abbyholmes · 2 years
Hello, Updated my Marvey WIP again and have two more finished chapters in store so this does not go on hiatus again YAY.
Feedback greatly appreciated, sharing is caring <3
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merelymedia · 7 years
Back in Town Chapter 3
Start from the beginning
Previous chapter
As Harvey held the door open for Mike to enter his apartment he was filled with a sense of deja vu. How many times had Mike shown up at his door with some problem that needed fixing? Well there wasn’t any fixing this. Harvey realized that he would give up anything if he could somehow protect Mike from the events that always seemed to lead to him crossing this doorstep.
Mike went over to the drink cart to pour himself a scotch.
“Help yourself,” Harvey said drying.
“Oh, sorry Harvey,” Mike stuttered. The fact that he didn’t have some facetious come back told Harvey just how exhausted Mike really was.
Harvey’s face softened, “Hey Mike listen,” he said sincerely “you are welcome here as long as you want. Help yourself to anything. I told you once that you were my guy and always had been. That hasn’t changed. Anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask.” Mike looked like he wasn’t sure what to say, so Harvey kept talking, “Well you might as well pour me one too. Come on, I’ll grab you bedding for the couch; but if you want to watch the movie the TV is in the bedroom.”
Mike blinked at the giant stone fireplace taking up an entire living room wall, and the floor to ceiling windows taking up the other like he had never questioned the lack of a TV and he now found it completely absurd. “Not really used to entertaining huh?”
“The kind of entertaining I do here happens in the bedroom anyway” Harvey joked.
Mike groaned. “Yeah that definitely makes me want to hang out there..”
“Come on smartass,” Harvey slapped him on the shoulder as he passed by, leading the way to his bedroom. After setting up the movie Harvey plopped on the immaculately made king sized bed and reclined into the pillows. He looked up and noticed Mike tentatively standing in the doorway. “You going to watch the movie standing up?” Harvey asked with one eyebrow raised. Mike visibly relaxed at the implied invitation and walked towards the bed.
“Just wanted to make sure I’m not going to catch anything.” he quipped.
“Jesus who do you think I am? Hugh Heffner?”
“Hey, I guess I should be glad to have a friend with game. I’m not sure I haven’t forgotten how to be single,” He started it as a joke, but by they time he finished his voice had fallen flat.
“Well don’t tell Louis but I’m not exactly as full of game as you seem to think. After everything with Paula and Donna I just, I don’t know, focused on work.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t spread around that you aren’t the narcissistic, soulless, womanizer people think you are.”
“Perfect. Now I would tell you to shut up and watch the movie except we both know there’s never been a movie you haven’t talked through.” Except this time he didn’t talk through the movie, because within minutes he was fast asleep. In Harvey’s bed.
When the movie finished Harvey briefly questioned if he should leave the kid be and sleep on the couch. But screw it, it was his bed, and it was big enough for both of them. If Mike thought it was weird in the morning he could always claim he planned on moving but fell asleep too, the same as Mike. He got comfortable and turned to face Mike. In sleep Mike’s face lost all traces of the tribulations he had been hiding for the last couple years. The peace Harvey felt when Mike stepped out of the limo returned and Harvey fell easily into a blissful sleep.
Read the next chapter.
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marveylous-blog1 · 7 years
Standing in front of the window, looking out over the sea of fuzzy lights that make up the New York City skyline, glass of Macallan in my hand, I slipped the card out of its gilded envelope once more. ‘Congratulations on Your Engagement’ ribboned elegantly in gold across its cover. I could barely believe this moment had finally arrived, after all this time.
Opening it up, I read the message inside,
'To Mike’
Just Mike? I felt conflicted. Hadn’t we all been through enough together that I could avoid this petty snub? I coughed a little to stop my quickening rage in its tracks.
'To Mike, Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.’ Well, it was short and sweet, if a little disingenuous.
Unsure of just how much of the happiness I should allocate to myself, I abandoned the card amongst the case files mounting on my desk. Deciding on another drink to steady the nerves before the engagement party (I checked my watch - we had 45 minutes), I unscrewed the top from the liquor bottle, and breathed in its honeyed-wood scent. I never had been able to stand these kinds of parties, but Mike had insisted. He always was able to turn my selfish thinking around, persuasive lawyer qualities flying right out of the window at the sight of his cherubic face.
Even his stupid, bed-haired, bleary-eyed morning looks had never bothered me; in fact, they had probably only made my feelings grow stronger and deeper. The way his sun-kissed hair would stick up at all angles, defying gravity (and about another 300 other laws of physics) no matter how much he tried to re-arrange and adjust it, put a smile on my face.
He puts a smile on my face.
It was strange to think just how far we’d come in such a short space of time. When I’d asked Donna to find me another me, I had never expected  that she would do just that. It’s one thing to find someone you click with, but your actual soul mate? The person who makes all those old clichés about growing old together seem not so dumb after all? Of all the people I’d thought would be walking into the interviews that afternoon, I could never have seen him (and his surprising package) coming.
I’d been thinking for weeks about which of our stories I should tell during my speech. About how his determination to help others on the Liberty Rail case showed me how passionate, and compassionate, he could be? (I decided against that - not exactly the best memories for Donna) About how I felt when he introduced me to his Grammy for the first time, and had her telling me tales of Mike as a boy? (I couldn’t deny that she should be remembered, but it’s just about the easiest way to put a downer on the evening).
About how we met? Those are the kind of stories people like to hear at these sort of things, right?
I look at my watch. 25 minutes until I’m meant to be at the restaurant. Mike would kill me if I was late, even if I’ve already told him a hundred times it’s not my thing. Sighing, I down the Macallan in my refilled glass. It stings more than usual, so I muffle a cough. I use my pocket square to dab my watery eyes.
“I know this isn’t going to be the most fun evening for you to get through, but remember: you’re doing it anyway for the man you love”
Why does Donna always have to be right?
I hear her soft, deer-like footsteps as she steps through the doorway, and her playful laugh as she evidently anticipates what I’m thinking.
“Because I’m Donna. Now, grab your coat and let’s go already”
I straighten up my tie, and grab the card lying on my desk. After studying it again, I amend it slightly before stuffing it back into the envelope.
“Ray’s waiting downstairs, Harvey. We really need to get going”
I look around the office one last time, considering just how much my life, and Mike’s, will have changed by the next time we’re in this very room. When he walked into that interview, I sure as hell never saw us ending up here…
                                               * * *
As we pull up to the restaurant, it starts to rain. Donna’s too busy checking her make-up in her compact to notice that my hands have started shaking. Even after all this time, he still makes my blood rush. I never got nervous before I met Mike - though I never really opened up at all before I met him. He’s changed me, for the better. I’ve never been able to put into words the wave of blissful calm that comes with knowing you can depend on someone so implicitly.
Through the rain-streaked windows, I can see him; he’s never looked more beautiful than he has right now. Hell, Kodak should sponsor this moment. A glass of champagne in his left hand, dressed in his second best suit (second best only because we went for wedding suit fittings two days ago - a little early, but he got so caught up in the excitement of being engaged that I couldn’t say no). Not a single hair out of place tonight; clean cut, with his hair tousled and tamed, but his bow tie slightly askew. He has never looked more perfect to me.
I enter the restaurant, making straight for him.
“You never could get your bow tie to sit right”
His azure eyes sparkle with mischief, and he grins
“Well, if I could, there’d be no need to keep you around!”
I adjust his crooked bow tie, and step back, drinking in every inch of him
“Perfect. Oh, I almost forgot”
I reach into my coat pocket, pulling out the envelope I’d grabbed so hastily.
He sets his glass down on the table behind him, and slides the card out of the envelope. He flips it open, and reads it aloud
‘To Mike and Rachel,
Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.
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tremendousswift · 7 years
Marveyfic list
All stories are completed.You won’t find here anything connected to alpha/omega or Mpreg. The Writing's on the Wall by Loyalty2WayStreet What the hell was wrong with him? That did it, resigning himself to the maddening fact that this was not something he could do on his own, he dialed his therapist. Spare Parts by jonius_belonius (Joni_Beloni) Harvey Specter, best procurement agent in Manhattan, locates whatever is desired by the billionaire families that rule their little corner of the former United States. A special requisition from Charles Forstman for spare parts – blue eyes to replace his own failing ones – leads Harvey to Rikers prison and inmate Mike Ross. Harvey slowly stops thinking of Mike as spare parts, and fights his growing attraction to the young man with the beautiful blue eyes and huge heart. More Than I Ever Dared To Hope For by sal_si_puedes Once your soul mate is born, a mark appears on your skin. After that, it depends on fate if you find your soul mate. Harvey's mark appears when he is nine years old, almost ten. It takes him many years to find Mike - and when he finally does, something always comes up that prevents him from revealing himself to Mike. Seven things you need to know about Harvey Specter by Aprilinparis92 (palombaggia)  Harvey and Mike have been living together for eighteen months. Here’s Mike’s pov on his day to day life with Harvey. Good by Sulwen  “This is the worst part, isn't it?” Harvey murmurs. “The waiting. If I would just touch you, just start already...anything would be better, is that right?” Green Eyed Puppy by CreativelyDestructive (orphan_account) Normally it was Harvey who would get jealous and possessive, especially when it came to his puppy. What happens when a new wealthy client starts making moves, not on Mike, but on Harvey? It's time that Harvey realizes that his puppy has teeth. but a whimper by BeeLove  In which Harvey is remembering. And it's the worst fucking thing he could possibly do. Up Here The Blue Ones Fit by sal_si_puedes Harvey might or might not have engaged in a Star Trek drinking game with his brother and maybe he isn't exactly sober anymore and maybe he isn't quite sure exactly where he is - so naturally, he calls Mike. They Don't Define Who You Are (But Somehow They Do) by Ice20 In a reality where everything is basically the same, but some members of society - the most worthy, the most caring - are gifted with wings, it shouldn't have come as such a big surprise when Mike discovered Harvey had wings. There isn't always a happy end by TessaKenway (series) Harvey expected a lot of things when Mike came to him and said that he has to tell him something but he definitely didn't expect this. Permission by Bontaque #smut  Mergers and Acquisitions by Sairyn Mike gets a special assignment from Jessica. It should be simple, easy. Just a little merger. But when he is exposed to Harvey’s past, Mike quickly discovers there is nothing easy about it. In fact, he may have to make one of the hardest decisions ever or face the same fate.  love consists in this by tattooedsiren When clients see Harvey's wedding ring, they pass on their compliments to Harvey's wife, not realising that Harvey's husband is sitting three feet away. This bothers Harvey. (http://archiveofourown.org/works/330799)
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frivoloussuits · 6 years
I’m going to continue the trend started by @sal-si-puedes​ and @statusquoergo​. Here is my “marveyfication” list!
Happy Marveyfications:
No Expiration Date - 7b AU. Mike’s bachelor party goes weirdly: The Happy Version.
an archive of harvey specter’s expressions - Marvey reinterpretations of specific Harvey Specter expressions. Covers multiple seasons.
Knowing - A Marvey response to Donna and Harvey’s kiss, set at the start of 7b.
Can’t Use Plain English - A 7a AU where Harvey finally gives Mike those orchids he’s been asking for.
Sad Marveyfications (beware the angst and unrequited love):
Transference - Season 7 AU where Harvey realizes that he’s been projecting feelings for Mike onto Paula.
Hollowness - A Season 8 fic where Harvey misses what he had (and what he could have had) with Mike.
Rattled - A fic about the Season 5 mock trial where Mike and Rachel pretended to be married, and how that tore Harvey’s heart out.
Logical Contradiction - 7b AU. Mike’s bachelor party goes weirdly: The Sad Version.
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merelymedia · 7 years
Fic Preference Poll
I have a few more chapters of back in town town coming once I get home from the holidays (Happy Thanksgiving to the US tumblrs)! But since I’m new to this I have some questions. Do y’all prefer shorter chapters updated more frequently or longer chapters less often? Also for longer slower burn fics do you like for things to be left implied or are you all about the smut? Thanks for the feedback!
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merelymedia · 7 years
Back in Town Chapter 2
Here’s the second chapter from my slow burn Marvey fic. I’m new to this fic writing thing so I’d love feedback and corrections! I hope you enjoy!
Click here for Chapter 1
Harvey waited outside the steakhouse questioning why he was so fidgety. Up until now they had always gone out to the same place for important dinners; the first place Harvey ever took Mike. Except that Harvey hadn’t returned there since he said goodbye to Mike in the parking lot the night before Mike flew to LA.
When Ray pulled up and Mike stepped out Harvey moved forward and hugged him, tight, before he even realized what he was doing. But to his surprise, Mike didn’t question it but just hugged back. Harvey stepped back wondering what got into him. With the exception of his nieces he didn’t hug people if it could be at all avoided. But damn, he couldn’t deny that as soon as Mike stepped out of that limo he felt a peace he hadn’t realized he had been missing. It didn’t last long because as he pulled back he was able to really see Mike’s face for the first time; dark shadows, hooded eyes and all.
“Hey kid, don’t people move to LA for fresh air and rejuvenated skin? What are they putting in the water out there? You look half dead.”    “Well gee, it’s good to see you too. Glad to see you haven’t gone soft in my absence,” Mike said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
Harvey told Ray to hang on to Mike’s bags and be ready to pick them up when they were done before leading Mike to the table where he had scotch waiting. Mike took a long drink and looked up with a sigh. The short lived joy Harvey had felt by Mike’s arrival drained completely, leaving him with a sinking feeling in his stomach.
“Mike, I’m glad to see you, but what’s going on?” Mike avoided his eyes and Harvey felt actual physical discomfort at the pain he saw in his friend’s face.
“It’s over with Rachel. For good,” Mike said flatly, with his eyes glazed and still fixated on a point over Harvey’s shoulder.
If Harvey had been expecting something, it wasn’t that. Hadn’t they left everything, hadn’t Mike left Harvey to be able to prioritize his marriage? If there was one thing that had made the loss bearable for Harvey it was knowing the move allowed Mike to be happy and loved. Like Mike should be.
“Shit Mike, I’m sorry. What happened?” Mike finally dragged his eyes to meet Harvey’s and Harvey flinched at the desolation he found in them. He hadn’t even seen that look when Mike was in prison. Hell, he hadn’t seen that look since Mike looked up, a stranger, over a briefcase full of weed and explained how his whole life had spiraled out of control. But even then there was a spark of hope, of determination. Now there was simply emptiness.
“It doesn’t really matter. It just didn’t work.”
“I thought your move to LA was because you guys were great and didn’t want anything getting in the way?” Harvey realized too late he probably should have said something more kind and supportive; but there was a need to comprehend what happened he didn’t fully understand.
“Well I certainly didn’t go thinking I’d get a goddamn divorce.” Mike flinched at the last word and Harvey wondered if this was the first time he had actually said it out loud. “Look Harvey, I don’t know what to tell you. There was something missing from our relationship. Or maybe something there that shouldn’t have been. I don’t really know but we did love each other and we thought it was just all the bullshit that was always happening here. But I guess it was just us. Or maybe just me.”    “Mike..” Harvey’s voice was choked
“It’s fine. If I’m being honest I’m grateful to have some finality to it all.”
“How long has this been going on?”
“I think we both knew something was going on but rationalized it. After all there was always some secret or bullshit going on here to account for it. We thought it would go away when we moved. Once we did we spent a long time both pretending we didn’t still feel it, a longer time arguing about how to fix it and who’s fault it was, 8 months in therapy, and the last few months trading off who was sleeping in the office.”    “And you’re sure it’s over?” Harvey asked.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure.”    “The therapy, it didn’t help?”    “Unless making us fight twice as much is helping, no. She was really stuck on Danbury and that I needed to talk about my time there, since Rachel and I just kind of moved on with our lives.” Mike’s eyes had become unfocused again. “But it’s just not something I can talk about.”    Harvey was confused for a moment, he had thought Mike was fine coming out of prison, he came out swinging and had worked with Gallo before he died.
“I don’t know what to say Mike, I had no idea things were bad.”
Mike sat up straighter, “Yeah well maybe I should give you a sob story more often if it means I get a ribeye and scotch out of it.” Harvey knew he was trying to change the subject.
“Oh yeah? Who says I’m paying? Didn’t you get enough cash out of me when I was signing your paychecks?”    “Judging from the small fortune of a timepiece around Ray’s wrist I think you can afford a few nights out,” Mike said baiting him.    “Well as it happens I am doing fairly well for myself thanks for noticing,” Harvey says with a cocky grin while slipping a couple bills on the table and texting Ray. Mike stood up to leave.
“So I know you’ve spent nights in all the hotels around town. And by nights I mean evenings because I don’t see the great Harvey Specter turning around for a snuggle. Any recommendations?”
“I’ve heard my cuddling skills come highly recommended. You want to test that out?”
Mike just raised his eyebrows in that ‘you’re full of bullshit’ look Harvey missed so much.
“Well I can give you recommendations if you want. Their beds are probably a hell of a lot more comfortable than my couch. But I was planning on starting a Godfather marathon tonight if you wanted to join?” Of course Harvey was actually buried in paperwork and had planned to return to the office after dinner. But now that Mike was in front of him the thought of seeing his back walking away, even just for the night, filled him with panic.
“An offer I can’t refuse. Thanks Harvey,” Mike said tiredly.
Read the next chapter. 
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