#marine code 01746
v-67 · 18 days
One piece Spoiler alert!!!!
Someone used the Op-op fruit and put their hand within me and crushed my heart. I'M JUST😭❤️
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I wish he stayed alive for a lot more😭😭😭😭😭
Episode 706
Trafalgar D. Water law.
Corazon. Rosinante. Marine code : 01746.
Law's history which includes Doffy and Carozon's history as well. (Episode 706 around)
A dialogue from the previous episodes of this arc : The pain of the disease was just somebody else's problem. Very human like...
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Law went through so much. If he dies, I swear i'mma– I'm gonna be really hurt.
19 November, 2023.
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫? [a theory]
⬦ So, as many asked here is my theory! I've been thinking of this since i read Punk Hazard. Law has never been a pirate for me, nor a marine... so there had to be something in the middle and that is SWORD! Let's discuss the reasons! (Also please, be careful this theory is full of spoilers since I added the last pieces of info given in ch. 1080).
⬦ Disclaimer: Please, if you don't agree with any of the points stated we can discuss them but only if you do it respectfully and calmly. This is just my POV and take on the story. I might be wrong, or not. It doesn't matter, it's just a theory!. If you are gonna use this theory anywhere please ask me first. I'm tired of seeing my stuff on twitter gain endless likes for other to take the credit. Also, any other info you can share that you think I might have forgotter will be welcomed! ⬦ tagging: @thepoisonpoison ; @husband-in-law ; @akhlys-san ; @ruby-white-rabbit sorry for the delay! but here it is! :3
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So! As I was waiting for the official release of ch. 1080 I didn’t write the theory sooner! I wanted to check if they had change something, especially the Rocky Port incident part! Apparently is all correct so here we go with my reasons for thinking Law is either a marine or a collaborator from SWORD!
Law was saved by a marine. This seems like a stupid and obvious point BUT is by far deeper than it seems; Cora lied to Law about being a marine because little Law was basically angry at them -but honestly, at everyone and everything in this world, too-. Now, we should recall properly who exactly was the real bastard that let the inhabitants of Flevance get sick and ultimately killed them: THE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Sure, the WG sent presumably marines to destroy the city; but… have you seen them? Cause I honestly we only saw people wearing the masks and suspiciously similar attires (not exactly the same) the guards of Punk Hazard wore (where do we see Law after the time skip? YES, PH. Remember there are no coincidences when it comes to ODA).
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But, why did the WG sent those “marines” to destroy the city? Well, they couldn’t take the blame for exploiting the island for the amber lead KNOWING the people were getting sick because of it. But who cares about Flevance’s lives when such metal is used for… for… FOR WHAT, EXACTLY? Isn’t it toxic to touch? Then why the fuck do you need such metal? Ah… WEAPONS! But… who uses such weapons? For what?. All in all, who is the real bad guy here? the marines or the WG? Yes. Law is by far more intelligent than most of the OP characters, he can understand who to blame. And because of it there is another reason WHY Law would prefer being part of SWORD and it is because -as Kuzan says: Sword members are marines who give up their marine code and do not have to follow protocols nor -this is the most important one- they DO NOT respond to the WG. SWORD is the perfect alternative to both uphold the law while being against the fucking bastards at the same time. (refer to ch. 1080 during the mini flashback of Koby being in front of BB).
Also, Cora-san wasn’t probably part of sword (maybe it didn’t exist back then, this is my guess. In fact I believe it was formed right after Marineford) because he still used his marine code (01746). HOWEVER… DID HE GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE PROTOCOLS? NOPE, HE DIDN’T CARE, HE WENT AND STOLE THE OPE OPE NO MI FOR LAW! Law has learnt a great example of real justice from a very young age.
2. The relationship with Koby and the Rocky Port Incident. What the actual fuck happened at the “Rocky Port”? we don’t know exactly, but Oda has given us 3 important pieces of information: 1. Law was the mastermind behind the RPI. 2. Koby became a marine hero after such incident. 3. Law became a Shichibukai after (do you believe in this? I don’t, exactly) giving 100 hearts from pirates to the marine. Who the fu- why? So, there is for sure a previous encounter -or a connection at least- in between Koby and Law. Koby, is with no doubt part of SWORD. Keep this in mind for later, we are gonna go back at this point but first let’s start back at Sabaody, please! Let’s go to point 3:
3. The relationship Law has with X-DRAKE (past and present) Who else connects with Koby? Yes, X-DRAKE!. Now, let’s go a little bit deeper (I know you, stop) about X-Drake and Law’s rs. If we go back in time to Vol. 51, chapter 498 “The Eleven Supernova” where we got introduced to them officially. First panel we see with Law:
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So the first time we saw Law he is directly referring to Drake who -as many believe- he has left his spot at the Marine to become a Pirate. Interesting how Oda decided to introduce such important characters this way, right? Is not exactly that he is trying to portray a connection between them… 🤭
Good, good! Let’s go a little bit back in time now. Do you remember who Cora stole the Ope Ope no mi from? X-DRAKE’S DAD. Who at the time was the captain of a stupid ass pirate crew (Barrels pirates) that decided to sell the Ope Ope no mi to the Marine.
Uhum… yes. So, after the raid, both Cora and Doffy made a little bit of ruckus and ultimately the Donquixote family ended with Drake dad’s life. Little dino daddy (aka Drake) was able to scape just in time so he saved his life. AND Law’s life, too. Why? Because he was the kid Tsuru found and that was what the DQF heard through the radio! “a Kid had been found crying by the Marine” so, while Law was able to scape thanks to the sacrifice of Cora, he also got lucky that they found another kid. But, if it had been Law the one found by the marine… he would have been raised as one (as happened to Drake).
So, maybe at this point Drake didn’t know exactly who the other kid was, but, since he was raised by Sengoku and Tsuru* (*who now we know has a grandaughter that’s part of SWORD too) he probably learnt the real identity of Law back (or even before the introduction Oda give us at Sabaody).
UGH THERE IS A LOT, BUT WAIT WAIT, THERE IS MORE. And this is the main point: their interaction at Wano: WHEN DID LAW AND DRAKE SPOKE WHEN LAW WAS SENT TO JAIL TO TRADE HIS LIFE FOR BEPO, PEN AND SHACH’S LIFE WITH HAWKINS? Because BOTH fooled Hawkins into thinking Law was going to be in jail with no way of scaping. MANGA DOESN’T SHOW IT. ANIME EITHER. There is something previous hidden that has to be shown at some point! In Wano we have confirmation that Drake is no other than Koby’s superior in SWORD. Do I have to explain ANY FURTHER?
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(also, I love Law but it was hella funny how XDrake to keep with the act hit the hell out of our poor doctor. We can say he is finally relieved of punching Law after what happened in the past)
4. Now, back to the Rocky Port Incident: IT HAPPENED AT DAMN HACHINOSU. This was only shown 3 days ago! While I was reading I passed the page and had to come back like WAIT… WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Cause LORD! Can you see the relationship? It’s crazy! For how long has Oda been cooking this? Isn’t a LOT of coincidences that Law didn’t know anything and was a simple pirate when he planned the “incident”??  which at this point -in my opinion- is no other than a lie they decided to show the world to undercover such growing Supernova! I strongly believe that Law had been contacted by either Drake or someone close to him to be part of SWORD and together they worked to bring the RPI alive. Now, we can either think 2 possibilities: 1. Law has already been at the New World (even before Luffy) because Hachinosu is there (and pretty close to Laugh Tale I might say) or 2. Because it is only stated as “the masterMIND of the RPI” he wasn’t there, but, he had planned it from somewhere else. I think both are interesting, both in any case had to be done with the help of others; aka SWORD or Marine. This has yet to be shown by Oda at some point for sure.
I’m sorry I can’t give more info about what exactly happened there because there isn’t any more than what I’ve already discussed.
5. PUNK HAZARD, Smoker and Aokiji.
Do you remember when Luffy was getting closer to PH that they received a call from marines asking for help? Do we have that clarify? Who the fuck called the Sunny? We don’t exactly know. And you won’t know until Law’s true nature is shown. What a coincidence… right? Law encountered Luffy and proposed an alliance right in the island where he was staying and to where Luffy was called in the middle of their route by random marines… 👀👀 INTERESTING, a shichibukai on an island that belong to the WG… Sure, he was there to start his plan to avenge Doffy, that’s clear. But I think there is more than we can already tell.
For me PH is no other than the first clear showing of the cooperation of 3 main forces in the universe of one piece (that sets precedent for future wars): MARINES (smoker), PIRATES (Luffy) AND… LAW’S SIDE: SOMETHING THAT’S IN BETWEEN: at that point he wasn’t a marine, but he was a pirate protected by the marine. Sounds familiar? Yes, pretty similar to SWORD. ➡ this is pure personal analysis of Oda’s writing style.
Please don’t forget Law telling Smoker about Green Bit! – this leads us to a new probable member of SWORD too! Smoker is a vice admiral who is kinda rebellious if you think about it! He wants to uphold the law and always be on the justice side… but is the WG always the “justice” side? Nope. (Smoker worked with Luffy twice)
The appearance of Kuzan – he was the one who saved Smoker from the sharp threads of Doffy’s attack. And Kuzan has been a repetitive character that’s -at least for me- appeared in very important moments of the story. Is not a coincidence that he appears at PH after Law tells Luffy to hurry the fuck up with the banquet.
And it’s not a coincidence that he has left the marine because of fighting against Akainu. WHY DID THEY FIGHT? Because IT’S CLEAR that both have different visions of justice. While Akainu believes justice is to be purely with the WG and hate pirates, Kuzan probably believes that justice is not about who you have on your side but to do the right thing. (Garp, KNOWN now as a member of SWORD did exactly that during God Valley)
This being said, let’s go for the next point:
6. Is Kuzan really a member of Kurohige’s crew? Is he a double agent?
Isn’t it quite sus that Kuzan is part of the BB crew and SOMEHOW Law encountered BB on the route he chose? (YES, LAW CHOSE THAT ROUTE. He used the lack of neurons of Kid and Luffy to make them pick the other two routes. Now, the fact that Kid encounter Shanks and it wasn’t Luffy is just for the sake of the plot, we know it Oda)  
My guess is that Aokiji is a double agent from SWORD acting like Cora with Doffy. BB is a stupid guy, he doesn’t even know shit about what sword is, so I strongly believe he doesn’t suspect anything. So, maybe, the plan was simple (sounds simpler than it’s done): Kuzan informed SWORD about BB setting sail with some of his generals from Hachinosu, leaving the island alone with a couple of them (Vasco shot, Shirui, Pizarro); Law will encounter BB and fight while Garp and part of Sword goes to rescue Koby at Hachinosu. (Don’t underestimate Law, so many people downgrade his powers when it’s not the case at all) – this is pure theory, of course.
7. DRESSROSA & SENGOKU. Besides the emotional panel of Sengoku teaching Law not to look for more reasons for love but just love, I am sure there has to be something else hidden. In any case, it is super important to address the way Law acts towards Sengoku (in manga, not so much in the anime); he is being absolutely respectful (and not “mean” like he is used to be with anyone) and I believe Law wanted to search for Sengoku for 2 reasons: one, the one we explicitly read: asking about the “D”. And, 2, to tell this man, who represented a paternal figure for Cora, about how and why Law’s saviour died. However… Why and how does Law know Sengoku was like a dad for Cora? HERE is the key. Who told Law such information? Law didn’t know exactly who was the man Cora spoke to through the den den mushi before going to find the ope ope no mi. (He only knew it was a marine, cause baby Law was pretty intelligent). Perhaps is a very VERY small detail, BUT, what if he knew because of Koby and SWORD? Wouldn’t be surprising, Law needs information and he gets it from somewhere we haven’t seen yet where.
8. Law’s character and backstory. This last point is more of a personal analysis about his personality and real intentions:
Law hates, despises chaos. He upholds the Law. (not a coincidence he is called this way)
Law never EVER shown desires to find the One Piece. Not even when he first set sail. In One Piece Novel: Law (canon) he states the purpose of his journey: avenge Cora-san. Law couldn’t stand staying at Mr. Wolff’s home without doing nothing to end with Doffy. When his trauma had been resolved (but not over) and he started trusting people again, he began learning more about surgery while gathering money and resources with Shachi, Penguin and Bepo at the city. Once he turned 15, Mr. Wolff gave him not only Kikoku, but also the Polar Tang…
The Polar Tang: NOT A PIRATE SHIP. HIS JOLLY ROGER HAS NO SKULL! Law is not a pirate like the rest, he is not ruled by piracy aesthetics.
His name has had already a lot of hints, let me show you: TRAFALGAR – Battle of Trafalgar: Britain vs Spain. SPAIN LOST – dressrosa/doffy lost. WATER LAW / WATERLOO – battle of Waterloo: last battle of NAPOLEON – Napoleon is Big Mom’s sword – who won against BM? Law (and Kid). WATER’S LAW – Who are the ones who uphold the law in the seas (waters)? Yes. Marines.
Bepo, Shach and Pen’s way of referring to Law: CAPTAIN! *use the marine sign* *all of them wear hats like marines* *all of them wear uniforms like marines*
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Law’s “disgust towards pirates” in Wano, after stealing food for the people of Okobore town he says: “Pirates shouldn’t do such a good deed!” BUT LAW… YOU ARE A PIRATE, YOU ARE A DOCTOR, YOU HELP PEOPLE!
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And, maybe, a lot more that we might have missed or aren’t still fully shown! I will add them here! :3
But all in all, I do believe he is in the middle; not a marine, not a pirate either. That’s why I think SWORD fits him best. We will see what Oda has in store for the next few years! I hope that it’s even more exciting than this theory!
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corafest · 3 months
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Rosinante's Marine Code is 01746.When it is read in reverse, it is 6, 4, 7, 10 - Ro, Shi, Na, Ten, or Rosinante.
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pining-pirate-tk · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Cora-san! 07.15
Marine Code 01746. Commander Rosinante of the Navy Headquarters.
Original by [ 滝波タイキ ]  taiki821
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rochiomaru · 3 years
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The two brothers faced off, one not trusting the other long enough to look away for even a fraction of a second. Doflamingo had never felt so conflicted, and though his exterior was as calm and cold as ever; internally his mind was screaming in agony with his beloved brother’s betrayal. Whenever he looked at Rosinante, all he could see was the little boy he fought so hard to protect when they were young. Who had twisted his lovely brother’s mind so much to cause him to bare his fangs like this? The answer came a few moments later.
“Marine Code 01746. Commander Rosinante of the Navy Headquarters. Donquixote Family captain Doflamingo, I have been undercover to prevent a future tragedy of your doing.” Rosinante couldn’t help but to smile as he finally revealed the truth he had held so close for so long. It had been such a burden to remain undercover and pretend to be a monster like his brother. Now he was finally free to be himself. His only regret was that Law could hear him, and he knew how much the young man hated the navy. He had hoped to show the child that his world view was inaccurate, but now the blond knew it was too late; he knew the pirate in front of him would now end his life.
Rosinante grit his teeth and began to bang his head against the treasure chest he was leaning on to get Law’s attention. He knew that it was his last opportunity to say anything to him before his so-called brother attacked. Everything he had ever heard or seen about the man indicated that a violent response is all he could expect. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I didn't want you to hate me."
Doflamingo watched his brother, and it felt as though the wind had been knocked out of his chest. Other than when his mother died, he couldn’t remember a time that his heart truly hurt so much. He didn’t even realize that there was anything left in him to be hurt like this. Ever since meeting Trebol, he had placed so much importance on growing powerful and being above human emotions. Quick to act, Doflamingo is the first to admit how cruel he could be. He loved his family, but he still ruled with an iron fist. How had he allowed himself to become so weak?
His brother’s apology caught him off guard, but something inside him screamed it was a lie. Perhaps it was the way Rosinante didn't meet his eyes. Gladius shouted that it was too late for apologies while attempting to attack the injured man, but Doflamingo stopped him. It was his brother, and he would deal with this himself. His face darkened and he practically snarled as he fought to keep the rising bile from coming up his throat. As his world shattered, maintaining control was crucial. “Stop telling those insipid jokes…” he managed to spit at the man before him. 
He then asked about Law and the Ope Ope no Mi, causing Rosinante to become almost smug in his answer  “The boy has eaten the fruit and is now in the custody of the Marines.”
The very same bastards that had stolen his brother, now have the boy Doflamingo practically considers his own son! He could hear the blood begin to pound in his ears and his chest tightened to an unbearable degree. He ground his teeth back and forth, and instinctively readied his strings for an attack. At that moment, his other children called out to him to confirm a boy was taken into custody.
Doflamingo took a breath and went into action. He gathered more information from his children, and then called out orders to the other family members. Law is his main focus right now and he will get him back no matter what. 
From the moment the young one sought him out, Doflamingo saw himself in the boy. They had not lived quite the same lives, but the same pain dwelled within them. He saw so much of himself in the thirteen year old, and had spent the last three years considering the boy as his own son. To lose him now would be unthinkable. ‘Perhaps Rosinante knew this and intended this to be the twist of the knife in my back?’ he thought to himself. He closed his eyes against the hot needles that pricked against his eyes. He hadn’t cried since his mother died, and be damned if he’d give this traitor the satisfaction of seeing him break now!
Instead, Doflamingo reacted in the way Trebol had taught him. He clenched his teeth as the scowled deepened on his face and reached inside of his coat for the gun he’d carried for the last 15 years; the gun Trebol gave him to take back his power from those who betray him.
Rosinante watched as his brother appeared conflicted for a few moments, but in all honesty, it was hard to read him with his eyes covered behind those ridiculous glasses. ‘Perhaps the pirate is just considering how to kill me?’ he wondered to himself. However, once the older blond pulled his gun, the marine knew it was time for the final confrontation. He took one last drag of a dying cigarette before tossing it to the side, and then stood slowly to his feet. He kept his own pistol aimed at his brother’s head, his finger firmly on the trigger, but inside he knew he was not a killer. He was not a criminal like Doflamingo. 
The snow continued to fall around them, each brother lost in his own thoughts. Doflamingo was first to break the silence. “I know you can’t shoot me. You’re too much like your father.” 
He then ordered his crew to begin gathering up the treasure and head back to the ship. It was time to go find Law. Doflamingo turned away from the traitor when he heard the hammer click as the other blond prepared to fire.
“He won’t obey you, Doffy. He’s not the same Law that came to you that day, who lost track of himself and came to visit a crazy pirate!” the marine hissed. Rosinante knew he had to do whatever he could to stop Doflamingo from tracking Law down. He had to allow the boy a chance to be free from this nightmare. Perhaps he could just end it now? If he could just gather the strength to pull the trigger, though he knew his brother’s crew would kill him in an instant, at least Doflamingo would be dead and Law would be free.
It wasn’t the sound of the gun preparing to fire that stopped Doflamingo from leaving. It was the acidic words that poured from his brother’s lips. At last the truth was evident. This was beyond betrayal. ‘A crazy pirate? That’s all I am?’ Somehow those words seemed to lodge themselves deeper into his mind more than the thought that the navy had used his biological family against him. 'Perhaps family is just the ones you find in this life,' he concludes with an inward sigh.
Now, more than ever, Doflamingo was determined to find Law. The boy was his son in all but blood, and Rosinante had proven that blood was worthless. He had thought that somehow life had given him a second opportunity to build a life with a member of his precious biological family when his brother had returned to him after years of being separated. Doflamingo wondered when it was that he had lost his brother’s love. ‘Was it when I killed that man, or did he ever love me?’ he thought to himself while he turned to look at the marine.
“Why do I have to kill another member of my biological family?” Doflamingo lamented aloud while he prepared to fire his own weapon. He had planned to walk away from the confrontation, but it seemed as if the Commander was not simply going to allow him to go. His mind began to race, as if to match the racing of his heart in his chest. Despite the freezing temperature, Doflamingo was burning hot and felt as though he couldn’t breathe. It took everything within him to keep a cool facade as he aimed the weapon at his brother’s chest.
He knew he was at a crossroads in his life. It was a defining moment of life or death, heaven or hell, balance or insanity. Whatever he chose would rule his existence from this point onward. As flashes of his life crossed through his mind, that hated burning behind his eyes threatened to overwhelm the pirate again. However, he would not yield and would not cry, no matter what the cost.
As he watched Rosinante’s face, Doflamingo remembered the times from their shared past. The first time he saw his baby brother in his mother’s arms while sitting on his father’s shoulders. The time they walked down the streets of Mariejois, eating candy and laughing at funny birds hopping along the windowsills of the buildings they passed. Covering his brother’s body with his own as the villagers beat them for stealing some bread, and trying to protect him from the majority of their blows because Rosi was so small and he was the big brother so that’s just what you do…
It was then that Machvise grabbed the chest from behind Rosinante and caught both of their attention from each other. Rosinante seemed to panic slightly, causing Doflamingo to tilt his head in a considering manner as he looked at the chest. ‘What is so special about this one?’
Rosinante swallowed back the impulse to snatch the chest with Law inside. As much as he wanted to take the boy and run, he knew he could never get away from these animals. Law had a much higher chance of survival on his own. ‘All I have to do is keep Doflamingo distracted, and give Law that opportunity to escape,’ he thought while attempting to keep his expression blank.
Yet it was the blank expression where hatred had been before that Doflamingo found the most intriguing. Something about this wasn’t right and he was going to find out. This traitor was plotting something else, and he refused to allow it to come to fruition! “Machvise! Stop for a moment. I want to see what you have there. It may be a trap.” He gave his brother a cold glare as he called his subordinate over.
Rosinante broke into a cold sweat and it felt as though icy fingers clutched his chest, making it difficult to breathe. He watched with apprehension as the rotund figure approached the madman of a pirate, and Law came closer to being discovered. Previously, it had seemed as though everything was going to work out in the end, almost as though some deity was going to ensure Law’s safety, but now Rosinante knew he must move quickly to rescue the boy before it’s too late! He closed his eyes and began to fire.
Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and leapt to the side while using his strings to deftly dodge Rosinante’s attack. However, as he turned back towards the other man, he saw that he was no longer the one being targeted. The gun was aimed straight at Machvise’s head.
Rosinante then pulled the trigger again. The only thought in the marine’s mind was getting Law away from them before he could be discovered, no matter what the cost.
After a quick assessment of the situation, Doflamingo made two moves simultaneously. He threw his strings in a web out to grab Machvise out of the path of Rosinante’s bullet, and he fired his own shots, three in rapid succession. Two of the bullets hit his brother in the back of his thigh, the third in the small of his back. Rosinante screamed and fell to the ground, where the snow began to bloom scarlet beneath him as he desperately attempted to stand. Chocolate-colored eyes widened in shock and terror as he realized one leg felt like it had been set on fire, while the other leg had no feeling at all.
Everything moved as if in slow motion from that point on. The marine watched as his brother pulled his crewmate out of the way, but the larger man dropped the treasure chest. As it fell, it became low enough in the moment the bullet passed that a hole appeared in the chest. Time seemed to stop and he was sure he might even lose his mind. He watched as the chest fell to the ground and the top fell open. Gold, jewels, and finally Law rolled out into the snow. No one moved for the briefest of moments, until Law landed a few feet from the chest. Blood poured from a wound in his right shoulder and he was unconscious.
Both brothers dropped their weapons and screamed for the boy. If they could have taken their eyes from him and looked at one another, perhaps they would have seen the mirrored expressions of fear and concern. However, the moment passed and Doflamingo ran towards the fragile, pale child to gather him in his arms. Pica, Vergo, and Gladius heard the pitch of his cries and immediately dropped what they were carrying to race back to their captain. It was not a tone Doflamingo was known for having.
When they arrived, they found him on his knees, holding Law tightly to his chest while murmuring softly in the child’s ear. He had one hand held over the boy’s shoulder, but blood was soaked through the cuff of his shirt and jacket, making the dark colors jet black. Gladius growled with rage at seeing the young master so distraught and went straight for the traitor, kicking him in the face. “What the fuck did you do now?!” he demanded, kicking him a second and third time in succession without really giving him time to answer.
Doflamingo looked up at the sounds and called out, “Leave him. We must get Law back to the ship immediately.” He slowly began to rise while still cradling the boy gently in his arms. Was he always this light? Law had always been so full of anger and strong. It seems strange to the ito-wielder for him to be so fragile now.
“But, young master! He betrayed you! Look at Law! Look at what he's done!” Gladius screamed in anguish, giving Rosinante another kick. Doflamingo bit his lip as he watched his brother curl inward to protect himself from the blows, but as he looked down to the boy in his arms his resolve solidified. He pulled his coat from his shoulders and gently wrapped it around the pale, trembling boy to help ease his chills. He then used his strings to grab up the revolver he had previously dropped. Gladius was right. Commander Rosinante was marine scum and a traitor. He had done enough damage to their family.
The blond closed the distance between himself and the other man lying prone on the ground. Rosinante looked up at his coming death, and attempted with every ounce of his remaining strength to get up to grab Law from the pirate, but whatever was wrong with his legs wasn’t allowing him to stand. Instead, he was only able to manage to roll to his back and prop himself into a sitting position so he at least would not be on his belly like a worm when death came to him.
As Doflamingo approached, with Vergo and Pica flanking either side of him, Gladius stepped back from Rosinante. He was glad that the young master had listened to reason and was going to take action against this bastard.
Doflamingo stepped up to his brother and pointed the barrel of the gun towards the other’s chest. The sound of the hammer locking into place was almost deafening in the silence, but then he felt a tug on the lapels of his jacket. Doflamingo looked down into a pair of bleary, golden eyes that were filled with tears.
“Please don’t do it,” Law whispered in a small and broken voice. The boy appeared to be struggling to keep his eyes open and his hand was shaking as he kept hold of Doflamingo’s clothing.
The older male licked his dry lips while looking into Law’s eyes. For the first time since he had met the boy, there was emotion reflected within their depths that was not rage, nor was it hatred. In fact, the pirate had a difficult time comprehending the softness of the gaze until the younger broke eye contact to turn his head in an attempt to see where Rosinante was. Once he spotted the man sitting on the ground, the faintest of smiles edged the corners of his lips for a fraction of a second before he closed his eyes and turned back towards Doflamingo again.
Tears began to roll down the sides of his face into his black hair, leaving streaks in the dirt and blood on his face. When Law opened his eyes again, he looked directly at Doflamingo and pleaded, “Please let him live. He means a lot to me.”
The ache in Doflamingo’s heart grew at the boy’s words and he dropped his weapon for the second time. Bringing his fingers up to Law’s face to brush back his hair, he ran his thumb along a swollen bruise over his right eye. The frown deepened on Doflamingo’s face as he made note to have a private conversation with Vergo once they were all safely back on the Numancia later about his treatment of this child.  After a few more moments passed, he looked over to where his brother was panting on the ground, still clutching his injuries. 
“Let’s go. Gather the treasure and get back to the ship. The marines will be here soon.” he ordered his men as he turned away from the traitor for the last time. It hurt too much to look at him any longer, and he wasn’t sure he would be able to keep from killing him if he didn’t walk away. As much as he hated what had been done to himself, he knew he could do this favor for his son.
“But, young master!” Gladius began to protest while looking at Rosinante with disgust.
“I said, let’s go! I should not need to repeat myself!” he shouted in return while grabbing the man by his coat and tossing him unceremoniously towards the bay. Gladius stumbled a few steps before catching his balance and then he shoved his hands in his pockets while stomping through the snow. He would obey his captain, but he didn't have to like it.
Doflamingo pulled his coat a little tighter around Law's body to help keep him warm, but the child struggled weakly against him. The feathers blocked his view of Cora and he needed to tell him something. Once the teen was sure he had the other's attention, he gathered what was left of his strength and called out in a loud voice, "Thank you, Cora-san! I won't forget you!" Law then collapsed against Doflamingo's chest, gasping slightly as he fought to stay conscious.
Rosinante felt his heart skip a beat at the boy's words, and in the back of his mind he wondered if perhaps Doflamingo hadn't killed him after all and now he was in hell. When he had started this journey, it had been to keep a child from becoming another monster like his brother. Along the way, he had come to know the child and had learned how truly lost and broken that boy was, and how much he really just needed someone to love him.
As the realization set in that he had failed that child, Rosinante couldn't stop the burning ache that filled his chest. The dark hopelessness consumed his very soul and he felt like he was drowning in the despair of it all. "I'm so sorry, Law! Please forgive me!!" he cried out as he fell forward into the bloodied snow. There, Rosinante continued to wail as his heart broke, and he grieved for the child he knew he had just lost to a pirate that was more demon than man. 
It took everything in Doflamingo not to turn back as he heard the cries behind him. He ground his teeth and clenched his fists while holding tightly onto Law. All he could think of was how much his brother sounded as he did after the death of their father. It was the final proof that he was nothing to his brother and family consists of the ones who choose to be there, not those that happen to share the same blood.
As he stepped onto the deck of his ship, Doflamingo swore vengeance on those responsible for this. He would be sure to recompense double for what the Marines have done to his family, and the Heavenly Demon always pays his debts.
In the distance behind him, his revolver lays forgotten in the snow.
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toraodwaterlaw · 3 years
Taken Apart
After Vergo’s attack, Corazon escapes to the coast with Law. They’re both alive for the time being, but duty soon pulls them apart. 
Pt. 1 of a 2 part CoraLives!AU story. 4.5k, minor warning for a panic attack and for non-graphic description of Law dissecting/experimenting with his powers on himself.
Everything hurt down to the rough chop slap of waves against wood. Law groaned and forced his eyes open. If he wasn’t in so much pain, he would have thought that everything that had happened on Minion had been a dream because he was back on the ship that had ferried him from island to island over the last six months. He lifted himself on trembling limbs and slumped into a seated position.
The towering blond was hunched over on the far side of the small vessel, his blood stained shirt and coat discarded while he wrapped bandages around his torso. He froze for a moment and then continued tending to his wounds. At first Law thought that maybe Cora hadn’t heard him. His voice was frustratingly weak, even to his own ears. Then Cora sighed, put the bandages aside, and pulled his shirt and coat back on.
“Commander Donquixote Rosinante from the marine headquarters,” he said, voice low and clear. “Marine Code 01746.” When he turned around, Law saw that there were tears forming in his eyes. “I’ve been with the navy from the start. I’ve been undercover so that I could try to prevent my brother from causing a tragedy in the future.”
Law had known or at least suspected most of this for some time. Then he thought of the message he’d foolishly delivered into Vergo’s hands. Was Cora upset with him for ruining his years long mission? He looked away at the angry grey sea and then back at the man— the marine— in front of him. “Why are you telling me all of this now? I already knew.”
Cora hung his head. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I didn’t want you to hate me.” He shook his head and blinked. “Wait— you knew?”
“Of course I knew. I’m not stupid.”
“No. No you’re not.” Cora’s startled expression softened as the start of a smile crept on to his face. “But if you knew, why did you ask me before?”
Law balled his hands into fists and wriggled in place. “I just wanted to see how you would answer. To know if… if you cared enough to lie about something like that. For me.”
Cora huffed out a soft laugh. He reached a long arm toward Law and then aborted the gesture. Instead, he got to his feet, his smile gone. In its place was a grim, determined look that Law hadn’t seen since Cora had confronted him about his full name months ago.
“You asked why I was telling you this now.”
He nodded his head back to the cliffs behind him. Law followed the motion and craned his neck to try to figure out what he was supposed to be looking at. There, at the top of the snow lined rocks, was what appeared to be a giant cage. He must have made some sort of face because Cora nodded in response.
“Doffy is up to something,” Cora said. “I don’t know what but I do know there are marines there who are probably in a mountain of trouble. I can’t let them face the Donquixote Family alone. Not when…” His eyes shut and when he opened them again there was a fire there. “It’s my responsibility to stop him.”
Law was beyond tired and so it took a moment for the pieces to fall together. When they did, his heart plummeted. “You’re going back?” He grabbed the side of the boat to push himself up to his feet. Between his exhaustion and the rocking from the waves, it was all he could do to keep upright. He squeezed his eyes shut while he fought back the turning of his stomach. “I’m coming with you.”
Cora frowned at him. “Law… You can barely stand.”
“And you were shot. A lot.”
Law took an angry step forward. The whole world seemed to pitch around him. He braced for a fall into the water and instead found himself in Cora’s hands. The world continued spinning and he realized he hadn’t upset the boat. He was just too ill and weak to move around in a boat without making himself dizzy.
It made him furious. He felt tears prick at his eyes in his anger.
The entire top of his head was enveloped by a large hand. “As angry as Doffy might be, I’m his brother. He won’t kill me. I’ll be back,” Cora said. “It’s you and the Op-Op fruit that Doffy wants. So what I need is to know you’ll be there when I come for you. That means you need to get out of here, start figuring out that fruit of yours, and get better.”
Law lifted a hand and looked down at it. He’d felt something the moment he’d swallowed down his first bite of the bitter fruit. Since then that feeling had only grown. He couldn’t yet figure out the shape of it but he could see the outlines.
That didn’t mean he agreed with leaving Cora behind. Unfortunately Cora knew him well enough by now to head off any argument.
“Calm.” Law felt the now familiar subtle tingle of Cora’s powers washing over him. Cora took a long legged step back. He pulled up the anchor and then grabbed hold of the rope that would take him back up the cliff. “This will ensure that you and anything you touch is silent. It will help you slip away without anyone noticing so that you can get to Swallow. Wait for me there. I won’t be more than a day or two.”
Law marveled when he was met with absolute silence as he slapped his hands on the wood of the boat. His eyes widened and that drew out another smile from Cora. Law scrambled to his feet, ready to latch onto Cora’s leg if he needed to. Before he got more than a handful of shaky steps, Cora was already partly up the rope with his foot on the bow of the ship.
Something about the way he was looking at him made Law stop. Cora’s smile became so wide and bright that it seemed at odds with the cloud filled sky above. Law blinked up at him.
“Law…” Cora’s smile broadened even further, reaching impossible levels. “I love you.”
With that, he kicked off the boat and set it adrift. Despite his frustration at being sent away, Law couldn’t help but smile himself. That feeling settled in his heart and bubbled into silent laughter. A sudden gust caught the sail and before he could do anything to stop it, the ship had carried him away from the rocky shores of Minion. Law didn’t move. He stayed rooted in place, unblinking, until Cora disappeared from view.
That effervescent feeling faded fast as the sounds of battle increased. Gunfire echoed through the air and still there was that strange, horrible cage. Law tried to focus on sailing to Swallow as Cora had instructed but he couldn’t stop from looking over his shoulder at the island he was leaving behind.
His vision started to blur so he swiped a hand across his eyes to wipe away tears, only to find there were no tears there. He shook his head but still his vision failed to clear.
All Cora had asked of him was to survive and he couldn’t even do that.
Then he realized he’d heard himself speak, which meant Cora’s powers had worn off. His chest tightened. He could feel panic welling up. Now was not the time for that. He had to look at it rationally. In all likelihood, Cora had redirected his energy somewhere more important or Law had simply travelled out of the range of his powers. He wasn’t sure if that’s how these things worked but they had to abide by some sort of rules. Cora had told him that Devil Fruits weren’t magic. They had their limits.
But there was nothing he could tell himself that would stop him from seeing Cora riddled with bullets, the snow beneath him turning red.
Law’s breathing quickened until each gulp of air was too shallow to sustain him. He felt his lungs burn and he started to cough. His vision, already blurred, darkened at the edges. He braced himself by putting his hands on his knees but it wasn’t enough to stop him from swaying. Hot tears welled up and fell from his cheeks as he cursed his body for betraying him at every turn. At this rate he was going to black out and then there was no saying what would happen to him. If he was lucky, he’d regain consciousness before he drifted too far off course. Unlucky and Doflamingo would find him after eluding the marines once more.
He curled into himself and wrapped his arms around the back of his head. He was so tired of it all. He wanted it all to be over. For weeks now, he’d been ready to lay down and wait for the end. In all likelihood, he would have given up a long time ago if not for Cora. He owed it to Cora to keep fighting.
He squeezed his arms tighter to shut out the sound of his own rasping breath, of slapping waves, and distant canonfire. His heart skipped an uneasy beat and a shiver ran through him. He suddenly felt very aware of everything wrong in his body. It wasn’t simply a matter of feeling the pain and numbness in his skin or the fire burning in his lungs. This time he felt aware of every organ— practically every cell— in his body as though he could see them spread out before him like a frog sliced open for dissection.
He slowly unwound his arms and lifted his head. He looked down at his hands, turned palm up. He looked the same but he felt different. It felt like if he tried hard enough, he could see the deposits of lead that had painted his flesh white. He blinked and realized what he had taken for a continued haze in his vision was actually some sort of blue glow. When he reached out he could feel a light buzzing film around him. He was, it would seem, surrounded by a sphere of energy. It reminded him of the way Cora’s powers worked.
Was this the manifestation of his own powers? He had no sooner noticed it when it disappeared by withdrawing into him. Try as he might, he couldn’t make it appear again. He had no idea what he’d done to summon it in the first place.
He had more immediate problems, though. The sea had grown choppier as wind picked up. If he continued to let himself be buffeted by the elements, he could end up capsized. Knowing that his powers were really there, even if he couldn’t yet figure out how to access them, helped to focus him. He could survive this. He would survive this.
With that thought in mind, he wrangled the ship back under his control and finished sailing to Swallow. He’d spent a lot of time at sea since he’d joined the Family and especially in the last six months as he and Cora jumped from location to location, but he’d never been more eager to reach land than he was at that moment. It felt like a finish line in an impossibly long race. 
Law gathered what he could from the supplies left in the boat.  A knife. His pack with a change of clothes and a bedroll. Flint. It was the most he could easily carry on his own and should be enough for him to hold on until Cora returned. He jumped out of the boat as soon as he felt the bottom scrape land. The shock of the cold water jolted him wide awake and then, just as suddenly, sapped all the energy from him. He had just enough strength left to make sure he fell forward rather than back. He pulled himself over the rocky shore until the water no longer lapped up on his boots.
Law cursed his stupidity. He’d been with the Family long enough, rescued a stumbling Cora enough, to know what happened to Devil Fruit users in sea water. He should have remembered. And even if he hadn’t remembered that, he knew better than to jump into waist deep icy waters. He needed to get inland and start a fire. Before he could worry about figuring out his new abilities or curing the Amber Lead, he needed to get warm.
He braced himself with a breath and pushed up onto trembling legs. He mustered his energy to push the boat back out to sea. If things went as planned, Cora would come for him. If not… he didn’t want to leave an obvious trail for Doflamingo to follow.
He followed the shore for some time to further confuse the trail by avoiding making tracks in the snow. He continued that way until he found a copse of trees. The snow wasn’t quite as deep under the pines and it would give him cover for a short time. He walked to the middle of the pines before he collapsed against one of the trunks. He got dry clothes from his pack and tossed the wet ones aside after he’d changed. It was tempting to gather wood and make a fire now, hope that he would be safe there until Cora came, but he knew better. That wasn’t why he’d stopped anyway.
He remembered his parents spending long days and night puzzling out medical problems. If he could figure out what the Op-Op was capable of, he might be able to do what they’d never gotten a chance to. So he would think things through the way they would have— he would take what facts he had and work from there, one step at a time.  He was lost now but he wouldn’t remain that way. 
First, he knew he had the power, he just needed to know how to draw it out. Second, he’d done it by accident on the ship. Third, it seemed to take the form of a sphere. That was a place to start. If he could visualize what he’d seen and what he’d felt, he might be able to do it again.
He held out his hand. He tried to recall every detail, no matter how miniscule, of what had happened earlier. There’d been the subtle, numbing tingle of it and a somewhat unnatural, antiseptic taste on the back of his tongue. It had an observable outer membrane that created a sphere around him. Within that sphere, he’d felt a sense of control. He’d felt as though he was not only aware of every hair on his head, every cell in his body, but that he could manipulate it all if he wanted. If that was true, he really could be free of the curse born into his blood.
There! A whirling blue ball appeared in the center of his palm. If he concentrated on it, he could make it bigger. Soon it was the size of his fist, his head, and then his entire body. He pressed the edges of it until it surrounded him and the bases of the trees around him. As before, there was a sense that he could manipulate anything around him. There was certainly a temptation to grab hold of the lead in his flesh and rip it out but, on consideration, he decided the trees would make better test subjects.
He looked at the trunk closest in front of him. He flicked his wrist in an attempt to uproot it. The portion inside the sphere shuddered but, ultimately, remained in place. He tried again with more force behind his gesture but found the same results. He stopped to consider further. Perhaps a tree was too large for him to manipulate or perhaps the problem lay in the fact that he only had a portion of the plant under his control. Maybe a mixture of the two. Whatever the case, the focus of his next trial would be something smaller.
After a quick glance at his surroundings, he settled on a fallen branch. He moved his hand upward and the branch followed. It made circuits through the air, lifted by nothing but his will. He was about to see if he could move two different objects, when his strength abandoned him all at once. The blue sphere shrank back to nothing as exhaustion fell on him like a blanket. He slumped into the snow beneath it. He could do absolutely nothing but watch the thin rise and fall of his chest.
Not the result he’d hoped for but it was still progress. He’d learned that there was a price to pay for his powers. The strongest barrier of what he could do was his own limited stamina. That was something he could work on but he had next to no energy these days and it would stay that way until he’d extracted all the lead from his system.
What he wouldn’t give for a frog to dissect with his new powers. Any animal would do, really, but that was the one he’d practiced on most in the past and so would make the best starting point. He didn’t have a frog though. He also didn’t have time to go hunting for a suitable replacement.
Law bit his lip and held up a hand. He didn’t have the time to do this right. He needed to act. Maybe not on a hand, however. As a surgeon those were the most important tools he had. He eyed his booted feet. He’d rather not lose any limbs, if he could help it, but he needed a part of him that he could easily look at. He pulled out his left boot, carefully placed it aside, and then did the same with his sock. The biting cold against his bare skin made him wince. 
Easier than before, he summoned up the blue sphere. He had a moment to muse that he needed a better name for it as he expanded it just enough to envelop his foot. It felt like it used less energy the smaller it was. He needed to find a balance between the energy it took to sustain the bubble and the energy it took to do things within it.
He grabbed the knife he’d taken from the boat and held it with shaking hands against his ankle. He wished he had a scalpel. Likely he didn’t need anything at all, given he’d been able to manipulate a stick without so much as touching it, but the weight of a tool in his hands felt reassuring. Cora had said this wasn’t magic so he would treat it like any other medical procedure. This knife would be his scalpel and the space he controlled, his operating room.
He sucked in a breath and cut downward. His whole body tensed in reaction to what he knew was about to happen and he flinched despite himself. When he forced his eyes open and saw his foot disconnected from his leg, a wave of dizziness washed over him. He wasn’t the squeamish sort. Any last scrap of him that might have been had disappeared while he hid amongst dead bodies to survive. That didn’t mean that he was prepared to see himself chopped to bits.
After a few steadying breaths, he realized something. It wasn’t bleeding. It also didn’t hurt. He’d written off the initial lack of pain as shock but surely it should hurt? All it felt was cold. That’s when he noticed he could not only still feel what it felt but could move his toes if he tried.  Despite the crudeness of the knife, the cuts were remarkably clean as well. He’d still feel better with better tools on hand but it seemed, if needed, he could operate with whatever was on hand.
He aimed the knife at his foot again and sliced a few more times. His foot fell to the ground in four neat pieces. There was a sort of numb tingle along the cuts but otherwise no sensation to speak of along the incisions. He picked up one of the pieces of his foot and examined it. The tissue all seemed to be functioning as usual despite being about as far from usual as it could be. What was more, when he focused in, he could sense each of the component parts. If he tried hard enough, he was sure he could manipulate every capillary, tendon, and bone at will. Everything within this operating room was his to control. For the first time, he truly felt like he could be rid of the Amber Lead as he felt it sluggish in his veins.
A scream broke through the winter air and snapped Law back to the present. He froze in place as another followed and shouting came after that. Two— no— three voices disrupted the silence. The smart thing to do would be to stay still and hope that whoever they were, they didn’t come this way, but then he heard a call for help. One of the voices was begging the others to stop. He thought of his futile pleas to Vergo and his hand tightened around the knife. He wasn’t in a mood for bullies.
That meant it was time to see just how much power he actually had. He quickly and carefully realigned the disparate quarters of his foot and pressed them back together. They reconnected as though they’d never been cut at all. Any other time he would have been eager to experiment further but right now he had some skulls to crack.
He quickly reattached the foot and let his powers die away as he pulled on his sock and boot once more. He sheathed the knife at his belt and took off at a run toward the voices. He marvelled at the fact that just moments before his foot had been in pieces on the snow and now he was running as though that had all been a fever dream. It was a good distraction from the rage bubbling up inside him as the first voice was reduced to whimpers.
He could see now where the sounds were coming from. Two boys about his age were standing with bats in hand over a bloodied lump on the ground. It looked like a polar bear but it was wearing clothes. This close Law could hear the bear saying ‘sorry’ again and again, so it clearly wasn’t a normal bear. He remembered a story Cora had told him and his brain supplied the word— Mink. Here was a creature he’d never hoped to see and they were treating it like a monster.
Law could hear his teeth creak, he was grinding them so hard. “Leave him alone.”
The two boys looked up at him. The redhead spat on the ground at Law’s feet. “Why should we?”
“Yeah,” said the other, the one with a hat that said ‘penguin’ on the front. “What are you gonna do about it, kid?”
They both leaned down to talk to him, as though to emphasize how much taller they were than him. If that hadn’t worked for Cora, then it was hardly going to work for them. Law almost pitied them.
He dove forward quickly and punched the redhead in the gut so that he dropped his bat as he doubled over. He knocked the other off his feet with a low, sweeping kick. While they regained their bearings, Law summoned up his powers. The bubble of his Room, as he’d decided to call it, enveloped them all. He ran on pure instinct and gestured at the both of them. They lifted off their feet and then crashed into each other. He then tossed them into a snow bank. He was sorely tempted to use his knife, knowing they wouldn’t be seriously injured, but he could feel himself running out of energy. Until he knew if he could put them back together outside a Room, it wouldn’t be worth the trouble of a good scare.
He felt his knees wobble beneath him. He cancelled the Room before it stretched him too thin. Rather than wait to see if the pair of bullies got back up, Law walked up to the still cowering bear. The bear shrank even further into the snow. It looked up at him with small, dark eyes. He was almost cute.
Not that Law noticed such things. No, he was focused on the injuries the bear had sustained. He tried to approach to see if there was anything he could help with.
“I’m a doctor. Training to be one, anyway. I can help.”
It wasn’t exactly the full truth but he had been further expanding his medical knowledge while serving under Doflamingo. Besides, he figured it was probably more reassuring at the moment than saying he was a pirate. Or former pirate. Or whatever he was now that he’d pissed off his captain for good.
Not that it mattered. The bear put his paws on his head. “I’m sorry,” he whined.
Law huffed. He ran a hand over his face and took the opportunity to gather his fraying patience and energy. He wasn’t in the mood to coddle. “You didn’t do anything. Now come on. I can help you.”
The bear peered out from behind one paw. “You made them float.”
“And you threw them.”
Law crossed his arms and glared at the two dark lumps in the snow. “Well they were hurting you weren’t they? I can just stop helping, if you want.”
The trounced boys groaned. However they planned on reacting to their thorough beating, they’d be up soon. Law nodded at them to indicate as much. When the bear did nothing to react, he shrugged and started to walk away. A paw wrapped around his wrist.
“Actually, um, uh… sir?”
Law snorted at that. “Law.”
“I’m, uh, Bepo. Not that you asked. Sorry.”
Law pinched the bridge of his nose. He felt dizzy. He needed to get somewhere to rest. Soon. It looked like two hobbling teenage boys had other ideas. They’d picked themselves up out of the snow and were coming toward him.
“Hey you,” penguin hat said.
Law put a hand on his knife and turned back to Bepo. “Come on.”
The redhead. Law could hear footsteps getting closer. He spun around, knife in hand. “Don’t try it.”
Penguin hat put up his hands. “That’s not—”
Law readied for another fight. His body had other ideas. The corners of his vision had gone fuzzy and his stomach flipped over on itself. He could see the boys mouthing something at him. Logically he knew they were speaking but he couldn’t hear a word. It didn’t matter. He could beat these fools even if he was only half conscious.
Another step toward them, knife raised, and everything went black.
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op-sheepy · 3 years
500 word drabble because I needed a break. Also I accidentally deleted an ask and couldn’t remember whether it was asking about a WIP or asking me to post an excerpt of a WIP. Sorry Anon. Have this instead?
As soon as his men left on his orders, he turned back to the clearing and addressed the shadow that had been tailing him.
“You can come out now. You haven’t exactly been discreet so I’m assuming whatever it is you want, it involves getting me alone.”
It took a blink and a rush of air then there was suddenly someone in front of him. If he was surprised, he didn’t show it, mind already going through a mental catalog of abilities to identify which one it was he’d just witnessed.
The young man was definitely familiar—one of the young upstarts from the North. A foolhardy bunch, this newest generation of pirates, but he supposed he shouldn't complain since it made capturing them so much easier. The more reckless they got, the better, and what could be more reckless than seeking him out?
“Rice Cracker.”
He froze, breath momentarily stuck. They were random words. Meaningless and out of place. It wasn't as though it was hard to associate him with them but they shouldn’t have been spoken out at all, especially with the clear intent to gauge his reaction. He schooled his expression but the tenseness in the other’s stance meant he wasn’t doing a very good job at it.
He could just get things over with, not really above performing impromptu executions especially with criminals whose recklessness was only exceeded by their impertinence. But he was known for his patience. Whatever game was being played, he did not intend to lose though was curious enough to see so he waited.
Slowly, cautiously, the young man stepped to the side as though making a move to circle him like a predator. He would have scoffed but the grim expression on the other's face gave him pause. The words out of the pirate's mouth sounded less like a taunt and more of a confession.
"One."Another step.
He followed the movement trying to determine whether there was a deeper meaning to the counting.
"Seven." The movement stopped and the gaze turned expectant.
Not a count.
The sudden thud of his heart beating was drowning out all other sounds so he forced himself to focus on the movement of the pirate's mouth.
Questions burned at the back of his throat and his hands itched to wrap around the pirate's neck to keep him in place. An answer to many sleepless nights of wondering had presented itself in front of him but his tongue felt heavy in his mouth.
When the dust settled, there was a crater on the ground and empty air between his fist. He turned around to see the man, ways away, eyeing him warily.
"You—" They both began and held back at the same time.
The noise from the impact drew the attention of his men back. With one last reluctant look at him and a heavy tsk, the pirate disappeared.
The next week, Trafalgar Law's newest bounty poster had a revision: Alive Only.
In case it wasn't clear, "Rice Cracker" was one of the codes Sengoku and Rocinante used (i think) and 01746 was Rocinante's marine code. The former was overheard by Law (not that Roci was trying hard not to get overheard) and the latter was mentioned when he was confessing to being a marine while Law was in that chest. The combination of the two should only be known to three people (probably). At least that's what this was based on.
Thanks for reading. :)
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