#looks great and let's the turtles go in and out
yuri-is-online · 2 days
Criminally Smooth (Floyd Leech x Yuu)
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Floyd might have a concussion, but that doesn't mean he can't recognize true love when he sees it, and that halo the bisexual lighting of this cop car is giving you makes him think he might have a chance.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, based off a meme I saw and the song Bonnie and Clyde by Dutch Melrose. Vaguely modern au, hints of a mafia au? Yuu and Floyd are implied to be adults and full of bad decisions. More fic can be found on my masterlist.
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“Hey baby, what's your name?” Floyd's teeth are sharp and his smile is weirdly wide, like he's trying to display his mouth for you. “You come here often? I swear I've seen ya somewhere before…” You take a deep breath trying to ground yourself, the metal of the handcuffs should be painful enough to do the trick but the ridiculousness of Floyd asking that question when you're both going to jail is overriding the discomfort.
“We've met before, yeah.” You grumble trying to shift to get a bit more comfortable as Floyd's eyes get wide as saucers in a way that would be cute if that meeting hadn't been him shaking you down for “interfering” with Azul’s business model.
“Really?” He sounds so happy, and tries to move his hands to do who knows what but gets stopped by the cuffs, which wipes away the facade of kindness as he glares down at them. “Well I must have introduced myself-”
“You did yeah.” You try to cut off whatever it is he has to say and try not to die of embarrassment when it doesn't stop him from babbling.
“I've got your number then right?” Floyd begins wiggling to reach for his back pocket and glares when Officer Clover tells him to knock it off. “You're just so fucking pretty please tell me that wasn't just a dream and I got your number.” Are you even talking to the same person?
“I don't think so?” He whines, whines! When you say that and looks up at you like a kicked puppy. “We uh. We weren't. Didn't get much of a chance to talk.” You shouldn't be flustered by this. Shouldn't be thinking that it's sort of cute how he presses up against the bars separating you in the back of the cruiser to try and get as close to you as possible.
“Aww well let me do it again please?” You nod and try not to fluster when he brings back the dreamy smile places his cuffed hands against the bars. “I'm Floyd, sorry I totaled your car, baby.” It wasn't your car but you know better to say that in something rigged for audio. “You free this Saturday? I wanna make it up to you and I know a real great place-”
“I don't think either of you are going to be free this weekend,” Officer Clover isn't even hiding how much he's enjoying this you really wish you could get away with punching him “sorry Floyd.”
“Ignore Sea Turtle, oh hey I don't know your name do I?” Surprisingly Floyd isn't annoyed at all, he's still keeping his mouth wide and gets even more excited when you begin to subconsciously mimic him. “C'mon what's your name pretty?”
“It's Yuu but you kept calling me-”
“LITTLE SHRIMPY!!!” He shouts so loud Officer Clover slams on the brakes out of shock, Floyd laughs as he tumbles around and you try to brace against the wall. “Dawww ya should have just led with that baby, I wouldn't have rammed ya. Not with a car anyway.” The police cruiser lurches again as you feel the tires hit something, slamming Floyd against the door and tumbling you towards the floor. He bites down on the metal of his cuffs making sure to keep eye contact with you as he chews through the metal, winking like he's putting on some sort of show and not at all surprised or afraid that your ride is spiraling out of control. “Remember, Saturday ok? And don't worry about dressing nice I'll take care of it ♡” His door flies open as Officer Clover scrambles for his radio and Floyd jumps out of the tank into an awaiting vehicle laughing the entire time, yelling a few choice expletives at the police commissioner as he goes. You curl yourself into a tiny ball and chew on the inside of your cheek as you try to process what just happened over the angry squaking you hear on the radio.
There's no way a judge is letting you make bail after this.
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nullsgameart · 2 years
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Turtle Exhibit (Underwater)
- Minecraft (2011)
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
I still think about how Leo’s ideal day out for the fam’s venture into the Hidden City was basically just an effort to get some rest and relaxation because boy does he never get that ever.
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pathologicalreid · 20 days
heyyy!!! I just wanted to say I really love your work and this is my first time sending a request so sorry if it’s not very specific 😭💕
If you’re still doing requests, I was wondering if you could do a fem reader x Spencer Reid where it’s similar to your cryptic pregnancy one, except Spencer is at home with her when she’s in labour without realising, and she’s just in a lot of pain and it all of a sudden gets worse and she’s just in the bathroom shouting for Spencer, he comes in and eventually works out what’s going on, readers sort of in denial? Maybe the ambulance doesn’t get there in time so Spencer has to help her give birth? Lots of fluff and hurt/comfort :)
Also completely fine if your not comfortable doing it, but again really love your work and hope you have a great day 💕 :)
three's a family | S.R.
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: fluff content warnings: cryptic pregnancy, traumatic birth, precipitous labor, hospitals, medical inaccuracy (its just me and google against the world), takes place after 9x7 "gatekeeper", surgery, near death experiences, periods, home birth word count: 3.16k a/n: anon i'll be so honest with u i wasn't sure if i was gonna write this but then i learned what precipitous labor was and i was like "i would not wish this on my worst enemy... i'm going to force it on y/n" BUT please keep in mind that there is a .000012 probability of this happening to you (i did the math) this is the wildest thing ive written to date i think
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“I’m going to try a bath,” you murmured over to Spencer, wincing as you dragged yourself out of bed, walking at a turtle’s pace to the bathroom, hoping the warm water would soothe the cramps away.
Your period came and went as it pleased; it was just your luck that it decided to give you debilitating cramps on your one day off. Padding on the tile floor behind you, Spencer leaned against the doorframe to the bathroom, “I could run to the store and get a new heating pad.”
Sticking your hand under the tap to check the temperature, you plugged the drain once you found it to be satisfactory. You shook your head, “No, it’s fine.” Your original heating pad must’ve gotten lost somewhere in the depths of your storage closet, but you didn’t have the patience to look for it. You could manage just fine without it.
“Will you let me know if you need anything?” He asked, leaning forward to press a comforting kiss to your forehead.
Nodding, you hooked your thumbs in the waistband of your pajama pants and pulled them down, watching as Spencer pointedly flicked the bathroom fan on – something you often forgot to do.
You lasted about thirty minutes in the bath, not only was the water beginning to grow lukewarm, but if anything, your cramps were getting worse while submerged in the water. Grunting, you reached over and tugged the plug from the drain, watching as the water drained, you managed to pull yourself to a squat before you felt stuck.
Aunt Flo really had it out for you this month.
Burying your face in your hands you accepted defeat and called out for Spencer, reaching up and trying to stand again, but only succeeding in knocking over several shampoo bottles. “Spence!” You tried again, white-knuckling the edge of the bathtub as you bowed your head. A creeping feeling that this wasn’t your period was beginning to rise.
You listened as your husband made his way up the stairs, turning the corner into your room, and opening the door to the ensuite. Moving quickly, Spencer dropped to a crouch in front of you, cupping your pained face in his hands, “I don’t think this is your period, angel.”
Clamping your lips together to prevent yourself from crying out, you simply nodded in response. How awful was it that you were going to die, naked, in your bathtub?
Spencer wiped tears away from under your eyes – you hadn’t even realized you started crying. “What does it feel like, darling? What else could it be?” He asked, voice urgent but gentle as he tried to stop you from panicking.
As you shook your head, you couldn’t focus on anything else besides your breathing as another pain rose up through you. “It’s like a cramp, but with more pressure,” you said, depending on the bathtub and Spencer to keep you upright as your legs shook beneath you. “Like something’s pushing on me, kind of like I have to shit.”
Reaching behind him, Spencer dug through one of the drawers in the bathroom vanity before retrieving the handheld mirror that you used when you cut his hair. Before you could ask what he was doing, he placed the mirror at the bottom of the tub, just beneath you. “I think you’re in labor,” he announced, breaking the news to you.
“There’s no– fuck,” your voice broke off as you dropped your head onto Spencer’s shoulder, breathing through what was apparently a contraction. “I’m not pregnant,” you insisted as your symptoms started to make sense. You had been in labor all morning.
Nodding to himself, Spencer quickly kissed your cheek before standing up and making sure you were stable before stepping to the side.
You frowned as you looked up at him, “Where are you going?”
He didn’t go far, opening the linen closet and piling towels into his arms, “I’m getting towels to put in the tub beneath you, and then I’m going to call an ambulance.”
“You want me to give birth in our bathtub?” You asked, furrowing your brows quizzically before letting out a low whine as another contraction hit.
Stopping what he was doing, Spencer dropped down to you, running the flat of his palm up and down your back as he gently reminded you to breathe. “Did you want to change positions?”
Immediately, you shook your head. You already had an insurmountable task ahead of you and you saw no reason to add to that task by trying to move. “This is fine. Squatting is good, right?”
Nodding assuredly, Spencer smoothed your hair away from your face, “Gravity can help the baby descend the birth canal, and some people even say that the position can increase the pelvic diameter.”
While you were currently less concerned with the diameter of your pelvis and more concerned with feeling like your body was being split open, you continued going through the motions as he called for an ambulance, trying to explain the situation to the dispatcher.
“Have you been timing your contractions?” Spencer asked, tilting his head at you curiously as the dispatcher spoke on the phone.
Releasing a groan, you gripped the ledge of the tub, “I didn’t know they were contractions!”
Relaying that information over the phone, Spencer dropped to his knees in front of you, “Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll take care of it.” He continued to reassure you, taking one look at your desperate expression before ending the call with the dispatcher.
He understood that you were vulnerable right now, and you didn’t want that broadcasted to a stranger on the phone. If you weren’t so preoccupied with remembering to breathe, you’d be more grateful. After a contraction ebbed away, Spencer stood up.
“I have to go unlock the door for the paramedics,” he told you, keeping a wary eye on you. “I’ll be right back,” he comforted you as he took one last look at you before tearing out of the bathroom.
In record speed, he returned to the bathroom as promised, “It’s bad,” you cried, the pressure on your pelvis becoming insufferable.
Crouching in front of you, Spencer studied your face before he spoke carefully, “I have to check your cervix.”
Despite his carefully chosen words, your lips still parted in shock, “You have to what?”
“I’ll use my hand to measure how dilated you are, and then… we’ll go from there,” he told you, nodding almost imperceptibly. At this point, you weren’t sure who he was trying to reassure – you or him. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” you answered instantly, “indefinitely.”
You bit down on your lip as you let Spencer check you, understanding entirely why people choose to get epidurals – this was horribly uncomfortable. “On the next contraction, you need to push, okay?”
For just a moment, your breathing faltered as your scared eyes met his, “Spence, wait,” you pleaded.
Smoothing your hair back, your husband did everything he could to comfort you, “What is it, love?” He asked, his voice soft.
“I’m scared,” you confessed, voice cracking ever so slightly as tears flooded your lash line.
He leaned forward to gently kiss your lips before pulling away to press his forehead to yours, "I've got you. You're going to be fine. You're both going to be fine."
You could see his carotid pounding, and somehow the fact that he was secretly as scared as you was more comforting than the words that came from his mouth. As you pushed, you focused on everything that Spencer was saying instead of the pain. Don’t push for more than eight seconds. Remember to breathe. Your body will know what to do. I love you. I love you. I love you.
By the time Spencer was saying something about the head, your hearing had gone muffled. “You’re doing so well, baby,” you made out his voice and nodded dazedly. “You’re wonderful. I’m so proud of you – just a little more,” he cajoled.
Taking a moment to breathe, your ears and eyes focused as shaky breaths filled your lungs.
“I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful,” he murmured, dropping a kiss on your bare shoulder as he comforted you, continuing to keep you upright.
You shook your head, sniffling as your eyes screwed shut, “You’re perfect. Don’t stop. Keep talking,” you begged, needing something to focus on other than the pain.
“There’s about a point zero four percent chance of you getting pregnant and not finding out until you’re in labor,” he told you, hoping that the information would help you wrap your head around what was happening to you. “One to three in one hundred people have a precipitous labor,” he continued to speak as you pushed, and you wondered what the odds of you squeezing his hand so hard that you did damage were.
Against your better judgment, you looked down to check your progress, “Holy fuck,” you said breathlessly. You weren’t entirely clueless, you knew that once you got past the shoulders the remaining pushes would be easier. You also found yourself grateful that Spencer knew what he was doing – this was, after all, the second baby he had delivered.
You bore down, determined to get the baby out while Spencer untangled your hands, bringing his own down to catch the baby. Out of breath, you panted heavily as you started to feel lightheaded. “Done,” Spencer said quickly, “it’s done. I have him.”
Carefully, Spencer held the baby along the length of his forearm, rubbing the tiny newborn’s back. “Come on, come on, come on,” he muttered under his breath, and it dawned on you that the baby wasn’t crying.
At the realization, your legs finally gave out from beneath you, watching with wide eyes as Spencer tried to clear your son’s lungs. White hot tears streamed down your face as you whispered, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You took a gasping breath as you silently pleaded for a cry, “I didn’t know,” you sobbed, guilt building a pit in your stomach.
With bleary eyes, you looked on as the baby finally spluttered and let out a wail. “There you go,” Spencer cooed softly, his own voice stiff with emotion as he cradled the baby and handed him off to you.
You were still sobbing as you held the baby to your chest, “I’m so sorry,” you continued to babble, watching as Spencer briefly disappeared into the bedroom before returning with a blanket and wrapping it around the both of you. While holding the baby, your vision started to blur around the edges.
Watching you intently, Spencer cupped your face in his hands, “I love you.”
Nodding, your face crumpled before you responded, “I love you too.”
When the paramedics announced themselves, Spencer called out for them, not wanting to leave your side. The two of you focused your attention on the wriggling baby in your arms.
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He was premature – too little to stay with you in the recovery room. The NICU doctor had estimated that he was born at approximately 32 weeks, meaning he’d likely need to spend a few weeks in intensive care. “I want to see him,” you said insistently, looking over as Spencer as he fussed over you.
“You just had abdominal surgery,” Spencer responded simply, as if that was meant to clarify everything for you. He continued fluffing your pillow, which wasn’t entirely productive considering you were lying on the pillow.
As it turned out, you had experienced what was called a precipitous birth, or a rapid birth. It tended to be dangerous, and the fact that you did it in your bathtub only heightened that danger. You reached your arm out for Spencer, “c’mere,” you muttered, trying to get him to stop fretting. “Did you listen to anything that the doctor just said?”
Spencer nodded in understanding, “Lots of rest, no physical exertion, IV medication for now-“
“Did you hear the part where he said I was going to be okay?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him curiously, you watched as he took your hand in his and sat on the edge of your bed. “I’m going to be fine,” your voice was determined, you had a few small incisions on your abdomen from the surgery to repair a tear in your uterus. “Thank you for looking after me,” you whispered.
Your husband gently smoothed your hair back from your face, “I should’ve noticed it sooner.”
Using all of your strength, you squeezed his hand comfortingly, “You were incredible,” you assured him. “If it weren’t for you, neither of us would’ve made it.”
He shook his head, “Don’t say that.”
Raising your eyebrows, you cocked your head to the side, “It’s true. I couldn’t have done it on my own, I’m so, so thankful for you, my love.” 
You had passed out in the ambulance as a direct result of blood loss, so you were brought to a trauma bay as soon as you made it to the hospital. Once they were in the ER, the baby was taken to the NICU, leaving Spencer with a lot of decisions to make.
When you woke up in the recovery room, the first thing you did was ask about the baby.
Spencer, of course, had been up to see him. The nurses claimed he seemed like a fighter, and Spencer knew the survival odds of a 32-weeker, so he turned his attention to you. Every other option had already failed, so the next option was a laparoscopy. Your husband admitted that while it seemed extreme, the very last choice was a hysterectomy, and he didn’t want to make that decision.
Furrowing your brows, “When can I see the baby?” You asked, not entirely sure how to refer to the infant just yet. It wasn’t until then that you realized you needed to name him at some point – your son.
“Once your blood pressure goes up,” Spencer told you with an authoritative tone. “You lost a lot of blood in the ambulance, but the blood transfusions will bring your blood pressure back up.”
Tilting your head to the side, you glared at your husband, “And is this rule from a doctor with a medical degree or a doctor whose name is on my marriage certificate?”
In response, Spencer shrugged, sitting in the beige armchair at the side of your bed, “That’s a secret I’ll never tell.”
You rolled your eyes dismissively, “Will you go see him?”
He leaned over the edge of your bed, taking your hand in his. “I can, will you be alright on your own?”
Nodding almost imperceptibly, you squeezed his hand affectionately, “I just don’t want him to be alone.” You whispered as tears pricked your eyes, you took your free hand and waved at your face, “god, what’s wrong with me?”
“A sudden drop of estrogen and progesterone immediately following birth causes mood swings. Nothing is wrong with you, your body is acting naturally,” Spencer explained patiently, dropping a gentle kiss on your lips.
You sighed before melting back into your pillows, “At least something about this feels natural,” you responded. Your brain felt like a spinning top, while your body felt like you were being weighed down by an elephant in a commercial for COPD medication.
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The fact that the NICU nurse informed you that your son had a ninety-five percent chance of living a completely normal life did nothing to calm your nerves. He’d have to stay in the NICU for a few weeks and you tried to convince yourself that the extra time to prepare for him to come home would be good for you, but the idea of leaving him alone at the hospital – save for a small army of doctors and nurses – put a pit of dread in your chest.
Spencer had the forethought to warn you about the tubes and wires that he was hooked up to, ranging from oxygen to a feeding tube. “He’s been undergoing red light therapy to be treated for jaundice, but you can hold him for a while if you want to,” the nurse told you, leading the both of you through the NICU as Spencer steered your wheelchair through the hospital.
Your breathing hitched when you finally saw him, this tiny stowaway that had been growing inside of you for the last several months, and he was just so little. While you were still in your own room, you had convinced yourself that you’d hold him, but now you weren’t so convinced.
According to the sign in his room, he weighed three pounds and ten ounces and was sixteen inches long. He was sound asleep in an incubator, a small hat on top of his head, “Spence,” you breathed.
Behind you, your husband placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, “I know.”
“Did you want to hold him?” The nurse asked you gently, looking over at one of the machines that he was hooked up to.
Genuinely, you didn’t know. “Is… is that okay?” You asked, wiping your sweaty palms on the blanket draped across your legs.
The nurse gave you a knowing look, “Even better than okay, it’ll be good for him to have that kind of contact from both of his parents.”
Frowning, you watched as it took two nurses to break him out of his acrylic prison before they carefully placed him on your chest, making sure you were okay before they stepped back. Your movements were stiff at first, you had never held a baby this small before, but you eventually remembered to breathe and gently cooed at the baby in your arms.
Spencer crouched down next to you and started to ask the nurse a bunch of questions that he had likely been holding in for hours, but you just kept your eyes on the sleeping baby. He was too small to open his eyes, but everyone assured you that he’d get there.
The nurse stepped out to give you some privacy, leaving the door open just in case you needed something, “This doesn’t seem quite as difficult while I’m holding him.” You knew there was a steep learning curve ahead, but with a newborn on your chest, the pit in your heart dissipated.
“That’s called oxytocin,” Spencer said, sitting in a chair, eyes fixated on the infant in your arms.
Humming, you skimmed the pad of your thumb across your son’s tiny back, “He looks like you,” you observed quietly, they had the same nose.
Your husband smiled softly, “You can’t possibly tell which parent he takes after yet,” he informed you.
“And yet, I know he looks like you,” you insisted softly, and Spencer didn’t push back. “You look like your daddy,” you whispered to the baby, “he was the first one to hold you, you know?” You looked over at Spencer, “he’s been my superhero for four years, and now he gets to be yours too.”
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kathaynesart · 9 months
Replica Anniversary DTIYS!
Well, it was one year ago today that I started Replica!  It’s been a wonderful experience so far and I wanted to do something fun to show my appreciation to you all!  So in celebration I want to do my very first DTIYS, but we’re going to do this one a little differently. 
YOUR MISSION: to design a comic cover for the upcoming Replica Holiday Special that is all about the birth of Casey Jr:
The year is 2028, eight years before the start of Replica.  The Central Park Colony is still going strong and the turtles now must protect an expecting Cassandra Jones from the very people they are sworn to defend. 
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As far as theme that is entirely up to you!  I’ve always found comic covers to be fun because they don’t necessarily have to show what happens in the actual story. So if you want Casey Senior holding up Junior on Pride Rock, Lion King style?  That’s great. You want to do an epic pose of the turtles battling Krang while trying to defend the Caseys?  Perfect.  You want to have Casey Junior bursting out of a Krang’s stomach like a Xenomorph???  Okay weird, but I’ll accept it so long as it’s not too gory!  Also the cover doesn’t  have to be Casey centric, I just want to see what you all come up with! (Note: please no NSFW art)
I have included character sheets and some visual development as reference for how the characters will look at this point in the story (though you do not need to strictly follow it. Feel free to give it your own artistic twist).  I will also include a PNG of the logo in case you have a vision for how you want it to be incorporated. Note you don’t have to use the logo but if yours is picked as the winner I will be putting a logo in there somewhere!
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PRIZES: 3rd Place: an OC of yours will get to be a bg character in Replica (note the character cannot be an AU version of one of the main cast for obvious reasons). 2nd Place: a black and white commission of one character of your choosing. 1st Place: your cover front and center in the Replica lineup (with credit of course) as well as a 1-2 character commission w/ color (please no nsfw requests for either commission). 
DUE DATE: NOVEMBER 19 (gives you all 2 months)
IMPORTANT: please use #replica DTIYS hashtag for easy search Also please DM me with your finished cover on Tumblr (otherwise I might miss it!)
NOTE: while not mandatory you’ll probably want the piece to be around the typical comic cover vertical 2:3 ratio (10x15" for example).
I’ve never done an event like this before so I’ll admit I’m a little nervous.  Don’t know if this will even gain any traction but I just want people to have good time and get creative :) 
This is all just for fun so please do not push yourself too hard!
Let me know if you have any other questions and have fun!
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rawcherrycake · 3 months
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Right, let's do this one more time...
TMNT: Eden
My own TMNT fan iteration! I had lots of fun designing these guys and i'll admit one big inspo was @kaysdenofchaos Teenage Meddling Mutant Turtles! (i absolutely adore your boys i would kill and die for them,,)
I've tried different styles and dynamics, but so far this is my absolute favorite!
Alright, now let's properly introduce the Eden!turtles
The eldest at 19 years old
Mutant Bog Turtle
Energetic, playful, creative, a bit reckless, literally runs on spite, the most emotionally open, supportive, has incredibly high pain-tolerance, and don't even get me STARTED on his ability to hold his drinks
He was once told he was a boring goodie-two-shoes so he spent the rest of the day swearing like a sailor to prove a point, that's how spiteful he is
Has the most creative insults ever
His brothers know his spitefulness so if he ever forgets about his own well being his brothers are like "Bet you can't sleep 8 good hours" and he'll go "BET" AND DO IT
Not the smartest but has good intentions
Can go on hours ranting about the most random shit
Eats anything and everything, his stomach is probably made out of titanium
A great cook! Though don't ask for any surprise dishes, he can get... creative
An insomniac, his mask hides the eyebags pretty well
Probably has some kind of PTSD, but he doesn't like talking about it
CANNOT stand the smell of metal, it grosses him out
Unironically watches Super Nanny religiously
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A couple months younger than Mikey (so they joke they're twins)
Mutant Giant Softshell
Mikey doesn't aprove his younger twin being taller than him >:(
Sort of a jack-of-all-trades, mostly because he's very determined to learn as much as possible and learn how to do it properly
Which leads on him getting incredibly frustrated if he can't grasp something
Can't cook for shit
The responsible one
Very clean... Mostly. If he's tired (which is most of the time) he'll go into "to hell with it" mode and walk around the lair full of motor oil and mud (which then Raph has to clean up xD)
Tries to act cool and collected but he's just too big of a nerd
Terribly near-sighted
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16 years old
Mutant common snapping turtle
LOVES crazy make-ups and drag races but would never admit it
Surprisingly tidy and responsible
Plays the drums! He'd love to play electric guitar but having three fingers makes it incredibly hard
Great with animals
Homophobic gay (he'll accept himself soon enough xD)
Brash and reckless, anger issues (what a surprise), has severe RBF syndrome, even when he's calm and content he looks like he wants to murder someone
Near-sighted (doesn't wear glasses or contacts, which worsens his RBF)
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The family's baby at 8 years old
Mutant Musk Turtle
Very quiet but not shy at all, curious, calm, collected, obedient
Has no trouble talking but prefers signs
Loves fashion, knitting and sewing!
Doesn't like being alone or being in the dark
Is always eager to learn from his brothers, to the point where he can throw his well-being aside to try and impress them
Easily influenced, Raph loves playing pranks with him
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(Might change/add stuff later!)
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hischierswhore · 11 months
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pairing: Lando Norris x gf!Reader
tw: none
a/n: me? writing fluff for once? well it's semi fluff. kinda like a comfort fic?? maybe? i don't really know tbh
You and Lando enjoyed hanging out with friends. Whether it was his friends or yours, you both had a great time regardless. There were also times when you would hang out with your friends alone and he would hang out with his friends alone, which of course you had no problem with. You’ve been together for 8 months now, so you had plenty of security in your relationship.
Lando currently had a few of the other drivers over at his house. All the drivers were on holiday so you were able to spend some time with Lando before he had to go back to his hectic race schedule. Unbeknownst to everyone except your boyfriend, you were upstairs watching “The Summer I Turned Pretty” on your TV.
Midway through the first two episodes, you got hungry so you went downstairs to get a snack. Just as you approached the bottom, you heard someone mention your name.
 “Is anyone elses girlfriend super clingy?” Charles asked
“Kika and I just spend a lot of time together” Pierre added
“Y/n is sometimes clingy. It can be a bit overwhelming at times” Lando answered. You heard your name and frowned as you took in his words. You were overwhelmingly clingy? You barely ever saw him.
Hearing that, you turned around and made your way back up the stairs, your appetite suddenly gone as you rushed to pack your bag and leave.
“Oh shut up, mate. Y/n is not clingy from what I’ve seen. Usually it’s you jumping on her for comfort, not the other way around. You’re absolutely whipped” George threw a bouncy ball at Lando’s head.
“Yeah I know, I’m only joking. She’s just so perfect. I love her” Lando blushed as he grabbed the bouncy ball and threw it back at George.
Just then you quietly made your way down the stairs and brushed past the group of guys without a single word as you crossed through the living room to get to the front door.
“Where are you going, love?” Lando stood up from his seat and walked towards you, grabbing your wrist to halt your movements. You turned around to face him.
“I uhm- forgot I have to go walk my sister’s turtle. Bye” You said the first lie you could come up with as you pulled your wrist out of his hold and turned around. You opened the front door and shut it behind you, praying that Lando wouldn’t follow.
Lando turned around and went back to his spot on the couch.
“Is that a thing people do here? Walking turtles?” Pierre asked, confusion written all over his face as he looked around the group for an answer.
Ever since that night, you hadn’t been over to Lando’s house. He would call and text you to make plans, but you would come up with excuses to not be able to go. You didn’t want to seem any clingier than you supposedly were, according to Lando’s words.
After nearly a week of avoiding Lando, he’d had enough of it. You were in the process of making yourself some pancakes when your doorbell rang. You turned the stove off as your grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, since you were lounging around in a sports bra and shorts. You couldn’t see anything through the little peep hole so you opened the door, shocked to see Lando standing there with flowers in hand.
The smile that was once on Lando’s face turned into a frown when he saw the blanket wrapped around your body.
“Oh baby, are you feeling ill?” He was genuinely concerned. He thought you had the blanket around you because you were sick, and you still weren’t fully up to seeing him, so you joined in on his misconception.
“Yeah, I’ve got a massive cold. I don’t want to get you sick too” You made your voice sound as scratchy as possible before pretending to cough.
“I don’t care if I get sick. Let me take care of you” He said as he pushed himself into your flat. He grabbed one of your arms and dragged you to the couch, where he grabbed both of your shoulders and pushed you into a sitting position. He ran across your flat to your bathroom to get the thermometer so he could check your temperature. You knew you’d be screwed if he actually checked.
He came back moments later, the little green thermometer in hand as he took the clear cover off.
“So uhm… I don’t exactly know how to work this” Lando held the tool in his hand, trying to figure out how to use it.
“No worries. I’m just not feeling great” You fake coughed again. Lando placed the thermometer on the coffee table in front of the couch and placed his hand on your forehead. All you could think was ‘shit’.
“You feel normal. What’s going on, love?” He asked as he slowly sat down next to you.
“What do you mean?” Your voice was back to normal, yet it was quieter than it usually was.
 “You’re being all distant and shutting me out. We haven’t seen each other much. I just…did I do something?” He asked, the hurt in his voice evident as he spoke.
“I’m giving you a break” You answered and he just stared at you.
“Wh—what? A break?” He asked.
 “ Yeah, a break. I heard what you and the other drivers were saying the other night, Lando. I didn’t-” you took a moment to breathe.
 “I didn’t know that I was somehow clingy and that it bothered you” Your voice cracked as a tear streamed down your face.
He wrapped you in his arms and held you as you cried into his shirt.
“Oh my god. Let me explain everything, okay love?” He said as he slowly let go of you.
 “I did say that but what you probably didn’t hear is that I said it was a joke. You wanna know what I told them?” He said and you nodded your head.
 “I told them that I love you and that you’re perfect, because I truly do love you. You’re my girl forever. And if anyone’s clingy in this relationship, it’s quite obvious that it’s me” He joked, hoping to get a smile out of you. You laughed at his words, which resulted in a smile erupting on both your face and his. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before engulfing you in a hug.
“I love you. I can’t stand seeing you so upset like this. Plus the house was so lonely without you. Let’s go home?” He asked.
You always thought home was a physical place, a location. It turns out you’d found you home eight months ago.
“Home is wherever you are” You pressed a soft kiss to his lips before resting your head on his shoulder.
“By the way, you’ve made Pierre question whether or not walking a turtle is a real thing”
“If Pierre was confused, I know for a fact that Charles was just as confused. Plus I’ve seen people do it on TikTok, so I guess it’s a real thing”
“I also feel like they would be the type of people to actually walk around Monaco with a turtle on a leash”
side note: rip to the pancake Y/n was making before Lando showed up
@firehazardxx @judesgfirl @celestialams @xjval @chelseagirl98
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dreamescapeswriting · 11 months
Stray Kids Reaction || You Want Something Trivial For Your Birthday
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - Junee 2023
A/N: I hope this is okay for you my love! I tried to get them as different as possible from one another @whyyougottadothatbro
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It was safe to say that Chan was struggling with what to get you for your birthday. It wasn't like he didn't know you well enough but it was a matter of getting you something you really wanted and were going to use.
"What do you want for your birthday?" He suddenly asked when you were out to the mall together, you slowly looked up from the milkshake you had been nursing and smiled at him. The two of you had decided to do a little shopping this morning and Chan thought it would be the perfect time to scout out something you were eyeing up a lot...but much to his dismay you hadn't been eyeing up anything forcing him to ask you what it was you wanted for your birthday.
"I could use a new suitcase." You shrugged it off as though it was nothing but Chan's mind had stalled on that for a second. A suitcase? You could have anything in the world and you were asking for a suitcase? 
"A suitcase?" He questioned, still a little confused as to if you were sure that was something you wanted for your birthday?
"Yeah, I mean...I need a new one for when we go on holiday, and the wheels on mine are falling off so I could use a new one?" You stared at him as he blinked at you,
"You don't want something like a necklace? anklet? A new watch?" He suggested while frowning at you, in all his years of life he'd never had someone ask him for something practical like this. 
"Nah," You smirked and began to drink from your cup again leaving a very confused-looking Chan staring at you,
"That's it? Just a suitcase?" He narrowed his eyes at you as if he was trying to see if it was some kind of joke but the look on your face let him know just how serious you were about this all.
"Yeah, I don't need anything else when I have the best gift right in front of me." You winked laying your hand on his before a blush began to creep up onto his cheeks.
When you first told Minho what you wanted he'd laughed thinking that you weren't being serious about it but as you continued to look at him he realised you were 100% about it.
"Metal straws?" He questioned, you were already bringing your phone toward him and showing him the set of metal straws you'd seen last week. They were a set of rainbow straws and you'd wanted to get them when you were in the mall but you didn't have your card at the time.
"But just metal straws? You don't want anything else?" Concern dripped from his tone as he stared at you. Did you think he would only get you something so small? Minho wanted to spoil you with everything you could possibly dream of,
"Yeah, I don't need anything else. Plus, they're great for the environment, I'll be saving so many turtles." You smiled looking down at your phone and not noticing the look on Minhos face which was a mixture of sadness and concern,
"And they have a cute carry case so I can keep them in my bag for when we're out together," You giggled before turning to look at Minho,
"Minnie?" You frowned noticing how sad he looked about everything and you instantly put your phone down.
"You don't want anything else? L-Like...A bracelet? Earrings? Anything? A ring?" You could hear the overthinking dripping from him now and you whimpered,
"I don't want you to spend too much on me, it's just a birthday." You informed him as you carefully sat down on his lap and looked him in the eyes, his body physically relaxing as you held onto his face. 
"I would give you the world if you wanted it." He told you as you smiled running your fingers over his cheeks, 
"I have you, it's all I need." You promised before gently kissing him.
"Are you sure they said pens?" Felix asked as he walked around the fifth stationary store that Changbin had dragged him into, his eyes scanning over the walls that lined the shop. All of them had been the same so far and he didn't understand why Changbin was having such a hard time finding some pens for you.
"That's what YN said they wanted. Pens. But they never said what kind...O-Or were from," He looked at the pack of pens in his hands before putting them back, deciding that they weren't good enough for you for your birthday.
"But pens? For a birthday?" Felix didn't sound so convinced by it, why would someone want pens for their birthday anything? Your birthday was the one day you could ask for something you truly wanted and Changbin would more than likely get you it. You want a cow? He'd go out and find one for you. A car? He'd take you shopping.
"I asked Yn seven times if they were sure they wanted pens and they were," Changbin was sweating by this point, "pens" wasn't a good start for him. If you'd told him a brand or maybe a colour he would have done this in seconds but now he was overthinking everything, trying to figure out if it was a certain brand or maybe even a certain colour you were wanting. Don't even get him started on whether or not it was colouring pens or just for writing at home.
"They said black ink pens, they've run out at their office and they need new ones," Felix said suddenly from behind Changbin who slowly turned to face the younger member/
"I text them," Felix turned his screen to face Changbin and he let out a small breath, gathering about twenty packs of black pens of all different kinds and taking them to the counter.
Hyunjin stared at you from the space beside you, maybe he'd heard you incorrectly but he was still processing what you'd told him that you wanted for your birthday. It wasn't as though it was something major, in fact, it was the complete opposite. Something so small Hyunjin could barely believe you'd even asked him for it,
"Say again..." He said slowly as he watched you, you slowly turned to look at him and smiled.
"Glasses wipes, I keep running out of them so easily I need them," You pouted at the thought of it. Last night you'd been lying in bed when you ran out of your favourite brand of glasses wipes and you were desperate to get them back,
"But just wipes? Nothing else?" He stared at you, he would have expected anyone else to give him a huge list of everything they could possibly ask for and he was truly stunned that you seemed to want something so trivial and small.
"They're the best, they don't leave streaks on my glasses." You shrugged before looking at your glasses and back to Hyunjin who was blushing a little. He found it cute that it was the only thing you wanted and he planned on getting you something extra even though you hadn't asked for it.
"Are you sure that's all you want though? I could get you a new hard drive," Jisung offered as you stared back at him a little shocked at the offer. It was your birthday soon and he'd been wondering what to get you for a while now and instead of getting you something he didn't think you'd enjoy, he figured he'd ask you want you wanted instead.
"I don't need a new hard drive," You laughed a little and shook your head at him, the last thing you wanted was for him to spend a stupid amount of money on you when he didn't need to.
"But JUST a keyboard cover? You don't want a new mouse? Maybe a new keyboard for a new set-up?" Panic was bubbling inside of him as he thought about it. Why didn't you want something more from him? Surely it was his job to spoil you on your birthday.
"Yeah. I don't need anything else Sungie, a keyboard cover is all I need. I keep getting crumbs in my keys whenever I eat at my desk," You pouted at the thought of it, just last week Felix had come over to clean your PC and keyboard out for you since you didn't know where to start with it.
"Fine, but I'm getting you something else as well." He pouted at you before you cuddled into his side.
Every year it was the same routine, you'd ask for something trivial or small for your birthday and Felix would routinely ask you if you were sure that was what you wanted and nothing else.
"It feels silly," He told you as you stood inside the beauty store together, looking at a wall full of bath scrunches which was the thing you'd asked him to get you this year.
"Why? You asked me what I wanted." You laughed a little turning to look at an unimpressed-looking Felix who had one hand on his hip as he stared at you.
"You want me to buy you a new bath scrunchy and some bath products? You don't want me to get you some clothes or anything?"
"We do this every year," You reminded him as he let out a small whine at you. Felix wanted to get you everything your heart desired but you'd never let him and he knew that, 
"Because every year I want to spoil my partner but they'll never let me," He pouted at you as you let out a small whine this time and shook your head at him,
"I don't need to be spoiled. I don't want anything...Getting me things I need is better. Besides, we'll both use the bath scrunchy so it's a gift for you as well," You smiled sheepishly at him and he shook his head at you, quickly kissing your cheek before getting you a different selection of bath scrunchies before he went looking for some body wash and other products he knew you liked.
"Every year you fail in the gift department," Changbin chuckled as Seungmin told the boys what he'd gotten for you this year and you looked over at them.
"He does not." You whined out in his defence. Every year Seungmin got you exactly what you asked for and you wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. The boys didn't know that it was all things you'd asked for though and just assumed that Seungmin had gone out of his way to buy said things for you.
"Last year he bought you a shampoo and conditioner set," Minho stated as you looked at the boys and then over at Seungmin who was looking a little defeated by the accusation.
"I asked him for it...Like I asked him for the new pillow set." You nodded at the presents you'd just opened and Seungmin began to blush a little. When he'd asked you last week what it was you wanted, you'd asked him for some new memory foam pillows and he'd agreed.
"But why? You could get whatever you want?" Felix seemed just as confused by the idea of you getting pillows, along with some new sheets and cases to go along with them.
"I wanted memory foam pillows and new sheets." You shrugged, kissing Seungmin deeply.
"Thank you for the perfect birthday present, baby." You whispered making the boys wolf whistle at the small display.
Jeongin couldn't figure out why you were asking for something so small and it still boggled his mind as you showed him what kind of brands you wanted for your birthday.
"You just want some skincare? Nothing else?" You thought about it for a minute before shaking your head. There was nothing else you really needed and you'd been wanting some new skin care products for a while now.
"I ran out of my vitamin C Oil last week, so it'll be a big help." You smiled at him and he shook his head at you a little. This was something you did every year when it came to your birthday, instead of asking for something you wanted you asked for something you needed instead and he was trying to get it through to you that it was okay to ask for something you wanted instead. But every year he failed and he'd get you something you needed instead.
"But, your birthday is supposed to be about getting ANYTHING you want. Not just something you need." You whined at him as he gave you the same speech he always did and you looked at him,
"I just don't like when people waste money on me...I'd rather get something I know I'll use and need in my life," Letting out a small sigh Jeongin nodded at you and added everything into his online basket before checking it out and purchasing everything for you.
Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio​ @halesandy​ @aerastus​ @laylasbunbunny​ @critssq​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @imafivestarkpopstan​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @illicee​ @djeniryuu​
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tervaneula · 4 months
Splinter is currently sitting on his bed, preparing to turn in for the night. He puts away the pillow he was fluffing up and turns to look towards the doorway of his room. 
“Yes, Blue?” 
Leo doesn’t answer, instead shuffling next to Splinter and sitting down on the floor, leaning his side against the bed. He lifts his face to look up at him. 
“I’m… just tired, dad,” he says, attempting to make light of it with a smile but his voice breaks in the end and that’s all it takes for Splinter to pull Leo into his lap, and as if on instinct the boy buries his face into the rat’s robes. He sobs, and Splinter feels his heart twinge with yet another crack. 
“Oh, oh baby Blue, it is alright,” he murmurs, petting his son’s shell and the back of his head. He knows Leo hasn’t been sleeping again and he had hoped it would pass, like it always does, but for it to go on so long that it gets this bad… Now, this settles it. No more training, no patrols, no strenuous activities aside from rhythm games for at least a week. 
All of his kids could benefit from a break, actually, and Splinter is glad that this is a fact – Leo won’t be singled out if they all are on a holiday of sorts. Brilliant. He knows he’s never been the perfect father, far from it, but he’s trying to do his best for his children and this time is no different. First thing tomorrow morning, he is going to tell his family of their impromptu vacation, and then take them out to Run of the Mill for pizza. 
It’s a great plan. 
Surfacing back to the present from his thoughts, Splinter realises that his musings must have taken longer than he thought because the turtle in his lap is now snoring quietly. With a soft chuckle, Splinter reaches back to grab his comforter and gently wraps it around Leo’s shoulders. He doesn’t mind acting as a pillow for his blue son and while he himself would be uncomfortable like that, partly on the floor, he’s witnessed enough turtle piles to know that the position is no hardship for Leo. 
He keeps petting the blanketed shell, leans back and lets his butt fall asleep, too. 
Just how he likes it. 
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Finally finished the first part of gai’s 8 gates coma and how kakashi dealt with it rewrite people have been requesting. [tw blood, injury, coma, death discussions, grief]
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Kurenai: Kakashi Kks: Ah. Kurenai and...baby, what’s up? Kurenai: You mind if I come in a moment? Kks: Uhhhhh I-
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Kks: So what did you need to speak about? Did something happen? K: No, Nothing’s happened. You haven’t gotten to properly see and bond with her yet. Here Kks: You know I’m not fond of kids. K: That’s why I didn’t ask. Hold your arms out. Ok, now, don’t look absolutely petrified.
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Kks: She’s ok, I guess [YELP] Oi! Don’t pinch me while I’m holding your baby! K: You wouldn’t drop her. Asuma would haunt you forever! Kks: Terrifying thought, Mirai.... How are you feeling? K: Exhausted. Do you really want to hear how horrifying having a baby is? Kks: No, please don’t tell me.
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K: I came over to check on you as well. Any news? Kks: No. He’s still the same. K: Is that why it looks like this in here? Kks: ...Yeah. Doctor said he may never wake up. Since we’re eachother’s medical contacts, Tsunade told me I had to prepare to make hard decisions should it come to that.
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Kks: With the council breathing down my neck over a job I don’t want, I had... A bit of an outburst. K: I don’t even blame you. That’s... That they expect you to carry on like normal. Still grieving. The person you love most is gone. But you’re still here. Don’t let them just dust you off and move on again. I’ll always have your back. Kks: You and Asuma always did. Even when I wasn’t grateful for it.
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Kks: I can’t tell if they just don’t care or didn’t realize, Gai’s the one who held me together all these years. Only reason I’m still here at all is because of him. I don’t think tenzou, the elders, or the village are prepared for what’ll become of me if I lose him. So, I don’t care anymore. Let them be mad. I won’t give up on him. K: You should talk to him. Kks: huh K: Talk about anything! I’m sure the sound of your voice will help him find his way back. Especially if you sound sad, Kks: uuh
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K: I can hear it now, “My eternal rival is sad? Not on my watch!“ Kks: Pretty accurate impression. K: There’s been lots of source material! Kks: Maaa, Your mom’s a huge dork K: Oi! [kakashi chuckles]
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K: He’ll be so upset he missed her birth Kks: Oh, devastated. I can’t wait to see the look on Gai’s face, Mirai, when I tell him /I/ held you first! When he wakes up
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Kks: Hey, Gai. Kurenai said i should talk to you.
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Kks: Feels weird. Most of the people I’m used to talking to like this are all... Dead.
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It’s so eerie how silent you’ve been for so long. you’re not even this quiet when you sleep. Your kids come everyday to see you. Naruto and sakura when they can. Lots of others. I’ve been telling them embarrassing  stories from when we were kids since you keep making them wait. Do you remember when I came over while you and Dai were making supper
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Dai: Kakashi! Good to see you, my boy! Kks: Id Gai home? Dai: He’s helping with supper! Go on, inside, you’re always welcome! Kks: Ok Dai: Atta boy Kks: Hey, G- !? ummm? Gai: OH!! Rival!! Kks:  Is that a lid?! Gai: Correct!! It stops me from crying while cutting onions! A win for me!!
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Kks: Against.... the onions? Gai: Yep! KKs:[snicker] Gai: Laugh all you want! Not everyone can comprehend innovation. Kks: Whatever. You forgot this at the training grounds. I know it’s yours there’s a turtle on it. Gai: See! You’re already tearing up! Kks: Am not Gai: Also, thankyou so much! Kks: Bye, I’m leaving. Gai: Could it be? You’re scared I can cut much faster than you! Kks: I am not scared. Gai: Good, I think we have another lid! Kks: YOU-!
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Dai: Great to see growing boys with such a hunger! I’ll never have to prep onions again! Kks: I think about that everytime I chop onions now. You’ve altered my brain with all the ridiculous things you’ve done. Can’t even look at the toys you’ve gotten the dogs without getting emotional
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Kks: Just knowing you’re here still, I can barely function. It’s pretty pathetic... Your hair’s getting long. Turning into your dad.
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[gai’s heartbeat] Kks: Gai
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[gais heartbeat continues]
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[gai’s heartbeat continues] Kks: If anything should happen to me, you’ll rush over, right? Gai: Damn right, I will. Dont you worry about that.
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[Gai’s heartbeat]
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Kks: I miss you
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imababblekat · 1 year
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Anon Request, “Funny ask here! An expert free runner (jumping from building to building) catches the turtles on camera. The boys planned to do the same intimidation act like with April but are shocked when they jet off managing to keep a good distance. Then once they think they have them cornered on a construction site the boys fall through the building roof landing in waist high wet concrete. Looking down at them the runner blows them a kiss before taking off. (P.S. their cool though and just keep the photo as a momento)How do the 4 react to seeing them again when they literally bump into each other on the rooftops?”
 ◌ Part Two ◌
You hadn’t intentionally meant to take a picture of the turtles. If anything it was their fault they ended up in your shot. After finishing a course you’d been aiming at for over a week, you thought it’d be a great moment to capture, but hadn’t expected to catch anyone else in the background of your roof top photo. Much less those anyone’s being four mutant ninja turtles. It was the squak of surprise at the sudden flash of your mini Polaroid that alerted you to them.
Seeing the turtles left you somewhere between an intriguing shock and confused fear, even if seeing one of them rapidly rub at their flashed eyes while over exaggerate about how they burned did indeed give you a little giggle. There wasn’t much time to process the whiplash of emotions however, as one of them, clad in red and quite burly out of the bunch, came marching your way. Not a word had a chance of making its way from their lips, as your body did what it was trained so hard to do, making a mad dash across the old market roof top. Just like that, the four brothers found themselves in a sudden grand chase. “Great job, Raph!”, Leo snapped at said aggravated terrapin, making easy work of hopping over a fenced roof. “I ain’t even do anythin’! It’s your fault!”, Raph retaliated, vaulting over some exterior vents. “Oh, and how is that exactly?!” “You’re the one who gave us the all clear!” Bouncing from wall to wall as the group followed you down into an old parking garage Donnie interjected between the two argumentative brothers. “Guy’s is now really the time?! We kind of have something urgent on our hands.” “Yeah! Like how I can’t see their sick moves because my eyes are still having a disco party!”, Mikey continued to blink rapidly, nearly missing the open edge if not for Donnie giving him aid with his staff. Rolling his own eyes, Leo brushed off the youngest, keeping track of your movements as you scaled your way into a construction building across the way. “Come on, let’s get this over with. There’s no where to go past that building, we’ll catch them there.” All the years of free running across New York, you’d never felt as thrilled as you did now. Sure, it was still terrifying in a way being chased by four giant creatures who were quite nimble despite their enormous size, but you had to be honest in the way their pursuit brought on an adrenaline like no other. They put your skills to the test in a way you could never personally do yourself, and as you swung from a bar into another construction building, you felt elation rush through your body. At least, till you found yourself caught in between a rock and a hard place, staring at a concrete solid wall with no where to escape. Hearing the collective sounds of heavy foot falls, you quickly turned around to find the four beings surrounding the only path you’d have of escape. Seeing the glares upon their faces, your racing heart now beat rapidly for a different reason. Taking a moment to even his breathing, Leonardo stepped forward, watching your reactions carefully. “We’re not going to hurt you. Just. . .don’t scream.”, he spoke as calmly as he could, hands raised to show he had no misleading intentions. You said nothing, just continued to take control of your own breathing as your eyes shifted between him and his brothers. “I’m Leonardo, and these are-“ “I’m Michelangelo, but you can just call me Mikey!”, the orange banded turtle cut in, shoving past his brother and winking at you. “The guy in purple is Donatello, and the one in red who mean mugged you is Raphael! What’s your name angel? I say angel, because there’s no way you could have crossed those alleyways so eloquently without a pair of wings~.” “Mikey!”, all three other brothers shouted in unison. “What?!” With a light groan, Donnie reminded him of their current objective. “We’re here to get the photo. Not you a love interest.” “Oooooh right, the photo!” Your eyes shifted from Raphael, back to Mikey as he moved closer, three fingered hand reaching out. Sifting into your pocket it didn’t take long to pull out the small square picture. Despite it being exposed and grainy in some parts, the tangibility of the photo and the story it now held caused a surprising sorrow in your heart to have to depart with it. Yet, gazing back up to the four mutants before you, you understood why they’d want it. With the way you reacted, who could imagine how others might to their discovery. You met Mikey half way, extending your own hand to give him the small photo, fingers lightly brushing the other. All of a sudden, a loud crack was heard, and all five of you stood frozen. Before anyone could blink, the floor caved in, the four brothers descending down into dust and debris, and you with quick reflexes pressing tight back against the concrete wall. Once the clouded air had settled, you quickly peaked over into the newly established hole, a surge of worry for the ninja quartet. Relief washed through as you caught sight of the brothers who had landed in a mucky puddle, most likely sore from the fall but seemingly fine otherwise. As the boys groaned and started another round of arguing with one another, you suddenly remembered the photo and quickly checked your closed fist to find it still there. Carefully bringing the picture before you to look at once more, a thought had emerged. This was the most fun you had in long time, the most alive you’ve felt in a while. Recalling the kind smile Mikey had given you and Leo’s mindful approach as to not frighten you, you considered the growing idea in your mind even more. Making up your mind, you gently tucked the photo back into your pocket with a gleeful grin. You swore to yourself that night to never show anyone that picture, but as long as you held on to it, you knew you’d eventually wind up seeing the turtles again. With that, you skipped from the tiny ledge along the wall, and whistled to catch the turtles’ attention. “Bye boys! It was nice meeting you!” Loud shouts and scrambling could be heard as each one clambered over the other, slipping back and forth into the deep puddle in an effort to get up and to you, but by the time they’d get themselves straightened out, you’d be long gone with anticipating hope of the next chase.
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luveline · 6 months
Can I request an Eddie and Roan, where she goes to Wayne's house and Eddie and Reader are there talking with Wayne but also planning what to get Roan for Christmas?
eddie and roan ♡ fem!reader
“Got it?” 
Roan nods and hops up the last step to Uncle Wayne's while you and Eddie follow behind her. You're carrying a big Christmas cake held tight to your chest while Roan's father insists on carrying the drinks, an eighteen pack of glass cokes, enough to keep Wayne going for the next two weeks at least, less with help. 
“Uncle Wayne!” Roan calls as she opens the door. It swings wide and hits the wall. She doesn't care. She's about to see Wayne for the first time in almost two weeks, and she missed him like crazy. Eddie almost got sick of hearing her ask when he'd be feeling better. “Uncle Wayne!” 
The second shout is much more desperate.
Wayne appears in the curve behind the kitchen doorway to smile at her. “Hello, my chicken.” 
Eddie snorts and slams the cokes down on the sideboard with a jumble of clinks. Wayne is a great dad, but he never called Eddie anything so saccharine. Bud and babe was about as good as it got. Roan gets all the sweet stuff, chicken and gorgeous and baby girl. It doesn't quite make Eddie jealous —nothing feels as secure in parenthood as knowing someone else loves your kid just as much as you do. Wayne would die for Roan without question. He can call her chicken if he likes. 
Roan barrels across the carpet in her Mary Jane's and slams into his legs. He pulls her up into his chest, giving her hair a smattering of quick kisses, her dress bunched by his hugging arm. “It's so nice to see you, honey, I missed you!” 
She grins and makes a pleased, almost feral sort of sound as she kisses his cheek. “I missed you too! We missed our sleepover!” 
“Yes, we did. So I get you for two days, yes?” 
“Yes!” she shouts, looking over her shoulder at you and Eddie to confirm. 
Eddie holds up his now empty hands, though they don't stay that way for long as he takes the cake from you. “No arguments here.” 
Roan laughs and squeezes herself under Wayne's chin. He wraps her up and keeps her, assessing you and Eddie with suspicious eyes. “How are you both doing?” 
Eddie brushes past Wayne to put the cake on the table. Wayne isn't really asking Eddie; they know too much about one another having spent the last decade together, first by sharing a wall and now working side by side at the shop. Eddie's sure Wayne's sick to death of his complaining by now, but you're deserving of some sympathy for sure. 
“She's getting better. Aren't you, sweet thing?” Eddie asks you. 
“I'm fine,” you say, shooting Wayne a smile. “It was probably the same thing you had.” 
“Yeah? He take care of you?” 
“Always does. He's never let me down.” You cross your arms over your front. “But how are you doing?” 
“I know you missed her,” Eddie interjects, “but if you're not feeling up to it, she doesn't have to stay all weekend.” 
Wayne raises his eyebrows to protest. Roan beats him to it, yanking herself away from his cuddling to glare at the suggestion. “Dad, you said!” 
“Said I'd see if he was up to it, yeah,” Eddie placates. 
“I'm up to it.” Wayne gives Roan a soft smile. “We'll be good, right? Watch TV, eat hot dogs for breakfast, lunch, ‘n’ dinner. Dad's just being silly.” 
Roan leans back into the hug, relieved, and Wayne pulls her head to his chest, covering her ear subtly. “Thought you needed to get some things? You know, from Santa?” he whispers, ‘Santa’ mouthed without sound. 
“Yeah, if we knew what to get her,” Eddie says, brushing his hair behind his ears. “Kid's impossible. Asked Santa for a baby sister and a pet turtle.” 
“What's wrong with that?” 
“The turtle, I mean.” He nods at you apologetically. 
You aren't offended at the idea of a baby sister being an easy gift, and you laugh at his correction. “We don't have room for the tank, I already checked.” 
“She got the measuring tape out and everything.” 
“What?” Wayne asks. “Put it outside.” 
“It's not that easy,” Eddie sighs morosely. “They're very particular creatures.” 
“It’ll suit you nicely, then.” 
You laugh again. Roan wriggles to be put down, curious at the sound, though she wasn't as deafened as it seemed. “Santa will bring the tank, guys, that's how Santa works, and the turtle. We just need to move the couch,” she says simply. 
“Where will we watch TV?” you ask. 
“Here?” Roan suggests. 
Eddie nudges Wayne in the side. “Looks like I'm moving back in after all.” 
Coats are taken off, shoes stacked in a corner. Wayne makes everyone a cup of coffee and a sandwich, even Roan, though her coffee is milk with just a splash of coffee that she begs for but doesn't touch after the initial sip. Theories for where they might house and care for a pet turtle are shared through crumbs and foam moustaches, Wayne with a lap full of grandchild, and you with an armful of Eddie. He keeps turning to you to scan your face for signs of fatigue or sickness, eyes lingering, his hand resting and rubbing at the top of your thigh. 
“We'll have to give up our room,” he suggests to you with an air of defeat. Despite his sombre tone, love lines his gaze. “When the turtle gets huge and wants to go back to the ocean, we'll have to fill our bedroom up with a swimming pool.” 
Roan sits back guiltily. “Well, maybe not like that. Can the turtle sleep with me?” 
“That could be fun. We'll get you a water bed,” you say, to Eddie's delight. He chokes on a handful of chips and needs to be whacked on the back lest he asphyxiate, and while you're still laughing at your own joke and his reaction, you pat him more gently on the back before passing him your full coke. “Here, handsome.” 
Wayne's pretty sure his nephew's found his soulmate. “What about a tortoise instead?” he asks Roan, attempting to spare you both. 
Roan pouts at her Uncle, confusion furrowing her thin brows. “What's the difference?” 
“Couple hundred dollars?” Eddie asks. 
Wayne kicks him under the table, but never hard enough to hurt. “Nothing much, chick. I'm sure Santa will figure it out.” 
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cosmicluvcore · 2 months
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To be human part 1
Rottmnt Leo x reader, gender-neutral, friends to lovers, jealous Leo
Summary: Leo has the biggest crush on you, but he's afraid that you'd never date a mutant, so with the help of a cloaking brooch, he plans to become your perfect human boyfriend!
Part 2 here
Okay I have to be honest. I saw someone with this idea, but I have no clue where it came from originally. If you know who I should credit, please tell me!!
Anyways, this concept gave me way too many ideas hope you enjoy.
Leo wasn't great at dealing with his feelings.
He'd been crushing on Y/N for far too long, the terrapin couldn't even remember when the whole thing started.
A few loving glances and a flirty joke or two had suddenly burst into the thought of Y/N keeping him up at night. He wasn't great at hiding it either, blushing like an idiot when they smiled his way.
Leo knew he needed to tell them sooner or later, but he hadn't worked up the courage yet. A part of him hoped they secretly felt the same way and would confess to him, but there'd been no sign of that happening anytime soon. Leo wanted to confess, he really did, but... what if they didn't feel the same way? What if it made their friendship weird? What if he looked like an idiot? What if they never wanted to speak to him again?!
There were just too many 'what ifs' for his liking.
So Leo had decided to take the easy way out, hoping that Y/N would just see how great he was, then he wouldn't have to deal with any uncomfortable conversations. He started going out of his way to impress them, saving them on missions, being overly nice, letting them win in video games, giving them his last pizza slice, (which is very valuable by the way!)
Not that he'd ever admit it, but Leo had spent an embarrassingly long time researching 'how to get your crush to like you back'.
He'd bought a cologne for Pete's sake! But no matter what he did, they never seemed to notice.
It was a ordinary evening. Leo and the others sat in the projector room watching a movie. Raph, Mikey and Y/N were sitting comfortably on the floor surrounded by blankets and pillows. Meanwhile, Donnie and Leo took the couch, popcorn in their hands. They were watching some random action movie. Leo wasn't really paying attention.
He was more focused on Y/N.
Y/N had started fawning over the male love interest and that began to spark a little- scratch that, a LOT of jealously in Leo's heart. Every scene that guy appeared in they were freaking out, gushing over him like he was the best thing since sliced bread.
The blue-masked turtle scoffed to himself as the character appeared again, narrowing his eyes at the screen.
What was so great about this guy anyway?
Leo was twice as charming as him, he was the one with good looks, great one-liners and clearly the best ninja skills. This guy barely spoke a word and Y/N was blushing like crazy. But as he kept watching the film, something clicked in his mind.
He was human.
That's something Leo could never beat. Sure, 'biologically' he was part human, but he didn't exactly look like it. The turtle shifted a little in his seat, the uncomfortable feeling of insecurity settling in.
"Leo? Are you good?" Donnie asked, snapping him out of his thoughts for a moment.
"Me? Yeah, I'm great," Leo replied quickly, glancing away from his brother's gaze,
"It's just that this movie sucks, never letting Raph choose again!" He lied, that playful smirk returning to his face as he saw his eldest brother's reaction.
"Hey!" Raph called out from afar.
As the movie continued, Leo sighed deeply and took another handful of popcorn, chewing the kernels absentmindedly and leaning back in his seat. Was that really why Y/N wasn't interested in him? Because he wasn't human? There wasn't much he could do about that, it's not like there was just some magic spell that could-
Leo's face lit up as an idea popped into his mind, cloaking brooches. Yokai used them, April's slime friend had one, so they must be easy to find. Leo's mind started spinning with possibilities. If he could get his hands on a cloaking brooch, he could be human and finally get Y/N's attention! But, where would he get one?
For once, Leo was distracted as Y/N entered his room. Usually he'd be all over them chatting up a storm, but he was sitting on his bed glancing away from them.
"Leo?" They asked softly, watching as the turtle was startled by the interruption.
"Hey, what's with the jump scares?" Leo joked with a playful chuckle,
"I thought we were friends." He said in mock offense, leaning onto his back and over-dramatically draping his hand over himself.
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his shenanigans, "I just came to check on you drama queen, you're being weirdly quiet today."
Leo blinked at their observation. Jeeze, was he that obvious?
"Ohh well you know, I was just thinking about Raphs' riveting movie choice tonight." He replied casually, quick to make up an excuse.
I mean, technically, it wasn't a lie he had been thinking about the film.
Y/N rolled their eyes at that, "You're just salty it wasn't your choice tonight, besides that movie wasn't so bad." They replied, calmly leaning against the door frame.
"Ooh really? You're just saying that because you were all over the male lead," He retorted, grinning smugly as he watched their cheeks flush, "You, my friend, are biased."
"Well- Can you blame me? That guy was a total stud." Y/N blurted out defensively.
"He was alright, I guess. Just totally not as hot as the real stud in the room." He said with a cocky smirk as he gestured towards himself.
Y/N let out a laugh at that.
Normally, Leo wouldn't take such a tiny thing to heart, but his ego took a hit from the way Y/N laughed at him. He was the type to eagerly take any opporunity to see them smile, but this time it felt like they were laughing at him. Scoffing at just the thought of him being attractive to them, it was this newfound level of insecurity that he didn't know how to handle.
"Alright Leo, seems like you're biased too." They said with a chuckle.
"I simply speak the truth." He shrugged in reply, trying to ignore the painful realization.
Thankfully, Y/N didn't seem to notice, "Well, I'm heading home. I'll see you around."
"I'll see you." Leo smiled, waving as he watched them go.
After the coast was clear, Leo let out a long annoyed sign. He leaned onto his back, letting the soft cushion of his bed comfort him as insecurities began to plague his mind.
He needed a cloaking brooch.
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ghouljams · 1 year
I am in desperate need of some cowboy fluff, how about y’all?
Somehow Simon's been handed a baby. It's a little funny. It's his own fault for being in baby handing distance with nothing to do. When your cousins had bustled into the house and started making a racket, passing out greetings and bags in equal measure, you were sure your older cousin would hand their newest addition to your dad. He was sort of the baby guy, the one that always seemed to calm down even the most colicky infants at family gatherings. So when you turn to introduce Simon and see your cousin pass her bundle of joy off to him you are almost as shocked as he is. Which is the understatement of the century, because he is pretty shocked.
He’s hardly budged from where he was standing when the baby was handed to him, looking big and unsure and absolutely stiff with nerves. You suppose it helps that no one is really talking to him, most of your cousins have moved to the kitchen to pick your pantry clean. You excuse yourself from catching up to go make fun of him.
“You look comfortable,” You grin. It really is a sight, such a tiny thing being held by such a big man. That baby is in the safest place in the world and it knows it, cooing and grabbing at Simon’s shirt, big wide eyes staring up at him like he’s the whole world. You know the feeling baby.
“Me and babies don’t mix,” He grits out, probably too nervous to even breathe. 
“Maybe if you weren’t holding him like a snapping turtle you’d be more comfortable.” You tell him, moving close to adjust his hold. The baby’s head resting against his chest, nestled nice and cozy in his arms, not just resting on them like a hospital bed. You smile at your newest family member, poking his little nose and letting him grab your finger. When you look up at Simon his expression is… tight, you can’t place it. You sigh, “Come on, it’s not that bad.”
“It is that bad.”
“You’ve never thought about kids?” You mean it to be teasing but the look on his face makes you think maybe this is a more serious conversation. 
“Men like me shouldn’t have children,” He mumbles, looking down at the baby chewing on your finger. 
“My dad did a pretty good job.” He goes still again, for all the progress he’s made in being a person again Simon sure has a terrible opinion of himself. You shoot him a half-hearted glare, extracting your finger from its enthusiastic and gummy aggressor. “For the record, I think you’d be a great dad.” You tell him, turning to go back to the kitchen.
“At least take the damn thing with you,” He calls, it’s not as insistent as you would’ve thought. You think he might actually like holding the baby. You wave your hand over your shoulder at him.
“Nope, that’s your punishment. Pass him off to MacTavish when he gets here.” He’s lucky you’re not ratting on him to your dad. Men like him shouldn’t have kids... You’re a delight.
“Who’s the wee man?” Soap asks, leaning to wiggle his fingers at the baby in Ghost’s arms. It giggles, reaching with one pudgy hand to grab at him, the other tiny fist wrapped around Ghost’s tags. 
“I want you to be best man at my wedding,” Ghost says, absolutely not answering the question. Soap freezes, his brows raised.
“You’re getting married?”
“When she says yes.”
“This your bairn?” Soap asks, feeling more confused than he already was. Ghost makes a face.
“Johnny how the hell would this be my kid?” Ghost snaps, earning a bug eyed sniffle from the baby in his arms that caught both men’s attention. It’s the last warning before the baby scrunches up his face, building up enough red frustration to let out a sobbing wail. Soap is quick to scoop the fussy infant from Ghost’s arms, shushing him as he cradles him against his shoulder.
“Anno, let’s find your mum wee man, get you away from mean old Ghost.”
“Not a word of this MacTavish,” Ghost calls after him.
“More scared of Goose than her gander, sorry mate.���
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mommypieck · 10 months
I need erens gf to walk in on us or smth fr. (Cheater eren supremacy)
"you fuck so much better than her." eren says to you. he's laying next to your naked form on the best, rubbing your side. you smile up at him, "you're just saying so i will let you have second round."
"i don't," he smirks, grabbing your breast to tease your nipple, "i know you will let me."
he rolls on your body, taking your hands and pining them above your head. eren kisses down your neck before stopping at your tits, he takes your nipple in his mouth, licking and sucking. your back arches from the stimulation and you urge him to go lower.
"i already ate you out tonight." he says, slapping your thigh. he's mean and you know it, the reason why he's such a great fuck. as much as he loves eating you out, he also loves when he gets to sink into your pussy.
"you already fucked me tonight." you mock him, making him grin. he flips out over onto your stomach, his hand smacking your ass. he positions himself to your opening before swiftly punishing inside. it's easy for him to slide in because of your juices from before and his cum. he teasingly thrusts in slowly, watching you beg for more.
"come on, eren. you fuck like a turtle." you tell him annoyed and he changes his pace. his thusts are fast and hard, hitting your spot dead on.
"i actually wanted to fuck your ass later." he confesses, making you moan out. there's no way you would let him do that but you know that he would get his way anyway.
the keys rustle in the door and you both freeze.
"she's home. pull the fuck out." you whisper yell at him, but he just smiles. he thrusts into you harder than before, knowing you won't be able to conceal your moans. the door opens, revealing eren's girlfriend standing in the doorway. your eyes meet and you cum in that moment, squeezing eren's cock. he hisses at the feeling, slapping your ass.
"im gonna explain everything. i just have to cum." he tells his girlfriend and it takes him few squeezes of your pussy before he cums inside of you for the second time. he pulls out of you, spreading your pussy lips to look at his cum spilling out.
"did you wanted something?" he asks his girlfriend who just shakes her head, running thru the front door.
"you're such an asshole." you tell eren, hitting him playfully. he laughs, tackling you on the bed again.
"be careful of what you say or i might as well fuck you ass for real."
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dancingdonatello · 9 months
ello,, Can i see a donnie x reader where reader has some (concerning) self worth issues 💀
basically a fic where reader gets badly injured trying to save donnie, and when they wake up Donnie’s like “bro why would you do that” and reader is like “donnie, you have an actual life ahead of you. you’re great, you, you are everything! but i, i am nothing. I’m useless, and I’m no worth to you guys. but you’re so amazing-“ and Donnie’s just watching like 😨
donatello x gn reader
Waking up to angry dark brown eyes boring into yours was honestly pretty scary.
But having a sharp pain travel through your body when you jolted in shock was even scarier.
“Ow—What?” You melted onto the soft bed you were on, confused. You looked around, finding yourself in Donnie’s bed. There was a white towel under you, stained with blood but protecting his sheets from it. “Huh?”
“Sorry I couldn’t take you to a hospital,” he said dryly, “I don’t think they’d take too kindly to see a giant turtle drop off a half alive human.”
He seemed angry. You shrank back into the mattress, staring at him warily.
What could have happened to make him this mad? You thought quickly, avoiding his piercing gaze.
And then you remembered.
Oh. That was why. You shrunk further into the mattres, even going as far as to grab a pillow to shield yourself from him. He ripped it out of your grasp and threw it behind him.
You grabbed another. He threw it again. This happened one more time before you ran out of pillows.
“Well? Anything to say for yourself?” He crossed his arms and you winced.
“Look—” You tried to sit up but he pushed you back down onto your back.
“Don’t. Lay there.”
Even when you nodded meekly, his hand didn’t leave you. Instead, it travelled to your arm and held it.
“Now. Explain yourself.”
“Well… I mean, if you were… taken down, then who would fight? I’m not a good fighter. But since I took your place, you could still fight!”
“But you got hurt.” His shoulders tensed. You could hear his foot tapping the ground.
“I would’ve got hurt if you got hurt, too. I’d be next after they got done with you. It was the right thing to do.”
“You could’ve ran.”
You sighed. “Don, think of it logically…”
His eyes flashed. “I don’t think logically when it comes to you.” His hold tightened on you before he let go of you and folded his arms over his chest. “I can’t think logically when it comes to you.”
You stared at him, a little bit in awe, as he looked off to the side as the skin on his face darkened.
You slowly opened your arms and he grabbed you again, pressing himself into every spot of yours that didn’t hurt. “Don’t you ever do that again!” he growled into your ear, but it didn’t sound as menacing as before. Especially with how he kissed you afterwards. Softy.
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