#loce these creatures so much
ask-the-fairies · 4 years
Main 8: what’s your favorite story that you’ve heard at Fairy Tale Theater?
"That's easy! I'm biased still; I love hearing the story of the lost treasure! Partially because I lived it!"
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"I love the story called The 7 Brothers. It's about 7 brothers who live and hunt together in the woods, and one day they are confronted by a King, who tells them whoever shoots an arrow nearest to his daughter shall have her as his bride and be king himself someday. The king has hidden her in the forest somewhere, so each brother shoots 1 arrow in whichever direction they believe her to be. The youngest brother, Viktor, is also the weakest of the brothers, but the kindest. His brothers mock him when his arrow does not go far. The princess hears them, and places herself beside the youngests arrow, and he and her fall in love and be married! I just think it's a nice story!"
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"I don't go the theatre alot, but I do remember a nice story about a group of pirates who become shipwrecked on a lost island, and discover a lost civilization, and they have a chance to save this civilization and turn their lives around. I forgot what it was called though."
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"At our theatre in Winter Woods, I was told a story about 2 sisters. One was born with ice powers, the other not. But an accident almost killed the normal sister, and so a spell was placed on her to heal her that made her forget her sisters powers too. The story was about sisterhood, and being comfortable with yourself, as well as love and sacrifice. In the end, the sisters are the best of friends again!"
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"The ugly bride! It's about a beautiful princess, who is loced by a cruel king. She rejects his advances, and he turns her into a hideous frog. The only way to turn back into a princess is to earn the love of a prince. A prince in a nearby kingdom is being forced to find a bride, and while on a walk one day, meets the frog princess. She tells him that if he marries her, she shsll make him proud and happy. Afraid his father will force him to marry someone else, he marries the frog princess. His brothers and their wives mock and ridicule him for it, and he becomes embarassed. The frog princess continues to reassure him. The king, decides it is time to choose an heir, and so puts his sons up to several tasks to please him, and their wives. The first task he gives the wives, is to make him a splendid meal. The frog princess works all night alone, and somehow makes a beautiful, delicious meal that outdoes the other 2 wives. The second night, the king orders the women to design him a new outfit, and once again, the frog princess makes a costume fit for a king. The last night, the king asks the women to weave him a tapestry. The frog princess weaves all night under the moon, and creates the most beautiful tapestry in the kingdom. The king is pleased with the frog princess, as is her prince husband. He admits he underestimated her abilities and kindness, and plans a ball to show how proud he is of her. That night, at the ball, a beautiful woman appears before everyone, and reveals that she is indeed the frog princess. The curse lifted, the king declares that she and her husband shall rule next, and they live happily ever after."
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"I've always loved the story of the lake fairy. One day, a poor woodcutter was chopping wood to sell by a lake one day, and he lost his grip on his axe and it fell into the lake. The lake was very deep, amd he could not swim. As he sat by the shore thinking of how he could not afford another axe, a beautiful water fairy appeared to him, and asked him why he was so sad. When he told her of his lost axe, she offered to get it for him, and she dipped below the water. When shr returned, she had a shimmering, solid silver axe. What a fortune it was worth! He could feed his family for many seasons with that axe. But it was not his, and he told the fairy the truth. She dipped below the water once again, and returned with another axe, this one solid gold. He would never have to sell wood again with that axe! But it was not his, and he told her the truth. She once again dipped into the lake, and this time returned eith his rightful, trusty axe. He was delighted, and she delivered it to him. She told him that because he had told her the truth about the other 2 axes, he could have them too. And so the man returned home with all three axes, and was able to leave his job behind for a better future with his family. It's a sweet story!"
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"My favourite story is the one about the little girl and the stream. One day, there was a kind little girl named Lucy, who lived in a shack with her cruel and lazy mother, and cruel and lazy sister. After supper, the mother told Lucy to fetch some water by the stream so they could wash. And so down to the stream she went to get water. An old woman appeared, and asked if she could have some of her water to drink, as she was old and frail and was afraid of falling in the stream. Lucy happily obliged, and let her drink as much water as she wanted. The old woman thanked her after, and told her that because she was so kind and sweet, she shall be rewarded every time she spoke. Lucy trudged back to the house, where her impatient mother asked her what took her so long. But when Lucy began to speak, pearls and small jewels began to fall from her mouth. After hearing of the old woman, the mother ordered the other sister to fetch water from the stream, and to be kind to the old woman so she too could have riches fall from her mouth. The cruel sister went down to the stream, but saw no old woman. Instead, a beautiful young woman approached her, and asked for some of her water. The cruel sister refused, telling her to get it herself, and told her to get lost. The beautiful woman told her she was nasty and vile, and so from now on her words would produce nasty and vile creatures. The cruel sister ran back to the house, where her mother was eager to know what happened. When she tried to tell her story, snakes and frogs came from her mouth instead! Little Lucy ran away, and lived a life of luxury from her jewels always practicing kindness to those around her. The cruel mother and sister lived their days in filth and misery, surrounded by frogs and snakes."
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"I don't really do the theatre, but if I had to choose a story, it's the minotaur and the maze. It's about 2 warring kingdoms. The son of King Rolf was killed in the country of King Julius, and King Rolf blamed Julius, and ordered that every 3 years, 12 random citizens from King Julius's country would be forced aboard a ship bound for his own. These 12 people would then be locked in a maze meant to trap a violent minotaur, as sacrifices. Of they survived through the night, they would be taken back to their country and set free. No one had ever lived till dawn. As the time came to pick which citizens of his country would be chosen, King Julius's own son, Xavier, volunteered himself. He thought that perhaps if he were to die, then King Rolf would stop his madness for good. King Julius reluctantly agreed, and the prince boarded the ship bound to King Rolf's country. When the prisoners arrived, King Rolf was delighted to see the prince among them. King Rolf's daughter, Helena, was present as well. Prince Xavier boldly declared that he would spend the night alone in the maze and kill the minotaur himself. If he prevailed, King Rolf would never again take innocent people from his country. King Rolf agreed, feeling that the death of his enemies son would be justice enough for his own sons death. The other prisoners were held in a cell together, while Prince Xavier waited for nightfall in a cell of his own. Just an hour before dark, Princess Helena came to his cell in secret. She offered to help him and his countrymen escape, believing her father cruel and vengeful. He turned down the kind offer, knowing if he fled King Rolf's bloody reign would continue. So Princess Helena gave him a long spool of golden thread, so he may tie one end to a rock in the maze, so he may not get lost. Surprised by her kindness and good heart, Prince Xavier promised he would succeed. And so that night, he was locked in the labyrinth, with his hidden thread and knife. He tied one of ge string ends to a rock, and began to explore the dark, mysterious maze. It was not long before the minotaur smelled the prince, and began to attack. The prince slashed the minotaurs eyes, as to blind him, then killed and beheaded the beast. Morning came, and to King Rolf's astonishment, Prince Xavier came out of the maze virtually unscathed, who threw the head of the fallen minotaur at his feet. Unable to back out of his agreement, King Rolf ordered the release of the other prisoners, and promised on paper that no other people shall be taken anymore. Prince Xavier was pleased, but owed his success to Princess Helena. He then demanded Princess Helena's hand in marriage as a sign of unity between the two countries. Princess Helena happily agreed, and so with their marriage, the two countries were able to live on peace."
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Thanks for the ask!
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pseudomantis · 5 years
i loce the ocean so much and slso the creatures rhat live in it its all so beautiful and gorgeous it deserves to live forever
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uwulix · 6 years
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It’s midnight and since i’m feeling soft i’ll just rant about how much i love my mutuals
Prepare for cringe and a lot of “I love yous”
(also i’m writing this on my phone and i’d much rather put a read more or whatever it’s called option i’m sorry it’s late i can’t function and this will probably be the longest post i’ve ever made)
and also the bolding and italics mean nothing it’s for decoration only so if i forgot to put it somewhere i’m sorry it means nothing ajsks and it’s also not in a particular order i love you all equally💕
@seouljinn JAEEEE my bub omfndjsjdj where do I get started I’m pretty sure I talk to you every day and I generally love talking to you and I can’t quite fit into words HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU AND WISH YOU TO BE HAPPY AND YOU’RE AN ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING💓
@likem8stopprocrastinating ALLY ugh I love talking to you and you’re so special and beautiful AND AND you’re one of the first people I talked to on here and the timezones are messed up sjsjs but I really love you so much and I hope you’re happy💚
@strayedtoofar CHARLOTTE you’re absolutely amazing and incredibe and I want to thank you so much because before you talked to me I was too scared too approach anyone but you messaged me and I really appreciate talking to you and I love you💝
@stray-keeds-in-yo ALI my dear cult buddy I love you so much and I wish we could meet one day and actually make a cult with our satanic dolls and rats and I appreciate you so so much🖤
@s0ftminho MARIA MY LOVE I love you so much and I never get bored of talking with you you’re an absolute sweetheart and I love you so much aND AND I LOVE YOU❤
@kim-squishmin DAWN aah you’re such an amazing person and sweet and caring :’( I love you so much and I crack up at your quotes also Flopsy is the cutest bunny ever 💜
@ch1ms FAE we started talking a short time ago but you’re amazing?? And I love you?? And I’d love to talk to you more??💙
@memelordfelix Z OH MY GOD I love you sooo soooo much and love talking to you jajsjsjs also i know i’m late but congratulations on you and dino getting married 💛
@hey-hey-chan KRIS ngl at first I was lowkey intimidated by you before I first started talking to you BUT then I realized you’re just a small fluffbal and ily💘
@felixdabs LUIZA MULTITALENTED QUEEN I didn’t talk to you in a while but I love your blog and you’re a VERY nice and wonderful person and I love you💗
@strayboys PHOEBE ugh you’re too positive and happy for your own good istg you’re such a sunshine and you SPREAD POSITIVITY EVERYWHERE and i love you💛
@seobangchan I have nothing to say except that I hope the Jaegoat is doing well and that the goats will rise along with our cult 💛
@minboondles RACHEL aah I remember you helping me and calming me down when I has to recite that stupid poem which I DIDN’T sadly and that meant so much to me and I really hope we talk more in the future💟
@pwark-jisung LAURA. You’re my whole world I love you so much Yuta does too and I love our small conversations jajyjsjsb you’re amazing and ily💝
@hyucksmay MAY HONEY I love you so much and you’re just precious and I want to talk more with you and I love you so does Hyuck❤
@felixmahdork LOU ajsjsjjs you told me you were intimidated by me and I’m still sad about that and i lowkey wanted to message you before but i was too shy sjsjsj ily🖤
@busanjeongin AAH CHEWY We didn’t talk that much but I’d honestly love to talk to you more aksksk💟
@seungjilix MARI we also didn’t talk that much but I’d love to because you seem so fun and ADORABLE and ajsjsj💝
@pleasantsandwichfan SIMRAH WE ARE THE DANCING LEGENDS aah I swear I could talk to you for hours?!?!? Also I hope you’re asLEEP and I love you so much💘
@cocacolamemebois LAUREN we also started talking not so long ago but I’ve been stalking you for a long time and decided to approach you and no I’m not a creep 💖
@concerned-canadian LUCY ajsjjsja YOU TALENTED LITTLE CREATURE i love you so much and i’d love to talk to you more💕
@astraykidsdaydream KAITLIN jajsjsj I love your writing you’re so talented!! Again, I’d loce to talk to you more and get to know you💟
@9straysunflowers DANIIII we also didn’t talk that much but I’d love to!💟
@goddamngyu ESTHER MY FRIEND kskdkd I love talking to you and you’re generally funny a walking meme I say and I love you💖
@strayykiddos ELISA aah hajdjsh I love you so much and If things don’t work out for me I’m flying over and we’re making a small café in the middle of France
OKAY so it’s 1.50am now and this took me an HOUR and more to write,,, but I want you all to know that I love you so soo much and that you mean the world to me and that I’m lucky to have you in my life!💕💕
Even if we’re not mutuals, feel free to message me and talk to me or tell me about your day!!
Some blogs I’d love to talk to but am lowkey too shy to:
@1longassride @straycuties @tuandidas @officialchangbin @pinkchangbin @itsmeflora @whos-brian @straykidszodiac @a-hoe-for-felix-freckles @ohmyspearb @stray-kids-stuff @straykiddosmom @9equals1 ignore this please
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readsbymoonlight · 4 years
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Book: Clover
Author: Nicole Kilpatrick
Rating: 🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑
Recommended for: Fans of YA
Published: 1st December, 2020
Nicole Kilpatrick's debut weaves a tale of luck (and lack thereof), magic, and loce. A latecomer to the party of  attractive and charismatic mythical creatures, the book features leprechauns along with a diverse cast of other fae. At her eighteenth birthday, Clover discovers that her luck has run out. In fact, it was never hers to begin with, but part of a negotiation that allowed a leprechaun to name and, ultimately, have untold powers over her. To fight against this, Clover follows Finn, the grantor of her luck these past years, to Ireland to seek the aid of the Seelie Queen. I was immediately drawn to this book by its premise. We've all had our ups and downs with luck, and I think everyone would appreciate more providence in their lives. I was especially hoping to see whether the book would play with bad luck along with the good. Unfortunately, I don't think the concepts were executed very well. The worldbuilding was okay, uncommon but not particularly spectacular. There are some info dumps to keep the reader updated with the lore which I'm ambivalent about. Story-wise, it just wasn't anything to marvel over. Most things happened because the plot required it and many events and decisions didn't make sense to me. The characters were flat and one-dimensional. They were so bland that it was hard to connect or feel any emotion for them. I especially disliked the way the female characters were written. Clover's romantic rivalry, so to speak, was unnecessary and pits girls against girls, which I despise. But other than that, nearly every woman in the story was connected to a man and those relationships were very much highlighted. The writing was simplistic and, at times, stilted. What weirded me out the most was how it varied wildly in tone. Stylistically, I would have pegged this as a kids' story or aimed at the middle grades. But content-wise? Man, it was just so sexually suggestive. It's also highly nope to me that Clover's love interest is Finn, the person who has looked after her since she was an infant. Overall, I feel like this book has an identity crisis. Perhaps this is down to weak editing. Or maybe the YA audience will love this because of prevailing trends thus far. But honestly, I was hoping for this book to break the mold and it didn't do that.
Disclaimer: e-ARC obtained from NetGalley, photo found on Google
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secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
omg harry's sweet creature is on itune canada and i want to cry because of the background oooooh's abd sjjsdkkdkdjss i loce him so so so much i really hope i will be lucky enough to get tickets its just sjsnskskf
It’s so gorgeous. Wow. It makes me want tickets even more; it’s making me want to get violent. I’m literally going to scream and shout and cry and fight people to the death. ;)) xx
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