gameforestdach · 1 year
Eine Leaking-Enthüllung lässt darauf schließen, dass Fans, die nach einer PC-Version von Bloodborne suchen, seit Jahren im Unrecht sind. Eine Windows-Version des PS4-Kultspiels könnte tatsächlich existieren. Bloodborne-Fans fordern seit Jahren einen PC-Release Screenshots von einer Windows-Version des Spiels wurden auf der offiziellen Wiki entdeckt Screenshots sind seit Jahren auf der Wiki-Seite vorhanden Blutiges Geheimnis enthüllt Viele Fans der Action-Rollenspiereihe und insbesondere des PS4-Spiels Bloodborne wünschen sich seit Jahren eine PC-Version des FromSoftware-Klassikers. Nun hat Lance McDonald, ein bekannter Leaker der Souls-Reihe, Screenshots auf der offiziellen Bloodborne Fandom Wiki entdeckt, die anscheinend mit einer Windows-Version des Spiels gemacht wurden. Screenshots: Echter Beweis einer PC-Version? https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1660129358235996161 Der betreffende Screenshot wurde mit der Debug-Kamera in einer Windows-64-Bit-Version von Bloodborne gemacht und ist schon seit Jahren auf der Wiki-Seite zu finden. Es handelt sich hierbei um Szenen aus der letzten Zone des Bloodborne-DLCs „The Old Hunters“. Dies legt nahe, dass FromSoftware tatsächlich eine PC-Version des fertigen Einzelhandelsreleases hatte bzw. haben könnte. Entwicklungstechnologie unterstützt die These Die heutige Spieleentwicklungstechnologie macht es durchaus denkbar, dass FromSoftware an einer PC-Version des Spiels gearbeitet hat. Überraschen würde es also nicht, wenn der Entwickler tatsächlich eine lauffähige PC-Version besitzt. Spekulationen und Hoffnungen Obwohl es bisher keine offiziellen Neuigkeiten bezüglich einer PC-Version von Bloodborne gibt, weiß man, dass FromSoftware in der Lage ist, hochwertige PC-Versionen ihrer Spiele zu entwickeln und zu veröffentlichen. Die Gründe, warum Bloodborne bisher nicht für den PC erschienen ist, bleiben allerdings reine Spekulation und sind letztendlich irrelevant, da dies nicht in den Händen der Fans liegt. Zukünftige Releases und DLCs In Erwartung möglicher zukünftiger Veröffentlichungen können wir nur hoffen, dass Bloodborne eines Tages seinen Weg auf den PC findet. Fans der FromSoftware-Spiele können sich jedoch darauf freuen, dass der erste DLC für das kommende Spiel Elden Ring mit dem Titel Shadow of the Erdtree noch in der Entwicklung ist und somit weitere Abenteuer verspricht. Schlussfolgerung Die Existenz einer internen PC-Version von Bloodborne bleibt ein interessanter Fund. Während wir weiterhin auf eine offizielle Ankündigung hoffen, können sich Fans zumindest darüber freuen, dass FromSoftware stets an neuen Projekten arbeitet, um ihre Spieler zu begeistern.
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muse dash cheat codes
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Cheat codes de PLITCH para Muse Dash. Hello everyone, I developed a Muse Dash mod loader and some mods. Now we have these mod: Custom albums Discord plus (Show the album cover on. Muse Dash for PC, MAC, Windows | Geeky Tips. More information bingo blitz free credits hack how to enter cheat codes in bingo blitz bingo blitz credits. Tormented Souls Cheat Codes: Submitted by: David K. TV dial puzzle: Written by Satsujin Jiken You don't need extra items for the. Muse Dash - PC. Al fin la pude desbloquear uwu #Thegirlinblack #MUSEDASH #Videojuegos 血◎) RT: @manfightdragon I found a cheat code in NieR Automata (snip). Cross river university of technology logo, Cheat engine nba 2k15, Open the bay doors hal siri, Audrey couture muse collection, Cheat codes of gta san. DARTINGLY DARTLE DARTLED DARTLES DARTLING DARTS DASH DASHBOARD DASHBOARDS HINTER HINTERLAND HINTERLANDS HINTERS HINTING HINTS HIP HIPBONE HIPBONES. A new cheat code! - Seeded speed runs! and so much more! click here for full list Geometry Dash.
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snailborne · 5 years
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This is crazy awesome to see, and puts me in the mood for another DS3 run.
Linked their YouTube channel as the source :)
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hideous-armor · 4 years
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marthfador · 5 years
So there’s a guy that’s been popping the camera out on the PT and taking a look at things as he plays and he’s learned that as soon as you get the flashlight, Lisa is pretty much following you and causing all the creepy stuff that’s going on! Isn’t that neat!!!
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noticiasdevportal · 2 years
Elden Ring: jogador faz descoberta que pode indicar futuro modo PvP para o jogo
Elden Ring chegou há poucos dias para os jogadores e, após apresentar alguns problemas, pode ter permitido (ou não) que seus exploradores acessassem uma área “escondida” no jogo, o que pode indicar um futuro DLC com modo PvP (jogador contra jogador) para o game. A descoberta foi feita pelo usuário conhecido Lance McDonald, que encontrou uma grande estrutura semelhante a uma arena e divulgou por vídeo no YouTube e Twitter.
“Elden Ring provavelmente receberá um DLC de arena multiplayer em algum momento no futuro, com base neste vídeo fora dos limites que gravei de uma área atualmente inacessível no jogo”, escreveu o gamer.
Elden Ring will probably get a multiplayer arena DLC some time in the future based on this out-of-bounds video I recorded of a currently inaccessible area in the game. https://t.co/rMx1JvhIGj
— Lance McDonald (@manfightdragon) March 6, 2022
O vídeo mostra um espaço parecido com um teatro no estilo Coliseu e com uma grande área central aberta, além de três entradas separadas e uma grande estrutura com assentos. A parte externa da estrutura é visível no mundo aberto de Elden Ring, mas por ora ela está inacessível através da jogabilidade regular.
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Os jogos anteriores da FromSoft, incluindo Dark Souls e Dark Souls 3, adicionaram modos de arena PVP no DLC pós-lançamento, o que traz ainda mais vazão sobre a finalidade da arena no jogo. Além dessa, no entanto, existem mais duas arenas trancadas, na qual a exploração de outros gamers mostrou que os espaços também são ricos em detalhes e provavelmente cenário de um conteúdo futuro.
De acordo com o Gamespot, Lance McDonald já é bem conhecido por suas descobertas exploratórias durante os jogos. Ele identificou um conteúdo cortado em Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice e revelou segredos sobre jogos de outros desenvolvedores, como em God of War, da Santa Monica Studio e Sony.
Já assistiu aos novos vídeos no YouTube do Olhar Digital? Inscreva-se no canal!
O post Elden Ring: jogador faz descoberta que pode indicar futuro modo PvP para o jogo apareceu primeiro em Olhar Digital.
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olibavee · 6 years
amygdalan-arm replied to your post: i am absolutely reeling from learning about how in...
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crowsister-archive · 6 years
RT @manfightdragon: PornHub algorithm: “I see you searched a certain type of porn, let me recommend more videos of the same type to you” YouTube algorithm: “I see you searched a certain type of gaming video, let me recommend many videos of men who look like human breadloafs shouting about feminism”
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Final NieR: Automata Secret Discovered Nearly Four Years After Launch
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  It's always intriguing when a game that's been a fan favorite for years still has some tricks hidden deep within it. That's been the case with NieR: Automata for a while now, but one diligent player finally uncovered the last hidden secret, three years and 10 months after the action game's initial 2017 launch.
  The secret in question is a cheat code that lets players skip to the last ending and unlock bonus modes right after beating the first boss. According to @manfightdragon, who invested "hundreds of hours of reverse engineering" into this discovery, this isn't a glitch, but a hard-coded cheat. 
  Here's the tweet about the discovery, which was shared by game director Yoko Taro. If you've yet to play NieR: Automata, you'll want to stop reading now to avoid spoilers and, hey, why not play it? It's an incredible game. 
  I found a cheat code in NieR Automata that allows you to skip to the last ending immediately after killing the first boss and unlock the bonus modes. I'll do a full video soon. It's not a glitch, it's an actual cheat code hard-coded into the engine. @yokotaro pic.twitter.com/FtuNPovq6F
— Lance McDonald (@manfightdragon) January 3, 2021
  And, as promised, here's the full video showing the trick in action: 
    Looks like we'll soon have a bunch of new any% speedrun records! 
  Via Destructoid
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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gamezeroindonesia · 3 years
Lance McDonald, Peretas yang Berhasil Temukan Cheat Dalam Game Nier:Automata
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Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan game Nier:Automata, ini adalah sebuah game dengan genre RPG yang dipublikasikan oleh Square Enix. Game ini sendiri pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2017 silam. Setelah hampir 4 tahun aman dari ancaman cheat yang dapat merusak keseimbangan game. Akhirnya pada tahun 2021 ini seorang peretas berhasil membongkar cheat tersembunyi game Nier:Automata. Seorang peretas yang dikenal dengan nama Lance McDonald menggemparkan ranah gaming setelah berhasil menemukan Cheat ini. Melalui unggahan di twitter pribadinya, ia mengaku berhasil menemukan cheat tersembunyi dari game Nier:Automata yang memungkinkan pemain melihat ending dari game ini. https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1345615588106780672 Twitter/manfightdragon Video unggahannya di twitter telah di tonton sebanyak hampir 1 Juta views. Menanggapi hal ini direktur dari game Nier:Automata Yokotaro membenarkan terkait adanya cheat ini. Dirinya melakukan re - tweet terhadap postingan dari Lance McDonald dan mengatakan butuh 3 tahun 10 bulan untuk mengungkap cheat yang memang sengaja ditanamkan didalam game. https://twitter.com/yokotaro/status/1345714490067746816 Twitter/yokotaro Perlu diketahui bahwa ini bukan merupakan cheat dimana seorang peretas melakukan tindakan eksploitasi terhadap video game guna mendapatkan sebuah keuntungan. Namun ini adalah cheat yang diterjemahkan kedalam kode mesin yang berhasil ditemukan oleh Lance McDonald. Cheat ini sendiri bisa diaktifkan setelah berhasil mengalahkan boss pertama pada game. Setelahnya Lance McDonald mengatakan bahwa ia bisa menemukan ending yang sebenarnya dari game ini yang sudah ditutup - tutupi selama hampir 4 tahun oleh pihak pengembang dengan adanya cheat ini. Sekedar informasi tambahan bagi kalian yang belum kenal dengan sosok Lance McDonald. Ia adalah seorang peretas video game yang kerap melakukan aksi - aksi hacking terhadap beberapa game besar seperti Bloodborne, Dark Soul 3, Seiko dan yang terbaru Nier:Automata. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0tqppZDYxw Youtube Lance McDonald Read the full article
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Control Debug Tool Reveals Possible DLC Focusing on Side Character
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/control-debug-tool-reveals-possible-dlc-focusing-on-side-character/
Control Debug Tool Reveals Possible DLC Focusing on Side Character
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Future DLC for Remedy Entertainment’s Control
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may have been inadvertently revealed after a YouTuber used the game’s debug tool on PC to discover a hidden mission reference.
Discovered by YouTuber ManFightDragon and first reported by PC Gamer, the evidence seems to be a mission name that’s absent from the main game, but possibly focuses on a side character.
Control E3 2019 Screenshots
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For those unfamiliar, a debug tool allows a developer to test various parts of a game before release. Oftentimes, to save time or money, a developer might just put an unused asset somewhere the player can’t find it. ManFightDragon managed to use Control’s debug tool to find a possible reference to DLC, which you can see at the 5:20 mark in their YouTube video.
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In this case, Control’s debug tool allows users to jump to any mission, and in addition to the names of the main story missions, ManFightDragon discovered a mission titled “St01_MM_04_Marshall_START_Plus_PS4_SM15_Dlc.”
The “Dlc” tag at the end is a pretty clear indication that the mission is intended as future content for Control. Conveniently enough, “Marshall” is also a primary character in the game, the head of security for the Federal Bureau of Control. You meet Marshall, a roughly mid-60’s black woman, in Control’s fourth mission, where the security director and protagonist Jesse Faden seem to develop a stiff relationship with one another before moving onto the more pressing matter of Hiss creatures invading the Bureau.
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It’s possible that DLC for Control could make Marshall the player character, or at least focus on developing her character further.
For more on Control, read our review, or check out our tips for combat against the Hiss, how to unlock every psychic ability, or our entire walkthrough.Joseph Knoop is a writer/producer for IGN, and he wishes giant font appeared in front of him whenever he walks into a room.
Source : IGN
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Modder discovers PS1 emulator hidden inside MediEvil PS4 • Eurogamer.net
But don’t get your hopes up.
It turns out the MediEvil PlayStation 4 remake has a PSone emulator hidden inside – although it doesn’t do much.
Intrepid video game modder Lance McDonald – of P.T. discoveries fame – took to Twitter to reveal the find, but also to confirm the only thing this emulator is good for is running the original PSone version of MediEvil.
Oh wow, do youse remember how in the PS4 remake of Medievil you can unlock the original PS1 version of the game? Turns out there?s a whole PS1 emulator in there. Silent Hill running around 4K on a PS4 Pro is … not perfect ? pic.twitter.com/tM3pSTaDjq
— Lance McDonald (@manfightdragon) July 18, 2020
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The PS4 remake of MediEvil lets you unlock the original PSone game, as a fun Easter egg for fans, really (you have to complete all 19 souls challenges). But does this emulator mean you can play other PSone games on PS4? Unfortunately, no.
As McDonald shows, other games, such as Silent Hill, are pretty much broken using this MediEvil emulator.
“Syphon Filter doesn’t even get past the 989 Studios logo,” McDonald continues. “Wild Arms gets to the main menu but no further. Seems like a bust to me. I had to patch some breakpoints out of the emulator to even get Silent Hill as far as you saw above. I’m not really gonna look any closer at it.”
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A bust, then. But the find does bring to mind the PS4’s lack of backwards compatibility. The PlayStation 3 has a software emulator, which means you can put in any disc and it works. But the PS4 drive doesn’t support CDs, so Sony’s latest console can’t do it.
Thoughts naturally turn to the upcoming PS5. Will Sony enable full backwards compatibility with PSone, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games on that console? Hopefully we’ll find out soon.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/modder-discovers-ps1-emulator-hidden-inside-medievil-ps4-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=modder-discovers-ps1-emulator-hidden-inside-medievil-ps4-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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dsbeans · 4 years
Some Demon's Souls Remake screenshots. pic.twitter.com/U28qI5wn5p
— Lance McDonald (@manfightdragon) June 11, 2020
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corporativoarcanos · 5 years
DESCUBREN POSIBLE DLC DE CONTROL #Juegos #CONTROL #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Noticias
DESCUBREN POSIBLE DLC DE CONTROL #Juegos #CONTROL #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Noticias
El futuro contenido descargable para el título más reciente de Remedy Entertainment, Control, puede haberse revelado después de que un YouTuber utilizara la herramienta de debug del juego en PC para descubrir información que hace una referencia a una misión oculta.
El YouTuber en cuestión es ManFightDragon, la evidencia parece ser un nombre de una misión que está ausente del juego principal,…
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gaminghardware0 · 5 years
It sure looks like Control is getting DLC
Control may have only just come out, but evidence of potential DLC has already been uncovered. Last week, while playing around with the game’s debugging tools, YouTuber Manfightdragon found file strings that could point to new content.
As noted by PC Gamer, much of the video (which you can check out further down this article) focuses on free camera and different visual effects, but it also outlines a way to jump to any mission in the game. It’s at that point, around the 5.20 mark in the video, that the first reference to new content is uncovered.
At that point, buried in a lengthy drop-down menu, viewers noticed a mission titled St01_MM_04_Marshall_START_Plus_PS4_SM15_Dlc. The most obvious clue there is the inclusion of the letters ‘DLC’ at the end of the string, but another hint lies in the word ‘Marshall’. Helen Marshall is an important character within the main game, so a repeat performance in an expansion doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility.
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RELATED LINKS: Control review, Control setting, Control weapons from https://www.pcgamesn.com/control/dlc
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