#mare mahariel
greypetrel · 1 year
I might have asked @heniareth the same question but I'm really curious with your crew - what mythological creature would your characters be? Why?
This is a very interesting question and it was a difficult one, so thank you!! Gave me a lot of food for thoughts, and I have to say that Raina was the most difficult one to find. I may change my mind in a week time, but for now...
Aisling Lavellan: Unicorn.
It had to be some sort of horse, right? Well, the Unicorn is solitary and shy, extremely difficult to capture and even more to tame… But it has many medicinal properties: if you drink from its horn will be protected from poison and various other ailments. When alive, the unicorn can use its magical horn to purify poisoned water for other animals to drink. It's also fierce enough to fend off every hunters and fight and win against elephants, according to Medieval bestiaries, and can be tamed only by young girls. At the same time, alongside this older and more wild interpretation, today it has come to mean something peculiar, something fluffy and peaceful and pretty. And for Aisling this is the main dichotomy: You won't give a dime to her at a first glance, she'll seem naive and innocent and too air-headed… It's quite the contrary, actually, watch her as she'll take down single-handedly enemies thrice her size and comment the fact as Elle Woods. "What, like it's hard?"
Alyra Mahariel: Kitsune.
Kitsune are fox spirits in Japanese folklore, they're very powerful and a protective creature, whose main power is metamorphosis. The more they grow, the more they become powerful, gaining many tails to show their power. You can have good kitsune, serving the goddess Inari and guarding her shrines and bringing messages between the earth and the goddess, and bringing prosperity to the worshippers (Inari is the deity of rice cultivation), or they can be terrible tricksters called Nogitsune. They turn into humans, with some fox-like features, and possess women to prey on them and trick men they dislike. Alyra is like that. A fox, unpredictable, will totally trick you at need, you should not, by any means, belittle her, will pass as most of anything and convince you that she's a noblewoman, sure. Keep in her good graces and she'll bring prosperity to the land, otherwise you gained an enemy that will make you spit blood, metaphorically and not.
Raina Hawke: Hippogriff.
A creature considered an epytome of something impossible, it's the offspring of a mare and a male griffin: It has the front half of an eagle and the hind one of a horse, it's impossibly fast and can fly around the earth and even reach the moon. It was invented in the poem Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto, and he says that the hippogriff can only be ridden by magicians… But it's a vital steed for the wandering knight Ruggiero to free Angelica, and Bradamante lends it to Astolfo to fly over the moon and get back Orlando's wit (… Orlando = Roland, same hero). Beside me fangirling over that poem which is not as popular as it should: the Hippogriff is considered something impossible, in a treaty over heraldry it's defined as "ugly, inartistic, and unnecessary"… Except for the fact that in the poem, it is very necessary for the plot, as dangerous as it is. So yeah, something that shouldn't exist, but it does, you may think it's ugly or unconvenient or pointless… But take it away, and the princess stays in the villain's grasp, and you can say farewell to your hero's mind.
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malefiquinn · 3 years
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Warden Mare Mahariel
Champion Lyra Hawke
Inquisitor Hermia Lavellan
Comissioned to @/caminukai on Twitter 💖 #DragonAgeDay
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nerdierholler · 5 years
OC Battle Music
I was tagged by @enchantment1385, who came up with this amazing idea, and @heraldofwho to list some battle music for my OCs. For the sake of this not getting too long, here where the first ones to come to mind.
Ithlen Lavellan Mahariel- Aenema by Tool  - It’s a song about the shallowness of LA but it’s also angry and done with everything which can definitely be Ithlen. How many times does she have to save the world again?
Some say the end is near // Some say we'll see Armageddon soon // Certainly hope we will // I sure could use a vacation from // This bullshit three ring circus sideshow
Enarin Lavellan - The Market Place at Limoges from Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky - It’s happy and cheerful in that Bugs Bunny cartoon kind of way where Bugs is dancing around Elmer Fudd to confuse him except at the end instead of having their hat pulled down over their body the baddies are covered in stab wounds and dead.
Hawke - MacArthur Park by Donna Summer - Because a serious song that turns into funky disco with ridiculous lyrics is 100% Hawke’s style.
Hawke singing dramatically to very confused raiders: “Someone left the cake out in the rain. I don’t think that I can take it, ‘cause it took so long to bake it and I’ll never have that recipe again. Again! AH-HA!”  Disco beat drops and everyone goes charging in. Fenris: Do we have to do this every time? Hawke, Varric, and Isabela: Yes. Fenris: But it doesn’t make any sense. Hawke, do you even own a yellow cotton dress? Hawke: *stabs someone from behind* Doesn’t matter!
Marie Shepard - Seether by Veruca Salt - Mare is trying very hard to hold it together. Sometimes it doesn’t work.
I try to rock her in my cradle // I try to knock her out // I try to cram her back in my mouth, yeah // Can't fight the seether
Izzy Ryder (and Liam) - Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye) by Steam - This song has nothing to do with killing people, at all, but it’s pure gold from a sarcasm perspective.
Izzy, charging her biotics up: So dog-gone willin' // So kiss him Liam (in the background): I wanna see you kiss him, wanna see you kiss him Izzy: Go on and kiss him goodbye, now (Biotic charge is GO) Both: Na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
I’m also tagging (if you want, no pressure) @slothssassin, @valleniel, @trash-effect, @bronzeagelove, @continuous-spec, and @katajanokka and everyone else who wants to. Give me those sweet sweet music selections.
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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years
Dragon Age Questions
I wasn’t tagged but I wanna!
01) Favourite game of the series?
DAI. No contest. That game saved my life after getting out of a toxic relationship.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
Been a BW fangirl ever since the olden Baldur’s Gate days.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
Too many to count. Doing a replay right now.
04) Favourite race to play as?
While I love the elven backgrounds, all of my main OCs are human ladies.
05) Favourite class?
In DAO: Rogue. In DAII: Mage. In DAI: All equally!
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
Same decisions each time on Main.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
DAO: Leliana, Alistair, Zevran pre Landsmeet, after the Landsmeet: Loghain, Leliana, Morrigan
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Rhiannon Cousland. While both Desideria and Drusilla are extremely dear to me, Rhia wins by default. She’s been with me for nearly 20 years now (She was originally my Imperial Canon Nerevarine in TES: Morrowind) and I’m STILL adding and discovering nuances.
09) Favourite romance?
LOGHAIN! *Coughs* Okay.
DAO: Zevran
DAII: Merrill
DAI: Blackwall/Solas
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I peeked into the Gaider series bc of King Maric (And having heard that he mentions Loghain) but I am not interested in King Alistair.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
I only read the first two and dropped Asunder mid book. TME isn’t Canon in my ‘verse. The Calling is better than TST, esp. Maric & Loghain acting like an old married couple. Though it infuriates me that so much material that makes Loghain’s behavior at Ostagar (Distrust of Wardens, tactical retreat etc.) is buried in material 90% of the players will never read.
12) Favourite DLCs?
Trespasser. Bar none.
13) Things that annoy you.
The Alistair favoritism in DAO. To the point that Alistair still acts like a king when he’s not and the companions don’t react to his exile or frigging EXECUTION. The sexism towards Queen Anora. The sea of bugs that is Awakening. The size of some DAI maps and their emptiness. The gift system in DAO. 
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
15) Templars or mages?
Mages. Drusilla Trevelyan goes for Templars of the Just while the other half of her party goes to Redcliffe but I myself love the mages.
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I did a few AUs with Rhia. Stardew Valley. Pillars of Eternity. Baldur’s Gate. A DA AU with @thecrownedserpent‘s lovely Hadiza Trevelyan as Inquisitor & Rhia as HoF. I am playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker with Desideria (Hawke) atm. The other origins exist in the Rhia ‘verse. Morgana Lyonesse Amell tutors Connor and eventually marries Bann Teagan. Tara Surana is the party’s main healer (Wynne came along though) and eventually marries Fergus Cousland. She reigns as Teyrna and occupies a seat in the Landsmeet. Myrna Tabris is the Hero of the Alienage and became Bann of the Alienage. Eluned Mahariel is Dalish ambassador at Queen Anora’s court. She later becomes Arlessa of Denerim, Chancellor and Queen Consort. Livia Aeducan becomes Livia Cadash after  being exiled and becomes a trader at Skyhold. Astya Brosca becomes King Bhelen’s sister in law and thus moves up from Duster to one of Orzammar’s highly sought marriage prospects. She rejects them all and stays with Leske. Unmarried. It’s quite the scandal!
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Rhia’s mabari is named Gorion and Desideria’s mabari is called Styx. Drusilla Trevelyan has a black war horse, a mare named Ruffian. 
18) Have you installed any mods?
Way too many.
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Absolutely not.
20) Hawke’s personality?
Mainly blue and red with a dash of Purple. Desideria 
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Rhia: Get out of bed sooner that night at Highever. Gorion had been barking for a while. She may have been able to save Oriana and Oren then.
Desideria: Save her mother in time. Distract that ogre to save Bethany.
Drusilla: Talk to Solas after the loss of the orb
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Way too many to list them all!
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Not really, no. Though I drew a lot of inspiration from Empress Elisabeth of Austria for Rhia.
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
Stroud bc Loghain is topside leading the siege with Cullen and Alistair is Warden Constable at the Vigil.
26) Favourite mount?
I don’t use them a lot but THE PURPLE NUG!
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cow-wizard · 6 years
OC Songs
tagged by @hoehoehoelt and wow this is going to be a long post (smash that mf skip post if u don’t want to read a bunch of song titles (i’d use links but they don’t work anymore! thanks, staff!!!)
Vatasala Hawke -- “The Wild”, Mumford & Sons (this is from their newest album, Delta, which I highly recommend everyone listen to, it’s very different from their old stuff but very good!)
Ella Hawke -- “42″, Mumford & Sons (also from Delta)
Dhaveira -- “Don’t Lose My Number”, Phil Collins (I also recommend listening to NSP’s cover, Danny’s voice fits the song so well)
Shiloh Lavellan -- “King of Pain”, The Police
Ash Lavellan -- “Owner of a Lonely Heart”, Yes
Adrian Lavellan -- “Genghis Khan”, Miike Snow
Nydha Lavellan -- “Family”, Dry the River
Rion “Stabby” Lavellan -- “I’m Alright”, Kenny Loggins
Noel Trevelyan -- “The Man”, The Killers
Alex Trevelyan -- “The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty”, P!atD
Maxwell Trevelyan -- “No Sunlight”, Death Cab for Cutie
Lilian Caron -- “Distant Early Warning”, Rush (I feel this song fits a lot of wardens)
Celeste Caron -- “Your Heart is an Empty Room”, Death Cab for Cutie
Saeris Sabrae -- “Message in a Bottle”, The Police
Falon Mahariel -- “Thistle & Weeds”, Mumford & Sons 
Aeron Mahariel -- “I Feel It Coming”, The Weeknd
Finn Cousland -- “Queen of Peace”, Florence + The Machine
Mare Surana -- “Shake It Out”, Florence + The Machine
Sol Amell -- “Walk”, Foo Fighters
Lou aka Trashfire (my overwatch oc) -- “You May Be Right”, Billy Joel
tagging anyone who wants to do this!! (just tag me in ur post!) hhhh i’ve been working on it for too long now. can’t think anymore
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malefiquinn · 2 years
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malefiquinn · 3 years
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Happy #DragonAgeDay <3
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malefiquinn · 5 years
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The more things change, the more they stay the same
My canon Warden, Mare Mahariel, leaving the ruins of Ostagar vs. a quiet moment, *finally*, around 9:42. With the love of her life by her side, no matter what ❤
Happy #DragonAgeDay!
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malefiquinn · 4 years
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The Warden
The Champion - The Inquisitor
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malefiquinn · 4 years
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You are my home
OC / Ship aesthetic: Mare Mahariel edition
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malefiquinn · 5 years
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My DA canon girls. Introducing:
Warden Commander Maren'nirane -Mare- Mahariel
Champion Lyra Hawke
Inquisitor Hermia Lavellan
Dragon Age showed me that women can change the world, and I’ll be forever grateful for that. Happy #DragonAgeDay!
And they will get better screencaps as soon as my new monitor gets here. Ahem.
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malefiquinn · 5 years
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I have decided to replay my canon Warden, Marennirane “Mare” Mahariel again, now with mods and better monitor for screencaps, and I’m enthralled by the result! She’s just too pretty.
And let’s not talk about the 3 unfinished pts I already have plsthanksbye
Ferelden, here we go again!
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