lurick-surana · 9 days
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Lurick Surana, my tav from Baldur's Gate 3. A half-sun elf, wild magic sorcerer. Drawn by the wonderful @heraxic Thank you so much!! 🧡
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unsoundedcomic · 9 months
How good a musician is Bastion? Could he have had a career as a concert pianist of he hadn't minored in mad science?
Bastion is an excellent pianist. There's a piano bar in Lurick he frequented with Maur when he was younger. Bastion on the ivories, Maur's undead lads on strings and horn, Maur himself occasionally belting out "Jarla Thoughts" or the classic jazz standard, "I Recognise That Sad Plod's Eyes."
Delicieu made Bastion play Aldish compositions over and over for him, so he rather can't stand the sound of them now and might have a panic attack if he had to play one. No piano concerts in his future. Jazz and blues are Bastion's jam these days.
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fox-from-fairytale · 1 year
Some random considerations about Casa and Ivy.
It really feels like the writers decided to take "inspiration" from season 2 this time, and since everyone (or at least the most of us) thinks it's the best season while season 5 is definitely the worst, I'm not surprised.
I'm sure they are going to bring back Hann- err, I mean Ivy, but I wouldn't like it though. Are they going to bring her back from Casa just like they did with Meera? How boring. And since at the end Ryan and Ivy acted as if they had a bigger thing than what it was in reality, is she going to get him back or going after who we are with? Amelia and Ryan kissed, which now feels so random tbh, so are they going to recouple and Ivy is going to go against Amelia?
Talking about Casa Amor, are they going to do it like they did with season 2? There is going to be a recoupling where we end up with someone we are not supposed to like/who isn't much into us? This way regardless of if we want to bring someone back or not there isn't going to be any weird number, just like they did with s2 with Lurick switching in case we didn't.
I don't trust Roberto, especially after today's volume, so I wouldn't be surprised if we are forced to get with him in a way or another at a recoupling, then Casa happening, and him switching, with the OG boys remaining loyal (even if I can see Ryan switching if he was with Ivy, otherwise Jamal).
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lur1ck · 1 year
¿A veces te preguntas si tus acciones tienen consecuencias realmente fuertes?, Pues ese es el caso de mi persona..soy Lurick (mi nombre y identidad real será un misterio) tengo actualmente 18 años y todo empezó a mis 13 años, aún que por esos tiempos no recuerdo muchas cosas (por problemas con la memoria) pero lo que se fue es que empezaba a escuchar voces o más bien "susurros" a veces pensaba que mi familia me llamaba pero en realidad no lo hacían, tenía una gran confusión, ¿Que era lo que escuchaba?, Hasta que arme valor para enfrentarme a mí familia para que me aceptarán y después de eso ya tenía 15 años cuando fui a dormir como otra noche pero..era diferente, había soñado que estaba en mi casa pero muy rara y solo tenía una linterna para poder ver el lugar, tuve que pasar por muchas dificultades cada que "perdía" despertaba con un gran dolor en el corazón sentía que se iba a detener en cualquier momento..así que en la "última" oportunidad pude hacerlo todo hasta que en un lugar donde había demasiada hielo parecía una cueva de hielo y era difícil de caminar ahí es cuando la vi.."una versión de mia" aún que se veía que aún que "parecía" un poco a mi tenía diferencias que parecía que no era una "versión mía" echa por la pesadilla y ambas tuvimos una pelea que solo salí victoriosa por salir corriendo a la salida, pero no sería la última vez que la miraría, ahora los "susurros" ahora serían voces y juro que a veces la veo unos momentos no se si es ya mi imaginación o me estoy volviendo loca, siempre la veo en mis pesadillas (luego las contaré) no voy a un psicólogo o algo como para decirles que exactamente tengo (ni siquiera yo sé que me pasa..) contaré mis pesadillas y experiencias con esa chica no tiene un nombre en si, así que podríamos llamarla Nuri?, No se..un nombre random (ojalá y no lo odie) aquí Lurick con su primer blog se va ¡Adiós!, Ten un lindo día/tarde/noche
Blog número 1
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tokkionline · 4 years
i associate you with: kpop, cafes, bakeries, sweet and sugary foods/drinks, warm colours and light brown/beige, barbie, and just genuinely chill and positive vibes c:
!!!! this is so cute ansndnfng i’m glad i’m associated with such soft things!
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ravenadottir · 3 years
What do you think would happen if Tai showed up in Casa Amor in S2? (I guess just adding an extra boy to make them compete even harder) Or if we got him alongside Lurick?
in casa amor, he would probably be the most popular, and i would risk saying a solid 4th place in the general score, only losing to gary, bobby and lucas. tai would've been ideal because he would've stood up from the crowd. his personality, his looks, his vibe, all of it would've given the others some solid competition!
about elijah and arjun. they would've felt more comfortable if they had the incentive. they shouldn't have been li's, they should've been together regardless! imagine if tai was there... he and mc winging the other two to get together! STAWP, THAT'S SO CUTE!
the girls that would go after him. he's a giant, authentic and sweet guy, so that would've been the reason for marisol to like him. and his light and positive energy for priya, besides his looks for both!
his choice. mc as first, chelsea as second, possibly priya. i can see going either way to be honest.
as a bombshell. lucas and henrik's friendship wouldn't be the same. tai and henrik would easily connect faster and on a deeper level, possibly tai having a crush on mountain boy, which i think it's so fucking cute and probable.
tai and the og boys. sports talk with rahim, nature and adventure with henrik, corny jokes with bobby. i don't see much connection with gary besides gym, but i definitely don't see it at all with lucas and noah. not that they wouldn't like each other but i don't see a strong bond happening as much as the other three.
rocco. it could go two ways, either they get along really well and even get involved, since rocco had said he was interested, or rocco would try to flush out tai's personality because you know, he tries that with the others.
roccogate. tai would definitely offer a shoulder to lottie or mc, depending on who coupled up with soup tattoo guy. he might not say anything on the matter out loud, but he would be the type that says "you can talk to me if you want, but if not, i still have two shoulders."
coming on day 1. i would replace bobby. put cupcake in casa amor and eliminate graham and let tai come in on day 1. he would've had a much more detailed life story and more time to connect.
tai would've had a much better use in season 2 than 3, no question!
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mrsgaryrennell · 4 years
So MC and Gary are deciding whether to dump Rahim/Jo or Lurick/Chelsea from the villa. MC thinks eating ice cream is the solution 😂 and Gary’s response is so cute ❤️🥺
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Can you guys imagine MC at home, all sad about something and Gary joins her to eat comfort food lmao like he is such a soft boi 😍
MC won’t stop being a fatass tho as she’s thinking about dumping Rahim/Jo because of food 😂💀💀 and Gary supporting her doesn’t help lmaoo
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I love these dorks omg 💕😭
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dareese · 4 years
LITG random question tag
I was tagged by @thequeenchoices 🤗
When and what made you decide to make a litg blog? 
I made a tumblr account to look for updates or just see anything Choices related, (okay open heart and ethan ramsey made me do it 😂) I did not plan to use this account and post anything to be honest I was just planning to be a lurker 👁👁 but I love LITG and the fandom is so welcoming so here I am ❤️
Opinion on s3 art design?
I was like meh at first because I like how s2 was drawn it has a realistic feel to it but I guess I’ll just get used to it? after all i didn’t like how s1 was drawn before it looked ugly to me I was used to Choices art but still it grew on me. I’m just excited to s3 wishing it will be release really really soon 🤞
Do you watch any litg playthroughs? 
yes i used to just to see if my answers are correct in the challenges and just because i’m a people pleaser Jo is right 😂 i don’t want to upset anyone haha 
Have you made any friends in the litg fandom?
Yes I made friends with @thequeenchoices! She’s my first tumblr friend and is also the reason why I created this blog ❤️ 
How many routes have you played, and who was your favorite?
I played Bobby, Lucas, Rahim - Noah, and i’m halfway in Gary’s route. Lucas is my husband ❤️ 
Who did you vote for to win mr. love island? 
whoever is my partner in that playthrough that will be bobby, gary, noah & rahim
Underrated friendship?
definitely Lucas and Henrik 😀 wish they both stayed at the same time in the villa 
Overrated friendship?
 Hannah and Lottie, how did they become BFFs? 🤨
Favorite casa amor boy? 
KASSAM - i still can’t get this snob to share beds with me 🙄
Least favorite girl?
S1 - Lucy, Allegra, Cherry, Erika
S2 - HOPE, sometimes Lottie, Jo - Shannon - Elisa they annoy me during replays 😂, Marisol - at rocco - lurick play through 
Least favorite boy?
S1 - Miles - i just wanna slap him
S2 - Felix - he is creepy, Arjun - just because he kept on appearing 😭
Favorite story arc in the game?  
Who should’ve been an li and wasn’t? 
S1 - Rohan &  Tim
S2 - Graham and The Narrator 🤣🤣🤣
How often did you use gems? 
most of the time
Did you win? if so, did you keep the money or split it?
I always win and share the money with my couple except on Noah’s route
Do you have a favorite litg related meme?
none i haven’t seen a lot 😅
I think everyone already did this by now, so feel free to do it if you see it!
#LITG fandom
#LITG challenge
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villavineyards · 5 years
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while i am disappointed bobby and lurick didn’t have a full world star moment, him saying the l word made up for it 🥰
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confundida25 · 4 years
Is me or this new song feel odd?? Is catchy and the luricks are meaningfull but.... the tune in the chorus sound too happy?? Like the lyricks are dramatic and cool, but just doesnt match the music, i feel is ok to not be ok should sound more like stone cold, is she planning an acustic version?? Am i crazy???
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lurick-surana · 1 month
Tell me more about your Surana *chinhands* I also have a Surana and love hearing about all the Warden things
aaaaa I would love to talk about my boy, fellow Surana player! Suranas are the best <3
I made Lurick when I was younger and took a lot of inspiration from Len Kagamine lmao, he's changed much over the years but has remained my favourite boy. I now make him in any game that lets me create a character so I pretty much always play as him.
He's short, got long blond hair tied into a ponytail, brown eyes that look almost red/orange in certain lighting, and freckles covering his face and arms. I like to describe him as passionate and fiery!
In Dragon Age (the game he was "born" in, technically) he's a young mage, only 17 when he joins the Wardens. He was taken to the Ferelden Circle Tower on his 5th birthday (August 8th) after templars killed his parents. They were a young Dalish couple who had both ran away from their separate clans to raise their child together.
Lurick started showing signs of magic as young as 4 years old. His parents thought they'd be able to live in peace without humans attacking but they were also both mages themselves, so humans in the nearby towns got suspicious and called the templars. There was a big fight that ended badly, and his parents didn't survive.
Lurick's backstory and the fact that he was forced to live in the tower for 12 years made him very bitter and resentful towards templars and other authority, so he lashed out a lot and only had one friend (Jowan). Joining the Wardens was both a curse and the best thing that ever happened to him. He loved the freedom but hated the shorter lifespan and the nightnares that came with it (nightmares were bad enough already as a mage).
He's young so didn't romance anyone. He had a tiny crush on Morrigan but it didn't end up going anywhere. He did do the dark ritual with her though because he was scared of dying. It was pretty traumatic. I don't know where he is now in the Dragon Age universe but I hope he's doing well.
Ok, I'm going to stop now before I go even more overboard but I could talk about Lurick all day. Thank you so much for aaking 💖
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unsoundedcomic · 7 months
What were lady I’s requirements for prospective black tongues to get in? Was darkest Paul not interesting enough for her to let him join before her departure? What did she like about Maur?
Maur is one of Kasslyne's pre-eminent recycled labour researchers. The zombie baby arms are funny but also indicative of a man who thinks about undead tech a lot. The Brotherhood was very happy to have such an esteemed artificer in its ranks.
The Lady's standards are opaque, generally. Over the last thousand years or so men would show up in Lurick saying some great force seduced them and told them to seek the Black Tongues, and other times random try-hards or even random very good spellwrights would show up seeking admission to take advantage of their resources, to escape an unsatisfactory world, or to become a part of something bigger than themseleves. The Brotherhood would judge their worthiness, train them, and then see if the bird approved. Sometimes she would, sometimes she wouldn't. Only a fool would try to predict her temperament.
For whatever reason, she wouldn't give her blessing to Paul. If you asked Bastion - and Bastion knows her best - he'd say that he and his Lady have similar tastes. Darkest Paul is middling. He doesn't have a great intellect, he has no specialization, he does not excel at anything. There is no reason to give the man a second look.
It wasn't until Ilganyag abandoned the order that Darkest was able to assert himself and show the brothers what he could do. He's a manager! A marketer! An organizer! A politician? Maybe his Sharteshanian wheedling and dealing were useless in the idealistic old days, but those days are done. He wants to make the Black Tongues mainstream.
Lady Ilganyag isn't like Ruckmearkha. She doesn't care about how interesting or novel a human being is. To her, a very common child crying for its mother in a stormy doorway can be the most precious creature in the world.
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fox-from-fairytale · 2 years
2, 8, and 38 🙂
Thank you for asking! 😃
2. How did you first discover the game?
Seeing a guy on YouTube playing it lmao I was stressing out because of uni, and I needed something completely different from my usual, and I came across this dude playing season one. He never completed it, and I couldn't stop wondering what happened to Tim. 😅
8. Which LIs are your favourite?
In order of preference: Bobby, Henrik, Jake. Gary would be at third place, but I've never been able to complete his route for... reasons (Bobby and Lottie).
38. Do you have any opinions that have drastically changed since you started playing?
So, this is actually a difficult question. 😂
When it comes to season one my opinions remained quite consistent, but for season two I changed it about everyone since I started playing, and it's one of the reason I prefer this season above the others. I think the opinion I changed most drastically was about the reason Disaster Recoupling, V!Lurick and Blake are written the way they are, so more about a technical thing than about the story or a character per se, which it ruins the immersion when on Henrik’s route now (I hope I made sense while trying not to make the answer too long lol).
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ravenadottir · 2 years
after playing the game for the billionth time I finally found something (or at least I think I have, I’ve never seen this b4)! after the mr love island contest when you vote for whose least dateable or whatever it is, if you vote for a boy thats not lurick/rocco/ibraham it will put them in “danger” of elimination instead of ibraham. just a fun thing for some added drama<3
ooh, ok that's new to me ...
or at least new since the last time they updated (?)
it was never possible to have a completely different boy going to public vote with rocco and lurik, because that scene that comes after (the one you would console someone) always featured ibrahim.
i have voted for gary, noah, bobby, and none of them were ever chosen so it might be considerably new!
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lurick-surana · 21 days
Obsessed with the idea of wild magic sorcerer Lurick trying his best to control his magical impulses during an important dinner with guests. Inwardly freaking out when he feels the familiar sign of his hands warming up. He runs off, squeaking out a "Going to the privy real quick" excuse. He tries cooling his hands using water from the sink but it's far too late.
His only choice then is to awkwardly open the window using his elbow to somehow try and release a fireball into the sky before his hands explode. He completely messes up his aim in a panic and ends up setting fire to a tree in the garden. People are screaming, dinner is ruined. And he's just like "oops"
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lurick-surana · 19 days
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
Thank you Chelsea!!
⚠️ If this OC came with a warning sign, what would it be?
Oh, definitely highly flammable and extremely volatile. It's something he can't control though, being a wild magic sorcerer. It's caused him a lot of problems in the past but he's learned to embrace and use his powers for good rather than suppressing them. Bottling up his magical impulses just makes everything worse. He's learned that the hard way, many times!
🌧 If this OC had a day free from all their responsibilities; how would they spend it?
Practicing his magic is his go-to activity! Not only does it feel great to let his magic run wild, it helps him come up with new battle strategies.
He'd also like to spend some time admiring his gemstone collection while singing his favourite songs, read books and discuss magic with Gale, and have a warm, scented bubble bath with that new citrus bath bomb he bought at the market. He's been so excited to try it out! (I think he's got the wrong idea about it but shh, don't tell him it doesn't actually work like a bomb, you'll break his heart).
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