melynnwater · 1 day
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this poem brought to you by how much I fucking hate executive dysfunction.
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melynnwater · 2 days
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melynnwater · 2 days
s.c,a?n!s i-o;n.
girl who just learned what scansion is re- and she just
, thinks
about what to do.
one senten c e
longer than
it should maybe be.
if you speak this
o ut loud then ho w do you evven pronouns pronounce* a sentence like , yknow, this?
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melynnwater · 1 year
the first physical object to break the laws of thermodynamics was invented by accident. a regular lithium ion battery that would never need to be recharged.
it was made by a mindless robot in a mindless factory. inserted into a cheap and durable mp3 player on June 5th, 2004.
the unassuming device was shipped to a walmart and bought as an 8 year old girl's birthday present. she happily filled it with mp3s her dad helped her download.
she never noticed the battery's unending lifespan, because she diligently charged it every night. on October 12th, 2004, she unplugged her headphones without pausing her music: Hillary Duff's self titled album, on repeat.
on October 13th, 2004, the device fell out of her pocket while she was swinging on a swingset. It landed in the mulch her dad put under the swingset to stop her from getting hurt. He loves her so much.
she never found the mp3 player. she cried and sobbed, and her mom bought her another one the next payday, October 21st, 2004. the little girl's second mp3 player would fully drain its battery 6 times before she stopped using it, on January 7th, 2007.
Hillary is still singing silently into the dirt, not even an output for the same 17 songs repeating only to the worms. a tulip patch was unknowingly planted over it. the girl died on March 19th, 2073, her wife knew it was coming, but mourned all the same. Hillary had the same repeated lyrics to say.
the last time this woman thought about Hillary Duff was on December 25th, 2056, while reminiscing about music she listened to in her youth with her wife. Hillary Duff was still singing for her as she brought her music up, even if the woman didn't know.
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melynnwater · 1 year
my gf lost a long indepth post due to tumblr letting you undo but not redo, and that sucks, but it struck inspiration in me
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not sure if I'll actually make a story out of it or anything, but I really like the concept, feel free to use it as a writing prompt if you'd like :)
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melynnwater · 9 days
this is the last paragraph of the story you've been reading, and the first paragraph of the story you are reading. the Heartless Human walks up to god, finally at the end of their lifelong journey. weary. tired. Alone. Alive. god looks them over, and without a word, gives them what they want. A Heart.
"why does it hurt?"
"you've gone so long without one, I had to make it five times as big. please understand."
"what have you done to me? I'm not built to handle this-"
and god sends the finished human away, that sentence finishing in their own story. this is not that story. the next person, born without a face, confronts their creator, and tries to make the climax of their narrative last a little longer.
Unfortunately for them, this is the end of this story.
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melynnwater · 4 months
oh, hey, did you catch that?
well, of course you didn't. your senses aren't built to detect events like this.
you can only see things, you can't know if something isn't being seen.
for the first time in 1024 years, 86 days, 5 hours, 14 minutes, and 37 seconds, for just a moment, not a single person was looking at the moon.
the moment is over, of course, a child in greenland just saw the moon, and by now, so have thousands of others.
if something happened to the moon in that moment, nobody would have known. of course, nothing did happen. it's just the moon.
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melynnwater · 10 months
I found an angel at the bottom of a Pepsi can
it stared up at me and Delicious and Refreshing divine beauty poured out
light dripping into my cup, overflowing onto my lap, onto my floor
light begets darkness
the stain of light cracks open
the darkest shadow with A Taste You Just Can't Beat!
the brand was gone from my Soda can.
an angel feeds on information. thrives on recognition.
the light soaks back into the tiny beast, No Mess Left Behind.
It's Like It Wasn't Even There!
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melynnwater · 1 year
I love you.
Yes, you.
You're here.
That means you got here.
And that means you've struggled.
But you're here now.
And I'm proud of you.
And I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
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melynnwater · 1 year
everyone and everything exists infinite times
there are as many categorizations as there are thoughts
for every stinkbug that has ever existed
you could sort them by any criteria
and there will be one on top and one on the bottom
there's a heaviest stinkbug. a friendliest stinkbug. a stinkbug who has turned at a right angle more than any other stinkbug.
there is a unique way to define everything
I can't believe you would swat the smoothest fly that has ever been. how dare you.
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melynnwater · 1 year
an immortal being is sitting, motionless and silent, in a blank room
they have sat here, unmoving, for the last 3,648 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes, and 47 seconds. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.
Then, they stand up.
and the other figure in the room responds to this.
"Tsk tsk, impatient again, young one. You were less than 2 days short."
"Dang. How far specifically was I off?"
"You waited 87,559 hours and 14 minutes exactly."
"I see.. Ah well. Should I attempt 10 years again?"
"It may help you to practice smaller scales. Try for 3 weeks."
"Hmph. Alright."
And they sit back down, (1 second.) returning to their (2.) stillness, not moving (3.) for the next 21 days. (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.)
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melynnwater · 2 days
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(sorry for no alt text. not able to right now. remind me later?)
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melynnwater · 1 year
I'm fundamentally broken.
I don't say this to disparage myself. I'm beautiful and wonderful and deserve so much.
but that does not mean I am not broken.
I do not function in so many ways. I do not have a choice in my choices. I cannot decide to pursue my decisions. my brain flips a coin and decides for me whether I can do what I want or not.
I know these words too fucking well. I almost hate them as much as I cherish knowing them.
Nothing has helped me more than having words and labels to stick to my shards and pieces scattered on the floor.
I may be broken, but at least I know what I am.
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melynnwater · 8 months
a second poem has hit the girl who can't sleep
standing outside and the fog is still screaming droplets of dew and they're shouting and yelling clouds can't decide what shape they will take so they cry and they wail and they scream and they shake they scream as they drop and they re-become fog can you tell what shape the fog is today? it's trying to tell you even though it's too late
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melynnwater · 5 hours
digital preservation, heaven, and art.
every copy of super mario 64 is personalized.
sort of.
it's not because there are differences between my copy and yours - no no no
it's because there are differences between you and I. and art can't exist without someone to see it. and super mario 64 is art like anything else.
this same sentiment can be applied to. well. any piece of art. but what is art?
(vsauce music plays)
it's everything!
it's anything!
if you think it's art,
it sure is by the time you finish that thought.
stay with me here, okay?
heaven is a piece of art.
heaven is a concept. but it is art.
and so, heaven, too, must be personalized.
of course, this is all regardless of how 'real' the concept of heaven is.
if you have played SM64, then who are you to say you've never visited bob-omb battlefield, just because you don't know how the polygons feel against your skin?
all that being said.
I want to talk about my heaven.
heaven is
when I said heaven is a piece of art, it would've been more accurate to say that heaven is every piece of art.
a metaphysical space where you can access every piece of information and art that's ever been created, conceptualized, witnessed, or acknowledged.
heaven is a lucid dream, with an endless library of assets.
heaven is a website, a file directory with every file ever put to code.
every draft.
every finished work.
every shitty little doodle you made
just to demonstrate what you were talking about.
unfortunately, as nice as this is to think of.
we don't have access to heaven.
but that's okay.
heaven is a piece of art.
and if there's one thing we're good at,
it's creating art.
and what is more divine
than the act of creation?
what is creation
without preservation?
digital preservation is an artform.
thank you for reading.
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melynnwater · 1 year
I looked in the mirror to see myself there
and she stepped right through stumbling over the precipice
I caught myself in my arms and I finally understood the space I take up and how wonderful it is
we stood up and embraced without saying a word
I knew how important it was to feel the skin on my back from someone else's hand of my own
my arms are so big and my depth is so thick and I take up all this beautiful space in this world
I've only ever known my body through the world's reaction to it
finally, I can be the world reacting to myself.
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