toxooz · 1 year
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sketch of the dragon gworls 👹🌸
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hello! just wondering do u have any Kari & Ollie art cooking? miss those two and their insane size difference 😔😔😔
YEAH trust me i got plenty of ideas for them that i simultaneously wanna draw but my dumbass is so backed up with everything i wanna draw atm 😂
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yunnitina · 10 months
Party timeee!!!!💜🎊🎊
Mangul having a blast:>
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444names · 1 year
black speech and adunaic names
Abagdushil Abalêthôr Abark Abrahind Abârigûr Abârû Abârûnas Abêth Adbul Adfall Adûnam Adûni Adûnê Agark Agarrâmagar Agarrâmanam Agast Agdufthagar Aglad Aglan Aglaval Aglugbúr Agrised Agânê Amauhúrz Amânê Anaglû Anamânitîr Andild Anges Anlords Anlore Anloven Anlowel Anuzîr Aphan Aphar Apharz Apheady Aphel Apher Aratth Arazog Arazru Arbaz Arknesse Arrâmagel Arwar Athakal Athân Athôn Attârûnê Avanabârik Avangen Avarmill Avernesse Azruhúrz Azâyan Azâyany Ballak Ballen Balôn Baraz Barrâmath Barwarû Bathar Bather Belitir Belzôr Blabâr Bladûn Blahipbuil Blanguagess Blerû Bless Blimra Blimrazôr Bollanlo Buglahavrat Build Builzagenel Butchels Bênîlûn Bêthuroth Búrzân Búrzâyany Castar Castenel Cition Citîr Danast Darbath Dower Dowerû Downfait Dushagûl Dushilzag Dushin Dushinzil Elise Elzôr Faity Floon Flore Flormath Flover Flowelissed Foamants Foamîn Forgol Forguaglug Forgul Forld Frien Frient Gastarû Gaster Gifth Gifthôr Gimbutch Gimild Gimilzagen Gimin Giminab Giminaglûg Gimindles Giminzil Gimir Gimlabên Gimra Gimradan Gimrady Gimradûn Gimrahagâni Gimrahar Gimrahilded Gimramân Gimraphar Gimratir Gimratthôr Gimraz Gimrazaglúk Gimrazog Gimrazruzîr Gimrazân Gimrazôr Gimru Gimruhúrz Gimruzîr Goisse Goldeation Golded Golladfal Gorban Gorbarz Gorgoi Gorgul Gorgulbên Gormaglad Gormangesse Grath Grathel Grazmormild Greyflo Grien Harbattâr Helised Helitivent Hilar Hindless Hinzilzôr Hipoten Homen Homni Homnitîr Horgolded Horgolg Horguagûl Imild Imilzaglak Iminakal Iminul Imrahak Inadratth Inagazôr Inagladî Indiladûn Indild Indler Indlest Inuzîr Inzided Inzighter Inzilnit Inzilnithôn Inzilzôr Inziminzil Jection Jectir Jectivents Jewer Jewervalm Jewes Jewest Kheatir Khânity Kinabâr Kinzida Kinzil Labagar Labâr Ladbuilabâr Ladra Lagardaug Lagûl Lahil Larrâmaglû Laverû Limradûn Limrazog Loods Lorbaz Lorldeatth Loverval Lowernestar Lownfal Lownfas Lurahil Luroten Magar Magazâyand Magelzôn Magladfait Manadûnê Manamân Mangen Mangest Mangestea Mangul Manlo Mants Manuzga Mathuron Matth Matthâd Maught Mauhúrz Mauhúrzân Maurothân Mester Milbên Mildend Millô Milni Milzars Milzôr Minuzîr Minzillen Minzilnipoi Morbal Mords Mulkh Muzga Muzgard Muzîr Nabratthôr Nadauhin Nadûn Nagast Nagelida Naglúk Nakalm Namanlo Nashomni Nastaram Nastarath Nasten Nimlahil Nipwrissed Nitîr Nîlûn Objech Objechea Objection Objewes Objewess Omest Pashin Pastlenel Phadî Phadûnê Phagess Phagûrî Pharû Phavent Phaver Pheadûnagân Phealth Pheaval Phernes Phernessea Pilbên Pildeatthôr Pilder Piller Pilzaglûg Pilzôr Plugduf Plught Plugladûnê Potentark Razânity Reallakhôr Realêth Reyflo Reyfloc Roter Roterval Royaglû Royan Royanam Rôthân Rôthânê Sakalagar Sakalêth Sakhân Sauglar Sauglû Sauhilded Sauhúrz Saurubêl Seada Seadî Seave Sernest Shgods Shgoi Shgold Shgord Shilkh Shinaglûg Shipoi Shipoishind Shipwriss Shnákhôr Shords Slack Sladûn Slagendil Snabalarwar Snadûn Snagân Snamânithân Speechel Speechelf Speection Speective Stalkh Stalô Starman Starûn Steall Stents Stlesse Swore Sworgul Swormattâr Theliss Thelitive Therûnê Thful Thuroter Towel Towess Townfalth Townfastall Târien Târiss Tûbar Tûbark Tûbarmilzôr Ufthân Ugdushinzil Valthuron Wesse Westal Worbazog Woread Worealth Worgolg Yagânâtê Yagânê Yalkhe Yangestar Yants Yôzân Yôzâyal Yôzâyangul Yôzâyanwë Zagas Zagath Zagelimrady Zagestler Zaglack Zaglady Zagladûn Zaglúk Zagûrî Zarat Zarmanwë Zarmilkher Zarwarbar Zided Zighteaven Zigûl Zilbalô Zillenel Zilni Zilnitiven Zilzaglave Zilzagûr Zimbuilded Zimbuilni Zimil Zimilan Zimillar Zimlahadûn Zimramân Zimraz Zimrazru Zâyal Zâyanul Âriend Ârûnê Êruhúr Êruhúrz Êrush Êruzîr Êthuroyan Êthân Êthâni Êthôn Îbanagân Îbazog
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woopdoo · 1 year
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Wher Rhe sbumb I Warnk The Of I Draable The The Squeet mangule Strant I Stunt tour Strick and I Earnt To larglo The Splum globala ❤️
the worst ask you've sent me so far
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koval-nation · 5 months
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158) Murzalar, Мурзалар, Мырҙалар - plemię należące do grupy Aylin Baszkirów. Drugie imię Murzalar Baszkirów to Uleshte (baszk. ɨləshə). Potomkowie Murzalarowitów mieszkają w regionie Salavat.
Podziały klanu:
Shaitan (Ayu).
Przodkowie ludu Murzalar byli częścią sojuszu plemion Pecheneg-Oguz ze stepów Syrdarya i Aral w VII-IX wieku. Na południowym Uralu, Murzalarowie początkowo zajmowali zlewnie rzek Ai, Belaya, Yaik (Ural), Uy i Miass. Pod naciskiem klanów Tabyn pod koniec XV wieku lud Murzalar i reszta ludu Aylin przenieśli się na północny wschód od współczesnego Baszkortostanu (przepływ Aisk-Yuryuzan). Dołączyli do państwa rosyjskiego pod przywództwem Kursaja Beja Batyra. Współcześni mieszkańcy Murzalar mieszkają głównie w regionie Salavat: Murzalar-Mechetli, Kusepey, Akhun, Iltai, Musat, Beshevlyar, Yaubulyak, Kuselyar, Arkaul, Mahmut, 1. Idelbay (Badrak), 2. Idelbay (Badrak), Tashaul. Ara Aksyuash mieszka głównie w rdzennej wiosce Murzalar Masetlehe (Aksyuash jest przywódcą zbuntowanych Baszkirów z Murzalar 1681-1684, jego syn, brygadzista volost Kortkasyk Aksyuashev jest także wybitnym przywódcą buntownika Murzalar 1735-1740. Jego wnuk Symak ​​Kortkasykow i jego syn Asman Symakow brali udział w wyborze Karasakala na chana, po klęsce w wojnie Kazachowie uciekli do Środkowego Żuzu), a także w osadach mieszanych (kurort Jangantau, Czulpan, Sargamysz, Komsomoł, Urmantau, w ośrodkach regionalnych Mesegut i Maloyaz itp.). Yu. A. Evstigneev zalicza lud Murzalar do plemion pochodzenia mongolskiego. Łączy ich z Myrza-Jalairami, potomkami Jalairów. Jak pisał R. G. Kuzeev, wśród ludu Murzalar krążą legendy o Mongolii jako ojczyźnie ich odległych przodków. Według jednej wersji etnonim „Murzalar” jest pełną kopią mongolskiej nazwy plemiennej Tayjiut. Prawdopodobnie w czasach Złotej Ordy niewielka grupa Mongołów z Taijiut przeniosła się do Baszkirii, gdzie na lokalnym podłożu zorganizowano el (aimak) o tej samej nazwie. Później etnonim Taijiutów, według tej wersji, został przetłumaczony na język baszkirski i przyjął formę „Murzalar”.
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bounpassion · 4 years
🌺Album BounPrem🌺
©️Boun Ig Update 200901 #mangumagazine - fashion content
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ferkey · 3 years
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Thank you to #ed_piskor and #jimruggart from #cartoonistkayfabe on YouTube for making me aware of #mangull ! https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHyM2PALdQ/?igshid=3zouksr36h5n
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uphindia-world · 5 years
Teaser Of Akshay Kumar Starrer 'Mission Mangal'
Teaser Of Akshay Kumar Starrer ‘Mission Mangal’
The makers of ‘Mission Mangal’ released the first look teaser of the film on Tuesday. The video showcases the “incredible” story of the launch of India’s first satellite to Mars.
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It starts with the visual of a satellite launch followed by scientist Rakesh Dhawan (played by Akshay Kumar’s) commanding his teammates for initiating the launch. The teaser also gives us a glimpse of Vidya Balan, who…
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catricks · 4 years
im always worried im not touching the world gently enough or at least the nice things in it. i think something is that the best or most beautiful or most impacting art is less like an object than something hollow like a circle or a tree or a celestial cloud of dust with a force of gravity and the work is like accretion. but you never actually see the centre because inherently its impossible to see or name or describe - it’s something bigger and more sublime than human communication can accommodate for. and by not trying to force it into a shape, by letting it be experienced through the negative space of the art, it’s more honest and true to its reality than forcing it could ever be. im always trying to explain things to myself but sometimes explanation is mangulation and i dont think i have the sensitivity etc for it... maybe one day
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toxooz · 3 months
So exactly how big is mangule gang? I remember a kinda old art piece you did with ponti turning back smiling and infront of him is hundreds of red eyes in the dark. So how big was this damm orphanage? Are all of them from Bruce pits or Is it like...most are but others just joined in from other places in the city? You did say the main way of joining was for ponti beating the shit outta you and you surviving.
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the overall 'gang' is indeed fukkin huge since it's just monsters from different parts of the city and even entire gangs within the cult but as far as her (and Ponti's former) squad its just Mawface, Eli, and Lili since they tend to stick together the most and only Ponti, Mangule, and Lili are from the same orphanage and a select few others, and a lot of them were from the underground fighting industry who idolized Ponti and Mangule and wanted to see them even after they got rescued (which also contributed to Ponti's ego issue and carrying on his violent ways despite the opportunity to change), but Mawface was just a runt who was eventually abandoned so Ponti took him in but yeah it's just a huuuge group of monsters that got connections throughout the city 👍 and i feel like Ponti's bullshit initiation was only every other one he probably didn't do it to every single member but he would definitely assert his dominance over everyone in some way or another for sure 🤔
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O Great and Mighty Toxooz, keeper of the beefy man tits, fat incubus orc ass, and juicy dragon coochie, would you, mayhaps, ever consider drawing Ollie and and Ponti fukkin? Just absolutely going at it? Much respect to your time and preferences, I ask not as a formal request, simply my humble wonderings if such a thing might ever be a possibility. I bow to thee, O bestower of hot monster porn and most excellent comics.
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Love Vashikaran Specialist India , Gaurav Sharma +91-9878980338
Vashikaran Specialist India
Vashikaran is a word that defines the art of controlling someone through holy mantras and mechanisms. Vashikaran Specialist India  Vashikaran is a professional expert who is well versed with every aspect of Vashikaran so that best ablution services can be provided. Here, we introduce you to the Vashikaran Specialist in India, a noted astrologer of India's famous gold medal winner, who has a long tenure of previous experience while serving the society with the Division of Vitalization Services.
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Love Vashikaran Specialist India
People usually face problems in their personal and professional life, for which they are looking for all the solutions in their lifetime. But there can be difficult issues that keep them struggling over time. It can lead them to the bouts of depression and really can ruin them, they can deprive them of happiness and comfort in their lives. Love Vashikaran Specialist India At such a time, when everything else fails, astrology can change as grace saved. In this ancient science there are a large number of remedial measures to deal with diverse issues in relationships and careers, including abetment, mangulic defects and upwardly formulating defects. But to ensure that these upayas give beneficial results, Vashikaran Specialist India someone must present the services of an expert astrologer who knows everyone about the practice and performance of these upayas.
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Pandit Gaurav Sharma Contact no +91-9878980338
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doanthomas · 4 years
nepali girls jungle me mangul
nepali girls jungle me mangul
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leedsomics · 4 years
Challenges and recommendations to improve the installability and archival stability of omics computational tools.
Related Articles Challenges and recommendations to improve the installability and archival stability of omics computational tools. PLoS Biol. 2019 06;17(6):e3000333 Authors: Mangul S, Mosqueiro T, Abdill RJ, Duong D, Mitchell K, Sarwal V, Hill B, Brito J, Littman RJ, Statz B, Lam AK, Dayama G, Grieneisen L, Martin LS, Flint J, Eskin E, Blekhman R Abstract Developing new software tools for analysis of large-scale biological data is a key component of advancing modern biomedical research. Scientific reproduction of published findings requires running computational tools on data generated by such studies, yet little attention is presently allocated to the installability and archival stability of computational software tools. Scientific journals require data and code sharing, but none currently require authors to guarantee the continuing functionality of newly published tools. We have estimated the archival stability of computational biology software tools by performing an empirical analysis of the internet presence for 36,702 omics software resources published from 2005 to 2017. We found that almost 28% of all resources are currently not accessible through uniform resource locators (URLs) published in the paper they first appeared in. Among the 98 software tools selected for our installability test, 51% were deemed "easy to install," and 28% of the tools failed to be installed at all because of problems in the implementation. Moreover, for papers introducing new software, we found that the number of citations significantly increased when authors provided an easy installation process. We propose for incorporation into journal policy several practical solutions for increasing the widespread installability and archival stability of published bioinformatics software. PMID: 31220077 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] http://dlvr.it/RNgSRy
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ambeann · 5 years
Yumdda & Changmo - Don't Touch My Phone (Feat. Zoorumpug) Lyrics
Yumdda & Changmo - Don't Touch My Phone (Feat. Zoorumpug) Lyrics
[Single] 돈 Touch My Phone Artist: 염따 & 창모 (CHANGMO) Genre: Rap/Hip Hop Release Date: 2019.10.04 Lyricist: 염따, 창모 (CHANGMO), Zoorumpug (주럼퍼그) Composer: 염따, 창모 (CHANGMO), Zoorumpug (주럼퍼그) Arranger: 염따, Zoorumpug (주럼퍼그)
We're sorry, we can't romanized this whole b-side tracks due to limited time and staff. If you want to request, please fill out the form on the request page. Thank you
Romanization geudael wihamyeon nan da jul suisseoyo donggeuran donggongeul bomyeon da jugo sipeoyo Don’t Touch My Phone It’s not love Don’t touch My Phone It’s not love Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby neoreul wihae myeongpum jigap hwaljjak yeoreodu humchyeobojima nae bimilbeonhoneun aiku Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby neoreul wihae naega cha mun yeoreodu jeoldae haendeuponeun mot yeoreojwo aiku gyeryongyeok jihasil haetbichi eopji namnyeo gongyonghwajangsil sunseoga eopji neoga omyeon urin bunwigil tago neon ollatago geuncheoeseo juun sopa geu wieseo urin all night Kiss Kiss Kiss geureoda baegopajimyeon hansot gaji neorang isseumyeon nan hwaksini chago pillyo eopji taro bureul kkeuji nan urin nuwoseo Purple vibe geunde nunchi eomneun allam ttururu don’t touch My Phone it’s not love don’t touch My Phone it’s not love Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby neoreul wihae myeongpum jigap hwaljjak yeoreodu humchyeobojima nae bimilbeonhoneun aiku Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby neoreul wihae naega cha mun yeoreodu jeoldae haendeuponeun mot yeoreojwo aiku teureonwa TYLER kkeo huh iben bubble gum huh gyaeneun chumeul chwo huh poni geup ullyeo brrr urin geori saram nuneul pihallyeo noryeokaenne ireonge cheominikka geuttaen naege ige iri anin seollemdeulman gadeukaetdeon Fantasynikka nunen ttaeron iseuri goyeo geureon yeorin mangul ttohan pretty, mian yeoneu nalcheoreom tto domangchyeo gapbun achasan wichi hoteriya dureun mak eorin tireul nae akkan ijeobeoryeo dari neoreul binnae deureogane seoro gipge mameul geondeuryeo deep deep deep deep makin love seupikeoneun TYLER eumak teureo gapjagi poni uril banghaehae heeojimui bulssiga doel call don’t touch My Phone it’s not love don’t touch My Phone it’s not love Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby neoreul wihae myeongpum jigap hwaljjak yeoreodu humchyeobojima nae bimilbeonhoneun aiku Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby neoreul wihae naega cha mun yeoreodu jeoldae haendeuponeun mot yeoreojwo aiku Hangeul 그댈 위하면 난 다 줄 수있어요 동그란 동공을 보면 다 주고 싶어요 Don’t Touch My Phone It’s not love Don’t touch My Phone It’s not love Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby 너를 위해 명품 지갑 활짝 열어두 훔쳐보지마 내 비밀번호는 아이쿠 Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby 너를 위해 내가 차 문 열어두 절대 핸드폰은 못 열어줘 아이쿠 계룡역 지하실 햇빛이 없지 남녀 공용화장실 순서가 없지 너가 오면 우린 분위길 타고 넌 올라타고 근처에서 주운 소파 그 위에서 우린 all night Kiss Kiss Kiss 그러다 배고파지면 한솥 가지 너랑 있으면 난 확신이 차고 필요 없지 타로 불을 끄지 난 우린 누워서 Purple vibe 근데 눈치 없는 알람 뚜루루 don’t touch My Phone it’s not love don’t touch My Phone it’s not love Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby 너를 위해 명품 지갑 활짝 열어두 훔쳐보지마 내 비밀번호는 아이쿠 Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby 너를 위해 내가 차 문 열어두 절대 핸드폰은 못 열어줘 아이쿠 틀어놔 TYLER 꺼 huh 입엔 bubble gum huh 걔는 춤을 춰 huh 폰이 급 울려 brrr 우린 거리 사람 눈을 피할려 노력했네 이런게 첨이니까 그땐 내게 이게 일이 아닌 설렘들만 가득했던 Fantasy니까 눈엔 때론 이슬이 고여 그런 여린 망울 또한 pretty, 미안 여느 날처럼 또 도망쳐 갑분 아차산 위치 호텔이야 둘은 막 어린 티를 내 아깐 잊어버려 달이 너를 빛내 들어가네 서로 깊게 맘을 건드려 deep deep deep deep makin love 스피커는 TYLER 음악 틀어 갑자기 폰이 우릴 방해해 헤어짐의 불씨가 될 call don’t touch My Phone it’s not love don’t touch My Phone it’s not love Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby 너를 위해 명품 지갑 활짝 열어두 훔쳐보지마 내 비밀번호는 아이쿠 Baby don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone don’t touch my phone baby 너를 위해 내가 차 문 열어두 절대 핸드폰은 못 열어줘 아이쿠 English Translation N/A Hangeul and Info by Genie Music Romanized by K-Lyrics For You English Translation by N/A K-Lyrics For You Lyrics, Korean Song, Kpop Song, Kpops Lyrics, Korean Lyrics from Yumdda & Changmo - Don't Touch My Phone (Feat. Zoorumpug) Lyrics http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2019/10/yumdda-changmo-dont-touch-my-phone-feat.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea Yumdda & Changmo - Don't Touch My Phone (Feat. Zoorumpug) Lyrics http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2019/10/yumdda-changmo-dont-touch-my-phone-feat.html
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