#marisha and travis: Y E A H
nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 27: eternal shiny and chrome
"I'm sure there's a reasonable…."
critical role land when
the newly refurbished chamber that was once bad
"are we good at anything?" "we're all very attractive?"
"I did miming back in my 100s"
insight check for glass
"I use minor illusion to cast glass"
be fair that was 200 years ago
"I stopped counting"
"and other stuff"
"how long do gnomes live?" "shit, I guess we'll find out"
"you can't come straight to the show after robbing a bank"
"escorts 😏" travis
bruce fort
"who wasn't part of the ring fiasco? fearne put your FUCKING hand down"
big whammy no money
if cumberbatch had done this I would have enjoyed sherlock a lot more
they're totally time-hopping, aren't they
oh no
crack theory: what does breaking a modify memory feel like
[gets in my imodna bunker]
the bunker is protecting me from the imodnasplosion
erika you can't romance marisha on every show
"I have to leave" relateable content
(I KNOW what I said but I am not immune to Gay)
[shoebox project voice] I get it, I'm rocks
oh this is gonna be secondhand embarrassment power hour isn't it
laura and marisha: this will be a funny thing to do to sam's character
sam was that on purpose
fcg's memory centers are scrambled aren't they
oh no he's flashing back to That Time
liam: I also wish to be sad
miyazaki-ass motherfucker
"you don't truly know someone - " "until you've tasted their wood 8D" taliesin
I want this animated so hard
erika loaded a bunch of "wyd ;)" in a shotgun and fired it across the table
"dusk's no good very bad evening"
"if anybody ever makes you feel bad I will FUCKING kill them"
protective ashton my beloved
"do you have an alpha in you" "I don't know" "would you like one"
chet what do you knoooow
what in the little orphan annie
c h e t n e y
"beard check" but it's for skin
I DO kinda want the NB Critrole Logo shirt
Druid Panic™
"de rolo is SPINNING. generating electricity for all of whitestone."
baby's first pepperbox
oh my god imogen you can't just ask someone if they're a firbolg
"HE calls him the Rake"
big gwanda energy
is it dancer
matt just gave me a fucking doubletake lmao
what in the jak 2
…or what in the baby anakin
mala: at dusk we race
fearne no
erika in full goblin crouch
"sorry, dad"
it's a supremo
(I've been playing far cry)
"did you not want to play with us anymore?"
"she is purely fueled by chaos" erika or fearne
"she saw four other rats"
87 rats in a trenchcoat
"I have handwriting"
this is the recaps in the ant-man movies
"my two favorite nightmare fuels in the same room"
"there's a singularity forming between the two of them"
"double dare!"
honestly please put delilah on drugs, just once
non-canon one-shot like grog in the battle royale with the deck of many things
erika flinging their whole little body across the table
transform and roll out
I know this was already kind of mad max but this is getting hella mad max
"fucker is your art form"
[extreme southern accent] 'cause I'm a pot-hole
("no one is going to get that" it was for me)
this is EXTREMELY mad max
this really is just petals to the metal isn't it
go-karts as a business expense
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
liam: *kills marisha and travis*
matt: i am standing there staring at marisha, shaking, tears streaming down my face, and i'm gonna charge forward in anguish and attack the demogorgon
laura: well jeez i'm gonna get the fuck outta there fuck it
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ozbian · 4 years
Here’s a full transcript of that final scene in Episode 103  : )
including sidetalk and end of game chat - hope you guys enjoy it or find it useful for referencing, I’m loving all the post e103 fic
[VOD timestamps 3:25:47 to 3:42:10]
Veth: *Sighs*
Veth: “Well, should we go, go further in to the orange glow and check it out?”
Jester: “I'm afraid that's going to take us into it's ...”
Veth: “Oh.”
Caduceus: “The water that was, that was in the cave was fresh water.”
Fjord: “Let me get, let me go closer and see.”
Fjord: ‘I’ll dive down and get closer to see what it is and if it's magma, a doorway.’
(continues under the cut)
Beau: “Yeah.”
You swim close, you know the murky depths of the water, you head towards it, and you can see at the bottom the interior of the cavern which is about 40 feet deep, so a little bit more shallow compared to the exterior, and it rises and falls in place, and as you get to the edge you can look and the glow resembles the torchbloom, the faintly orange glowing plant-like seaweed flowers and such that currently - or last time you saw guided you towards the lair of Vokodo
Fjord: ‘I'll come back up.’
Fjord: “Uh, Caleb? Where's Caleb.”
Caleb: *inquisitive look*
Fjord: Do you have Frumpkin as a cat right now?”
Caleb: “He is a bird, and if you want him to be able to swim I need an, over an hour.”
Fjord: “It seems to be-”
Jester: “Well-”
Fjord: “I’d say it's the same sort of growth that led us there.”
Jester: “If we're going to go in and actually for real think about ... fighting? Today? Yeah? Then-”
Caduceus: “I don't think this is ... I think this is something else. I don't think this is a path to him.”
Fjord: “You don't think so?”
Beau: “I think he's right.”
Jester: “But those are the torchblooms, that's what leads to him.”
Beau: “But ...”
Caduceus: ‘I'm going to do something. I'm gonna-’
Beau: “Maybe, maybe he just resides. Maybe the volcano is just a little slice of the Fire Plane and maybe this is spillage from the Fire Plane.”
Caduceus: ‘I'm going to uh dive - well not dive, I'm going to do that thing where you exhale and allow yourself to sink down a little bit. I'm heading ahead to about 30ft away, 25ft away from it. I’m gonna get kind of-’
Matt: Okay
Travis: You can breathe underwater
Tal: Hmm?
Travis: You can breathe underwater
Tal: Oh I know, I'm just -
Travis: Oh.
Caduceus: ‘Gently, paying attention to where I'm at, I'm going to cast detect magic’
Matt: Okay.
You go ahead and cast detect magic. You don't sense the plants themselves are magic but there's a faint magical aura kind of in the water around you and just in general.
Matt: If you don't mind, Caduceus.
Sam: Uh oh
Tal: Never.
Sam: Uh oh
Matt: Could you go ahead and-
Travis: Swim up and join his friends?
Sam: Roll a death save?
Matt: I need you to make a wisdom saving throw for me if you don't mind.
Laura: Uh oh.
Tal: 13.
Matt: *sigh*
You sense this thing ... you look at the torchbloom and this kind of urge overtakes you.
Laura: Oh no
Travis: Oh no
This leads somewhere. This leads somewhere and will answer all your questions. You have to know where this goes. You have to know. You have to know right now.
So you swim towards it, and you watch as the torchbloom opens up.
Laura: *gasp*
Fjord: ‘Where the fuck is he going?’
Fjord: *I go after him.*
Matt: You were watching him?
Travis: No, I go after him.
Matt: Right
Laura: But you were watching him?
Travis: *nods* *coughs into fist* Yeah.
Matt: Alright
You go after him.
Fjord: Mmhmm
You watch as Caduceus just swims into a tunnel
Fjord: ‘I can catch him, can't I?’
He's far enough away from you.
Matt: I’ll say that 
You can get there right about the time.
Matt: also make a wisdom saving throw for me
Travis: Okay
Laura: Oh god
Sam: Oh boy
Marisha: Uh ohs
Ashley: This was like with the ...
Travis 20. 17+3
Matt: Okay.
You resist the urge.
But since you kind of come up, and he kind of went off and did his own thing, you were probably kind of keeping a little back to watch.
You get to the entrance of this tunnel whereas he is partially in there.
You could probably catch up to him if you want to.
Liam: You’re super fast
Travis: Yeah I am faster
Matt: Yeah you are faster with the armor
Tal: Way faster.
Fjord: ‘I’m gonna try.’
Fjord: *I’m calling out to him through, through the water.*
Fjord: ‘But, yeah. I’ll try.’
You hear it, Caduceus, but like, you'll get to that.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah.’
You'll get to that.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah.’
This is important. This is more important, Caduceus.
He's not stopping, Fjord.
Fjord: ‘Okay. I'm going to cast ...command -’
Matt: Okay.
Sam, impressed: Command
Fjord: '-at Caduceus. And I'll say...’
Fjord: “Stop.”
Matt: And that's a wisdom saving throw?
Travis: Yes.
Matt: Go ahead and make a wisdom saving throw
Tal: This is going to be the first one I make, isn't it.
Marisha: I know, that's what i was just thinking.
Tal: Oh thank god. Thirteen?
Travis: Seventeen.
Matt: Seventeen.
Laura: *relieved gasp*
Tal: I’m rolling real bad today
Marisha: *clicky fingers, relieved laughter*
You stop, Caduceus. 
You used your action to do so, Fjord, so you can move, you can catch up to him.
But Caduceus has listened to you and stopped, and kinda looks back for a second towards you.
Fjord: “What the fuck are you doing?”(gently exasperated)
Caduceus: “I have to go that way.”
Fjord: “I - “
Caduceus: “It’s very important.”
Fjord: “I -”
He starts going again, Fjord.
Fjord: “I rem-  STOP.”
Fjord: “I-” *splutters*
Fjord: *I just grab onto him. I hold him.*
Fjord: “Stop. Wait. Wait!”
Fjord: “Every- will SOMEONE come fucking help me?”
They can’t hear you. You’re far underwater, and they’re currently looking at the ships and inspecting the walls
Fjord: ‘Oh good. Good.’
Veth: “This one’s got TWO cannons!”
Matt: I need you guys-
*general laughter*
Matt: I need you guys to make contested strength checks to -
See if you can grapple and keep him at bay
Fjord: ‘Oh shit, you bigass firbolg.’
Travis: … twelve.
Tal: Seven.
General: *Oooooh!*
Tal: I’m not very strong.
Travis: Well me neither *laughs*
You have him.
Sam: eeee. eeee.
Sam, Marisha, Travis, Liam: *feeble wrestling gestures*
*general laughter*
You have him currently held, Fjord, and thankfully the torchbloom is not close enough to the point.
The water is warm here, and right now you can sense something about it, while you’re holding him, while you can breathe underwater, you can breathe the water, the water itself seems to shift from salty to fresh as you guys are kinda struggling
Sam: hmm
Tal: *nods*
Marisha: Yes. It is a pathway then.
Fjord: 'We need to get out of here.’
Laura: Yah
Caleb: Yeah Matthew 
Laura: Matthew. Yeah it was gonna move it was gonna lead it straight to the
Liam: yeah man
Marisha: thought it was different
Travis: Can I take an action?
Matt: Yes you can
Fjord: ‘Okay. I’m going to cast...’
Fjord: ‘Fuck it. We gotta get the fuck outta here.’
Matt: Well actually before you can take an action,
Caduceus, he’s holding you back.
He doesn’t understand.
You know, he means well. He means well.
Sam: kill him
Matt & Travis: *laughs*
... but you’re probably going to try and break free.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah. What’ve I got.’
Sam: Blindness
Travis: I remember this. I remember this very …
Tal: Yeah this is a rough one. Uh
Ashley: Wait, in the last tunnels who was the one, me and
Travis *raises hand*
Laura: Me and *points*
Ashley: We swam
Travis: Yeah we were
Ashley: There were a bunch of
Laura: No but not you *points at Travis* we swam past you
Ashley: So this is one of...
Travis *raises hand* I was going to
Tal: What’ve I got.
Caduceus: ‘Yeah. I’m gonna...’
Caduceus: ‘I’m not gonna hurt him or anything, but let’s ...’
Liam: Not too bad
Tal: ‘Do I need ... I can do everything? I’ve got verbal, I’ve got all the everything I need right for casting a spell?
Matt: Yeah
Caduceus: *I’m going to cast blindness.*
Sam: Oh
Matt: Okay
Sam: Jeez
Caduceus: *And then try to break free.*
Matt: What’s the saving throw on that?
Sam: Good one
Tal: That’s a constitution 17
Matt: Make a constitution saving throw
Fjord: *I’ll counterspell it.*
*General impressed noises*
Liam: Yeah
Sam: We’re wasting all of our spells
Ashley: All the spells.
Matt: Alright here’s my question. Counterspell does it have somatic components? Coz you’re currently holding Caduceus
Travis: it does say ‘s’
Matt: Yeah so you’ll not be able to counterspell while you’re grappling him.
Travis: Okay.
Matt: So if you could- If you want to let go and counter the spell or keep holding and go blind or attempt to make the save at least. Your call.
Travis: What are the component?
Matt Verbal, somatic and material
Travis: Right and somatic means...
Sam: Movement
Matt: Means you gotta be able to *flail*
Everyone: *various arm flailing*
Tal: your hands
Matt: hands and fingers
Tal: it’s a hand thing
Liam: well it is for counterspell
Fjord: *I let go.*
Okay so you let go and counter the spell
Fjord: ‘Yeah.’
So the spell does nothing, Caduceus, but you’re free of Fjord
Caduceus: *I’ll head on my way.*
So you continue swimming, Caduceus.
So he’s still trying to get away from you, Fjord 
Fjord: ‘I’ll go catch his bitch ass again.’
Matt: Okay, make another contested strength check.
You can keep up with him. Yeah. You can-
Jester: and none of us know
Yasha: I can. Do we notice at some point that they’re missing or are we thinking
Matt: You will eventually!
Yasha: Okay
Matt: But this is all happening very quickly.
Caleb: “Alright, Frumpkin! We are going to make you an octopus.”
Travis: ...14 ?
Tal: 7.
*general laughter*
You grab him again, Fjord.
Fjord: “Why are you doing this?! This is ridiculous!” (frustrated exasperation)
Caduceus: “I’ve gotta go there.”
Fjord: “Nothing but danger lies ahead. Stop fighting me!”
Caduceus: “I’ve gotta go there.”
Fjord: *sighs*
Sam: Burn a couple more spells
Travis: I’m. I’m. I’m gonna.
Ashley: So how long
Laura: Can you pull him back? Can you just try to pull him back?
Fjord: ‘I think I’m just able to stop him, right?’
Laura: uh uh
Matt: I mean, you can use half your movement and drag him back I’d say, which for you is a full movement because of the water
Fjord: ‘How far into this tunnel are we?’
You’re probably no more than 15 feet maybe
Fjord: ‘Oh yeah, I’d love to do that. I’ll try that.’
Matt: oh it’d be about 30 feet at this point because you went in after him and you moved your double speed to get there which would have been 15
Tal: Well I had to use the action to cast the spell
Matt: correct that was the round after that so you’d be 30 feet so you can pull him back to the entrance with a double move
Matt: then you now take your turn to try and
Caduceus: ‘Alright, let’s try something a little more…’
Caduceus: ‘... I can’t do that. Um. Um, no, that’s not good.’
It’s not so much that you want to hurt him, it’s just he doesn’t understand and this is very ...
Caduceus: ‘I know. I’m trying not to hurt him. I’m trying to be nice.’
Caduceus: ‘Lets … fuck it, it worked last time.’
Caduceus: *finger-snap*
Caduceus: *Blindness again.*
Fjord: “Fuck.”
Caduceus: “Fuck off.”
Travis, Liam, everyone: *laughter*
Liam: No contagion?
Tal: I mean no?
Matt: Make a constitution saving throw
Tal: It’s Christmas
Marisha: Come on
Laura: you can do it Fjord
Travis: 12
Tal: uh constitution save of 17
Yeah so you go blind, Fjord. Your eyes just go completely dark and you can see nothing.
Fjord: ‘Well. This sucks.’
You’re still holding him, Fjord, so you have him at the entrance. You loose sight, he took his action which means he hasn’t broken from your grasp.
And next turn he can try and he’ll put you at disadvantage to continue to try and hold him.
Marisha: Swimmers’ instincts
Liam: Grapple him
So, what are you going to do.
Fjord: ‘I’m gonna try and I will cast my last thing.’
Fjord: *I’ll cast command again.*
Matt: Does command have a-
Travis: Wisdom save
Matt: Somatic?
Travis: Oh yeah. ‘I’ll let go of him.’
Laura: *worried noise*
Travis: it is, no it’s verbal
Matt: Okay yeah you can
What do you command him to do, Fjord?
Fjord: “Swim back to our group.”
Matt: It’s a single word
Travis: Oh.
Fjord: “... Retreat?”
Matt: Okay
Tal: Yeah that would that would work
Matt: Sure go ahead and make a wisdom saving throw
Tal: Keep rolling bad. Nope that’s yeah I fine. I finally rolled a 26.
So the command’s not breaking through, Fjord.
You still have your movement. You can move him fifteen feet in what you think is the backward direction.
Tal: uh is it 30 because it’s half his movement right?
Matt: Well it’s half his movement to do it but
Tal: He can move 30 feet in wate.
Matt: Correct.
Tal: Alright
Matt: So for him it’s half speed to pull you back
Tal: Yeah
You now pull him a little bit away from the entrance. You’re gaining on him, Fjord.
Unless he is able to break away from you, you gather you can probably drag him back.
You just don’t really know which direction’s back and you’re kind of hoping ...
Fjord: ‘Yeah. I also don’t want to touch that firebloom shit.’
Travis: Right?
Matt: Correct.
You aren’t certain where you are, Fjord.
Fjord: ‘Yeah.’
Fjord: ‘Bitch?!’
What are you doing, Caduceus?
Caduceus: ‘Um.’
Fjord: ‘How long does blindless last?’
Tal: As long as ah you don’t know
Travis: *laughs*
Matt: It’s a minute right?
Tal: Yeah it’s a minute
Travis: He’s gonna try divine smiting next 
Sam: *laughs*
Caduceus: ‘I’m gonna just try and break free.’
Caduceus: *He’s gonna try break free. He’s a nice boy.*
Matt: make a contested-
Tal: And I have advantage
Matt: you do because he’s blinded
Tal: Contested strength check. One of them is a natural one but the other one was 15.
Travis: Five.
Matt: Five.
*General disappointment*
Caduceus kicks out of your grip, Fjord, and you’re blinded. You’re not sure where he is.
You continue to use the rest of your movement to go back into the entrance of the tunnel, Caduceus
Sam: Ooohh shit
Matt: So Fjord it’s your turn
You have no vision, Fjord. You know that Caduceus is somewhere, probably in front of you. What are you doing?
Fjord: *Going backwards.*
You’re going backwards.
Laura: Oh my god
Liam: You tried
Fjord: ‘I can’t see what’s in front of me. What can I do?’
Liam: You tried so hard. (I saw that face Liam O’Brien)
Matt: Alright
Fjord: ‘I’m right near the entrance to the thing, right?’
Yeah youre about 15 feet away
Fjord: *I’m just gonna do three big like reverse-breaststrokes and then just go straight up and start screaming.*
Matt: Okay. You guys
Tal: Do I ever get a wisdom saving throw or no
Matt: No.
Tal: Okay.
So you guys, you hear pshhhhh, the breaking of the water surface
Fjord, what are you?
Fjord: “Caduceus is going forward!”
Jester: “What?”
Fjord: “He’s being pulled! GET IN HERE!”
Veth: “What?”
Jester: “What?”
Veth: “What?”
Jester: “What?”
Beau: ‘Are we-’
Caleb: “Everybody in the pool.”
Beau: “Okay…”
Veth: “Ohh … okay.”
Fjord: “NOW!”
Beau: *sploosh*
Veth: “Okay, okay.”
Jester: “We’re going!”
Caleb: *I dive off whatever boat we’re on.*
Alright you guys all immediately splssh sploosh start diving in the water.
Fjord, You are-
Fjord: “BLIND.”
Marisha: *laughs*
So you guys, as you all begin to gather towards where Fjord is, you can see that Fjord is, you know treading water, but is kind of just-
Fjord: “I. I can’t see. He’s- he went down. Through the tunnel. *slight stutter* Someone go get him I’m … useless.”
Jester: “Oh god.”
Beau: ‘Alright I’m gonna go for it.’
Vilya’s going to go ahead and use a spell slot-
Fjord: “He blinded me!”
-to cast lesser restoration.
Sam: Oh!
Jester: ‘Oh that’s good because I don’t have that one prepared.’
Tal: yeah I think that does it
Vilya: “Pretty sure I’ve got lesser restoration here … "
Yeah you have your vision back
Fjord: “Oh. Good.”
Vilya: “But Caduce-”
Fjord: “Can you give me my spell slots back?”
Veth: *laughs*
Vilya: “I’m .. afraid I cannot.”
Fjord: “Okay.”
Marisha *laughs*
Jester: *swimming motions*
Beau: ‘I uh I’m gonna go for it.’
Jester: ‘Yeah same’
Beau: ‘Yeah’
Matt: alright
Yasha: ‘Yup.’
Matt: So you all make
Beau: *I’m with the girls*
You all dive in
Laura: oh god
beneath the surface
Jester: “We’re gonna get...”
Beau: “We’re gonna go for it I guess.”
Yasha: “Gonna go for it.”
Veth: “Yeah, me too.”
head towards the orange glow where the torchbloom plants ring-
Marisha: oh shit.
Marisha: oh no shit
-the interior of the tunnel sequence
Marisha: he’s winding up
Where Caduceus is, from your current position, nowhere to be seen
Laura: He’s winding down
While Caduceus, you have to get there.
Tal: Fuck, man
There’s something... Something important.
Sam: Fuuuck
Ashley: Don’t you do it
And nothing will stop you.
And as you thrash your way, somehow knowing the path through these now continuously branching odd tunnels
Tal: Oh no.
We’re gonna go ahead and continue next week
Everyone: *Nooo*
Ashley: Dang it
Sam: What a terrible end
Travis: Fucking totally empty
Tal: I’m not cool with this.
Travis: Oh
TaL: I’m not cool with this at all
Ashley: Shit. *foot stamp*
Liam: It was like a happy and sleepy content midpoint, and now just
Marisha: Now, my heartrate’s just
Laura: I was seriously like we should all sit down and have a hero’s feast before we do anything and then
Sam: *laughs*
Travis: *schlorp? sound*
Laura: Got sucked in
Marisha: Oh he’s really sucked in
Matt: Well the good news is, he’s swimming at half speed. All of you are swimming at half speed unless you take other forms. Fjord swims at full speed and while you are behind there is an opportunity to possibly catch up.
Tal: Yeah
Matt: But we’ll see what that possibly looks like next week
Matt: Cause now it’s a now it’s a chase for your own party member who is being compelled and to see if you can
Marisha: what is it
Matt: Follow him through a network of tunnels that he knows the way
Liam: Oooh
Laura: oh jeez
Liam: And no prep time for possibly going to knock on Avocodo’s door.
Sam: Oh man
Laura: And no spell slots either
Sam: it’s DND
Matt: Yeyah!
Marisha: Whoo.
Marisha: *laughs*
Matt: So
Laura: *extended fart noise* Oh my god
Travis: Boy
Tal: love you guys 
Liam: I love DND. Love it
Matt: Love you guys
Sam: So great
Matt: I wasn’t expecting that to happen
Marisha: Yeah
Matt: That was
Sam: So great
Matt: That was exciting. Alright cool. We’re gonna pick up there next week to see where this goes um in the meantime  everyone take time to tell everyone you care about you love them every chance you get and on that same note we love you all very much. Have a wonderful week, we’ll see you soon, and is it Thursday yet? Goodnight
Marisha: Wheeew
Travis: *pained whale noises*
Matt: *blows a kiss*
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byryanmcclure · 7 years
I wrote a dumb thing
Heady tears have clouded my vision all day as I reflect On one saga's conclusion that heralds the birth of another. Who would have believed that a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors, Delving into imaginary dungeons, could mean so much to so many On the terrifying stage of the Internet? Yet life needs things to live, and this thing you shared with us Ousts and outshines some the worst darkness Ushering in a world brightened by the light you’ve put into it. We have never met, but you are dear, beloved friends all the same. And though you may never comprehend the profundity of your impact, None can overstate how much joy you bring to so many lives Through your sincere acts of make-believe. Tonight, I welcome the waterworks; Of the tears many are sure to shed, Dispense with any fear that you do so alone. Occasions like these are worth feeling in full. Thank you Matt, Marisha, Laura, Liam, Travis, Taliesin, Ashley, and Sam. Humbly, I say without any trace of irony: I am -- we are -- better for having known you. See you in the next campaign and every one thereafter.
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 3 episode 2: two characters with southern accents are gonna make mine come back permanently
(I never LOST it per se, it just isn’t as strong as it could be) (or at least it WASN’T)
fhsdkfjsdlk are they EACH OTHER
"marisha looks like a wicked and the divine character" she DOES
is sam wearing marisha' engagement ring
sam hold your hands still
dfsakldfj ashley in the muscle suit
"once esteemed" rude
tigers and bears as rugs, oh my
I was watching campaign 1 earlier, I'm gonna get all fucked up
...I was watching the first halloween episode too, time is a flat circle
"put me as far away as possible"
there's the reaction to ashton's rage I wanted from travis last week
"take away the cane! don't trust it!"
oh good thing they have paper versions too
"waiting for fearne's voice to come out of that beard"
travis: what's a chaos burst?!
I interrupt this combat to ask why laura looks so good with a goatee (see: this, the gentleman)
the muscle suit is killing me
she even drew his tattoo on I'm
mala: this is most taliesin has ever looked like just some dude me: he looks like he's in front of me in line at kroger
b e r t r a n d
"I'm gonna unhinge my jaw" robbie: D: taliesin: :D
"I have temporal morass" "what is THAT?" "it's just 2021"
I cry every time fcg uses transfer suffering
"somebody get laura a donut, she's out of control!"
cut his ankles orym
"this is going to be f u n n y"
"seeing what he did to laudna, my eyes are going to flash white" getting kind of rwby in here
ashley no the twitch tos
so if things get Real Stressful is sam gonna perch on his chair how committed is he to this bit
dad council ground meeting
"that's what real healers do"
oh no the beard
"I'm gonna throw a knife at bertrand"
imogen hanging out with laudna
...sam is wearing marisha's necklace
w h i s p e r s
"we provide...leverage"
bertrand: [ashly burch voice] I'm canonically a coward!
tacitus kilgore
"you guys seem like you have a really good deal going on" g a y
(I don't even ship it (yet), it was just gay)
fcg: always just a book by its interior design
bertrand: m'tit's bleedin
"you can suck on my hair if you want" I'm
"I don't know how to handle a dare"
travis: I don't even want any now >:(
"I'm working with children"
quietly threatening fearne
dorian backing up fearne
"do I even need to roll for this, it's so obviously full of shit"
marisha making the crazy eyes at travis
travis blocking the crazy eyes with his hand
imogen my beloved
turn the exu crew up by the ankles and shake their backstory out
holy robit
"we normally patch those" ashton
he was gonna get it in there
"it's better to let stories happen slowly" shut up taliesin I want the backstory
taliesin's face
I'm fucking dying
he's a squib
I'm gonna die on my Undead de Rolo Laudna theory hill
"I go wherever you both go" cries about it
"democracy's great, fuck yeah"
"we've come to kill you"
"fuuuuck that's cool, I want one" "that knife is actually nunchucks" "I want it MORE"
everyone diving for their pencils
"the means are up to you" so murder, got it
fearne no
go to break so ashley can escape her costume lmao
"does [the hammer] talk too?" "you'll find out!! :D"
OH I didn't see that sam already perched on the chair, I take back my doubt of his commitment to the bit
dorian storm 🤝 dorian pavus getting manipulative magic cast on them as kids
oh no ashley is still in the suit
free her
Fantasy Dennis
ashley resting her chin on her plastic tiddies
"my ONE that I can REROLL because I'm a HALFLING"
"it's just a dial tone"
imogen getting sensory overload from using her ability too much is Relateable
"why don't they constantly think about their crimes?!" "goat cheese is pungent and overpowering"
man I missed liam/laura gigglewhispers
cardcaptor sakura jump boots
the polycule grows
I keep getting distracted by how natural that goatee looks on laura
fucking JOUST sam don't remind me how old I am
"we're bad! we're very very bad at this!"
fearne what
"I was eating trail mix and laura made it go bad" liam what does that MEAN
fearne ilusm
travis' hair dye spray whatever is bleeding onto his forehead
I love imogen so much but her accent makes mine come out SO HARD
f e a r n e
"orym falls on purpose"
I'm a halfling and I can't get up
they just have social anxiety leave them alone
the catheter of kas
"no, my weak nerd arms!"
You Can Reply To This Message
survival crimes
literally just saw that sam also drew marisha's tattoo on
them still not being used to the lighting makes me smile
marisha in taliesin's shirt is also v cute
"is it gonna be creepy?" "that's up to your interpretation, darling"
Team Back Door
"this back door has no crack"
"I'm gonna have anxiety for a week!" "good! me too!"
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 8: loreian
I'm late bc Power Rangers The Movie and also bc I was trying to avoid whatever this is
my kid riffed "it's thursday night" into "it's thursday butts" and frankly idk why comedians are still trying, she's clearly perfected the form
I still extremely enjoy chetney's art
"call me when you get your shit together" he was never heard from again
I'm already doing my "other people are asleep" fingersnaps
travis just made this character so he could react to laudna in-character like he does in real life
"I'm so confused!! :D"
liam's inability not to call old characters grandmother/grandfather
"why are you so mean to meeeeeee"
oh no he broke travis
tonight is just 4 hours of corpsing
...no pun intended
"BALLS" my kid WOULD fit right in
"I'm dorian's friend"
mala: friends of dorian
"hi my name is chetney, I killed santa"
"not that fourth one"
oh I just processed the design on robbie's shirt, that's nice
trek out to the Hubble
do not tell fearne how much money you have you will not wake up with it
"essence" [kill bill sirens]
oh we're just gonna unpack this right here at the table huh
"like werthers" sam
it's almost gotta be cyrus right
"maybe I could throw something at him"
"laudna's making crazy eyes at you what's she saying"
"my very good friend" gay
orym: just fuckin - just get up here
I adore travis' little elf shoes sfx
I'm love him
I've had to stop actually snapping bc I was hurting my fingers
orym: I am SHORT you KNOW I'M HERE just STOP
DM's mercy
just pictured the guy with his shoes pinned to the floor with tiny chisels
c h e t n e y
I love robbie's "stop making me acknowledge my backstory" noises
"first you had a flask now you ARE a flask"
"is your dick out?" "...I'd have to look"
travis' face lmao
[shakes dorian until his backstory falls out]
"I don't trust them" SIR
I am offended on their behalf
"I believe THAT part" chetney
imogen: [nokia ringtone]
🎵 tip me over and pour me out🎵
"just because they're different doesn't make us strange" "but we are very strange"
"like a reverse baby bird" oh I hate that
in the presence of family dorian has developed a younger sibling bitch response that I greatly enjoy
matt: zanotto me: [psychonauts hell]
dorian you showed him it was POSSIBLE
the long pause before and after "dorian"
"escort work" can mean a couple of things lmao
"handle those swords"
"please don't tell mom and dad" "that would require me to talk to mom and dad"
cyrus what
OH I also heard it that way
is it weird I would watch an entire show around cyrus' story
I want a weird west fantasy train robbery
(I want weird west fantasy everything)
good to know anxiety and social awkwardness runs in the family
orym is very disappointed in you
cyrus needs to stop calling me out as an oldest sibling
"what do you think that MEANS"
"""go to vasselheim"""
the mysterious npc in a flashy cloak to socially anxious disaster pipeline
oh no they're stockbrokers
no dorian you just almost put on a vestige of the fckin spider queen that's much better
"who's your employer" ashley
"are there conventions" "not lately"
I swear we heard that at one point in exu, am I going crazy
"b r o n t e with a [kchke]"
bronte wyvernwind!!
that's so fucking cool???
"I didn't think I'd get this far"
this sounds like some one piece shit, I'm into it
robbie's mind blowing in the background
relax she's just putting it out there
don't leave alone after dropping all that lore
death flags death flags
stop talking about how good you are at fighting
"she grows on you" "I would burn that off"
cyrus you fuckin HIMBO
if cyrus dies I riot
gonna fight him in the parking lot
slasher film starring chetney
reani my beloved
(no I didn't realize this had dropped)
...okay that's pretty much how the first obann fight went tho
ashley. travis. c e a s e
"it's how we met" cries
do you wanna be a big shot
"was it grog" samuel
"that'll be useful" it's ashton, will it really?
we're not telling them about the stone? we're keeping that a secret? dorian? sir?
[nextdoor voice] this information has been reported to the police
"fearne takes a bong hit out of fcg"
fearne don't be a dick
fantasy xanax
oh shit I tried to come up with something like this for a setting, now I gotta file the serial numbers off
"a layer of black material" "oh, LA Square"
leeroy no
"how are we supposed to focus on anything, travis"
oh he's not getting his deposit back
"dire wolf attack" WEREWOLF
matt: werewolf travis: :D matt: also ghosts travis: D:
"I put my vacuum arm on" we found it, we found the hoovel
"air d&d"
as opposed to an expected dire wolf attack?
"I cast detect thoughts" BINGO
pate no
boutta get frumpkin'd
"dead in 2022!!"
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nochiquinn · 4 years
campaign 2 episode 111: this is episode 111, 1+1+1 = 3, 3x3 = 9
matt the metagaming pigeon
sam what the fuck is your shirt
travis is super into this
liam has had this prepared since the start of c2, prove me wrong
"I pull out a ball bearing""goddammit"
The Aqueduct Definitely Made For Blood
"since I could not stop the three of you from being taken" fucking weh
"do we have to steal this wardrobe"
"good, that's where the bodies are"
taliesin's little !
shut up ! is a noun
when was the last time cad got to sleep in a properly-sized bed
l i a m
the slide whistle noise is canonical. that just happens when you use the lift.
mala: "too much" Liam you made this bed and mirror, lie in it
pls appreciate the fact this is the PARED-DOWN version of liam's notes
I knew he was taking notes on jester's room
m a t t
luc room? luc room!!
he made a home that can't burn down
it's all chicken
cat chefs? cat chefs!!
it's a cAT TOWER
caleb slowly makes all the voice commands in the house zemnian to force his friends to learn his language
"spell 'nascent', bitch"
caleb show us your room
sam did you glue a lite brite to the flask
we're a solid hour in, matt's just taking the night off
they're gonna make laura puke irl
dummy waiter
reboot but with cats
oh NO
caleb is this the ptsd room
this is the ptsd room
laura you don't have to use all the words!!
that's fantasy for "this isn't grand central station"
I feel bad about travis' psychosomatic cat allergies but also I laughed a little
"did we die?!"
"don't touch me" to "here is all my money, a house, and my social security number". caleb doesn't have a middle slider.
"that's a question for caduceus. or taliesin."
"I could have memorized that poor book"
using caleb as ctrl+f
pumat time? pumat time!!
they haven't been back to pumat's since the ritual??
yeza comes up to pumat's ankle
that's a phantom thief coat
"lickedy splickety" I love him
pumat's shady commodities
luc comes up to pumat's toe
ring of fidget spinner
I miss the d&d beyond song
aw they included travis' dad glasses
I didn't know they set aside Oh Shit Money out of each donation, that's smart
"I'm gonna meddle in your mom and dad's affairs"
"will it serve you or will it BETRAY YOU because there are A THOUSAND more EXACTLY LIKE IT" travis sleeping on the couch again
"if she comes back with a scratch I'll destroy you all" bold of you to assume they wouldn't destroy themselves first
caduceus could also visit home
molly would 100% choose to lie from beyond the grave
I am anti-rezzing mollymauk but I do really really want taliesin to have to talk to himself
fandom is gonna be up its own ass for weeks
run molly as administrator
did matt hold up the conspiracy theory meme on his phone sdkfs
aeor was the friends we made along the way
beau: I am talking entirely out of my ass but also I have four million notebooks so who knows
luc will be that person with vague knowledge of four million subjects bc "I had an uncle who"
matt don't you fuckin end here
mala: what if matt ends it during the conversation and there's a 2-week break me: 🔪
marisha saw it coming lol
taliesin: I ain't sayin shit
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nochiquinn · 7 years
episode 96: I can’t believe I didn’t make a YGOTAS “kill your family” reference last ep
okay, twitch is doing something new and frustrating, the video freezes every time I switch to discord?
"don't say you wanna make it with my husband!"
I would watch sportsball
liam no
"that won't stop you, sam"
oh good, we're back to the regular, familiar frustration
rip taliesin
"if you make it an alpha show THEN I can get you money"
"we all know our logo looks like a weed shop sign"
marisha drunk rambles her way into a breach of contract
fuck you matthew I didn't want to cry tonight
(I mean, I needed to hear it, it helped, but also)
"TETRIS" travis wins from sheer absurdity
mala: children stop getting your grubby fingerprints on the fourth wall
aw man now I want fancy cakes. like the little debbie kind.
"look, a fairy circle, make a wish"
as matt valiantly battles a spittake
"the hat's too much, right? is it the wig or the hat?"
junior bacon cheeseburger trickfoot
laura died
the saga of vox machina and old people continues
"fuck you, I was cool until the little stupid strap"
grand poobah of silly walks
drururu family
"I'm not allowed to call them that anymore"
discord: "quick mom is home everyone act natural"
"and you seem okay" liam's FACE
taliesin's gone
I need an extremely contrived situation to get wilhand, ogden and viktor in a conversation so I can watch matt cry
k e y l e t h
I wanted wilhand to kick tary's ass
I KNEW IT I knew she was gonna
(ngl I would)
did wilhand get the curse laid on the family
travis died
did ogden get the curse laid on the family
my favorite is matt giggling at something and immediately going back into wilhand's grumpy face
"don't be penises" shirt
"I wish to be less crazy-looking" same
mala: "Liam testing what Matt will let him get away with" me: "did you mean: critical role"
kynan <3
kynan's a bad belt owner
vax throws the guns across the field
percy shoots grog in the ass
yes throw the gnomes across the field
I just missed a whole chunk bc dogs, came back to ogden talking about his visions
"I feel like a burden" :(
silly crazy god stuff
"kill him"
"now you get to get a wood"
jb :(
jb is belle
thaaaat's why wilhand got her away from the trickfeets
tary no
I'm also remembering when her sarenrae symbol got fucked up in the underdark
discord: "tary: how much of an asshole dyou think sam can play
scanlan: idk maybe 5 or 6 out of 10 my dude
tary: you are like a little baby. watch this"
"I think my sister likes you"
"matt I'm gonna get you for this"
"it's pronounced avrike"
it's a mass sacrifice
they're trying to get the demon goat in goat simulator, they need five dead bodies
"I feel like that would be an upgrade!"
augh, the audio desynced
"drive your fingers deep. into the nooks and crannies." taliesin
"can you check yourself?" "before you wreck yourself."
"are you listening, sarenrae? it's me, pike"
"and I DO IT"
"don't fuck with me this week"
I feel like sam was trying to get pike's secret crush out of her and I'm here for it
I made a hilarious lavender joke in discord and no one is laughing at it
"exorcism for science" shirt
as vax violently defends his masculinity
"I'm always fascinated when laura uses her real voice"
liam and marisha what was that
"roll a religion check" "oh, god" [symmetra voice] precisely
yes I'm sure the "goddess" will appreciate that very much
"I'm as weak as grog is stupid"
"that art's already there. I felt it happen." -surreptitiously throws a blanket over my AO3-
"time to pitch a tent" keyleth
dat 60-episode callback
"cat videos" same
he's speaking backwards, he's zatanna
okay so they used the word "covetous" when they were trying to hack out a definition for avarice earlier, and I have long believed pike's secret crush is percy, which would technically be covetous since he is with vex!
I could be (I probably am) completely off base but IT IS A THEORY
edit from the future: I still like this theory. just not, y’know, for this particular thing.
"are the gnomes doing weird shit"
okay look their worst crime is being vaguely slimy don't get them eated by the shadow face monster
edit from the future: WELP
"I whip out my string of beads" liam I saw that face
how does doty want to do this
just a pinch of smite
if you don't have fresh smite available storebought is fine
"oops my finger slipped there's smite in this"
vax "someone else is getting lots of damage NOT ON MY WATCH" ildan
grog: hold my ale
Literally The Worst
"draw dickbutts all over it"
picturing keyleth as holtzmann with the "whaaaaAAAAT"
"I put my mace up to her throat" matt's face
the light in my room is about to go out but it keeps blinking at dramatically appropriate moments
"I can't believe I was ever that green. THIS is how you interrogate someone."
JB's a slippery little shit
or, as the toddler says: “slippy”
"ogden. that was BULLSHIT."
you have a loooong time to wave goodbye
do you want gwen stacy bc that's how you get gwen stacy
maximum pikemom
let jb live in the house.
jb is a manipulated baby who deserves a chance to be someone else away from her family. YOU KNOW LIKE WILHAND DID FOR PIKE
"if I ever see any of you again, I will fucking kill you all" I've had that conversation
don't frickle with pickle
close on travis yelling "YOU BASTARD"
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