#maea talks dragons
Baby Dragons in httyd are a lot like kittens, in that they are born/hatched mostly to completely blind, deaf, and have to completely rely on their parents to survive. Even though in gotnf we’re shown otherwise it makes no real sense for them to be born otherwise, seeing as 90% of them will have parents that are giant, flying firespitting lizards with mouths full of giant teeth and razor sharp claws.
Kittens are born that way, and so are puppies because they rely on their parents for survival and because they have parents that take care of them and raise them as well as protect them.
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snarky-art · 1 year
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Quick Daphne Mythix concept I came up with a few days ago + quick work sketches
The Great Dragon itself, specifically war and wrath
Decided to make her gem purple in the end to signify her no longer holding a barrier between herself and The Flame, which although by the time of her death there hadn’t been one of separation technically as she was the full blown Holder, she always held a great respect for the decorum and structure of ruling towards her parents, specifically her mother (the previous Holder), and was so proud of her title as heir that she greatly enjoyed keeping her blue gemmed ornament. In this transformation though, she would be pissed and tired and selfish and full of rage and sick of it, so,, yeah lol. She’s basically saying “fuck it, I should’ve taken advantage of what I could’ve when I had everything. It was mine after all.”
Alrighty! So!! Referred to this as the Daphne’s Fucking Pissed transformation when talking to @maea-megs
I feel like this would be during her “I’m pissed im alive again and I just want to hurt someone” phase since Mythix came later and this would be the closest she has to her old power
She doesn’t want to be alive again because she doesn’t want to deal with everything. She’s tired and she’s angry and Bloom can’t do what she could. She can’t wield The Flame like Daphne could, can’t conjure great power like it’s nothing, like its as easy as breathing, like it’s what she was made to do (she wasn’t, after all. She wasn’t the first born. She was barely even born at all when Domino fell. She was a desperate last attempt, Daphne tells herself with spite and venom).
Bloom is gracious and merciful, but Daphne finds that hilarious. Bloom has no need to be merciful because she can do nothing that would make anyone ask for it. Daphne though? Daphne could’ve destroyed worlds if she wanted to, whole planets and civilizations. She could’ve gone to war and been the only soldier and she would’ve won.
She had done things that some could consider drastic less times than could be counted on one hand with The Flame in her time before The Fall, but it was in the name of balance and order for all who were involved as a last attempt after all other options had been exhausted, and even then she had exercised such great restraint. She had always exercised restraint. She knew what would happen if she didn’t because she was that good, but maybe that was a mistake. She never truly allowed herself to indulge in anything now that she’s had time to ruminate, to really think back on everything. Almost everything she did she wanted to do, yes, (at least she thinks so. She’s still not sure the more time she’s had to think about it, but that’s a discussion for a later date she thinks) but what about the things she hadn’t done?
She knew their history, she would be a fool not to (Bloom didn’t know. She didn’t really know anything though, still so new to magic itself). There was a reason the words Ash Bringers, Fire Devils, and Daemons among other terms full of disgust and fear were seethed by some still even over 1000 years after Domino’s demise. Sacking and raiding was what they had been good at, their planet and it’s power given to them specifically, no one else. Surely that meant assimilation was what was needed, for who could live in such a way that was equal to them if they hadn’t been blessed with such divine light? Where was there that could not be made better if Dominions were to bless it with their knowledge and power? If that had to be done by force, then so be it. And if that force was not enough? Then they were not going to be adding anything of worth to The Magical World as is, so it would be better if they returned to The Great Dragon. Their energy could be breathed into new beings who weren’t stupid enough to thing resistance would work or be worth it. The Great Dragon gave life, and logically, that meant it should be the one to end it too, and end it, it would.
It is a shameful part of their past, a large part of it too. Only in more recent generations had Dominions finally begun to look upon it properly, with a critical and damning eye that called for condemnation and reparations. Daphne agreed, of course. It was wrong what they had done, and that was why she was so aware of how careful she had to be. She knew the blood that had been spilled so easily and so carelessly with The Power she was blessed to hold, how many cultures had been subjected to what was called Divine Wrath by oppressors who thought they had the right to control anything and anyone just because they could and that it was just because it was in the name of their god.
It was a power that left fields black and lifeless, permanently so, nothing able to grow ever again no matter how much time passed. It was a magic that called forth the stench of acrid flesh and bone dust and rocks stained black for all of eternity if The Holder wanted it to do so.
She knew how it felt, to have it thrumming and vibrating through her whole being, properly integrated into her core, acting as an extension of her own life force, the smallest misstep being the last barrier between her surroundings continuing to live and breath as they are or be decimated in an instant, no proof of anything having ever existed there at all. Just another random dead rock that one would pass by later that same day and assume it nothing more than a long deceased moon (if there was enough rubble left held together for it to even be called that, for it to be identified as anything at all).
She would be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about what it would feel like to feel that power as her ancestors once had, not in the name of imperialism and genocide like they had, but just to see what it was like. She would never let those thoughts linger for too long though. It was nothing more than an intrusive thought, a dangerous “what if”, perhaps influenced by the ghosts of those very ancestors who haunted their lineage and position in The Magical Realm all the way up to present day. But now, now Daphne didn’t have The Flame. She remembers though (she thinks she does anyway. She knows at least that she remembers more than what she has now). Most likely, this is the closest she’ll ever get to what she once had. And she had been so good before, what harm could come that she couldn’t fix if she just let herself be submerged just once in the closest thing she’ll ever get to her old abilities?
She would finally let go of all restraint she ever had and finally indulge in letting the power that has the ability to decimate worlds and cultures with a simple flick of the wrist do it’s thing.
So, basically:
Daphne, floating in a void of empty dead space, dissociative as hell: 🔥🔥🔥🔥👁️👄👁️🔥🔥🔥🔥
Everyone else: ….is she good????
Bloom: I think she just needs alone time:)
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Hello. No one asked for this, but here it is.
Red Death Headcanons
- Red Deaths are a female dominated species. All members of the race are biological females, however they do carry both sets of genitals. The only reason they mate is to keep the species going, and they only breed 4-5 times in their entire lifespan. They are like snails in that they will often just slip sperm into each other and leave.
- The Red Death are a very, very motherly species. Their flock is like their hatchlings, and they will continuously take in more and more members who have been separated from their families, had accidents, are lost, or are even just looking for a new flock.
- They are really only pests while they are pregnant. They urge their flock to gather more food, which oftentimes is away from the island that they live on because the numbers take a serious dip during the 400 or so years that they are pregnant. Sometimes their pregancies will only last 100, however due to their immense size and 10,000+ year lifespan they are required to have long pregnancies.
- Red deaths give live birth.
- After baby is born, the mother will often crush up bones and mix the calcium rich powder with the mineral rich fluid they have stored in their crop during their pregnancy and which will be used to feed the dragon’s young for the 40-50 years that they are in their mother’s care. After they start eating meat, they have learned everything they will ever need to know about running their own nest, and they will go off to start their own flock.
- Red Deaths sculpt their cavernous homes inside of the bellies of giant mountains, and as her flock grows, the red death will burrow out more caverns and rooms for her flock using her superheated fire to melt the rock and make dens for all of her subjects. Oftentimes, when they start running out of room she will go out and begin dragging large boulders she has chipped off and carried in her stomach to the mountain, melt them with her fire, and then spill them onto the mountain and inside to add extra support so that the weight of the structure doesn’t cave in.
- Each Red Death has six eyes due to the fact that their ancestors used to use them to hunt, before they adapted to live in giant caverns with large flocks of dragons. This, however, was millions of years before people were around, when dragons were more closely related to that of dinosaurs. (Speed stingers are the very distant ancestors of the dromeosaurs, for example, which spilt off into dragons and things related to birds, while the red deaths were more related to that of the tyrannosaurs, with their huge heads and powerful jaws.)
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The Expressions of a Trapped Mind
AU By Maea.
Feel free to add ideas for canon characters (with consent of course) and I will look them over!! For the most part this goes over Krogan, however if you would like to add ideas for characters like Viggo then feel free to do so! Au is under the cut and trigger warnings!
Tags: @ziggityzigg @duoatomica @amyrafiercebladeartz (y’all like the weird crap I come up with also this came to me in a dream.)
- Non-Consensual Medical Experimentation
- Non-Consensual Drugging
- Human Experimentation
- Self Harm
- Governmental Abuse of Power and Corruption
- Talks of Severe Mental Disorders such as the following: Disordered Eating, Stockholm Syndrome, Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder, Extremely Graphic Anxiety Attacks
- Other Potentially Disturbing Content such as: Blood, Gore, Violence, Cannibalism and Body Horror.
DISCLAIMER: This AU will also contain a much darker take on a NON-CANON related world of How to Train Your Dragon there is still Dragons and whatnot, however characters like Hiccup are going to be quite different. I will block users and/or delete any comments complaining about this AU being “too different” from canon or character being “out of character”. Because I frankly do not care.
If you find any of the above topics disturbing and/or triggering then PLEASE avoid this AU. Thank you for reading this.
Post Modern, High Future. Timeline wise, this AU would take place roughly two years after How to Train Your Dragon 2.
Important Characters:
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III: (CEO of PSI (Primordial Solutions Incorporated) and Lead Scientist on Code: UMBRIS, which began as a study of a new drug charmingly called Umberglass. Human testing has just commenced with Subject 001-KR.) Son of Stoick The Vast
Astrid “Valkyrie” Hofferson: Fiancée of Hiccup, CEO of Greater Holding and Management ©
Stoick “the Vast” Haddock: Emperor (and Dictator) of Veritima, once known as Berk in the history books, but after the Haddock Ascension and Overthrow the name was changed to a more fitting name of the warlike Iron Fist of Dragon Masters
Subject KR-001 (Calls himself Krogan.): Prisoner of War. Captured during the Battle for the King of Dragons. Originally owned By Drago Bludvist, now belongs to Primordial Solutions Incorporated © due to a sell off by the Greater Holding and Managment ©, the megacorp that owns most prisons. CURRENTLY 2 YEARS AND SIX MONTHS IN TESTING.
Information about the AU
Dragons Exist. They are extremely common, and are in fact the main portion of this AU in its entirety. Dragons are used for everything. Bioengineering, weaponry, and as day to day pets.
Drago Bludvist attacked the nation of Veritima (Otherwise known as Berk) (2790 AD), wherein his forces were overthrown and he was killed. Most of his prisoners were taken into the Veritima Prison System, owned by Greater Holdings and Management, who would distribute said prisoners and warriors of the warlord into districts that would fit them depending on how dangerous they were.
KR-001 was taken from the Ricter District Facility, a high security prison that dealt with the most unstable and violent inmates and prisoners that had issues socializing and tended to be aggressive towards handlers and staff members, and was Procured by the Nation’s Leader’s Son, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III.
KR-001 was captured during the Battle for the King of Dragons, a year before the Great Massacre (2789 AD). Hiccup Haddock Procured the man himself and placed him in the Ricter Facility due to the man’s quote “Prickly” nature.
Umberglass is not, in fact a drug. It is called that to the public. It is an injection of a fluid that contains a mixture of experimental gene-altering nanobots and Dragon DNA, with a base of Lycanwing Venom so the Dragon DNA sticks to the more human genomes that are being manually altered by the scientists from the outside of the body.
Cybernetic prosthetics are extremely common for body parts that are considered “broken.”, although sometimes they are used for looks.
This AU, for the most part, focuses on Krogan.
Month(s) One-Six.
Krogan is brought into the lab on February 1st, 2792. He is aggressive and mean to staff at the Ricter Prison where he came from, so he is bound with a straight jacket, a blinder and a muzzle.
He likes to use his teeth, apparently. He is injected on February 1st after being sedated due to not sitting still long enough for nurses to deliver what Hiccup had told Krogan was “medication.”
Hiccup’s voice seemed to enrage the man to no end, made him want to scratch his eyes out of their sockets, but all he could do was growl and snarl at the other man.
Krogan is left alone for the rest of the day to wake up again so Hiccup has an awake and not groggy subject to test on.
On February 3rd, Krogan’s appetite has seemed to increased. He is oddly calm. The Lycanwing Venom is Taking Effect.
Stage one of Gene splicing began on February 4th as, Krogan’s lycanwing Genomes are now steady enough to continue with further protocols.
On March 5th, Krogan has gained about five pounds. His body is hoarding food and his hormones are starting to go completely out of whack, quite similar in a manner as if he was carrying offspring.
Aggression had spiked a few days prior, which ended in lower intern, when coming to provide him with his food being injured and mauled. They lived, however they needed permanent facial prosthetics.
Feeding must be now be done through extremely minimal contact with the newly dubbed Subject KR-001
(March 14th) It broke the viewing glass. KR-001’s Strength has increased to almost double, if not triple its original strength. Glass was successfully replaced with an electrified ceramic-coated glass that is several inches thicker.
KR-001 has left it alone for now.
Genetic Changes have began to finally appear. KR-001 has experienced some growth of its limbs and its extremities. A stubby tail and claws are all we can make of the initial changes.
It cries and begs to be let out. Do not let it come out.
(May 2nd) Subject’s weight has increased by a surprising amount. KR-001 Started at 340 pounds and is now up to 359 pounds. Hunger has seemed to be constantly bothering it, as well as it weirdly beginning to try and dig holes in the tile of its cell near the doorway.
As of right now it has been entirely unsuccessful except in bloodying its fingers on the floor and wearing its new claws down to nubs and/breaking them off. Proper protocol has been incited. Subject has been given The Mittens to stop it from scratching or hurting itself.
Tail is longer. Around six feet long. Has a sharp venomous barb on it, which has been capped to stop KR-001 from injuring staff or itself with the neurotoxin contained within the barb.
Subject’s nose has been modified to be larger and more prominent. Sensory organs are supposedly growing stronger.
It has not stopped crying for over a month.
(June 3rd) KR-001 has eaten a member of security. A group apparently got drunk and unlocked the door, only to have a situation as it lunged and ate Davin S. Morris alive. Davin was too far gone by the time help was able to get to him. Cause of death was most likely caused by KR-001’s teeth and jaws biting through his skull and severing his spinal chord from its brain stem.
Subject is up to 600 pounds. It has grown taller, going from 8’2” to over 9’0” closer to 10 feet (actual height is 9’11”) tall. The tail is around the same length as it is tall.
KR-001’s claws have grown back.
(July 14th) It has finally stopped crying after punishment was implemented in the form of a shock collar.
KR-001’s limbs are once again longer, though only slightly, and so are its torso and its neck. It seems to prefer moving around on all fours, and has seemed to have lost a bit of mobility in its wrists. The opening to its mouth is far wider
Subject has been extremely docile. Shock collar is unneeded but remains in place. It has began to talk to itself and chew on its own limbs and the walls. They have been replaced with padding for KR-001’s safety.
KR-001 has lost some weight, and is down to 590 pounds.
Subject has stopped eating on (July 10th) and refuses to eat any food given to it. Heads have agreed that partially sedating the subject and forcefeeding it will fix the problem.
It has gone over without a hitch.
Year One
KR-001 has become a partial success. It still refuses to eat and protocol of tube feeding it has remained the same. It is tame enough to handle with no issues of being bitten or needing to be sedated.
At Night it screams until its throat is hoarse and during the day, it speaks to itself in seemingly meaningless chatter. Hiccup has grown annoyed with this factor and shocks it any time it tries to proceed with the unwanted behavior, though it does nothing to stop it, only sending it back into week long spirals of sobbing and screaming to be let out.
It has began to draw on the walls.
KR-001’s body has twisted in unnatural ways. It has lost most of its toes and has became digitigrade with the three that remain. It can no longer stand on its legs for extended periods of time. Its tail has grown a straight, hairy drape running down the tip of it, and its ears have become sharp and batlike. KR-001’s eyes are extremely sensitive to light and its vision has rapidly been growing worse in the last few months.
KR-001 has refused to eat for more than two years. We have replaced its stomach with an artificial one and equipped it with solar panels. It can now simply eat using the UVB light provided to it in its room.
Its eyes failed on March 4th, 2793. They have both subsequently been replaced with new, better ones equipped with state of the art heads up displays that will give it everything it wants to know.
KR-001 Kept breaking its own arms somehow and would not let them heal. Panels from the somewhat internal solar panels have been included into the panels of its new cybernetic arms, meant to be exact duplicates of its old arms.
It can stand on two limbs again as normal as of recently, there is no reason why it has developed this ability again.
Its teeth are all razor sharp. It will not stop scrabbling at the window even if it shocks it. All the electricity seems to do is piss it off.
(December 4th) It broke the glass again. This time it escaped into the real world. We do not know where KR-001 has gone.
Krogan had successfully escaped. He didn’t even want to, not at first, he liked it there. At first. And then he started to spiral again. He looked for normalcy despite his horrifically mangled body. He was far too identifiable to stay in the city and he knew this, so he fled to the countryside, and then into the forests.
He was safe, or at least he hoped so. No more artificial lights. No more shock collar, no more electrified glass. Everything was as it should be. He was okay. He just needed to find somewhere to live.
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