#mainpulate mansplain malewife
Welcome to the official best malewife competition!
inspired by the other Official Tumblr Competition polls, such as my favourites are @autismswagsummit, @nonbiney-swag-competition, @swaglesscompetition, @gotalittletoosilly, and @adhdswagcompetition :))
this is gonna be a bracket poll competition deciding who the ultimate malewife is, but this beloved label has many cultural definitions - for the purpose of this competition, I invite you to submit anyone who simply has malewife energy. my personal exemplar is hannibal from nbc hannibal - he committed MANY crimes and yet he is still sweet, suave, an excellent cook and most importantly, slay. there are bonus points available if your malewife of choice manages to tick off the trifecta:
no real people - use your thoughts to work out whether this applies - I know nothing about anything like mcyt, if the irl creator has expressed that they're ok with their character being used for stuff like this, go ahead, but characters only, not the creators
pls don't rig the poll!! i really want this mansplaining manipulating malewife to win fairly
a malewife does not necessarily have to be male - non binary malewifes are of course welcome, and i am going to cautiously say that if you feel your character's malewife energy transcends the barriers of gender, you can submit feminine characters
multiple submissions are welcome!!
characters will be selected by number of votes, and i will be holding a couple polls for characters with few submissions but my favourite justifications, so that there's hope for the niche characters and it's a bit more fun!!
submissions are here, have fun guys!!
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round 1: WILD CARD Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle) vs Phillip J Fry (Futurama)
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Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle): WILD CARD manipulate, mansplain. No submission notes given
Phillip J Fry (Futurama): malewife, "he's the sweetest little boyfriend ever. leela is his girlhusband"
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round 1: WILD CARD Marty (Steven Universe) vs Fix it Felix (Wreck it Ralph)
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Marty (Steven Universe): WILD CARD manipulate, mansplain, no submission notes given
Fix it Felix (Wreck it Ralph): malewife, no submission notes given
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so. its been a while
heyyyy guys so i'm gonna pull an ao3 author right now and we're all gonna pretend i didn't disappear for several months :)
so, the bracket is done, it took forever but here it is! i didn't get loads submissions, so any characters with 2+ submissions got in, then i added my dealer's choice, ken, for very very obvious reasons. then, all others were selected with an rng! there are 4 'wild card' which were characters that were submitted as manipulating mansplainers, but not malewives. i thought the balls to submit them to a malewife competetion was amazing enough that they deserved a chance, long live the renegades! i think due to the relatively low number of submissions i may have put together the weirdest most diverse bracket competition on tumblr tbh >:)
for the first rounds, i'll be posting 5 polls a day at 16:00 CDT starting tmr, and each poll will have 24 hours until the results are collected, so the first round will done in 5 days :)). and, with no further ado - the brackets!!
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hope some ppl are still left to actually do this lmao, enjoy guys!
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hey guys!
the first round of polls has finished! i won't lie to you, we have lost some brave soldiers. kermit's loss truly hurt me. i'm at work atm, but later this evening i'll post the winners on the bracket post pinned, and then tomorrow i'll start posting the new polls, probably 3 a day (still thinking about it, but most likely 3) at the same time as the first round :)
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round 1: Light Yagami (Death Note) vs WILD CARD Sollux Captor (Homestuck)
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Light Yagami (Death Note): manipulate, mansplain, malewife, no submission notes given
Sollux Captor (Homestuck): WILD CARD manipulate, mansplain, no submission notes given
homestuck made it into my brakcet competition. help
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round 1: Kai Satou (Your Turn to Die) vs (Just) Ken (Barbie)
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Kai Satou (Your Turn to Die): manipulate, malewife, "he’s so pretty and is also an amazing chef who loves eggs and can cook basically anything (!!spoiler warning!! he’s also an assassin lol)"
'Just' Ken (Barbie): mansplain, malewife, (from me) "LOOK AT HIM. he invented mansplaining and his one true dream was to be a malewife!! hes PERFECT!"
Ken is my dealer's choice! But I gotta admit, the fact that this other guy is LITERALLY in an apron rn is really working in his favour.
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