got2eat · 5 years
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Liz u gotta watch the prequels but at the same time steel yourself for the bad shit you're about to subject yourself to. Do it to understand the memes~~
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destielfanfic · 10 years
Group Ask #91
Relevant links:
previous group asks
prompt comms
Supernatural Kink Community (more info here and here)
prompt blogs listed at the bottom of our other page and here
we may not have fics to personally rec, but those looking for fics that have key terms might find relevant fics on ao3, livejournal, ff.net, etc (guide to finding fic)
Ask #1 (extermanhate): there's this fic... #1
Hey, I've been looking for a certain fic for days now and have had no luck. I've gone through all the tags that I thought would be appropriate, so I don't know if you've reviewed it, but perhaps one of your followers could help? It's a canon-divergent AU. Sam and Dean are hunting a wendigo around season 1 or 2, and an injured Dean finds Castiel, trapped in a ring of holy fire (or something of the sort) for 2000 years, since the last of the angels left. Thank you for your help :)
Found by hamburgergod:
Damned [M, 25,300 word count] gen fic
When Dean falls in a pit and breaks what feels like every bone in his body, he figures this is going to be the hunt that gets him. But the cave he finds contains a thing trapped in a circle of fire—a thing that calls himself Castiel and claims to be an angel. Castiel says he requires his freedom and that he’ll heal Dean in exchange. Dean’s far from convinced about any of it, but his encounter with Castiel is something he’s not going to be able to shake.
Ask #2 (anon): specific porn
Hi I was wondering if you guys had any fan fics where dirty stuff is going on under a table thank you
No fics spring to mind (though we've definitely read stuff like that before). Related: public sex is a tag/term you can use in conjunction with our guide to finding specific porn/kinks (linked in our faq) to hopefully find some relevant fics. It's particularly popular with d/s stuff.
Suggested by dunkindeansnuts: Our Sweet Rapture (submitted rec). Oh, and I remembered that it happens in Orion. 
Ask #3 (anon): anonymous/mistaken identity/amnesia hookup
Do you know of any where Dean and Cas have sex, but don't realize it happened/was with eachother until the morning after?
Relevant (aren't sure which you might be going for so suggesting everything that could fit and might help you!): You might enjoy fics tagged with "anonymous sex" (used more on pwps so not here b/c we don't focus on those) and could check out our drunk!cas tag for drunken hookups (though those are usually more on the dubcon side with lowered inhibitions versus full out noncon with them being totally unaware). There's bound to be fuck-or-die/sex pollen stuff with *both* of them forgetting it but we don't know of any.
Ask #4 (macandcheeseburrito): a/b/o trope reversal
Hi, I've been looking for a/b/o fic where the top/bottom roles are switched up (ie omegas or betas topping, alphas bottoming) but have so far been unsuccessful. Not What I Expected in your a/b/o tag kind of fits, but both roles switched is what I'm mostly after. Just wondering if you've seen anything! Thank you!
We recommended Into Your Hideaway, but it’s only once towards the end. We’re hoping our followers can point out more. For those interested: Not what I expected (unofficially recced here). Oh, and AO3 has a tag for non-traditional a/b/o (2 of which are destiel).
Suggested by theinevitableblastwave: Biological Imperative (unofficially recced here).
Suggested by an anon (thanks for the reminder about this fic!): Bare Your Neck (While You’re Buried Inside Me) (unofficially recced here).
ETA: Turn Me On (submitted rec).
If any of our followers have anything to rec, drop it in our ask box (mention which ask you are talking about by number or bolded title). Thanks!!
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