#luffy just giant punching that old blind man... hell yeah man
hauntingblue · 3 months
Luffy is gonna kidnap rebecca and take her with his father I know it.....
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psychedelic-ink · 4 years
Luna wakes up
The wind blew through the forest I knew so well. Every tree, every root, every leaf, it sang to me. It hadn’t always been like that, I had preferred the ocean from the day I was born. I remembered Makino say that I had learned to swim before I learned to walk, the ocean had just always felt like home and when grandpa had me and Luffy move to the mountain, I was horrified. Leave the ocean? For the mountains? Surrounded by trees instead of the horizon? Was grandpa trying to kill me?! Probably, he could be a mean old man. But I was alive and smiled at the blue sky, the forest hadn’t been easy to get used to, but I had Luffy that was constantly excited about something new and then we had Ace, it took a while for him to warm up to us but he still went to get me when I got lost in the forest. We eventually met Sabo when me and Luffy got caught by Porchemy and both Sabo and Ace went to save us. The four of us were inseparable after that night.
Ace would often help me get my bearings in the forest until I knew it like the back of my hand. Sabo took interest in my ability and it was fun to just play around even when nothing came out of it. Luffy would often find bugs that he found interesting and would bring them to me, they creeped me out at first, but he’d start going on about how awesome it is and I started to actually find them cool too – except spiders. Spiders creep me out.
“What are you thinking about, Lu?” Ace’s voice came from my right and I looked over at him.
“Spiders.” I shivered but he just laughed as he was lying on the floor with me.
But he wasn’t the only one laughing, I had another brother laughing on my left “Why are thinking about spiders, idiot? You hate spiders!” it was Sabo.
I covered my face with my hands as I hit my legs against the floor “I know!”
“Do you think they’re cool now?!” Luffy was suddenly looking down at me with a giant smile and I was so startled that I jumped up and we smacked heads.
“LUFFY!” I complained holding my forehead “No! Spiders are gross! And creepy!” I shivered again.
Sabo chuckled as he pointed at me “Lu… You have a thing there again.”
I looked at where he was pointing, at me but since I was now facing them, it was slightly to my right. A white cat like tail with black stripes. It was wiggling. “AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! NOT AGAIN!” I started running around trying to get rid of it, but since it was mine, it obviously would follow me.
Ace laughed and Luffy just found it neat while Sabo tried to calm me down “Just calm down Luna. It’ll go away if you calm down.”
I stopped running, looking at tail that came out of the end of my back “I don’t know why you’re freaking out so much. It’s just a tail.” Ace pointed out still laughing.
“I’m just not used to it… I guess…?” I moved the tail a bit again, narrowing my eyes at it.
Sabo crossed his arms over his chest as he smiled “Well, it’s part of your devil fruit power, if you can’t swim, might as well make the most of it, right?”
I tilted my head but before I could say anything, Ace spoke “Plus, you kind of have to if we’re all gonna be pirate captains one day.”
“I don’t wanna be a pirate captain.”
Luffy looked at me, seemingly worried “What do you mean?! I thought we were both gonna be pirates, Luna!”
“Yeah!” Sabo agreed “You wanna be Queen of the sea one day, don’t you?!”
“I do! And I will!” I insisted, meaning every word “But… If we all become pirate captains, then we’ll all be apart… I don’t want to be out there all alone…” they weren’t laughing anymore and we didn’t tend to be this quiet “So I’m gonna be the Queen of the Seas! But I refuse to be a captain.” I looked amongst my three older brothers and smiled again “I’m gonna be Luffy’s first mate! The King of the Pirates can’t have any less than the Queen of the Seas as a first mate, right?”
“And someone needs to look after Luffy when we’re gone.”
I looked at Sabo surprised by his tone of voice “Wha— What are you talking about, Sabo…?”
He shrugged like it was nothing “Well… I’m going to sea now…” I was too shocked to have much of a reaction but he stepped over to me and kissed my head “Be safe, baby sister…” and he faded in flames.
I reached out to him but Luffy held my free hand “Sabo…” As I turned to Ace, he was older now adjusting his cowboy hat even if I remained the same little girl with my green dress and bare feet “Ace…?”
He smiled at me “He’s got a point…” he walked over to me and leaned down to my eye level, putting his hat on my head “Look, it’s just you and Luffy now and I know it might be scary, you never liked to be alone… But I’ll be watching over you, sis…” he then dropped to his knees and I felt the blood dripping down my hand that rested on his back.
“Broth—Brother…?” I looked at the red forming around us “You’re gonna be alright… What are you talking about…?”
“Thanks for loving me, Luna… Luffy…” he cried… I had never seen him cry before “Someone like me, that didn’t even deserve to be alive … Look after each other…”
And he also disappeared in flames “ACE!!!” I started to cry under my oldest brother’s cowboy hat.
“It’s my turn now, Luna.” I turned around to find Luffy holding his straw hat, an older Luffy, a stronger Luffy, while I remained the same…
“No! You can’t!”
He turned to me and smiled “It’s ok, I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He put his straw hat on and his face turned serious “You’re my sister and I’ll never let anyone hurt you.” He dropped my hand and started walking away.
“Luffy…?” I cried more and started to run after him, but no matter how fast I ran, I could never catch up with him. I took a deep breath through my tears and called out my twin’s name as loud as I could.
I was sitting up in bed before I realized. The room was dark. I couldn’t breathe. Luffy! Where’s Luffy? Where’s my brother?! I heard some pained whimpers from beside me, I knew it was Luffy. I pulled some tubes from my skin and got the blankets from over me, rushing to him. I didn’t know where we were but it was dark and Luffy was contorting in pain, all wrapped up in bandages and seeming like he was fighting his own nightmares, his hand clung to mine when I reached for him. “I’m here…” I coursed my fingers through his dark hair, it was straight like mine but not nearly as long, it was sticky from the sweat “We’re… We’re gonna be…” I started to cry and couldn’t finish what I was saying… I never did have the heart to lie to him… I remembered getting the news… I remembered Impel Down and missing him in the nick of time… I remembered the pain we went through to get out… I remembered the army we rose to get to our brother… I shook as I remembered how he always felt just out of reach… I remembered the sea turning to ice. I remembered the war, the pain, the panic, the burning in my muscles, the sharpness of my breath… Vice-Admiral Garp, the hero of the Navy… Coward. I remembered the noise, the screams, the canon fire and the desperation fuelling my every breath… I remembered old man White Beard showing up with Marco and the others… I remembered…
My knees gave out with the flood of memories and my hand slipped from Luffy’s so that I could support myself on the floor. I bit my lip as to not make a sound but the emptiness in my chest was too much… Ace… I punched the floor with my right fist. My brother… I punched the floor with my left fist. A sob escaped my lips through the corner of my mouth and as my arms kept on punching the floor, an animal like scream escaped my throat. It was too much. Not again, I couldn’t deal with losing a brother again! I cried into the darkness of the room as long and loud as my lungs would let me. There was blood splashing on my face from my punches on the floor but I couldn’t bring myself to stop… I hadn’t changed at all from back then! I was just as weak! Just as useless! Just as powerless to save my own brother… Again… And now Luffy was hanging to life for a thread and there’s nothing I can do…
I raised both my fists at the same time in anger and heartbreak, so lost in grief that I didn’t notice someone come into the room. They grabbed me from behind and tried to restrain my arms, in my blind anger I struggled and I know my elbow hit something before I heard an unfamiliar voice behind be “Room! Shambles!”
Next thing I know… I’m waking up.
I don’t remember dreaming… I could’ve sworn that I was still in the same room… I looked to my left to see Luffy still lying on the other bed, still wrapped in bandages and connected to tubes… I looked away to find a tall guy sitting by my bed, I could only see his profile but he was reading a book despite the bags under his eyes “Who the hell are you?”
He glanced over at me with his black eyes as I sat up straight and he closed his book “I’m the guy that patched you two up.” He put his book on the bed I was lying on and turned to face me fully which was when I noticed what my elbow had hit before, his face “Then for my troubles, I get a black eye.”
I feel the tension leave my body and I look at my brother “Thanks for saving us.” And I looked back at the stranger “Sorry about the black eye, I kind of lost it… It hasn’t been an easy week.” I rubbed my face as I pulled my knees up but his tattooed hand quickly reached out for my knee closest to him.
I looked at him and he looked over at me “Your stitches are still healing, they might open if you compress your muscles like that.” Stitches… I let my legs down and looked down at my body, I was also covered in bandages, even my hands. I moved my hands in front of my eyes to look them up “You didn’t have the ones on your hands before you took a crack at my floor.” I looked at the floor by Luffy’s bed to find it bent “They were bad from all the fighting, but not scrapped to the bone.”
“Sorry, family temper.” I tried to smile but it hurt my heart to do it, so I just coursed my fingers through my long black hair, avoiding his eyes by looking back at my brother. If it weren’t for the dent on the floor, I’d have thought it more of a nightmare than a thing that actually happened. But I couldn’t look at my twin brother any longer so I turned to the stranger “What’s your name, Polar Panda Doctor?”
He raised me an eyebrow “Polar Panda Doctor?”
I shrugged “It’s the hat.” strangely, I was able to smile “I like the hat.”
“Well, my name is Trafalgar Law, I’m the captain of the Heart Pirates. You’re on my ship.”
I held out my hand to him and he looked at it seemingly confused “My name is Monkey D. Luna, first mate to the Straw Hat Pirates. Pleasure to meet you.”
He glanced from my hand to me and back at my hand “I know.”
I shrugged, feeling just how much of a mask my smile was “This week I lost my friends, got teleported to some weird ass island, discovered that my oldest brother was in Marine hands and in line for execution, invaded a prison, broke out of prison, invaded Marine Headquarters, fought until I couldn’t move at all, kicked my grandfather in the face, lost my oldest brother and woke up who knows where with my twin brother hanging onto life by a thread.” I took a deep breath and tried to keep my fake smile “We’re not even half way through the week, give the girl some normality here… Please?”
He seemed to consider my request before he sighed and shook my hand “Pleasure to meet you, Luna-ya.”
“Likewise, Law.” I nodded “And again, thanks for saving my brother.”
He glanced at Luffy before he looked back at me “Sorry I could only save one of them.”
I felt my heart hurt at his words “I’m happy you managed to at least save one of them. Saving just me would’ve been a waste of time…” Instinctively, I reached for my right wrist but it was bare making my eyes go wide “Where’s my bracelet?”
“You shouldn’t say that—”
I turned to him serious “That’s not important. Where’s my bracelet?”
He frowned at me “What bracelet?”
“Silver. Round. Seems like it’s missing pieces. Has four pendants. Three stars. One moon. USED TO BE ON MY WRIST?!” I showed him my bandaged arm almost to prove a point “I need it back!”
“It’s a bracelet.” He dismissed “I’m sure that you can find another one.”
I felt a growl claw it’s way up my throat as I started to pull the blankets off of me but he quickly got up to hold my arms at my sides against the wall “Get off of me, Polar Panda!”
“You’re NOT getting out of bed with your injuries!” Law argued.
“Yeah?! Watch me!” I struggled but I was too weak to get out of his grip “I’ll tear this whole ship apart to find that bracelet!”
“It’s just a damn piece of broken jewellery!”
“MY BROTHER GAVE ME THAT BRACELET!” to my infinite frustration, I couldn’t hold back my tears, my bracelet was as important to me as Luffy’s straw hat was to him “I CAN’T HAVE LOST IT! I just… Can’t…”
Law seemed to pull back just as tears came to my eyes “Look… I’ll go check with Bepo if he has your bracelet, ok?” he pulled back from me another step “But you have to stay in bed and rest.”
I rubbed my eyes and crossed my arms “Fine…”
He left grumbling something but I found myself sitting still on the bed, waiting for him to come back.
Ahh this was soooo good! thank you for submitting this! I love your OC so much and can’t wait to hear more!
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