#marlin bae
swynlake-spill · 3 days
I'm glad Hatter put to rest months of rumors by just kissing his boyfriend in front of god and the whole town just trying to have their morning coffee. We have our confirmation but my eyes need bleach
ok hater
me personally i love to see two queer men celebrate their love in public!!! congrats to hatter and marlin <3
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baenxietydad · 4 months
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Finding Nemo: How To Land
“I’ve said several times that I’m afraid of falling but not landing. And the difference between falling and landing is that landing means that you can take off again...So, no matter how desperate the situation is, if we choose landing instead of falling, choose not to give up, and just land, we’re ready to fly again.” -Min Yoongi 
Summary: Robbie rats out Nemo to Marlin. They go on a road trip to bring Nemo home. Takes place December 14. tw: anxiety, depression
Part One: Failing Nemo Part Two: Something Else 
Marlin x Robbie Texts
Marlin: [deleted] idk why I’m bother—
Marlin: have you heard from Nam-min
Marlin: Olaf called and said he skipped his exams and isn’t in the dorms. He hasn’t answered me
Marlin: what do you know?
Robbie: Im going to assume this is Marlin.
Robbie: Hello to you too
Robbie: Ugh, he left, though and he told me about it. I know where he is but I was hoping he would be back by now :(
Marlin: And nobody thought to tell me my son disappeared aiya this is great, I bet Tae knows too, eo?
Marlin: Tell me where he is. 
Robbie: he's actually with Tae I could take you there. 
Robbie: to be honest I want to go get him too
Marlin: of course he’s wife Tae, who else would encourage him to run away at least you’re more responsible 🙄
Marlin: So it’s far away, mm 
Robbie: yeah they went camping. Where are you I can come pick you up.
Marlin: In town, near the market
Robbie: I'll be right there
Spending the last what felt like 17 hours in the car with Marlin Bae had not been ideal. It wasn’t terrible, but the offhand comments about his driving were…annoying to say the least. Was it really so bad to obey traffic laws? Yes, he understood that perhaps they were in a rush because seeing Nemo and making sure he was okay, those things were important, but if they died on the way to the campsite who did that benefit? 
Anyway, they were here now and Robbie pulled into the nearest parking space and shut off the engine. The guilt bubbled inside of him as he wondered how furious Nemo would be with him when he saw him approaching with his father of all people. Maybe Robbie should’ve kept his mouth shut, but he was worried same as Marlin and well, anxiety did things to a person. Nemo would eventually understand. 
“I think that’s Tae’s truck over there,” Robbie said, pointing to the familiar farm truck. “They can’t be that far–” 
Robbie abruptly stopped talking as he spotted Nemo. Nemo hadn’t seen him yet, but suddenly this felt like a much worse idea than it had two minutes ago. Nemo was clearly fine and smiling and—fuck he was going to hate Robbie.
Mu-yeol was angry but it was less about Nemo skipping exams and running away than it was about…Nemo not talking to him. What was all that bullshit about how they were a team and in it together, huh? He let Nemo work instead of him handling it all with a second human job because Nemo insisted. But school, work, his Hollow duties, his social life…maybe something or multiple something’s had to give. He worried about as much. But always thought Nam-min would come to him and talk about it. 
He buried that anger because it was right to feel but wrong to express, and simply said. “Nam-min ah. Did you not think I should know my son is skipping town?”
Because look. The real root of his anger wasn’t that Nam-min must not be taking to school well, because he didn’t expect his son to be his mother. It was a little that Nemo didn’t tell him and a little that Nemo ran off and let Olaf tell him his son was missing. He was an adult and could make these choices. But an “Appa I’m dropping out and need a few days camping with Tae to clear my head” would have sufficed. Maybe he’d try to talk him out of it but he wouldn’t force Nemo to take his exams if he didn’t want to. 
Was he worried he would?
“You really should make your escape plans a little more logically.” He gently, sarcastically chastised him, moving to sit down next to him. 
He looked around at Tae and Robbie and sighed. “Both of you, forget how to speak Korean.”
NEMO: The first few hours into escape, Nemo felt amazing. Weightless. Free. For the first time in moons, there wasn’t something that he was going to have to rush to, or come from, or do. He was just going to curl up with Tae in the back of the truck and become a stranger in the middle of nowhere. He even turned off his phone, after fixing things with Robbie (kind of.)
And things really were good. That first night, they nicked into a gas station for snacks and cheap coffee. They listened to albums and talked and then went for a walk ‘round the campsite, just a short one, before falling asleep in the truck just like they talked about.
When the next morning came though, the pit in Nemo’s stomach had returned. His brain kept buzzing, telling him he was making a huge mistake. He was trying to ignore it though, because what was the alternative?
He and Tae were gonna go make smores– yeah, this early in the morning, why not?-- when Nemo’s choices caught up to him.
He spun around, eyes going wide. At first, his brain shortcircuited. How was Appa–? That didn’t make sense! There was no way he would even know that Nemo was gone!
Then, he saw Robbie lingering over his shoulder and everything clicked into place.
Nemo, at first, ignored Appa entirely as anger twisted his features. “You told him?!” Nemo shouted past Appa, staring at Robbie. “What the fuck, Robbie?!” 
Robbie’s first instinct was to duck behind a tree as Marlin started casually strolling up to Nemo without a care in the world. Nemo wasn’t scary, obviously–Robbie loved him very much and he was so sweet and cute–but also he was a little scary and Robbie was actually sort of…impressed? Terrified? Of what Marlin was doing. It was probably all of the gnawing guilt making Robbie feel this way, honestly, and it was warranted. 
Nemo proved this when he immediately turned toward Robbie with rage in his eyes and yelled. 
And yes, there were definitely situations where Robbie would never betray Nemo like this, but this situation was a little bit different. Nemo was doing a very big thing right now–a very big thing that could potentially have very real consequences or spiral out of had very quickly if Nemo was left alone to overthink things–and telling Marlin was the right thing to do. 
So, when Nemo yelled at him, Robbie didn’t cower or make himself smaller or let himself succumb to his guilt. Instead, with a sad look in his eyes (because hurting Nemo was never good or easy or something he was proud of), he just nodded. “I’m sorry Nemo, but he was so worried about you. We are both worried about you.” 
Nemo wanted to shove Robbie. 
He wanted to kick Robbie.
He wanted to use his wind to send a blast of damp leaves into his face. 
All these cruel fantasies swirled in him as his fists curled, and the wind picked up and whipped at Nemo’s own hair. But just because Nemo wanted to do these things– punish his boyfriend for ratting him out, for ambushing him, for caring– that didn’t mean that it would make him feel good, or even get him out of the trouble he’d got himself into. No matter the size of the tantrum, he’d been caught.  And so as quickly as the wind picked up, it died, the air stale and flat. 
Nemo’s face flattened out too. He sent a glance toward Tae. “I’ll be back,” he mumbled. 
Then he stalked past Appa. “We can talk over here,” he said. 
He didn’t look at Robbie again. 
Mu-yeol followed after Nemo, his expression blank save for a concerned furrow of his brow. 
“Nemo,” He began coolly. “Just one question. Can you even explain yourself?”
Or was he well and truly off the deep end, eh?
As Nemo walked away, he carried his anger with him. It was a hot and comforting thing– bigger and easier to deal with than Nemo’s pain, his guilt, his worry. But it was also as fragile and thin as a balloon. With just one sentence, Appa destroyed it. 
Can you even explain yourself? 
Nemo couldn’t. 
And just like that– his anger collapsed in on itself into all the rest of those things, the things that Nemo had been running from. His face screwed up, and his lip trembled, and he knew that he’d disappointed Appa. He’d wasted the opportunities that Appa worked so hard to give him. He was ungrateful. He was a loser. He was stupid. 
Nemo’s shoulders hunched over, his hands pressing over his face as he began to cry. “N-no,” he admitted. “No, I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.” 
He was talking about way more than just explaining himself. Right now, it felt like Nemo couldn’t do anything. 
Rightly or perhaps wrongly, he preferred this version of emotional Nemo to the red hot angry Nemo. Angry Nemo lashed out and left little room for getting to the root of an issue. When Nemo broke down like this he was honest and Marlin could actually figure out how to help him. 
“Okay. Can you tell me anything about why you didn’t take your exams? And why didn’t you tell me uni was hard for you, eh?”
“I’m sorry,” Nemo said miserably, still crying and hunched, hiding his face from view. Appa standing there, talking to him so calmly, only told Nemo that his thoughts were right. Appa was disappointed in him. He had failed, miserably. This was shameful. He was nothing like– 
 “I’m sorry. Y-you worked so hard to help me afford everything and I didn’t want to disappoint you. I wanted to be like her, but I’m not. I’m not smart. I just– it’s so much– I can’t finish anything. I’m always behind everyone. I should be good at it. Everyone else can do it and isn’t like this.” Nemo rubbed his arm over his red, puffy face. “B-but I can’t and I–I dunno why.” 
Why had Finn and Louie been fine? Why was Mim and Hunter and everyone else in his fellowship programme so smart? Why was it just Nemo who couldn’t finish the reading and who was so stressed and who couldn’t sleep and was in so much pain? 
“Hey, no, none of that. I don’t care if you finish uni or not, I only care that you do what you want to do regarding the issue. I never expected you to be like your eomma.” Mu-yeol said gently. “You wanted to go to uni so I worked to make it happen for you. It’s okay that you’re struggling to adjust but it’s not okay that you’re handling it by just running away.”
He always did this. Sometimes it was maybe the right decision, but this wasn’t one of those sometimes.
Then again, what had Mu-yeol done when faced with his guilt, his shame, and his fear? He fled Korea and came here. They weren’t so different.
“There’s no such thing as a smart person, Nam-min. There’s people who are very good at certain things, but there’s no smart people. Surgeons and rocket scientists are just as capable of being complete dickheads as anybody else outside of their fields. Your area of skill is in dance and science, maybe not other areas uni is making you tap into and that’s okay. It doesn’t make you a stupid person.”
Appa talked very kindly– kinder than Nemo knew he deserved. 
And it was this kindness that made him cry a little harder. Appa was probably right, because Appa was right about most things. Wasn’t that how kids always felt about their parents? It’s what made standing up to them so hard sometimes. And it made leaving them hard too. For this entire semester, Nemo had tried to do his best, to be an adult without Appa’s help, but the truth was he didn’t think he’d been ready. 
“S-so what am I supposed to do?” Nemo asked– wanting desperately to be told the answer, for once. He’d really tried to figure it out himself, and he’d failed. Couldn’t Appa tell him the answer, just one more time?
“Right. I think it’s very obvious you have three options. I doubt you’ll be allowed to make up your final exams, so one of these three things is going to happen and it’s up to you which feels right for you.” Mu-yeol said gently, reaching forward to pat Nemo’s hair. 
“One. You retake all your classes next term. Full time student. You stay in the dorms or you can move home and I’ll pay the housing contract severance fee. You might lose your scholarship but it’s okay. I think I can afford it next semester. Two; you drop out and come home. We can try uni again if and when you’re ready. Three; I don’t think they’ll let you stay in the dorms if you stay in school but drop down to part-time, but, maybe they will? If so you can choose to come home or dorm, drop down to part-time hours, and if you lose your scholarship I’ll cover it.”
A beat. 
“Also, you’re nineteen. I don’t expect you to have your life figured out or even know what’s going to be the right decision for you a month, six months, a year from now. But one of those options is the right one for you for the now. You have to pick which one, Nam-minnie, I won’t force you to leave or stay in school one way or the other. I presented you a middle ground of going part-time if neither staying nor leaving feels right. You don’t have to decide immediately either. Sooner is better. But you can think it over some.”
All three options stressed Nemo out.
He’d wanted to quit uni about 24 hours ago. He was just so exhausted, so exhausted that the only thing that appealed to him was what he’d done– gotten the fuck away from the campus, disappeared and become a nobody in some sparse campsite far far away. But of course, deep down, he knew it wasn’t what he really wanted. He wanted a break. He wanted help. He wanted a fresh chance. He wanted all of his professors to tell him he didn’t have to take the exams (this was super unrealistic). 
If he dropped out, he’d never be a dancer, though. He knew that. A fairy like him needed the connections uni could bring. So he didn’t want to drop out.
Full time filled his brain with bees all over again, bringing back the panic so big, he could choke on it. Thinking about it made him wanna hop in Tae’s truck and drive even further away.
So– part time. Part time it felt like was the only actual option, even though he didn’t know what that meant or would look like, and if he had to leave the dorms– which was the only part of uni he’d really enjoyed so far– he’d be so disappointed. 
“Okay,” Nemo uttered in a small, defeated voice. “I’ll…think about it, I guess.” For the first time, he glanced back up at Appa, his eyes still puffy, leaking tears. “I really am sorry,” he said one more time. 
“You have to communicate with me when you’re having a hard time. I can’t help you if I don’t know you need help,” Mu-yeol said gently, resting a hand on Nemo’s shoulder. 
He sighed. 
“Since I know you aren’t missing and are safe. Do you…want to come home? Or no?”
Confusion fluttered across Nemo’s face. The way this usually worked was– Appa took him home. It was that simple. Whether he had run away, gotten lost, or had to escape from his grandparents, Appa appearing always meant that Nemo had to get in a car or on a train and that was it. It could be comforting, in a way. No matter how nutty things got, Appa would arrive, and Nemo knew he’d be safe.
He’d never been given a choice before. Then again, he was 19 now. 
It still, sort of, felt like a trap. He knew what the right answer was. If he went back now, he could maybe take one of his exams– his contemporary dance exam. Which was just a paper, but it was a paper he’d written the most of. Maybe he could finish it, or turn it in unfinished, and explain. It was weird– this had always been an option, Nemo knew that, but only with Appa here did things feel easier to think about. Was it always going to be that way? No matter how old Nemo got? 
He still hesitated. “Home,” he said, after that beat. “..Tae needs to return the truck anyway.” 
He nodded slowly and held an arm open for Nemo to curl up to his side. 
“Okay. Sounds good— and you tell me when you decide what we’re doing moving forward, okay?” Mu-yeol said, voice even as the calm spot in a river. 
“You’re an adult now, this is the part of life where you make the decisions. I’m just here.”
But what if I don’t want to be? 
Nemo didn’t say it outloud. He probably didn’t have to, as he accepted Appa’s hug. The entire time they’d been talking, he’d wanted one desperately. He’d wanted one, actually, since he’d gotten injured, but there was a voice in his head scolding him, telling him, You’re too old for that. Too old to ask for help, too old to rely on Appa, too old to miss him. 
“I don’t feel like an adult,” Nemo confessed this, at least. “I dunno how to be one.” 
Mu-yeol smiled sadly and played with the hair at the nape of Nemo’s neck, pressing a kiss to his temple. 
“I don’t either, kid.” He admitted. “I’ve been faking this whole adult thing for twenty-three years.”
Some years better than others. 
“You’ll get there too, as you get older.”
Would he? 
Nemo doubted it. He wasn’t even sure he believed Appa, who was always the biggest and most adult-like person in a room, at least to Nemo. He didn’t think that would ever change. Even when Appa was depressed, didn’t Nemo still expect him to know everything? 
The future just felt like a complex problem that Nemo was never going to be smart enough to solve. That’s why he kept running from it. He had to stop though. If he ever wanted to get smarter – braver – more capable – to be anything like Appa. 
After a few more flits in which Nemo lingered in Appa’s arms and sniffled and wiped at his cheeks, he finally pulled away. It was time to go, he knew that. He trudged back toward Tae and Robbie, and only when he glanced up from the wet grass did he see Robbie looking at him – he’d probably been watching Nemo the whole time. 
Nemo’s face went red and he looked away. He probably should apologize to Robbie too, but he was too ashamed. 
And so he walked past him again and went to Tae. “We gotta head back,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry for dragging you out here.” 
Tae immediately opened his arms and pulled Nemo in, turning so they were sort of hug-shuffling back to the truck. "Hey you didn't drag me anywhere I didn't want to be, okay? I love you." 
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doc-hudson · 1 year
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A través del estómago: “El camino más corto al corazón es por el estómago”.
McKala y Vicky nos llevan a través de la naciente relación entre el Hada Marlín Mu-Yeol (Marlin Bae) y el misteriosamente seductor David Hatter. 
El Hada de Talento de Curación, Marlín Mu-Yeol, no habría imaginado que el amor jamás volvería a tocar a su puerta, no tras quedar viudo décadas atrás y al tener que balancear el trabajo mundano como Bartender con el ser un padre del talentoso, pero inseguro joven Nemo. El mundo, aún así, le sorprenderá al poner en su camino al misterioso señor David Hatter, dueño del café más concurrido de la ciudad y apacionado de las artes culinarias, flechando a Marlín instantaneamente. 
¿Cómo se desarrollará la relación entre el padre de familia y el hombre de pocas palabras?, ¿qué secretos guarda Hatter’s, el café?, ¿se dará Marlín la oportunidad de crear una nueva relación después de tanto tiempo y dolor?
“Es como un Coffeeshop AU, un slow-burn de los buenos. Ambos personajes tienen tanta química que algo tan simple como el preparar comida se convierte en una actividad increiblemente íntima”  -Jean Paul R. R, Idiota Profesional
@baenxietydad​ , @davidhatter​
Cover Image
DIN 2014 Bold font by Vasily Biryukov, Overpass font by Red Hat 
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bdrpmemes · 4 years
Nemo, to Marlin: I see you're paying attention to someone who is not me. why is that.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“There was this mollusk, and he walks up to this sea cucumber. Normally, they don’t talk, sea cucumbers, but in a joke everyone talks. So the sea mollusk says to the cucumber… “
FULL NAME: Bae Mu-yeol BASED ON: Marlin (Finding Nemo) FACE CLAIM: Gong Yoo PRONOUNS: He/him BIRTHDAY: April 26th, 1981 CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information || cw: gendered violence against a woman, misogyny, murder ||
The relationship between fairies and humans in the Korean Peninsula is an interesting dance between avoidance and intermingling. Fairies and humans in the 1800s had a closer relationship, but with the Japanese Occupation, WWII, and the Korean War rocking the peninsula for the first half of the 20th century, many fairy families hastily walked back on that relationship and retreated to their Hollows for the sake of self-preservation.
One of those was the Bae family of a Hollow located in a smaller city outside of Daegu.
It wasn’t until about 1970 when some fairies of the Bae family began to venture outside of their Hollow again and befriend, or even interact with, humans. It was to one of these fairies, Bae Sung-min, that a healing talent fairy, Bae Mu-yeol was born in 1981.
You mustn’t trust them, Mu-yeol, his mother, Jung Hee-sun would say as she’d card her fingers through his and his sisters’ hair. Not easily, anyway. Humans can be so cruel. In my grandmother’s time… Interacting with humans was an unfortunate, but a necessary part of life according to Mu-yeol’s parents. Humans were untrustworthy at best, and vicious at worse.
The Song family of the same Hollow took a different approach. They did not retreat - at least not as much as the rest. Fairies with the surname Song were active in human affairs around the city of Daegu throughout the 20th century.
In 1979, a fast-flying talent fairy named Song So-yeon was born to the Song line. So-yeon was a shining star in every stage of her life, and a small Mu-yeol couldn’t help but be drawn to “So-yeon noona”, two years his senior, who would always come back to the Hollow from her uncle’s house (did you hear? Her uncle married a human! How scandalous!) singing a new song she learned from a machine she called a ‘record player.’
You should stay away from the Song sisters, his mother warned him and his own siblings. They trust humans too much.
Mu-yeol dared anybody to tell him they were actually able to avoid being enchanted by the absolute comet that was Song So-yeon. Since he could remember, any time the fast-flying talent fairy was in his sight, he had to consciously decide to look somewhere else.
He doesn’t think he was always in love with her exactly, just. Drawn to her. He always thought “So-yeon noona” was the coolest fairy in their Hollow, and never actually expected her to give him the time of day. Even when he was fourteen, and her sixteen and they actually became good friends, Mu-yeol just thought his friend was the greatest, most interesting person he knew.
In true Song So-yeon fashion, she created a stir in their Hollow when at eighteen, she moved to Seoul. For university! Any fairy who went to uni just went somewhere in Daegu. Maybe nearby Busan. But Seoul? Seoul? She really was the coolest, wasn’t she? Mu-yeol expected her to lose touch with him, but he found that wasn’t the case when weeks after she left for Seoul, So-yeon’s uncle came into the chicken restaurant he worked at as a part-timer brandishing a letter from her to him.
The letters continued throughout her first term at uni by way of her uncle, and when she came home for break, Mu-yeol jokingly asked her out for a date after he was tired of hearing her complain about how awful dating was at university. She flaunted being allowed to drink by ordering wine and poked fun at him for not being able to, but she did thank him for the nice time with a kiss on the cheek, so…win? The letters resumed after break, and their friendship went on like that without much change, until shortly before his eighteenth birthday, So-yeon mentioned desperately needing a date for an event a professor had invited her to. He traveled to Seoul to surprise her. So-yeon started calling him her boyfriend after that.
The day he turned eighteen, he left his Hollow and moved to Seoul to live with So-yeon and work a job among humans there. (And you know, what was so bad about humans anyway?) Not even a year later, they were married. After two and a half years of marriage actively avoiding having a baby, and two more years spent actively trying to have a baby, their son was born on October 9th, 2003.  Mu-yeol and So-yeon thought his misshapen wing was quite cute, thank you very much. So did the human coworker of So-yeon’s and his wife who the fairy couple considered their best friends.
In May of 2006, everything was perfect, wasn’t it? So-yeon, in her first term of her Ph.D program. Mu-yeol, either at home with little Nam-min or making drinks for Western and Japanese tourists and business people at a fancy hotel restaurant. Nam-min, two and a half years old and attached to his father’s hip (except when his mother came home from work, then he couldn’t run over to her fast enough.) Mu-yeol’s wife and baby boy were his entire world, and he didn’t mind at all how the humans he worked with made fun of not only his pointy ears, but that his wife had the more prestigious job and was the family’s breadwinner. It wasn’t strange for fairies to not adhere to traditional gender roles; fairies’ roles in their society were determined by talent, not gender.
It was the first date night of May. Every other Saturday, they’d get their best friends to watch Nam-min so they could have a couple hours alone together. So-yeon suggested a walk by the Han River after dinner, and with her hand in her husband’s, said she’d decided it was about time Nam-min have a little brother or sister.
“I don’t want to have a newborn while applying for jobs with my brand new Ph.D, so we’ll discuss baby three later. But I think now’s good for Nam-min to be a big brother.” She’d said.
Just over an hour later, So-yeon was dead.
It started out with a catcall that went ignored other than So-yeon rolling her eyes and holding her husband’s hand tighter. A throwaway incident that was just a woman’s lot in life for existing. Except, it didn’t stop there, and the group of men she’d ignored weren’t stopping. And then they noticed the woman’s pointy fairy ears. How dare a disgusting fae reject the advances of a human man kind enough to think something like her was beautiful.
Maybe if they were human, they would both still be alive.
It wasn’t as if Mu-yeol came out of the following altercation unscathed; he was the lucky winner of some stitches that would eventually become scars, most notably one scar from just above his collarbone down to near his sternum. Oh. And his life. He got to keep that. So-yeon didn’t. By the time police sirens cut through the air after a bystander rang emergency services, it was already too late. Mu-yeol had to be pried from his wife long after a paramedic had called time of death.
The hospital had to phone the couple babysitting Nam-min. He could only burst into tears when he tried to speak. It wasn’t until after So-yeon’s coworker helped him wash her blood off of his hands and gave him fresh clothes, and his wife woke little Nam-min and brought him to his father that he found he was able to properly talk again. Even then, he could only whisper that he was sorry, and that he loved his baby boy.
The pitying looks didn’t at all help with the grief. It quickly became too much to have to send off well-meaning neighbors with a ‘I‘ve got my son just fine, thank you.’ He didn’t want humans touching his child anyway. Not after what they did to his wife, not after they proved his grandparents and parents right. They were monsters who would turn on someone not like them at a moment’s notice.
So-Yeon was fool to think otherwise. And so was he. No, humans couldn’t be trusted. Not with fairies in general, and especially not with his precious baby boy, his reason for living, light of his world, and all he had left of his beautiful, brilliant, shining So-yeon.
When he retreated back to the Hollow with Nam-min — who for months cried for his mother before he eventually seemed to forget he ever had one — Mu-yeol only found marginal relief. The human problem went away, but the pitiful looks only got worse. After all, this was So-yeon’s Hollow too. The fairies here knew the couple since infancy. Her slaughter was so much more personal to them, her absence was ten times as palpable.
So he did what he’d just done. He ran away from Seoul back to the Hollow near Daegu, and he ran from his Hollow to the first inn with a vacancy. And after a week making use of an Internet cafe to research safe places for a fairy to hide, he came across Swynlake, England. He fled there with little Nam-min, tucked safely in his arms for most of the journey there, where the local fairies were quick to take pity on the widower and his son and welcome them into their community.
✓  Wisecracking, devoted, determined
✖   Overprotective, judgmental, assumptive
Character Suggestions
Current Relationship
Nemo Bae (son)
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Fairy – can manipulate pixie dust (making things float) and turn into a miniature fairy with wings. Healing talent.
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laszlowrobinson · 3 years
In Plain Sight || Marlin + Laszlo
Life these days had been full of its push and pulls. Cornelius being home more? His sister’s surprise home coming? Those had both been pretty big gifts that had him feeling brighter with each passing day he could hear their voices going in and out of the house. 
So! Where in came the good, bad was not far behind! 
Mean-new-science-teacher-who-couldn’t-accept-a-gift aside, Laszlo had also been avoiding Marlin Bae! Oddly he had been doing a pretty good job of it, but then it was easy when he could hide in a big house and inside his classroom. He got too comfortable thinking he wouldn’t have to face the man ever again and so thought he would be safe sitting down in Hatter’s with a drink and a sketch book. 
Then he looked up and spotted the very man he had been avoiding because— well probably a good number of reasons (small town, only stable cafe in town, etc.) but Laszlo thought it was just because the universe had it out for him today. 
Instead of being a normal human being and facing his fate, he reverted to acting like an idiot: sinking down into his chair so more of his body was hidden under the table, pulling his hoodie up over his head, shoving his sunglasses back on his face, and positioning the book to sit up on the table to hide his face. 
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thedipster · 3 years
a hc list of everyone in town dipper has flubbed a brief social interaction because he found them too intimidatingly attractive
Adella Triton Alana Triton Aquata Triton Arista Triton Arthur Pendragon Atta Orkney Attina Triton Aurora Rosewood Babette Durand Barbie Roberts Belle Acheron Berlioz Bonfamille-Lyons Bianca Gabor Cheralynne Alexander Dodger Jones Dornan Humbert Elsa Sommers Errol Woolf Evelyn Deavor Flynn Rider Franny Robinson Georgette Midler Gregory Eeyore Hades Acheron Héctor Rivera Holley Shiftwell Howl Pendragon Iago Ignacio de Tito Imelda Rivera Jake Long Jake Rogers James Hawkins Jane Darling Jessica Rabbit John Smith Kristoff Bjorgman Lachlann "Launchpad" MacNab Laszlo Robinson Lumière Charmant Lymantria Khan Marie Bonfamille Marisa Soto Marzel Soto Megara Creon Melody Oceana Merida Dunbroch Michael Darling Minnie Muyskens Mitte Esseman Monica "Mocha" Chino Moon Yeongjun Mu-yeol "Marlin" Bae Nuka Blackwell Nyx Quillspear Olafur Elsuson Önnuson Pacifica Northwest Panic Ca'idh Pedram Ratigan Periwinkle Frostbrittle Perry Flynn Phillip Knightley Princess Elena Flores of Avalor Queen Clarion Rapunzel Corona Reza Kasraoui-Müller Riku Nakayama Rita Saluki Roscoe Sykes Rose Whitman Rosetta Petalpot Sally Finkelstein San Mononoke Seamus MacTunnag Simba Bonfamille-Lyons Sindri Dyrsson Sora Hamasaki/Roxas Susan Webb Suta Shere (Khan) Terence Sparrowman Thomas Harrington Thomas O'Malley Tiana Truitt Tiegan Winchell Ting-Ting Qin Tinker Bell Tod Sionnach Toulouse Bonfamille Vidia Wind-Whistler Vishaka Chakraborty Vitani Blackwell Wendy Corduroy Wendy Darling Willis Tibbs Yoshioka Haru Zira Blackwell
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lachlann-macnab · 4 years
The drunk, the dad and the dirty || Marlin Bae
Pixie's was a cool place.
"Business in the front, party in the back" had nothing on Pixie's, where the party was in the front and the back and everywhere one could see! The first thing Lachlann had quickly come to love about the place was the retro'ish section of the lounge/night-club; The 'Hard Rock Cafe but maybe a little older' vibe that section had going on had made the America in him very, very happy. Sure, the right hand side (where the dancefloor with the green lights was) seemed fun and all , and so did the stage that made him wonder about the kind of interesting shows the place had seen-
-but it was the retro section that made Lachlann the happiest of campers and there was no doubt in his mind about that -cliché as his likes could be. He'd partied out every now and then and had chaperoned his younger sister whenever they went out while visiting another country's clubs, but he, himself, had never actually been the kind of dude that frequented that kind of places and much rather party in a place where he could hear his friends and viceversa.
He wasn't a club dude, just as he wasn't much of a drinker, but destiny (and Swynlake's strange ways, really) had already guided him to that place and somewhere along the lines he had decided to had a little fun, make the most of the situation and maybe make some new friends.
So after taking a look to everything there was too look (and wasn't out-limits), he decided to head into the bar.
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runnerless-sled · 3 years
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Name: Owen “Sled” Lancer
Occupation: Rodeo Coach
How Long Have They Lived in Swynlake: Born and Raised
State Fair Competition of Choice: Bull Riding
They’re the talk of the town because…: Some people say he swooped in and didn’t wait enough time after Marlin’s wife passed
Biography (200 words):
Owen Lancer had trained to be a bull rider his whole life. As soon as kids were allowed to compete and get on their first bull, he was there. The thrill of it all kept him coming back. He won championship after championship and everyone knew him as Sled because he glided along smooth as can be on the back of that bull.
He left Swynlake to do the circuits, meeting people and gaining fame. Going from rodeo to rodeo and earning sponsorships and all the groupies and fans that came with it. He never let it get to his head though, remembering his humble beginnings.
But the ride took its toll on him and a couple years ago he was finally thrown one too many times and had to retire. He came back to Swynlake permanently and reunited with a high school friend, Marlin and his son. Marlin’s wife had unfortunately passed and Sled was there to help them back onto their feet. One thing led to another and they went on their first date and then afterwards, Uncle Sled moved in with the Baes and the rest was history. Now he puts his best efforts in training the little Sled’s of the world to ascend to what he no longer can.
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swynlake-spill · 3 days
boba who are our hottest couples right now my finger is so not on the pulse
omg is this not OBVIOUS??
Alana and Jake. DUH. I mean! Look at them! Look! R U Looking? Granted, this is a case of a woman making her man relevant bc truly jake is the most average looking slice of discounted grocery store cheesecake nothing 2 me in the world but it doesnt matter bc their combined power is PROM KING AND QUEEN SHIT!
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2. MARLIN AND HATTER!! It was rumored. It was teased. It was heavily suggested through many park dates but just a few days ago, MARLIN AND HATTER CONFIRMED THEY R DATING!! cannot wait for the official hard launch until then have this surreptiously snapped photo of marlin and hatter greeting each other on the street.
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3. HIRO AND TAD!! Ah, young love beginning in Paris! It's a cliche but who cares when you are as cute as these two! fascinated with them already the combination of tad's inability to take a photo with more than 2 facial expressions and hiro's camera aversion make them so deeply #cryptid coded. good for them!
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baenxietydad · 8 months
tiktok page
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the-princess-atta · 4 years
The way to a sparrow man’s heart || Anxious Guardians
Atta had noticed the healer sitting alone three times in the past seven days. In a Hollow, it was impossible not to notice such things. 
Of course, there were plenty of introverts in a Hollow. Atta considered herself one, and sometimes she liked to wrap up a little sandwich and go eat at home while reading or studying. Being a royalty-talent had meant that she coveted those quiet times, but she’d rarely gotten to eat in the dining hall as it was...and so now, she coveted each and every meal. And most introverted fairies felt the same way. Breaking bread with each other, mingling among the talents, it was an important part of being part of the Hollow. 
And so something with the healer was wrong. 
It didn’t take her much time to find out.
The second time, she’d asked her supervisor, Fairy Mary. She’d instantly sighed and shook her head. “Oh, poor thing. That’s Healer Marlin. He’s a bit of a mixed berry pie. Very well-intentioned, of course, he’s got a very dear heart-- but maybe you remember? It was right before you arrived here, he had a whole trial about bringing a human here without permission. The whole Hollow was buzzing. And that’s not even the latest issue...” Fairy Mary gave her a pointed look and raised eyebrows.
And so Atta came to learn about Marlin Bae. And perhaps it was habit, being a royalty-talent-- but her heart reached for him. 
She knew a lot about loss, after all. She knew a lot about being scared and uncertain and lonely. She knew a lot about missing one’s family.
And so today, when she once again arrived in the hall and saw Marlin sitting alone-- Atta made a decision.
She moved toward him with her tray of food. “Excuse me, is this seat open?” Atta said, gesturing to the other side of the bench opposite Marlin. 
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the-queen-clarion · 4 years
Let It Be | Queen Bae Jr
Would there ever be a time where the Bae family didn’t give Clarion a headache for one reason or another? She was starting to really wonder. First it was a run away scenario a few months back with the placement drama, then it was Marlin ignoring the laws of the Hollow...and now this. Nemo had fled the Hollow following some explosive fight with his father. 
Clarion had a lot of concerns about that, but she chose to focus on one of the more essential ones: making sure that Nemo still had access to dust and that he didn’t feel forced to return to the Hollow. The Hollow was not a space where fairies should want to flee. It was supposed to be a safe and comfortable home for all of them. If that wasn’t the case, then something had to be done about it.
For now that meant dust and to make sure that Nemo knew he could still come to her if he needed to. And so Clarion found herself before the apartment of the fairies Olaf and Sindri. She took a breath and let it out again, holding onto the bag she’d brought with her tightly with one hand as the other knocked rapidly three times on the door.
As the door swung open, she managed a polite smile. “Hello. I’m sorry to disturb you, but is Nemo here with you now? I’d very much like to have a word with him.”
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bdrpmemes · 4 years
Nemo: I’m gonna sneak out
Chase: *catches Nemo*
Marlin: You’re grounded
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“I wanna go home. Does anyone know where my dad is?
FULL NAME: Bae Nam-min BASED ON: Nemo (Finding Nemo) FACE CLAIM: Park Jimin PRONOUNS: He/him BIRTHDAY:  October 9, 2003 CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information || cw: death, self-loathing ||
Nemo, slow down!
Nemo, not so high!
Nemo, be careful!
Nemo, you can’t!
Born originally in Korea, with one wing smaller than the other, Nemo’s life has been defined by all the things he can’t do. He can’t go dragonfly-skiing with the other fairies his age (he could fall off and drown!), can’t fly to the top of the Gryphon’s Nests (it’s too high!) and he can’t hang out with his Mundus friends in Swynlake without texting his insanely overprotective father every hour on the hour. Instead, he has to “sit down and rest” and play leapfrog with the toddler pixies, like he’s still three years old.
Instead, he has to endure the whispers, the laughter, all the staring at Nemo’s ugly, misshapen little wing.
Nemo hates his wing. (Nemo hates himself.)
There’s only one place where he can escape– where it doesn’t matter that he’s a fast-flying fairy who can’t fly fast, that his wing is too small, that his mother died before he ever got to know her, or that his dad won’t chill for even, like, five seconds please– and that’s dance.
When Nemo dances, all these things fall away. He’s a leaf spinning on the air, a dragonfly skimming the surface of the lake. His stormy heart, full of all the gushing wind that fast-flying fairies are born with, sings out its thunder. In fact, when he’s in dance class, it’s not hard to pretend he’s just like everyone else as soon as he tucks his wings away and his disability is hidden from sight. And that’s why this year, Nemo has finally convinced his father to let him leave Pixie Hollow behind and try out Mundus schooling for a change. Maybe, just maybe, he’ll find where he belongs. And then he’ll show his father and everyone else–
There’s nothing that Nemo can’t do.
✓  Sweet, trusting, brave
✖  Gullible, rebellious, bratty
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Marlin Bae (father)
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Fairy – can manipulate pixie dust (making things float) and turn into a miniature fairy with wings. Fast-flying talent.
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