#marseille tiste
dragonanne · 2 years
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Title: “The New Guy…Again” (A TCW/GLTAS crossover fanfiction)
Word count: 2,387
Characters: Blight (clone OC), Lara Shey (twi’lek OC), Marseille Tiste (Blue Lantern OC), Kilowog, Plo Koon
Description: A chapter from a Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Green Lantern: The Animated Series crossover story I started working on a couple of years ago. I still kinda plan to write the other chapters, but I wanted to go ahead and post this one since I’m still really proud of it.
Blight sat in the mess, alone in the noisy galley full of clone troopers, glumly ignoring his ration portion while stirring a now-cold mug of caf. None of his brothers would sit with him. It was like being a shiny again, but worse. At least when he was a rookie, the lone survivor of his batchmates, his new battalion had welcomed him cheerfully. But now he felt like a complete outcast.
A green light flashed from the ring on his right hand, accompanied by a short, persistent beeping.
“You had best answer that,” said a deep, patient voice.
Blight looked up into the face of Plo Koon, his jedi general. Blight started to stand, but the general motioned for him to stay seated, then sat down himself.
“Something troubles you, soldier.”
It wasn’t a question. But Blight didn’t know if it was appropriate to unload his troubles on a superior officer, much less a jedi general. However, Master Plo was persistent.
“If you do not intend to answer the summons from your ring, you might as well answer my question.
The young clone trooper sighed, crumbling under the pressure.
“My ring. That’s the problem, general. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I don’t know what I’m allowed to do.” He spoke the last sentence with caution, testing the proverbial waters.
Master Plo took a moment to ponder the reply before responding. “What do you believe are your options?”
Blight considered who he was talking with and how careful he might need to be with his words. With any other jedi, he would almost definitely lie—regardless of whether they would sense his deception or not—but with Plo Koon? Honesty would be respected, even rewarded.
“Well, I could stay here, fulfill my duty and my oath to the Republic—and give up the ring. Or I could betray the Republic, abandon my brothers, and go with the lanterns to train as a Green Lantern.” He tried to subtly look up to gauge the jedi’s reaction. He thought the general was frowning thoughtfully, considering the options, but the mask the kel dor perpetually wore made it difficult to tell for sure.
“It is a remarkable opportunity. Which do you believe is the correct course?”
Blight shifted uncomfortably. However friendly and fatherly the jedi was, it didn’t seem smart to discuss possible treason with a general. The silence began to stretch into the realm of discomfort as he attempted to formulate an appropriate response.
At the moment when he feared he would finally have to speak, despite lacking a tactful answer, the ring resumed its flashing and generated a shimmering miniature apparition of Marseilles Tiste, the Blue Lantern. She looked not impatient, but certainly...expectant.
“Blight, I’m about to take Lara to, um,” she turned to look at someone outside of the range of the holographic projection. “What was the name of the planet?” A muffled voice answered, and she turned back to Blight. “Right, Corhva. I’m going to teach her some basic power ring tricks. Gauge said he would mention it to you. Would you like to come with us?” Her voice was gentle and hopeful.
Blight wasn’t excited to go on a lantern field trip, but he was borderline desperate to escape this increasingly uncomfortable discussion with Master Plo.
“Uh, sure, I mean, I’ll be right there, ma’am.”
Marseilles visibly winced. “I’m not your commanding officer, Blight, just a friend,” she said, reprimanding him gently.
“Right, um, sorry,” he apologized. I’ll be right there.” The hologram disappeared, and Blight rose, saluting Plo Koon. “I apologize, general. Excuse me.” The jedi nodded graciously and when he spoke, Blight wondered if there wasn’t a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Of course, trooper.”
Blight picked up his food tray and deposited it in the appropriate portal before leaving the mess, drawing more than a few sideways glances as he left. The walk down to the hanger where the other lanterns waited for him was awkward and long, as most walks seemed to be lately. Clones were the foremost experts in the galaxy at picking up on the smallest details of an individual—it was how they were able to tell one another apart. So even the small ring on his finger didn’t go unnoticed in the hallways, and everyone on board already knew the dilemma of the clone trooper chosen by the strange, mysterious green power ring. Everyone was waiting to see what he would do next—reject the power and opportunity in favor of loyalty to his brothers and his oath to the Republic or turn traitor and desert.
In truth, the situation had sparked intense debate among his fellow troopers—behind closed doors and over private helmet comm channels, of course. His own squad-mates had argued over him last night. Would he even be breaking an oath by leaving—a true oath? Was he bound by a promise that was never truly his choice to make? At the completion of training, the clones were never given an option to not swear loyalty to the Republic that had paid for their creation, so did the oath actually count? Were they soldiers or slaves? These kinds of questions made his head ache...and his stomach churn. Pleasant or not, it was much simpler to live his life without asking these questions.
His squad-mates seemed split on the issue. And it was tearing them apart. Gauge—a brother he’d not been particularly close to prior to the ring’s appearance—was passionately of the opinion that Blight should take the chance in front of him and forge his own path alongside the lanterns. Blight even suspected that a painful envy ached within Gauge over the opportunity. He knew it hurt his brother that he was so reluctant to seize the chance, but Blight couldn’t help it.
On the other hand, Marker, always stern and borderline obsessive with reg manual compliance, had been clear that if Blight left, he would be a traitor—to the Republic and to his brothers. And he wasn’t the only one. Whichever way he chose, Blight would be hurting someone.
He just wanted to scream! Why was this his decision to make?! He thought back to General Plo. He really, truly did want to ask the general for advice. The kindly jedi had never been anything but good to his troops. So many of them considered him to be the father they had never had. He cared about them—they all knew it. But would he be able to offer the kind of advice that Blight needed? He didn’t need the advice of his general. He certainly didn’t need the advice of a jedi. He needed the advice of a father.
Odd, he thought, that I’m thinking in those terms.
He hadn’t seen many fathers in his lifetime, but he knew some clone troopers considered the men who trained them back on Kamino to be like fathers to them. They would go to their training sergeants for advice like this, so fathers probably did similar things.
But he didn’t have one of those.
His mind was still in turmoil when he entered the hanger where he was to meet Lantern Tiste and Lara. He spotted them immediately, an athletically built human woman and a sturdy, undeniably beautiful young twi'lek woman. They were both dressed in flight suits of blue and black, form-fitted material and were standing next to the intimidating creature that was Green Lantern Kilowog. Blight’s stomach, which had already been doing uneasy flips on the walk from the mess hall, went ahead and dropped to his toes at the sight of Kilowog’s stern expression. As Blight approached, Kilowog eyed him up and down.
“Better suit up, Poozer. That rig ain’t very streamline.”
“Huh?” Blight looked down at his white plastoid armor. It was decorated with the grey markings common among the 104th Battalion, but otherwise was entirely ordinary.
“Your lantern suit,” Marseilles spoke up. “I know you haven’t decided yet, Blight, but while you train with us…” She trailed off, her voice still kind and patient.
“Oh,” Blight caught on. “Right, um...how do I do that again?” He glanced around, seeing how many of his brothers were within earshot or watching. How many would see this as him showing his “true”, traitorous colors?
Kilowog made a sound somewhere between a grunt and a scoffing noise. Marseilles shot him a scathing glance then stepped closer to Blight.
“Take your ring, form it in your mind, and will it.”
He looked at his ring, half skepticism, half hope. “Right...will it.”
For the first time, Lara Shey stepped forward.
“Here, like this,” she said shyly, and her flight suit shimmered and vanished, being replaced by a modest homespun robe. She held her fist up and her blue ring flashed. The robe was replaced once more by the flight suit. Suddenly self-conscious, she ducked her head and stepped back. “It’s easy if you let the ring do what it knows to do,” she finished softly.
“Uh, thanks.” Blight felt his face warm. He didn’t know why, but her discomfort made him feel embarrassed too. He shook off the feeling and held his ring up, staring at it intently, his brow furrowed. Focusing on the deep green of the ring, he tried to feel for it, sense its presence on his hand. He imagined what it was like to be a jedi and reach out with the Force.
But nothing happened.
Then, just as he was about to give up, he took note of a gentle hum radiating throughout his mind and his body. As he focused, it grew stronger. It felt...right. A steady, stubborn assurance. Without thinking further, he released himself to it and a green light shimmered over his armor. He looked down. The white plastoid was gone, replaced by a green and black flight suit—a variation on the theme shared between Kilowog, Lara, and Marseilles’ suits. He recognized the suit from when the ring had first flown onto his finger, but he hadn’t had much time to examine it then.
“Woah.” He didn’t know how else to respond. Marseille was grinning, and Lara was smiling shyly. “Uh, is it always like that?”
“Eh, pretty much,” Kilowog responded gruffly.
Marseille punched him playfully. “Don’t be a kill-joy.”
“Yeah, yeah. Well, unless you got anything you want me t’do? I’m gonna go find K’ihr and leave you to teach the rookies how to fly.”
“Right, a quick word before you go.” Marseille walked away with the large sergeant, speaking softly.
Lara moved closer to Blight as they watched the senior lanterns. “I’ve been looking forward to learning to fly. Marse has shown me a few things, but there weren’t a lot of opportunities at first, and then she wanted to wait for you.”
“How long have you, um, been…?”
“A lantern?” Lara finished for him. “The former bearer of my ring was killed in the same battle as yours.”
“Oh.” Blight thought back two rotations to the moment the ring had appeared before him. “I assumed it had been longer. You seem so, I dunno, comfortable with it all.” Lara smiled softly and wrapped her arms around herself.
“It was an answer to all my prayers. The ring—the opportunity it gave me? It was a dream come true. A chance for a new life.”
Blight frowned. He didn’t appreciate the not-so-subtle attempt to persuade him to the oh-so-wonderful lantern side.
“Why? What was so bad about your old one?” He asked.
Lara looked up at him. The look on her face was almost...horrified, and Blight immediately knew he’d said the wrong thing. He began to backpedal.
“I-I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”
Lara hugged herself tighter and looked down again, her expression changing to sad uncertainty.
“No...I was a slave. Sold to a crime clan when I was a little girl.” She looked Blight in the eye. “My life has been filled with unspeakable horrors for as long as I can remember. Being chosen by this ring is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Blight’s stomach sank. He was instantly filled with a shame like he’d never experienced before in his life. He didn’t know how to apologize profusely enough to make up for his blunder. So instead he said, rather lamely, “I’m sorry.”
Lara didn’t respond. He didn’t blame her.
They stood there in awkward silence until Marseille returned.
“Well, kids? Ready for a field trip?” She was grinning.
“Yes!” Lara replied enthusiastically!
Blight didn’t bother replying.
“Excellent! Follow me.”
Marseille motioned for them to follow her towards the open hanger. At the force shield which separated them from the cold darkness of space, she stopped.
“Lesson one: personal force fields.”
A glowing halo of blue light appeared around her and before Blight realized what she meant to do, she stepped backwards through the hanger shield. He began to cry out, horrified, but realized she was standing there on the deck, unharmed and grinning. His jaw just hung open, frozen in the stifled cry and unsure how to proceed.
“The power rings generate an energy field around your body, equipped with its own life support. Power up and c’mon out,” Marseille encouraged.
Lara held her ring hand tenderly and closed her eyes. The blue energy field blossomed into life. She opened her eyes and examined her hands and arms, pleased. Without hesitation, she stepped out to join their teacher. Then they both looked back at Blight. He swallowed. All his life he’d been taught that the easiest way to die was to step through one of those very shields without the proper gear. He looked down at his ring, unsure.
“Will it,” Lara said gently.
Right, Blight thought.
He took Lara’s cue and closed his eyes. He sought out the gentle humming sensation again, grasped onto it, and concentrated. He focused on his own willpower and commanded the energy to appear. A shift in the air quality prompted him to open his eyes. A slight glimmer of green haze danced on the edges of his vision. He lifted his hands. Green energy flickered across them too. He’d done it. He looked up.
“I must be insane,” he said, a slight touch of nervous laughter wobbling his words.
And then he stepped outside, surrendering to the mercy of his ring.
To be continued…
I hope y’all like my silly little fanfic. I actually have the whole story roughly plotted (including the stuff before this) and I’ve even done some concept art for a few characters, planets, ships, etc. Hopefully I’ll share more sometime. I don’t think I’ve shared much of my writing on here before, but I thought it was about time.
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Arganovo olje
New Post has been published on http://spletni-imenik-seo.si/arganovo-olje/
Arganovo olje
Arganovo olje izhaja iz stiskanja mandljev, ki jih vsebujejo plod drevesa Argania spinosa. Sadež je mesnat in izgleda kot velika oljka, dolg je približno 3 cm, rumene barve z rjavimi odtenki. V notranjosti ima zelo trdo jedro, ki pa vsebuje dve ali tri semena, Arganove mandlje. Za proizvodnjo 1 litra arganovega olja so potrebni 100 kilogrami semen, ki se uporablja v kozmetiki. Drevesa čez leto proizvedejo približno 8 kilogramov semen. Sadeži so ročno obrani in ročno stiskani s kamni, da se loči kaša od semen. Olje je proizvedeno s podobnim procesom kot olivno olje. Kaša, ki je stranski proizvod je hranilo za živali kot kamele.
  Berberske ženske so uporabljale in uporabljajo dragoceno olje že stoletja, da obdržijo kožo mlado in lep obraz, ki ga ščitijo pred vetrom in puščavskega sonca. S pomočjo arganvega olja rehidratirajo telo s poživljajočo masažo, ki tudi neguje in daje sijaj lasem. Vedno Berberke so bile zaposlene pri zbiranju sadja in stiskanja arganovih jedrc, da bi dobili dragoceno olje. Tako kot danes, kjer se združijo v delovne zadruge. Poleg uporabe v tradicionalni medicini, za njeno zaščitno, je arganovo olje v Maroku od nekdaj uporabljen tudi za hrano.
  Arganovo olje je sestavljeno iz 99% esencialnih maščobnih kislin, ki je bogato z antioksidanti ter igrajo sinergistično pri preprečevanju delovanja prostih radikalov in s tem upočasnjujejo celično staranje. Med nenasičene maščobne kisline ima predhodno alfa-linolensko kislino omega-3 in predvsem predhodnico omega 6 linolenske kisline, ki na koži izvaja regenerativno delovanje. Med antioksidanti je Arganovo olje bogato z vitamini A in E.
  Bogat z aktivnimi sestavinami olje je vsestranski naravni izdelek, ki ga lahko nosite s seboj. Arganovo olje naredi kožo mehko in žametno, z anti-agem učinkom. Ščiti kožo pred zunanjimi dejavniki, kot so veter, ultravijolični žarki, smog, težke kovine in druga onesnaževala. Popravite suho povrhnjico, ki jo globoko hranite z vlažilnim in zmehčljivim učinkom. Njegova elastična moč je poleg olajšanja tudi uporabna pri preprečevanju nastanka strij. Nekaj ​​kapljic olja se lahko doda v kopalno vodo pred umivanjem za sproščujočo kopel. Ali pred prhanjem si oblecite rokavico za prhanje. Arganovo olje je mogoče zmešati z drugimi olji, ki jih lahko uporabite za dekonstruiranje masaž z učinkom toniranja, za športnike in za tiste, ki preživijo veliko ur na nogah, ali za sproščanje.
  Na laseh ima arganovo olje učinek proti lomljenja. Naredi svilnate in sijoče lasje, ki so suhe in zaščito proti barvanjem. Poleti se lahko uporablja za zaščito sonca in slanega morja, pa tudi za klor, če plavate v bazenih. Argan Oil hrani in ojačuje vse lase. Arganovo olje tudi neguje vaše nohte.
  Arganovo olje za kozmetično uporabo je bistro in bistro rumeno zlate barve. Ko ga kupite, je pomembno, da je čisto 100% Arganovo olje, brez konzervansov, vonjev ali drugih spojin. V INCI mora bit napisano le Argania spinosa ali Arganovo olje.  Na oznaki embalaže mora biti certificirana blagovna znamka zaščitenega izvora, ki potrjuje izvor Maroka, sicer ni Argan Oil. V milih La maison du savon de marseille je arganovo olje prisotno in deluje blagodejno na kožo. Znamka Izylar je prav tako sestavljena in 100% arganovega olja in ne diši ter je zlatorumene barve.  
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