#look I have issues with the ending and Boruto too
*Poorly written manga has a poorly written ending*
Naruto fandom:
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leportraitducadavre · 3 months
Wiat stop omggg i’ve been reading these posts about the anti-Hinata Hyuga stuff and how she is infact privileged and ngl it lowkey hurt but also omfg???? I never realized how bad the Hyuga situation was or how Hinata is unable to pick a side, I just assumed she’d obviously dissolve the slavery practices because I see her as a good person(and i read too much fanfiction)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA now i definitely need Hiashi to die in the war and for Neji to become leader(yeah no Hinata can’t lead to save her life) because it would be such a good step to take down the old system by replacing it with a Neji as a symbol of change. Media is making me go crazy again but that’s probably my room mold 😭😭😭😭
Also the Naruhina fan in me kinda wishes that Naruto learned sealing from Pervy sage because like imagine if they worked together to make a new Hyuga seal to actually protect the byakugan and then it gets worn as a clan marking, like the red fangs from the inuzuka and oh my god im so sorreybfor rambling all over this asks i just really really want more Hyuga content and for ny faves to be happy, also you are really well omg id love to have ur attention span for politics because i can barely understand my highschool civics like ibshoudl probably stop now-have a nice day!!!!!✨
Hello there,
It's okay to like a problematic character and it's okay to like a ship, the problem starts when people justify such problematic characteristics to make them "acceptable", like justifying Neji's treatment at the hands of the Main Family because he was "mean" to Hinata, despite him warning her about fighting him and asking her to forfeit multiple times.
I never realized how bad the Hyuga situation was or how Hinata is unable to pick a side
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but Hinata chose a side. Ignoring the matter or not giving it the relevance that it has even after her cousin's speech during their match or his match vs. Naruto, is to actively support the system in place; she might truly believe that is for the "greater good," as so his Konoha's mantra, but it doesn't change the fact that she agrees with the practice.
I just assumed she’d obviously dissolve the slavery practices because I see her as a good person(and i read too much fanfiction)
I don't see her as a good person for the reasons mentioned above, no good person sees her uncle being tortured and her cousin being enslaved and believes to be the bigger victim in their dynamic. Furthermore, she did pretty much nothing for anyone who wasn't Naruto; being shy and quiet is not the same as being a good person; she never mentioned being kind-spirited and thus, unable to be a shinobi (like Chöji, which was a full small arc of his character when fighting the Sound Four), but rather, weak.
now i definitely need Hiashi to die in the war and for Neji to become leader
I understand your wish for Hiashi to die, but Neji succumbing to his fate put an end to the "Hyuga's conundrum" as that's an issue that involves Konoha in itself and not addressing it in Boruto would've been a major problem; furthermore, the problem wasn't just about stopping the Main Family from creating slaves but also them giving reparations to those they enslaved, like Neji. His death was also used to give Hinata a "moment" with Naruto.
(yeah no Hinata can’t lead to save her life)
She can't, not just because she's weak (Shikamaru doesn't shine because he's particularly strong, he isn't), but also because she often puts her wishes above the safety of those under her command (Koü Hyüga) and can't come up with a basic strategy to fight her opponents. She perhaps modeled her attack pattern following Naruto's (who mostly attacks before coming up with a strategy, as he often relies on overwhelming his enemies), as she often states to look up to him and has spied on him multiple times, but he's far more strong and has much more chakra (plus healing chakra) than her.
Also the Naruhina fan in me kinda wishes that Naruto learned sealing from Pervy sage
I'm not sure Jiraiya knew much about sealing techniques (we only see him erasing Orochimaru's seal), Minato learned from Kushina and not him. Tsunade is likely far more versed on the matter and she never even attempted to take Neji's seal off, so that's where the village stands on the matter.
have a nice day!!!!!✨
Thank you. You too.
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sunshinecherryblossom · 11 months
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Oh man, this is not right. Poor Naruto.... 💔💔💔🥺🥺🌸🍥
So, I have nothing against NaruSasu because regardless of the development toxicity they have established a good bond anyway but hearing from these same fans that Naruto always has only Sasuke in mind and only had a crush on Sakura simply because in Boruto he doesn't even care more so much for her it's absurd! Holy God, but these people ever wondered why strange reason Naruto and Sakura are never allowed to be together or have any scene alone friends even in Boruto? It's okay that there are NH and SS moments (because rightly so the anime must focus on strengthening the relationship of canon couples), it's okay for Naruto to see his friend and teammate Sasuke from time to time (apart from the die-hard fans of the couple i fans of canon couples have never been scared of the relationship between the two as it has never been a real threat to their ships and Naruto is not a Yaoi manga) but it happens not good for Sakura to spend time with Naruto as it used to be in the original manga....why? We don't even talk about romance but share moments that still represent their solid friendship. There is nothing left of their relationship, all erased. And I will repeat it again: why? If their relationship was always meant to be just close friendship why aren't they allowed to spend time together like friends would? Why are they married? And so what? We no longer see our friends because we have family? it does not make sense. The only moments in which I see the two conversing in Boruto anime is only in the presence of other people and only on a professional level (a bit as if they were simple acquaintances). They talk to me about best friends but how can people define them as such if even now they don't have the screen server to do it? Naruto in Gaiden didn't even know about the Sarada issue while Sasuke wasn't in the village (that says a lot about how far apart he and Sakura got after the ending). What is the reason for totally eclipsing their beautiful relationship? Why ruin their friendship too? Sakura also told Sarada that since she teamed up with Naruto he had become more than a family to her (it was a verb in the past tense. So now it's not like that anymore? Why?).
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Finally we see most of the time, from the glances that are rarely thrown at each other, that it is clear that they miss each other and there are pent-up feelings that cannot be shown or better yet must be removed to give space to other couples and obviously we don't talk about feelings of friendship alone. So, stop saying their relationship wasn't as strong as it seemed just because in Boruto they don't look for each other anymore... they're just not allowed to do that anymore and that's just so sad....
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Blue Exorcist: Rant
Okay I was literally in secondary [Highschool to americans] with Season 1 in 2011 and then Season 2 in 2017 THEN season 3 in 2024? Do I have to wait ANOTHER decade for season 4 after? Like what I'm gonna be 84 by the time BE ends????? But overall even though it's been years and my obsession with BE is kinda flagged and the manga also put me off some stuff...I still like Blue Exorcist. So not many people talked about this so I was wondering- what story has been covered and how many more do we have to wait for? And also- why not just make Blue Exoricist a movie like Sailor Moon or evangelion? Make a trilogy/more instead of seasons at least that way if it takes forever it's understandable?
But then a quick google search and uh...
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So season one [2011] season 2 [2017] we waited six years for that then another seven for season 3 so thats a thirteen year wait-
And then suddenly TWO seasons in ONE year??????
And what chapters have been covered? So Season one is Manga 1-4 Then Season two is Manga 5-9 And then season 3 the illumanti series will cover manga 10-15
Blue exorcist Season one had ended with a tied bow BUT season 2 starts off with a cut off episode, if you stop at this episode then start season 2 it creates a linear story. Like an alternate ending.
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In Season one Yukio became a demon possesed by Satan. BUT this ending and storyline may be similair to the manga or has been reworked to tie in, there is a drastic difference to later manga updates.
The manga is currently on number 29 and still seems to be going. So thats 14 more books to cover and since season 1 and 2 had four manga done figured it would take FOREVER to get there. So others speculated if Season 3 is also a reboot and if thats the case then what's the point?
But because of the tied up ending in s1 it doesn't make sense to do it again if anything the continued seasons is to be more faithful to the manga. personally I usually watched BE season 1 and cut off at the episode then read the manga on HOW it could've ended. But because it's been so long, I can't even remember season 2. And looking at the updates of s3 and thinking wow some parts seem so fast paced I wonder if they condensed some stuff-
Even so...
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I don't want to say bald but...some of the faces don't quite...look right, the hair is too short- it's giving Boruto naruto compared to Shippuden- Look how they massacred my son! Not only has it been years not only does the animation look jank, theres also the story line-
Truthfully the manga has been losing me lately, just some of the girl characters who used to be badass who were then given moments to...level up and gain strength later in the manga some moments felt as if they just kinda...got shafted. lets just say I hated Manga 17 with Shura it after lmost made me stop reading it but thats just my personal opinion. Overall tho -
The whole fight between Yukio and RIn and when Yukio just straight up became a bastard was straight up painful to watch, only given that I've already SEEN that in supernatural where two siblings end up fighting and one's being an idiot just for angst but continuing on made it worth it my issue-
is that if the anime cuts of AGAIN and then fans have to WAIT for it to be concluded is just straight up going to kill me.
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narhinafan · 7 months
what the heck you saying dude and what the heck that borusara fans hater saying I won't blame you if you hate Sarada for reasons other than that she is Sakura's daughter, because that doesn't make sense, and I noticed that you and the other are trying to ignore or run away from some things just because you hate Borusara for no reason other than that Sarada is Sakura's daughter
What the heck are you saying? You really don't seem to get what we were going on about at all. I have stated multiple time that I hate Sarada cause she is too much like Sakura it was never just cause she was Sakura's daughter, but cause she inherited the worse traits from her that made me hate Sakura in the first place.
There a lot of reasons to hate Sarada, her personality has many problems as well as many scenes in the manga that are just too much especially with how Ikemoto drew her early on. Even recent chapters Boruto loses any eye cause she didn't think to activate her sharingan when facing Kawaki and he was charging right at her, another life ninja got caught
I have never hated Sarada just cause she was Sakura's daughter I didn't mind her in gaiden nor the Boruto movie I even shipped her and Boruto at one point. It was only after the manga and anime got under way that I started hating and BoruSara cause there were many negative traits about her personality or how she acted that I had issue with many of which she shares in common with Sakura who I ended up hating for the same reasons.
Before you start throwing accusations at least try to understand what other people are talking about. Cause you clearly only selectively looked at the posts where I say I hate Sarada, but never any of the actual reasons why I said do even though I never once attributed it just being Sakura's daughter and stated multiple times that I don't like how Sarada is from her personality to actions in the manga and even the issues I have with the design of her character.
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pokeworldrevisited · 1 year
Figured I should get this off my chest.
If you don't like the fact that Ash won't be the protagonist of the Scarlet and Violet anime, that's fine.
If it might take some time to get used to the change, that's fine.
If you don't want to watch the SV anime when Ash is gone, that's also fine.
What ISN'T fine, however, is claiming that the anime is doomed for failure, that the story will be bad and the new characters will be bland just because the writers dared to retire Ash.
Yes, he was the protagonist for over 25 years. 8 regions, over a thousand episodes and a bunch of movies. For a lot of people he's what got them into Pokemon to begin with (and honestly, I was one of those people). He's the only protagonist we've ever known so naturally changing that after so long will lead to backlash.
But I also feel like this is the best choice? For Ash's case, he's the strongest trainer in the Pokemon world, there's not really many challenges that Ash can't easily face. I mean they could, but I feel like that would lead to more controversy than anything else.
And this is also the best choice for the writers. Seeing as they can work with two new protagonists with new dreams, this could potentially open up a bunch of new opportunities for stories that they couldn't really write with Ash. Wether or not they actually do this is up for debate, though.
I've seen some people, mainly on youtube comments, claim that Ash leaving will cause the anime to be like Boruto. Which I haven't watched but I heard it's pretty bad? But like, there's plenty of series that change protagonists that actually end up pretty good. And from what I could gather, the issue with Boruto was less about Naruto no longer being the protagonist, but the writing in general.
(aka, too many filler eps, fluctuating animation quality, kid characters being carbon copies of their parents among some other things. What I'm saying is that a change of protags could work as long as the writers don't botch it up)
It's fair if you're worried that'll happen, but being worried and saying that it'll happen without a shred of doubt are two completely different things.
Right now, we don't know much about the new anime. We've only had two animated trailers which only featured one of the new protags. All we know about the new protagonists is that they both have mysterious items (+ Roy's dream is to fight the Poke-Gods). We know about their travel buddy and his crew which the more I look at the more part of me worries that they might become bad guys.
The animation, if I'm being honest, looks pretty good. Like look at the fire animation on Ceruledge! How Friede flies in on the obligatory charizard! Right now the anime has no glaring issues.
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mistninja · 11 months
not really what the ask meme was about but i'll bite. what do you think about boruto (the series)? i'll say i will save sarada and chouchou from that series and move them somewhere else
the thing about boruto is that all the issues i have with it started in naruto. like by far my biggest issue is that i find the alien stuff too silly to take it seriously, and that started with kaguya, so boruto was already set up for failure in my eyes.
i have said it before but for me the ideal ending for naruto was a world without ninjas, a complete dismantling of the ninja system, so boruto not only having to follow on the stupid alien concept introduced in the war arc, but also being set on a basically unchanged world, is already not going to be a compelling story for me. my favorite part of naruto was when the characters confronted the gritty and dark and morally gray aspects of their world, but all this has been left behind in boruto. boruto is not concerned with the faults of ninja society, because we are led to believe that despite nothing fundamentally changing about the world, theres no longer any war or hatred between the ninjas, the entire conflict (from what i have gathered) is just alien bullshit. every time i look at a screenshot from boruto it looks too sanitized, too clean and soft. not to sound like an old person but. In MY chunin exams people were killing each other. to me boruto feels like the entire thing is one long naruto filler arc. and also it looks kinda ugly. the character design is shit. the manga artstyle is awful, i think its an insane downgrade from kishimotos style. boruto the character is so annoying to me. the way naruto and sasuke are written is so out of character, why is naruto such a shitty dad and why would sasuke, whose entire story is about how much he loves his family, be a dead beat dad??? And i dont even want to get into how the women were nerfed.
i DO like sarada, and chouchous design is really cool, i think having sarada as a main character might have made the story somewhat better, but the entire set up of boruto is too dumb for me
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cartoonrival · 11 months
OK boruto verdict. thus far obviously. i assumed part 1 of the anime would be ending right before the timeskip shippuden-style but that isn't what happened lol. so i guess the split is kind of arbitrary. anywho its not as good as naruto which is to be expected. but its cute!
i was tbh pretty shocked that boruto stands out as his own character pretty well. he still has some of the Shounen Protag Syndrome that naruto had, meaning its not particularly difficult to guess what he would do in a given situation and there is an element of same-ness to him and every other cheery roughboy protagonist, and there's still a lot of overlap between him and naruto, but i think he's very cute. i love his stubbornness and black and white thinking. he reads as someone who grew up in a loving household but has a mounting frustration with feeling trapped without really knowing whats trapping him.
tbh my biggest issue with boruto thus far i think is that it feels very undercooked, like theres a ton of interesting dynamics that are introduced then barely explored, and if they are its in a kind of cursory way that doesn't really show a lot of respect for the characters involved. the biggest offender with this imo is naruto and boruto's relationship, but sarada and boruto, mitsuki and boruto (mitsuki and sarada on their own as well tbr), and sasuke and sarada are also big examples.
naruto's characterization sort of seems like its gotten lost in an attempt to make him more mature, which like Yeah he should be more mature and i don't think that "naruto is the hokage now and because of how dedicated he is to konoha and to maintaining peace and making everyone in the village feel like they belong, he ends up being stretched too thin and boruto starts to feel ignored and left behind by someone who should be his biggest supporter" is illogical, but his ability to verbally tell people he cares about that he cares seems to have taken a hit, not just his ability to SHOW it (which could logically be stunted by his role as hokage). there shouldve been more exploration into naruto's feelings about boruto as his wayward son who causes problems and doesn't know what he wants. boruto's pov was well and good, but the whole dynamic feels half baked because it's written in a way that naruto isn't supposed to be the focus of it, even though there are obviously two equally important sides to a parent-child dynamic. for naruto's feelings to be so unexplored beyond "i'm so busy" and "i don't want him to grow up" is just a bit of a let down. dgmw there were definitely still really powerful moments between the two of them, but considering parent-child relationships is sort of a focal point of the series i feel like the amount of direct attention that naruto's feelings towards boruto are getting is a disservice.
tbh though i think a lot of the naruto cast has been watered down at least somewhat in order to fill a role that needed to be filled, ive complained about temari a couple times, sakura is rarely seen without an apron on, etc. sasuke is honestly fine, but im genuinely sick with want for a look into how he feels about his and naruto's families in a way that doesn't feel like im being lied to, even though that will never happen. but to be honest his relationship with boruto serves as a pretty good indicator. lol.
i think its interesting that we're exploring a love/obsession/devotion sort of situation this round, again i think it could be made to hurt more but its fine. everything could be made to hurt more. but whatever. its an interesting way to expand on the power and value of love themes in naruto. its unique if anything, which is nice because there are a LOT of story beats that feel lifted right out of naruto. i quite like kawaki in a vacuum, he feels sort of like an odd one out in the cast though im not really sure how that could be remedied. i think he and boruto needed to interact more on regular terms before they started calling each other brother and saying i feel like i could do anything when im with you etc. slow down cowboy! but kawaki's situation as someone who was so horribly abused, finds a family that loves him and is truly and heartfully accepted by naruto as a son, then to become dangerously devoted to protecting naruto because he's the first person to make kawaki feel like his life was worth anything, is Quite interesting to me. if a bit sudden. but i guess thats intentional too.
the plot itself is very very much an ohhh you thought you defeated that guy? well he has SEVERAL friends! type situation. like this didn't need to happen and was clearly tacked on. but its p much exactly what i expected and its managed to create some pretty effective moments for what it is. the fights are really cool and don't drag their feet as much as the ones in naruto did, which is nice.
overall its good, its cute, the new characters are fun even if its at the expense of some of the OGs. there are a million things that i think need to be explored that aren't aliens, but i know they never will be etc. its fine. (it isnt.) it feels more cobbled together than naruto did. but its cute.
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aloeverified · 1 year
Does it bother you that Neji got to nearly murder Hinata because of his anger and frustration but Hinata didn't get to so much as raise her voice? That he got an entire arc before he came to forgive his uncle(who wrote him an apology letter btw), but all Hinata gets is a half assed smile from Hiashi during her wedding. No apology. No acknowledgement that he underestimated her. Nothing. And still gets to play with his grandkids. That how much shit she put up through and not once at all curses the people responsible for it? That how the anime never allows her to express those emotions, ones that don't make her look as flowery as she seems(she's still kind and sweet but yk anger issues aren't something people would expect from her)? Because it bothers me a lot.
I hate Hiashi for so many reasons and I don't think that telling Neji the truth about how his father literally died was some noble act, it was something Neji should have always known.
Besides, I don't think Hinata would ever want to hurt Neji — if that's what you're getting at? Like, she understood why he hated her; despite being "better" than her, he was still reduced as a slave and he thought his dad died because of her and Hiashi.
I do hate how Hinata just always puts up with his abuse, though. I wish she actually proved herself to him only to tell him that she doesn't need his praise, that she made it on her own without him. Boruto portraying him as some amazing grandpa is so fucking weird considering he literally abused his daughter(s).
Neji and Hinata (and all of the Hyuga tbh) deserved better from him and I'm upset that Kishimoto was too obsessed with Uchiha bullshit plots to ever give the Hyuga Clan conflict a better ending.
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kiljoius-writes · 1 year
Tag - Chapter Twenty
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First Chapter
Chapter Twenty
Hanabi – 25 Konohamaru – 26
The summer after hers and Boruto’s birthdays, it was finally happening.
Naruto was officially going to achieve his dream.
That annoying little boy was going to become Hokage.
And Hanabi couldn’t be happier.
Despite her disapproval of the loudness and ignorance of the boy when she was younger, Naruto had grown on her considerably. Her sister loved him deeply—she had for a long time, of course. But when he finally woke up and realized she was the one constant of his life, he seemed to fall into even deeper love with her. And how could she dislike someone who lifted her sister up so high? She deserved it. So she loved Naruto, too. Her big brother.
Getting to see him inaugurated was the cherry on top. She felt pride, for one of the few times in her life.
She had issues with her clan, no doubt about it. There was little she felt she could find pride in there. But to be the sister-in-law of the hero of the war, and now the seventh Hokage—that was special, even she had to admit. If people were jealous of her, she couldn’t blame them. She wasn’t boastful about it but did recognize it.
Even better was standing with Konohamaru, who was even more thrilled than Naruto himself probably was. He was practically buzzing with energy as he hyped Naruto above legend to her, Moegi, and Udon.
“Konohamaru, you really need to relax,” Moegi pointed out disapprovingly. “I understand you’re excited, but even this is too much.”
“C’mon!” Konohamaru looked offended. “This is historic! Big bro Naruto! Hokage! Seventh! Hokage! Big bro! Naruto! He’s going to be the seventh Hoka—”
“You’re just saying words in succession,” Udon added and Hanabi bit back a laugh. Konohamaru shot her a look.
“You’re laughing, too?! It’s your sister’s husband!” He glared at her. She leaned her head back with laughter, fully enjoying his excitably, puppy-like nature in this moment, even if Udon and Moegi shook their heads, disapprovingly.
“I know! I’m happy, too!” Hanabi retorted, stepping away from him as he leaned his head towards her, clearly a little too confident for his own good right now. “But yeah, you’re kind of off the rails.”
“How’d I end up in a group of people that aren’t fans of Naruto? The whole village practically bows at his feet, and we’re so close to him!”
“Who said we weren’t fans?” Moegi snapped. “Of course I’m excited! We love big brother Naruto!”
“Then act like it!” Konohamaru pushed and Hanabi rolled her eyes, smiling remaining as she admired him, as subtly as she could.
“Alright, I gotta go make sure my genin are doing their jobs,” Moegi concluded, turning on her heel to take off. Udon snickered, nodding along.
“Ah, I better, too,” he conceded, following her. Konohamaru groaned childishly.
“They’re such buzzkills, sometimes,” he muttered, turning to Hanabi. They didn’t have genin teams of their own, even though they’d discussed the possibility of taking up that mantle. “You’ve gotta be excited, Hanabi.”
“Oh, I am.” She nodded, clasping her hands behind her back, “I’m just not bouncing off the walls.”
“Man…” he sighed, slumping. She shoved him playfully and he groaned “you guys bum me out.”
“I’m sorry,” she offered in earnest. “You’re right. This is an amazing day.”
“Thank you,” he said, pointedly, roughly patting her shoulder to the point she stumbled. He gave her a cocked grin as he straightened her out. His eyebrows raised curiously, his grin turning mischievous. “Hanabi, you’re not…”
“Sober?” she finished, the pink in her cheeks deepening as she rolled her eyes. Her tongue was between her teeth as she set her eyes back on him, her own mischievous look coming through. “Nope! It’s a big day, right?” Konohamaru bellowed out laughter and she had to laugh, too. He wasn’t sober, either. “You—! What’ve you been sneaking?”
“Nothing!” he said defensively, though his mirthful expression never left. “Be quiet, you snitch.”
“Ooooh—” Hanabi teased, “if you’re not gonna share, you’re gonna get a snitch.”
“Shush, you.” He pushed at her towards a little hidden area between buildings before pulling his canteen from his robe, swishing it in front of her “quiet, then.”
“Mmm.” She was a little too enthusiastic as she snatched the canteen and unlidded it, holding it in front of her face as she looked up at him for confirmation. “We’re just celebrating, right?”
“Right.” He laughed as she took a swig of pure, clear liquor. He snorted when she sputtered, hand slamming over her mouth. “What, can’t handle your liquor, Hyūga?”
“Stop it!” She shoved it back into his chest, though her smile was plastered as she wiped at her lips. “I’m not the one with contraband.”
They fell over each other with laughter. Nothing about what they were doing was illegal. Maybe frowned upon, but Hanabi figured they were some of the closest people to the newest Hokage. They’d get a pass if they were found out. Especially them.
“Hand it over.”
They froze at a familiar voice. One Hanabi hadn’t heard in a while.
“Sensei!” She gasped, facing the tired looking Nara who was holding her hand out, though still had that look of muted amusement.
She smirked. “You were always troublesome.”
“Give it up, Kono,” Hanabi whispered urgently, to which Konohamaru backed away, canteen behind his back.
“Yeah, Kono,” she mocked light-heartedly. “I’m not confiscating, just partaking.”
“Oh!” Konohamaru laughed, pulling the canteen forward and placing it in her hands at this admission. They both frowned when she tucked it into her belt.
“Thanks, kiddos.” She waved them away as she strolled off.
Hanabi gaped, looking up at Konohamaru to share the disbelieving look. “What are we, some teenagers?!”
“How could she!”
“She wanted it for herself,” Hanabi nearly fell over with how much she was laughing. Suddenly, she felt her back pushed into the wall next to them and his lips crashing on hers.
Maybe it was her clouded judgement, but she instantly wrapped herself back up around him, inviting him deeper. His hands were firm on her hips as she curled her arms around him, lifting a leg around his. His hand instinctively dove to that leg to hold it up, and she couldn’t even wonder how they would’ve looked if someone stumbled upon them.
They were getting sloppy. Being tipsy didn’t help.
“Off me,” she commanded quietly, though it wasn’t very convincing as his lips trailed down her jaw and her arms remained locked around his neck. “Kono—damn you—”
“Sorry,” he whispered, planting one last kiss against the point of her jaw, then releasing her, letting her stumble with a cocky grin as her hands grabbed at his robes to hold herself up. “You just look so damn good right now.”
“M—Me?” She didn’t know why his compliments still caught her off guard. She knew she looked nice. It was the Hokage inauguration! She had to look nice. She dusted herself off as he pushed off the wall from her, raking his eyes over her. She didn’t know when she stopped minding it. “You…you look good, too.”
“Sexy, even?” he asked with a snicker and she bit her lips together, the red in her face deepening as she decided to push things a touch further.
“Yes, actually.”
“Wait—what? You think—”
“Don’t push it.”
Hanabi brushed past him confidently, swaying still. She looked over her shoulder to catch him looking at her in that way—that way that told her he was picking up what she put down. That way that told her they’d definitely be seeing each other later. With that crooked grin and lowered eyelids, lustful. It would always light up the butterflies in her stomach into a frenzy, threaten to carry her away.
That feeling was cut short as she stumbled, Eiji having leapt into her arms, replaced with affection. Her old teammate had become accustomed to accosting her this way, seemingly embracing her small size. Hanabi giggled as she captured her older, yet smaller teammate and hugged her with joy, twirling. “Eiji!”
“Oh, you’re bad,” Eiji commented as she dropped off of her, lips curling knowingly. “Don’t worry, we are, too.”
“Jun?!” Hanabi exclaimed rather loudly as he approached wobbly from behind.
“She’s a bad influence, honestly,” Jun mumbled.
She realized this was her first-time ever seeing Jun buzzed.
“Oh. My. Gods!” Hanabi exclaimed dramatically as she threw her arms around Jun. “Really?!”
“You’re loud,” Jun pointed out. It was the snarkiest she’d ever seen him, but he returned her hold regardless. She pulled away from him, beaming as she saw Konohamaru and Eiji embrace with sharp taunts back and forth, Konohamaru lifting her off her feet.
“Corrupting your poor teammate,” Konohamaru whispered teasingly. Despite their squabbles, she could tell Eiji was one of his favorites. “You evil little grem—”
“Finish that sentence, go ahead.” She flicked her finger at his forehead as he dropped her, but she was still smiling. “You guys! You guys—you guys—”
“Eiji,” Jun groaned as he grabbed her by the waist to force her by his side, rubbing his forehead with his other hand, “quieter, please.”
“It’s truly a momentous day!” Konohamaru declared loudly, throwing an arm around Jun who shook his head, letting the other man embrace him. “Naruto’s becoming Hokage, Jun is dru—”
“Hey!” Hanabi shoved her fist into his gut, causing him to double over.
“Gah—Hanabi—” he groaned, Jun looking down at him with a frown before looking back up at Hanabi to shake his head.
Eiji laughed loudly. “Atta girl!” She slapped her hand on Hanabi’s back, which resulted in her stumbling, too.
“We are…so…very…obvious…” Jun grumbled irritably as Konohamaru rubbed at his stomach, straightening back up. “This is why I don’t drink.”
“Oh, my poor boy.”
Hanabi and Konohamaru reeled away from the duo when Eiji essentially climbed onto Jun and—
Good gods, she’s devouring him!
“Hey!” Hanabi hissed, looking at Konohamaru for confirmation. He nodded readily, but his grin never left him.
“Thought I was bad?” he whispered intentionally her way. When Eiji peeled herself off of Jun, she jumped in front of Hanabi.
“You know the funniest part?” Eiji asked, brimming with delight. “I’m not even that buzzed. Our cute little teammate proposed to me.”
Hanabi froze.
“Hanabi?” Konohamaru broke her from her trance.
“R…Repeat that?”
“We’re getting married!” Eiji declared proudly. “You could say I’m drunk on love, I guess.”
Hanabi couldn’t find words.
Jun and Eiji. They were getting married. It was…really happening. She felt tears burn her eyes.
“Yeah, and—” Jun approached Hanabi, clearly trying to right himself. “You know I don’t have…” He fumbled on his words. “Fam…family, so…I thought maybe you might…you could…”
“Oh my gods yes—” Hanabi replied instinctively, pulling her teammates into a tight hug, “—yes, yes! Oh, I’m so happy!”
“Thanks, Hanabi,” Jun mumbled against her as Eiji laughed.
“See, told you!” Eiji teased as Hanabi loosened her grip. “She’s a sucker!”
“Of course, I love you guys!” Hanabi exclaimed, letting happy tears run free down her cheeks with zero shame. “Oh Eiji, oh Jun. You are the picture of perfection.”
“Yep, she’s drunk,” Eiji chuckled, rolling her eyes.
“We haven’t put out invites yet, obviously…but we’d also like y’to come, Konohamaru,” Jun offered through slurred speech, clearly trying to enunciate, “maybe as Hanabi’s date?”
Again, she halted, eye training towards Konohamaru as she attempted to school her expression to something close to indifference.
“Sounds good,” Konohamaru replied readily, holding out a hand to Jun. They clapped them into one another and embraced. “So happy for you, man. And even you, little runt.”
“You’re lucky I’m so happy today, you giant idiot.” Eiji’s smile was clearly still playful. Seemed nothing could bring her down, even Konohamaru’s little jabs. “But I can’t deny how happy you make my silly little teammate.”
“Hey!” Hanabi scoffed, shoving Eiji. “What are you…what are you even talking about?”
“Oh shut up.” Eiji shoved back. “This is about me! So just be quiet and go along with it, okie dokie? Thanks, love you.”
Hanabi glared at her teammate as she leaned up to kiss her cheek before skipping away with a tipsy Jun in tow.
“How cute,” Konohamaru commented loftily, his fingers ghosting over her back. She whipped around to him, turning her glare his way. He was unaffected by it, eyebrows wiggling her way. She needed to learn to be more sparing with her scowls to ensure they had the correct impact.
“You think so?”
“They’re happy, right?”
“Yes, of course—”
“And I make you happy, right?”
“Konohamaru, come on!” They both looked to find another jōnin waving him over. “Lord Sixth is looking for you. Get a move on!”
“Oh,” he breathed, righting himself, “yeah, I’m supposed to go help with some stuff.”
“Drunk?” Hanabi questioned disapprovingly. He grinned at her.
“Don’t worry about me, little lamb,” he teased, pushing her lightly. Seemed to be their go-to physical contact when under public-eye. “I’ll be alright.”
“Better be,” she muttered in annoyance, folding her arms.
In a bold move, he leaned down to grab her hips and pull her into him, getting close to her ear to tell her in a husky whisper, “but I’ll find you after. Count on that.”
She shuddered as he briskly walked past her, making sure his fingers brushed against hers. She instinctively closed her hand around nothing, as if to grasp him back.
She frowned.
She was alone now.
How unfair.
Konohamaru stood dutifully next to Kakashi and Shikamaru as Hinata jogged up, Naruto’s new garb in her hands.
“Sorry to keep you waiting!”
Konohamaru bowed to her, respectfully. Shikamaru placed a lazy hand on his hip, “hey Hinata.”
“Where’s Naruto? It’s almost time to start?” Kakashi asked.
“What?” Hinata began, looking perturbed, “he isn’t here yet?”
“Not yet. Did he—uh—celebrate a little too much last night?”
“No—no! Nothing like that!” Konohamaru held back the urge to snort. Of course, he had, with Shikamaru. “Can you take this, please?”
“S-sure—” Konohamaru received the garb, surprised as it was shoved into his hands.
“I’ll go check on him!” He watched her run off, feeling his stomach start to drop.
Oh no. Is he passed out somewhere? But he—
“Not looking good,” Konohamaru mumbled, looking back and forth between the two older shinobi.
“Yyyeeep…�� Kakashi agreed with a sigh.
Konohamaru shifted uncomfortably, tucking the fresh garb under his arm. It wasn’t his place to question, so he left Kakashi and Shikamaru to take the reins.
“What in the world is holding Naruto up?” Kakashi questioned, looking exasperated. “This is bad…he won’t make it in time.”
“Ugh…” Shikamaru groaned, rolling his eyes. “Well then, we have no other choice.” Konohamaru raised his brows as Shikamaru turned to him. “Hey! Konohamaru!”
He straightened up, masking his drunk nature. “Huh?”
“You’re gonna have to take Naruto’s place.”
“Excuse me?!” Konohamaru leaned away, looking offended. “What exactly do you mean?”
“Sorry, but that’s how it’s gotta be. We need someone to accept the title for all those adoring fans. Transformation jutsu will take care of that in a jiff.”
“Oh-oh no—” Konohamaru began backing away, “no-no! It’s—it’s his big day!”
“Then he should have gotten here on time,” Shikamaru snarked, lowering his eyes. “You want your big bro to look back on this, late to his own inauguration, angry and confused villagers?”
“I…I guess not,” Konohamaru sighed, feeling unsure, but trapped, regardless.
Big bro, where are you?!
Hanabi watched with pride next to her teammates. They linked up after Konohamaru took off, and she was glad for the company. Even Tora-sensei joined them, looking tipsier than before, which she just chose not to point out. Seniority and all that. Kakashi approached at the top of the stage, announcing.
“We will now begin the inauguration of the Seventh Hokage!”
Jun held Eiji back from cheering when no one else was.
“I, Kakashi Hatake, the Sixth Hokage, will be the one presiding over the ceremony today.”
They watched as he paused. Hanabi perked a suspicious brow.
“Alright then…let’s bring up the man of the hour himself, the man who’s about to become the Seventh Hokage!”
Hanabi watched with excitement as Naruto approached. But something felt…off.
“The man you all know…Naruto Uzumaki!”
Despite her bad feeling, Hanabi clapped with everyone else. As she settled her eyes on Naruto’s waving form, she felt compelled to activate her byakugan. Something about his smile was giving her pause. And the way he addressed the crowd…didn’t feel normal.
“Th-thank you! Hey, thank you—oh—I mean—uh—heya—er—y’know, thank you!!!”
She scanned.
She gasped.
Oh, she was annoyed. Beyond annoyed. Infuriated, even. She glanced around, finding everyone around her cheering wildly. Could no one else really realize that that was not Naruto?!
What in heaven, hell, gods’ name was Konohamaru doing?
She was ready to tackle him right there, but something in her told her to hold off.
“What the hell,” Hanabi muttered irritably, and her team took notice.
Eiji slapped her shoulder. “What crawled up your ass and died?!”
“Back off.” Hanabi began stomping away. She ignored the glares they must be giving her.
She had to know what was happening.
She waited impatiently off the stage, glaring at who she knew was Konohamaru waving meekly to the adoring villagers.
When he approached, she didn’t look amused. “Lord Seventh, huh?”
He froze, then nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh—hey Hanabi. What…what are you doing up here, lil sis?”
“Knock it off.”
He heaved a sigh. He knew she knew.
“What the hell, Kono—”
She found her mouth being covered by Shikamaru who was dragging her away. “Keep your big mouth shut, little Hyūga—”
“Hey!” She shoved him off, offended. “How dare you put your hands on me!”
“You have no idea what you’re meddling in—” Shikamaru started, pointing accusingly at her, “just be quiet—”
“Hey!” Konohamaru, masked as Naruto, grabbed Shikamaru’s hand. “Just hold on a minute! I’ll explain everything.”
“No you will not—”
“How do you expect not to?” Hanabi questioned daringly, puffing her chest out. “Why don’t you keep your big mouth shut, Nara?”
“Oh brother,” Shikamaru groaned as they descended the stairs, and with a puff of smoke, Konohamaru appeared above them. “Hey! You’re supposed to keep that on for a while—”
“Leave her alone, please?” Konohamaru asked sincerely, jogging down. “She’s just concerned.”
“Ahh…” Shikamaru sighed, rolling his eyes. “Deal with your B.S. Just don’t let anyone else know.”
“Yes, sir!” Konohamaru saluted him in his exaggerated fashion, but Hanabi was not amused.
“Explain. Now.”
“Hey, c’mon,” Konohamaru grabbed her elbow, pulling her into a secluded space. “Naruto’s not here.”
“Clearly!” Hanabi exclaimed, feeling more irritated by the second as he pressed a finger to her lips to quiet her. “So what the hell?!”
“Try to calm down,” Konohamaru sighed exasperatedly, waving his hands at her. “We think he’s just…hungover.”
Hanabi stopped. Her angry expression went blank and she inhaled deeply through her nose. “Please for all that is holy on this earth, tell me you’re kidding. Tell me you're joking, Konohamaru.” He sighed again, shoulders dropping. She gave a sarcastic laugh. “That’s rich! Oh, that—that’s amazing! Oh my fucking—”
“Hey!” Konohamaru clearly had no choice except to put a hand over her mouth. “Seriously, you have to be quiet! I know you’re mad—”
“How can a person miss their own inauguration?” Hanabi snapped when she wedged his hand off, but she was quieter, heeding his warning. “That’s—that’s more than idiotic. If my sister doesn’t close a few chakra points, I will—”
“Hanabi,” he pleaded, grabbing her cheeks with both hands. She stopped. “Please—can we not assume things? It could be anything, let’s just figure it out first?”
She softened at his tone. She sighed, dropping her head. “How can he miss this?”
“If I know Naruto, it wasn’t willingly…your sister is already back at the house.”
“She is?” she choked out, feeling saddened by this. “She missed his inauguration…even if he wasn’t really there, she didn’t get to see him become Hokage?”
Konohamaru stopped now, too. She could tell he hadn’t thought of that. She sighed, sadly, slumping over. “Trust me, I didn’t want it to be this way. Please trust me.”
“I…” Hanabi breathed, hanging her head. “I trust you. This is…so shitty.”
“Yes." He gave a forced chuckle as his thumbs caressed her cheek bones. “Yes it is.”
“I’m…I’m sorry,” she admitted, wrapping her arms around his torso. “I know you don’t want this, either.”
“No, I really don’t.” His chuckle this time sounded more genuine. “It’s so wrong.”
“You…you look good in it.” She decided to make him feel better, looking up at his surprised reaction. She slid her hand over one of his on her cheek, encasing it there. She really did think the Hokage outfit looked good on him. Dare she say… “you look hot.”
She couldn’t keep back the coy smile at his stillness, lips parting as the gears seemingly turned in his head. No, she had never been the type to compliment him so freely, but perhaps it was better this way. The silly, surprised look on his face was always cute and worth it. He regained confidence, leaning in closer as a smirk tugged on his lips. “You like me in Hokage garb?”
“I don’t hate it!” she exclaimed, pushing off his face away as her expression turned serious. “Now shut up, we need to find out where Naruto is!”
He seemed to snap back to reality as well with her words. If they’d been drunk before, sobriety quickly took both of them. “Right. You’re right.”
On his way to the Uzumaki household, he ran into Hinata, who was ushering the kids to the ceremony. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen the normally kind, calm Hyūga so infuriated. That scowl was definitely genetic, it made even him reel away from her when she told him to fetch her husband with no more given details. All he could tell was the kids were in trouble for whatever reason, both turned away in shame.
Konohamaru found Naruto slumped over.
His big brother.
The one he admired so much.
“Naruto!” Konohamaru exclaimed authoritatively, feeling Hanabi’s fire within him. “How could you?!”
He softened as Naruto looked up weakly, and immediately wrapped his arms around his gut.
Man…did Hinata lay him out…?
“Oh damnit…” Naruto coughed a wet cough, one that made Konohamaru kneel and grab his shoulder in concern. “Hey, Konohamaru…where…where are my kids?”
Immediately his anger faltered. “Hinata took them. Are you okay?”
No one could make him weaken like Naruto. Except maybe Hanabi, but perhaps that was hormones. No, Naruto touched him in a different way. “Yeah…yeah…damnit. Hima…oh gods, Hima…”
Konohamaru cinched his eyebrows in concern, tilting his head at his mentor. She looked fine when he saw her just now? “Was she okay?”
“More than!” Naruto managed a laugh, causing Konohamaru to pull away. “She’s got the byakugan.”
He stopped. He remembered Hanabi reminiscing on this. It was a disappointment to the Hyūga that the children weren’t born pearly eyed…but…Himawari had it. “Wait—really?”
“Yes!” Naruto voice turned to pride despite the situation. "I’m not completely sure, but Boruto—the little menace he is, must’ve pissed her off. And she accessed it!”
“For revenge?” Konohamaru asked instinctively, thinking of the only person he cared enough about to know it. Hanabi.
“Yep, closed one of mine while trying to get him.” Naruto laughed as he rubbed at his abdomen, pulling himself up. Then his eyes went wide as he cursed, “shit! Shit! Wait!”
“Don’t worry.” Konohamaru tried to placate him. “The…the inauguration went off without a hitch.”
“Shikamaru…and Lord Sixth…asked me to take your place. With transformation jutsu.”
Konohamaru closed his eyes and braced himself. There was no lying to this man that he respected so much, and he knew he deserved a good punch to the face. But nothing came except more laughter and Konohamaru opened his eyes to look on him in confusion. “Oh damn! Really?! You accepted my position?!”
“Congrats Konohamaru!” Naruto slapped his hand on his shoulder. “You’re officially Lord Seventh, huh?”
“No!” Konohamaru objected immediately, lurching away, “absolutely not, big bro! No, no, no—”
“Only joking." Naruto wiped away phantom tears. "But for real, that’s awesome for you to do! And thank you! Really—thank you so much!”
“You’re…you’re welcome,” he responded weakly, letting him pat him. “But really, Lord Seventh, you should get out there.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he conceded, pushing off of the younger man to sit back down. “Thanks Kono. Is…Hinata alright?”
“As far as I know." He nodded.
He clicked his tongue and chose to lie, figuring the man was suffering enough. “I think we both know she’d never let that be known.”
“Again, you’re right!” Naruto laughed as he pulled his sandals on. “I’ll have to figure out how to make it up to her.”
“You might wanna think of her sister, too,” Konohamaru commented passively, “she’s ready to close all your chakra points.”
“Oh, damn!” Naruto snapped up, but still looked cheerful. “Maybe I’ll take you both to the hot springs, then, huh?”
“M—me? You don’t have to make anything up to me, Lord Hokage—”
“Konohamaru.” Naruto held up a hand as he got up, then patted his head, despite being slightly shorter. “Just get back to the ceremony, okay? I’ll be there soon.”
“Yes, sir!” Konohamaru saluted him, seriously this time and Naruto gave him a grin that Konohamaru wondered if he might have modeled his own off of. “And congratulations. You deserve it.”
“Thanks, Konohamaru. Always my little bro.”
Konohamaru pushed back the urge to embrace the man, instead accepting that as enough.
Even after all these years, he looked at Naruto starry eyed.
He could only imagine how much ammo this would give Hanabi if she witnessed it.
He didn’t really care, though. She understood.
The celebration out did Naruto and Hinata’s wedding by far. Sake and beer flowed freely in the streets, candies and treats being handed to any awaiting child’s hand, generous portions of fried food and of course: ramen. Couldn’t be a celebration of Naruto without ramen.
Hanabi finally relaxed when Konohamaru located her, whisking her away into an alley to assault her with urgent kisses. She gave him a good hit on the arm to stop him, causing him to flinch as she yelled, “hey, hey, hey! So? Come on!”
“All good,” he breathed, looking like he’d run several hundred kilometers as he drew himself back in and palmed her waist, backing her into the wall like a man possessed. “He’s fine—he’s here with your sister and the kids, so—”
“Oh thank gods,” she sighed, allowing him to bend in and suck on her neck. She almost gave in, foolishly, but stopped him with palms against his chest. “Sheesh you’re needy today!”
“Good mood,” he mumbled, fighting against her resistance, “adrenaline, maybe.”
“From being Hokage?” She smirked, wiggling out from underneath him. “You did originally say Lord Seventh when we first met, didn’t you?”
“You remember that?” He chuckled, grabby hands. “You’ve got a good memory, honey.”
“Konohamaru!” She slapped his hands, growing tired of his advances without information, especially with…a pet name, here in public. She couldn’t deny the way it made her heart race, but now was not the time. She stepped away, swatting at his stealing hands. “Tell me what happened! Was he just hungover?”
“Kind of,” he finally relented, stepping away from her, too, “but he was gonna make it. The kids were fighting I guess, and Hima…well,” a little chuckle left him as he looked up wistfully, almost proud, “she activated the byakugan.”
“What?!” Hanabi’s jaw dropped. “Really?! Wait—so—did she hurt Boruto or something?!”
“No.” Another chuckle, looking wistfully upwards. "She hit one of Naruto’s chakra points on accident.”
“Oh my—” Hanabi keeled over with laughter, clutching her stomach. “Oh Hima! Oh this day couldn’t get any better, could it?! Even if we tried!”
“I know a way it could get better.”
“Not even you can bring my mood down,” she teased, finally giving in to him wrapping his arms around her. “I can only stay a minute, I promised to get Eiji a fried squid.”
“She’s always ruining my fun, huh?” he joked, bending her back to bring their lips together, hiking her leg up around him. Was it the alcohol or the flurry of emotions and events that made her unable to resist him? She had little time to think on it as his fingers dug into her thigh and back, giving a little involuntary moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck to help hold herself up.
“Ah—you guys—”
She’d probably never, ever let him live down the fact he dropped her.
“Shit!” Konohamaru scrambled to pick her back up while Udon leaned his side against the wall, crossing his arms and legs with an amused smirk on his face.
“You dick!” Hanabi breathed, jumping to her feet and brushing off her robes.
“Who? Me or him?”
“Both!” she snapped, glaring at Udon. “The hell are you doing, Udon?”
“Clearly just watching out for my buddy,” Udon laughed, eyeing Konohamaru, “since you guys are so damn obvious.”
Hanabi groaned and stomped away, ignoring Konohamaru’s apologies as she left.
She really was setting herself up for failure, wasn’t she? Was she doing it on purpose? Even she didn’t know.
When she approached the fried squid stand, she was surprised when someone from behind shoved one into her hand without asking.
“Sister to the Hokage eats free!”
“Oh, thank you,” Hanabi bowed, looking down at the squid in amazement. “Could I…actually get two?”
“Take three!”
Hanabi’s eyes widened as two more were put in her hands and a grin enveloped her face.
“I could get used to this,” Hanabi whispered to herself as she bowed once more before taking off in search of Jun and Eiji.
“You gotta tone it down, man.” Udon slapped Konohamaru on the back and Konohamaru sighed, rubbing his neck.
“She does things to me,” he mumbled, allowing Udon to guide him through the crowd. “Don’t tell Moegi, okay?”
“She already knows.” Udon rolled his eyes, stabbing his elbow into Konohamaru’s side. “But yeah, we’ll keep it quiet.”
Konohamaru nodded with a little sigh of relief as they stopped at a stand, each getting a beer before taking off down the road again. Asking Udon not to tell Moegi was more so he could honestly tell Hanabi he made an earnest attempt to keep things on the down low. He knew his friends had known for a while, wouldn’t be surprised if hers did, too. It felt silly, but it came with the territory of dating the Hyūga heiress (whether she’d admit that’s what they were doing or not).
He cracked open his beer. “How’s your genin?”
“Good.” Udon nodded as he joined him in popping open the beer, inhaling deeply. “Gave ‘em the day off after they finished setting up. They’re around here somewhere.”
“Chūnin exams are coming up, right?” Konohamaru asked, pulling his beer up for a sip.
“Yep. Pretty sure they’ll all be fine. I’ll probably take a year off instructing after that.”
“Moegi, too.” Konohamaru raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You haven’t been around much, old friend. We’re thinking about going up to the Sand to do some research on sealing. You should come with us.”
“How long?” Konohamaru raised his eyebrows, alarmed to hear this new information. He supposed he hadn’t been hanging around his friends much anymore. A lot of his time was occupied by solo missions or Hanabi.
“Few months.”
“Few months?” he repeated, leaning back. “I dunno…my mom…”
“Your mom’s fine!” Udon laughed after taking a long drink. “Don’t pretend it isn’t about her.”
“Shut up!” Konohamaru shoved him, mimicking his action with a long pull of beer. “I’ll think about it.”
“She could come,” Udon offered with a perked eyebrow, gesturing towards where she was. They had been unknowingly drawing closer to her, Eiji, and Jun. “Have some time away from the village together, could be nice.”
“Huh,” Konohamaru cupped his chin, fixing his eyes on her. They stopped, and she didn’t seem to notice them. The way she looked so at ease was comforting for him. For so long as kids, she seemed trapped in her own skin. Stiff, anxious, always looking around for Hyūga guards who’d come correct her behavior readily. They might’ve had something going on romantically, but Eiji and Jun were her best friends just like Udon and Moegi were his, and she looked happiest when she could be around them, freely.
He snapped his eyes up as Udon punched his arm. “Like I said. Obvious.”
“Ouch, man,” Konohamaru grumbled, rubbing his arm as he looked back at Hanabi. “Anyway, where’s Moegi?”
“Probably drilling her genin. Maybe we should go find her and rescue the poor kids. If you’re done staring, of course.”
“When did you get so snarky?” Konohamaru growled, but his scowl quickly turned to a smile when Hanabi did a double take, locking eyes with him. The wink she gave—she had no idea what she did to him. Not even Udon’s knowing smirk at his attitude change could mute the thump of his heart whenever she offered him affection.
Truly, she had no idea.
Hanabi reached out her hand to catch Boruto’s waist before he could bolt past her, clearly not realizing she was there.
“My sweet nephew." Hanabi tossed him in the middle of her group, Eiji and Jun looking down at the boy in surprised amusement. “What’d you do to piss of Hima?”
“Oh, right—” Boruto gasped for breath, scrambling to get up. “Did you hear she activated the byakugan? I was actually seriously scared…I gotta win her a stuffed animal to replace the one we tore.”
“You tore her stuffed animal?” Eiji questioned, snickering. “Son of the Hokage is a jerk.”
“Hey!” Boruto snapped, glaring at her before turning back to Hanabi. “If you guys could try to win one, too, that’d be great. I really do feel bad.”
“Aw.” Hanabi roughed up his hair. “Yeah, I’ll try. Go on.”
“Thanks!” Boruto gave her a quick hug before racing off again.
“He looks so much like Lord Hokage,” Jun commented, crossing his legs as he tried to wave away Eiji’s beer offering.
“Oh jeeze.” Hanabi realized, wide eyed, “everyone’s gonna start calling him that now, huh?”
“Duh,” Eiji chuckled, biting into the squid, “Lord Seventh! Lord Hokage! Lord Naruto!”
“Ugh,” Hanabi groaned, falling back on her bottom on the grass. “So anyway,” she redirected the conversation, “married, huh? That’s exciting. I’ll be honest, I thought you’d propose, Eiji.”
“Ha!” Eiji barked, slapping her knee. “I would never. I deserve to be proposed to.”
“Yes, you do,” Jun agreed readily, leaning over to peck her head. Hanabi smiled sadly at them and Jun seemed to notice. “Sorry, we’re not trying to rub it in—”
“No, no.” Hanabi shook her head. “I’m really happy for you guys. Just…wish I could be like that, you know?”
“You could.” Eiji raised her eyebrows as she shot the skewer into a nearby trashcan. “You just don’t.”
“Eiji." Jun shook his head as Hanabi frowned. “You know it’s more complicated than that.”
“It’s stupid, is what it is.” Eiji leaned back on her hands, eyes not leaving Hanabi’s. “wWho cares about clan stuff anymore, anyway? What, a few stuffy elders wanna marry you off to a snobby Hyūga? You’re gonna be the leader, Hanabi. Don’t let them push you around.”
Hanabi stopped to analyze those words. She wanted to hold onto them. It was like a condensed version of Konohamaru’s speech to her so many years ago now. Why had they backed off so much in recent years? Perhaps her father really was doing more work behind the scenes than she first realized.
“Hmm,” Jun hummed, swaying a bit, “not exactly how I’d put it, but I tend to agree.”
“Yes you do,” Eiji tsked, rubbing her nose against his.
When they were younger, Hanabi probably would’ve called them gross and stormed off, but she couldn’t help but adore her teammates. She was genuinely happy for them. But she couldn’t get her mind off of Konohamaru. Finding him staring at her with that dumb smile didn’t help. She decided to wink at him, to let him know she knew what he was thinking.
She was actually pretty excited to see him tonight if everything panned out correctly. Everyone would be partied out, even Hanabi wouldn’t be under any scrutiny for being out all night.
But for now, she was happy to be with her friends.
“Konohamaru told me you guys are thinking of taking on genin.” Jun moved the conversation along and she looked up, surprised. She had forgotten about that. Apparently Konohamaru hadn’t. “I think teaching would be good for you.”
“Oh, right." Hanabi coughed in her fist before depositing her skewer into the trash. "Yeah, we’ll see.”
“Maybe you’d get that nephew of yours.” Eiji grinned, nodding towards where Boruto was, throwing darts at balloons in attempt to pop three. “One of my cousins is starting, too. Imagine if they were on a team!”
“Eh.” Hanabi shrugged. "Haven’t thought about it that much.”
They fell into conversation until Hanabi offered to get another round of drinks. On her way back, she yet again ran into Konohamaru, who was now joined by not just Udon but Moegi as well.
“Hey Hanabi!” Moegi waved enthusiastically.
“Hey.” Hanabi beamed down at her, carefully setting her arms around her to not spill the drinks.
“You with Eiji and Jun?” Moegi asked. “I heard they’re getting married!”
“Yes.” Hanabi nodded as she stepped back. “You guys wanna join us? Everyone’s giving me free stuff.”
“I will never pass up free stuff,” Moegi gasped, “here, gimme these, I’ll take them back to Jun and Eiji.”
“I’ll go with you, Hanabi,” Konohamaru offered, and they both shot Udon a glare as he snorted, Moegi already taking off towards Hanabi’s team. “Something you gotta say, Udon?”
“Not at all. I’ll go with Moegi,” Udon smirked and Hanabi’s glare followed.
“Free stuff, huh?” Konohamaru nudged her towards an alcohol stand. “Like you need free stuff.”
“How am I gonna say no?!” Hanabi defended as the person behind the stand readily piled drinks into their arms. “Thank you so much!”
“Of course!” The woman behind bowed back at her as Konohamaru chuckled, balancing the drinks. “We’re honored the sister of the Hokage and Lord Third’s grandson would visit us!” Hanabi glanced up at Konohamaru’s pursed lips, clearly holding back laughter. “We hope to have your endorsement for our beverages!” They both looked at one another with bit lips before nodding and taking off.
“We’re celebrating,” Hanabi reasoned, guiding him back to the group, “it’s fine.”
“If you say so,” he retorted, as he joined her on the grass. “Guess it pays to be friends with the Hokage’s sister, huh?”
“And the honorable grandson,” Moegi teased.
“Sure does,” Eiji agreed, holding up the new beer to the center of the group. “To Lord Seventh! Naruto!”
“To Lord Seventh!”
“We should all go on a trip sometime.” Moegi leaned against Hanabi, the stench of alcohol all too strong from her after their…fourth? Fifth drink? He wasn’t sure at this point. Konohamaru chuckled as he grabbed at her wrist to keep her from falling over into Hanabi’s lap completely. Moegi didn’t drink much, she was a pretty big light weight.
“We already are, Moegi.” Udon rolled his eyes, reminding Konohamaru of their earlier conversation. Moegi let out a “pffft” in response.
“All of us!” Moegi continued, and Eiji snickered.
“Nah, can’t leave the village for too long,” Eiji responded, propping her feet into Jun’s lap who wrapped his fingers around her ankles. Konohamaru glanced at them a hair longer, feeling just a little jealous of them. He looked at Hanabi, wishing he could pull her into his lap, too, cuddle against her like he really wanted to. She was so floaty and sweet right now, it burned him up inside.
She belonged up against him, or maybe he belonged wrapped around her. Well, both. She fit just right in his lap, anyway.
Moegi groaned, slumping towards Konohamaru, now, who set a hand on her back to steady her.
“Which means Jun won’t go,” Moegi huffed irritably, lifting her head towards Hanabi. “Hanabi? Come with us! I need another lady with me!”
“Who said I was even going?” Konohamaru raised an eyebrow, pinching against her shoulder blade. She ignored him.
“Hanabi?” Moegi repeated and Konohamaru glanced at her as she looked up in thought, tapping her chin.
“It’s really not a good time for me to go, honestly, Moegi.” A little frown on her features. Probably because she did want to go, but it really wasn’t a good time.
“You have to go!” Moegi whined, grabbing her by the shoulders to which Hanabi let a surprised laugh escape, manhandled by the woman who was clearly too drunk. “You can’t just leave me! Not with them!” She shot a look towards Konohamaru and Udon and Konohamaru couldn’t help but snicker. “Not with Konohamaru, who is stupid, and Udon, who is hideous!”
“Damn!” Udon laughed, shaking his head and Konohamaru grinned, eyes locking with Udon’s as they both silently agreed they’d have to get her back, later. Maybe in front of her genin. They may be whole adults now, but Konohamaru still loved a good prank.
Eiji snorted, loudly, pointing at Udon. “She’s right, Udon. You’re not the most pleasant to look at.”
“What about Konohamaru?” Udon defended, jabbing his friend in the shoulder. Konohamaru recoiled, slapping his hand.
“Hmm, he is dumb as rocks.” Eiji winked at Konohamaru and he exhaled, rolling his eyes. "But he’s not hideous, I guess, right Hanabi?”
Before Hanabi could stutter out a response that Konohamaru would have found entertaining to hear, Moegi sighed dramatically. “You’re all hideous,” she grumbled and slurred, “all of you! Hideous, hideous, hideous!”
“Ouch.” Eiji covered her heart, giggling as Jun sighed, slumping backwards with her back against his chest.
“Don’t be so dramatic.” Konohamaru rolled his eyes, deciding he in fact did not want to go if Hanabi wasn’t going to go. He clenched his arm around Moegi’s shoulders and yanked her into him, elbow tight around her neck as he rubbed his knuckles into the top of her head while she whined like the bratty little sister she was. "Besides, I won’t be there to piss you off with my stupidity.”
“What?!” Moegi cried, fumbling in his grip as Hanabi giggled next to her. “You won’t go, either?! You all suck so, so much!”
“Regretting calling me hideous?” Udon mocked, bumping his foot into hers.
“Hideous.” She pointed an accusing finger at him, then turned it to Konohamaru who finally released her. “AND stupid!”
Eiji was practically rolling in the grass laughing and Hanabi was holding her mouth shut to contain her laughter.
“Eh.” Konohamaru shrugged, shoving Moegi into Hanabi, who laughed as she caught her. "Better stupid than hideous, I guess. Right?”
“Disagree,” Udon snarked, “too bad you’re both, Moegi.”
“HEY!” Moegi kicked her foot at Udon, missing his shin. “Shut your disgusting, drooling, hideous mouth.”
Konohamaru wasn’t sure when Moegi became so comfortable with slinging insults at them. They’d all always been like this to some degree, but it seemed since becoming a sensei, she was becoming worse and worse. He didn’t actually mind, though. It was fun, and she could take it back.
“I am so thankful we are not like that,” Jun sighed, clearly tired of their interactions.
Eiji chuckled, sidling up in his lap once more. “I wish we were more like it, honestly. I just don’t think either of you are stupid, or ugly.”
“Nope,” Hanabi giggled agreement, scooting towards her coupled teammates. “I think you’re both beautiful and intelligent creatures.”
“Oh, blah!” Moegi huffed, crossing her arms and Udon nodded agreement. Konohamaru winked at Hanabi as she looked right at him.
“And I love you!” Hanabi declared directly towards Konohamaru, making his heart skip. But it was for her teammates, and he wondered how she could be so cruel. Probably because he was wrapped around that little finger of hers. It was hard to pretend to be irritated with her as he did his best to give her an annoyed pout. She laughed, seemingly enjoying Moegi’s gagging reaction as she looked back at her teammates. Eiji gathered Hanabi into her chest so the trio were now sandwiched together, Jun’s arms around the two women. Lucky guy, he supposed. No one better to handle the two of them, though.
“Awww, I love you, too, runt.” Eiji wrapped her arms and legs around Hanabi affectionately, squishing her cheek against her collarbone as Jun chuckled behind them, patting Hanabi’s head with love. Yorimaru yawned behind the trio.
“Gross, gross, gross. Udon frowned, turning away.
Konohamaru had to agree. “Sickening,” he added.
“Vomit.” Moegi pointed at the back of her throat while the other three laughed.
But he could see why the team loved each other so. Hanabi had always loved her little team, and it meant to the world to her. Really, Udon and Moegi meant the world to him, too, but their dynamic was different. He wouldn’t have had it any other way, and really, he was glad Hanabi had people that loved her so dearly. She deserved it. Besides, if he loved her so passionately, others should, too. He glanced at Udon as he shook his head. “I’m glad we’re not like that.”
“Jealous.” Hanabi poked her tongue out and Konohamaru ran his over his top teeth. "And jealousy is ugly, Udon.”
“HANABI!” Moegi exclaimed with a roaring laugh. “See? See?!”
Konohamaru caught Moegi as she fell over in mirth and he had to join her, pulling her into a suffocating hug as Udon fell with his back on top of them, chiding them for being so messy.
They should really all hang out more.
“Oh no.” Moegi stopped, eyes going wide as she sat up, shoving the two men off of her. “I think I’m—” She made a terrible gagging sound to the rest of the group’s horror. “I’m—”
“Oh gods!” Udon grabbed Moegi’s hands, forcing her up. “You’re actually gonna puke, aren’t you?” She nodded fervently and Konohamaru bit back a laugh.
“If I’m stupid and Udon’s hideous, you’re gross, Moegi,” Konohamaru snarked and Moegi shot him a look, covering her mouth.
“I just had spicy curry, Konohamaru. This is no time to joke.”
“C’mon,” Udon sighed, dragging her towards a nearby trashcan while Hanabi untangled herself from Eiji.
“I better get outta here, too,” Eiji mumbled, letting Jun scoop her up in a stand. “I’m supposed to do the night shift, so you better come visit me.”
“Excuse me?” Hanabi gaped up at her as Konohamaru, as casually as possible, scooted closer to her until his fingers were brushing hers. She didn’t seem to notice. “Drunk, Eiji?”
“You can’t tell me not to drink at the Hokage’s inauguration, even if I have to work!” Eiji glared down at them, eyeing Konohamaru as if he was the one who had said it. "It’s not fair!”
“Let’s go get you water.” Jun pulled her against his hip, waving to the remaining duo. “See you around soon, Hanabi, Konohamaru.”
“Bye guys! Don’t worry,” Konohamaru said with a grin, “I’ll take care of your beloved teammate.”
“Better!” Eiji called over her shoulder, “don’t call her stupid or ugly! Or gross! I’ll hurt you.”
Konohamaru chuckled as Hanabi turned to him, looking down at their hands. A little smile ghosted her lips as she gazed back up at him and he felt his heart swell at her sweet look—he couldn’t resist leaning down to peck her nose, despite her squeal of protest as she pushed her palm into his face.
Konohamaru spent the rest of the celebration following Hanabi around like a puppy. Despite Udon teasing him, he couldn’t help it. He reasoned he should keep her company. Plus, she was getting free food and drinks. That was reason enough, right?
“Think you can win that one?” He glanced up as she pointed to a large tiger that was unnaturally colored with pink and black stripes. “For Hima.”
“Oh yeah, definitely,” he laughed, flexing his muscles, “just stand back, little lady.”
“You are such a goof,” she mumbled with a smile as the person behind the stand handed him three free balls.
All three bounced out of the bin. He scowled at the man behind the stand, who was chuckling at him. “You’re gonna tell me a jōnin can’t sink those balls? This is totally rigged, man.” The man shrugged. “I’m former Anbu—I could do this with my eyes closed—"
“Konohamaru, quit it." She shoved him out of the way before fishing into her robes for her coin pouch. "How much to just buy it outright?”
“Hold on.” The man tilted his head. “You’re Hanabi Hyūga right? No payment necessary.” The man used a stick to prod the tiger off into her arms. “Go on and take it.”
“Seriously?!” Konohamaru gaped at them as Hanabi beamed up at him.
“Thank you, thank you.” Hanabi bowed, hugging the tiger to her chest. "Let’s see if we can find Hima.”
“Garbage,” he mumbled under his breath as he followed her. He spent so much of his life trying to distance himself from the Honorable Grandson title to be seen as a great shinobi in his own right, but he couldn’t help but feel just a little jealous of her seemingly heightened status. He shrugged it off.
He’d just have to become Hokage, of course. Then maybe she’d be wife of the Hokage. He chuckled to himself at the thought. Gods, if people knew, they’d probably think he was just copying Naruto’s entire life. He tried not to think about it like that. It wasn’t his fault he was the Third’s grandson and Naruto was the Fourth’s son. There was probably some good reason in the stars that Konohamaru had always been drawn to Naruto, it wasn’t his choice. Maybe something about destiny or fate, whatever the difference was.
They managed to find Boruto, who was desperately still trying to win at a stand. Hanabi shoved it into his arms and directed him to find Himawari, who gave her thanks before taking off.
“That was nice of you,” he commented as she led them through the crowd. He eyed her hand and decided to grab it, justifying that they were trying not to lose one another. She looked over her shoulder at his hand and he admired her shocked little expression. He gave her his lop-sided smile and the way she gave in despite herself made him feel warm inside. “Where we goin’ now?”
“Getting a good spot for the fireworks, of course,” she laughed, tugging him closer to her. “I was so disappointed when Kakashi didn’t have any for his inauguration.” He chuckled as he thought back to how Hanabi had threatened Naruto with violence if he decided to forgo the fireworks. “It’s the best part.”
“Yeah?” he asked with amusement, “you’re the best part?”
“Yep." she nodded, turning forward. "You disagree?”
“Not at all.”
Her namesake fit her so incredibly well. He wondered if her father knew it when she was born.
Speaking of her father…
He felt her hand tear from his just as he ran into her back, having been lost in thought.
He looked down at the older Hyūga, immediately bowing. “Lord Hiashi.”
“Ah, Hanabi, perfect." He ushered her away from Konohamaru, and he felt a little irritated by the action. Probably the booze. “There’s a few people you need to speak with.”
“Right now?” He watched as her face fell. "The fireworks…”
“It won’t take long.” He silenced her and Konohamaru had never felt this level of annoyance with the elder. She looked over her shoulder at him, mouthing ‘sorry’ and he shook his head, letting her know he was fine.
He felt sorry for her.
So he trailed behind them, watching Hanabi be pushed into dignitaries and effortlessly fall into conversation with them. He lifted his beer to his lips as he watched her.
She’d get to see the fireworks. He’d make sure of it.
When all of the lights dimmed in preparation for the show, he dashed over to her and grabbed her by the waist, leaping with her to the nearest rooftop.
“Konohamaru!” she gasped, stumbling as he set her down, looking up at him with wide eyes. "My father—”
“Blame me.” He cracked open a can of beer and shoved it in her hands. “I can take a little Hyūga anger.”
She paused to look up at him and he grinned at what he could only describe as a look of awe.
It was his turn to keep her on her toes. Wordlessly, he turned towards the lake they were to be shot off from and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, tugging her into him. He took a drink of his beer to calm his nerves, relieved when she relaxed against him and tucked her arm around his waist.
They watched the fireworks, together.
She knew she should have expected his eagerness as the night wound down.
But nothing could prepare her for the absolute vigor he acted with after she had given him one of her signature teases, “Lord Eighth.”
He didn’t give her that usual lop-sided grin, roll his eyes, tease her back. No, his eyes went dark and she wasn’t sure she'd ever seen such a deep amount of lust in them. This big ball of sunshine she loved so much, looking like he’d swallow her whole if she let him.
She found herself being dragged unashamedly through the dwindling crowd. People passed out drunk surrounded them, singing and dancing, a few kids remaining with their laughter filling the air. Konohamaru didn’t seem to notice, he was laser focused, and she knew where they were going.
She decided to let it happen.
Perhaps it was the booze clouding her judgement. But it could just be all of the endorphins that were flooding her every sense of being from the events of the day.
So when she found herself pinned against a wall in his apartment, she tried her best to match his energy.
“You’re so sexy,” he mumbled against her skin after he pulled her hair back to lock his lips on it. “Been watching you—wanting you all day.”
“Even when you were up there?” she teased breathily, letting her hands wander under his robes, tugging the shirt underneath up. His hands freely explored her as well, shoving her robes off her shoulders along with her shirt.
“Mhm,” he agreed, one hand hiking her skirt up, causing a little gasp, “all damn day.” She giggled as he pulled her panties down without her skirt and fumbled to unhook his own belt. Seemed he really couldn’t wait. The entire time, his lips never left her skin. “And thank you for not bandaging yourself today.”
“Who says I did it for you?” she continued teasing him. It was intentional on her part, and he knew it. She glanced down as he pulled himself out, springing to attention. Her breath hitched. She wondered if she’d ever get over seeing him in all his glory like this. Younger Hanabi would call her every curse in the book if she knew what they got up to now.
“Don’t care.” He hooked his hands under her thighs and shoved her forcefully against the wall. "Do you need me to…?”
“No,” she breathed. Something about the way he behaved when he was desperate for her turned her on beyond belief, she knew she was soaking already. “At least take off the shirt,” she huffed, grabbing at the seam to pull it apart, ignoring his chuckle as she bit her lip, taking in the sight of him. She didn’t think it was fair for him to be the only one who got a good look—she never missed an opportunity to drink in his muscular frame.
“Like what you see, princess?” She finally dragged her eyes up from his chest to meet his playful smirk, disguising that lust she knew was coursing through him. She ran her hands up to loop her arms around his neck, nodding.
Breathily, she responded, “very much.” She tightened her arms around him to help hold her up, one hand reaching and tugging his headband off of his forehead to drop next to them. One of his hands pulled from her leg to align himself with her. She tightened her legs around his waist and let out a deep sigh as she sunk on top of him.
“Gods.” He gave a haggard groan, forehead pressing against hers as he bottomed out in her. She was always surprised she could take him in so readily, now. “You were so gorgeous today, Hanabi,” he sighed as he pulled her back up, smashing his lips against hers.
She moaned against them as he started bouncing her on top of him. Even the slight pain of her back scratching against the wall couldn’t make her feel any less euphoric—it might have even contributed to it. When he let up for breath, she decided to stroke his ego, too. “Too bad you didn’t get to keep—aah—that Hokage robe—you looked sexy in it.”
“Keep talking like that and I’ll finish too soon,” he murmured against her lips. His thrusts quickened and her moans fell from her lips readily. She felt that familiar bundle of energy gathering in her core as he lifted one leg a little higher, stroking that gummy spot inside her. “There?”
“Yes—yes—” she cried, digging her nails into his scalp as she felt herself involuntarily clenching around him.
“There you go,” he whispered affectionately against her cheek, his thrusts unyielding, “that’s it…”
His comforting words really did help. She couldn’t help but feel a little shy whenever she experienced an orgasm, but he would always relentlessly pull it out of her. “Kono—ohh—gods—”
“Me too—” he choked out, forehead pressing against hers, and just as he did, he stilled inside of her.
Despite feeling high off the orgasm, she still felt the need to tease him, “you better not ruin my skirt.”
“Screw the skirt,” he huffed, dipping back in to lay kisses along her neck.
“I thought you said I looked sexy today?” she questioned playfully, leaning to give him better access.
“Doesn’t matter what you’re wearing.” He trailed up to her ear. "You always look fucking hot.”
“Ah!” she gasped involuntarily, feeling a shiver shake her. He groaned at the feeling, and she felt him twitching inside of her. She released a longing sigh, leaning in to place a kiss on his jaw. “You’re so vulgar, Kono.”
“Sorry for telling the truth,” he mumbled almost irritably and she wondered how she could find him so cute despite it.
“Alright, take me to the bathroom,” she commanded, and he smirked against her skin.
“Yes ma’am.”
Was it completely corny for him to get so turned on by her calling him Lord Eighth? Yeah, probably. Some people would probably call him a little twisted, but goddamn. All he’s ever wanted was to become Hokage, and her. If he could have both, he’d die a happy man.
When she emerged from the bathroom, fully clothed and freshened, he beckoned her. “Don’t go.”
“Hmm,” she hummed, swaying over to him. He grabbed her hand and forced her down. "But if I don’t go, what if they wonder where I am?”
“Who cares,” he huffed, gathering her against him, “let them wonder. I want you in my bed tonight.”
“Yeesh.” She placed a palm to keep a little distance, but her eyes told him she was enjoying it. "Like I said, needy.”
“Just for you,” he replied, honestly, rolling over so she was on top of him, legs stacked on either side of him. He ran his hands down to her hips and started massaging circles into them. “Want me to beg? I’m not ashamed to.”
“Oh please!” she laughed, slapping at his chest with that beautiful smile still on her lips.
“Begging a goddess is nothing to scoff at,” he continued his relentless praise that made her entire body go red. It was a state of her he selfishly loved, just for him. “Pretty please? I’ll make you breakfast in the morning, help you with your inevitable hangover.”
Again, she hummed, lowering so their chests would press against each other. “How can I say no to that?”
“You can’t, I’m too irresistible.” He grinned, leaning up to capture her lips.
He really didn’t know how he got this lucky. But he knew not to question it. He just hoped he could keep her, forever.
They laid in silence for a moment after breaking away, her head resting against his chest, and his mind was slowly clearing. He sighed as Udon’s words from earlier came back to him. He had to be honest with her. “I need to tell you something.”
“Better not be something stupid,” she mumbled against his chest as he stroked her hair, “like going back to Anbu or something.”
“No, no,” he chuckled, twirling a strand of hair in his fingers. "Uhm…Moegi knows, too.”
“Mmmph…” she mumbled and he sighed a little breath of relief at her less than angry response. “Eiji and Jun, too.”
“Yeah, I figured,” he laughed, “probably for a while.”
“And…Naruto, too, I think.”
That’s when she drew herself from him, squinting at him disapprovingly. He smiled sheepishly as she reached up to squeeze his cheeks with one hand, puckering his lips. “You damn brat.”
“Hey!” he said defensively as her nails dug into his skin. “I didn’t tell him! Just, you know…”
“Ugh,” she groaned, pushing his face into the pillow, “it’s your fault!”
“How can you blame it all on me?!” he laughed, grabbing the hand that was bullying him, “fifty fifty, Hanabi.”
“Whatever,” she huffed childishly, and he really couldn’t get enough of it.
Couldn’t get enough of her. “Would it be so bad if people knew?”
“You’re doing this now?”
“Yes, Konohamaru. It would be bad if people knew.”
He sighed, their playful banter quickly fizzling out with his question. “Alright, alright. I don’t wanna ruin the night.”
“Good boy.” She patted his cheek, laying back down. “I like it when you’re quiet, anyway.”
“Now that’s just not true,” he retorted.
She simply hummed in response and they fell back into silence as he mindlessly combed his fingers through her hair.
Anytime he brought up the idea of attempting to be a real, public couple, she always shot him down swiftly like this. And he always let her, because he was afraid she’d leave. He wasn’t totally sure if that was healthy, but he chose not to dwell on it too much. Like he’s thought so many times before, he was perfectly fine with being crazy for her.
Still, he had to admit it was a little painful, every time.
He pulled his head back to look at her when he heard a cute little grunt from her. She’d fallen asleep. He pushed down his negative thoughts and smiled, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.
Hanabi woke to the smell of food wafting into the room. She reached up to rub her eyes, blinking them open to reveal Konohamaru’s room. He must’ve been making her breakfast, like he promised.
An annoying voice in her head told her to sneak out his window and take off quietly. She fought against it, because she knew it’d be painful for him to find his room empty. And selfishly, she wanted to see him.
She shuffled out of the bed, pulling her hair behind her ears as she made her way out the door. She had to smile, finding him shirtless standing at the stove, working on food. She took a moment to take him in. His body was impressive, and she never missed a chance to soak it in. An involuntary giggle left her as she thought back to that jōnin test mission, when they ran into him and Udon essentially naked, about to enter the spa. She had been so unbelievably embarrassed. What their 17-year-old selves would think if they could see them now. She could never have imagined him being so casually half-dressed around her, but she couldn’t complain. She’d have to leave soon, so she figured she should take advantage of it.
Her giggle caused him to turn around, silly grin taking over his features as he set his eyes on her. She offered him a warm smile back. Genuine.
“Almost done!” he declared as she approached him from behind, sliding her hands around his waist to hug him from behind. “How’re you feeling?”
“Fine, actually.” She just realized she didn’t have a pounding headache like she normally did after drinking. She added, absently “surprisingly.”
“We did eat a ton of food,” he reasoned, glancing down at her hands wandering over his chest. He chuckled as he set a spatula down then grasped the fingers of one of her hands. He continued “probably absorbed all the alcohol or something.”
“Hmm,” she hummed, not really paying attention to his words as she pressed her cheek against his toned back, taking in his scent. She wondered if he had showered after she fell asleep or if she really just enjoyed the way he smelled, earthy and warm, like the smell of lightly burnt woodchips. She pondered if it was weird to enjoy it so much as she traced the muscles on his abdomen. She smiled into his back when she felt him pushing her fingers away.
“As much as I like you touching me, that tickles,” he teased softly and she wiggled her fingers back, resuming their tracing pattern. “Dangerous with the flame on the stove lit, Hanabi.”
“I like living on the edge,” she offered back playfully, pressing her nails into his upper chest.
“Clearly.” With one last kiss against his shoulder blade, she pulled her hands back, stepping away from him. She watched him grab a plate and begin doling out servings, so she took a seat at the bar. “There we go.” He presented her a plate of eggs and rice and she had to laugh. She always knew he was joking when he said he was a master chef. He snapped, “don’t laugh at my amazing cooking!”
“I would never,” she conceded, bowing slightly, “thanks for the food.”
He joined her on the other side and they ate in comfortable silence, though she pondered her next steps.
He always made her feel guilty when he questioned her about their relationship. It was her own fault. She was living in a fantasy, one that she desperately wanted to be real. But when he asked, she always had to face reality. It would be an uphill battle, and if she was gonna do it, she wanted to do it right.
He deserved to know that she wasn’t ashamed, at least.
“Kono…” She started with his nickname, pushing her plate away. He looked up at her expectantly. She rubbed her arm with her thumb. “I do want people to know. You know I’m not…embarrassed or anything, right?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged, looking back down at his food.
“Good…” she sighed, resting her elbows on the bar. “I should probably get back to the compound. Receive my scolding from father.”
“Oh, right,” he chuckled. “Remember, I’ll take the blame.”
“Trust me, you are,” she retorted, smiling up at him. “Thanks again. I’ll just…”
“Hey.” He stopped her as she got up, meeting her stance. “Thanks for the fun day. It really was amazing, with you.”
“Yeah,” she breathed, feeling herself redden. She felt so silly blushing at the simplest compliments. ���I had a lot of fun.”
“Good.” He beamed down at her, walking with her to his door. “I’ll see you soon?”
“Yes.” She nodded, relaxing. She stopped in front of him and leaned up to peck his cheek. “Congratulations on becoming Hokage.”
“Stop that!”
Sorry for the Udon slander. I don’t think he’s ugly, I just think it’s hilarious to think that Moegi calls him ugly and Konohamaru stupid.
Also, “kore” is so hard to translate well (probably why the dub doesn’t even try), and I’m not a huge fan of using Japanese catchphrases in English fics, but I thought it was cute that he accidentally used it disguised as Naruto so I did my best to incorporate that in haha. However, honestly, I’m not a huge fan of Naruto missing his own inauguration, it’s kinda sad. Alas, canon!
Speaking of “kore” does anyone have any good way of translating it? I’m working on a fic about Konohamaru’s parents and I think it’d be really cute to incorporate one of them saying it, like Kushina did dattebane and Naruto dattebayo. Let me know 😊
Look upon this adorable fanart that inspired our star-struck Konohamaru!
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kyusaur · 2 years
I’ve been rewatching Naruto Shippuuden. Simply because the whole anime finally has German synchronization and I can finally watch the whole deal. But I don’t know where I stopped due to that, so I’m rewatching until then.
It feels weirdly nostalgic. The pre-timeskip is definitely more nostalgic and meaningful to me, but Shippuuden is starting to give real follow-up vibes. 
However... I didn’t intend to be taken by nostalgic feelings. I finally want to see the rest of the scenes with Kurama and how the hell all the friendly shenanigans with him developed. The German dub never got that far, it was fucking frustrating. Especially because I always loved that cocky devil attitude of his. 
I was mad for the longest time when I found out. Like, an evil monster degraded to some tsundere. Some... circumstances made me take that personally. Thinking that could not be possible, that it must have been really stupid development.
I never looked deep into it. Always picked up snippets here and there, of people drawing fanart and giving their 2 cents. But I want to change that now. I finally want to see the full development. The complete reasons. The whole interactions. Give me the whole development, the whole story, all the dialogs. It’s frustrating to want that it so badly, but the anime pacing is just so fucking bad.
However... I had read about how Boruto treated him. Since I heard so much bad stuff, I just read the summary on the wiki after reading about his death, which shocked me a lot. 
After so many years. Naruto has been going since my youth. It played a major role in my mental development. Thus reading how they killed off Kurama was devastating. It seemed so pointless. And I’m hoping that some background information from Shippuuden will hopefully make me interested in watching Boruto, maybe. I already know how Shippuuden ends. I know the main plot points throughout the whole show. But I’m still determined to pick up tones that shape up everything more consistently for me. 
Because what I’ve heard so far, I can totally understand the anger toward the development. I just have one major issue with all the voices. They mostly care about the human cast. Yet I also saw that the Bijus do play a major role. And that’s the part that interests me personally more than the human characters, but that I never see discussed much. The Bijus get portrayed with feelings, can speak the human language, and get recognized as a being that deserve similar respect. So why the fuck are they not talked about much? That is something that I’m very much interested in to find out when watching Shippuuden. 
Did they get way less screentime than I’m thinking, because I was so focused on them, thus the content seemed much bigger thanks to the fans? Or do a lot of the fans just completely ignore that matter in favor for the human cast? Or is just a general favor of them being more relatable, because they have human shapes?
I’m not saying that the human cast doesn’t deserve the attention. But I’m of the opinion that the Bijus deserve the same kind of attention, due to their role. 
Due to the lack of attention, I’m prepared ot get disappointed by abadonment of the plotpoint. Or maybe abadonment is a bit too harsh of a word, but to only treat it as the actual stupid plotpoints that I always thought it would.
I want to convince myself that I can still project the development of the co-existence with the Biju into my current life, due to nostalgic feelings. But I’m prepared to be disappointed in that regard. I know it’s a very selfish wish, something that I developed in my own head, thus there’s nothing wrong with it developing differently if the author intended it differently.
However. It should still make sense. The way the Bijus are introduced, they definitely deserve more attention and respect later on. That’s the least I’m hoping for. 
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Silent comformation, that Kawasara might become canon?
I'm totally new to this ship and I might be wrong, but these both images from ch. 58 let me think about the Borusara and Kawasara relationship. If it exists a theory about this scene, then i have to apoligize. But i don't find something about this on tumblr and Twitter. 👀
So every Borusara will say, "OMG! He rescued her! They are in love!"
But in my thougts, that isn't the case, cause in this scene she doesn't blush to Borutos reaction or thinks something like " Boruto...". And it makes sence to me, that he protects Sarada, cause she's one of his team mates and it would be too risky to let one of his team mates get hurt before a fight against Code.
Boruto confirms my believes in this chapter. He asks Kawaki, why he acts flustered? This is because Kawaki is worried (maybe has feelings for her, but that's only my shipping heart 🥺 ), that he will hurt physically Sarada. And we see in this chapter, that Sarada doesn't want to fight against him, cause she will hurt him at his weak state.
Therefore Sarada has an intense eyecontact with Kawaki and i don't think , that she looks to Boruto. Kawasara shared multiple times of these eyecontacts through out the manga and anime and it is comfirmed once, that she's staring at him. It would be too obvious with the Borusara blushing scenes, that this ship will become canon in the end.
2nd Sumire arc was before Borusara content, and we saw, how Boruto acted around Sumire and she already has confessed her love for Boruto towards Sarada and they didn't talk about since then. Sarada is a 2nd Sakura, so she would act jealousy and emotional towards Sumire, if she would love Boruto. But nothing happened. The only reaction is, that she reacts thoughtful between Sumire and Boruto, but this can mean everything. After all Sumire is her friend, too and it could also mean, that Sarada wants to protect Boruto ( Sarada is a better Sakura for me. She protects and is worried for all of her friends and not only one guy), so that Sumire doesn't loose her first love.
The second interesting image is Mitsuki surprised, speachless scene. We know, he's an INFJ and he read the emotions of his friends. It would be a big spoiler, if he said something about this. But he realizes , what happened in front of his eyes between Kawasara and Kawaki's reaction . ( Headcanon for me : Would this happen in adult hood, he would think something like " Oh please! Take a room and fight your issues" 😏 ...). If it would be Borusara or a group content, then he would say something about them or the situation ( what he has done multiple times) . But this isn't the case .
I hope this scene will animated more clearer in the anime.
Update: After the last newest episode Mitsuki followed Kawaki to the docks and observed him. After this happening, Sarada and Mitsuki met again and they had this speach:
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My believes are getting stronger, that we get a confirmation by Mitsuki, that Kawaki and Sarada fall in love in each other.
Excuse me, I hope, you can understand my english, cause it isn't my native language. I hope, you like my theory and thoughts. Maybe I'm delusional and wear only my shipping googles, but this is really noticeable.
I like to discuss about theories and would be happy to read your opinions. Also if you don't share my opinion, i like to read your serious and friendly thoughts.
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ravysu · 3 years
Sannin headcanons and thoughts
The last thing I would like to post for the sannin week. It is still 24.04 here! :D @sannin-central
This is long. Spoiler alert. Mostly Orochimaru, some Tsunade, a little of Jiraiya (because his story is pretty clear and spoken and idk what I can add). Also I recommend to read this meta about Orochimaru, it has influenced me a lot and has some good points. Sorry for any posible grammar mistakes. Also I really should put here a lot of references to the manga or anime but it was something that was piling up for a year and I'm soooooooo lazy. After all, those are just headcanons. Also: Im not excusing Oro's bad stuff here, Im trying to understand the reasons.
Ive already posted some hcs, here, here and here.
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1. First if all, the chronology pic of sannin lifetime based on the info i found on naruto wiki and also some statements about wars from this post. It was tough considering what a mess naruto’s chronology is.
2. Sannin story shows what it cost to be a legend. They're like Team 7 but more realistic. Tsunade literally carried the war but left with nothing and developed a ptsd and have problems to just live on. Also anger control issues. I think she can be pretty bossy and stubborn which is not always nice. Jiraiya is the hero of the day but also very idealistic and can ignore some important details in the real word whether its the fight (he always injured during flashbacks maybe because each time he took too much to handle and on the one hand it's heroistic but on the other is a mistake that can lead your team to situations like in that Iwa cave) or your friends issues (I bet he saw what's going on but thought it's fine until Oro actually got red handed and left). He lives in his world and may have problems to get out to see it through someone else's shoes. As for Orochimaru, it seems like he was a normal guy for 20+ years (I mean, he didn't do crazy criminal shit and had something good in him and it was stated somewhere that it was his teammates influence. It is obvious they considered him as a friend, I don't thinks it was for nothing) but we mostly know his darkest side. Despite being a moster he is a human that have empathy and some ordinary human traits (man just decorates every bit of an environment he is in lol).
3. Tsunade was the leader of team Hiruzen.
4. Tsunade sometimes hit Jiraiya for some stupid things he did or said but never touches Orochimaru even if he did something same. Jiraiya complained about it once and almost got another hit.
5. Jiraiya had problematic parents that didn't care about him much and a lot of time he was wandering in the streets.
6. Judging by the look of Oro bangs and hair, he sometimes cut it off. A stress relief huh? And the fact that he doesn't do it now in Boruto..
7. It was shown that Tsunade and Orochimaru was acknowledged before they become a team. Maybe they did just before, or maybe some longer time before. I prefer the second option and hc that they met because both had no real friends - Orochimaru seemed weird and scary for everyone and Tsunade was Senju so everyone wanted to hang out with her but didn't really care. They weren't seen as what they were - people put the labels on them. But they didn't care about each other's labels and actually saw each other in true lights.
8. Tsunade knew it was an accident and it's not right but still she blamed Orochimaru for Nawaki's death for some time. It was something that seriously damaged their friendship and the team. Orochimaru was mad but also guilty, after all, he was responsible at least as a shinobi since Nawaki was under his watch. So he started to act cold and emotionless and was trying to distance himself from his teammates.
9. Jiraiya was in Ame while Dan died.
10. The whole his orphans mission was a bit irresponsible tbh. They already fought Hanzo and as he stated the conflict between Konoha and Ame is going to an end with Konoha's win. It's weird to stay here for three years in the middle of the war while there were other lands to fight. He left his teammates for some idea. Maybe that caused another crack in their team friendship.
11. If Tsunade would have find a way to live on with her trauma and follow the will of fire and stuff it would affect Orochimaru as well just as her grief affected him. It's like he would get an example that you can live on with this pain. So death isn't above human capability and we are not just the slaves of mortality (sounds stupid but i dont know how else to describe sorry). But as we know what he actually saw is that it broke her crucially to the point she couldnt be herself again. And so the death is above everything.
12. Oro wasn’t just acting as a cold pragmatic bitch in that cave but also tried to save Tsunade. Jiraiya knew it and that’s why he showed this sign to him like "I see what youre doing here" and that stunned Oro because he would prefer to look rather like a cold pragmatic bitch hehe
13. Just a thought. People in the village probably treated Oro as a foreigner or just wouldnt accept him because he looked so differently and had a weird attitude. That's why he sometimes didn't feel that Konoha is his home. After the wars where people were treated as means and tools, even the children, he himself developed this view on people - he dehumanized them and used as the means to his goals, just as his village did. Funny thing some people were straightly dehumanizing him too like Ibiki thought that he was a demon (tho he was a child). And he probably weren't the only one. Anyways the point is that it's logical that Orochimaru don't care about anybody but some few people, he's the product of his era. He's like Naruto that would chose the hatred way. But naruto had some good and understanding people around him and.. Orochimaru had them too, but match how Iruka treated Naruto and this Hiruzen's "I sAw tHe mAliCe in This cHiLd fRoM tHe BegGinNinG". And oro didn't even have a big ass evil fox in him. sry i hate hiruzen
ANYWAYS the moral of the story is not "go criminal if they hurt you" but always treat people like people. Waving my hand to Kant.
14. The reason why Orochimaru didn't pick some good morals to stick with through the hard times no matter what (like, idk, Jiraiya or Naruto) is because 1) I think he is/was pretty depending on people around him 2) the war fucked him and his friends up too much (Nawaki incident + Tsunade) 3) twisted addictions (though I don't think he's that sadistic, we never saw him torturing randoms just for fun, it was always some science experimental shit. He tends to get fun out of cruelty only when it's personal) that maybe developed as a way to sublimate anger and sadness caused by his parents loss (that's what they share with sasuke - unlicke naruto, they knew their parents and it's other kind of pain. Sasuke developed a revenge issue and Orochimaru - cruelty pleasure which... is kinda the same but less epic and more occasional lol).
15. Speaking of that, Orochimaru cared for Sasuke because he saw himself in him.
16. Oro hold grudges against Hiruzen for not choosing him to be Hokage not only because he was ambitious and/or egoistic, but also because Hiruzen was some kind of a father figure for him and his approval was important tho i doubt he was aware of that. He also probably could tell that Hiruzen was suspicios about him when he was a child and that led to many conflicts and was hurting as well.
17. Tsunade knew things weren't pretty with Orochimaru after the wars but she never expected them to be this bad. During the week that she was given in her arc she thought not only about how much she wants to see Nawaki and Dan again despite how wrong would it be but also was trying to bury all the good memories she had left of Orochimaru so it would be easier to kill him.
18. She poisoned Jiraiya exactly because she knew he would not let her do it. Jiraiya was always hesitant to kill and inclined to forgiveness, while Tsunade, as mentioned by Orochimaru, could be merciless (so much so that he was not surprised when Kabuto suggested that she wanted to use Jira for Edo Tensei).
19. That was one of her traits that scared Jiraiya and fascinated Orochimaru.
20. Remember how Oro grabbed Jiraiya's neck when the latter was trying to cover with hair jutsu? On the snake, in Tsnade's arc. Orochimaru could have easily kill Jiraiya by pulling the sword out of the mouth (arteries are right there) but he didn't. As well as he could kill Tsunade when she was still shaking - just aim for the neck or the heart. Instead, he just injured her lung and kicked her which is not a big deal for the kind of shinoby like her at all.. Also he helped Anko not accidentally kill herself but it would be way much profitable to let her do it. "Orochimaru has no feelings".
21. The reason he suddenly wanted to kill Tsunade instead of forcing her to heal his arms as it was planned (which is weird since it will not going to get him heals and he kinda said that he wouldn't want to kill her just minutes ago) is that not only she refused to help him (he thought he could work it out) but she also prefered the village over him (from his point of view). Out if everyone she was the closest to being able to understand him since the village caused her painful losses too but nevertheless she agreed to be on it's side.
22. He wasn't fighting her back in the end partly because he thought he deserved that. Somewhere deep inside hahah.
23. Tsunade got a fear to develop deep bonds so they probably weren't very close with Shizune (also the way she knocked her down in this hotel.. oh).
24. Orochimaru will be here when she'll die.
25. Orochimaru's eng dub to Tsunade: "I often wondered what it would be like to ring that pretty neck yours". No comments.
26. Orochimaru is either bi/pan or ace. Anything or nothing lmao
27. Hiruzen knew about at least some of the Oro’s illegal experiments and was okay just as he was okay with the Foundation all the time. Because it’s useful. Then he has discovered he went too far OR he knew everything and oro just became too inconvenient because of his methods. The way Orochimaru tells Sasuke about reasons they are well treated as the criminals is based on in his experience with Hiruzen.
28. As you may know the lyrics in Orochimaru’s music theme goes “don’t talk with the silence of the heart”. It was taken from one Indian song that also had lines like “don’t question life too much”, ”pain arose somewhere in the chest”, “don’t speak to the wounds of the heart”. Though I’m not sure 100% because I was translating it with some hindi dictionary with like zero knowledge of hindi
29. I like to think that this “silence of the heart” theme and the fact that he called his village a hidden sound village are somehow connected. The hidden sound is the possible explanation of all things waiting to be listened to but the truth is silent and you know it deep in your heart and it bothers you. The world is silent just like the life is meaningless but people can only hear. *Sigh* anyways
30. Orochimaru’s journey is the one about accepting death. When he saw Karin released her chains while was trying to get to Sasuke he understood that the death is a part of human’s strength.
Can’t wait to feel that everything I wrote is wrong or not enough or stupid and obvious lol. Anyways, it’s something that I wanted to share until I move to some other fandom.
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So I’m the anon that asked if Sakura had orphanages, thanks for the extra insight. Like I said in that ask, I had seen a lot of Sakura stans on TikTok saying that she had opened them up around the world and saying that she did it because she didn’t want other kids to end up like Naruto and Sasuke. Some said that this made up for the Sakura talking bad about Naruto being an orphan situation.
Hello! your welcome! Yeah it's from Sakura Hiden, at least in retsuden and shikamaru hiden this topic is not there. I read it very quickly -is bad written, very basic, as all the light novels are tho-
these are the fragments of the novel
--------------- "Ah, that's true." Sakura nodded as well.
At the Konoha hospital, Sakura had created a position where she was especially in charge of the mental care of children. Sakura proposed the idea to the senior officials of the hospital. Approximately two years ago, the Fourth Great Ninja World War had ended. When half a year passed after conflict, she then she presented her suggestion.
It was a great war ... Ninjas from all over gathered in an alliance to prevent the resurrection by Otsutsuki Katipoa. She was an exceedingly powerful enemy. Often they thought that they would have been drawn into the depths of despair. But nevertheless, with Naruto In the heart of the Allied Forces, they could neither break nor yield to the enemy. They had fought until the bitter end. Katipoa's aspirations were cut short.
Everyone rejoiced at the arrival of peace. The world was saved. Soon after, rebuilding began after such a large-scale battle. They were making progress by repairing damaged soil and infrastructure.
As a medical ninja, Sakura also treated a large number of injured ninja. There was also many people who suffered serious injuries. Many people visited her for treatment. Without However, all of her patients' expressions were calm and quiet. Since the war finished, it was probably because of her sense of security.
Sakura thought incidentally:
"I wonder what the children are doing ...
She thought about it while she was in the hospital. Sakura noticed Kurenai, who was hugging her daughter. As for the children who were not directly involved in the combat, perhaps they were physically unharmed. However, what about his mental condition? Since the children did not know when the war would end, their young and tender hearts were probably stressing about your situation. Children saw countries in a state of collapse, or they knew of the death of someone close to them. Perhaps they were full of wounded in their hearts and minds.
Due to the stress of the great war, there were children whose hearts and minds were wounded by the situation. There should be children who were suffering like those in Konoha. If that is the case, with the prepared infrastructure of the mental care clinic, and in addition to increasing its effectiveness in Konoha, then your work should be applicable to other villages. In how many for the other villas, it would be extremely useful for your children.
―If only the Children's Mental Health Clinic and the support room could become what Naruto is for Sasuke, for other people ... "Sakura thought.
A place where anyone could come and go as they wanted, talk about anything and everything. Yes the person was bad with words, he was good too. Then the members of the room support would try to start and lead the conversation so that something, anything, could be talked about, or just wait patiently until the other party feels like she can say something. A place like that.
This is the Mental Hospital she WITH INO want to open for the children with mental issues regarding the horrible war. Which yeah i found it wonderful, but Sakura -maybe INo- hasnt got any kind of skill about Psychology and never even dared to care or put some emphaty towards orphans such as Naruto, Gaara or Sasuke. The only time I remember her thinking "Maybe this is how Naruto feels" is in Road to Ninja.
For example, here if you want to apply for being volunteer to take care and play with children in a orphanage, you have to be interviewed and take a psychological test. Because you are dealing with CHILDREN.
Anyway, this hospital doesnt have the "option" to adopt children or something like that so it's far from being an orphanage. And it's not across the world either. The Sakura portrayed here is the one all of her fans desire to be but isnt because her personality is far from being this kind of person.
Could she evolve? Yeah maybe sure, but with a lot of work and development. Development we didnt see here in Naruto nor in Boruto.
And i will rant with this a bit but this really fucked me up.
Lately how are you with Hinata? Better than me, she would listen to you carefully.
-How jealous?
Sakura returned with tremendous speed and slammed her fist into Naruto's head. Sakura with an appearance of a demon looked at Naruto who now rested his face on a rock.
-Of course not! You know I decided to wait for Sasuke-kun!
-Y… Yes ma'am.
Naruto replied still lying.
What did you decide to wait for, homegirl? Because i dont get it. He rejected you almost 5 times (not only love confessions but also your flirting advances) and you "decided to wait for him!". This basically means for me, that she is gonna force him until he "falls in love" with her, because the only thing sasuke said in 699 was "until next time" and that's a quote with the meaning itachi used to give. There wasnt next time, Sasuke went on his journey. -and this "cherry blossom" decided to chase him, and get pregnant because of course she had to get uchihas dick and crest. What do you want to wait for? Did Sasuke give any foreshadowing about coming back for your love? No.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Do you think Naruto misunderstood Hinata in the Chunin Exam arcs? From an outsider's perspective, I guess it would seem to him that she was taking a stand against her stated weakness and fighting Neji to prove that she too could be strong. But in reality, it was all about 'naruto-kun' again. If Hinata truly felt bad about her helplessness or had any ambition to get stronger, shouldn't her mentor have acknowledged it in her monologue? Or we at least hear something from her like- ' I understand you, brother Neji. And the fact that I am so weak- it frustrates me.' Or see ONE panel of her training? She basically kept on fighting/ getting beaten by Neji because Naruto-kun was watching and she couldn't give up if she wanted him to notice her. That's also why she stole his words. Because- "I never go back on my word...' What was your word? Getting pathetically beaten half to death by your oppressed prodigy cousin who clearly gave you many chances to forfeit so you don't get hurt? The whole blood oath scene seemed cringey because Naruto did that because he assumed Hinata was also a slave of weakness like him and mainly he wanted to prove Neji wrong. Do you think Naruto would still fight for Hinata and say he liked "people like her' if he knew what was going on in her head?
First off, Sorry to burst your Bubble, Anon..... As you very well know that I hate this rat.... Having said that,
If Hinata truly felt bad about her helplessness or had any ambition to get stronger, shouldn't her mentor have acknowledged it in her monologue?
Or see ONE panel of her training?
Kurenai, her mentor, did though.... And Hinata was shown to be training hard in one of the Panel...
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"You used to always be a quitter... But you began to try and change yourself... I know better than anyone the tough training you put yourself through"
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So there are panels which showed that she was trying to change, she trained hard and her mentor acknowledged that she changed a bit!!!!
Do you think Naruto would still fight for Hinata and say he liked "people like her' if he knew what was going on in her head?
I still think he would fight for her... He is a person who could forgive Obito and fought for him by slashing off Kaguya's arm. Naruto, not fighting for Hinata would look like OOC!!
Basically Naruto wasn't any different from Hinata in this Aspect... Naruto was also motivated by Sasuke's acknowledgement and trained very to face him in the Chunin Exams...
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Even he developed Rasen-Shuriken by constantly keeping Sasuke in his mind. So, It wouldn't be fair if we all say Naruto was right and Hinata was extremely wrong, you know.
My issue with this girl lies in her Confession in Chunin Exams and her entire existence in Part 2.
I, even, mentioned this in a recent post.... 3 years have passed... Everyone who admired Naruto in Part 1 has shown immense progress in their skills. Say, Gaara and Konohamaru. Gaara wanted to be like Naruto and he did ended up being acknowledged by everyone in his Village. Konohamaru can able to make Rasengan and killed Pain. But this girl remained that same Useless, Selfish, Insensitive, Guilt-Tripping and Pathetic person who will always be a burden to people around her. She didn't change even in the Boruto movie.
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seeyoudarling · 3 years
My random chaotic thoughts while watching Boruto
I haven’t bothered to follow Boruto, only when there were Uchiha Family moments. But I’ve found Boruto on Netflix and it isn’t that bad. I find the interactions between the Genins cute :)
I love Sarada so much 🥺 she really comes after both of her parents (I feel like mostly the positive traits of them). I love her friendship with Chocho. Their friendship is so supportive and understanding. I really love Chocho, too! (Chouji and Karui are a random couple but that’s so Kishimoto-esque. The gentle Chouji and the though Karui… 😌)
On the first look the new Gen seemed like Konoha 9 rebooted but new InoShikaCho have a different dynamic than their parents had. Boruto is different to naruto but doesn’t resemble Sasuke either :)
I also like the relationship of Sarada an Boruto. Childhood friends, rivals and understanding each other’s daddy issues. Admiring the other ones father while trying to understand their own.
Mitsuki is Mitsuki. Precious little Mitsuki 🥺 Inojin is hilarious af and obviously the child of his parents but still a character of his own 😂😂😂 did I mention that I love supportive husband Sai Yamanaka?!
I am mostly not ready to ship these Babies but I’d love if Mitsuki really ended up with Chocho xD
I also like shikadai and Boruto‘s friendship :) (especially when the underlying competition between them came through during chunin exams which is pretty normal I guess)
Another precious person: Himawari🥺 she appears to have naruto‘s charm and we know how charming the MC of a 15years running manga is ;) I think it’s cute that Naruto is protective of her and she seems to be his little girl but I totally see her kicking some a**es when she’s older with Hyuga Clan special Jutsus with a chaotic take on that xD
I love how Sasuke advises and guides Boruto. He gets him because he grew up with parents and felt neglected by his father too. I think Sasuke is a wise sensei :o he does meaningful things and guides Sara und Boru well. (Maybe besides the fact that he took Boruto with the Kages to rescue Naruto and Boruto got the Karma because he let him attack Momoshinki but otherwise Boruto wouldn’t have an interesting plot would it?) I also like the way he has trust in Boru and Sara and doesn’t patronize them. He trains them, is strict and honest. I’m dangerous situations he takes over when they are overpowered but doesn’t withhold them from these situations. In this way they can learn a lot more with him spring to step in.
I am such a Sarada fan! Hope she will appear in more episodes/ chapters and take on an important role. I’d love to see her become hokage but it has to feel earned. Sarada turned out so perfekt.. I’d try for another xD no sorry jokes aside. I also love her design and her attitude/ body language. She is not just a Sakura with dark hair or a Sasuke as a girl. Really a blend of her parents :O I see both of them in her. She’s so strong willed and determined but also so sweet and warm with her friends. And I love her geekiness. She seems to read and research a lot 🥺
It’s always a feast to see the old Senseis. Sensei Huy especially 🥺 so I am glad for these Episodes of Boruto.
I guess the pacing is annoying even when you stream. Can’t imagine watching week to week 😬
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