#mademoiselle lanoir
urgeeky-friend22 · 2 years
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I wanted to draw some stuff with them but needed the design first, sooo meet the concept of these lovely children 
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lychnvs · 6 months
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monsieur leblanc et mademoiselle lanoire (happy jean valjean adopts cosette day.)
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jolys-cane · 8 months
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72tober day 7!!
had to do monsieur leblanc and mademoiselle lanoire OF COURSE
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lesmisscraper · 11 months
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For the Mademoiselle Lanoire, still prefers Black even after she's into finding out new and fancy clothings.
Source from here, here, here, and here.
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syrupsyche · 11 months
Impressed solely with the child’s gown and the old man’s hair, [Courfeyrac] had dubbed the daughter Mademoiselle Lanoire, and the father, Monsieur Leblanc, so that as no one knew them under any other title, this nickname became a law in the default of any other name. — les mis, 3.6.1
Cosette returns!! This time with a pseudonym of her own to match her father's penchant for collecting them. I adore the name Mlle. Lanoire and love the contrast she sets against Valjean dubbed as Leblanc (which is what drew Courf in in the first place anyways). I wish contemporary adaptations of Cosette acknowledged her dark appearances more often; I really loved the early renditions of Musical!Cosette black dresses w the lace, but nowadays it's just a lot of greens and blues (coupled with blonde!Cosettes too 🥲)
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ueinra · 2 years
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“ She was a sort of child thirteen or fourteen years of age, so thin as to be almost homely, awkward, insignificant, and with a possible promise of handsome eyes. Only, they were always raised with a sort of displeasing assurance. ”
— Les Misérables, Mademoiselle Lanoire ( Illustrated By Renato Guttuso, 1966 )
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devictoire · 3 years
name.     euphrasie cosette fauchelevent ( pontmercy, after her marriage ). nicknames/known as.     ursule/ursula ( mistakenly by marius ), the lark, alouette, mademoiselle lanoire. age and date of birth.     eighteen. march 15th, 1815. gender and pronouns.     cisfemale (she/her). sexuality.     hetreosexual. status.     single/married/verse dependent.
family.     félix tholomyès ( biological father; unknown; hopefully dead ), fantine ( mother; deceased ), jean valjean ( adoptive father )spouse.     marius pontmercy place of birth.     paris, france education.     mixed education. she was tutored by valjean before being taught at the convent. occupation.     none. religion.     catholic ( practicing ).
hair.     loose curls ( 2a/2b ). her hair is a shade between blonde and brown, it's difficult to tell what exactly it is. she was blessed with natural golden highlights. when she was younger, it appeared much more brown as it was filthy most of the time. her hair is still quite thin due to neglect in her youth, but it's hard to tell. eye color.     blue. skin tone.     fair. height.     5'3"  weight.     93lbs ( still quite skinny from childhood neglect )
faceclaim.     samara weaving.
traits.     a timid child grew into a beautiful and fierce and strong woman with a thirst for more than her sheltered life, but content and gratitude for what she has now. she loves passionately and quickly. mbti.     tba. enneagram.     tba. moral alignment.     chaotic good mental.     post-traumatic stress disorder, high stress and anxiety ( especially in her youth ), occasional depressive episodes as a side effect of ptsd which also makes it difficult for her to remember certain things about her childhood.
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secretmellowblog · 4 years
Marius and Cosette making eye contact in the Luxembourg gardens:
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if monsieur leblanc and mademoiselle lanoire have a million students who notice them courfeyrac is one of them . if monsieur leblanc and mademoiselle lanoire have ten students who notice them courfeyrac one of them. if monsieur leblanc and mademoiselle lanoire have only one student who notices them that is courfeyrac . if monsieur leblanc and mademoiselle lanoire have no students who notice them, that means it is 7 june 1832 .
hope this helps
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fremedon · 3 years
Brickclub 3.6.1 - 3.6.3
Three chapters in which very little happens, except that Hugo tells us explicitly that the summary and backstory part of the tome is done and we are now back in the book’s present-- 3.6.2, “Lux Facta Est,” begins “at precisely the point that the reader has reached in this story”--and we meet Valjean and Cosette again, observing them first, as is usual for this book, from an external viewpoint--Marius’s.
Marius is now 20. “He was at that stage in life when the mind of the thinking man consists in nearly equal proportion of profundity and naivety. Given a serious situation, he had everything it takes to be stupid.”
Thanks for the foreshadowing there, Victor. 
Marius avoids young women because they turn their heads and whisper when he walks by. He thinks they’re making fun of his clothes, because he’s poor; he has no idea that he’s become not only hot but hot in the extremely fashionable Romantic way Hugo wished he was at that age. He walks in the Luxembourg gardens regularly and always sees a white-haired old man and a scrawny teenage girl, whom he notices but doesn’t think about. He stops walking there for a while, comes back and notices that the girl is suddenly grown-up-looking and pretty, but doesn’t think about her. Then they make eye contact one day, and he is suddenly deeply aware of how worn-out and ugly his old clothes are and how frightful he must look in them.
Things that jumped out at me this time:
Marius is one of “five or six” students who frequent this same corner of the garden and notice Valjean and Cosette on their bench; Courfeyrac dubs them Monsieur Leblanc for his hair and Mademoiselle Lanoir for her dress. Which makes it a bit surprising that neither Courfeyrac nor any of the others appear to recognize Valjean at the barricade, or at least comment on recognizing him, even when they’re speculating to each other about who he is.
Courfeyrac teases Marius for being scared of women, which makes Marius “avoid women more than ever, young or old, and also avoid Courfeyrac.” Courfeyrac, you’re not actually helping.
When he sees Cosette again after his absence, “Marius thought she was another daughter of the same man, surely a sister of the other.” We haven’t met Eponine yet, not since she was a child--but from our first introduction to grown-up Cosette, she has a phantom sister--an ugly, scrawny sister--in the narrative.
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midautumnnightdream · 4 years
For the fifth day of Cosette Appreciation Week, the prompt 'black'.
Courfeyrac clucked his tongue, leaning back from the balustrade, where he had been observing Marius and Cosette make their hurried approach across the Luxembourg. "A fine pair you make. Mademoiselle Lanoire and Monsieur Lenoir. And twenty minutes late to boot."
Cosette raised an eyebrow at the unusual greeting, as she handed Courfeyrac her parasol – black – so that she could better adjust her bonnet – black – and the hems of her pelerine – black, albeit exquisitely embroidered with tiny purple flowers.
"Is Monsieur lodging a complaint against my sartorial sensibilities? You didn't seem to mind them yesterday, when you spent all morning trying to decide on a waistcoat pattern."
"Complaint? Oh no not at all." Courfeyrac hurried to assure, shaking his head hard enough to send his curls bouncing in every direction. "Mademoiselle is the very vision of the next year's fashion plates – although the dressmakers of the city will be hard-pressed to find models capable of carrying such colouring with half of her vivacity. As for Monsieur le Baron, I shall refrain from commenting."
‘Monsieur le Baron’ rewarded that aside with a playful scowl. "Courfeyrac will have his little witticisms. Cosette, if you ever wish to know peace again, I suggest you pay him no heed."
"Monsieur wounds me," complained Courfeyrac, settling between his two friends, and offering an arm to each. "My good behaviour is much more easily bought. Walk with me, and satisfy my curiousity. Why black? Are you aspiring to join a religious order, or is that the dogma of a private church, a pact formed between the two of you, which neither shall break, before the other does?"
Cosette laughed. "Nothing so solemn, M'sieur Courfeyrac. It is a bit of a childhood habit I suppose – my Maman was of opinion that if I was going to get dust and mud and grass stains on every dress I wore, they should be made dark enough not to show. And later, when I learned to sew my own dresses, I kept to the colour palette, if not always the choice of cuts and materials." She grinned a bit. "It was a fair war too. Maman will tell you, we had some right rows over what is and isn't suitable for young girl to wear. But it matters not," she continued, twirling the dark handle of her parasol between her fingers. "There's something a bit grand about black dress, isn't there? It's a bit like having a secret that no one else knows."
"Except for Monsieur le Baron, of course," Courfeyrac concluded with a grin. "Now I’m mightily curious about his reasoning." He twisted around, so he could walk backwards, facing the couple. "What do you say, Monseiur l'abbé? What is your excuse?"
"Monsieur le Baron is my father," Marius complained. "And I'm no more an abbé than Cosette is. What? Black is fine and sensible colour, and it's very practical."
"You're wasting your time," Cosette advised. "I've been picking out his fabrics since I was old enough to help Maman."
"Really? Is that so?" If possible, Courfeyrac's grin grew even wider, threatening to spill over the edges. "I beg you, Mademoiselle, because now I really must know –  what is that secret of yours?"
Cosette gave en elegant shrug. "He looks very pretty in black."
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sketchingfreakart · 4 years
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Mademoiselle Lanoire (background photo)
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Fan Theory Friday : Akane is connected to Shadow Joker.
@muzzleroars @ren-amamiyaa
She’s probably Zenkichi’s Cosette considering his persona is Jean Valjean and she’s his daughter. This means she’s going to figure heavily in Zenkichi’s arc at the very least. He’s going to be worried about her if she’s connected to Shodow Joker or even a Jail plenty of reasons to be concerned. Could even be a catalyst to his awakening. 
Might be a stretch but,  Cossette is mistakenly called a few names one is  Mademoiselle Lanoire. I’m thinking Lanoire sounds close to Lenore, as in Poe’s lost Lenore. Yeah I’m thinking Akane will go missing whether from kidnaping being involved with a palace Jail or even working with Joker as part in a scheme. 
She’s a major Phantom Thieves fan and Joker looks to be her favorite. She has a framed  picture of Joker in silhouette, a memento of Shido’s calling card. I did say Shadow Joker’s face looks like it’s in shadow or is a shadow. 
The Phantom Thief merch has a red hat. Could  be why Shadow Joker’s hair is red instead of black. Her name itself could be a clue according to Behind the Name it means  "deep red, dye from the rubia plant" It could explain why his hair looks dyed red. 
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garbagecann24601 · 4 years
The Sobriquet: Mode of Formation of Family Names
“Marius was, at this epoch, a handsome young man, of medium stature, with thick and intensely black hair, a lofty and intelligent brow, well-opened and passionate nostrils, an air of calmness and sincerity, and with something indescribably proud, thoughtful, and innocent over his whole countenance.”
Marius notices that girls are starting to stare at him, and he thinks that it’s because his clothes are shabby. He doesn’t realize that they find him attractive. Marius doesn’t go out with any of them, and Courfeyrac likes to tease him about that.
The only two women that Marius doesn’t actively avoid are the woman who sweeps his room and a girl who he often passes on his walks in the Luxembourg. She is always accompanied by an older gentleman who gives the appearance of being ex-military. She is kind of homely and awkward and doesn’t dress very well.
Courfeyrac has also notices this pair, and he refers to them as Mademoiselle Lanoire and Monsieur Leblanc.
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lesmisscraper · 11 months
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Mademoiselle Lanoire's first appreance of 3.6.1.
Clips from <Il cuore di Cosette>.
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mlcmccall · 4 years
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The drawing of Cosette by Émile Bayard that served as the model for the musical's emblem.
Cosette is a fictional character in the 1862 novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo and in the many adaptations of the story for stage, film, and television. Her birth name, Euphrasie, is only mentioned briefly. As the orphaned child of an unmarried mother deserted by her father, Hugo never gives her a surname. In the course of the novel, she is mistakenly identified as Ursule, Lark, or Mademoiselle Lanoire.
She is the daughter of Fantine, who leaves her to be looked after by the Thénardiers, who exploit and victimise her. Rescued by Jean Valjean, who raises Cosette as if she were his own, she grows up in a convent school. She falls in love with Marius Pontmercy, a young lawyer. Valjean's struggle to protect her while disguising his past drives much of the plot until he recognizes "that this child had a right to know life before renouncing it"[1]—and must yield to her romantic attachment to Marius.
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