#master kale
voidalexis · 4 months
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lost the will to finish this animatic so have some leftovers from it (video audio is from rio 2)
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creedexa · 2 years
I love the design of the caves on shadra, its such a creepy place in a cute jrpg style
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halfwayriight · 2 months
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Power: Super Trunks, Master Roshi (Max Power), Nappa, Toppo, Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk), Super Saiyan Broly (Full Power) VS Speed: Dyspo, Kakunsa, Burter, Jeice, Hit
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I was commissioned by @nicedemonqueen to draw spectra Chai , the free extra doodle is the puppet kale!
Thank you for commissioning me x3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And yes I did ask if I could post this.
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leftpostwerewolf · 1 year
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Gohan vs Kefla.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 092
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Tonight’s episode: Buu’s fucking passed out.
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But first, an important update on Universe 11′s General Kharseral.  Did he save that cat from earlier? Yes, he did.  Now the Pride Troopers can assemble for the tournament. 
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Meanwhile, in Universe 3, we get a peek at some of the fighters on their team, but so what?  We’ll see them in action when the tournament starts.  This is what I mean when I complain about the 3rd quarter of Dragon Ball Super.  Episodes 68-96 are just marking time, hyping up the Tournament of Power without actually giving us the Tournament of Power.  And some of these episodes have been good, sure, but a lot of the material is redundant. 
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Meanwhile, back in U7, Master Roshi believes that he has de-hornified himself.  That’s Puar over there, by the way.  I pity him.
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All right, let’s talk about Caulifla going Super Saiyan.  In Universe 6, Cabba demonstrates the transformation for her, but he isn’t sure how to teach it, so he tries calling her names in an attempt to make her angry, the way Vegeta did.  The problem is that the U6 Saiyans are way too polite for that, and Cabba sucks at even pretending to be rude.  So Caulifla asks him what he does to transform, since it’s not like he’s pissed off every time he does it, and Cabba explains that he tenses up his back to concentrate power there.  Caulifla does the same et voilà.
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A lot of fans (and I use the term loosely) complained about this episode for cheapening the Super Saiyan transformation.  They objected to a newbie like Caulifla being able to do it so easily, and without “earning” the moment through a long, arduous character arc like Goku or Gohan.  I’ve made my thoughts known in the past, but let me be clear:
1) Fuck all haters.
2) Caulifla is an antagonist, not a protagonist.  She’s not a bad guy, but she is one of the fighters Goku’s team has to beat in order to survive.  The idea here is that the Saiyans of Universe 6 are making incredible gains in a very short span of time, which means they could become a serious threat to U7′s chances. 
3) Fuck all haters. 
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So now that Caulifla has the general hang of it, she calls out Kale, another Saiyan who’s part of her gang.  Cabba didn’t know Kale had followed them, but Caulifla knew she was lurking around somewhere.  The dub has Caulifla refer to Kale as her “sister-in-arms”, which is sort of like being “cousins” in Sailor Moon.
Anyway, Caulifla wants Kale to learn this transformation too, which I’m sure won’t lead to any trouble later...
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Back to Universe 7, and Goku cannot get Buu to wake up.  I’m pleased with how they explain Buu’s sleeping in this episode, because back in DBZ, Majin Buu took a nap and he woke up two seconds later.  But Mr. Satan says that sometimes Buu will sack out for two months, and nothing can wake him.    Well, we’ve seen some middle ground, though.  He slept through the Destroyer Tournament, but woke up by the time it was over.  And he fell asleep at the Zeno Explo, but Mr. Satan was able to wake him then.  So yeah, I’m not sure how it works, but at least they acknowledged that Buu used to sleep for two seconds. 
Anyway, Goku returns to announce that Buu’s off the team, but everyone’s mad at him because they all found out that there’s no prize money and their universe gets erased if they lose.  Krillin tries to pull out of the event...
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... until Beerus threatens to destroy him unless he fights. See, this is what I’m talking about.  These pre-Tournament of Power episodes try to squeeze as much drama as they can out of the whole erasing of universes thing, but it all amounts to nothing.  Gohan was horrified when he found out, and warned Goku not to tell anyone else, but everyone found out anyway.  Then they got all mad at Goku for not telling them, but what difference does it make?  They still have to go.  Forget Beerus’ ultimatum, if Krillin sits this one out and they lose, then he still gets erased. 
The same goes for all the gods wringing their hands over the whole thing.  At least the mortal characters can do something about it, but the gods are helpless, so all of their scenes are a waste of time.  And the mortals’ scenes are kind of pointless too, because their agency really only comes into play when the event starts.  Until then, they’re just waiting anxiously.
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Okay, so they still have nine fighters, but what about the tenth?  Beerus whines about how Earth is the only planet in this universe with any competent warriors, and he blames Goku and the others for wiping out all the other warriors like the Frieza Force, and that gives Goku an idea: Recruit Frieza.
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Yeah, no one likes that idea very much.
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halforcdad · 1 year
Last ep I was like haha immigrant parents/poc experience I got you Lucy
But I've never felt more connected to Lucy than when she saw Kate bring her a kale juice and no cupcake
It's me the Kate lover and kale hater Lucy I gotchu girl
lucy's the most relatable character in the world. because if i were dating kate whistler i too would forgive her for forcing me to eat healthy (even on night watch! have mercy kate!), force myself to drink/eat her weird ass health foods, and then immediately grab her hand and dish out the most heart-eyes-y, sickeningly sweet "happy anniversary, my love" + "i love you. and us," the world has ever seen.
i know we always talk about kate being wrapped around lucy's finger, but lucy is just as down bad for kate and i love it
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hacknet · 4 months
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i did it :)
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ah0yh0y · 1 year
every time kale says anything trent side eyes him so hard this man is dying inside a every single kale makes a sound
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kaleschmidt · 1 year
so many bots are trying to follow me. what is it abt my blog that attract em.....
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deatherella · 5 months
More Late Xmas Goodies
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4to2 Valhallen's Lairs & Llamas set. Lots of high poly statuettes in this one. The screen, playboard, and character sheets are repo'd with the playboard as the master. I made all the dice slightly larger so they show up better in-game with the four smaller sizes all together as one mesh.
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4to2 Jennisims' Kawaii cushions. There are six recolors.
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Several objects from Kale's November Dump. The shelves only have two slots on the top. Jennisims' Christmas Mickey and Minnie and a kids bowl that's been sitting in a to-do folder for ages. Most of the stuff on this post are stuff I started ages ago and finally got around to finishing.
Download 4t2 Lairs & Llamas
Download 4t2 Kawaii Cushions
Download 3t2 Kale Goodies
Download 4t2 Kids Bowl
Download 4t2 Xmas Mickey & Minnie
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voidalexis · 6 months
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nanowrimo · 7 months
Pro Tips from a NaNo Coach: How to Write a Clean(ish) Fast Draft
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NaNoWriMo can seem like a daunting task sometimes, for NaNo newbies and veterans alike. Fortunately, our NaNo Coaches are here to help guide you through November! Today, author Jesse Q. Sutanto is here to share her advice on how to set yourself up for noveling success:
Dear Nano-ers,
My first book took me three years to cobble together. During that time, I joined Absolute Write—a free writers forum which I completely love and recommend to all aspiring writers—and I made a friend who convinced me to try doing NaNoWriMo. I was completely unconvinced, but I am a people-pleaser and I can never say no, so I agreed to try it for my second novel.
My second novel took me less than a month to write. It was a complete mess, but it was also a revelation. Often, I felt myself falling into that writing Holy Grail—the hole which consumes you, makes you forget the rest of the world, and absorbs you completely in the world you are creating on paper. I loved the process deeply, and never looked back since. All of my subsequent books have since been written in a matter of months. 
And you know what? They were all a horrific mess. I did not learn how to do a clean and fast draft until my NINTH book, and I don’t think I would’ve ever learnt without the help of NaNoWriMo. So here are my tips on how to best tackle a sprint-a-thon like NaNo. 
1. Try to come up with a loose outline.
When I first started writing, I was a pure pantser. I had no idea what was going to happen before I sat down to write. This is a completely legit way of writing, but I have since learned that it is massively helpful to have an idea, even a vague one, of what you are trying to say with your book. What was really helpful for me was to sit down for just five minutes before writing each scene and try to envision what I wanted the scene to achieve. Once I had that in mind, the scene became much easier to write. 
2. Break down your writing time.
Ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? In order to hit 50,000 words a month, you need to write around 1,600 words a day. That is a heck of a lot of words to write! Break it down. Set 10 or 15-minute timers and use that to your advantage. Trust me, if you told me to sit down and write 1,600 words, I would be like, “Omg that’s too much!” But if you told me to just write for 15 minutes, that feels a lot more doable. 
3. Give yourself permission to write trash.
Before each writing session, I actually say out loud: “I am going to write trash.” And this gives me permission to write whatever comes to my mind without judgment. You can always edit later, but for now, focus on letting the words out on paper. 
4. Lean on others for support.
I made the mistake of thinking that writing is a lonely vocation. In fact, it is one of the most social things I could do. Social media, while a double-edged sword, has done so much for the writing community. I have found all of my close writer friends through social media, and I chat with them every day and consider them my close, lifelong friends. Don’t be afraid to reach out and make connections within the community. You are not alone. 
Jesse Q. Sutanto is the award-winning, bestselling author of Dial A for Aunties, Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers, Well, That Was Unexpected, The Obsession, and Theo Tan and the Fox Spirit. The film rights to her women’s fiction, Dial A for Aunties, was bought by Netflix in a competitive bidding war, and the TV rights to Vera Wong was bought by Warner Bros, with Oprah and Mindy Kaling attached to produce. She has a master’s degree in creative writing from Oxford University, though she hasn’t found a way of saying that without sounding obnoxious.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 14
The Eighth Doctor has described traveling in the TARDIS as "vworp vworp" before.
The Crispy Master was originally not-so-crispy. The Macqueen Maater had created an energy field and electrocuted him several times over until he was quite burnt.
The Doctor once met a Sontaran stand-up comedian.
The Second Doctor once fractured the harmonic resonator on the TARDIS console by hitting it with a football while playing keepy-uppy.
Iris Wildthyme considers the Master to be a "phallocentric dope."
Iris also once proposed to the Doctor in Venice.
And on top of that, Iris once got sick after eating a live Kaled mutant from the shell.
The Hexagora are a race of nomadic insectoids. When an ice age threatened the planet they had settled on, the queen wanted to marry the Fifth Doctor in order to have children that would live long enough to make it out of the ice age.
Chronotis replaced The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey with a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the Panopticon Archive.
Coal Hill School was founded in 1873.
The Blessing Star is a crystal that changes the laws of probability, giving its owner unnaturally good luck. Susan used to take it to school with her in an attempt to make friends.
A regen gun is a Time Lord weapon capable of killing a Time Lord instantly by using up all of their regenerations.
Donna used to receive piano lessons when she was younger, but Sylvia says she was terrible.
The Tenth Doctor likes the movie Splash.
The Second Doctor once took on a cat-like being as a pet. They named the cat Marmaduke, who was an absolute menace.
According to the Eleventh Doctor, the only other dimensionally transcendental vehicle in the universe besides TARDISes are clown cars.
Iris Wildthyme was a member of the Sisterhood of Karn while the Fourth Doctor faced off against Morbius.
The Second Doctor once bought a window that could have "any view" out if it. He chooses a view of his childhood home on Gallifrey. The Seventh Doctor eventually decided that the room the window was in needed to be sealed up.
The Eighth Doctor and Iris Wildthyme once walked together naked in the snow. She used an icicle to slice into his calf, and a baby blue angel was birthed from the Doctor’s leg.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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fanonical · 6 months
okay, so here's the thing with the daleks.
the daleks are nazis. like, that's not subtext, that's not implication, it is literally text. in the fourth doctor serial genesis of the daleks, one of the major kaled bad guys wears a literal actual iron cross as part of his costume, and in their debut, the daleks, they are presented as being fascists determined to completely exterminate the thals from existing, seemingly just because they were thals. hell, the story makes note of the fact that the attractive blonde thals are seen as being hideous and mutated by both them and the daleks - deliberately subverting the nazi ideal of the 'perfect aryan' look.
terry nation, the creator of the daleks, had an fixation on nazis. he lived during world war two, and the idea keeps cropping up in his work. daleks want everyone to be like them, daleks think they are 'superior' and are the 'masters' of the universe. notably, the images of a deserted, abandoned london in the next dalek serial, dalek invasion of earth, are based on fears of a nazi occupation of london. this would have been clearer to adult viewers in the 1960s, who would themselves have been around for world war two, and would be familiar with the ideology and attitudes to it.
so we have this bad guy who wants to exterminate all other species because they are different to the daleks, and see themselves as superior. the trouble is that, while this can make them scary as villains, it does force writers into a corner where individual daleks cannot really have their own personalities. daleks are meant to all be the same, that's part of their thing. but that means that we can't have character exploration for any dalek characters, they are one-note evil bastards. they also don't have faces, so they will always be inherently inhuman to the viewer
enter davros. now we have a charismatic leader for the daleks, one who has a face and can emote, and one the audience can identify as a person. but that starts to take a little bit away from what makes the daleks scary. they're all the same, apart from this one guy, who is either superior to the superior race or is somehow meant to lead them. he's a person, he has frailties. he can be silly and campy
the thing with the daleks is that they sometimes fall over into being just generic movie monsters, rather than specifically fascists, and i think this evolution from being very clear metaphors to just another monster is interesting
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 089
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Remember that girl from Tien’s past who comes back in this episode?  No, I’m not talking about Launch.  Don’t be silly.  I mean Yurin!  She’s much cooler than Launch and-- ow!  Quit throwing trash at me!  Those beer bottles hurt!
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So Goku plans to round out his team with Master Roshi and Tien.  Luckily for him, they’re both in the same place, as Tien has invited Master Roshi to his dojo to receive an honorary position as Grand Master.  I just want to say that I like the students’ uniforms a lot better than Tien’s Dragon Ball Super outfit.
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Master Roshi is bored by all this, because all of Tien’s students are men.  “I can’t fap to this!” he whines. 
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That all changes when Chiaotzu brings a new applicant into the dojo.  She claims to want to learn martial arts to keep her girlish figure or something, and Tien turns her down, because her motivations aren’t serious enough.  But Roshi wants her in the school so he can sexually harass her, if you know what I mean. Wink wink.
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So he just picks her up and carries her into the other room to get her fitted with a uniform.  And Tien just stands there like an idiot.  What the fuck?
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Yurin gets dressed and objects to her outfit featuring a miniskirt and thigh-high leather stockings.  I mean, yeah that’s pretty different from what the other students wear, but you’d think she would have said something before she put all this on. 
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Then Roshi says he senses a “darkness” within her, and Yurin starts to worry that he’s seen through her ruse, but no, he’s talking about her ass.  You know, they really toned Master Roshi down through most of this series.  He doesn’t appear much at all until now, and when he did appear, they managed to keep his shtick from being too creepy. But this is episode is giving me whiplash.  It’d be like if Oolong just out of nowhere started talking about stealing child brides again.
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Anyway, Yurin manages to get away from Roshi and goes to work on her true scheme.  First she enchants some paper to make talismans.
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Then she puts them on all of Tien’s students and places them under her mental control.  While Goku tells Tien about the Tournament of Power, she sends the students to attack the city.
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Meanwhile, in Universe 6, Cabba approaches Caulifla about the Tournament of Power.  She isn’t interested until he turns Super Saiyan and offers to teach it to her. 
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Caulifla doesn’t get along with Cabba or the Sadala Defense Force he works for, but she is impressed with his power, so she decides to play along...
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Back in Universe 7, Tien asks Yurin why she would want to ruin his dojo, and she reveals that she was the little girl he once knew from the Crane School. She wanted to fight Tien, but he had already gone on excursion with Chiaotzu.  This would be roughly 26 years ago, so Yurin must be in her mid-30′s now.   
I’ve never been too clear on her backstory.  Was she a student in the Crane School, like Tien and Chiaotzu?  It would make a lot more sense if she was one of the people they pushed around back in the day, but oh well.  Anyway, Yurin gave up martial arts after that snub, and devoted her life to witchcraft, so that she could become powerful enough to defeat Tien and have revenge.
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But this plan of hers seems pretty stupid, since all the good guys have to do is rip off the talismans.  They’re protected by force fields that repel ki blasts, but you can just pull off the talismans with your hands, no problem.
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Roshi tries to take the fight to Yurin, but he gets distracted by an upskirt shot, and she kicks him in the balls.
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Then she puts a talisman on Roshi and that’s supposed to raise the stakes.
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Tien tries to stop Roshi with the Four Witches Technique, but it doesn’t work for some reason, so Goku prepares a Kamehameha.  But in order to bypass the force field around Roshi, they need Chiaotzu to keep Yurin distracted. 
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So Chiaotzu uses his telekinesis to flip her skirt.  Oh come on!  This somehow allows Goku to zap Master Roshi, which I’m pretty sure should have worked all along. 
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So Yurin’s plan is foiled, but she vows to train hard and come back for super-extra-crispy revenge later on.  And as she threatens Tien, he invites her to join his dojo.  I mean, if she’s planning to train, she might as well do it with him, now that he’s satisfied with her motivation. 
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Of course, Tien tells her to apologize to the townsfolk first, which she does. 
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Tien then tells Goku he wants to enter the Tournament of Power.  He wasn’t hot on the idea before, but he believes he can use the prize money to help rebuild the town.  And Roshi wants in as well.  That prize money could sure buy a lot of hardcore pornography, if you know what I’m saying. 
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Meanwhile, they’re still putting this fighting stage together.  I honestly can’t make heads or tails of this thing.  Sometimes I think it’s going backwards. 
As for Yurin, I’m of two minds about her.  On the one hand, I like seeing female characters in this show.  And the witch angle is cool, and Tien having a sidekick is kind of neat. 
On the other hand, she looks and acts like a dopey teenager, which doesn’t make sense for her backstory, and this whole episode treats her like a joke.  This is her only appearance to date, and she barely manages to be the third most interesting female character in this episode. 
And where the fuck was Launch?
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