#mana wave media
fancypantsrecords · 10 months
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Tatreal - Art Of Rally Original Soundtrack | Serenity Forge | 2022 | "Sunset Galaxy" Pink & Purple Swirl + Orange & Yellow Swirl
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zeldauniverse · 6 months
Lawrence Manning's Trio of the Goddesses vinyl records now available
It seems to be a great season right now for Zelda music enthusiasts. Mana Wave Media published a new vinyl record series featuring the album “Trio of the Goddesses” by renowned musician Lawrence Manning. She has arranged and composed 16 pieces of music in all that contain nostalgic tracks from almost every single game in the Zelda franchise, from the very first Legend of Zelda all the way to…
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freehawaii · 1 year
Also Legal Action To Stop A Second Wave Pool, The Cultural Cost Of Name-Stripping, Hawaiian Progress At The UN & “Pacific Way” - A New Movement
The June “Free Hawaii News” show reveals details regarding why the Office Of Hawaiian Affairs has dropped its nation-building efforts. “For years the Office of Hawaiian Affairs attempted to sell its phony nation-building plan via federal recognition to Hawaiians,” states Free Hawaii News co-host Leon Siu. “In the process, OHA wasted many millions of Hawaiian beneficiary dollars. We hear from OHA Trustee Mililani Trask who explains who was behind it, why it failed and if a day of reckoning is coming.” The June Free Hawaii News also airs an important segment on the practice of name-stripping  - changing the original Hawaiian names of places to english names. “Name-stripping is an insidious practice everywhere colonialism and illegal occupations of countries occur,” remarked Free Hawaii News co-host Hinaleimoana Wong. “Itʻs a simple way to make native peoples strangers in their own homeland and in Hawai`is case force kanaka maoli to identify themselves the way the US dictates. We explain exactly how name-stripping has sown its deliberate confusion in Hawai`i.” Our June show also includes Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o, an update on progress for Hawaii at the United Nations as well as a report on the “Pacific Way,” a new movement gaining steam throughout Oceania. Brought to you by the Koani Foundation, Free Hawaii News airs the first Friday evening of every month on channel 53 of `Ōlelo Television on O`ahu at 6 PM and on all neighbor islands. Check local listings for times. The purpose of the show is to present Hawaiian or kanaka maoli perspectives on a broad range of topics and issues affecting the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific and the world. The hosts of “Free Hawaii News” are Hinaleimoana Wong and Leon Kaulahao Siu. Hinaleimoana Wong is a kumu hula, filmmaker, cultural activist, Hawaiian language speaker, preservationist and community leader. She has served as a member of the O`ahu Island Burial Council. Leon Siu has for many years served as Foreign Minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He is active in that role at the United Nations in both New York City and Geneva, Switzerland. Besides being a diplomat, he is also an award-winning musician, composer and political analyst. “Free Hawaii News” is online at FreeHawaiiNews.com, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites.
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popmusicu · 17 days
A Brief History of Visual Kei
Back in class, when we discussed the challenges of growing up in Chile, I was transported back to my younger self. It was a time when the internet was just becoming accessible for everyone, and I stumbled upon the phenomenon of "urban tribes" flourishing among Chilean youth.  Drawn by my interest in anime at the time, the tribes that captivated me most were those with a Japanese influence.
But how is this related to the question about growing up? Since I saw this ‘urban tribe’ phenomena I immediately felt attracted to the fashion and musical concept of the Visual Kei ‘tribe’, which kind of awakened in me a sense of wanting to belong but back in those years, I was really young, and lived in a small city far away from Santiago and all the events that were happening about the topic, so I just limited myself to watch and learn about the Visual Kei subculture.
Since Visual Kei became a growing interest in my life, my intention today is to give you a brief overview to its history and characteristics. As a disclaimer, the Visual Kei history is quite long, so I’ll just approach general aspects based on the descriptions of the subcultures we discussed about in class.
Visual Kei (ヴィジュアル系 – Visual Style) is an aesthetic and musical movement that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s, primarily in major cities like Tokyo. Heavily influenced by imported punk, metal, rock, and their derivatives, Visual Kei was born from the desire to break free from the stereotype of "irreproachable and collected behavior" ingrained in Japanese culture.
Some sources credit the band Visual Scandal, formed in 1979, with coining the concept of "visual violence" or "visual shock" to define this disruptive style. Later, in the mid-1980s, the emergence of bands like X (later known as X JAPAN), Seikima-lI, AION, kamaitachi, DEAD END, BUCK-TICK, and many others solidified some key characteristics of the Visual aesthetic. These included Kabuki-inspired makeup (previously used by David Bowie and KISS in the West), androgyny (seen earlier in glam rock and new wave), and extravagant, colorful mohawk hairstyles influenced by punk.
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You can see the make-up and hairstyle similarities between KISS (on the first image) and Seikima-ll (on the second image)
The mid-1990s saw the solidification of the "Visual" denomination. During this period, new bands like Malice Mizer, La'cryma Christi, SHAZNA, and FANATIC◇CRISIS rose to prominence, earning the title "big four of Visual Kei." Malice Mizer incorporated elements of the gothic subculture, using white face makeup and Victorian fashion and classical music influences in their performances. They further amplified the theatricality inherited from glam rock, and it was Mana from Malice Mizer and Izam from SHAZNA who, in a way, established a defining characteristic of Visual Kei: having a band member transcend androgyny and embrace cross-dressing.
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Malice Mizer and their aesthetics in the MV for Le ciel ~空白の彼方へ~. The blue-haired one in a dress is Mana.
The 1990s also witnessed another phenomenon. While new bands continued the established dark style, some older bands, upon gaining popularity, began to move away from this aesthetic and sound. They toned down the extreme androgyny, reduced makeup usage, adopted more casual clothing, and their music evolved from new wave-influenced experimentalism to incorporate more pop elements.
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L'Arc~en~Ciel in their early era (~1991) above and L'Arc~en~Ciel in recent years (~2022) below.
The Visual Kei scene experienced a decline in 1998, following the disbandment of X JAPAN and the tragic death of their guitarist, Hideto Matsumoto, also known as hide. The media seized this opportunity to discredit the movement, labeling it as a dangerous influence on society. Only a few bands, like Dir en Grey, LAREINE, and Plastic Tree, managed to survive the 1990s. Other groups disbanded, with members pursuing solo careers, like GACKT from Malice Mizer. However, they all remained significant contributors to the evolution of Visual Kei.
The early 2000s saw the birth of Neo Visual Kei. Some sources attribute this shift to Dir en Grey's 2002 album "six Ugly," which deviated from the typical Visual Kei sound. Their music was harsher and more aggressive, incorporating screaming vocals alongside the melodic elements characteristic of earlier Visual Kei. This new sound influenced contemporary bands like The GazettE, kagerō, and girugämesh.
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The GazettE
It's important to highlight that Visual Kei didn't solely evolve towards harsher sounds. Bands like An Cafe, with their pop sound and colorful aesthetics, opened the door to a new Visual Kei current, following the path paved by bands like COLOR and carried forward by SHAZNA and L'Arc~en~Ciel.
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It was the mixing of these two currents of Visual Kei with the new sounds that developed in the West that resulted in the wide spectrum of bands that now are part of the Visual Kei scene.
It was only recently that I reconnected with this movement through the discovery of new (and old) bands that captured my attention. Reflecting on my journey exploring the Visual Kei subculture, I realized that my initial fascination with its fashion and music was not merely a passing interest but rather a window into a rich cultural movement. Visual Kei, with its roots in rebellion against societal norms and its evolution over the decades, serves as a testament to the power of music and aesthetic expression to transcend boundaries.
-Francisca Rivera ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sources:  -https://jpop.fandom.com/es/wiki/Visual_Kei -https://visualkei.fandom.com/es/wiki/Historia_del_Visual_Kei -Sanz Martínez, C. I. (2016). El Visual Kei como producto cultural y su huella en la cultura popular.
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lettersforbibi · 10 months
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1.1 Latar Belakang
Peristiwa taksir menaksir diperkirakan sudah terjadi sejak bangkitnya era Renaissance, yakni abad ke-14. Rangkaian kejadian yang kini lebih umum disebut dengan istilah "PDKT" kemudian berlangsung selama 300 tahun, diawali dengan pendekatan melalui ajang permainan lempar lembing pada turnamen Olympics yang diselenggarakan oleh Plato pada tahun 1560. Pendekatan melalui turnamen Olympics merupakan metode pendekatan yang cukup lazim pada masanya. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, peradaban manusia mengalami kemajuan seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi informasi (Julian, 2023), pun pendekatan melalui turnamen lempar lembing di Olympics sudah tidak relevan. Teknologi kini menjadi bagian besar dari keseharian manusia, baik sebagai media untuk mengakses berbagai sumber informasi, alat untuk berkomunikasi, bahkan alat untuk melakukan pendekatan dan menembak kekasih; contohnya melalui panggilan seluler dalam aplikasi KakaoTalk yang diselingi sekian babak dari permainan di aplikasi Plato. Setelah mengalami peristiwa tembak-menembak dengan cara yang relatif kurang jelas pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2022 dan resmi berpacaran pada 2 Agustus 2022 dini hari, pada hari ini, 2 Agustus 2023, peneliti dan kekasih terhitung telah melalui 3.650.000.000 hari bersama. Dalam suatu hubungan, tentu terdapat fase-fase naik dan turun yang apabila tidak disikapi secara bijaksana, akan berdampak buruk bagi keberlanjutan hubungan tersebut well (Mursyid, 1988). Namun, sebagaimana peneliti adalah individu yang menyayangi kekasih dan tidak bisa bernafas dengan baik apabila tidak mendengar kata i love you dari kekasih, peneliti akan berusaha untuk menyikapi setiap permasalahan dengan baik dan bijaksana demi keberlangsungan hubungan hingga mencapai anniversary ke-1500.
Menjalani hari-hari bersama kekasih bisa dikatakan sesuai dengan pertanyaan retoris yang dilantunkan oleh wave to earth (2023), yakni; how could my day be bad when I'm with you? Karena menurut penelitian, walaupun digebor deadline seperti rentenir menagih utang, kegemasan kekasih dari peneliti terbukti memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap keseharian peneliti lantaran selalu berhasil membuat peneliti mengalami fenomena kesemsem seperti orgil (org in love) (Julian, 2023). Oleh karena itu, peneliti secara khusus ingin berterima kasih kepada kekasih karena sudah menyayangi peneliti setiap hari.
1.2 Masalah Penelitian
Pada penelitian ini, peneliti tidak menemukan adanya masalah selain mengalami suatu fase di mana peneliti meraung-raung merindukan sosok sang kekasih, yang umumnya disebut sebagai kerinduan kronis (Julian, 2023). Sebagai akar dari permasalahan, fenomena kerinduan kronis ini berkembang menjadi suatu faktor penyebab penelitian menjadi tidak jelas atau ngang ngong (TikTok, 2022). Selain itu, permasalahan lainnya adalah keterbatasan peneliti dalam memaksimalkan penelitian ini karena adanya deadline untuk urusan lain yang mengganggu. Heol.. shibal (Park Chanyeol, 2012).
1.3 Tujuan Penelitian
Sebagaimana peneliti menyayangi sang kekasih dengan sepenuh hati, jiwa, dan raga, maka penelitian ini dilaksanakan atas beberapa tujuan, di antaranya adalah:
Mengingatkan kekasih bahwa peneliti menyayangi kekasih;
Menginformasikan kekasih mengenai hal-hal yang patut diketahui oleh kekasih;
Memberikan apresiasi untuk sang kekasih setelah menjalani 3.650.000.000 hari bersama peneliti;
Memberikan ungkapan terima kasih untuk sang kekasih karena telah menyayangi kekasih setelah menjalani 3.650.000.000 hari bersama peneliti.
Menginformasikan kekasih bahwa peneliti sangat menyayangi kekasih dan ingin menjalani hari bersama kekasih untuk 3.650.000.000 hari selanjutnya.
1.4 Manfaat Penelitian
Dengan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini, tentu ada beberapa manfaat yang diharapkan oleh peneliti agar dapat terwujud, di antaranya adalah:
Kekasih ingat bahwa peneliti menyayangi kekasih;
Kekasih tahu mengenai hal-hal yang patut diketahui oleh kekasih;
Kekasih merasa diapresiasi setelah menjalani 3.650.000.000 hari bersama peneliti;
Kekasih menerima ungkapan terima kasih dari peneliti setelah menjalani 3.650.000.000 hari bersama peneliti;
Kekasih merasakan kasih sayang peneliti dan terus sayang serta semakin sayang dengan peneliti untuk 3.650.000.000 hari selanjutnya.
1.5 Subjek Penelitian
Untuk mencapai objektif dari penelitian, maka dibutuhkan subjek yang relevan dengan topik yang akan diteliti. Subjek pada penelitian ini mencakup individu dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut:
Kue boluku;
Supply kebabku;
Botol adesku;
Botol yakultku;
Usia tidak ditentukan asal bersedia menghabiskan sepanjang usianya dengan peneliti;
Kekasih dari peneliti;
Terlucu sedunia;
Tergemes sedunia;
Paling ngangenin sedunia;
Berinisial Bian, Bibinyan, Bibimeng, Bibi, Bian Blackbell.
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runningrhino · 1 year
Infinity Cube: Idle Tower Defense How to play
If you’re looking for a new and challenging way to keep your mind busy, then Infinity Cube: Idle Tower Defense may be just what you need. This game is the perfect combination of puzzle-solving, strategy, and time management. The goal is to build towers to defend against infinite waves of attacks from enemies, while managing resources and upgrading your defenses. It’s no wonder this game has become so popular — it offers hours of entertainment for both casual players and hardcore gamers alike. To help you get started on your journey in Infinity Cube: Idle Tower Defense , we’ll show you how to play and provide some tips for success.
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What is Infinity Cube?
When it comes to tower defense games, there are few that can match the excitement and challenge of Infinity Cube. In this game, you must defend your tower against an onslaught of enemy attacks. To do this, you will need to use your wits and strategies to keep your tower standing. The game is set in a futuristic world where you are the last line of defense against the forces of evil. You will need to use all of your skills to build the strongest possible defenses against these enemies. There are numerous ways to achieve this, but it will ultimately be up to you to find the best way to play the game. One of the most important aspects of Infinity Cube is resource management. You will need to carefully consider how you spend your resources in order to ensure that you have enough left over to defend your tower. This can be a difficult task, but it is one that is essential if you want to win the game. If you are looking for a challenge, then Infinity Cube is definitely the game for you. With its unique gameplay and intense challenges, this game is sure to provide you with hours of fun. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and start building your defenses!
How to play Infinity Cube
Assuming you have already downloaded the Infinity Cube: Idle Tower Defense app and have it open on your device, here are the instructions for how to play: The objective of the game is to protect your tower from the never-ending onslaught of enemies. Each enemy that reaches your tower will deal damage to it. If your tower's health points reach zero, the game will end. You do this by building defenses around your tower. There are four kinds of defenses you can build: archers, cannons, walls, and traps. Each has its own purpose and advantages. Archers shoot arrows at enemies, cannonballs bounce around and deal damage to multiple enemies, walls block enemies' path, and traps cause damage when enemies step on them. You can also upgrade your defenses to make them more effective. To do this, tap on the Upgrade button in the bottom left corner of the screen. This will bring up a menu where you can choose which defense you want to upgrade and see how much it will cost. Keep in mind that each defense can only be upgraded a certain number of times. Finally, you'll need to manage your resources wisely. You earn gold by defeating enemies and completing levels. You use gold to buy new defenses and upgrades. You also earn mana by defeating enemies and completing levels. Mana is used to cast spells which can help turn the tide of battle in your favor. With these tips in mind, you should be well on
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sareideas · 1 year
Mahi Srivastava And Neha Raj New Bhojpuri Song Khana Kai Dihani Mana Rocked On Social Media
Mahi Srivastava And Neha Raj New Bhojpuri Song Khana Kai Dihani Mana Rocked On Social Media
Neha Raj and Mahi Srivastava’s new blast ‘Khana Kai Dihni Mana’ was released New Delhi: Nowadays there is a trend of working in pairs in Bhojpuri industry. Some producer-director, some lyricist-composer, some hero-heroine, some pair of two brothers but the pair we are talking about today. That pair is Millennium Star in itself. Yes, all the songs of this pair are currently making waves on…
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drakesviews0455415 · 1 year
Varietas dalam Permainan Kasino Online
Apa itu Permainan Kasino Online?
Kasino online, juga dikenal sebagai kasino virtual atau kasino internet adalah versi online dari kasino tradisional. Kasino yang Anda kunjungi, untuk bermain black jack atau mesin slot bersih. Kasino online mengizinkan penjudi / pemain untuk bermain dan berjudi di permainan kasino melalui Internet.
Jenis kasino judi online ini umumnya menawarkan proporsi yang tidak biasa dan pengembalian yang sebanding dengan kasino darat. Beberapa kasino online menyatakan persentase pengembalian yang lebih tinggi untuk permainan mesin slot, dan beberapa menerbitkan audit persentase biaya di situs web mereka. Dengan asumsi bahwa kerajaan kasino menggunakan generator angka acak yang diprogram dengan tepat, permainan meja seperti blackjack memiliki kerangka rumah yang mapan. Persentase pembayaran untuk permainan ini ditentukan oleh aturan permainan. Masalah keandalan dan kepercayaan adalah hal biasa dan sering dipertanyakan di jaringan kasino. Banyak kasino online menyewa atau memperoleh perangkat lunak mereka dari perusahaan terkenal seperti Wager Works, Microgaming, Permainan Waktu Nyata, teknologi Play, dan Kriptologi dalam upaya untuk "membonceng" reputasi mereka pada integritas produsen perangkat lunak.
Dalam permainan kasino gratis, apa pun yang Anda suka bertaruh, Anda akan dapat membuat pilihan antara berbagai situs dan kasino online tanpa mengunduh perangkat lunak apa pun di komputer Anda. Permainan diwakili dalam plug-in browser Anda seperti Macro media Flash, Macro media Shock wave, atau Java yang memungkinkan komputer Anda menampilkan suara, gambar, dan permainan di kasino virtual.
Pemain judi online akan menemukan di kasino online berbagai macam permainan seperti Baccarat, Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Slot Machines atau Video Poker. Jika Anda adalah pemain Bingo daring yang setia, banyak situs seperti itu akan memberi Anda sensasi yang Anda cari, beberapa di antaranya menawarkan liburan atau tur gratis melalui jaringan kasino, jika Anda melakukan setoran sebelum tanggal tertentu.
Kasino online juga menawarkan bonus pendaftaran anggota / pemain baru ketika mereka melakukan setoran pertama mereka di kasino royal. Biasanya sama dengan persentase deposit pemain dengan maksimum dolar, dan sebagian besar dari semua kasino online memerlukan jumlah dolar minimum. Dengan kasino online, Anda dapat menikmati semua permainan yang Anda inginkan, dari Baccarat hingga Poker.
Permainan Baccarat dimainkan dengan kartu; itu adalah permainan judi kasino online yang pertama kali diperkenalkan ke kerajaan kasino Prancis dari Italia selama kedaulatan Charles VIII dari Prancis. Ada tiga alternatif permainan: baccarat chem in de fer (kereta api), baccarat banque (atau deux tableaux), dan punto banco (atau baccarat Amerika Utara). Baccarat adalah permainan sederhana dengan hanya tiga hasil, pemain, bankir, dan seri. Ini hanyalah opsi yang bisa dipertaruhkan oleh penjudi.
Blackjack adalah permainan kartu kasino paling populer di dunia jaring kasino. Itu sama terkenalnya dengan dua puluh satu (vingt-et-un) atau Ponton, berasal dari kasino Prancis di tahun 1700-an. Pengenalan blackjack terutama dikenal dengan penghitungan kartu (mencatat kartu mana yang telah dimainkan sejak pengocokan terakhir). Tangan Blackjack dicapai dengan total poin mereka. Tangan dengan total kemenangan tertinggi selama tidak melampaui 21 (vingt-et-un).
Roulette adalah permainan kasino dan perjudian dan berasal dari arti nama Prancis "roda kecil" yang secara akurat disebut Roulette. Itu ditemukan pada abad ke-17 oleh seorang pria bernama Blaise Pascal. Untuk membuatnya lebih menyenangkan bagi para penjudi, dua orang Prancis lainnya François dan Louis Blanc menambahkan "0" ke roulette untuk meningkatkan peluang. Kemudian di tahun 1800-an, roulette dibawa ke Amerika Serikat di mana “0” kedua ditambahkan “00” untuk meningkatkan peluang lebih banyak lagi. Seorang pemain dapat bertaruh pada angka, kombinasi, rentang, peluang/genap, dan warna di kasino virtual. Gruper memutar roda yang memiliki 37 atau 38 bagian bernomor tunggal di mana bola kecil harus mendarat untuk permainan kasino gratis. Bagian utama dari 1 hingga 36 dan setiap bagian lainnya berwarna merah dan hitam, dengan nomor satu berwarna merah. Ada juga kompartemen hijau bernomor 0. Di sebagian besar roda roulette di Amerika Serikat tetapi tidak di Eropa, ada kompartemen 0 kedua bertanda 00, juga berwarna hijau. Jika seorang pemain bertaruh pada satu nomor dan menang, biayanya adalah 35 banding 1. Taruhan itu sendiri ditinjau kembali, jadi totalnya dikalikan dengan 36. Anda dapat memainkan roulette di kasino online Royal dan akan mendapatkan hasil yang sama akuratnya dengan jika Anda berada di kasino Vegas sungguhan.
Mesin slot
Mesin slot kemungkinan besar adalah bentuk jaring kasino online paling populer dan Anda akan menemukan begitu banyak di setiap situs kasino online yang Anda kunjungi. Mesin slot kasino online dikendalikan koin dengan tiga gulungan atau lebih, yang berputar ketika orang tersebut memicu pegangan di sisi mesin. Di dalam mesin slot terdapat alat pendeteksi mata uang yang memvalidasi uang yang dimasukkan oleh pemain. Mesin hanya akan melunasi jika simbolnya cocok, misalnya 3 topi atau 3 tanda dolar. Terkadang, pemain bisa menang hanya dengan dua simbol paralel. Sama dengan mesin slot kasino virtual online, pemain akan membayar dengan kartu kredit sejumlah uang tertentu dan mengklik ikon untuk bermain. Karena teknologi komputer modern, sekarang ada banyak variasi konsep mesin slot dan mewakili sekitar 70% dari rata-rata kasino.
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drmanastripathy · 2 years
FAQs on Gallstones | Gallstone Treatment in Koramangala
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Gallstone Treatment in Koramangala, Bangalore by Dr. Manas Tripathy
Gallstones are a common digestive disorder found in 15 percent of people ages 50 and about 10% of the population worldwide. The standard treatment is the removal of the gallbladder when severe symptoms exist. Whereas, you do not need any surgery if you do not have any symptoms. 
There are misbeliefs around gallstones found on social media or the internet that are not correct and harmful for people blindly following the available information. In this article, we will look at some resolutions for misconceptions and frequently asked questions about gallstones to make the correct decision. 
1. What are Gallstones?
Gallstones are gravel-like deposits made of bilirubin, cholesterol, or calcium salts found as a mixture found in your gallbladder. The size of the stones may vary from a rice grain to the size of a golf ball, with different numbers and sizes.
There are two types of gallstones:
Pigment Stones-These contain bilirubin salts and are found rarely. This type is present in patients with biliary tract infections, liver cirrhosis, or any blood disorder.
Cholesterol Stones-It is the most common type that occurs when the liver produces more cholesterol.
2. What are the difficulties caused by Gallstones? 
The main symptoms that people experience are pain in the stomach under the rib cage and the back of your shoulder. There can be episodes of nausea and vomiting also. You may have a severe stomach ache that can last for many hours once you have a fatty meal. But, if you experience pain due to longstanding gallbladder inflammation, you are also prone to jaundice and fever.  
3. What are my chances of getting Gallstones?
You are more likely to have gallstones if you,
Are you over forty years of age
Are a woman
Are pregnant
Are obese
Have diabetes
Eat a diet high in fats
Lose weight quickly
Have a family history of gallbladder stones?
Take cholesterol-lowering medications
Take medicines for hormone replacement or contraception.
4. Can drinking plenty of water flush out my Gallstones?
Gallstones are not similar to kidney stones. Kidney stones form within the kidneys and can flush out through urine with sufficient water intake. But, gallstones are formed inside the gallbladder under your liver. Accordingly, drinking plenty of water does not remove gallstones but can harm you, and you are required to visit the hospital if you experience extreme pain.
5. Are there any alternative medications to try first?
Presently, there are no alternate medicines that can help you relieve gallstones. You are prone to serious complications like jaundice, cholangitis, cholecystitis, gangrene, pancreatitis, gallbladder cancer, or any other gallbladder-related complications, that may increase by 1-3% by the next decade even after diagnosis. Hence, gallbladder removal surgery is the only practical option.
6. Do Gallstones require treatment?
Some gallstones do not need any treatment. But, if you have gallstones that are more than 3 cm in size and are asymptomatic, or incidentally diagnosed during a checkup, the doctor would suggest eliminating the gallbladder to avoid any further complications.
7. Are there any complications involved in removing the Gallstones while retaining the gallbladder?
Stones in the gallbladder indicate poor health. So, many undergo surgery for gallstone removal. But, there are chances of non-surgical treatments in case of any medical conditions. Few methods include,
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Shock wave lithotripsy
Oral dissolution therapy
The above treatments are for the extraction of cholesterol stones alone that may recur after several months even with subsiding symptoms compelling you to take regular gallstones treatment for a longer time.
8. How are Gallstones treated?
Gallbladder removal is carried out through cholecystectomy. It is the standard treatment for gallstone removal and is done in two ways.
Open Surgery
In the case of gallbladder inflammation, infection, or scarring from previous surgery then open surgery is the best solution. It is the best option when laparoscopic surgery is not possible. You are likely to stay in hospital for about a week and may resume your daily activities after a month.
Laparoscopic Surgery
This is the most sought after option for gallbladder removal because,
It requires three small incisions, so there is less scarring
Can be treated as an outpatient 
Less postoperative discomfort and pain
Less medication
Requires hospitalization for 1-2 days
Speedy recovery
9. What are the harmful effects post gallbladder surgery?
The gallbladder is an indispensable organ. The primary function of the gallbladder is to store bile juices that aid digestion. In most cases, there are not many serious harmful after effects. But, some people might complain of stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating, and gas that can be treated with medication after consulting a doctor. 
10. Should I consider a second opinion before deciding on surgery?
The symptoms experienced by gallstones are not distinctive and are common to other medical conditions. Taking a second option from a reliable source in such cases is highly beneficial and makes a huge impact to make a knowledgeable choice.
To know more visit: www.drmanastripathy.com
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funnibunnytweety · 2 years
Excellent! Elyon SEA Ready to Air and Open for Pre-Registration!
Elyon SEA Server – Hey, gamers! There is good news for all of you lovers of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game games or commonly shortened to MMORPG on PC base. Publisher/publisher PlayPark just announced that the MMORPG game with the title Elyon will soon launch the SEA server starting in Indonesia.
What's the game like? Yok, let's look for info together!
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Elyon, MMORPG Games from PlayPark Publisher will Launch SEA Server
The well-known MMORPG game from publisher PlayPark with the title Elyon will soon launch the SEA server, including for some gamers in Indonesia. Games developed by developer Bluehole Inc. which is called one of the big game developers coming from South Korea. These developers are known for their games such as Tera and PUBG, which are known as the first famous type of battle royale.
This game will bring many of the best features in action games, active battle mechanisms and the freedom of players to build their character in a world that is thick with Steampunk Fantasy world components. Players will enter the island of Harth and join the battle between Vulpin and Ontari this July. The Launch of Elyon Server SEA is Proof of its Success
Elyon has received many positive responses from several players so that it is one of the arguments for this MMORPG game to immediately launch the SEA server which is assisted by the publisher/publisher PlayPark. Apol Dionglay as Chief Publishing Office at PlayPark explained that he and his team are really passionate about bringing their games to players in Southeast Asia including Indonesia.
Elyon Gameplay Features
Elyon's MMORPG games will take place on the island of Harth where 2 factions of Vulpin and Ontari compete for territory. Combining great graphics, exploiting open world games, and customizing the Abilities mechanics for the strengths of each Class will give players more freedom and find their own fighting style.
Strengthen your character with Runestone and Mana Awakening to create your own unique character where Elyon will give players the freedom to find their own fighting style according to taste. Get ready to face many obstacles in Elyon that will be given to all players, be it new players or veteran players. Elyon Server SEA Pre-Registration is Open with Various Attractive Prizes!
With the publication of the opening of the Elyon SEA games server, early today you can do Pre-Registration! Not only that, lucky players who have pre-registered can have a chance to win various great prizes, starting from the Asus ROG Strix G15 Gaming Netbook, Razer Black Widow V3 Gaming Keyboard, Razer Kraker V3 Gaing Earphones and Razer Basilisk V3 Gaming Mouse. In addition, later there will be other attractive prizes that players will get in the game for all when the Pre-Registration goal has been achieved.
Some media who want to be invited can attend a special event on Friday 17 June 2022 to be able to try the game directly. The Closed Beta Test (CBT) for some players is planned to run from June 22, 2022 to June 26, 2022 to try out several Classes such as Warlord, Mystic, Elementalist, Assassin and Gunner where they can exploit the builds and character adjustments of those Classes and try in PvE and PvP battles. In this CBT, players can provide their input to the development team so that Elyon games can be improved again to provide a great gaming experience for players.
The Elyon Games server SEA in Indonesia will be officially launched on July 6, 2022 to coincide with the release of 2 new classes, namely Slayer and Archer. PlayPark has worked together with Razer Gold, Wave Games Vouchers, Gudang Vouchers and other payment gateways, to make it easier for players to top-up and purchase points in games.
Source: Mobile Game Indonesia.
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fancypantsrecords · 11 months
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Kyle Hnedak - Death's Gambit: Afterlife Original Soundtrack | Serenity Forge | 2022 | Light Blue with Black Splatter + Dark Blue with Black Splatter
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savingcontent · 2 years
Acclaimed rogue-like platformer ScourgeBringer launches on PlayStation 5 today
Acclaimed rogue-like platformer ScourgeBringer launches on PlayStation 5 today
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View On WordPress
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thefirsttree · 3 years
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Wow, beautiful watercolor artwork for the vinyl release of The First Tree OST. Big thanks to Mana Wave Media for setting this all up. It’s not out yet, but stay tuned!
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eeraygun · 2 years
Top 180 Sonic Releases of 2021
001. James Ginzburg - Crystallise, a Frozen Eye 002. Skee Mask - Pool 003. Kučka - Wrestling 004. Elías Merino & Daniel del Río - Structures for Wave Field Synthesis 005. Topdown Dialectic - Vol. 3 006. Jazmine Sullivan - Heaux Tales 007. Marina Rosenfeld - Teenage Lontano 008. Blawan - Soft Waahls 009. Klahrk - Oscillate and Shimmer 010. Hoavi - Invariant 011. Two Shell - SoulCity 012. Caroline Polachek - Bunny Is A Rider 013. Pruvan - Pozor EP 014. Tera Octe - + 015. Minder - Telepathy 016. Senso - Drifter94 017. Splash Pattern - Up Next New Season 018. Piska Power - Thermal Cycler 019. Robert Millis - Sound Storing Machines: The First 78rpm Records from Japan, 1903-1912 020. John Glacier - SHILOH: Lost For Words 021. Jean Schwarz - Makinak / Capriccio 022. Sage - 1 023. Sinnway - Perelline 024. Barker - BARKER002 025. exael - infinite shore / xm 026. Beatriz Ferreyra & Natasha Barrett - Souvenirs cachés / Innermost 027. L'Rain - Fatigue 028. Mary Mazzacane - The Art of Mary Mazzacane 029. Caterina Barbieri - Fantas Variations 030. K Wata - What Do U Want? 031. Space Afrika - Honest Labour 032. Aaron Dilloway & Lucrecia Dalt - Lucy & Aaron 033. Erika de Casier - Sensational 034. Lyra Pramuk - Delta 035. Brain Rays & Quiet - Slacker 036. RAC - RAC_UNRELEASED 2 037. Baligh Hamdi - Instrumental Modal Pop of 1970's Egypt 038. Xphresh - xephon 039. Jake Muir - Mana 040. Flaty - RAILZ 041. SUMORAI & Stones Taro - Higher 042. Slikback - Melt 043. Tirzah - Colourgrade 044. serpentwithfeet - DEACON 045. Iris - Speah 046. OSSX - Split Wig 047. Pontiac Streator - Select Works . vol II 048. Various Artists - It Was Always There Vol. 1 049. Mix Master Kutyma - Fox Rhythm Jack 2 050. Simo Cell - YES.DJ 051. Various Artists - Wounds of Love: Khmer Oldies, Vol. 1 052. Hiro Kone - Silvercoat the Throng 053. Ulla Straus - Limitless Frame 054. Rhyw - The Devil's in the Dlzlzlz 055. tondiue - Painted Creature 056. Coffintexts & INVT - MEDIA NOCHE 057. Sega Bodega - Romeo 058. georg-i - YCO002 059. pent - glue 060. Akira Rabelais - À la recherche du temps perdu 061. Gescom - AMKS_1 062. Alex Lay-Far - Soulful Hardcore / Love Edition 063. WTCHCRFT - The Ooga Booga EP 064. Various Artists - Fluo II [Kindergarten Records] 065. Herron - Lowflow 066. Grouper - Shade 067. Aya - Im Hole 068. Maara - Ultimate Reward 069. mu tate - _ 060. ZULI - All Caps 071. Bendik Giske - Cracks 072. Yarn Init - Good Call 073. Peder Mannerfelt - And The Band Played On 074. Various Artists - Is It Really Goodbye? More Ryūkōka Recordings, 1929-1938 075. Lucy Duncombe - The Rapture of Cellular Accretion 076. Sweepsculp - Sweepsculp 077. Kindohm - VR Sunset 078. Pavel Milyakov & Yana Pavlova - Wandering 079. Sobolik - Call 080. Walton - Unknown Territories 081. Ben Bondy - °oje 082. Sedgwick - BODYHI01 083. Humanoid - sT8818r Humanoid 084. Happa - Explorations In Music For Dancing Vol. 2 085. sv1 - health 086. Various Artists - Under the Counter: U.S. Sleaze & Stag Recordings ca. 1940s-1950s [Canary Records] 087. Atom™ - R3V 088. Dajuri UFO - Unknown Artifact EP 089. Bassbin Twins - Beats Are King EP 090. oxhy - woodland dance 091. Refreshers - Way U Smile 092. peachlyfe - Swamplyfe 093. Smerz - Believer 094. SOPHIE - BIPP (Autechre Mx) 095. Enayet - Chokkor 096. Sentient - Warming Themselves 097. Claire Rousay - a softer focus 098. Blackhaine - And Salford Falls Apart 099. Paul Fleetwood - Six Sided EP 100. Joseph Nechvatal - Selected Sound Works (1981 - 2021) 101. PVAS - Accepting eEntropy Loss 102. Joi Lau - 3 UR MIND 103. Air Max '97 - Psyllium / Eat The Rich 104. Plush Managements Inc. - PLUSH002 105. Gacha Bakradze - Obscure Languages 106. Various Artists - Anonima 107. Guy Birkin - Disorganised and Unwanted (Night) 108. Nikita Bugaev - oo Flips 109. Andrew Pekler & Giuseppe Ielasi - Palimpsests 110. Enkō - Niiro 111. Martinou - Rift 112. Superabundance - Superabundance 113. Gong Gong Gong 工工工 - Phantom Rhythm 幽靈節奏 (Remixed) 114. Kelman Duran - Night in Tijuana 115. Nicolas Gaunin - Hulahula Kāne 116. Dimension 23 - 23 Years Later 117. Temudo - Artifacts EP 118. Liliane Chlela - Safala 119. tau contrib - encode 120. DJ Close Your Eyes to Find Me - Angel Trance Edits Volume Two 121. Al Wootton - Maenads 122. Davis Galvin - Muunun 123. Doss - 4 New Hit Songs 124. Clouds - DJ Silver 125. Olli Aarni - Värejä Hangela 126. Josh Peterson - Collected Voice: Text and Tape Works 127. LXV - anxiety euphoria 128. Car Culture - Dead Rock 129. Planetary Assault Systems - Sky Scraping 130. Ziúr - Antifate 131. Perfo - Teston 132. Karim Kahar - Slang 133. thru - thru 134. Quelza - Degma 135. Nadia Khan - Port Ana Remixes by CCL, Francis Harris 136. Leo - a buried river 137. Contorsionist - Modern Faith 138. Furtive - Sympathies VI 139. MM - Massive Music 140. Strict Face - Pulsers 141. Franz Jäger - Rouge 142. Picnic - Bonus 143. Gediminas Žygus & Holly Childs - Gnarled Roots 144. Anthony Linell - Winter Ashes 145. Tom VR - Fast Track To Bliss 146. Janet Beat - Pioneering Knob Twiddler 147. James K - 036 148. Drummy - Anger Start 149. DJML - Fine Condition 150. ENA - One Draw 151. John Errol - Inferno 152. Cam Deas & Jung An Tagen - Presentism 153. Megatrend - Oberursel Bahnhof 154. Relvony - Terakuta 155. Guava - The Dolphins Are Back In Venice 156. Fireground - Dualism EP 157. Simple Syrup - Make Me Float 158. Sachi Kobayashi - Imaginary Trip 159. De Grandi - Euro Control 160. PWCCA - Genomics 161. Faye Webster - I Know I'm Funny haha 162. Dalibor Cruz - Riddled With Absence 163. Jex Opolis - Bad Timin Vol II 164. slono - How To Be Less Stiff On The Dancefloor 165. Delay Grounds - Genus 166. XEN CHRON - Deleted Vapor 167. Kessler - Foul Play EP 168. Dream Sequence - Do You Still Think About It? 169. Octo Octa - She's Calling 170. Guy Contact - COY003 171. Demetrio Cecchitelli - Relief 172. Baby Rollén - Love Potion 173. Friedensreich - Known Areas 174. Giordanø - Into Your Mind EP 175. Client_03 - User Viewport 176. Bailey Ibbs - Helter Skelter 177. Krow - Untitled 178. Matthieu Fuentes - Ten-Room Banquet 179. Peyote Dreams - State Of Mind (Slack Mix) 180. Merdh Laleh - Ardent Flux
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royalsimsofascania · 3 years
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As royal carriages arrived to pick the royal family up and begin the trooping of the colors ceremony some balcony shots were taken before the family began to wave. In the image we have (L-R) king Consort Mana High chief of sulani ,HRH Queen Kailani of sulani high cheifess of the three isles, Crown prince Kai of sulani , Imperial Consort Kapono, HRH Empress Mia ,Twin sister princess Mina of windslar, empress dowager amá-la of qasissipri , Princess Anika current crown Custodian of the qasissipri crown.
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The royal family appeared to be in great sprits as they prepared to leave from the balcony. Reporters from the mass media brand Simladonian news were able to get a shot of what appears to be The Duke of sarwyck rubbing The empresses belly . The empress seemed to have settled for a Green theme to bring in the beginning of spring. Senior royals wearing a color different to what the working royals wear. Senior royals wearing a color associated with their crown and working royals wear the color picked but the Empress. Many people wondered why princess mina wore grey her team stated that “she chose to wore grey because she flew in on late notice and her dress was not ready so she chose a grey neutral dress as to not cause controversy”
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8am - The Empress and Imperial consort kapono along with other royal family members head to the carriages outside of bahski estate . The empress will be escorted down the mall to dusk-mount the preserved battlefield of where the war of rats took place. Which 3 years ago in the early stages of HRH reign was renovated into a beautiful park by herself and a conservation team from sulani .
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himetsuri · 3 years
[Takechi Yuusuke's story from the second novel. He’s the detective who appears in chapter 87, after Ageha and the others return from the future after rescuing #07 from Usui, questioning Ageha about his and Oboro’s disappearance.]
It was three years after the war, that is, one year later after Kabuto Kirisaki came to this land. Since it's pretty close to the equator, this land doesn't have winter. But it definitely had the war going on and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a warning against travel there. One side was claiming for "Peace" and the other was claiming for "Freedom."
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"You're Kirisaki Kabuto, aren't you?"
Kabuto, having finished work, was at his usual place at the counter of a worn-down bar named “Breakdown” by the locals, due to the large hole in the wall on the outskirts of the slums that allowed view of the main street. He was about to down his usual cup of sake, good for nothing but its low price, really, when that man called out to him. "Japanese?" That was the first thing to come to his mind. It had been three years since that battle–––and almost a year since Kirisaki Kabuto had come to this place. This country, which was close to the equator and had no winter, was currently caught in a crossfire between two sides: one side pushed for “peace,” while the other brandished support for “freedom.” As a result, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had issued a travel advisory. Kirisaki Kabuto had come to this land to be a war photographer and had earned the nickname of “Miracle Man” for all the times he’d returned from dangerous battlefields without so much as a scratch, due to his ability of "Menace" that allowed him to sense death several seconds beforehand. In this bar that was in the city closest to the frontline, even Kabuto himself didn't speak Japanese much. "Uhh…who are you? And aren't you hot?" "I've regretted not changing into something more appropriate since I touched down at the airport…" This country was in the tropics, making the temperature and humidity far higher than in Japan. The black suit the man was wearing must've been like a torture device. “Figured as much…so, who are you? Someone from the government? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs…the embassy?" There wasn’t a soul who would come to this country unless it was work-related. And there wasn’t anything of value here whatsoever, unless you were someone from the government. "Yeah…temporarily working for the government…I'm with the police." "Haah? Again, really…I’m not a part of some worldwide crime ring or anything, alright?" "Be at ease…I haven't come to arrest you. I just have a few things I'd like to ask…quite frankly, this doesn't even have to do with my job." For a moment, a sudden self-mocking smile arose on the man's face. "Things you wanna ask…? Also, it seems you already know my name, so maybe you could find it in you to tell me yours…otherwise, it just seems like a regular old interrogation, y'know?“ "Haha…that is true. My name is Takechi Yuusuke, a detective from Aichi's Shirataki police station."
July 2008–––actor Mochizuki Oboro had somehow managed to vanish into thin air in broad daylight. Contrary to the mass media’s frenzied uproar, Takechi, who had been put in charge of the incident, kept his composure. Mochizuki Oboro had last been seen on surveillance camera in the airport's parking lot. With him was a fifteen year old boy, who had also gone missing–––Yoshina Ageha, who apparently was reasonably well-known around his neighborhood as a delinquent. Though it was mostly for getting into fights, not for theft or reckless rampages. Takechi merely assumed that the eccentric TV star had gotten into some “mischief” with his poorly-behaved friend and wound up kidnapped and locked away somewhere, or something along those lines. Yoshina Ageha returned home several days later, so he immediately went over to investigate. All he had to do was raise his voice, grab him by his lapels, and shout at him; he would get his answers, even to questions he hadn't asked, and there would be his neat and tidy case closed–––or so he thought. The boy named Yoshina Ageha was not, by any means, what one would call "normal." In Takechi's experience, anyone would start to grow weary after a ten-hour long interrogation, no matter how tough they acted or how much of a professional they were. But that boy simply yawned, as if this wasn’t even worth his time––– "Me and Amamiya eloped. We split up with Oboro at the airport, I dunno what he did after." –––and tried to end things off with such a blatant lie. He said this right to a full-fledged detective’s face, with eyes that practically ordered, “We’re gonna leave it at that, got it?" If this had been anyone else, he would’ve wasted no time in yelling at them, "Don't play dumb!" or "You're lying!" But he couldn't. Instead, he let the cigarette between his lips fall and let Ageha go back home. The reason behind this was truly quite simple. It was because "he had been afraid." He–––a full-fledged detective who knew both judo and kendo, who knew how to safely apprehend a target, and who had experience capturing culprits in possession of deadly weapons–––felt "he would be killed" by a fifteen year old boy. There were those who'd laugh at Takechi upon hearing that. But the feeling he had gotten from being before Yoshina Ageha was strong enough to silence those voices. This wasn’t comparable to the “kill or be killed” life that an average hoodlum or delinquent would speak of. Yoshina Ageha had an air that only one who'd truly survived a battlefield, one in which death was certain unless one killed first, possessed. And, if he so felt like it, he had the power to make killing Takechi mere child's play. Even if Takechi were to confront him with a readied handgun, he wouldn't be able to win. He truly believed that. Takechi had no idea if this was what one would call a detective's intuition or not. At this point, no thoughts about "Mochizuki Oboro's disappearance" were left in his head. His objective had now changed to ripping off this boy's mask.
"I started by thoroughly reexamining Yoshina Ageha and those connected to him…many interesting things came to light as a result…first was the fact that Asaga Hiryuu also went missing on that same day. Additionally, Asaga Hiryuu's friend, Mana Tatsuo, had also been missing for an extended period of time.” "Uwaa…you sure did your homework, huh…" "Hmph. A detective requires a sense of duty and a sense of justice; however, what he requires most, above all else…is an unyielding persistence." Takechi gave a snort and downed some cheap sake full of impurities. He wanted to wet his lips before spinning more of his tale.
There was definitely something more lurking behind all this––––– At the very least, it wasn't just some cut-and-dried case of high schoolers eloping and an intentional disappearance, as Yoshina Ageha had asserted. There was something deeper to it, he thought, but right when he was about press further with his investigation, he received abrupt orders to call off the whole thing. It hadn't been from a chief or prefectural manager. It had been from much farther up. But that wasn't nearly enough the extinguish the flame of Takechi's persistence. After receiving the orders to cease, he'd requested a paid vacation, something he’d been painstakingly building up and hadn't even taken for his daughter's birthday–––if he couldn’t continue this investigation officially, Takechi would do it himself. And so the investigation continued, slow and steady, until at last it led him to one key word that would become the crux of the matter. It was what Mochizuki Oboro had attempted to talk about on a live show before collapsing, unconscious, halfway through; what Tenjuin Elmore, who was currently sheltering Yoshina Ageha from the mass media's inflamed reach, had even gone so far as to place a monetary reward of five hundred million yen on for anyone who could pinpoint its truth. That word was "PSYREN"––– For the past several years, or at the bare minimum the past two years, a large number of those involved with it had gone missing. Semitani Kouji, Sugita Nozomi…the list went on. Far too many to attribute to mere coincidence. According to a worker who routinely visited Elmore's mansion, there was no longer any trace of Yoshina Ageha on the grounds. "Maybe he's been 'erased' once again–––" By now, Takechi had begun to feel a strange sense of kinship with this boy. Perhaps there was a reason he couldn't say anything to his parents or to the police, a reason such as he was being held hostage or something had been done to him. Among those who had passed away after involvement with PSYREN, there were many for whom the cause of death was still unknown.
"However, I've been forced to suspend my investigation here…" "Why's that? Vacation days run out?" "…Well, there's that. Though there's more to it." Here, Takechi took a quick turn from chatty to tight-lipped. “Now that I think of it…Kirisaki? It appears you also went missing for a year or so around the same time Yoshina Ageha did…where'd you go off to?" "Uh, well…funny story, that~…I kinda went away from Japan for a bit, see…" Takechi, seeing how Kabuto had started speaking vaguely, shot him a slightly pointed look before continuing on as if to say, "Well, whatever." "Then…you weren't directly involved in W.I.S.E's all-out acts of destruction in 2009…"
It was the first time in human history there'd been an organized string of destruction caused by those with supernatural powers. Just one of them wielded power equivalent to that of an entire army; when tried-and-true strategies and maneuvers failed, the military resorted to human wave attacks and unbridled assaults–––to attempting retaliation with brute force and sheer numbers. It was a showdown between no more than ten Psychicers with tremendous powers and a military of over ten million lacking in strength. Strangely enough, it depicted the current state of the world where antagonism ran rampant between those with power and those without. As a result, it was the military, and not W.I.S.E, who caused more damage during urban warfare and a proportionate amount of human injuries and casualties. But that wasn’t the end of it. There were those with abnormal powers among the humans––– Those who saw those supernatural abilities with their own eyes grew incredibly agitated and fell into a panic. What if their own neighbor was a monster? The ones enslaved to their fear and paranoia began carrying out what could be called modern-day witch hunts. You could have different colored hair, eyes, or skin. You could be aggressive by nature, you could try to avoid interactions with others as much as possible–––if there was anything at all that set you apart from “those who were normal,” you would be labeled as “abnormal,” condemned, and sentenced to trial by the masses. Any attempts to deny being one with power would invite demands for the “devil’s proof”–––“Well then, show us proof that we’re wrong!”–––and incite many acts of violence without any opportunities to put in any words otherwise. This tendency was especially strong in urban areas, where mobs formed and houses were burned down. ‘This world is teeming with piles of refuse that feign sainthood. It is a world brimming with prejudice towards those who are different.’ The words of W.I.S.E's leader, Amagi Miroku, had proven to be true in the most ironic form.
For the sake of maintaining peace, the police were forced to work overtime for far more than 24 hours; miraculously enough, Takechi was assigned to Tenjuin Elmore’s mansion, the very same place he’d been looking into himself. It would’ve been out of his jurisdiction under normal circumstances, but apparently it was impossible to assign anyone from the local police in Shizuoka due to a fear of leaking information. Takechi was not informed of how dangerous those inside the mansion actually were. However, every so often it would be children, not much older than his own daughter, who would come peek over the wall. They had been called from out of jurisdiction to create such a tight watch, set up some of the military’s fully automatic rocket launchers a few kilometers in front, all due to these children. If anything happened, they were to bring an end to both the humans they were keeping watch over and the mansion. “Must seem laughable…a bunch of full-grown adults, quivering in their boots because of an old woman and her five kids…kukuku.” It was around midnight, several days into the watch, when a strange man tasked with monitoring the mansion grounds called out to Takechi. The police, as mentioned previously, were assigned to the outside of the mansion; there was a separate group of men assigned to the inside. Takechi had no clue who they were. He wasn’t permitted to try and find out. The one assumed to be directing them, a man with an eyepatch and an almost reptilian–––snake-like air to him, continued by asking, “Do you, perhaps, have a light?” “My apologies. My subordinates are all non-smokers…” “Well, I know you yourself are quite the smoker…” Takechi’s first impression of the man: truly disconcerting. “Oh, you just had that smell about you…my nose is quite sharp, you see. …Fufu, please don’t think so poorly of me.” The man had the most unsettling smile creep its way onto his face as he spoke, with eyes that seemed to see deep into one’s innermost thoughts. “Are you…aware of who exactly it is…that resides within this mansion?” “Tenjuin Elmore…right? She’s a famous fortune-teller, I believe, who also has some connections in both politics and business…” “You sure are well-informed…but, you are only partially correct. Elmore is hardly a simple ‘fortune-teller.’ She’s one who possesses supernatural powers…a Psychicer.” “Wh…!?” Psychicer…that was what those living in this country, after seeing the destruction brought about by W.I.S.E with their very own eyes, had labeled the ones carrying out such evil deeds. “Ah, now don’t get the wrong idea. Elmore is not a part of W.I.S.E. That old woman holds the power of ‘future vision,’ and she knew these current events would, someday, happen. As such, it appears she had set out on gathering children yet untainted by Amagi Miroku’s poison in order to form a resistance…quite honestly, they are Psychicers who fight on the side of you humans.” The way he said this gave off the subtle implication that he did not count himself on the “side of humans.” “Then…why are they…why are those children being treated like this!? Are they not our allies?” Takechi’s words only made the man more amused, and he laughed mockingly. “Why? Why, you ask, Takechi-kun? Surely you must understand… Those without power fear those with it…that is a simple fact of life. Say there is a lion before you, able to tear a human to pieces, its mouth open wide and fangs bared. Even should you know ‘it will not bite me, ever,’ you would not offer your neck to it…the same applies here.” “…So the government doesn’t believe them…doesn’t trust them?” And, most likely, truly wanted to just “put an end” to them already. Elmore’s connections made that impossible, but above all was probably a more twisted logic holding them back: should worst come to worst, they would still have one means of retaliation to utilize against W.I.S.E. “Is it not foolish, Takechi-kun…so foolish, in fact, it becomes laughable…though, if I do say myself, that old woman is quite laughable in her own right, knowing this would happen yet struggling to change it all the same…” After saying so much, the cigarette held between the man’s fingertips was more than half gone. “Everything has been preordained…it is impossible to change. Everything…is proceeding according to PSYREN’s wishes…” “–––!?” “PSYREN.” The word that had been avoiding Takechi for half a year now fell suddenly from this man’s mouth. He started and looked up, but the man had already tossed his cigarette to the ground, crushed it beneath his heel, and was walking off towards the mansion courtyard where Takechi and the other members of the police force were prohibited from entering. “Wait! Just who in the world are–––!?” “Takechi-kun? You are a very splendid officer…should you survive the coming several years, pay a visit to Shimabara…it’s a wonderful place…a very, very wonderful place, beaming with sunlight.” Leaving those words behind, the man departed without ever turning back to Takechi again.
“I don’t give a damn about that man’s identity. What matters is that PSYREN was even somehow involved with all that devastation W.I.S.E caused!” Takechi, thoroughly worked up, slammed his fist down onto the counter with a thud. The glass resting there nearly toppled over as a result, which caused Kabuto to scramble to keep it upright. When the other customers took notice, he shot them a stiff smile and explained, in local tongue, “Sorry for the ruckus. Nothing’s wrong, so don’t worry.” “After that…October 2009. Amagi Miroku and the rest of W.I.S.E had perished after a fierce onslaught by the military, they declared…peace had finally returned to us…and then, as if on cue, Yoshina Ageha also made his return. Along with Mochizuki Oboro, Asaga Hiryuu…and you. Isn’t that right, Kirisaki?” “…” “But right as I was going to begin my investigation anew again, the unthinkable happened!” Takechi pulled out a stack of pure white paper from his suit’s inner pocket. It looked like regular copy paper, but there wasn’t a single sentence or character or anything at all on it. It was just a stack of white paper, held together by an ordinary clip on the lefthand side. Nothing more, nothing less. “What’s…that?” Kabuto was clearly confused, and Takechi answered him bitterly. “My investigation report. I wrote everything I uncovered about PSYREN in it.” “You wrote…but there’s nothing here…oh, it’s in invisible ink!” “No!”
It was about half a year since November of 2009, when the government had lifted the state of emergency–––Takechi had felt it was finally time to start up his investigation once more when something unbelievably strange occurred. Every single bit of data he had gathered up until that point had vanished. But it wasn’t that someone had deleted it. It extended even to the backups he’d created on other devices in order to stay on the safe side. It had all just vanished, like it never existed in the first place. And it went even further. Even the data he’d printed out on paper had turned back into blank sheets. The attached photos, too, had been whited out. At first he thought someone had done this to impede the investigation…and for a moment, that man he’d met at Elmore’s mansion rose up in his thoughts. But he quickly concluded that couldn’t have been the case. If someone truly wanted to obstruct his investigation, they would’ve just destroyed everything. There was no reason to instead go through such convoluted means. Additionally––– From what Takechi remembered, something strange happened among those involved with PSYREN. Those who had gone missing, or supposedly died, had slotted back into their normal lives. Neither they nor those close to them had any recollection of them disappearing, and there were no records of it occurring either. It was as if an entire portion of the world had been rewritten: that whole event had simply “never happened.” “What the hell is going on?” Takechi went so far as to wonder if he was losing it. But there was one piece of undeniable truth that tethered him. “Mochizuki Oboro’s disappearance” and his subsequent “interrogation of Yoshina Ageha” were both events that still verifiably happened, indisputably. Yoshina Ageha and the others had reappeared after October 2009. He’d wanted to go and ask them about the truth of the matter as soon as possible, but once again the upper management brought its foot down and forbade any and all involvement or contact with the matter. But Takechi couldn’t give up on his investigation. Though he was looking into “something that no longer existed”–––on a wild goose chase, one might say–––he persisted, going over his findings over and over again. In doing so, he found, from the day when Mochizuki Oboro had disappeared, security footage from a service area that featured Asaga Hiryuu and Amamiya Sakurako. And it was here that he discovered Kirisaki Kabuto, riding with them in the rental car.
~~~~~~ [Notes: *While the service area (or SA in Japan) Amamiya and co visit is probably nothing too extravagant, some of them can be far more than a simple ‘drive in, drive out’ area. The part where they go to this service area is actually depicted in the manga, in chapter 59.]
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