#love my talented and hardworking meow meow
faerenjun · 1 year
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[Un Cut] 'Candy' Recording Behind the Scene // RENJUN
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b0nemilk · 1 year
Love like stray dogs covered in ticks
Gnawing at each others fur sucking the rust from each others necks
As the Mildew smell from the mountains blanket us in a spring breeze.
I hang on to your words like a prophet preaching about my future I have not yet thought of. I beg for your blessing while I stitch my joints together to crawl across the street to you. Half way though the crawl I’m smashed by a semi it drives away as it laughs at my puppet spread across the road. My spirit stands in the distance laughing along with the driver how could a dumb dog be so stupid to cross a highway of busy drivers. My spirit laughs. As my body cries begging for someone to grab my hands just to cradle my own dismembered face.
In my last whimper
I cry out
Was I dog enough .
As the world moves without question
unnoticed another stray dog dead on the shoulder of a hometown highway exit.
Children in passing cars traumatized by the look of their familiar childhood pet spread across the road. Innocence lost. They spend their weekend walking on eggshells at their favorite water park while their parents discuss divorce and payment plans. As the dog rots in the summer heat. The male dog smells and seeks another mate. Anything is replaced that is not special the father says to his child. She will grow up to seek validation though hardworking pleasing and talent. She’s taught herself to be different and worthy of anyone who seeks excited learning but only keeping herself to the boundary of “just enough” because once she becomes smart enough the doctor will drag her away to pinch away at the flesh of her frontal lobes to make sure she is only enough to please the dog. Bark bark bark said the doctor she meowed instead and prodded again until the doctor decided she was dumb enough for anyone. She needed a brain that wasn’t hers. Until blank and drooling the girl chased the semi down the street only until she met her fate across the yellow striped lines on the highway. Dog. She was .
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 3.7k
Includes- fluff
This is an indulgent fic I wrote. It's everything I wish would happen anytime I go to a BTS concert. Alas I am so upset it hasn't happened at any of the concerts I've been to yet. But one day....😂😆
*gif is from Google
Part 2. Part 3 Part 4
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I can't believe I'm so close to BTS
I was finally able to score a front row concert ticket in front of the small stage
It was like the Hunger Games trying to get that ticket for their Love Yourself tour
But I got it
I'm having a blast
BTS is my favorite group
They're the only kpop group I listen to so far
They're the best, so talented, hardworking and sweet
Plus they're all gorgeous
I've taken so many videos and pictures tonight
They really are incredible when they perform
They're so hyped and ARMY can't help but feed off their energy
So many members have come to where I am and I've taken amazing pictures
They're starting their next song and it's on the small stage
I sing along, waving my ARMY bomb and taking videos
Then he comes right in front of me, smiling at the crowd, dancing and having fun
My ultimate bias
Min, Yoongi
The love of my life
And he has no clue I exist
I want to call his name but I don't know if he'll hear me or even look
And even if he did, why would he look at me?
He wouldn't, not when there are so many gorgeous ARMYS around me
But if he does look then I can just see his face and that's enough for me
So, I take a breath and I scream, "YOONGI! YOONGI!", while waving my hand
He's never going to look
He stops what he's doing and turns, looking right at me, his eyes locked with mine
Holy shit!
Yoongi POV
I'm having a good time performing for ARMYS
I love them
They're amazing
They give me so much energy, make me want to perform better for them
Their love is amazing and I'm so glad the guys and I have it
I walk to a section of the small stage where I haven't been in awhile
I'm dancing and smiling at the ARMYS in front of me
Then I hear my name being called so clearly
Not Suga
Not Agust D
Not lil meow meow
I turn to the voice and look at the ARMY who called me
She's waving at me
Holy shit
I do double take and have to hold my mouth from dropping
She's fucking gorgeous
Oh my god
I've literally never seen someone as stunning as her
She smiles at me, waving and she yells, "I love you"
I'm still shocked and can't tear my gaze from her
She keeps smiling and it takes my breath away
"Yoongi", I hear in my ear
I jump, startled and glare at Jungkook
"What?", I snap
"You're part is coming up. Pay attention. What's wrong with you?"
The music comes back into my ears and shit he's right
It's almost my part
I have to leave where I am but I don't want to
I want to stay by this ARMY
But I can't
'You can always come back", I tell myself
I smile at the ARMY then move away
Oh my god he smiled at me
Yoongi smiled at me
He looked at me and he didn't look away
My heart is exploding and I'm so happy
This is the best night of my life
Nothing can top this
My idol saw me and smiled at me
I could die happy right now
Well, after the concert
I didn't want Yoongi to leave but I know he has to go perform and see other ARMYS
At least I had that moment
At least he knows I exist
During the next song, I'm singing and dancing when Yoongi comes back
I look up at him to see him staring at me
Oh my god, he's fucking gorgeous
Every ARMY whose met them is so right
They are so much more handsome and gorgeous in person
He waves at me and my heart stops
My mouth drops open
'Wave back you idiot!', my brain screams
My arm reconnects to my brain and I wave at him
"Hi", he mouths
"Hhhh...hi", I stutter
He smiles and I die inside
I smile back at him
He starts rapping his part but he's looking at me
I have no words
I don't know what I'm feeling besides pure euphoria
He stays in front of me for the rest of the song and the next song
When he raps again, I take out my phone and record him
After he's done, I stop the recording
When I look back up, he's crouching down and motioning to me
I look at him confused
He points to my phone
He wants my phone?
I hold it out to him and he takes it
What the fuck is happening?
He holds the phone up and takes a picture of himself
Holy shit I got a famous Yoongi selfie
He walks away with my phone and I watch him take pictures with the other members
They all do silly faces and smile
I can't believe this
"You're so lucky", the ARMY next to me says
"Yeah seriously. I think he likes you", the one to my left says
Likes me?
No way
I'm nobody
I'm not even that pretty
No way he'd like me out of all people
He has millions of girls, idols and ARMYS who he could have, why would he want me?
"I don't think so. I think he just wants to be silly", I answer
"Oh please, he stared at you the whole time he was here. It's like he was rapping to you"
It did feel that way but I'm not letting that get to my head
"Nah. Besides the other guys have taken ARMYS phones before to take pictures and videos. I guess it's just Yoongi's turn"
"Girl take it for what it is. He likes you. You should be happy"
I don't know what to say so I don't say anything
I turn back to the stage and see that the guys are leaving the stage.
Yoongi leaves with my phone
Uh ok then
I mean I don't care but why does he want my phone?
The concert is only half over so I'm guessing he'll give it back eventually
Whatever he could do whatever he wants with it
I'm not complaining
A video on the screens starts and I turn my attention to it, waiting for BTS to come back on stage
Yoongi POV
I have her phone
I don't know why I took it
No, I do know why I took it
I want to put my number in her phone
What the fuck am I doing?
What's come over me?
I see millions of ARMYS all the time- at concerts, at performances, events and fan signs
But I never felt anything like I'm feeling now from seeing her
I don't even know what it is I'm feeling
I like her
I know that for sure
And I want to know her
Talk to her
Spend time with her
Like I said what the fuck am I doing?
Hobi or Tae are the ones mostly likely to do this shit
Not me
But I know I'm going to regret it if I don't try to get to know her
I don't know why I feel like that or why that feeling is so strong but I'm going to follow it
I don't want to regret anything
I have time
Jimin and Jin are doing their solos and then the vocal line is doing 'The Truth Untold"
Her phone doesn't have a password or lock on it
When I turn it back on, my eyes widen at the wallpaper
It's me
A picture of me during a performance, rapping in the mic
Why am I happy about that?
I go to her contacts
It's in English
She doesn't speak Korean?
She may not, she looks American
But she could be Korean
If she was born here
I don't know but I hope I can spend time with her to find out
I type in my name, phone number and save it
Then I go find Namjoon
"What?", he asks incredously
"Just write it so I can copy it"
"Yoongi what the hell are you doing?", he asked
"I don't know", I answer honestly, "I just saw her and I feel like I need to get to know her"
"Yoongi, she's an ARMY at a concert. You don't know her."
"I know Namjoon. I can't explain it"
"This is so not like you", he comments
"I know. But it is me doing it. So can you just write out what I'm asking?"
He sighs, "Fine"
"Do we have anymore tickets for the fan sign tomorrow?"
"You're going to give her one of those?"
I nod, "Yes"
"I don't know. Go ask the manager who's here"
I'm so nervous
I'm standing by the stage getting ready for 'Tear'
I have pockets so I have the girl's phone with the note I wrote and the ticket to the fanmeet
The manager managed to get another ticket and gave it to me
I wrote the note, copying Namjoon's
Now I just have to give it to her
Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi come on the stage
The music for Tear starts
I love this song!
They spread out and Yoongi comes over to me
He's seriously going to kill me
He pulls something from his pocket then crouches down
He looks right at me, smiles and reaches out holding something
He nods at me to take it, so I do
Then he stands back up just in time for his first part
I look down at what he gave me
It's an envelope
Opening it, I see my phone in it
With paper too
I put my phone in my pocket then pull out the papers
There's a note on top of another piece of paper
I glance up at the stage
Yoongi is rapping his part but his eyes keep darting to me
Looking back at the note, I read it
And almost pass out
Hi. This ticket is for tomorrow's fan meet. Please come. My number is in your phone. Text me please.
Min, Yoongi
Holy shit, no way
I look at the other paper
Oh my god it is a ticket for tomorrow's fan meet
Then does that mean...
I pull my phone back out, going into my contacts
I scroll through it and holy fuck
It's there
He put it under "Yoongi Min"
I click on the contact and there really is a phone number there
My mouth drops
I look up at the stage, to see him standing by me again, watching me
I close my mouth and swallow
Is this really happening?
Am I dreaming?
His eyes glance down to my hand, to the ticket, then back to me
He raises his eyebrow
Is he....asking me if I'm gonna go?
I look at the ticket then back at him
I nod and he smiles at me
I can't fucking breathe
How is this happening?
Min, Yoongi from BTS wants me to come to a fan meet?
He put his number in my phonem
What fucking planet am I on right now?
I can't believe this
I really can't
I put the note and ticket in the envelope and in my bag
I look up, realizing I missed the whole song
The guys are all on stage while the music for Mic Drop starts
I can't tear my eyes away from Yoongi
I tried to watch the other guys during the whole concert when they did group songs
I love all the guys and I enjoy watching them all dance and perform
But now, I can't look away from Yoongi
My eyes follow him everywhere
And I'm so fucking shocked when I see him glancing at me over and over
When the song finishes, they all go off the stage
The guys just finished their little speeches they give
They're so sweet
Yoongi glanced in my area while he was talking and saying that he's happy to be here with us
I'm not stupid enough to think he's talking about me
He loves all ARMYS
We all make him happy
They sing a few more songs, then the concert is over
The guys are walking all over the stage, waving at ARMYS and playing with their phones and selfie sticks
Yoongi is on the other side of the small stage, waving at ARMYS
Tae comes over to my section and I take pictures of him
He waves and I wave back
Hobi comes over, with a cell phone taking pictures of us
Then he crouches down, puts the phone in my face and takes a picture.
What the hell?
Hobi looks at me and points to his smile
He wants me to smile
Uh sure I guess so
I smile and he takes another picture
He gives me a thumbs up and walks away
I'm so confused
"Jeez all the guys like you", one girl next to me says
"Uh no I don't think so"
"Are you kidding? J-Hope just took a close up of you. V waved at you.
And Suga was fawning over you the whole time. He kept looking at you. And he gave you something."
She sounds jealous
I mean I would be too but I didn't do anything
"And here he comes again"
I glance up to see Yoongi walking over
Hobi stops him and hands him the phone he took my picture on
Yoongi takes it, putting it in his pocket
It's his phone?
Oh my god
Yoongi waves at all the ARMYS at my section
Then he looks at me
He gives me a finger heart and a to-die for smile
I feel a huge smile burst on my face
He nods, then walks away
This has been the best freaking night of my life
Yoongi POV
I stare at my phone intently willing it to ring
I'm waiting for the girl to text me
I want her too so much
I don't have her number
I know I could of used her phone to call my cell but I don't want to be creepy
"Yoongi what the hell was up with you tonight?", Jungkook asks as he sits down
The rest of the guys come into the living room
"What are you talking about?", I play it off
"You were distracted and almost missed your part so many times.", Jimin answers
"It's because of the girl", Namjoon says
"What girl?", Jin asks
"Nothing", I say
"The girl Yoongi saw in the crowd. He has a thing for her. He took her phone."
"Namjoon..", I warn
He just looks at me and rolls his eyes
I'm going to murder him
"He put his number in her phone and asked me to write a note so he could copy it. Then he got one of the managers to get her a ticket for tomorrow's fan meet so he can see her again"
"What the fuck Namjoon?", I yell
"Oh get over it.", he snaps
"Was that the girl Hobi took a picture of?", Tae asks
"Yeah", Hobi joins in, "He asked me to take a picture of her. So I took a lot."
"That girl was hot", Tae answers
"What?", I snap, "You noticed her?"
Tae snorts, "Of course I noticed her. She was the only white girl in her section and she was in the first row"
"She's really beautiful Yoongi. I can see why you got distracted", Hobi tells me
I just glare at him
"Ok I need to see a picture of this girl", Jin announces
"Yeah really", Jimin agrees
"Why?", I growl
"Because she has to be drop dead gorgeous for you of all people to be distracted by her", Jin shrugs
"No. You can see her tomorrow at the fan meet."
"Seriously? No one is going to take her away from you Yoongi", Jin replies
"I will", Tae smirks
"Fuck off"
"Ooo look, he likes her a lot or he wouldn't have reacted like that", Jimin laughs
I look at Namjoon, "They're making fun of me. Happy now?"
"Not particularly", he shrugs
I'm about to tell him off but then my phone buzzes
I look down and it's a text from a number I don't know
"Is this uh Suga? From BTS?"
It's her
She actually texted me
In Korean too
"Yes this is Yoongi"
"Oh hi. I'm the girl from the concert tonight. You took my phone and put your number in it?"
"Who is it?", Jungkook asks
"None of your business", I snap
"It's her. The girl! She texted him!", Jimin squeals
I need to leave before I kill them all
I stand up, starting to walk away
"Where are you going?", Namjoon asks
"Away from you all"
"Aww Yoongi wants to be alone when he talks to his new girlfriend", Jungkook teases
"Shut up!"
I hear them cracking jokes and laughing as I walk to my room
"Yes I remember you", I type and send
I get to my room, close the door and sit on my bed
"I don't mean to sound rude or anything but how do I know it's really you?"
I didn't think of that
I guess she's right to second guess me
After all what idol has ever put their number in a fan's phone?
She could be thinking this is a fake number
"I could send you a picture?"
"Yeah but you can just download any picture of Suga and send it to me"
Uh ok, I didn't think of that either
I mean there's no real way for her to know unless I do a video call with her
"I can call you through FaceTime"
I wait a few minutes for her to answer
"I uh don't have FaceTime. I don't have an iPhone."
"I can do a video call on anything else you want. Just tell me and I'll download the app for it"
She tells me to just use Google's app
Which I have already
"I'm calling you", I text
I call her and it rings
I'm so fucking nervous
Why am I nervous?
She's just a girl
Yeah right
She picks up and her beautiful face fills my screen
"Hi", I breathe
"Holy shit", she gasps, "It is you"
"Yeah it's me", I repeat, noticing she's speaking Korean
Really well
Say something idiot
"Uh what's your name?", I ask
"Oh right. Uh Joanne. It's Kang, Joanne"
But she's not Korean
She's not even Asian
I guess I'll have to ask her about that another time
If she agrees to talk to me again
"You're name is pretty", I say blushing
"Oh uh thank you", she answers
'Talk', I yell at myself
"So uh did you have fun tonight?"
She smiles
God it's stunning
"Yeah. I love you guys. I've been to every tour you've had but this was the first time I was able to get a ticket right in the front"
"You came to every tour?"
"Yeah from when you guys first started. I was there at your debut showcase too. I'm an O.G. ARMY", she says proudly
"Wow, thank you for your support"
She was there from the beginning with us
That means a lot
"Of course. You guys are awesome and so hardworking for us.", she smiles
Mother of god her smile is fucking gorgeous
I feel like I can't breathe
A silence falls and I don't know what to say
She's just looking at me then moves her eyes away, but then looks back at me
I can't tear my eyes away from her
'Talk', I scream at myself
"So you're uh coming tomorrow?", I ask
"Yeah of course. But uh...why did you give me a ticket? You could of gave it to anyone. Why me?"
Shit what do I say?
That she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I want to know her?
"Uh I....you look really nice and I wanted to meet you", I answer lamely
God I sound like a dork
"You uh don't have to come if you dont want to", I say
I didn't want to say that but I'm not going to force her to come
"Are you crazy? Of course I want to come meet you. That's like a dream come true", she exclaims
A dream come true?
Her eyes widen and she splutters, "I mean...meeting you and all of BTS...you know.....shit"
She puts her hand over her face in embarassment
She's so fucking cute
"No yeah I get what you mean", I answer, trying to make her feel better, "I feel the same way when I meet other celebrities I really like"
I smile at her
She just stares at me, biting her lower lip absentmindley.
Fuck me, that's so hot
I stare back at her until she breaks eye contact
"I uh don't want to take up much of your time. You gotta be so tired after the concert."
I am but I don't want to stop talking to her
But I don't want to creep her out either
And I'll see her tomorrow
"Oh yeah. And I have to get up early tomorrow for the fan meet."
"You do? Isn't it at like 3?", she asks
"No yeah for ARMYS. But we have to get ready and everything."
"Oh right. God I'm so dumb", she mutters
"No you're not. You just don't have to think about that, that's all. It's ok", I assure her
"I guess"
Fuck, I don't want her to feel bad
"So I'll see you tomorrow?"
I don't know why but I need more confirmation
I already like her a lot and I only spoke to her for fifteen minutes
What is wrong with me?
"Yeah Suga, definitely", she confirms
"Yoongi", I say automatically, "Call me Yoongi. Please."
Surprise fills her face
"Oh uh ok. Yoongi", she says
Shit, I like hearing her say my name
I'm a fucking goner
I already know I'm going to fall in love with her
I don't know how I know but it's such an overwhelming feeling that I have
It's definitely going to happen
I hope she can love me too
"Ok", I repeat
"I'll see you tomorrow", she repeats too, "Good night Yoongi"
"Good night Joanne"
She blushes, smiling, then hangs up
I lay back on my bed, staring at the ceiling, a huge dorky smile on my face
I can't wait until tomorrow
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chileangp · 2 years
☕️ lewis (also tienes anon apagado! jaja)
my babygirl my love my favorite driver and meow meow…..probably also my favorite athlete period lol. i remember knowing nothing about him only he won a lot (i would go up to my dad everytime he was watching f1 and ask if ham was still winning) became my fave shortly after i got into f1 (first race i watched was monza so pierre used to be my fave) i honestly cannot really articulate what he means to me :( hes just so great, as a person, as a driver, he does so much and gets so little, he so smart and hardworking and hardly gets recognition for it in favor of the ‘exceptional talent’ narrative (which he also is, immensely talented) and it breaks my heart. i love him so so much, cried the entire abu dhabi race and day and some more over the week 😭 this is long as hell help
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