#magireco figure
dailyfigures · 26 days
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Momoe Nagisa ; Puella Magi Madoka Magica ☆ Good Smile Company
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gabbyp09 · 4 months
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sicksweetcreamy · 8 months
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@magitober MAGITOBER 2023: Halloween Costume - Natsuki Utsuho I bought this exact costume at Daiso on clearance one year, but I don't have it anymore, too bad
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Congratulations @azusamifuyu !!!!! she’s here!!!!!!!! the wait can finally end!
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doomstarx1 · 1 year
kyu.gay Update 05/28/23
I finally had a moment to troubleshoot, and it turns out (luckily) that the issue was a null character that had been added to the end of every ExportJson file. With this in mind:
Updated to new versions of animations
Added Olga
Added Gunhild
Added Heruka
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or bugs.
Thank you!
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frobby · 1 year
Im still of the mind they should make a mairuma gacha game
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cute-pluto · 2 years
(ill explain what the event in the image is later im. sleepy... gn)
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raposarealm · 2 years
‘Cause of the news that one of the consoles that the Exe/Battle Network Legacy Collection is gonna be released on is the Switch, I’m gonna have to get used to using mine, I’ve barely touched it because I still favor my DS when I can. So far I’ve only played a bit of The Stanley Parable on it, which doesn’t really require the level of coordination Exe does let’s face it.
I have a couple Switch games I haven’t played yet... I got a copy of one of the Ni no Kuni titles and a copy of the Untitled Goose Game, but also speaking of legacy collections, I found a copy of the Zero Legacy Collection at the game store while getting the Untitled Goose Game copy, but I’ve been too scared to play that one at all since it only occurred to me afterwards that I’d probably be missing a huge chunk of lore if I played the Zero series before X... though that would probably be the best one to train reflexes on aha.
But knowing me I’ll just keep replaying Starforce 1 because I have problems.
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shizukateal · 3 months
Hello there, new MagiReco gurl appeared, and her name is Mitsuru Inami
What do you think about her (and her outfit, of course)?
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Not too charged, not particularly impractical, but the silhouette is too loose and so it lacks definition and proper contrast. The hair and the capelet can work together, but then overskirt comes out from under the stiffness of the doublet, not puffy enough to properly follow its line, but flowing in just the wrong way to turn the body into an amorphous blob, especially because it also covers the top of the boots. It parts in the middle to reveal the underskirt, also giving us this weird color imbalance/whiplash effect (red-black-re- no wait it's black again). If they wanted to give her a long skirt no matter what then it would have been better for the doublet to not jut out at the hips, if not then they should've given her a mini skirt that completes the triangular line of the points of the doublet at the hips:
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Or just remove the skirts and leave her in the leggings alone.
However I want to point out that I get what the artist was going for thanks to this picture:
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This is a good pose with a lot of personality that also showcases the appeal of these kind of asymmetrical, a-line pieces, but it also proves my point that shoving this particular gimmick together more than once makes them compete in an unflattering way. Her legs look great here but the entire area around the hips turns into this confusing mess that flatters nothing, and even if that was cleaner, again, the skirts and capelet would still compete because they are doing the same effect for the torso and the legs, thus unnecessarily dividing them and preventing the whole from becoming unified and cohesive.
I also want to talk about her weapon.
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(My God is this pose unflattering to her) Look if she was a clown I could accept it because all things considered the rod is not the most impractical weapon you could think of, especially if the balls are attached to a chain, but it still looks ridiculous on her. Sakura Kinomoto (all praise her noble name) already proved that you can have a staff that's both acrobatic and wizardly with just one weighted end, so I think she should follow her example.
Other than that there's not much else to say, she pretty mid ove- wait, she's supposed to be 21 and a motherly figure to Ao? That hairstyle needs to change, stat.
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dreamerwitches · 3 months
I know this isn’t a witch ask, but what do you think about Homura?
Now for the witch ask, what do you think about Homulilly? And among her familiars, which is the most interesting? What do you think about the Clara dolls too? Seeing as they are somewhat popular in the fandom…
Lets do Homulilly first. I love her loads. I think shes so cool. I love Rebellion a ton and it means a lot to me so I think that adds to it lol. She was one of my first faves I think. Her design is amazing too. I do like portable homulilly too and id love to see more of her but her design it a little hard to draw/interpret lol
Most interesting familiar? Well for sure the Clara dolls cause theyre so characterised. Probably the most effort put into familiars. But ill give a runner up award for Lisa (the zeppelins) for a) kinda being left out from promotional stuff and it took me looking in the production note to be like ‘hang on, shes a familiar too?’ And b) seemingly being pretty powerful. She can rewrite memories and is in charge of making everything in the world flow like a play. Also the scene where they all come crashing down in fire gives me chills EVERY time (it even did it just now as i was writing this)
I do like the Clara dolls and I think they deserve to be popular. There are so many you can kinda pick your favourite lol (though everyone loves Manuke dont they? Thats well deserved too). I think their designs are really cute and the way they are portrayed and animated in Rebellion is so cool and creepy.
Fine, ill talk about homura. I think moemura, glasses homura, is super cute. Theres a reason i have every one of her Kyun chara figures. I love magireco for giving her more screentime. Episode 10 of the anime is one of my favourites. But cool homura..? Oh, look at that, we’ve run out of space to write..! ^^’
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dailyfigures · 2 years
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Alina Gray ; Magia Record ☆ Wing
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magicaldogtoto · 6 months
Learning that much of the Witch imagery and folkloric/fairy tale references of Madoka were added in by Inu Curry and others at Shaft after Gen Urobuchi finished the scripts certainly explains why there's something of a disconnect between the visuals and how the characters act/react to their surroundings.
According to a quote on Wikipedia, Urobuchi originally envisioned the Witches as looking like conventional monsters a la kaiju like Godzilla. (Which I find amusing, since I've had the image of a magical girl fighting kaiju in my head for a few years now...) Things like Sayaka's Witch being an allusion to the Little Mermaid to parallel her unrequited love for Kyosuke being later additions explain why, when stripping the show of its visuals, Madoka really doesn't have much in the way of fairy tale themes/imagery (at least compared to anime like Princess Tutu, which is something I recall pointing out to someone on Twitter not too long ago). Yeah, the Faust stuff fits, but that's also arguably just the result of Inu Curry noticing the archetypal similarities between the contracts and Faust. And really, stories of deals with the devil are nearly universal, and can't be attributed to only Faust. Fairy tales are full of similar stories, for example (like "The Little Mermaid," since the Sea Witch in the original story was a neutral party akin to Kyubey, but she at least was upfront of the struggles the Mermaid would face).
This also applies to other, non-Witch details like Homura's weird apartment, which no one comments on. As pointed out by Anime Slushie, it's obvious Urobuchi didn't intend for Homura's apartment to be so surreal.
This isn't anything new, nor is it "bad" that Madoka had this kind of development. Lots of visual media have similar developments. George Lucas didn't originally picture Darth Vader as having his iconic helmet, but Ralph McQuarrie added that in in his concept art (McQuarrie noted that Vader traveled from one ship to another in the draft he had, and figured he'd need some breathing apparatus).
This gets interesting when we think of Rebellion and the Magia Record anime, since by then the aesthetic of the franchise would have been locked in, and in the case of MagiReco, Inu Curry was in charge and could do whatever they want (this is why I think the imagery gets confusing there; Urobuchi may not have had much in the way of designing elements for the setting, but I'd argue his script at least held Inu Curry back from going completely confusing with their visuals).
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muffinrecord · 1 year
Hmm. I’m not sure how I feel about Ebony’s magical girl story. The translation is great and I think the core concept is good, but the execution is lacking for me.
This might be nitpicky, especially considering how many cool magical girl characters we have, but I don’t really like that the two queens/ladies in positions of power we know of are being portrayed as crazy psychos (Cleopatra and Isabeau).
In particular there is a section where it’s like... Cleopatra seduced or brought all these powerful men to her will and that’s bad you guys! She’s frustrated with current events!!! How unreasonable of her!!
I think it stands out more to me because in the Battle Maiden event with Tsuyu and Chizuru, the men were all portrayed more sympathetically or at least in shades of gray. The fathers feel bound by duty more than anything, the newly reigning dude is found to be more incompetent and lied to than actually evil, and the one traitor-figure is given sympathetic motivation. Meanwhile Cleopatra is just... an evil cRaZy woman who lusts for power I guess?
There is this kinda trope I guess-- not just in magireco or even anime as a whole, but in all types of kind of stories, where young women are seen as pure and older women are seen as crazy and evil. Hell, I feel like the original Madoka Magica can be thought to talk about this with the idea of “magical girls” and “witches.” What does a magical girl become when she grows up? A witch. At least, that’s what expected and wanted by creatures like Kyubey-- meanwhile the show took pains to show that isn’t actually reality through characters like Madoka’s mom.
I’m not saying that Magia Record is like this, but the Egyptian Puella Historia imo rubs a little too close to the trope to be comfortable.
I think the idea behind Cleopatra is interesting. A person who has had so many wishes made over her that she’s kinda lost it is fascinating. 
Additionally, I think a story about “hey actually maybe the ruling authority isn’t great and they aren’t gods” is always a good one.
Anyways one day I do actually want to liveblog stuff, so I might go into more of my negative thoughts then. 
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mahou-furbies · 9 months
Tonight's mood: excited because I figured out that tvtropes has at least some kind of descriptions on the magireco girls. So far the wiki hasn't been very helpful to me in this regard; I've only been able to find long plot summaries which are deep in the "not reading that" territory, while the character pages are more about the game stats. Meanwhile what I've been looking for has been more like a single paragraph of the character's story and most significant relationships in a nutshell, or even just really basic information like "is this character still alive". Granted going off of a couple of tropes in a mostly empty character list is scraping the bottom of a barrel, but at least it gives some personality to what so far have been just cute anime girl faces for me.
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enderprophet · 4 months
Satanists in Jackson County? Drawing By Missing Child Sparks Fear, Concern.
(Ripley, West Virginia) A new drawing making its way around social media has caused some residents of Jackson County to question what, exactly, it is depicting. This picture was posted by Amanda Mason, age 62, to Facebook last week with the caption "MY GRANDBABY WAS KIDNAPPED BY THE ANTICHRIST". According to Amanda, this figure was found in the drawing book of her granddaughter, Nyla Davis, age 8, who is currently missing, alongside her older sister Amara Davis, age 14. Amanda also claims that both her granddaughters, who were living with her at the time of their disappearance, had been "acting distant" shortly before they vanished. The former pastor also claimed to have seen "hooded figures" outside her home at night. "I know this is The Antichrist because the Devil cannot create. He can only mutate. Pervert. Corrupt. Mock. And we know from the Good Book what The Lord is gonna look like when He comes back. And this? This is like that, but false. The Devil was an angel once. Who ever said he threw all his clothes out when he fell?" The Jackson County Sheriffs Department has dismissed Mrs. Mason's theory of her granddaughters disappearance. "These claims are utterly baseless and not worth commenting on further.", they said in a statement. "What we do know is that we have been unable to locate their (Nyla and Amara's) biological father, Zack Davis, since they disappeared. Zack Davis is a registered sex offender and a threat to children, hence why his daughters were removed from his care and placed under the care of their grandmother. If you have any information whatsoever on the location or status of either Nyla Davis, Amara Davis, or Zack Davis, please contact us or any other authorities immediately. Again, we cannot stress this enough, Zack Davis is a registered sex offender and a threat to children." When asked about the drawing during the press conference, the sheriff replied "I think its some cartoon character actually. I remember seeing my daughter looking at something that kinda looked like that. Who knows, kids draw the strangest things sometimes. Anyways, its almost certainly not relevant to this case, and is taking away attention from the real and present threat that is Zack Davis. Again, if you have any information on the whereabouts of Nyla or Amara, please contact us immediately." Nyla and Amara Davis remain lost. @magireco-minibang
(Picture found by Amanda Mason, supposedly drawn by her granddaughter Nyla Davis, age 8)
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doomstarx1 · 8 months
kyu.gay Update 09/30/23
Added Inami Mitsuru
Added Nishikigi Chisato
Added Inoue Takina
If you do not see the update, please clear your cache for the site (doing so for just the last 24 hours should work).
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or bugs.
Thank you!
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