#markus trevelyan
mementovivimus · 1 year
About/ Verses
Lucan Paulo
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Modern Verse-
Height 6’2 Age- 38- 45 (verse dependent) Sign: Leo Build- muscular role - Top- dom Sexuality - Bisexual (heavily male leaning) Job title- P.R. Manager - (later, movie producer) Lucan has been independent and image conscious all his life, but that increased ten-fold when his parents split and his mother sent him to school in the States.. In short, presenting a polished appearance gives him a sense of control. He takes after his outgoing, flashy, regal, mother- her focus on looks and luxury. He also has her hidden sense of kindness, and a moral compass that is a little beaten and bent, but functional despite some creative interpretation. He has a tense relationship with his father, and often travels to Spain to visit- if only to help manage the wineyard/winery and ranch of his family's estate. While in college, he met one of the great loves of his life, Druscilla Bennet, which whom he had a son, that he is now largely estranged from. However, he maintains a lifelong friendship with Dru to this day, despite his son's disapproval. Hobbies - Working out, reading. Horseback riding. His family has bred Iberian horses, which has linked their family with Spanish royalty, the Royal Spanish stud, and diplomacy for generations and thus has an extensive knowledge of breeding and genealogy as well. Lucan is a cat person, owning a serval hybrid (savannah cat) named Monkey.
Verses- to be exapanded later
Dragon Age AU, potterverse AU (fuck jkr), LOTR AU, DC/Marvel AU as follows:Dragon age AU-Lucanus Paulo Age, born in the year (unknown) Astrological sign - Unknown Mortalitasi (Death Mage) of Nevarra. Advisor to King Markus, a man of advanced years and ailing mental faculties. He met a noblewoman of Ostwick from the Trevelyan family and fathered a son they named Antoniz (Anthony in Ostwick). He made a somewhat earnest attempt to help rear the child, and he spent time between the Free Marches and Nevarra in his youth, but Lucanus largely kept the boy at arm's length emotionally. It was a horrible strike of luck that the boy was revealed to be a mage once in Ostwick and sent to the Circle to live under Chantry rule. Were his magical talent to be discovered in Nevarra, he would have lived freely and Lucanus would (eventually) taken him under his wing, tutored him and perhaps even induct him into the Mortalitasi Order. Alas, it was not the case, and Lucanus grew to take an interest in his son at last, if from afar, and mainly the accounts his spies relayed to him about the boy's progress. Meanwhile Lucanus continues to advise the king for as long as his reign lasts. Having no successors, the future of Nevarra remains uncertain. To say that the transition of power will be bloody is a vast understatement, and Lucanus has many contingencies planned to ensure the Nevarra remains strong, is not re-subsumed into Tevinter or the Marches, and that mages remain free at least in this small pocket of the world not controlled by Tevinter. Lucanus takes an especially keen pride in Nevarra's necropolis, finding comfort in the grand city of the dead, its macabre moaning gardens and ornate streets. Spirits have often whispered that Lucanus is destined for a premature death, which hampers his investment in his own life even as he works towards posterity and his country's future.
Hogwarts AU (to be expanded later) Lucan (Lucanus) Paulo was named so when his parents partook in the time-honored, yet somewhat infamous practice of taking their child to a Name Seer who read the baby's future, and likened his fate to that of Marcus Annaeus Lucanus , a friend of Nero who was killed for criticizing his dictatorship. It just so happens that early death seems to strike many males in the Paulo family line, (and perhaps that is why Lucan is often distant with his son, no matter the world or timeline). LOTR AU “Kings built tombs more splendid than the houses of the living and counted the names of their descent dearer than the names of their sons. Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry or in high cold towers asking questions of the stars. And so the kingdom of Gondor sank into ruin, the line of kings failed, the white tree withered and the rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men. ” Lucanus's family is of Gondor, and has been long tasked with the overseeing of the tombs of the great city. Lucan's line extends to the founding of Arnor, and yet is somewhat sullied and infamous for several of his line abandoning the city in favor of becoming 'Black Numenoreans' and practicing black magic. Despite the passing of an age, the whispers follow Lucanus to this day to the point that Lucanus has sent his wife and son away.
DC, Marvel AU Dc- Lucan is largely similar to his "modern verse" but he is a pure or almost pure homo-magi who specializes in a blend of urban and death magic, which he has passed onto his son.
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
For the DAI OC prompts, 10 for Will? (Challenge mode: someone other than Cullen 😜)
from this list
On AO3 here
Okay, my friend, challenge accepted! (though, it's been ages since I last wrote Leliana, so please forgive the rustiness!)
Josie –
I have had my agents do some digging into the Inquisitor’s background and I thought the following information might be of use to you.
Bann Markus Trevelyan and his wife, Lady Emilia, had six children.  The Inquisitor is the youngest.  When he was a child of eight, William was sent to train with the Templars. 
(Imagine my surprise when I discovered this was at the same time and place Cullen received his training!  He really ought to have told us, don’t you think?  We might have to speak with Cassandra about that!)
It is, apparently, tradition within the family for the younger children to serve within the Chantry in some fashion.  Of the six, the younger four were expected to do so; Annet as a revered mother and Regina and Ronan, twins just older than William, both as Templars.  The Inquisitor was to have become a Templar as well, but some unspecified incident right before he was to take his vows changed his mind and, despite his father’s insistence that he remain in the Order, William left. 
(Neither he nor Cullen have been forthcoming in response to my requests as to why.)
After leaving the Order, William returned to Ostwick.  I have been told the reunion between father and son did not go well.  Whether related to this or not, within two years of his return to Ostwick, both Bann Markus and Lady Emilia died.  William’s older brother, Malcolm, became Bann and has ruled since.  (The last sibling to mention, Lady Evelyn, is married into a noble family in nearby Markham and is a strong supporter of her brother and his efforts.)
Shortly thereafter, William became the captain of Bann Malcolm’s personal guards and served from then until the Conclave when he was sent here with three other siblings – Annet, Regina and Ronin – and a contingent of Trevelyan troops.  As we know, the Inquisitor is the only one of the delegation who survived.
From what I understand, William and the older brother and sister still living get on well enough, but that is the extent of what my agents have been able to discover.
I hope this information helps you when reaching out to Bann Trevelyan.  If you need anything else, do not hesitate to ask.  (But YOU must provide the wine next time!)
~ Leli
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OC/WorldState Masterpost
+ character playlists 👀
Canon Worldatate: For when DA:DW comes out
Aelyand Tabris - Rogue Elf, He/Him
Garoth Hawke - Mage Human, He/Him
Raven Lavellan, Mage Elf, They/Them
Cracked Mosaic: What makes a hero?
Veshka Brosca - Rogue Dwarf, They/Them
Calliope Hawke - Warrior Human, She/Her
Cylvin Lavellan - Warrior Elf, He/Him
Wild Magic: Stories of love, betrayal, magic, and change
Atrahel Mahariel - Rogue Elf, He/Him
Valorie Hawke - Mage Human, She/Her
Alifalon Lavellan - Mage Elf, She/They
Heavy Crowns: These heroes must face dark responsibilities and difficult decisions. Will they follow the path laid before them, or forge their own?
Genevieve Cousland - Warrior Human, She/Her
Nicole Hawke - Rogue Human, She/Her
Roman Trevelyan - Mage Human, He/Him
Stage of Tragedy: Set the stage for a story of loss and grief and anger
Zepha Surana - Mage Elf, She/Her
Vesper Hawke - Rogue Human, They/Them
Vehra Lavellan - Warrior Elf, She/Her
Chaos Worldstate: Aren't you tired of being nice?? don't you wanna just go apeshit???
Aiden Cousland - Warrior Human, He/Him
Markus Hawke - Rogue/Mage Human, He/Him
Atheri Lavellan - Mage Elf, She/Her
Non Player Character OCs:
Lerian - Mage Elf, He/Him
Rose Robiquet - Elf, She/Her
Omarr - Rogue Dwarf, He/They
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captainreverie · 3 years
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The warm afternoon sun is streaming through the parlour windows. We can smell freshly baked shortbread and tea and the smell of fresh flowers on the table before us. Adele is playing a love song on the harp and singing sweetly along.
Gerrard is trying to hide behind the newspaper as Mother walks in to roast him for scaring away another lady. Father gives us a comical look as he sneaks out of the room before Mother tries to drag him into it.
Mavik is quietly climbing in the window, clothing in disarray and a wicked grin on his face. He quickly leaps over the back of the lounge and opens a book as Mother twists around. He looks at her in an innocent manner claiming to have been there the whole time. We all know it’s bullshit.
Gerrard smirks and makes a break for it as Mother starts trying to neaten Mavik’s hair and he swats at her with a whine.
We are home Markus.
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sassylavellen · 5 years
Retribution: Chapter 6
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Story: Dragon Age Retribution
A short(?) story by Sam Shenberger
Words: 3,523
The dawn broke slowly on a cold morning. Amanda rode up to the steps outside the Circle tower. A small group of Templars on horses were already gathered near the front gates, with Markus at their front. He looked up as Amanda approached.
“So you’re really going to come with us, are you?” he asked.
“I am, Uncle Markus.” She replied.
“What of your husband, your children?”
Amanda took a deep breath before continuing. “Bartholomew is taking them to his mother’s while I’m gone. They will be fine.”
“Your place is with your family, girl…” Markus began, but Amanda cut him off.
“My place is here.” She said firmly. “Alyssa is my family too.”
Markus nodded. “Very well. We will set out soon. Grab what supplies you need.”
Amanda hopped off her horse and led it over to where there was a cache of supplies. As she was packing her supplies on her horse’s back, another Templar came up to her. “I see we’re getting the royal procession with us.” He said in a raspy voice.
“I’m going, yes.” Said Amanda curtly. She knew this Templar well, though she wished she didn’t. His name was Aldrich, and he could be a nasty, vile man. The stories of Templars abusing mages seemed credible when he was involved. He carried himself with an air of superiority, and his stubbly face was often curled in a sneer. Amanda had always done her best not to associate with him, and to keep Alyssa away from him.
“I know your sister was one of thems that was taken.” He said. Amanda’s jaw tightened. She was going to have to put up with him this whole journey?
“Yes” she replied shortly.
He snorted. “Well don’t worry, we’re going to find those bastards and make them pay.”
At that moment, Markus came over to them. “Amanda,” he said. “There’s something I wish to try.” Amanda turned and saw Markus carrying a tool in his hands. The tool was small, but it had a sort of vial on one end and a sharp, needle-like protrusion on the other. She knew this tool, but didn’t know what he was doing with it.
“What’s that, Uncle?” she asked, curious.
“You know what this is?” he asked, holding the tool up.
“Of course. It’s used to create phylacteries for every mage.” She said.
“Correct.” He said. “Your sister’s phylactery was stolen when she was kidnapped. We have no way of tracking her. However, there may be something we can do. Since phylacteries are made with the blood of mages, perhaps we can use the blood of a relative mixed with some strong lyrium to create method of tracking where they’ve taken her.”
“Will that work?” Amanda asked, confused.
“It won’t get us her precise location, but it may point us in the right direction.” He said.
Amanda nodded. This method was weird to her, but she didn’t know how these things worked. If it helped find Alyssa, then she was willing to try it. “I assume you want me to use my blood.” She said.
“I was to use my own blood,” Markus began. “But since you are coming with us, your blood will be stronger than mine.”
Amanda nodded. Without another word, she rolled up her sleeve and held out her arm. Markus took the tool and inserted the needle’s point into a vein in the crook of her upper arm. She winced as it entered through her skin and watched as the tiny vial slowly filled up with red blood. “So this is what the mages go through…” she said tensely.
Markus removed the vial from the tool and held it up to the pale sunrise. He held out his hand and another Templar gave him a small pouch of Lyrium dust. Amanda watched as Markus carefully poured some of the powder into the vial, then encased it in a holding device. He held the device out like a compass. All the Templars fell silent as they watched the newly made phylactery. Slowly, the vial turned in its casing, pointing towards Amanda. Markus’s face fell. “It was worth the try…” he began, but then the vial began turning again, away from Amanda… pointing to the west.
Amanda stepped forward, surprised. “Is it working?” she asked.
“I believe so.” Said Markus. “Men! Prepare to move out.” _______________________________________________
The sun came in through the windows of the cabin. Evelyn had barely slept a wink. She had spent most of the night trying to patch Alyssa up. The wound in her side was very deep, and it had possibly become infected. Alyssa had passed out not long after Evelyn had found her, and only had the strength to croak out that she didn’t want anyone to find her. Evelyn was no healer, but she did her best. She had used a fair amount of alcohol to sterilize the wound, and ended up drinking the rest herself. Now there was nothing but an empty bottle and a splitting headache to go with her regrets.
Slowly, Evelyn stood up and trudged over to her kitchen. She opened a cabinet, pulled out a small loaf of bread and without bothering to cut it, took a huge bite out of it. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in a nearby mirror. She stared at it for several long seconds. Her eyelids were heavy, and there were very pronounced dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was tangled and sticking out in weird ways, no doubt from her night on the couch. “I certainly look just like I feel,” she mumbled to herself with her mouth still full. She put one hand in her pocket, and then became aware of something in it. Confused, she pulled it out. It was the envelope Moira had given her the day before, the one that supposedly contained her father’s last words. Evelyn looked at it for several minutes, her mind racing groggily. Should she open it? She didn’t want to. She needed to know what he said. She wanted to throw it in the fire. What could her father possible say that would make up for the years of abuse she had endured? Nothing could be said. It wasn’t worth it.
After a moment, she heard Alyssa stirring in the room behind her. With a sigh, she tucked the envelope into a nearby drawer and turned back into the sitting room. Alyssa was indeed awake. She was attempting to stand up from her chair, but fell back down into a sitting position with a groan of pain.
“Easy, there.” Said Evelyn. “You had one hell of a night.”
Alyssa said nothing, but felt her side where her injury was.
“I’m not much of a healer,” Evelyn continued. “But I did my best. You’ll live.”
Alyssa nodded. After an awkward silence, Evelyn cleared her throat again as she sat down across from her.
“I’m Evelyn, by the way.” She said. “You’re welcome.”
Alyssa nodded again.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on but I do know what happened at the Ostwick Circle. The family is going to want to know you’re safe-”
“No.” said Alyssa firmly.
“Oh, you can speak.” Chuckled Evelyn.
“They can’t know I’m here, I shouldn’t have even come here… If anything happens…”
“You’re worried about the Templars?” Evelyn asked “Your sister is already gone looking for you, I don’t think you need to worry about…”
Alyssa shook her head. “I’m not talking about the Templars.” She looked around, as if afraid to keep talking. “I’m talking about… them.”
“Who’s ‘them’? ‘Them’ could be anyone.” Observed Evelyn.
“The ones who attacked the Circle, the ones who killed a dozen mages and half a dozen Templars, they stole our phylacteries and kidnapped me and three other mages!” Said Alyssa with a shudder. “They wore black robes, black as night, but with a symbol of a red hand on their shoulder.”
Evelyn sat up straighter and leaned in. “Black robes and red hands? Was the hand making this gesture?” She held up four fingers.
Alyssa nodded. Evelyn swallowed hard.
“Shit,” whispered Evelyn under her breath.
“You know of them?” asked Alyssa.
“We’ve met. There was a band of them fleeing north through the forest. They attacked a Dalish clan.”
“Attacking a Dalish clan? Why would they do that?” asked Alyssa, brow furrowed.
Evelyn stood up.
“No idea.” Said Evelyn. “Listen, I get you don’t want Mum and Dad to know you’re here. Fair enough. But Holli and Stephen need to know about this.”
“No! No one can know! It’s not safe!” Alyssa cried, sitting up. “They still have my phylactery, they can find me! I can’t let them find me or my family!”
“Then why did you come here?” snapped Evelyn, losing her patience.
Alyssa sat back down. “I was wounded. I had nowhere to go… I wasn’t thinking straight.” There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. “Why do you say Stephen and Holli need to know?”
“Because they were there too.” _________________________________________
The dawning sunlight crept in through the windows of Holli’s bedroom. Holli looked at herself in the mirror while an elven handmaiden helped tie her into a corset. Another handmaiden came up to her with a pallet of make-up, while a third stood ready with an elaborate yellow dress.
“Must we do this all again?” yawned Holli sleepily.
“Yes, My Lady.” Said the second elf as she started applying a deep road blush to Holli’s cheeks.
“It’s too early for this shit.” Grumbled Holli.
The handmaidens giggled. “But My Lady!” said the first, “You always look so beautiful.”
“Thanks, Deirdre.” She sighed. She continued to stare at her reflection as she slowly began to look less and less like herself the more the make-up was applied.
About ten minutes later, Holli made her way down to the study. The room was empty apart from a chair next to the window, a half painted canvas on a stand, and a short pudgy man wearing a ridiculous mascaraed mask. The man bounced up and down as Holli entered.
“Ah! Zere you are, mademoiselle!” he cried in an Orlesian accent.
Holli forced a smile. “Good morning, Pierre.” She said.
“You are not a moment too soon!” said Pierre as he lead Holli over to the chair. As soon as she was seated he leapt back over to the canvas and picked up his paint and brushes. “Now zat you’re ‘ere, please assume your position!” he said joyously.
Holli arched her back slightly and folded her hands in her lap. She yawned widely.
“Madame, please! No yawning!” cried Pierre.
Holli shook her head hard. “Sorry. Long night.”
Pierre closed his eyes, looking like he was putting himself into a trance.  After an awkwardly long couple seconds, he opened his eyes again, almost about to put brush to canvas. At that moment the door burst open and Evelyn came in, trailing a flustered servant behind her. “Miss! You can’t go in there!” shouted the servant.
“Funny. I think I just did.” Said Evelyn dismissively.
Holli stood up. “Evie? What…?”
“Larmes de Dieu!” cried Pierre. “Zis is an outrage! You ‘ave caused me to lose my focus!”
“Yeah well, funny thing about focus, it always comes back.” Quipped Evelyn. She ignored the servant and the painter and turned to address Holli. “Holli, we need to talk.”
“What, now?” asked Holli.
“Now.” Said Evelyn.
Holli nodded then addressed the servant. “It’s fine. Leave us.”
The servant bowed and left. Pierre remained, muttering curses in Orlesian under his breath. “You too, Mask Man.” Said Evelyn.
“Mask Man?!” cried Pierre indignantly. “Avez-vous une idée de qui je suis, couteau-oreille? We will lose ze light! How can I-?”
Evelyn came up to him. She was quite a bit taller than him and practically blocked the light from the window, throwing him in shadow. The man took a step back and Evelyn reached into a pouch on her belt.
“Now see here, zere’s no need for…” he began, but Evelyn pulled out a handful of gold coins.
“The sun comes up every day. What’s one day without?” she asked.
The man said nothing, but after a moment he did take the money. “So it does.” He said begrudgingly. With a huff, he left.
Now alone, Evelyn turned to Holli. “Evie, what’s going on?” asked Holli, concerned.
“Remember those black robed cultists yesterday?” asked Evelyn.
“Of course.” Said Holli, confused.
Evelyn took a deep breath. “We need to find Stephen. Things just got a whole lot more complicated.” _______________________________________
It had been years since Alyssa had been in this cottage. She sat there in her chair as memories began flooding back to her. How old had she been when she was last in here? She couldn’t have been older than 20. That was when she found out she had magic. Most mages discover their abilities at a much younger age. She remembered coming here on that day. She was hiding from her family, not strong enough to break this horrifying discovery to them. Now that she was thinking about it, the memory became stronger. She had sat on the couch across the room and cried for what had felt like hours. Eventually Amanda had found her. She had to confess it to her. By that time, Amanda had just become avowed as a Templar. It wasn’t a pleasant conversation.
Tears were starting to fall from her eyes again and she wiped them away quickly. She heard the door to the kitchen open and sat up. She hadn’t seen Holli or Stephen in at least a year. What would they say?
Evelyn led Holli and Stephen through the kitchen door. Stephen started walking towards the sitting room, but Evelyn stopped him. “What is all of this?” he inquired.
“Before you swarm her, just be aware that’s she’s hurting. A lot.” Said Evelyn.
“What does that mean?” asked Holli.
Evelyn stood aside, allowing Stephen and Holli to enter the sitting room. As soon as they did, they both froze. The silence was uncomfortable as they both stared in shock at their eldest sibling.
Alyssa broke the silence. “Sister, brother...” she coughed.
Holli sped forward and threw herself down on her knees by Alyssa’s chair.
“Alyssa!” she cried. “Are you okay? What are you doing here? We’ve been worried sick!”
“Is that… your blood?” asked Stephen carefully.
“Yes.” Answered Alyssa.
Evelyn cleared her throat. “You three have a lot to catch up on, I’m going to make breakfast because I am starving. Have fun.” She backed out of the door back into the kitchen.
Stephen turned back to his sisters. Holli was crying, her make-up running off down her face. “Are you… are you injured?” he asked.
“I got stabbed in the stomach when I was captured. But I escaped.” She replied.
“What do you mean escaped? What happened?” asked Holli.
“The men in the Black Robes attacked the Circle. There was no warning; no one was prepared. One moment, I was sitting in my chambers studying and the next thin I knew there was a loud explosion. One of the walls of the dormitories had been blown down with a mighty force, yet there was no battering ram, no tree that a storm might have knocked into us. It had to be magic. Then the men started swarming in. They killed several Templars and a few of the mages who fought back. I attempted to fight, but they got me…” She lifted up her robes to show them her wound. It was mostly cleaned up, but her skin was still red from the blood. Evelyn had stitched the wound back together.
“Maker’s breath!” whispered Holli under her breath. “What happened then?”
“I went down. A lot of what happened next is a blur… I must have been slipping in and out of consciousness. But there were many of them. So many men in black robes… We never stood a chance. I woke up a few hours later. They had taken me and three other mages. Two of them I didn’t know but one of them was a friend of mine, an elf named Varahel. He told me that they also broke into the vaults and destroyed most of the phylacteries, but they took ours.” Alyssa continued. “We don’t know why they did it, or what they planned to do with us. Perhaps they wished to hold us for ransom, but then why take our phylacteries? Why destroy the others?”
“Perhaps they were trying to cover their tracks with the phylacteries. Trying to make it appear as though the mages were rebelling.” Conjectured Stephen.
“Maybe. But there were so many witnesses they left behind.” Replied Alyssa.
Holli nodded. “She’s right. We all knew it was an attack.”
“How did you escape?” asked Stephen.
“The group split off. Some of the cultists left north, while the smaller group took us west. There was a gap in our guard’s patterns and we took advantage of it. One of the mages was killed. He couldn’t have been any older than 16…” Alyssa choked up a tiny bit. “Varahel tried to draw them away so that I could get away. I don’t know what happened to him or the other mage.”
“And they still have your phylactery?” asked Stephen.
“Yes” nodded Alyssa.
“So… that means they can track you.” He continued.
Alyssa nodded again. “I know I can’t stay here but I had nowhere else.”
Stephen began pacing. “The group that went north must have been the group we ran into.”
Holli had fallen silent through all this. Finally, she spoke up. “Don’t worry. We will keep you safe.”
“How?” asked Alyssa.
Evelyn reentered the room, carrying a tray of breakfast sandwiches.
“I’m probably not as good as your kitchen staff but it’s better than nothing.” She said as she placed the tray on the table. “How are we doing?”
Holli stood up. “We’re going after them.” She said firmly.
It took a second for this to settle in for everyone. Evelyn was the first to break the silence. “You’re what now?”
“We’re going after those bastards who hurt my sister. We’re going to bring them to justice.” She said.
“Holli,” Stephen said, stepping forward.
“Stephen, don’t.” Said Holli. “I know what you’re going to say, but no. I will not let this offense on our name stand.”
“Offense on your name…?” asked Evelyn. “Look, Holli, I get you’re upset but you realize this isn’t something you can just do on your own.”
“That’s why I said ‘we’. We’re all going.” She said.
“Holli, are you sure…” Stephen began, “What’s brought this on?”
“This is what I have been training for! I can do this!” she said.
“You’ve trained for a year.” Reminded Evelyn.
Holli looked around to each of them in the room. Finally she addressed Evelyn. “I’m not the only one with a personal stake in this! They attacked your clan too!”
“You think I care about my clan?” snorted Evelyn.
Holli shook her head. “Then what about… What was her name…? Your sister?”
“Moira.” Said Stephen. Evelyn gave him a look, confused why he remembered and why he would blurt it out so quickly.
“They attacked your family too, Evelyn. Doesn’t that mean anything to you? Doesn’t that fill you with the rage I feel?” pleaded Holli as she stepped towards her.
“It does.” Said Evelyn seriously. “I know the rage you’re feeling. I know it like an old friend. You know what else I know? I know what it’s like to feel this rage and have no control over it. You start to make bad decisions; decisions that will hurt you in the long run.”
“Then help me to learn!” said Holli.
Evelyn fell silent. Holli turned back to the room, defeated.
Stephen cleared his throat. “We don’t even know who these cultists are. Where would we even start looking?”
“I might have an idea about that…” said Evelyn quietly. Everyone turned to look at her again. Evelyn reached into her pocket and pulled out a scrap of cloth. Stephen recognized it immediately.
“That’s the symbol from the cultist’s robes…” he said.
“I ripped it off during the fight.” She said. “I may know someone with ties to the criminal underworld who can tell me who they are. It’s a long shot but it’s something.”
Holli smiled. “Then we have a lead!” she said.
“We maybe have a lead.” Evelyn corrected. “If it pans out, then yes.”
Holli held out her hand. “Then we’re going to do this?” she asked with a hopeful tone.
Stephen stepped forward and put his hand out on top of hers. Evelyn rolled her eyes and threw her hand in too. “What the hell, sure.” She said. The three of them looked down at their locked hands, then a fourth hand came in and was placed on top of Evelyn’s. Alyssa had finally managed to stand and had thrown her hand in as well.
“Count me in as well.” she said. “I wish to make them pay.”
“Then let us begin.” Said Holli with a smile.
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herald-divine-hell · 3 years
King Markus taking Amayia from behind against a window in his thrown room and showing his realm to her. He has the best view. 👀
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Amayia uses all her effort to maintain some level of composure while her fellow monarch rails her from behind. She utters how wonderfully...large his kingdom is. She'll nibble her lip and press deeper into the man, guiding his hand to cup a heavy, large breast. Once he was done, she'll slip on her knees and whisper how she should help him clean up, before slowly taking the head of his cock in her mouth; all the while staring up at her with a fire in her eyes.
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atypicalacademic · 3 years
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Neethi ft the Trevelyan Cousins
From the top,
Satyajit Trevelyan, son of Ashutosh and Harini Trevelyan, joined the Templar Order at the age of fourteen and has faithfully remained with them, through the events at Therinfal. His whereabouts were unknown until two years after the events of Inquisition, when he showed up with symptoms of red lyrium poisoning.
Remya Trevelyan, sister to Satyajit, had planned to devote her life to charity in the cloister, only to have the Headship of the House fall unexpectedly to her. She married Lord Everand Markus of Nevarra, strengthening the alliance between the two families.
Shilpa Trevelyan, Senior Enchanter to the Ostwick Circle of Magi, and the eldest of the three, is a prolific yet controversial scholar, and rumors suggest that she toys with magic beyond her ken. Despite the Chantry's open condemnation, she carries out her highly secretive work into the safe use of blood magic. However, she has now turned her attention to a study on reversing red lyrium poisoning in order to cure her brother.
Neethi Trevelyan, daughter to Shakit and Indira Trevelyan, former Commander of Forces to King Sidhen of Kalghat, and Inquisitor to all of Thedas. Having lived and nearly died out of Ostwick for all her life, her association the House was only tangential...until it wasn't.
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slothssassin-art · 3 years
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A bunch of Chibis, commissioned by @tessa1972 as gifts for her friends! Thank you so much for participating in my Ko-Fi event, you’re awesome ♥
Here we have:
Tini Surana for @andrastini
Jereth Amell for @enchantment1385
Ebrisa Trevelyan Rutherford for @tokutenshi
Markus for @jeannedarcprice
Ia’Ren Lavellan for @for-lovely-things
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strongsong117 · 4 years
WIP Whenever
I've been tagged by @johaeryslavellan yesterday! Thank you for tagging me (it's my very first tag in a post hoho) and your works are delightful!
Also, I decided to do this because I'm stuck in this fic and don't know how to proceed. I kinda need some help bc whenever I wrote made-up² stuff I felt guilty and wouldn't be able to finish the piece (it would just sit in a folder full of unfinished fics).
It's kind of a back story of my male Trevelyan and his quest for self-discovery (I think??) in the face of conflicting thoughts and feelings who would later meet a charming and charismatic Tevinter mage.
He remembers the first time someone ever confessed to him. It was a daughter of another notable house back in Ostwick, a person he considered a close friend. They've been friends for a good long while, back when Michael was around seven years old until he was nine. He was surprised when she walked towards him—beet red, blushing and stumbling over her words. And, contrary to what he knew was supposed to be his reaction, he was repulsed. Not by the fact that she liked him, but by that fact that she liked him. And it didn’t help that it made no sense, even to him. He thought that it was merely the reaction of a child who had absolutely no idea of what admiring another entails. But he was, once again, proven wrong.
Years later and he was what people would call an "eligible bachelor". He'd attended many of his aunt's parties, mostly out of necessity rather than preference, and there were numerous instances where he would be introduced to fine, unwed ladies. And he despised it. Later, in his twenties, he would start walking out of obviously orchestrated introductions with no guilt or remorse, but instead a satisfied smirk when he heard their offended gasps. Then, he would go to the estate's more hidden balconies and drown himself with thoughts and wine.
His gaze would wander around the crowd—constantly landing on some notable appearances and undeniably attractive faces—and he wondered: Was it simply preference? Did he not like the idea of being with women because that was simply not what he wanted? Did he prefer the companionship of his fellow men?
And so, with these questions swimming in his mind, he approached a familiar face that he knew was following his movements that night with more interest than others. Markus was the man's name, he remembered, and if memory served, he was a few years older. Michael chatted him up, invited him to that isolated balcony to try and get to know him. It was faster than he had anticipated. Markus had told him how he followed Michael's achievements through the years, how he had such an attractive face and how it was possible for him not to be married yet. Michael tried to brush the question off by reminding the man that he was still young—just a few years from his teens. He went back to the "attractive" part, hoping that the situation would escalate. And it did. Leaning against the balustrade with a man kneeling between his legs as he was pleasured—if it could even be called that, because he immediately pushed the man away, fixed and fastened his trousers, and ran to the farthest place he could to hide until the party ended.
Perhaps not, then.
Around 9:35, he had the opportunity to volunteer for a research expedition to the forests of Ferelden. They recruited him for his skills with the bow, and he took advantage of it to gain additional knowledge about historical and crucial events. Michael had always been interested to the point of obsession when it came to the history of Thedas and the different cultures of its inhabitants, so having the chance to see ancient Tevinter ruins and the remnants of elvhen structures up close was a wonderful bonus of his lending of his skills.
They had been in the expedition for a good 6 months—from Kingsway to Drakonis—and Michael was able to form new friendships with the people he travelled with. Immanuel, the circle mage that he befriended more than others, was their Tevene specialist, focusing more on their language.
Their friendship started when they were flanked by a pack of wolves while the two of them were sent out to search the area for nearby ruins. They worked well together, surprisingly. After that, Michael was the person whom Immanuel discussed his preliminary findings with and he listened to Immanuel's theories while adding his insights that amazingly helped the mage to form more concrete conclusions. During their free time, they talked about their childhoods and pasts, learning something new about the other each day. He admired Immanuel’s intellect and wit, and he was undeniably charming too.
Michael also loved the way Immanuel's eyes sparkled with passion as he speculated about all the possibilities—though Michael would admit he knew less than half of what he was talking about. It was as if his eyes reflected the starry sky itself, and Michael thought he could watch the man all day if that was the scene presented to him.
And it is inevitable to develop certain feelings whenever you’re constantly in the presence of a person who also liked your company. That was something Michael still knew he was capable of—attraction—even after all those unfortunate(?) incidents in his past. Maybe if he was the one who initiated things, it would feel less… wrong? Was that how it worked?
So, Michael waited for a chance—the perfect opportunity to bring up his feelings towards Immanuel, and to at least clear the air if it doesn’t turn out how Michael wanted it to. He waited for a whole week, but whenever he saw a window of opportunity to say it, it was as if he intentionally avoided bringing it up. There was even an instance where they were so close together—Immanuel needed something removed from his neck, only possible by wiping it off with something damp which they didn't have at that time—that Michael knew they both felt some sort of tension in the air that urged him to act on the blind instruction of desire.
Michael ignored the want to lap on Immanuel's neck with his tongue, and ignored the feeling that Immanuel might've thought of it too, and wanted. After that, his feelings were buried deep inside him until it dissipated and disappeared into the waves of the Waking Sea as they traveled back to the Free Marches.
After that expedition, he tried to write to Immanuel in the Ostwick Circle to check on his well-being and ask for an update on their research. He received a response once, but with an endnote that practically said “We’ll be busy so I can’t be bothered anymore,” and a dismissive thanks.
Well, that’s done, then.
After that, Michael never bothered with matters of the heart and focused on his training, instead. Training for what, he was never certain, but he liked being fast and sharp with bows and daggers. Thankfully, he was the youngest among the four sons of House Trevelyan, and he was never pressured concerning marriage. His parents already had multiple grandchildren, anyway. However, he was sure that his parents would discuss such matters with him in the long run. Something that inspired dread in him—even just the thought of it.
Aaand that's a bit long, innit? It's where I'm stuck now, for over 10 days 🙃 I'm pretty sure I was planning to lead this to the events of DAI bc Dorian but not sure how to proceed.
Anyways, I am tagging y'all amazing people @fancytrinkets, @ineffablewitch, @the-gay-wardens, @noire-pandora, @datrashbitch, @tessa1972, @trashwarden
It's completely up to you whether you want to do this as well, but I also wanted to hear your thoughts about the WIP! Does it have grammatical errors? Is it boring? Any constructive criticisms so far? Bc I definitely need feedback since I've only been writing for a short while and English ain't my first language.
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020-21 Augsburger Panther Roster
#6 Marco Sternheimer (Augsburg, Germany)
#11 Adam Payerl (Kitchener, Ontario)
#14 Magnus Eisenmenger (Stockholm, Sweden)
#17 Thomas Holzmann (Buchloe, Germany)
#24 T.J. Trevelyan (Mississauga, Ontario)
#41 Maximilian Eisenmenger (Stockholm, Sweden)
#52 Denis Miller (St. Petersburg, Russia)
#63 Alex Lambacher (Bressanone, Italy)
#77 Jaroslav Hafenrichter (Chomutov, Czech Republic)
#18 Samir Kharboutli (Weisswasser, Germany)
#19 Drew LeBlanc (Hermantown, Minnesota)
#21 David Stieler (Kladno, Czech Republic)
#44 Mike Clarke (London, Ontario)
#2 Brady Lamb (Calgary, Alberta) A
#4 Henry Haase (Berlin, Germany)
#13 Steffen Tölzer (Zittau, Germany) C
#20 Patrick McNeill (Strathroy, Ontario)
#22 Scott Valentine (Metcalfe, Ontario)
#28 John Rogl (Landshut, Germany)
#65 Niklas Länger (Augsburg, Germany)
#93 Simon Sezemsky (München, Germany)
#31 Olivier Bellavance-Roy (Causapscal, Quebec)
#35 Markus Keller (Augsburg, Germany)
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vonuberwald · 4 years
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Artur Markus Trevelyan
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americankimchi · 6 years
canon trevelyan lore as presented in the game:
your family is based out of ostwick, one of the port cities along the southern coast of the free marches
ur great-aunt lucille has the most POPPIN parties and everyone who’s got standing in the free marches shows up like it’s the afterparty to the oscars
fuck it UP lucille you absolute ledge
the montilyets also attend for some reason? anyways ur family and josie’s family know each other which is cool
you’re related to house pavus but are separated by at least three ages worth of generations
dorian mind dropping that family tree in my inbox real quick thanks babe
wait doesn’t this technically make a mage trevelyan an altus
ur entire family is dedicated to the andrastian faith and are present in nearly all branches of the chantry heirarchy
templars in the order, mages in the circle, and brothers and sisters in chantries in ostwick
damn trevelyan family reunions must be awkward as hell
you’ve got family in nevarra who are high enough on the totem pole that they can literally show up to king markus like “hey maybe we don’t go to war with tevinter probably” and have him actually listen???
literally what why is this never mentioned ever again
who are these mysterious trevelyans
the trevelyans are the 7th (or 8th) most important family in ostwick
seriously if the trevelyans have members in nevarra who can advise their king why are they only 7th (or 8th) you’d think this would make them a little more influential
you’re related to philliam, a bard! who’s got the balls to tell brother genitivi to pay him for the free advertisement of his works in a letter written for public consumption like what kind of bullshit hamilton level confidence
philliam (a bard!) also doesn’t give a rat’s ass about politics and is far enough removed from the main trevelyan branch that any association is minimal at best
so for all the politically-inclined trevelyans out there ur good fam
i’m still hung up on the 7th (or 8th) thing like really what’s the deal with that
house motto is: “modest in temper, bold in deed”
family crest is also apparently the bees fuckin knees but we aren’t shown it at all??? i’m assuming it’s got a horse on it though... maybe some ocean iconography since we’re by the waking sea and all
aside from this i don’t think there’s any other trevelyan lore??? there’s mage-trevelyan stuff ofc but that’s mostly defined via dialogue choices you make and isn’t actually defined by outside information 🤔🤔🤔
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captainreverie · 3 years
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Trevelyan Siblings!
Gerrard, Adele, Markus, Kynnevra and Mavik!
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sassylavellen · 6 years
Retribution: Chapter Two
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Story: Dragon Age Retribution A short(?) story by Sam Shenberger Words: 3,313
Markus Trevelyan waited outside the dormitories, his arms crossed and a grim look on his face. A couple mages were there in the hall nearby, but they avoided eye contact. He wasn't necessarily the most popular Templar in the Ostwick Circle, but he was effective none the less. Another Templar walked by, nodding to him. "Knight Commander." he said to Markus as he passed. Markus merely nodded in return, but remained silent. After a moment, the door to the dormitories opened and Amanda walked out. Before she closed the door behind her, Markus caught a glimpse of Alyssa standing with a sad expression. Amanda walked up to him and sighed heavily.
"How is she taking it?" he asked.
"She's upset." said Amanda. "This isn't easy news for any of us."
"And how are you holding up?"
Amanda didn't answer immediately. "I'll be fine." she said finally. "It hurts, but I'll be fine."
"You're strong, girl." he said. "But I think perhaps you should go home."
"Uncle, I'm needed here, and what of Alyssa? I..."
Markus put a hand on her shoulder. "We will manage. Be with the rest of your family and clear your mind. Make your..." His words caught in his throat. With a small cough, he spoke again. "Make your peace."
Amanda nodded solemnly.  "Thanks, Uncle." Without another word, Amanda turned and left.
It wasn't long before the sun went down behind the tops of the trees. The heat of the day began to subside and the cool breeze gently tossed the golden leaves about on the ground. The only light in the darkness was a soft, flickering glow coming from the window of Evelyn's cottage.
Evelyn walked into the kitchen area, sipping tea from an ornate wooden cup. She sat down at a small table, where she had prepared a large meat sandwich.
It's too late at night to be eating, Evelyn thought to herself, but her dinner hadn't been satisfactory and her stomach had been grumbling all day. As she lifted the sandwich to her mouth, her left ear twitched as a sound came through the open window. After a moment, Evelyn shrugged and raised the sandwich to her mouth again. As soon as she did, another sound came from the window. This sound Evelyn recognized; it was the sound of her stable door opening. With a sigh, she put the sandwich down and stood up, grabbing a sheathed dagger from a counter as she walked by. She knew it was probably nothing, but Evelyn had been burned by thinking everything would be fine in the past.
She quietly stepped outside and looked over towards the stable. The door was slightly ajar. This confused Evelyn. There was nothing of value kept in the stable, and her horse startled easily. Either Shadow was asleep and not aware there was someone in there, or it was someone he knew. Suddenly a dim light lit up. Evelyn shook her head as she approached the door. It definitely wasn't a thief.
Evelyn slowly crept into the dark stable, one hand on the handle of the dagger on her belt. In the dim light from a lantern on the far side of the room, she saw a small figure sitting on a stool in front of the door of Shadow’s pen. She loosened her grip on the blade, seeing the figure was just a child. It was readily apparent to her who it was.
“Zaria?” Evelyn called out. The child leapt up in surprise, knocking over the stool and spilling a nearby bucket of water on the floor.
“Miss Evelyn!“ said the child, straightening up with a guilty look on her face. Evelyn shook her head. Zaria was only twelve years old. Her mother was one of the estate gardeners Evelyn was friends with.
“Zari, what are doing here this late at night?” asked Evelyn. “Does you mum know you’re here?”
“Do you think my mum would let me leave the servants’ quarters without her permission?” the child retorted.
Evelyn folded her arms and gave the child a knowing look. She had to chuckle at the child's sass and return in kind. “I know your mother wouldn’t let you leave the servants’ quarters without her permission. You snuck out, didn’t you?”
“Please don’t tell her!” Zaria blurted out. “I just wanted to see your horse, he’s really pretty!” Evelyn chuckled. Zaria was a curious little kid, and she loved horses. In some ways, she reminded Evelyn a bit of herself when she was younger. She wasn't afraid of getting in trouble, just afraid of getting caught.
Evelyn glanced at Shadow, who snorted and shook his mane. She shook her head and picked up a bucket of apples, holding it out for Zaria.
“Tell you what, you can give him one, but then you’re going back home, okay?”
The child's face lit up in excitement and took a large red apple form the bucket. “Thanks, miss Evelyn!” She said as she held up the apple to Shadow, who took it from her hand gently. Evelyn smiled in spite of herself.
“Alright, Zari. Go grab your coat, I’ll walk you back.”
Zaria nodded, then ran off to the far end of the stable. Shadow came back to the front of his pen and nudged Evelyn, sniffing at the bucket in her hand. “No more apples tonight, you fat shit.” she said lovingly, stroking his muzzle. Zaria returned, throwing her coat over her shoulders. "Ready, kid?" she asked. The child nodded and Evelyn patted her on the shoulder as she led her outside.
They crossed the grounds towards the estate, taking a shortcut through the gardens. Zaria sneezed as they passed by a large patch of exotic Orlesian flowers. Evelyn chuckled.
"Miss Evelyn?" the child asked as she rubbed her nose.
"Yeah, Zaria?"
"What is it like out there?" she asked.
"I'm going to need you to be more specific than that." chuckled Evelyn.
"I mean out there, beyond the estate. Beyond The Free Marches. Mama told me you're from Starkhaven."
Evelyn smiled. "Not exactly. I'm Dalish. I'm not from anywhere."
"Everyone is from somewhere" said Zaria.
"Well, I guess I'm from the forest that separates Ostwick and Starkhaven. In truth? I've never been to Starkhaven. I've never even been outside The Marches. Farthest south I've ever been was when I lived in Kirkwall for a few years."
"Kirkwall?" said Zaria excitedly. "You lived there? Does that mean you know the Champion of Kirkwall?"
Evelyn shook her head. "I can't say I know her, but I did meet her. She wasn't the champion then. She was-"
"Miss Evelyn, look!" Zaria interrupted, pointing towards the center of the garden where there was a small pond. In the pale moonlight, Evelyn looked to see a figure sitting there alone.
"Zar, you go on ahead. I'll check it out." she said.
"But Miss Evelyn-!"
"It's fine, Zari. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"
The child sighed heavily. "Okay. Goodnight, Miss Evelyn."
"Goodnight, kid." Evelyn said over her shoulder as she started walking towards the figure.
Holli sat in the middle of the flower garden on one of two decorative stumps, her back to the estate. Evelyn couldn’t see very well in the dark, but it looked like she was slumped over, as if she had fallen asleep in a sitting position. She approached quietly. As she got closer, Holli lifted her head.
"Who's there?" Holli said softly as she quickly wiped her eyes.
"It's just me." said Evelyn as she walked up to her. Even in the dim light she could see that Holli had been crying.
Holli sniffed loudly. “I uh, I was just… I just tripped and hurt my toe.”
Evelyn sighed and sat down on the stump next to her. She could tell something wasn’t right. “You hurt your toe.” said Evelyn incredilously.
"It was dark, I didn’t see the branch.” Retorted Holli defensively.
“Holli, you once took a freshly sharpened dagger and almost accidentally cut your own finger off,” said Evelyn. “You swore up a storm of profanities, but you didn’t shed a single tear. Now you’re trying to tell me you’re crying because you stubbed your toe?"
Holli smiled despite herself. "Maybe it was my favorite toe." She said defensively. Evelyn snorted. “Okay fine.” Holli sighed. “It’s… it’s personal. I know you don’t like that kind of shit.”
Holli was right. Evelyn didn’t like dealing with the mushy emotional topics. One of their first agreements when she was hired was that neither of them would discuss their personal lives, that they wouldn’t be anything more than master and pupil. That was Evelyn’s fancy way of saying she didn’t want to hear about all the woes of a Noble woman’s life. That being said, over the year they were training Evelyn had warmed up to her.
“Well.” Said Evelyn after a pause. “I’ll understand if it’s too personal to talk about. But if you need to let it out… I’ll… I’ll listen.” Holli glanced at her, a little surprised. Evelyn shrugged. “I mean, I have big ears, they’ve got to be good for something, right?”
Holli chuckled. Humor usually was a good way to get Holli to open up, Evelyn had noticed. After a moment in silence, she finally spoke again.
“Hey Ev?” she asked.
Evelyn didn’t like being called “Ev”, but she tolerated it. “Yeah?” she replied.
“What does that tattoo on your face mean?” asked Holli.
Evelyn was surprised by this question. “It’s… it’s not a tattoo.” Evelyn said as she lifted her hair off the left side of her face to reveal it. “Well, I mean, it technically is a tattoo, but the elvhen word for it is Vallaslin.”
“Vallisleen?” Holli repeated back.
“Vallaslin,” Evelyn corrected. “It’s a long story.”
“I want to know.” Insisted Holli. "Please."
Evelyn adjusted herself to make herself more comfortable on the log. “Okay.” She said. “When a young Dalish comes of age, they are given a Vallaslin by the clan’s Keeper - That’s like the leader or chieftain of the clan. Each type of Vallaslin is supposed to honor one of the elvhen gods. Like, if you’re given the Vallaslin of June, then you’re meant to be a master crafter, or if you’re given the Vallaslin of Andruil, you’re supposed to be a master hunter…”
“What does your Vallaslin mean?” asked Holli.
Evelyn brushed her hair down to cover her tattoo again. “It’s Sylaise.” She said, a tone of resentment in her voice. “The hearth-keeper.”
“You don’t sound too enthused about that one.” Said Holli.
“No.” Evelyn replied. “It means I was basically ‘predestined’ to just settle down, cook meals, mend clothing and make babies while everyone else in the clan gets to do anything else. It was just another insult that my -”
Evelyn stopped abruptly and looked away. “Long story short, it’s not who I am, and never who I wanted to be. I’m not defined by a stupid mark on my face.”
“So these Vallaslin do have meaning to you?” asked Holli.
“You could say that.” Said Evelyn. “More so for my people than me. The gods abandoned us long ago and they’re just clinging to ancient tradition.” She turned back to face Holli. “Why are you asking?”
Holli took a deep breath before taking Evelyn’s hand. “Come with me.” She said.
Evelyn had never been inside the Trevelyan estate in the year that she had lived on their land. Part of that was just her trying to avoid conflicts with the family. She already knew Holli was sticking her neck out for her when she hired an elf to train her, even more by calling her a friend, but it would be downright scandalous if she ever stepped foot inside. Evelyn didn’t know what to expect when Holli lead her inside. She had lived many places before all across the Free Marches, but never had she been in a noble estate. It was huge! The walls and staircases were lined with intricately styled wood, the walls themselves were painted a rich, deep green and the carpets were so soft Evelyn could have sworn they were made of silk. Everything was luxurious and she didn’t have words. At the same time, she felt uncomfortable. It felt wrong. She had lived in poverty most of her life, and even just the glimpse into how the rich lived was too much. It didn’t faze Holli. Why would it, Evelyn thought. It was her home.
“Where are you taking me?” Evelyn asked.
“You’ll see.” Replied Holli.
As they walked, they passed a few elven servants who gave her dirty looks. Evelyn just hung her head and avoided direct eye contact. There were other servants, most of whom were elves, that already resented Evelyn because she got to have her own cottage while the rest of them were confined to their quarters. Holli finally opened a door that lead to some stairs. “It’s through here.” She said.
The stairs lead down to another corridor. Unlike the hallways and rooms that they had passed on the previous level, this one was darker, more dimly lit. Holli grabbed a nearby lantern and carried it with her as they continued. Evelyn began to notice paintings hanging on the walls, all with the most decorative of frames.
“Who are all these?” Evelyn asked.
Holli stopped in front of one portrait and held her lantern up to illuminate it. “These are the Trevelyans.” She said. “Every head of the house to hold our titles, dating as far back as the second blight, and this…” she gestured towards the portrait. “This is the man who started it all. My great-great… I forget how many ‘greats’ he is… Maxwell Trevelyan the First. But he was the first Trevelyan to be a Noble in Ostwick."
Evelyn took a closer look at the man in the portrait. The man was framed in profile, and had a long, distinct nose, almost like Stephen’s. He had long, flowing brown hair and dark brown eyes. In one hand was a long broad sword stained in black blood, in the other a metal helm and he wore a full suit of armor. Behind him was a field of slain darkspawn.
“Do you notice his mark?” asked Holli. Evelyn looked again and noticed what looked like a cut beside his left eye, starting thick at his eyebrow and going down, narrowing to a point by his cheek.
“You mean that wound?” Evelyn asked.
“Yes.” replied Holli. “Maxwell Trevelyan was a warrior like none other, from what the stories say. Every lord and lady who followed in the family has also benn a warrior and they all had that mark tattooed by their left eye,” Holli began leading Evelyn back up the hallway. Each of the subject in the portraits they passed had the black mark. “…All leading up to my father.” She stopped in front of two last portraits. One showed a man Evelyn assumed was Holli’s father, Jonathan Trevelyan. The second frame was empty.
"So every lord following was a warrior. So... that's why you asked me to train you then...?"
Holli's face fell and she said nothing. Evelyn cleared her throat and tried to change the subject. Nothing came to mind and she pointed at the empty frame “What about this one?” she asked.
“My father is dying.” Said Holli.
They stood in silence for a moment.
“Shit… I’m sorry.” Said Evelyn. She noticed that Holli was crying again
“He’s been ill for years; we all knew this was coming but… that doesn’t make it any easier.” She said. “That one,” she said, gesturing to the empty frame “That one is going to be me soon.”
“Do you know how much time he has?” she asked, not know what to say.
“No.” she said. “We’ve never really known, but it’s getting worse. It can only mean the end is coming. I don’t want my father to die, Ev… and I don’t want to become the next in line.”
Evelyn looked up, confused.
“No? Why not?” asked Evelyn
“It was supposed to be my sister Alyssa.” She said. “She was the first born, and the first born inherits while the younger siblings either join the Chantry as Templars or just live their lives out as lesser nobility.”
“Alyssa?” asked Evelyn. “Didn’t you tell me she was-”
“A mage.” Holli interrupted. “She’s a mage, so her inheritance was stripped from her when she was sent to the Circle of Magi.”
“Don’t you have another sister?”
“Amanda, yes. She’s already a full Templar, and there’s... another complication.”
“What’s that?”
“Alyssa and Amanda have a different mother than Stephen and I.” said Holli, wiping her eyes again. “My father married a woman from the town, but after Amanda was born, she fell ill and died. A few years later, Father married the daughter of another noble family. There are those in Ostwick who think my bloodline is stronger and more desirable than Amanda’s.” She turned to Evelyn again. “Oh Ev, am I selfish for not wishing to become some boring noble? Is it wrong that I wish to just live my life the way it is?”
Evelyn cleared her throat. “I’m not exactly the right person to tell you that, Holli.” She said. “I was a runaway, I’m not one to talk to about responsibility.”
"I've known... I've known for a while now that this day would come... I've dreaded it for years and it's finally almost here and now... I'm afraid." said Holli.
Evelyn had no idea what to say. "Holli, I..."
At that moment, the door opened. Both Holli and Evelyn turned around to see Amanda walk in.
"There you are, one of the servants said you were down here..." she stopped short and locked eyes with Evelyn.
"Amanda," Holli began, but Amanda brushed right past Evelyn and addressed her directly.
"What is she doing down here?" Amanda asked sternly.
"Mandy, I just..." said Holli defensively.
"Holli, I thought we all agreed that your little elf friend can't be in the here." Amanda shot Evelyn a dirty look.
"Amanda, please don't do this. She's my frien-" said Holli, but Amanda cut her off.
"Your friend?" Amanda said incredulously. "Holli, Mother and Father have put out enough scandalous fires for you, right now they don't need you to add another one to their plate."
"Wow." said Evelyn, raising her eyebrows in mock surprise. "It's almost as though I am not standing in front of you both."
"You need to leave." said Amanda firmly.
Holli put a hand on her sister's shoulder gently. "Amanda..."
"No. She's right." said Evelyn, glaring spitefully at Amanda. "This is no place for a knife-ear, yeah?"
Evelyn roughly pushed past Amanda. As she did, she noticed that Amanda too had the tattoo on her face like the paintings. Evelyn just kept walking, back up the stairs until she out of the estate. She didn't stop walking until she had reached her cottage. With a exasperated sigh, Evelyn went inside and slammed the door. This was exactly why she never wanted to go inside that cursed palace. This is why she never wanted to take this stupid job. She knew she would be shunned, she knew she would only be rejected.
Evelyn walked through her kitchen, intending to go to her washroom to try and calm herself down. As she stormed by, she noticed her sandwich from earlier. It felt like an eternity since she had made it, even if it had only been roughly an hour. Slowly she picked it up and finally took a bite. The bread was starting to get stale and the cheese wasn't cold anymore.
She knew she life would be like this on the Trevelyan estate, but there was one thing she hadn't known and could never have expected. Holli Trevelyan was more than a student to her. She was a friend.
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herald-divine-hell · 3 years
Also (optional) Orlesian ladies watching their hot husbands train.
“Amayian fights masterfully,” said Seeker Katherine, a faint blush growing upon her pale alabaster cheeks, freckles drawing out like stars in the night skies.
A smile grew a touch upon Leliana’s lips, as her eyes fell upon her husband, shirtless and garbed only in tight breeches and a layer of shimmering sweat. “As does Champion Markus,” she admitted.
The two man dashed forward, Markus more often in the offensive. A slash upward, a cut to the right, a sword-tipped dab to the chest, Amayian blocked them all.
Neither seemed out of breath.
Amayian dipped to the side, struck a slash to Markus’ arm, a thin line of crimson erupting amongst his olive skin. Markus did not seem to pay much of mine. The Champion rushed forward, brushing aside Amayian’s blade, and cutting straight to his heart.
A grasp of horror clenched at Leliana’s heart. But Amayian swirled to the side, jabbing his elbow into the back of Markus’ neck. A grunt echoed in the air, and the Chanpion stumbled toward, caught his footing, and swung is blade just in time to catch Amayian’s blade, a shrieking grind echoing as steel met steel.
Then it was over. Both men, covered in an armor of sweat, glittering with gold by the pale cool sunlight. Both were thickly muscled, walls of hard flesh covered in scars and hair. While Amayian stood a foot taller than him, both hard the face of men who saw too much in too little of time. In the corner of her eye, she saw the same thought flittering through the faint light in Katherine’s eyes.
“We shall reward them with a training well done,” laughed Leliana. Katherine gave her a little grin as we, the twinkle growing in her blue-green eyes. “And perhaps you and I shall train, so they may learn a few moves.”
They got Katherine to laugh, and their loves to glance at them, confused.
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ranmaroo · 4 years
character meme
Evelyn Trevelyan ⟶ Dragon Age
Full name: Evelyn Odette Trevelyan
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Markus Trevelyan (Father), Alina Trevelyan née Vael (Mother), Elizabeth Voisard née Trevelyan (Eldest Sister), Emily Voidheart (Older Half-Sister), Emilé Trevelyan (Twin Brother) and 5 other siblings
Birthplace: Ostwick, Free Marches
Job: Inquisitor, (Formerly) Junior Enchanter of Ostwick Circle of Magic
Phobias: Spiders
Guilty pleasures: Napping
Morality alignment: Lawful Good
Sins: Lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
Virtues: Chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious
Agreeable / Disagreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Unempathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Traditional / Modern
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Evelyn x Josephine
OT3: -
BROTP: Evelyn x Cole, Evelyn x Leliana
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