foxdemon-loser · 2 days
+ the outsiders agere community
i present
darry curtis agere fanfic
+ two bit being a good bf
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foxdemon-loser · 17 days
ok ok ok outsiders drabble
tw for mentions of suicide
Two-Bit hadn’t been himself a lot. He was a little quieter, more withdrawn. Everyone had noticed, but no one was as concerned as Darry.
“I’m goin’ out, don’t wait for me.” Two smiled and says. Darry nods and replies, “Be safe. ‘Right?” Two-Bit simply nods and walks out of the Curtis house.
Later in the day. Two-Bit is sat on a ledge; drinking a bottle of beer as he watched the sun. “Glory, Ponyboy was right about these sunsets.” He thought to himself.
There was a general racket behind him, and Darrys voice was heard, “TWO-BIT!” He yelled. Two jolts and looks behind him. The whole gang was there. Even Dally. Two-Bit raised an eyebrow in confusion as Darry pretty much ragged him off the ledge.
“What do ya think yer doin?!” Darry says, a hand on Two-Bits shoulder. Two just look confused. “M just drinkin’ out here, Dar.” He replied. Darry’s brows furrow
“You been acting weird. You ain’t out here to kill yaself are ya?” Darrys voice is laced with worry and slight anger.
Two-Bits eyes widened as it clicked for him, “Jesus Christ! No Darry! What the hell?!” He asks incredulously. Darrys eyes widen and he steps back just a little
“We been worried about ya. You ain’t actin’ like yaself, Two.” Darry replies. Two-Bit just laughs and shakes his head.
“It’s cause i’m tryna get off the booze”
Darry just sighs a little, a relived smile crosses his face and he shakes his head
“It ain’t workin’ huh?”
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
do where the gang finds out Johnny can sing. Like REALLY sing. Full on Frank Sinatra like singing. And when he does, he gets all confident and such. What’s each member of the gangs reaction?
Ok hc time:
Ponyboy Curtis:
-He didn’t think Johnny had it in him tbh
-Was the first to see Johnny sing
-IMMEDIATELY loved it, he’d make Johnny sing all the time
-Ponyboy would always encourage Johnny (we love a hype man)
-They’d listen to the radio together and Ponyboy would sing with Johnny =]
Sodapop Curtis:
-Ponyboy told him first and he DID NOT BELIVE HIM he was like “nah dog” but then Ponyboy showed him and he was like “😦”
-Tried to get Johnny to sing Elvis but Johnny only really liked Frank Sinatra so that was a little disappointing, but Soda loved it anyway
-Would (badly) sing along with Johnny
-Gave Johnny the radio to listen to music with
Darry Curtis:
-Appreciated Johnnys taste in music (i’ve got a feeling Darry doesn’t like Elvis) and thought his voice was really good
-Admired his confidence when he was singing and encouraged Johnny to be a bit more like that when he’s not singing sometimes
-Basically just being the supportive dad he is
-We stan Darry Curtis in this house
Steve Randle:
-Sodapop showed him Johnny signing and istg Steve got the biggest most goofy grin ever
-He was like “BRO-“
-Hype man 2
-Got too excited when Johnny sang for the first time and fell off the back of the couch
-He was good tho
Two-Bit Matthews:
-SCREAMED when Johnny sang
-He loves it
-We love a supportive Two-Bit <3
-Sung along with Johnny too (tho he was probably drunk so it didn’t sound great)
-Tryna make Johnny sing more
-Loves how confident he gets when he sings
Dallas Winston:
-Silent supporter
-He doesn’t show he likes it, but he pats Johnny on the back after and gives him smiles and stuff
-Doesn’t like Frank Sinatra but appreciates when Johnnys singing it
-Made Steve fall off the couch that one time
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
when the gang first started hanging out Johnny looked like, yk, Johnny. All scared and confused, and like a runt. TwoBit and Dally knows that’s just how Johnny is. Pony picked up on it pretty quickly too.
Darry, Steve and Soda however, think differently. Getting all protective of him when Two or Dally roughhouse with him. Johnnys confused, but thinks it’s funny.
do what you will
ohhhhh i love this
summary: Two-Bit and Dally are roughhousing with Johnny and Ponyboy, Darry scolds them for it and Johnny and Pony are left confused
“Get back here you little shit!”
Dallas called out jokingly to Johnny, who just stole a pack of cigarettes from him as a prank, Ponyboy running too, Johnny and Ponyboy are laughing their asses off while Dallas speeds off after them in the park, Two-Bit holding a beer bottle in his hands and watching them run about, Two-Bit hollers, “Get ‘em Dally!” and laughs. Ponyboy, being the track runner, gets off easy, Johnny ain’t so lucky, and Dallas tackles him to the floor, wrestling the pack off him, not trying to hurt him of course, it’s all in good fun. Dallas grins, holding the pack of cigs triumphantly, Johnny lying in the grass, panting and laughing. Darry, watching in the corner, goes over, he folds his arms and pulls Dallas by the scruff of his neck off Johnny, “What’re you doing?! he barks at Dallas, who frowns. “We’re only playin’ man, i didn’t hurt ‘im, ain’t that right Johnny?” Dallas looks at Johnny, who’s still lying in the grass, Johnny looks at Darry and laughs, “I’m alright Dar. We’re only playin’, i ain’t a kid anymore, man.”
Darry sighs, helping Johnny up, “Aight, aight i hear ya, just be more careful alright?” Then Darry looks at Ponyboy, “And what’ve i told ya about stealin’?”
“Aw Darry it was just a prank!”
Dallas snickers and holds the pack of cigarettes, Two-Bit walks over and puts an arm around Dally
“Hey, Pony aint stealin’ it if Dallas’s got it.”
That earned a chuckle from Dallas and a small snort from Darry.
this was fun to write
reqs open!
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
thoughts on the idea of the gang finding out m!greaser was in two movies (one when he was 10, the other 16) and had like 4 lines combined? I just think it’s silly
M!Greaser in Movies!
Ponyboy Curtis:
-Stunned. Shooketh
-My boy was rewatching the same scenes with you in over and over again to the point he knew exactly what minute you came up
-He watched both movies multiple times
-He thought you as a kid looked really cute
-“You’re a really good actor y’know?”
-Would check if there’s books based off the movies you where in
Sodapop Curtis:
-When he found out he literally was like “😦”
-He would kinda be jealous ngl
-He’d tease you about how adorable you looked when you where a kid
-“You’re so cute though-“
-He’d let up afterwards and would make EVERYONE watch the movies, Darrys sick of it
-Immediately became his fave films
Darry Curtis:
-He’d be SO proud of you alkabskakdb
-“You’re such a good actor!”
-His fave scenes where the ones with you in
-When you told him he was immediately like “Show me.”
-Thought you where the best actor ever he didn’t care how many lines you had
Steve Randle:
-He only found out cause Soda told him
-He would also tease you abt your ten year old self like Soda would
Two-Bit Matthews:
-When you told him he forgot cause he was drunk, but he actually watched the movie and was like “HUH-“
-Calls you “movie star boy” all the time
-“It ain’t Mickey Mouse but it sure is good”
-He forgot all the scenes expect the ones your in cause he was drunk lmao
-Has no idea what the movies are about
-Just watched you the whole time
-Everytime you where onscreen he’d point and scream “THERE HE IS THERES Y/N-“
Dallas Winston:
-Again, relentless teasing
-“Shoulda got more lines”
-Hated the movies, only liked you
-hated them
-When Soda made them watch the films about ten times over he nearly slapped him
Johnny Cade:
-UGGGHHHHHH he was also shocked
-He only knew cause Ponyboy told him and he was like “😟😟”
-He was sad you didn’t get more lines
-He’d watch the movies with you and every time you where there you could tell
-he’d start grinnin bruh
anyway that’s all
reqs are open!
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
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Forcas Headcanons
Doesn’t actually need glasses in his human form, just wears them for show and thinks their cool
“Where my hug at?” you know he’s done it once
Big. Spoon. Feels weird if he’s little spoon
DESPISES tea with all of his angelic forcussy (idk)
Stole the trenchcoat
Hates cats
Probably pan tbh, gives “if there’s a whole there’s a goal” kinda vibes
can and has changed his form to a woman
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
what’s each greasers reaction when Johnny low key starts hooking up with a really hot f!greaser? She turns out to be chill btw (I will bombard you with these)
(please do i love these)
UH ANYWAY YOU SEE THE REQ LETS DO THIS (i ain’t drabblin this my lord ;-;)
Ponyboy Curtis:
-Man was like shocked he was like “Johnny what-“
-But when he met you he thought you where cool
-He’s still wary around you but thinks your okay
-He didn’t believe Johnny at first when he described you like a fucking playboy model lmao
-“Johnny you are lying-“
Sodapop Curtis:
-He was immediately ecstatic to meet you when Johnny described you to him
-Flirted with you on multiple occasions, probably didn’t work
-“Damn girl-“
-Was also wary around you
-But when he thought you where chill he was like “aight”
Darry Curtis:
-“Use protection”
-Literally the only reaction
-He was obviously a lil skeptical
-But after he would just say “use protection”
-We stan the dad 👏👏
Steve Randle:
-Got kinda jealous that Soda was giving you more attention but didn’t rlly mind
-Didn’t really care tbh
-He was just like “aight”
-“Don’t break his heart, Dally’ll kill ya.”
-Has flirted with you but not nearly as much as Soda has and gave up after like two tries
-My boy was on guard immediately
-He interrogated you like fuck
-But when he thought you where cool he let it go
-“You better be nice-“
-But you where and that was good
-Shared beers with you sometimes
-Generally didn’t flirt with you
-Just cool with it
Dallas Winston:
-If you think Two-Bit was bad, Dally was 10x worse
-He was on guard IMMEDIATELY
-“Hurt Johnny and i’ll kill ya.”
-Was protective around Johnny but let up after a bit
-Still skeptical
-Has flirted with you at least once
-He was basically just a guard dog at this point but as long as you weren’t hurting Johnny he didn’t mind.
(not gonna do johnny cause the ask is abt him and i don’t see the point)
reqs open!
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
Okok you can do this as a Drabble/ imagine/wtv m!greaser is mute but is chill with the gang. One time the gang + m!greaser is ganged up by socs. A soc pins mute m!greaser to the wall and barks “anything you wanna say to me, hood?” And then mute m!greaser just goes; “Not to you.” And SOCKS HIM.
what is the gangs reaction?
You and the gang walked down the street. It was a pretty cold night and most of you were talking. Most. You weren’t obviously because you were mute. Everyone knew that, no one knew why, no one asked why. You were down near Soc territory. Walking down the street you hear a loud car horn go off. Johnny jolts and everyone’s head snaps over to the car. “Damned blue mustang” you hear Dallas mumble under his breath as it pulls up to the end of the street and at least seven Socs jump out. The gangs reactions range from terrified to annoyed, but they keep their cool. You just had to be at the front. One of the Socs circle you, interrogating you relentlessly, the other six monitoring the gang, who know you can take it, but are all on edge still. The Soc gets annoyed from your lack of an answer and slams you into a brick wall, the hit knocking the air out of you.
“Anything you wanna say to me hood?!” the Soc barks, scowling at you. You stare at him with a cold gaze.
“Not to you.”
You say calmly, and slam a fist into his stomach
You and the gang watch as the Socs bolt into the blue mustang, bloody and bruised, the worst you’ve all got is Ponyboy with a black eye, but Sodapop gave them a right smack for that. Now the eyes are on you.
“D-did you talk?” Johnny asks, almost frightened with how sudden it was. Steve is flabbergasted and Darry is stood there, his hands on his hips as he stares at you. The silence is defeating until, without warning Two-Bit grins, slamming his arm around your neck and bringing you close
“That was badass!” Two exclaims, patting your back. Everyone lets out a small chuckle, minus Two-Bit who’s full on laughing his ass off. You all walk on like nothing happened and you didn’t just beat up a bunch of Socs.
You started speaking more now after that.
I loved writing this!
Reqs open!!
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
curly is just casually friends with a soc girl. They’re not close or anything. Just hang out sometimes.
what’s the gang + Tim and Angela feelings/reaction to this
bonus! What do curly and f!soc do for fun?
Lmao i love this (only doing greasers who rlly interact with the shepherds so dally johnny and pony and angela and tim obvi)
Ponyboy Curtis:
-Just like…why?
-He’s confused
-But he doesn’t mind ig?
-If youre like Cherry or Marcia Pony wouldn’t care
-He’s probably hang out with yall a few times
-“Why a Soc?”
Dallas Winston:
-Man does not gaf
-If youre like Cherry or Marcia you will be flirted with
-“Hey pretty-“
-Curlys always telling him to back off
-Does not care
Johnny Cade:
-Obviously wary cause like. SOC
-He gets kinda jumpy (more) around you
-But he doesn’t mind you
-Just a little skittish
Tim Shepard:
-Wary about you hanging about with his brother
-Doesn’t mind you as long as you don’t cause trouble
-When you meet him he scared the shit out of you cause he just stared at you with a dead stare it was freaky asf
-“You better watch it.”
Angela Shepard:
-Gets a little jealous sometimes
-Curly can’t bring you up in a convo without Angela being like
-“Oh yeah? Hm.”
-But if you’re cool she doesn’t mind
-Just don’t fuck with her or her brothers and your chill
Yall go rob liquor stores and stuff together and just hang around, Curly doesn’t think you’re a bad Soc sometimes
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
Could you do all the greasers and a f!greaser whose neruodivergent? (More so autism but it’s the 60s and no one knows anything then) They know that’s the reason most people don’t hang with her, because she’s not the best at convo and eye contact, but they like her cause she’s cool? Also they know her cause Two-Bits dating her. Idk I think it’d be sweet
kinda drabble
People thought you were weird. You struggled holding eye contact and got overwhelmed at seemingly random stuff, you hated being in crowds or loud spaces, and you struggled in conversations. You didn’t have many friends, until you met Two-Bit Matthews. There was just something so special about you to Two-Bit. The little things were all so precious. Sometimes you made little sounds to fill the silence, and Two-Bit would make them right back at you. It made you feel less alone. Darry kinda could see you worked a little differently from everyone else, and put special care into making sure you were okay. Everyone else just treated you how you wanted to be treated, like a regular girl. They’d accustom to your strange little habits, and you where one of them soon enough.
And you couldn’t have felt more at home
Uhhhh as a neurodivergent person I LOVED THIS-
Two-Bit Matthews has won my heart-
this is so sweet
reqs open!
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foxdemon-loser · 15 days
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Drabble abt my outsiders oc and the gang ykyk
TW: Descriptions of violence and gore
Two-Bit, Dallas and Diaz where fighting a gang of five Socs. The three boys had gotten super off their minds drunk and wanted a fight. It was all going well, until:
“Eat glass Grease!”
Diaz yelled and the sound of glass breaking was heard and a sharp cry rang through the night. Dallas, wobbly, searched around, and found the mess of curly hair slumped in the floor, face-down. Diaz.
Two-Bit found him and both boys stumbled towards him, Two-Bit dropped down while Dallas crouched, Two turned him on his back.
Diaz was half-unconcious, a chip in his front two teeth, and a bloody mess where his left eye should’ve been. Two-Bit cried out and Dallas grimaced.
“Shit! Diaz, you with us?” Two-Bit sat Diaz up, clearly not a fan of the gory sight, his face paling.
Diaz just groans, coughing.
“I can’t see..”
He grumbled, Dallas pulled Diaz up forcefully and swung his arm over his shoulder, Two-Bit stood moments later.
“Fuckin’ Socs. Let’s get to the Curtis’s house, ‘n pray Pony ain’t awake.”
Dallas grumbled as they started walking, admittedly not in a straight line .
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
The gang + Tim meeting m!greaser whose like SCARY. Big, strong, resting bitch face and deep voice. Also m!greaser smokes cigars
What's each of the gang feelings/reactions to this guy?
i wanna drabble this lol
summary: Your Curlys best friend from the reform, your SCARY asf, Tim, Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally meet you for the first time
You’re Curlys best friend. You two met in reform and ever since got along like a house on fire. One day, Curly thought it’d be good to introduce you to his friends and his brother. You all met in the park, and your presence was unmistakable. You leaned back on the fountain, smoking a cigar, you towered over everyone else and clearly were a complete hood. Tim and Dally were impressed. Ponyboy and Johnny where scared shitless, especially Johnny. Curly spoke first. “So this is my other friends, Dallas, Johnny ‘n Ponyboy, an’ my brother Tim.”
You nod, you’d heard of Tim Shepard. Curly didn’t stop talking about him in the reform. “Hey.” you greet in a rough voice. Johnny jolts and Dally just smirks, “So tough guy eh? What where ya in reform for?” Dally asks with a sort of shit eating smirk. Your brows furrow. “Carjackin’” you reply simply. Ponyboy swallows, his eyes looking everywhere but you. Tim chuckles at how scared his friends are hand holds out his hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet ya buddy.”
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
here’s a fun senario.
Ponyboy and Curly are just hanging out and Ponyboy asks about why Curly hangs out with f!soc (same from past post) and he just shrugs and says something like he doesn’t know. He just does. He says he doesn’t really feel like a greaser with her, just Curly.
Ofc, Curly doesn’t really think twice about what he said.
But for Ponyboy, it makes the world of a difference. And odd sense of hope.
a bit happier of asks for you
oh i like this one
summary: Ponyboy and Curly talk about you. You aren’t there of course, and Ponyboy learns something that brightens his world up just a bit more.
“So why’d you hang out with that Soc girl Curly?” Ponyboy asks, his hands in his pockets as they walk through the park.
Curly shrugs. He thinks about it for a minute and looks at Ponyboy, “I just..do. I don’t feel like some Greaser around her. I just feel like..Curly. Yknow? Just me. Not a hood, not a “boy from the reform”..just Curly. It’s like my past don’t exist.”
Ponyboy stops in his tracks as Curly speaks. His brows furrow ”..Huh?”
Curly snickers slightly. He shakes his head, “Lord, Darry was right when he said you didn’t use your head.” Ponyboy scoffed and sighed.
“…Ya think i can find someone who makes me feel like that? Like im not just some hood? Just…Pony?”
Curly nods, “Sure, i think everyone can.”
A little spark of light enters Ponyboys eyes. He smiles as the two continue walking. He can’t help think about that. A small bit of hope fills him, for the first time in a long while.
This was definitely more therapeutic to write ^w^ a little shorter tho reqs open!
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
the Curtis’s neighbour his a 11 yr old boy who has a neglectful aunt and he has to deal with her list of awful boyfriends. It seems to be a good kid tho, just a real shorty hand at life.
Ofc the gang meets him. What do they do?
TW: Themes of negligence
You saw as Ponyboy walked outside, he was just going on a walk. That was until he stopped. A few doors down was you. Small, scruffy and skinny. Ponyboy stared at you for a moment as you where sat on the doorstep of your aunts house. Ponyboys brows furrowed as you looked at him shyly.
“You okay kid? Why ain’t you inside? It’s awful cold.” Ponyboy asked softly, approaching you slowly.
“..My aunts boyfriend sent me out.” You mumble back. Slightly shivering. Ponyboy was right, it was awful cold and all you where wearing was a t-shirt and jeans. Ponyboys eyes widen slightly. He’d always kinda though that something was going on in your house, sometimes there’s yelling from there.
“….Come with me.” Ponyboy says and holds his hand out. You look up at him. A little nervous, but you take his hand. He walks over to his house, going inside. “Darry! I found someone!” He calls out.
Darrys presence intimidates you immediately. You look up at him and shy away slightly. He looks at Ponyboy, “Who’s this?”
“That kid from the shouting house, yknow what one i mean”
Darry nods and looks at you thoughtfully. His brows furrow at you. “Why’re you out in the cold?”
“Aunts boyfriend kicked me out” You mumble yet again. Darry sighs and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Why?” He asks, trying not to be firm but his voice can’t help it
You shrug. Darry looks at you. “Soda! Get in here!” He calls out and Sodapop leans out of the doorway. You recognised Sodapop, he saw you on walks with Steve sometimes. His eyes light up in recognition and he raises an eyebrow
“What happened to you? You look like a walkin’ skeleton”
You sigh, that was true, you were very skinny. Darry notices this too and his brows furrow even more. He walks out and comes back with a candy bar and hands it back to you. You take it tentatively and he ruffles your hair.
“If anyone gives you trouble, let us know ‘lright?”
You nod, Ponyboy takes you back home, and you feel a little safer knowing someone has your back, or, three people.
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
I have a silly idea that before the gang formed, Dally and TwoBit became buddies, then they ran into Johnny a bit afterwards
what the hell did those three get up too
uhhh drabble abt how they met johnny (based off that one deleted scene but their a few years younger)
TW: Abuse
Two-Bit and Dallas were walking through the street. Two-Bit making wisecracks about random people walking by, until they hear yelling. They watch a small, scruffy kid with tanned skin and black hair bolt out of his house in nothing but a black shirt and a pair of jeans, who you’d imagine is his mom, is running out after him, holding a two-by-four and screaming at him god knows what. Dallas and Two-Bit didn’t need to be told twice. They took off down the road, Two-Bit rushed to the kid and Dallas grabbed the two-by-four off the woman, throwing it across the road and watching as a car destroyed it. Dallas and the woman where yelling as Two picked the kid up under the armpits and scanned him ”You alright boy?” Two-Bit asked, the wiseass had been replaced by a more genuine and concerned person. The boy looks up at Two, sniffling a little, his big black eyes staring into Two-Bits, he looks away and dusts himself off, “Y-yeah…yeah i’m fine.” He says reluctantly. Dallas gives up on the woman, walking over to the young black-haired boy.
“What was that about kid?” Dallas asked, running a hand through his hair. The young boy replied in a shaky voice ”My mom..”
Dallas froze. Two-Bit did too. They looked at eachother. Dallas sighs and looks at the kid.
“What’s your name?”
“Johnny. J-Johnny Cade.”
Dallas nods and looks at Two-Bit. They kinda just look at eachother for a bit as if deciding something, then Dallas puts a hand on Johnnys back
“Wanna come with us?”
“….Yes please”
“Cmon kid.”
reqs open!
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foxdemon-loser · 2 months
Poem i wrote about my smp character:
Ode to Oberon:
Straw blonde hair, stained red with blood Cold eyes that could kill, and kill they would Hands carrying the death of others Mothers, fathers, daughters, brothers Haunted by visions of his past Each one worse than the last Mind fractured and torn apart Adorning scars like brush strokes on art The thunder is the call he fears Lighting bringing him to tears Bells ring out into the night The only thing provoking fright Cold green eyes, sending courage retreating Rough calloused hands, which bring down a beating Gentle blue eyes, which bore into your soul Which have been missing his whole life, or so he’s been told Oberon Sicelli, proud and brave Burned with visions of souls from the grave.
wrote this in science sorry it’s shit-
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