#Gall Bladder Stone Removal Doctors in Koramangala
drmanastripathy · 1 year
In today’s podcast episode, Dr. Manas Tripathy, Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout, Bangalore would like to discuss about “Gallstones”. Stay Tuned!
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For an appointment call us @ +91 81500 00200 or visit us on www.drmanastripathy.com
#Gallstones #DrManasTripathy #Proctologist #Proctologists #LaserTreatment #laparoscopicsurgeon #surgery #surgeon #Koramangala #HSRLayout #Indiranagar #ElectronicCity #Bangalore
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drmanastripathy · 1 year
How to prevent Gallstones | Laparoscopic Surgeon in Bangalore | Dr. Manas Tripathy
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Welcome to the Podcast Series “Proctology and Laparoscopic Surgery”. This is ⁠Dr. Manas Tripathy⁠⁠,⁠ the Laparoscopic Surgeon in Koramangala, Bangalore with you.
In today’s podcast episode, I would like to discuss “How to prevent Gallstones?”
Scared of Gallstones and it's the treatment?
Want to know how it can be prevented?
Listen to our podcast carefully here---> https://bit.ly/3NZLQOU
For more information visit: ⁠www.drmanastripathy.com
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drmanastripathy · 1 year
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Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout | Dr. Manas Tripathy s coming up soon exclusively on Anchor on 17-02-2023 at 10:00 AM with an interesting topic "Gallstones" Connect Us on: https://bit.ly/3RGR6qC For an appointment call us @ +91 81500 00200 or visit us on www.drmanastripathy.com
#Gallstones #DrManasTripathy #Proctologist #Proctologists #LaserTreatment #laparoscopicsurgeon #surgery #surgeon #Koramangala #HSRLayout #Indiranagar #ElectronicCity #Bangalore
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drmanastripathy · 1 year
Welcome to the Podcast Series “Proctology and Laparoscopic Surgery”. This is Dr. Manas Tripathy, the Laparoscopic Surgeon in Bangalore with you.
In today’s podcast episode, I would like to discuss “Non-Surgical Treatment for Gallstones”
Gallstones are one of the most common gastrointestinal conditions caused by too must production of cholesterol and bilirubin. People try using home remedies provided by their loved ones.
Don't self-medicate. Self-medication may lead to more serious problems.
Consult your Laparoscopic Surgeon for Gallstones treatment.
So, today’s podcast is very important. Listen to it carefully to know more about “Gallstones”.
For more information visit: www.drmanastripathy.com
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drmanastripathy · 1 year
For an appointment call us @ +91 81500 00200 or visit us on www.drmanastripathy.com
#DrManasTripathy #Proctologist #Proctologists #LaserTreatment #laparoscopicsurgeon #Hernia #surgery #surgeon #Koramangala #HSRLayout #Indiranagar #ElectronicCity #Bangalore
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drmanastripathy · 1 year
Don't self-medicate. Self-medication may suppress your symptoms and delay the underlying condition's diagnosis. It may lead to more serious problems. Consult your Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout | Dr. Manas Tripathy for any gallstone problems. Website: www.drmanastripathy.com Phone no. +91 81500 00200 #DrManasTripathy #Proctologist #Proctologists #LaserTreatment #laparoscopicsurgeon #surgery #surgeon #Koramangala #HSRLayout #Indiranagar #ElectronicCity #Bangalore
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drmanastripathy · 2 years
FAQs on Gallstones | Gallstone Treatment in Koramangala
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Gallstone Treatment in Koramangala, Bangalore by Dr. Manas Tripathy
Gallstones are a common digestive disorder found in 15 percent of people ages 50 and about 10% of the population worldwide. The standard treatment is the removal of the gallbladder when severe symptoms exist. Whereas, you do not need any surgery if you do not have any symptoms. 
There are misbeliefs around gallstones found on social media or the internet that are not correct and harmful for people blindly following the available information. In this article, we will look at some resolutions for misconceptions and frequently asked questions about gallstones to make the correct decision. 
1. What are Gallstones?
Gallstones are gravel-like deposits made of bilirubin, cholesterol, or calcium salts found as a mixture found in your gallbladder. The size of the stones may vary from a rice grain to the size of a golf ball, with different numbers and sizes.
There are two types of gallstones:
Pigment Stones-These contain bilirubin salts and are found rarely. This type is present in patients with biliary tract infections, liver cirrhosis, or any blood disorder.
Cholesterol Stones-It is the most common type that occurs when the liver produces more cholesterol.
2. What are the difficulties caused by Gallstones? 
The main symptoms that people experience are pain in the stomach under the rib cage and the back of your shoulder. There can be episodes of nausea and vomiting also. You may have a severe stomach ache that can last for many hours once you have a fatty meal. But, if you experience pain due to longstanding gallbladder inflammation, you are also prone to jaundice and fever.  
3. What are my chances of getting Gallstones?
You are more likely to have gallstones if you,
Are you over forty years of age
Are a woman
Are pregnant
Are obese
Have diabetes
Eat a diet high in fats
Lose weight quickly
Have a family history of gallbladder stones?
Take cholesterol-lowering medications
Take medicines for hormone replacement or contraception.
4. Can drinking plenty of water flush out my Gallstones?
Gallstones are not similar to kidney stones. Kidney stones form within the kidneys and can flush out through urine with sufficient water intake. But, gallstones are formed inside the gallbladder under your liver. Accordingly, drinking plenty of water does not remove gallstones but can harm you, and you are required to visit the hospital if you experience extreme pain.
5. Are there any alternative medications to try first?
Presently, there are no alternate medicines that can help you relieve gallstones. You are prone to serious complications like jaundice, cholangitis, cholecystitis, gangrene, pancreatitis, gallbladder cancer, or any other gallbladder-related complications, that may increase by 1-3% by the next decade even after diagnosis. Hence, gallbladder removal surgery is the only practical option.
6. Do Gallstones require treatment?
Some gallstones do not need any treatment. But, if you have gallstones that are more than 3 cm in size and are asymptomatic, or incidentally diagnosed during a checkup, the doctor would suggest eliminating the gallbladder to avoid any further complications.
7. Are there any complications involved in removing the Gallstones while retaining the gallbladder?
Stones in the gallbladder indicate poor health. So, many undergo surgery for gallstone removal. But, there are chances of non-surgical treatments in case of any medical conditions. Few methods include,
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Shock wave lithotripsy
Oral dissolution therapy
The above treatments are for the extraction of cholesterol stones alone that may recur after several months even with subsiding symptoms compelling you to take regular gallstones treatment for a longer time.
8. How are Gallstones treated?
Gallbladder removal is carried out through cholecystectomy. It is the standard treatment for gallstone removal and is done in two ways.
Open Surgery
In the case of gallbladder inflammation, infection, or scarring from previous surgery then open surgery is the best solution. It is the best option when laparoscopic surgery is not possible. You are likely to stay in hospital for about a week and may resume your daily activities after a month.
Laparoscopic Surgery
This is the most sought after option for gallbladder removal because,
It requires three small incisions, so there is less scarring
Can be treated as an outpatient 
Less postoperative discomfort and pain
Less medication
Requires hospitalization for 1-2 days
Speedy recovery
9. What are the harmful effects post gallbladder surgery?
The gallbladder is an indispensable organ. The primary function of the gallbladder is to store bile juices that aid digestion. In most cases, there are not many serious harmful after effects. But, some people might complain of stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating, and gas that can be treated with medication after consulting a doctor. 
10. Should I consider a second opinion before deciding on surgery?
The symptoms experienced by gallstones are not distinctive and are common to other medical conditions. Taking a second option from a reliable source in such cases is highly beneficial and makes a huge impact to make a knowledgeable choice.
To know more visit: www.drmanastripathy.com
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drmanastripathy · 2 years
Do Gallstones require treatment | Gallstone Treatment in HSR Layout
Gallstone Treatment in HSR Layout | Most people with gallstones will never need treatment. But if your gallstones cause problems, your healthcare provider will treat them. To know more visit: www.drmanastripathy.com or reach us @ +91 8150000200
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drmanastripathy · 4 years
Dietary Restriction after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Bangalore, HSR Layout, Koramangala
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When you face serious problems with your gallbladder, like gallstones, then your doctor is likely to recommend you to have your gallbladder removed through surgery. The major concern the patients have after getting their gallbladder removed is whether they can carry out normal day-to-day activities. The second fear they have is whether they have to change their diet after gallbladder surgery or Cholecystectomy surgery.
Dr. Manas Tripathy, Best Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Surgeon in Bangalore, has answered the common questions that arise in patients after a gall bladder removal. He has also shared some of the post-surgery lifestyle tips for faster and better recovery.
Now let us look at what should be included in your diet after you have your gallbladder removed.
Majorly people do not have to follow a special diet after going through the surgery of removing the gallbladder stone. The major reason behind it is because the gall the bladder does not have any direct relation with the digestion so that it does not matter much if you were not being asked to follow a strict diet. In most of the cases, doctors suggest that patients can start eating normally after the surgery, but they do say that you should start with small meals at regular intervals of time.
Here are some of the most important things that should be kept in mind right after you have got your gallbladder removed so that there should be no problem for the patient and for their closed ones as well. So kindly keep these things in mind that should be avoided so as to not invite any problem for anyone.
1. Drinks containing Caffeine
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For the initial phase of the surgery, not only the doctors, but we would also suggest that please-please do not for the drinks that contain caffeine. We strictly mean that drinks like tea, coffee, and cold drinks should be avoided at any point in time. If you continue having these drinks then it might become a huge problem because it would not let the scar to heal which would be there in your body after the surgery. These drinks would prolong the healing period. So please think about your health and avoid any such caffeinated drinks.
2. Avoid Spicy or Fatty Foods
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In the initial phase post-surgery, it is extremely important that any of the spicy or the fatty foods should be avoided so that the digestive system of the body does not have to do much work in digesting the food and it should be easy for the body to do its work normally without any kind of problem in between. It is for your betterment only. These fatty or spicy foods would not do any good to you in the initial post-surgery phase rather it would just increase your sufferings and nothing else.
3. Add foods back into your diet gradually
It is suggested that during the initial days after surgery to stick on to very light foods such as broths, gelatins, and clear liquids. After a few days, you can gradually get back to more solid foods back into your diet.
4. Avoid fried food and stick with smaller portions
At any cost, avoid fried foods or the ones containing high amounts of fat. Foods with strong odors or gas-causing foods should also be kept away from your diet. The key to a healthy diet is eating smaller yet frequent meals. This helps in ensuring a better mix with bile.
5. Skip high-fat foods to help avoid discomfort
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After having gallbladder surgery, many people develop frequent, watery stools. Eating the wrong food can worsen the situation and can induce pain, bloating and diarrhea. This could also cause gastrointestinal discomfort. It could be mostly avoided by not consuming high-fat or spicy foods. These may include:  
French fries and potato chips
Meat items such as bologna, sausage or ground beef
Junk food such as pizza, French fries or ground beef
Chicken skin
Spicy foods
Coconut or palm oil
Dairy products such as cheese, ice cream, and whole milk
Generally, you should not intake fat calories more than 30% of your daily intake. So if you are like consuming 1,800 calories each day, then you should consume no more than 60 grams of fat.
You should be careful while choosing the food and hence make sure to read food labels carefully. Avoid having any food that offers more than 3 grams of fat per serving.
6. Take it slowly as you reintroduce high-fiber foods
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As the days pass, try to bring some of the gas-producing foods back into your diet, such as:
Whole-grain bread
Don’t add the high-fiber foods suddenly to your diet. Add them in small amounts and slowly. Else, if re-introduced suddenly, it could lead to other problems like diarrhea, cramping and bloating.
7. Keep a food journal
After surgery, you can keep track of what you eat and the impact it brings by keeping a food journal. This will not make you worry about your diet and but will give you some idea of what you can and cannot eat comfortably.
Most of the people who undergo gallbladder surgery can return to a regular diet within a month or so. But some of you might find some problems. In such cases, consult your doctor.  The symptoms might be:
·         Severe pain in the abdominal
·         Feeling nauseating or vomiting
·         Jaundice fever
·         No bowel movements even after three days post-surgery
·         Not being able to pass gas for more than three days post-surgery
·         Diarrhea
After surgery, having a food journal will help you feel more comfortable and at ease. With time, check your tolerance for high-fiber foods and fats (try to stick on healthy fats).
Now most people think that can you live normally after Gall Bladder Removal…
Yes. It has been noticed that the majority of people find no major difference before and after surgery except that they don’t experience the pain from gallstones. Let us take a quick look at the questions one would have regarding the gallbladder removal and life after surgery…
What does my gall bladder do?
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Gallbladder is a tiny organ linked to the liver which carries the function of storing bile coming from the liver. It is then released into the small intestine. Bile breaks down food and digest fat helping in your digestion process.
Can I function normally without a gall bladder?
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Absolutely, you can. In the absence of gall bladder, the bile produced by the liver flows directly into the small intestine. However, this may stimulate the intestine which results in loose motion for nearly half of the patients. But, it isn’t a serious concern as it lasts only about 3-6 months. In case you experience this symptom, strictly follow a low-fat diet. After 4 to 6 months, you will return to normal status. 
Is my life expectancy affected?
Removing the gallbladder doesn’t affect your life expectancy. Neither does it shorten your life expectancy. On the other hand, it may increase your life expectancy due to the good, healthy dietary habits you will force to follow post the gallbladder surgery. Avoiding fats, oils, processed foods, and dairy products, will, in turn, reduce the chances of you developing high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. The lower intakes of calories would result in your body is digesting your food and utilizing energy more efficiently.
You must know that your body can function pretty well without your gallbladder. The removal of gallbladder doesn’t shorten your life expectancy. Moreover, the healthy dietary changes that you follow after surgery will make you healthier and probably help in living a longer life.
The only thing you have to be mindful of is your diet. Keep control of your diet and avoid any food that may be a factor for digestive issues. Introducing these healthy habits in your lifestyle will benefit you in the long run. In case, you find issues post-surgery, you should talk to your doctor. Give priority to your treatment methods after the gallbladder surgery.
For more information visit:
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drmanastripathy · 4 years
Medical and surgical management of gall stone disease / Do all patients with gall bladder stones require surgery
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Gall stone is a common problem in India and most of the time the patient is confused about the treatment options available. Let us discuss the two option available for Gallstone treatment
Most of the time or the usual treatment for gallstones is surgery. In cetin cases doctors sometimes can use nonsurgical treatments to treat cholesterol stones. In the case of pigment stones, surgery is the recommended method
There are two methods of treatment for gallbladder stone:
·        Medical
·        Surgical
So let’s understand the two methods
1.     Surgical / Surgery
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A gall bladder is a pear fruit shaped organ that helps in the storage of bile juice, a fluid that is helpful in digesting food. If it does not work in the right manner, then it starts forming fragments that are hard but these fragments can be small in size or they can be big in size as well. But you have to remember that these ball bladder stones do not go away just like that. If they start hurting your body, then the doctor might have to remove them. It is a surgery known as cholecystectomy that they have to perform.
It is believed that 80% of the people who have the problem of gall bladder stones have to go through the surgery. Not trying to scare you, but letting you know about the fact. You might want to know how many types of surgeries are there and about the best surgeons as well. So here are the types of cholecystectomy surgeries performed by surgeons:
·        Open cholecystectomy: As per this procedure, the surgeons have to lay a cut of 5 to 7 inches on your belly to let that paining gall bladder come out of your body. The scenarios in which you might need the surgery is if you are suffering from bleeding, if you have a rarest of a rare disease in the gall bladder, or if you are extremely over-weight or if you are in the last trimester of being pregnant.
·        Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Best surgeons call it as “keyhole surgery”. In this, the surgeon does not give a huge cut on your belly. But he makes 4 small cuts on the belly. Then he puts a very thin tube with a video camera in your belly to check the position of your gall bladder stone and then he would insert the required equipment in removing the gall bladder stone.
2.     Medical or Nonsurgical treatments
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In special cases or situations, doctors use nonsurgical treatments for gallstones.
In case due to some medical condition that prevents surgery then the doctor may opt for medical treatment. The treatment procedure maybe for a longer time or even for the rest of your life
Below mentioned are few nonsurgical treatments options that a doctor may use to remove or break up cholesterol gallstones:
·        Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). To remove the gallstone that is stuck in the common bile duct, sometimes doctors use ERCP
·        Oral dissolution therapy. There are certain medicines that contain bile acids that can break up gallstones. The mechanism of this medicine is to break the small cholesterol stone. Usually, the treatment is for a longer period of time
·        Shock wave lithotripsy. Usually, a doctor uses shock wave lithotripsy NIH external link to blast gallstones into small pieces. But these types of procedures are not used regularly.
So with the above content, it is clear that surgery is one of the best options to treat Gall bladder stone.
Let us discuss, do all patients with gall bladder stones require surgery
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The doctor will decide whether you need surgery or not based on clinical evidence and the symptoms of gallstones. There’s no need for you to have surgery if there are no major problems and discomfort. You need surgery only if a stone goes into, or blocks, one of your bile ducts. This problem what doctors call a “gallbladder attack”. The pain is intense and can last for several hours
Gallstones can also lead to more serious problems if left untreated, like
·        Cholecystitis — an inflamed gallbladder
·        Pancreatitis — an inflamed pancreas
·        Cholangitis — inflamed bile ducts
There are several tests done just to see the effect of gallbladder gallstones are having on your health
Tests might include:
·        Blood test
·        Ultrasound
·        MRI HIDA (hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid) scan
·        Endoscopic ultrasonography
Can I Try Other Treatments First?
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With a proper diet plan, you can manage your symptoms for a short time. This includes reducing fatty foods. But you cannot prevent the Gallbladder attacks which is very painful
If your doctors feel that surgery is not a good option for you then he can prescribe a medication to dissolve your gallstones. This requires a long period of treatment and even if your gallstones do go away, there’s a chance they’ll return.
According to Dr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy Gall bladder, stone management is very important as if left untreated it may cause emergencies. Based on clinical evidence and symptoms the doctor will take a call whether to do surgery or not. As per Dr. Manas Tripathy, around 80% of patients required surgery. He always says that “With the advance in technology like Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy it is very safe and effective”. So if we evaluate the risk and benefits then surgery is the best option for Gallstone treatment.
 To know more, visit:
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