either,” Satoru said, stifling a laugh. “Not on my birthday!”
Yura let out a breathy chuckle as she finally opened her eyes, rubbing at them with one hand as she started stretching out her legs between Satoru’s. There were slivers of sunlight streaming in from behind Satoru’s curtains, his bedroom windows large enough to brighten the place up despite being partially covered.
Satoru’s hand rested on her waist on top of the bedcovers as she finished stretching, his other arm still being used as her pillow. “Where’s my ‘happy birthday’?” he asked, pushing a pout onto his lips.
“I gave you one yesterday,” she reminded him. After the clock had struck midnight last night, they’d started joking around that it was already his birthday, and she ‘congratulated’ him in more ways than one. The result being their bare bodies now brushing against each other underneath the sheets.
Satoru pouted harder, and Yura let her smile widen as she pushed him onto his back, slotting her body next to his and resting her chin on his chest. “We should celebrate today, shouldn’t we?” she said. She had a hand underneath her chin, and her fingers absentmindedly tapped against his skin.
“I mean, if you insist,” Satoru replied, and Yura huffed out a laugh.
Her fingers drummed against his chest again, and she tilted her head slightly. “Well,” she started, pretending to think for a second. “Since Tsumiki is living at Jujutsu Tech now, I thought I could take Megumi there and we could celebrate. Bring a cake in and stuff.”
But Satoru’s eyes suddenly became a little clouded as he hummed out a vague response, and something tugged at her heart at the not-that-uncommon expression on his face these days.
Things had settled down after Geto’s declaration of war, but in a simmering kind of way that felt like it was only a matter of time before it finally boiled over. Everyone was on edge, some training, others preparing in different ways; part of the jujutsu community was in a full-on manhunt for Geto before the allotted date, but it seemed that he had actually gone into hiding this time, and no one could locate him.
Satoru, though, was not among the people who were actively looking for the former sorcerer. Yura wasn’t sure why exactly, but she could guess—that maybe actually seeing his old friend in person had halted any desire to find him again, or maybe the looming date on the horizon meant that Satoru thought the only thing he had to do now was wait. Either way, Yura was glad that he remained within her reach instead of being out there by himself.
But that’s not to say that Satoru was exactly... okay. Sure, he pretended to be his usual self around other people, but Yura could see right through him—and when everyone else was gone and it was just the two of them alone, Satoru would drop his carefree mask to let Yura see the heavy weight he was carrying around with him. She tried her best to keep his mind off things most of the time, and they were able to have some quiet, genuine moments between themselves every now and then—but with everyone counting the days until the day of the battle arrived, it was getting harder and harder to let themselves relax.
“Can we...” Satoru started, his eyes still somewhat far away. “Can we just eat out? Out of the school, I mean.”
“...Yeah,” Yura replied, her eyes soft. “We can do that. We’ll get Tsumiki after class, what do you say?”
Satoru nodded in agreement, his eyes finally looking at her, and she offered him a smile.
“You’re getting old, you know,” she told him, her smile turning teasing. “You’re practically thirty now.”
Yura was relieved when Satoru’s lips also tugged up in a matching smile. “I’m twenty-eight today,” he defended himself. “And in a couple of months, you will be too.”
Yura let out a playful scoff. “Pfft, you’ll be a decrepit old man soon,” she said, and her hand reached up to play with his hair. “Look, your hair is already all white and everything!”
Satoru’s chest vibrated with a laugh, and Yura let her smile soften again. She shifted her head so she could rest her cheek on his chest, staring up at him, and her hand brushed down his face until she started mindlessly playing with his chin.
They were silent for a little while, Yura simply looking at him and taking him in—but it wasn’t an uncomfortable kind of silence. Yura felt warm and content, and even if Satoru’s eyes kept drifting away every now and then, it seemed that he was making an effort to stay focused on the here and now.
“Megumi’s birthday is in a couple of weeks too, isn’t it?” he eventually spoke up, one of his hands brushing hair away from her face.
“Yeah,” she replied, shifting to rest her chin on his chest again, but then she sobered up slightly.
Megumi’s birthday was on the 22nd... just two days before when everything was supposed to go down. The closer they drew to the date, the more agitated everyone became; more and more people had started using the school grounds to train or strategize, sorcerers from all over wanting to be as sharp and on top of their game as possible for when everything went to shit. Chances were that, two days before the battle, they would all be busy preparing the evacuation procedures for every non-sorcerer in the targeted areas and other countermeasures...
...Not much time for them to spend celebrating a birthday.
Yura let out a sigh, resting on her cheek again. “We could make time for some cake,” she tried, and Satoru hummed in agreement, his eyes going far away once more.
Her own eyes slipped away, and she tried to focus on the way she could feel his chest moving up and down underneath her head instead of the impending disaster they would have in their hands in less than a month’s time. It felt like there was not enough time for them to prepare and also somehow too much time—too much time for them to stew in the worst possibilities of what was to come.
With yet another sigh, her hand started drawing imaginary figures on Satoru’s shoulder in order to distract herself from her thoughts. Satoru’s own hands were quiet as they rested against her, signaling that he too was lost inside his own head.
“...Yura,” he said, breaking the silence again, and Yura shifted her head to look up at him. “I don’t think we’ll be able to have Christmas this year.”
A wave of sadness hit her all of a sudden, her lips pressing together as she drew in a breath through her nose.
Seriously, why did Geto have to choose Christmas Eve of all days to pull this crazy plan of his off? Why did he have to ruin their Christmas like this?
Yura let out a breath, lifting her hand back to Satoru’s face. “It’s okay,” she said, her thumb caressing his chin again. “We can have Christmas next year.”
Yura didn’t actually want to think about the possibilities for next year.
After yet another stretch of silence, Satoru was the one who eventually heaved out a sigh, his chest moving her up and down with its movements. “Well, guess we’ll just have to worry about that later, then,” he said, in that carefree tone he used when he wanted to pretend everything was fine. And this time, Yura was glad to play along.
“Yeah,” she agreed, lifting herself off his chest and pushing her face closer to his. “Because guess what?” she asked, a small smile spreading across her lips, his breath caressing her face. “Today is your birthday.”
Satoru’s smile mirrored her own. “Really? I had no idea.”
“Hm-hm,” she responded, her nose bumping his. She paused for a moment. “So happy birthday, stupid.”
Yura’s heart fluttered when Satoru’s smile widened in genuine joy, and she stopped to stare at it for a moment before she finally lowered her lips to his.
The kiss was slow and tentative as she enjoyed the feeling of his lips on hers, unhurriedly moving against each other like two people who had all the time in the world. And maybe that wasn’t exactly true, especially given recent circumstances, but it was nice to pretend—that Yura had nothing else to worry about except the way Satoru felt against her.
They stayed like that for a while, just kissing, taking a few moments to breathe, then kissing again. Satoru’s hand made its way into her hair, brushing it back and keeping it away from her face, and Yura leaned in to the warmth of his palm in the brief moments that their lips disconnected from each other.
Could they just stay there like this for... the rest of their lives? No worrying about anything else, no more fighting, no more death—just the two of them together in this quiet bubble that was their bed.
Yura sighed against his mouth.
Their kissing eventually started picking up a bit, although it was still fairly slow and lazy. When Satoru began to lift his torso up from the bed, still holding her head to his, Yura let him maneuver them both around, guiding her to switch places with him as she lay back on the bed instead. And all the while, their mouths never disconnected from one another, not when Yura laid her head down on the pillow still warm from Satoru, not when Satoru shifted between the bedsheets so he could cover her body with his own, nor when she opened her legs so he could slot himself there, her hands now being the ones to hold his head to hers.
When her tongue licked at his lips asking for entrance, he welcomed it gladly, and when their hands started wandering over each other’s bodies, it was much at the same pace as their lips—slow and languid, a warm and comfortingly familiar rhythm that they had long since perfected together.
A lazy haze had fallen over them as they continued kissing, their hands softly wandering over each other’s bodies and mapping all the dips and contours of the other’s skin. It was a shared warmth, a synchronized dance, their bodies never fully disconnecting as they both slid their hands downwards to reach between each other’s legs.
They moved together as they both shifted in place to adjust their positions, before Yura grasped him and guided him to her entrance. Their mouths remained joined as she pushed the head of him inside, but when he started sliding himself in, their mouths finally broke apart.
Joined, at last.
Small gasps caressed each other’s faces at the feeling of him sliding inside slowly, pushing his way in until there was no more space for him to fill. They stayed there for a moment, breathing each other in, before his lips pressed gently against hers again and they started lazily kissing once more.
Her body was strangely relaxed as Satoru began to move his hips, slowly sliding himself in and out of her. Her arms wrapped around his torso, her fingers softly caressing the skin of his back, and when Satoru eventually pulled away from her lips to drop his forehead to the bed, Yura kept her eyes closed, enjoying this closeness between them.
Just in, out, in, out... There was no hurry to get anywhere, no end point in particular; it was just them, together. It felt strangely peaceful to just be lying there, Satoru’s body covering her own, her legs hugging his hips, her fingers playing around on his back, and the feeling of him fitting himself inside like that’s where he belonged all along. She let herself get lost in the feeling of him nuzzling the side of her head, of her walls welcoming him in with every lazy thrust of his hips—but he never fully left her heat, she briefly noticed, like he was caressing the deepest parts of her with every gentle movement. Yura could only tighten her arms around him to urge him on, her nose breathing him in as she pressed a kiss to the crook of his shoulder—and her lips ended up tugging up slightly when she felt him press a kiss to the side of her head in return.
Yura only half-registered the way his free hand made its way down her body again, but she let out a sigh when he found the nub between her legs and started rubbing soft circles there. So she let her nails gently scrape over his back, her lips fluttering against the skin of his neck as she tried to stay as connected to him as possible—although, granted, being more connected than ‘him reaching deep inside of her walls’ might’ve been a bit impossible.
Oh well. Didn’t hurt to try.
Satoru kept pushing himself inside her, his hand rubbing at her in sync, and her puffs of breath against his skin started gaining speed as she felt a buildup grow within her. But this buildup was a strange, slow one—one that let her feel every second of it as it grew and grew, spreading from her belly across every part of her body.
Her fingers then started pressing into Satoru’s back a little deeper, but still gentle enough to match the feeling of relaxation that was still present in her body. It might’ve been a little unusual for her to feel so relaxed given the situation, as she would normally be tensing up by now, pressing herself closer to chase after the promised high, but no; her body still felt like it could happily melt into the mattress as Satoru moved in and out of her, only keeping her legs in place so she could hold herself open for him.
And when the buildup inside of her grew and grew, taking over her entire body to finally push her over the edge, Yura could only gasp at the sudden, but also not that sudden, feeling—like a gentle surge instead of a crashing wave inside of her. Satoru lifted his head then, his lips pressing against hers and swallowing her gasp, although Yura’s brain was too busy with the increasingly drawn-out feeling of her climax to do much in return. It kept going, and going—Satoru still moving inside her, his hand still rubbing at her, and she felt like she was suddenly floating, weightless, for one endless moment... before she felt Satoru gasp against her mouth, slotting himself fully in and then finally filling her up with warmth.
And for a moment, everything seemed to stand still.
One blissful moment where nothing else mattered.
Their chests heaved against each other in silence as the feeling washed over them, the only sound in the room being their joined quickened breaths, almost in sync. If Yura had felt relaxed before, then she was completely boneless now—but she still had enough strength in her to keep her legs up bracketing his hips, her arms wrapped around his back and holding him to her.
This felt nice.
Beyond nice, actually.
Satoru let out a breath against her mouth, eventually letting his head drop back to the bed beside her. He started nuzzling the side of her head again, and Yura found the strength to have her fingers start caressing his back in slow and lazy strokes.
“...Satoru?” she half whispered, her breath blowing gently against his hair.
“Hm?” Satoru responded, shifting ever so slightly. The movement reminded her that he was still inside of her, like the perfect missing piece to her puzzle, and she bit back a sigh at the feeling as her legs tightened around him to urge him to stay right there.
“Happy birthday,” she finally said.
Satoru paused for a moment, and she felt his chest vibrate with a laugh. “You’ve already said that,” he told her.
She laughed back. “You were the one being so needy for birthday wishes.”
With another chuckle, Satoru finally lifted his head to look her in the eye. “Maybe I just wanted another blowjob like last night.”
Yura unsuccessfully tried to bite back her smile, shrugging. “The day’s just started.”
As Satoru’s face broke out in a grin, the joy in his eyes let Yura forget, if just for a moment, about the impending doom they were about to face in less than a month. She had no idea what would happen then, and dwelling on that thought terrified her—so instead, she tried to just focus on Satoru right now in front of her.
When Satoru started nuzzling her face with his, his nose poking at her cheek as he rubbed up against her almost like a cat, Yura had to huff out a laugh. Forgetting about their worries wasn’t a hard thing to do when they were together like this, like nothing bad could ever touch them as long as they stayed together in this very bed... so Yura wouldn’t mind if this was where they spent the rest of the day if Satoru so wished.
But when Satoru eventually shifted back, pulling out of her, she couldn’t help but feel regretfully empty at the broken physical connection. At least he flopped down beside her, his arm around her torso, his face going back to nuzzling the side of her head as he attached himself to her side.
They were okay, she thought to herself, letting her nose bump his. They were okay for now, even if they wouldn’t be okay later—but that would be a problem for the future. Because for now, nothing could touch this little slice of happiness they had carved for themselves right there and then.
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End notes: I tried a different vibe with the smut this time, something nice and soft before The Action begins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And oh boy, there will be action! It's been a while since I wrote a proper battle scene (...putting aside when Satoru and Yura were sparring and got horny, I mean) so let's see how that goes.
I'm excited tho, we'll get to see Yura's full abilities for what has to be the first time ever ehehehe. There's a lot I've been keeping from you guys (ಠ‿ಠ)
Next chapter: The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons starts...
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gigifujijifu · 4 months
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Anyone else remember the little 88x31 buttons from older internet days? I've been remembering them a lot lately.
I make ffxiv ones in msp when I'm in queue or my bf is flying me around between quests.
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 6 months
me, wondering why ive been having panic attacks at night recently
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arcaneyouth · 2 months
i'm starting to think living with 5 other people may simply be a problem
#vent post#negative#i've come to the conclusion i'm not getting enough sugar in my daily meals#(which is. ironic in a lot of ways. but i don't know what else the problem would be)#and that's great that's cool that i've come to this conclusion. i don't think i can solve this one#we don't buy that much sugary or junk food stuff anymore#my dad's got diabetes that makes sense that's understandable#so a lot of our family meals are like rice and meat and a salad#but yknow i'm not really gonna ask my parents to change that! it's been like that for a long time now it's fine it's alright#but i don't think i can actually solve the problem#i. already have a lot of foods that the rest of my family isn't allowed to touch. because i am So Picky#and when they were eating my foods more often i was Starving#i don't. think. i can ask for more. and you know what that's fine! that's fine that's ok i like my meals they're tasty as hell#what about snacks then? can we get snacks for the whole family? well no#we stopped buying more junk foodish snacks because it was All my siblings were eating#and it was bad! it was bad they shouldn't have been doing that. but now i don't think my parents trust us to be responsible with snack food#so our snack foods are. protein bar. fruit snacks (i had to request these specifically). popcorn#that's. that's fine. that's fine maybe i should be focused on fruit instead! fruit is good sugar!#well we don't store fruit i like the way i like it (don't put it in the fridge) so i never eat any of it anymore#but everybody else seems fine with it so really i'm not going to win this argument cause everybody else actually eats it more when it's out#(i don't think this is true. but i think it's true for My Dad and My Mom specifically.)#and i just. it really got me thinking about how much i don't have foods that i like in the house or meals that i love because Somebody Else#likes it done differently and not the way i like it#and that takes priority#to the point where i don't know what the fuck kind of foods i like because we just don't. have. any#i prefer white rice. mom prefers brown so we get brown. i prefer crunchier potatoes. mom prefers them soft so we make them soft#i like my fruits cold. my parents prefer to be able to See the fruits so they stay on the counter. i only eat chicken breast not any other#part of the chicken. my parents prefer thigh meat so we get thigh meat (which i don't eat)#oh huh. this post was a lot longer but tumblr deleted half the tags. yeah that's fair
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crescentfool · 3 months
bonerattle arena fucks severely. i was not expecting it to rival my love for jammin' salmon junction, but wow. this map feels like a love letter to people who love and enjoy salmon run. (i ended up playing the rotation for around 3.5 hours... which you can watch here if you like!)
the map's circular shape on normal/high tide effectively makes the spawns from this map come from every angle. it's a test of awareness and movement skill- and the walls + inkrails really, really make rotating around the map feel so fluid and easy.
and low tide's hexagonal two-ring design is so fascinating too! instead of testing movement, it tests your team's ability to make judgment calls on luring and making sure you don't overwhelm basket from luring too much.
i also feel that every special in salmon feels really rewarding to use on this map- even reefslider! i've played enough to see that most specials bring so much utility and value, and i just love that no special feels like it's "useless" on this map.
there's also a few flyfish tech on this map that echoes the bomb tricks on jammin' salmon junction and spawning grounds (and i guess gone fission too), it feels really intuitive on what spots can pop two baskets at once (it's the grates and the rails) and i just? feel really rewarded for playing as much salmon as i do.
i feel that the map's inclusion of the ink rail mechanic evokes a lot of similar vibes to ruins of ark polaris- and i really liked that! there's definitely some things i want to fine tune and understand better about them, but they're really fun.
i still need to see how other weapons feel on this map, but it feels like both mobile and stationary weapons can exceed here- there's nice perches for long range weapons, lots of walls for quick weapons to use to escape situations... it's so swag...! a very good final map, i think!
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katyspersonal · 2 years
It is strange how I both really do NOT wish for Bloodborne anime to exist because it will probably ruin a lot of mystery and engagement based on fans struggling to interpret, with 'canon' unseen characters designs and worse - DIRECT ANSWERS *horrified woman's scream sound effect*
But also I really WISH for Bloodborne anime to exist because I want to see the favs to emote and do cool stuff in 2D. The internal struggle
#fandomry rambles#like lrb (like lrt but on tumblr) shows tho the best way is to make your own animations#or collab#what i am saying is that bloodborne anime is cool as a concept but it should never be a canonical product#maybe fandom's collaboration that is cool to watch but doesn't bind anyone to accept its headcanons and designs and theories#it is also why i respect titan comics writer so much - they outright said their ideas are not binding canon for anyone#even IF comics are licensed#i mean the history knows anime adaptations of games but like... even if they are rarely perfect ones?#ignoring some stuff not stated/shown in games that is in animes becomes sooooo awkward to ignore (speak from experience)#like imagine bb anime that gives canon designs for adeline or rom or caryll and like#from this point on there is an APPARENT rift between fans who use anime canon and who design their own stuff#i just love it better when everyone is in equal conditions as a fan if that makes sense? sorry it is hard to apply to this fandom fdhds#i just love Enough freedom of interpretation intact and without encouraging towards certain side#for example imagine if titan comics touched upon unseen characters rather than focus on seen + new original ones?#or if that cool fanmade manga centred around lady maria was canon?#bloodborne just leaves exactly as much room for imagination and thinking as NEEDED. it is perfect balance#you don't want more and you don't want less. just enough balance between canon and what you gotta come up with yourself
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arcadequeerz · 4 months
Made a Cohost. It's @/liminal.
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friendlysailor · 6 months
I'm currently sailing the oh so rough seas that is exam time, so I'm going to be away for a bit longer. I just once again have to express how happy I am every time i see interactions with this blog, even though I've been very inactive recently. It really has helped strengthen and keep up my resolve in wanting to help make digital privacy, piracy and computer knowledge more accessible for as many as I can. So again, a big THANK YOU to you all for being here!
I've been considering if there would be any interest in me trying to create a more in-depth resource for finding ways to improve your quality of live when using computers and the like?
While my first thought was a simple list, I know that those can get overwhelming really quick. So I've been playing around with the idea of a "clippy"-like addon to the blog that can offer you directions to common issues (such as, "How do i remove the 'search on the web' results on Windows 10?", "What browser-addons should I have?" and "How to speed up YouTube on FireFox?"). I think I would also want to have it be accessible through a GitHub-page, so that mobile-users also could easily access it, and so you all have other options than to only have it accessed through a Tumblr blog.
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ded-lime · 1 year
past me thought that if i just reverse image search i could find a source for anything. biggest mistake of my life you cant find shit on the internet: image searches don't seem look at tumblr? (i'm pretty sure they used to?). even if its not deleted and a lot of things are. i don't know man it's really frustrating for me. just another reason to reblog stuff more i guess
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carcinized · 11 months
i have srsly had irl queer people make fun of me for being queer + liking sports and tell me that is like, not gay or something. like ok just say youre chronically online. womens soccer is the queerest thing i have ever been a part of hands down. also youre an awful person
#tobin talks#ITS ABSURD. HOW CAN YOU BE THAT MEAN#this was when i was 15 so maybe thats why. but like..... its so awful. like 15 yo's always gonna act like that#but come on. lots of us online are older than that. we could be better and NOT teach this behavior to 15 yo's#because you know they learned this shit online. the specific person who did this to me was most active on tumblr.#not even tiktok or twitter this was a tumblr gay. begging you guys to change the culture 😭😭#this goes for more than just sports obvs its about general pushing stereotypes#which is how you get queer people sacrificing parts of their identity in order to be accepted into the community#as opposed to sacrificing the queer parts of their identity to be accepted into queerphobic communities?#like tell me how thats morally sound. accept ppl as they are and not just for things theyre systemically discriminated for??#be a nice fucking human being??#the queer community can tear each other apart lately i wish we would go back to the pure love of it all#bc like for me it is not worth it to be close with most queer people anymore. my friends are mostly all cishet#because guess what even though they dont understand my queer identity at least theyre not assholes about my entire personality otherwise#its so awful Like. can we all agree to not be cliquey#you dont have to be a paletable aesthetic gay. you dont have to be chonrically online and never go outside. you dont have to not drive#you dont have to be bad at math. what other fucking stereotypes are there man#its so fucking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!! like 'let people enjoy things' goes for all things not just online stuff like this is a two way street#yes non online/gay/neurodivergent people should be kinder about 'cringe' interests. but hey that doesnt mean we get to be dicks to people#with more common interests or like... idk man im talking in circles here. but god when did the lgbtq+ community turn into a clique#do this do that if you dont we'll ignore that part of you or actively make fun of you for it.#STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1#non rebloggable im just ranting here this is not one to rb. but like. ITS SO AWFUL AND MEAN. STOP
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oscill4te · 7 months
One day i will not be obsessed with the cr/amp twins. Maybe i will like it a normal amount. Or maybe not even like it at all one day. I intertwined that show too deeply with my identity. Generally when I am super hyperfixated on something, i am using it as escapism from thinking about my real life.
#like to me 2023 is just mass escapism via an obscure cartoon and internet addiction. kind of sad.#2022 was awful though so 2023 is a mass improvement but damn#some parts of myself looove the show. others parts hate it for what it represents in my life.#i also should stop using tumblr/my phone or at least limit my usage. but. one day at a time#escapism is just nice in general#txt#not in the longrun but it feels so great in the moment being immersed in something that isnt your real life#when your current real life sucks ass but feel too scared to make those big changes that are essential#to you being happy and stable in the long run#easier to forget your real life and just watch shitty cartoons. idk. i shouldn't even be blogging this stuff publicly lol#like i am genuinely not well. i am a benign lolcow.#who overshares and tbh i never even expected this blog to even get followers o.o so now im like#maybe i should stop. i dont know. find better outlets. lol#maybe try to connect with my realworld. my brain desperately doesn't want to leave the fantasy escapism world it created though#i feel like an age regressed loser and idk I want to shape up so badly#im 24 i should be way more ahead than this yknow. i just stagnated in 2023. because 2021-2022 was so awful#idk its complicated man#like 2023 was needed. but it is such a hazy blur. it feels so unreal. we are still in 2023 and it already feels so far away#i feel i need to try to change my life and priorities in 2024. i just have no roadmap. no people to ask..#i have to teach myself on my own. ill probably make a lot of mistakes but thats okay#my next goal is to try a new job even though it scares the everliving shit out of me#i accepted i wont be able to drive safely so I need to carefully plan. i need to be okay with taking risks. i need too.#i need to work on my tardiness social skills and my appearance so I can get a new job too without insta rejection#i dont know. i want to prove my family wrong too and have good things. good mental health. financially stable. takes care of herself.#ik spite is a shitty motivator. but i just wanna prove it to myself. that I am capable of m#okay too many tags smh. gonna stop here
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guideaus · 1 year
If I like a tweet and the account gets deactivated or something, is it not in my likes anymore?
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bluchlcdny · 1 year
Hello !
A bit of info about me :
My name is Jay
I’m 22 years old
I’m a gay trans guy (he/him pronouns)
I’m neurodivergent
I love video games a lot
I’ll reblog fandom stuff & funny stuff & cute animals & other random shit and occasionally post my silly thoughts on here idk ! I don’t engage in discourse it’s a plague tbh I just wanna chill lol like the word already sucks without shitty internet drama and whatnot bro
Side blogs
@froggyf4g - super gay blog (not very active rip)
@ivycrownedpanther - helpol/witchy blog (pretty active)
secret blog??? mayhaps.
DNI if:
You’re racist/homophobic/transphobic/misogynist/anti-semitic/etc. (basically go fuck urself if ur bigoted lol)
You’re a MAP/pedophile
You’re a minor. This blog is mostly SFW but I do like to reblog funny haha sex jokes sometimes and I don’t tag them
You’re anti-kink/u kinkshame
You’re anti-paganism
More things will probably be added as I think of them lol
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I just need to vent.
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velociheroviridi · 1 year
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I posted 18,161 times in 2022
That's 6,827 more posts than 2021!
17 posts created (0%)
18,144 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 490 of my posts in 2022
#viridi speaks - 343 posts
#viridi tags - 97 posts
#uquiz - 24 posts
#viridi posts - 12 posts
#pls - 10 posts
#dick grayson - 10 posts
#anyways - 10 posts
#batfam - 10 posts
#dc - 8 posts
#dcmk - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so my first fanfics mightve been when i watch kim possible and danny phantom in 8th grade? (watched it on youtube cuz i was a cableless kid
My Top Posts in 2022:
YALL, my local con has THE funniest panel title
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we can never escape the weight of our sins, truly
10 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
I finally finished the first chapter of my reverse Batfam isekai batman!Dick hurt/comfort fic so I felt like sharing my take on both canon and age reversed Batfam that I made for my fic
(My version of) Canon:
Bruce – 41 > Batman/Missing in time
Barbara – 26 > Oracle
Dick – 23 > Nightwing (and officer Grayson) for about 3 years/5 months into being Batman
Jason – 21 > Red Hood
Tim – 18 > Red Robin
Steph – 18 > Batgirl
Cass – 17 > Black Bat
Duke – 16 > Signal
Damian – 13 > Robin
Bruce – 40 > Batman
Damian – 22 > Shadowbat
Duke – 20 > Signal
Cass – 18 > Batgirl (name subject to change)
Tim – 17 > GrayBat
Steph – 17 > Spoiler
Jason – 14 > Ibis/Blue Jay
Dick – 12 > Robin
Barbara – 9
I might redo some of the reversed names cuz it's been a while since I actually came up with them and also the canon part is just basically me trying to line up age gaps and picking my favorite names
14 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
love looking thru all my notifs and seeing just how many of my mutuals are already into something that I just got into
Re: Iron Widow
14 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Oh no... I've made a horrible mistake
Now that the Spy x Family anime has come out, I'm gonna always be having to figure out if a post is about Damian Wayne or Damian Desmond
The confusion has already begun
41 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it's crazy to think about how long comic book characters have been around for
Dick Grayson was created in 1940
There's probably been tons of kids, adults, and older people who were just obsessed with him as I am now
It's just crazy to know that I probably share the same favorite character with people who lived such different lives than me
A soldier in WW2, one of the first astronauts to go to the moon, a kid enjoying color tv for the first time - it's possible any of them could have loved the same character I, so many years later, do now
And that's just so heartwarming and cool and wack all at the same time
62 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
God that mood where you both need to do stuff and want to do stuff but both needs are vague and have too many options so you just. Do nothing you want or need to do and realize all the time you had is disappearing. A good time!!!
#haeroniel talks#forget the tag oh well#but for real. had 4 days off work and a ton of real life stuff i both have to get done and have been meaning to get done for a long time#ive pretty much only played video games and called my friends. genuinely not time wasted and i love when i get to do that#and like rn i would love to play more games and spend time with my friends like if one offers you know i never say no#but its also already getting dark and i have to go back to work tomorrow and ive not done everything i promised to have done yknow?#time doesnt feel real and i dont wanna get up even if the anxiety slowly builds to hopefully productive panic#but in the mean time im like ugghh i wanna stop laying around just playing sudoku and watching lame youtube. i wanna play something#(unclear what it is i actually wanna play too many options i kinda wanna play all of them and none huehheh)#im also very sad i havent drawn in ages and any attempt just feels shit. like maybe if i read enough fanfic thatll respark the love.#id love to post something before christmas to get me excited to draw again over the break but who the hell knows if i'll manage#and yeah still have the annoying job related/driving school related/therapy applying/other life admin that really really should be done#im just being grouchy and stuck and need to vent hi tumblr love you all kiss kiss i wish i could function better#i think maybe perhaps. ill concede that driving school and therapy arent priority (important but ive wasted ages on them already)#i think i can do work related things bc theyre sort of fun. i can use my parents help to whack through the life admin and then#maybe i can let myself spend the rest of the evening guilt free either calling my friends and/or playing or if im going totally w drawin
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