#look im just sick of them taking every little nugget from cast and crew as validation their white boy is so precious
lunaescribe · 1 year
ugn I've truly started to loose my patience that one of the queerest shows ever made, featuring 3 out of 4 POC main characters, there is SO MUCH attention given by the fan community-and now even some producers influenced by said community- to the generic white guy asshole side character because he's conventionally attractive.
It's truly insulting we went through so much to get to the point television people could even tell these kind of stories of EXPLICITLY queer and non-white people, and YET so called 'fans' still make it about a generic grumpy white guy cause they're so programmed to seeing white straight presenting gruff protagonists in media they automatically flock to him, and read him with so much depth that is NOT IN THE TEXT, ignoring the utter monumental achievement of the main characters.
I'm sick of this. I'm so tired because it's so painfully obvious who sees this show as something groundbreaking and monumental for representation, and who are just licking the boots of their next white man bad boy while they word vomit all their bad faith readings of the show into the tags, being outraged when others don't feel the same way. Please go find another white boy bad boy there's about another 100 shows with them on right now. I'm so sick of the constant racist HCs or homophobic HCs at this point. At least keep them out of the main tags if that's the only take away you can get from progressive media that you STILL have to make it about your gruff little white man being a victim to POC or openly queer characters.
I'm so over it.
This is not me giving ANYONE an excuse or free pass to harass Izzy Stan’s. I don’t believe anyone should be hurt over their character opinions. I am just expressing my general exhaustion with fandom racism and white favoritism which is so blatant when a show is structured like this. But unequivocal harm in retaliation to unintentional micro aggressions does not make a community safer.
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