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Remember that time pathetic wet-rat Ratbirch and malewife Lovagecreek had a badass daughter together? (with the help of an unnamed donor)
They also have a son that's also a malewife
Base: Cat Icon [Base] by Mothsome on DeviantArt
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gooseeatsholywater · 2 years
Sketch inspiration from @liberhoe
Lovagecreek and Hawkjay from @residents-of-the-darkforest
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That moment when you find your sibling in hell. Crazy stuff.
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Crowsage and Hawk have an interesting dynamic
When Hawk arrived at the Dark Forest, he found that he didn’t like his father but did like Ratbirch, so hung around him a lot. So Rat and Lovage technically unofficially adopted him, making him and Crowsage cousins and adoptive siblings at the same time, just not officially, and Hawk was an adult when he was ‘adopted’ + when Crow was born
so he’s probably more of an uncle to her and his uncle is more of a father to him
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Apprentices of The Place of No Stars (short story)
It was hard to believe that this was happening. 
Jackdawfoot hadn’t been a father since he was alive, and he left when all of his daughters were adults. Then suddenly, he had a mate again, became a father again, and now, his fluffy chest puffing out in pride, was watching his kits receive their apprentice names again.
The ceremony wasn’t like that of a regular Clan. Not everyone in the Dark Forest was going to show up, but all the important cats were here, kin to Redkit, Blackkit and Mudkit, and Wormkit’s adoptive parents, and of course, the parents themselves. As well, there were the mentors, making it no real surprise who they would be. There was also Fungichomp, the main caretaker of the ‘Daycare,’ as well as some onlookers.
Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe had discussed long and hard about who they wanted to train their precious son and daughter. They initially wanted to train them themselves, knowing they could protect them and keep them safe, but decided that what Mudkit and Blackkit needed was help from someone they didn’t already know to bring them out of their shells. ‘Daycare’ could only do so much.
Beside him, Wordweaver made a noise–something of a purr. Or maybe a word, because it made Daisysong chuckle. 
Jackdawfoot couldn’t pin down why exactly Wordweaver was here. Was it because Wormkit was her kin? Because Redkit was the kit of her kin? Could it be because Blackkit had been the first voice her mate heard when she arrived in the Dark Forest? Because Ferndoe, Blackkit’s mother, was a good friend of Daisysong’s? Or perhaps it was for their son, Mellowpaw, seated between his mothers’ legs, chattering on about how he wanted to show the new apprentices that ‘realy cool training grove.’
Jackdawfoot hoped it was somewhere safe.
At least Wormkit was doing better. Jackdawfoot still wasn’t too fond of the kit, and he had made his request to keep him away from his kits clear to Fungichomp, but he was still a kit, and Jackdawfoot had to acknowledge how much better Wormkit was doing. He, reportedly, didn’t get in half as much trouble as he usually did these days, and once even helped another kit find their lost pinecone.
He wasn’t all the way better just yet. He still had his moments, but that was why he was beginning training. Jackdawfoot knew that his mothers agreed that the ‘Daycare’ and themselves had helped Wormkit as much as they could, and now he needed one-on-one attention. 
Training would have begun earlier, as well as Mudkit’s and Blackkit’s, if they had not met Redkit. They met because of their parents’ connection, bonding so well that Blackkit cried about not getting to become an apprentice alongside his friend. It wasn’t about a difference in age, more of a difference in readiness.
Ready. His kits were ready. A pang stabbed Jackdawfoot’s chest. He wanted Blackkit and Mudkit to remain as they were, small and able to fit in his paws or climb over his back. He didn’t want them to grow. He didn’t even know that they could.
“Welcome, everyone,” Alderstar spoke up from where he stood on a tall, jagged stone, cutting into Jackdawfoot’s thoughts. Jackdawfoot couldn’t suppress an amused grin. Being Alderstar’s friend, he had found it funny that so many looked to the golden leader for advice and ceremonies, as if he hadn’t also been a serial killer. Alderstar had never forced a meeting or respect. Perhaps that was why he always seemed to get it.
“This moon, we welcome four young cats into our ranks of warriors. They will learn skills the Clans were frightened of teaching. They will be taught lessons in sonderness and survival, fighting not for cats who would have asked them to give their life for the greater good, but for themselves, their own worth, and their own loved ones. Redkit, step forward.”
At the front of the crowd in the line of kits, Redkit visibly shook. From nerves or excitement, Jackdawfoot couldn’t be sure. All the same, she obliged. 
“With request of your father–my son, your dad, and Fungichomp, your mentor shall be Hootpetal. I know her as a strong and compassionate warrior, and trust that she will protect you and allow you to thrive in ways that will thrill you.”
Redkit’s tail flicked. She was clearly much happier now, touching noses with her grandmother with a little chirp, before settling down next to her. Hootpetal turned to Perchclaw on her other side. “I’m so proud of you!” she exclaimed, licking at his ear.
“Mom!” Perchclaw complained, ducking away, but try as he might, he couldn’t hide the grin.
“Wormkit, step forward.”
Jackdawfoot held his breath. He scanned the crowd, wondering which of them would receive the kit. 
“With request of your mothers and Fungichomp, your mentor shall be Snowwing. He is a passive, skillful warrior, whom I expect will pass on everything you need to know.”
Jackdawfoot heard the hint in his words. It wasn’t just about skills in fighting, but in other things Wormkit needed a lesson or two about. But it had been stated in a kind way, disguised as to not embarrass or anger the kit.
He realized that Snowwing, Wormkit’s adoptive brother, was probably the best choice anyone could have made. He visited his mothers often and likely met Wormkit before, but not so much that that could soften his lectures for Wormkit. Too, he really was passive, always having a resting bored face and never feeling bothered enough to fight. He was the kind of cat that would respond to an insult with “well, I don’t think that,” and move on. It would certainly help to focus Wormkit on his duties, and on not trying to hurt someone’s feelings once he figures that that is an impossible thing to do.
“Mudkit,” Alderstar spoke again. Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe both straightened as high as they could. “With request of your parents and Fungichomp,”--Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe exchanged a nervous glance. He hoped their choice was the right one– “your mentor shall be Hawkjay. A clever convergent thinker, I trust her to keep you safe and teach you well.”
Jackdawfoot narrowed his eye, paying close attention to Hawkjay’s and Mudkit’s actions as they touched noses. Mudkit’s ears were flat, but that was to be expected. Hawkjay bent down carefully to reach her, blue eyes warm. “I look forward to getting to know you,” she said in a low voice so that only Mudkit, and the parents close by, could hear. 
Jackdawfoot relaxed.
“Blackkit,” Alderstar went on. “With request of your parents and Fungichomp,”--the nerves returned– “your mentor shall be Lovagecreek. A warrior with a big heart is something of interest in a place like this, and I trust that he will use it to make you feel safe and happy to the best of his ability, until you are able to do so on your own.”
On your own. The pang pricked deeper. Blackkit and Mudkit weren’t just becoming apprentices, they were growing up–growing apart from him. He forced his muzzle straight and not quivering as Alderstar finished. “We welcome you as apprentices of the Place of No Stars!”
To a Clan cat, to Starclan, maybe even to kittypets, that would have felt like a thing to be ashamed of. But Alderstar managed to speak as if it was an honour only the best of cats get to experience. Maybe it actually was. 
--Daycare in quotations because it’s Jackdaw’s POV and he doesn’t know where the name came from and doesn’t know what to make of it.
--Jackdawfoot doesn’t know about the water incident with Wormkit/paw.
--I was going to give Mud and Black to mentors that weren’t my characters, since Red and Worm already were, but then realized that Lovage and Hawk haven’t been seen in a while.
--Snowwing is the kind of person to respond to “I think you look like shit” with “okay. I don’t think that.” and his opinion on the matter is the only one he should care about, so it doesn’t bother him.
--The ceremonious words are a little different than that of the Clans (and also with some shade). While the Clans view importance in the group (protect this Clan even at the cost of your life), the Dark Forest views it in the individual. 
As well, because they’re in Hell, they do need to know extra fighting skills that are more....violent than Clan cats would have learned, in order to stay safe. I don’t know how much hunting they would learn, considering there’s no food, but there’s probably lessons in other things that wouldn’t have been taught to living cats (like sonder).
-- @ambitiousauthor
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Dark Forest Residences: Hawkjay & Lovagecreek
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Aliases / Nicknames: Honeybunchies, Dear, Murderer
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: pansexual, panromantic
Family: Yellowsong (mother), unnamed father, Berrytwig (sister), Lovagecreek (brother)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Skyclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: believed she was protecting her Clan, kills due to stress
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: poisoning, tearing chest
Known Victims: Mosseagle, Bayjaw
Cause of Death: killed by Rainpaw
Cautionary Tale: ??
There isn’t much to say about her backstory, as it was simple and ineffective to her future murderous deed. Or, perhaps not entirely. It is, after all, in early childhood that the importance of protecting one’s Clan is driven into a cat’s mind.
Other than this, her growing up was mainly filled with playing with her sister and brother, training, and trying not to laugh with Berrytwig during their silent vigil as Lovagecreek tried not to screech in panic when they placed a beetle atop his head.
Her relationship with the two is the same as most siblings, which is to say they teased and bullied and poked fun at each other once a day, but did care deeply for one another.
When Lovagecreek and his mate were having problems, it was Hawkjay’s advice he would seek. When she had misgivings about the newly named deputy, Mosseagle, it was her littermates she went to to speak about them, to poke fun at the tom, if not to let it off her chest.
But simply talking couldn’t put her at rest. Mosseagle, ever since he was a kit, was prone to aggression, and always bragged about how he would steal so much territory from all the Clans when he was leader.
Of course he was exaggerating, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t bring Skyclan to war, battle after battle that could cause the deaths of her beloved Clanmates and family.
She almost went to the leader to express her worries, then realized that if it came down to having to do something herself, something she wouldn’t be proud of, she didn’t want anyone to suspect her.
Moons passed with relatively no issue. Hawkjay began to believe that perhaps she had been wrong. Then the leader fell sick and Mosseagle temporarily took over, with the first thing on his agenda being leading a patrol into Shadowclan territory to take a worthless strip of land. No one was killed, thank Starclan, but a Skyclan warrior was badly injured.
Hawkjay saw no other alternative. Hunting down a robin, she stuffed it full of deathberries before delivering it personally to Mosseagle, telling him it was a celebratory thank you. He was resting just outside of the camp, as he often did, because the shade was better there.
No one could believe the sudden death! They found the deathberries in his mouth, but none remained in the bird. Without fully intact berries to prove they had been planted, everyone assumed the bird had eaten them.
Hawkjay hated it, but she felt a thrill. A part of her wanted to do it again, and she tried so hard to pull it out of her.
Before she knew it, another Clanmate was dead at her paws. Bayjaw was alone with her in the forest, talking too much about the death of their deputy, how he believed it was suspicious, but how he was secretly glad Mosseagle was dead.
He wouldn’t shut up! Hawkjay had attacked him, and, well, the rest is clear.
Hawkjay could hardly live with herself, unable to be the supportive or even bullying littermate to Berrytwig or Lovagecreek, not even after the deaths of Lovagecreek’s kits or their friend, Bluedove.
She couldn’t keep it inside of her any longer.
She took Rainpaw, Mosseagle’s son, on a walk. She was ready to spill everything, but before she told the Clan, she knew to tell the cat who had suffered most of all by the death first and in private.
Rainpaw was reasonably and incredibly furious. Hawkjay couldn’t blame him for her death.
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Aliases / Nicknames: Little Kit
Gender: tom
Sexuality: bisexual-demisexual, biromantic
Family: Yellowsong (mother), unnamed father, Hawkjay, Berrytwig (sisters), Aldersun (mate), Dawnkit, Snowkit (daughters), Bluesong, Stripemouse, Beetlecreek (foster sons)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, unnamed apprentice
Clan: Skyclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: killed a queen to give his mate kits to look after
Number of Victims: 1
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: neck snapping
Known Victims: Bluedove
Cause of Death: tail skinned by fox-trap
Cautionary Tale: ??
He was the runt of his litter, simultaneously bullied and protecting by his sisters throughout their kithood and apprenticeships. He had a fear of beetles, which was often used against him, even during their warrior vigil.
Due to being the smallest, Lovagekit was coddled by their mother often, much to his annoyance and secret enjoyment.
He fell head over heels for Alderpaw the moment he saw her. Over and over again, he tried to win her over, impressing her in training or hunting for extra long to make sure he brought her the prey he knew she liked.
He could have leaped over the moon when Aldersun finally agreed to be his mate. Not even the death of their deputy could bring them down. Lovagecreek had talked to Hawkjay about it, who seemed more stressed than usual, but his mind was on Aldersun. His mate, at last!
It wasn’t long before she fell pregnant with his kits, and they--together--moved into the nursery, where Bluedove was already preparing their nests.
He talked to everyone in his family about it. Yellowsong was more obeying of Aldersun’s needs than Lovagecreek was, eagerly preparing the mother of her grandkits. 
Lovagecreek’s father talked to his son often, telling him the dos and don’ts.
But none of it mattered.
The kits, their darling daughters, their Dawnkit and Snowkit had been born sickly. The medicine cat’s constant care wasn’t enough, nor Hawkjay or Yellowsong fetching wet moss twice a day. They were dead before the third day.
Lovagecreek’s heart was torn apart, tearing more at the sight of Aldersun, screaming in agony in their moss. The next moon, nothing thawed the numbness that surrounded her. She wouldn’t leave the nursery, wouldn’t eat. 
The only thing that came close to melting the newfound coldness was the birth of Bluedove’s three kits, who she decided against naming yet for reasons Lovagecreek was unsure of. 
Aldersun at last had a her spirit back, at least a piece of it. She always volunteered to look after the three if Bluedove needed rest, or even if she was energized. 
Aldersun admitted to him that sometimes, she wished those three miracles were her own.
They made her so happy, and every time they were taken away, the familiar pain shone in Aldersun’s eyes and pierced Lovagecreek’s heart.
He had to do it for her.
He knew Bluedove’s death would hurt her, but it would be worth it. Besides, the kits were too young to remember their birth mother after a moon. 
They named the toms Bluekit, after his mother, Stripekit, after the pattern on his pelt, and Beetlekit, after Lovagecreek’s fear. That one was Hawkjay’s idea.
Lovagecreek loved that Aldersun was so happy now. And he loved the kits just as though they were his own, much as he missed his daughters.
But there was always that nagging thought when he saw Bluedove’s empty nest or smelt her remaining scent, or looked at Bluekit, so much like his mother.
Before, Lovagecreek was able to bury himself in his family, to avoid his guilt and his grief for his sister. But then they became apprentices, and everything was suddenly so silent-- aside from his own mind.
One, clear night, he nuzzled his sleeping family before going out into the night. He looked to the sky and asked if he was wrong to do what he did. Startled by a sudden gust of wind, he backed up into a fox-trap.
It would seem he found his answer.
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Additional Information:
--Bluedove wanted Starclan to tell her in a dream what to name her kits. Yes, she’s a religious weirdo.
--Lovagecreek truly did care for his old and new kits, they weren’t just things to keep Aldersun happy.
--Aldersun initially saw Lovagecreek as a cute, but young apprentice. It wasn’t until he was a warrior that she saw him as a love interest.
--Hawkjay and Lovagecreek were killing at the same time, but neither knew, at least not until they wound up in the Dark Forest. They were involved in each other’s lives, but were so distracted by their own guilt that they didn’t notice anything weird about the other.
--Yes, Beetlecreek’s suffix is after his father. Bluesong’s is also after Yellowsong, who I imagine doted on the kits even more after the deaths of two of her own.
--Lovagecreek didn’t think he was going to die, but just to be safe, if he was to die or be sent into exile by the stars, he wanted to nuzzle goodbye to his family first.
--Picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/164475
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hear me out part 2
Snooktail x Lovagecreek
they can get a third member to their poly later
oh yeah I can definitely see them together
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You know what? I’m gonna do the name thing too.
Jackdawfoot--> prefix = mother thought jackdaws were the biggest in its respective family. It’s actually the smallest, suffix = big fucking feet
Gorseheart--> prefix = gorse bushes are tenacious, something his parents hoped he would be (and he kinda was), suffix = he was literally the biggest softy before the rampage
Ferndoe--> prefix = fern tickled her nose, causing her to sneeze, the first sound she made after wailing, suffix = delicate, but dangerous if need be
Poppyhill--> prefix = reddish colour, suffix = loves running across hills
Myrtlewing--> prefix = mother had a dream about grown Myrtle working in the medicine den, and many of myrtle is used as medicine. It’s possible she also dreamt of darker stuff, but decided to focus on the good, thinking that would lead to a better path. In fact, myrtle is supposedly not poisonous to any animals, suffix = his differently-coloured forelegs reminded his mentor of bird wings and how they can be different colours from the body
Aldereyes/star--> prefix = his mother’s favourite plant. She knew the birthing ordeal would likely take her life, as it made her really sick, and wanted her son to not feel guilt and instead know how much she loved him, and figured it would be a good way to do so, suffix = Stormstar didn’t think much of it, likely choosing the one trait they had in common.
Basiltooth--> prefix = his mother referred to him as ‘sweety’ before he officially had a name, and the medicine cat suggested Basil because there’s a thing called ‘sweet basil,’ which they possibly learned from a kittypet, suffix = he has really dark, possibly rotting teeth
Grousemane--> prefix = gray-ish with spots, suffix = gorgeous locks
Mottlecry--> prefix = an irregular arrangement of colour, which descripes how his head is one shade of gray while the rest is a different one, suffix = high-pitch shriek (more creepy creature from a movie, less little girl tantrum)
Lovagecreek--> prefix = the medicine saved his father from certain death, suffix = with Hawkjay, he once caught a fat jay during leaf-bare at a creek. The leader named him this to celebrate his skill
Hawkjay--> prefix = when she was born, the medicine cat warned that she may have eye trouble, and they named her hawk in the hopes that she wouldn’t, ‘eyes like a hawk’, suffix = with Lovagecreek, caught a fat jay during a food-scarce leaf-bare. The leader named her to celebrate her skill.
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headcanon that hawkjay and lovagecreek become best friends with/start dating batroot and ratbirch respectively in the df... but bat and rat don't tell hawk and lovage they have a brother... but hawk and lovage stay close... so when they introduce each other to their new best friend/partner, shit just... hits the fan...
bonus points if hawk and lovage try to get bat and rat to reconcile after this, for the Comedy (TM)
how is every person who follows me an utter genius in regards to my characters? This is PEEK drama and comedy
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The siblings!
both are orange, white, and black, but Hawkjay is a tad lighter orange and is more white than black, while Lovagecreek is a tad darker and has more black than white
the fox trap tore Lovagecreek pretty bad, and I image he was also pecked a bit (removing the remaining meat) and had the end of his tail torn off. Still claims that Hawkjay is the biggest pain in his tail.
also now that I figured out how to use it on another layer, I can add the colours on the things
forgot about the rectangle ones though
ref by turukhan
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Really happy with how I mixed the features of their kit / surrogate kit well, gotta say!
Refs by Turukhan and Yarrowleef on DeviantArt!
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@starfalcon555 the girl!
gonna make a kit that takes after Lovage when I get home
refs by turukhan
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I feel like Lovagecreek and Hawkjay have a Bart and Lisa-type relationship
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man oh man hawkjay and lovagecreek have gotta be some of the most tragic characters youve ever made i love them so much
at least they have each other
plus being around murderers who did far worse things than you would probably make you feel.. a little bit better
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Now I wanna make more Mapleshade-like stories where it focuses on the days of her murders and not too long of a build up
maybe more Wattpad stories with the characters.
anyone in particular people want to see?
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Some other DF residents I would like to see get mini-stories:
-Hawkjay and Lovagecreek
got it!
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My top favourite of my OCs (based on characters from other series)
In no order:
--Gorseheart (and Emberdawn)
--Myrtlewing + Alderstar (and Hoot and Grouse)
--Cricketfur + Martenstep
My top favourite of my OCs (completely original)
In no order:
--Basiltooth + Smalljump
Runner-up Favourites
In no order:
--Hawkjay + Lovagecreek
--Ratbirch + Batroot
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