#little does he know that my actual fencing diary is tumblr
thoughtfulseason · 2 months
exactly one year ago i started fencing with a uniform. so wild that it’s only been a year… what was my life before that?? maan i’m so grateful i found this, him and them. truly blessed
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crystalirises · 4 years
Did He Ever Love Me?
Edit: This is a repost since my tumblr is being weird and for some reason my posts are not showing up??? Help ;-; (also repost since I posted it on the day of the wedding and I wanted to scream about that for a while :) )
Hi guys… I know the wedding is gonna drop soon…
Just kidding, I couldn’t write wholesome Fundywastaken or angst wedding times to save my life. I just can’t write wedding angst guys. I can’t ;-;
Anyway, this is just a scenario that occurs within the DadSchlatt AU I’m making, some of the details are in the link below:
And yeah I hope you guys like this! @oakskull and @meismom, I posted it yay!
(Edit: removed Ao3 tag cause maybe that’s causing my post not to show up in tags???)
"Fuuuuuuuundy, there you are! Holy shit, I’ve been looking all over for you." He froze, tucking his diary within his pocket as a practiced grin formed on his face. He turned to see Schlatt, surprisingly sober as he strode towards him. There was a weary look on the ram hybrid's face, one that Fundy wasn't sure he liked compared to the man's usual smirk. "I need to talk to you in my office. Now."
"Mr. President, it's an honor for you to come yourself but you usually send a guard when you... want to summon someone." Did Schlatt know? Did he know that Fundy was a spy...? He sucked in a quivering breathe, hoping that the man doesn't notice his sudden bout of nervousness. He stood up from the fence post he had been sitting on, his shoes thumping loudly against the ground.
A flash of emotion crossed Schlatt's eyes, a flicker in his gaze that Fundy couldn't pinpoint. A hand landed on his shoulder as red piercing eyes stared into his soul. If Schlatt didn't stab him right then and there, he might as well have died from the man’s intense gaze. "Just... Come with me. It was best that I... It's better that I come to get you myself. This won't be pleasant, Fundy."
He could do nothing but follow Schlatt towards his office, scenarios of his terrible demise flashing within his mind. Schlatt... was strange. At times, he could barely predict what the ram was going to do. Fundy tried not to trip on his own two feet as the building to Schlatt's office began to appear within sight. He didn't want to die. He needed to apologize to so many people. To Niki. To Eret. To Tommy. He didn't even get the chance to apologize to his dad about–
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as thoughts of his dad surfaced. He didn't mean it. He didn't mean to disown him. He needed to gain Schlatt's trust… but that didn't matter now, did it? Schlatt was going to corner him into his office, taunt him for thinking he could have escaped Schlatt's suspicions and slit his throat, leaving him to choke on his own blood. He wouldn't get a burial. Would anyone even care if he died? No… They wouldn’t care for a traitor like him…
He shuddered to a stop, willing his tears to dry as Schlatt abruptly paused. A scowl reached his lips as a single tear cascaded down his cheek. With the back of his sleeve, he wiped the traitorous tear away just as Schlatt turned to face him. Fundy blinked, Schlatt looked nervous. The man shuffled continuously on his feet, his lips pressed into a thin line as if contemplating the words he were about to say. “Fundy. I need you to stay calm throughout this, but I won’t blame you if you start to… uh… ya know… fuck.”
"Of course." He didn't know why Schlatt was mocking him with false display of care. Stay calm? Yeah, he'll stay completely calm even as Schlatt decides to stab him. Fundy wrapped his arms around his chest, as if consoling himself as he followed Schlatt into the building. The cold of the chipped marble floor beneath seemed to seep past the soles of his shoes, the pristine white walls a stark reminder of how they reflected a lie. This entire land was covered in blood yet was so perfectly hidden by the falseness of serenity.
George and Punz stood at the office's doorway, swords sheathed at their sides as they gave Schlatt a nod. For a moment, Fundy caught George's eye. The human's usual exhaustion replaced by weariness and pity. Oh, of course George would know he was about to die. Great. Fundy turned his eyes away, choosing to look down at the floor instead as he entered his death room. The oaken door closed with a soft click that resounded in Fundy's nervously twitching ears, it sounded like the toll of a final bell.
"There you are Schlatt, you know it's rude to keep me waiting! You know I-I-I love what you've done with the place, really captures your style and— oh! You brought my traitor son with you!" His head snapped up, nausea climbing its way to his throat as he locked eyes with his da— with Wilbur. No. No. No. No. Why was he here? Why was Wilbur here? He turned to Schlatt, his breath harsher than he wanted it to be. Sensing his panic, Schlatt placed a hand on the top of his head, as if the gesture was meant to calm him down.
“I’m sorry, sir, but w-what is this?” Fundy doesn’t miss the manic gleam in Wilbur’s eyes. The frantic and frenzied movement he made as he stared fiercely at the hand on top of Fundy’s head. Fundy’s ears were pressed close to his head, the rising need to rush out of the room and hide inside his bunker slowly took over his senses. He only snapped out of it as Schlatt’s hand moved to his shoulder, his grip tight enough to keep him in place. He couldn’t even leave. He wanted to leave. “Why is he here?”
“Your president invited me.” Wilbur let out a chuckle, sitting himself on one of the chairs that circled the long presidential table. Fundy couldn’t help but look at his father, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. His brown trenchcoat was draped heavily across his shoulders, the man’s thin limbs sending a pang of guilt to Fundy’s heart. Wilbur looked like an absolute wreck. “So… Schlatt! Did you invite me to flaunt your little victory in my face? I’ve heard the people love your proposal. A festival! How festive of you, hm?”
Schlatt’s usual smirk was nowhere to be seen. He felt Schlatt’s hand drop from his shoulder and Fundy watched as the ram’s scowl deepened with every word that came from Wilbur’s mouth, his fists were clenched so tightly at his sides that Fundy feared they would begin to bleed soon. He began to back away, his hands clawing the door’s wooden surface as Schlatt began to advance towards the table. Schlatt had a temper. He knew that… but he’s never actually seen him furious before.
“WILBUR!” Fundy jumped as Schlatt slammed his fist onto the table, a small crack forming at its surface. Fundy wished he was anywhere else but there. Wilbur looked up, a perplexed look on his face as he forced himself to look at Schlatt. “I have had my suspicions since I first came here, and I want you to clear them up. For your sake and for Fundy’s. Fundy, I know you don’t consider Wilbur your father but Tubbo clearly says otherwise and I doubt he would lie to me. Fundy, what do you remember of your childhood?”
“I— uh… that’s kind of a personal question…” Fundy laughed awkwardly, trying to dispel the tense atmosphere. “Um… I-I can’t say I really recall much, Schlatt… uh, it was kind of a long time ago, you know?”
“What’s your earliest memory?” Schlatt didn’t want to let this go, huh? Fundy shuffled on his feet, uncomfortable to be under Schlatt’s scrutiny. Wilbur looked between the two of them, a blank look on his face as if the confrontation bored him. Fundy averted his gaze from both of them, concentrating on remembering his earliest memory. He remembered the bitter scent of potions, his feet scuffing loudly against the marble floor of the hto dog van. He remembers Wilbur, reaching down to hold him in his arms.
Life was simpler back then, before that bloody war... Before he had been forced into a role he never wanted to play in the first place. Back then, his father didn't dream of independence or glory. No. His father looked at him as if he was all that mattered, as if he was worth more than the entire world itself. Now... He looks up at his father - at Wilbur - and sees a hollow shell of the man he once called his dad. He can't bring himself to look at Schlatt, choosing to disappear into the memory of a better time. To a better life.
"I remember the... camarvan and... I remember Wil." Fundy tries to keep the sweet nostalgia out of his voice, Schlatt could still peg and label him for a traitor if he showed a semblance of regret. "That's it."
"Good. Good." He didn't see how any of that was good. Schlatt laid a hand on the table, his sharp gaze snapping to Wilbur. "Remember those daring adventures we used to have, Wil? All those strange lands we traversed. I have to say, the rising lava one was my favorite. You remember those times, Wil? Just you and me, two idiots thinking they could outrun the world."
"As far as I recall, I remember nearly falling into lava and nearly drowning because you refused to hide your damn horns." Wilbur growled, low and harsh. "Those hunters wouldn't stop chasing us because you— I told you to hide them but you chose to keep them on full display for the world to see and nearly killed me in the process!"
"Yeah... I remember that." A deep chuckle resounded throughout the room as Schlatt walked towards Fundy. "I'm just surprised, you know? When I found out you had a son, I was expecting a human kid but then... Here's Fundy! Glad to see you didn't try to force the kid into wearing a stupid hat... Oh wait! You did! Didn't take your advice either, did he?"
"What is this about, Schlatt? You want me to apologize? Is that it, hm? You want me to say sorry to you for trying to keep you alive?"
"How does a human have a kit for a son?"
The tension in the room grew heavier at the question, almost suffocating as Fundy processed Schlatt's question. Fundy shivered, watching as the manic gleam in Wilbur's eyes turned practically murderous. Fundy didn't understand where Schlatt was going within this. He wasn't sure he wanted to know. His hand gripped at his arms, nearly breaking his skin as he found his voice. "Why are you asking that Schlatt...?"
"Just... I'm really sorry, Fundy. But I think this matter should be settled now." Schlatt didn't even give him the choice, and from what Fundy could tell, Wilbur didn't get a choice either. "Wilbur, we travelled through many lands together and I know you. I know what you're like. When I ask you this, I want to hear the truth. How the fuck did you get a kit for a son? What the fuck did you do Wilbur?"
“What did I… What are you asking me about, Schlatt?” Wilbur stood up, small tremors wracking through his body as he grips the edge of the table. The shine of insanity dancing in his gaze has disappeared, replaced by the look of a man who’s about to lose everything again. “Wha— Don’t you dare—"
“What’s the best way to get people to love you? To show you’re a revolutionary who fights for the freedom of all? I would say having a hybrid for a son would definitely give you some points, huh? Look at General Wilbur. How noble of him to adopt a kit!” Fundy swallowed down the bitter taste of bile climbing up his throat, Schlatt’s words tearing at his heart. “But did you, Wilbur? Did you adopt or did you kill a family and take their child? As far as I’m aware, fox hybrids would fight tooth and nail for their children.”
Fundy took a breath. Schlatt was a liar, Wilbur would never… But then… Schlatt knows Fundy was loyal to him. What did he have to gain by lying? No. No. No. Schlatt was lying, right? He had to be! Wilbur wasn’t—
Wasn’t what, Fundy?
“You’re joking, Schlatt. How dare you—” Fundy’s ears twitched, why was Wilbur glancing off the question? “This is a really funny joke, Schlatt. You're just— you're just twisting this situation into your favor, you-you—”
“Answer the damn question, Wilbur.” Schlatt rolled his eyes, a subtle grin playing on his lips as he leaned closer towards Fundy. “No more running, lover boy. Did you or did you not kidnap a kit from his family?”
Fundy fell to his knees, the slight hesitation in Wilbur’s voice the final straw. He curled up into himself, sniffling as he thoughts about the implications. He wanted Wilbur to deny it. He wanted Wilbur to be furious. He… He… He began to wail. Why couldn’t Wilbur just answer the question? Why couldn’t he just say the fucking truth? Fundy’s hands gripped at his ears, tugging them as he tried to abate the horrible thoughts that circled his mind. His heart felt as if it was burning. His whole body felt as if it was on fire.
“No answer. Alright.” Schlatt’s footsteps were muffled under Fundy’s wailing, but he could hear them no matter how much Fundy tried to escape the situation. “You know I was expecting you to defend yourself there, Wilbur. Believe me, I wanted you to defend yourself. Now look what you’ve done. Does this satisfy you, Wilbur? Does seeing your so-called son cry give you joy? ‘Cause I didn’t want this either, Wilbur.”
“If you didn’t want this then you wouldn’t have arranged this meeting. If you didn’t want this you would have left my damn son out of this.” A scathing growl tore itself from Wilbur’s throat, though Fundy barely heard it. Fundy had no choice but to listen to every word that reached his ears, had no choice but to listen as his father’s voice began to rise. “You were my best friend and now you’re accusing me of-of kidnapping?! You think I— Fundy shouldn’t be here. He’s young. You’re filling his head with nonsense—"
“SHUT UP!” Fundy snapped, shutting his eyes to stop his tears. He didn’t want to hear whatever the fuck Wilbur had to say. His avoidance of the question was answer enough. “Just… shut up, Wil. Just shut up.”
“Oh! Maybe I have this all wrong.” Fundy wished that Schlatt would just stop, the ram had gotten his point across. He got what he wanted, didn’t he? Fundy looked up at Schlatt, but the man continued, “Maybe you didn’t kidnap a poor kit from his family. No. No. No. How could I forget the second option? Maybe… Maybe you killed his real parents. Maybe you killed them and took Fundy for yourself, huh? Maybe—"
Schlatt placed a hand on Fundy’s head, fondly caressing his hair. Wilbur went livid. He leapt from behind the table, a crash echoing through the room as Wilbur pushed against his chair, knocking it over. Schlatt didn’t get the chance to continue as Wilbur punched him on the cheek, the ram collapsing onto the ground. Wilbur’s back was all Fundy could see, as if Wilbur was putting space between the two of them.
“How dare you.” Wilbur seethed. His hand rising to strike once more. If he had a sword, he would have killed the ram right then and there. Fundy felt fear and so did Schlatt. “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU—"
“GEORGE! PUNZ!” Fundy’s voice echoed through the room and surely out into the hall. Wilbur froze on the spot, turning to Fundy with betrayed shock in his eyes but all he sees in his son’s face is terror. Terror directed at him. At him. Schlatt laughed quietly, picking himself up from the floor just as George and Punz rushed into the room. They took one good look at Schlatt’s bleeding cheek and quickly apprehended Wilbur, the man snarling and cursing as the two finally managed to hold his arms behind his back.
“Fundy… My son…” Wilbur tried to reach out to Fundy, struggling in the two guard’s hold. Fundy looked away, his heart heavy in his chest. He didn’t know what to think, but he knows he didn’t want to see Wilbur. Not now. “I would never… I-I-I love you, Fundy. I would never… I… I… I can prove it. I can prove that you’re my son. Just tell them to let me go.”
“Take him away.” The words taste like poison on Fundy’s tongue.
“That’s right. Get him out of here. Make sure he doesn’t take another step in Manburg ever again.” Schlatt placed himself between Fundy and Wilbur, his lips curled into a sneer. “Mark my words, Wilbur. As long as I live, I will make sure you stay the hell away from Fundy.”
“NO! NO! NO!” Wilbur’s voice began to fade away, Fundy’s ears twitching as he still hears the man screaming his name out in the hallway. “FUNDY! FUNDY! MY SON!”
Fundy breaks down once more, cursing his good hearing as he listen’s to his father’s heartwrenching cries. Maybe the man did care for him… maybe… Fundy didn’t know.
He feels a presence at his side, a hand rubbing up and down his back. Schlatt doesn’t look at him and Fundy doesn’t look at the man either. What could they say?
After a moment of silence.
“Why would you do this, Schlatt?”
“Because I was worried, Fundy.”
“I do care for everyone in the cabinet, Fundy. Believe me.”
“You should have told me what this was about.”
“I know.”
“Was this planned from the beginning?”
“I was planning to confront Wilbur when he first introduced you to me.”
“Do you… do you think he loved me?”
“Maybe he eventually did, Fundy. Maybe he did.”
He feels Schlatt pull him into a warm and comforting embrace.
“It hurts.”
“I’m sorry, Fundy. I’m so so sorry.”
The residents of Manburg watch as a lone fox stands before a roaring bonfire, the smell of burning paper wafting through the air.  
With his hat in his hands, he stares into the flames.  
He doesn't toss it in.
So yeah that’s just a scenario that happens within the AU I’m making. So this is a very ambiguous situation. Is Schlatt being genuine? Is he manipulating Fundy? Is Wilbur the bad guy here? I’d love to hear your interpretations!
So pls do tell me what your interpretations are 👉👈
Anyway, hope you guys liked it!
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
If you could drink only 2 things for the rest of your life, what would it be? Coffee and water.
Would you date someone taller than you? Well, yes. Just about everyone is taller than me for one thing.
Have you met anyone that has been a major influence on you this year? No.
Ever kissed someone who smokes? No.
Have you ever liked someone a lot older than you? Not including celebrities, the oldest person I’ve liked is only two years older than me.
Have any interesting conversations lately? Not really.
If your friends warn you about someone you like, do you listen? I would hear what they had to say, yes.
Who did you last pinky promise with? I have no idea when the last time I pinky promised was.
What do you do when you’re having a bad day? Go about my day as usual and do what I always do, which are things like Tumblr, surveys, rest, watch TV, listen to music, read, and color.
Does it take a lot for someone to annoy you? No. I get irritable pretty easily.
Do you want your tongue or belly button pierced? No.
Do you hate it when people smoke around you? Cigarettes, yes. I can’t stand it.
Is there someone you care about right now? Uh, yeah. I care about my family. I love them more than anything.
If you could see one person right now, who would it be? I don’t really want to see anyone right now.
Do you say “I love you” when you don’t mean it? No. I don’t just throw those words around, if I say it, I mean it.
Do you smoke? No.
Have you ever been to a football game? Yes, actually.
How old is the computer you’re on? Like eight years old. It’s a MacBook. Wow, that’s crazy I didn’t realize just how old it is. In tech world, that’s ancient.
When you looked in the mirror today, what was your first thought? Ew.
Last furry thing you touched? My giraffe print body pillow.
Have you ever faked sick? I’ve never had to fake sick. I feel that way enough for real.
What is your blood-type? I actually don’t know. I’ve had blood work done so often throughout my life, I’ve had surgeries, and I’ve had a few transfusions. You’d think I would know by now.
The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? A Chick-Fil-A sauce. I always get extra sauces when I go there, so that I have it at home to use. Apart from chicken strips, it goes well with eggs, sausage, and hash browns as well.
Do you like clowns? No.
Has anyone ever under-estimated your intelligence? Probably.
Can you take a bra off with one hand? I think so.
Do you have big dreams for your life? No. I know how sad that sounds, but it’s true.
Are you donating your organs? I don’t know.
When was the last time you talked to you mom? This afternoon before she went to work.
What did you do yesterday? The same stuff I always do that I already listed.
What kind of deodorant do you use? Secret.
Do you sleep on your side, stomach or back? I sleep on my side.
What is one show that is canceled that you wish was still on? I wish True Blood was still on. Also, The Vampire Diaries is on its final season, so that’s sad.
Ever met any online friends in person? Nope.
Do you know how to sew? No.
Does your room need cleaning? I need to straighten up a bit. I need to hang up my jackets, put away some clothes, and vacuum.
Do you like pumpkin pie? Nooo. Blech.
Do you own your own computer? Yes.
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? Yes.
How do you get to sleep? I listen to ASMR videos.
What happened at the last party you went to? I hung out with some friends I hadn’t seen in awhile, caught up, had lots of laughs, played a game, and just chilled.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No.
What’s your hair like at this present moment? It’s in a messy bun.
What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? Hmm...
Are you an untidy person? I wouldn’t say that.
Have you ever been a fan of ‘N Sync? Yesss.
Do you watch a lot of television? It’s most only as background noise, but I tune in now and then. I also have shows that I do watch and keep up with.
Do you think you’re fat sometimes? No.
Do you like to flex your muscles? What muscles?
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? Yeahhh.
Favorite kind of cake: Funfetti, red velvet, white cake, and strawberry. Apart from red velvet that has cream cheese frosting, I love buttercream frosting on my cake. I don’t like whipped.
Name something you are doing tomorrow? Same ol’, same ol’.
Where are you going to be at 4 PM tomorrow? At home.
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? Nope.
Do you think you would be a good parent? I would hope so. I don’t know if I want kids, though.
Are you tanned? No.
Did you get any compliments today? Nope. I’ve been home all day and I look like a mess.
Do you get jealous easily? More envious than jealous.
What were you doing at 3 AM this morning? I was asleep.
Are you any good at math? Nopeeee.
What’s your sign? Leo.
What is your favorite color? Yellow, teal, mint, and pastels.
Last time you were sick? I always feel unwell in some way. That’s chronic illness for you. I haven’t had a cold or anything like that in like two years, though.
Did you have a good day or a bad day? Just a typical, average day. If you haven’t noticed, my life isn’t very exciting. It’s very routine and predictable.
Do you eat healthy? Haha.
Have you ever been told that you need an attitude adjustment? Yes.
What’s something that you wish your pet could do? I don’t have a pet anymore... :(
Can you tango? No.
Do you know anyone that has/had cancer? Yes.
Have you ever read somebody else’s diary? No. Unless it was a public journal entry on a blog.
Have you ever been called a hick? No.
Are your parents going to buy you a car? No. I don’t even drive.
Have you ever rode around in the bed of a pick up truck? Yes.
Do you enjoy going to school? I liked it overall.
Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope.
Do/did you have any family in your school? I attended middle school and freshman year with one of my cousins, and in college I went to community college with one of my other cousins.
Were you a big jump roper back in the day? I didn’t jump rope at all.
Have you ever been in your kitchen naked? No. I don’t walk around naked. I don’t live alone for one thing, and for two I don’t feel comfortable naked. I put clothes on when I step out of the shower.
This time last year, what was your relationship status? Single as always.
When was the last time you went to the mall? Earlier this month.
Do you like the smell of coconuts? Yes. Just not the taste.
How many of the Harry Potter books have you read? None. I’ve seen all the movies.
When was the last time you checked your Facebook? Yesterday, I think.
Look out your window. How many people do you see? Zero. It’s took dark right now, but even still all I’d see is a fence.
Where was the last place you bought a clothing item? JCP.
Are you the youngest person living in your house? Nope. I’m the third oldest.
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? I think rejected because it was someone I didn’t know.
Are you wearing any socks? Yes.
Can you play pool? No.
Do you think that you are a good singer? Nope, I know I’m not. It doesn’t stop me from singing along to songs even belting out now and then. haha.
Are you sure of your sexuality? Yes.
Do you love your parents? Yes. My family is everything to me.
Do you think that you are smart? Meh. I’m probably more average.
Are you pretending to be someone that you’re not? I used to pretend I was more okay than I was or that I knew what I was doing. I was pretty good at it until this past year or two when I started to slip and couldn’t hide it well anymore. I still downplay a lot and keep to myself, but those close to me know I’m struggling.. just maybe not to the full extent. It’s also obvious I have no idea what I’m doing.
Do you like to read? I love to read.
How often do you talk on the phone? Not often at all. I don’t like talking on the phone.
Are you a local celebrity? Ha, no. I was on the news and in the newspaper when my accident happened, and there was a little fundraiser put together in my name, but that was twenty-six years ago. No one remembers any of that or knows who I am.
Do you like your English class? I’m no longer in school, I graduated two years ago.
What was the last compliment that you got? My grandma’s friend commented on a photo my aunt posted of me on Facebook, and said I’m “beautiful.”
Do you eat candy daily? No, but I have something sweet daily.
Have you ever moved to a different home? Yes.
Have you ever switched schools? Just when transitioning from preschool to the kindergarten through eighth school I attended, from there to high school, from high school to community college, and from community college to UC.
What is your name? Stephanie.
Have you ever been to camp? Yes. I went to science camp in 6th grade, and to a Girl Scout camp.
Do you get nervous with public speaking? Extremely. It never got easier, no matter how many times I had to do it. They claimed it would help, but nope.
Do you know anyone with a really weird name? To some it might be weird, but I’m used to it because he’s my cousin and we grew up together so I’ve heard it for most of my life.
Do you fight with your parents all the time? No.
Are you in pain right now? My pain meds are doing their job, thankfully.
Are you wearing a sports shirt? Nope.
Do you have a reason to smile right now? Not really.
Do you wear shoes in your house or take ‘em off? I take them off.
Does anyone call you babe or baby? Nope.
Who is your last text from? My brother.
What languages can you count to ten or higher in? English and Spanish.
How old were you when you got your drivers’ license (if you have it)? I haven’t gotten mine.
Have you ever broken a bone? Yes.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? Yes.
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you? Nope.
Do you drink lots of booze? No. I don’t drink anymore. It’s been almost four years.
Have you ever felt like you literally needed someone? Yes.
Have you read The Lovely Bones? Are you excited for the movie? I have. The movie was okay.
Do you try to eat healthy or do you just eat whatever you like whenever you like? I eat what I like.
What memory are you most afraid of losing? Memories of loved ones, and other good memories.
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hcrsegirl · 4 years
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╰☆╮MUSE 46 — wait, is that cerise “reese” du pont? is it just me or does the twenty-one year-old look exactly like abigail cowen? last i heard, they still weren’t over being exposed by the sentinel. according to the app, they can be credulous & turbulent, but i’ve also heard they're intrepid & audacious. can’t be too sure, people have a way of surprising you. all i know is that they remind me of vape scented smoke appearing in the middle of lecture , filming viral tik tok’s in public , the brushing down of a horse , forgetting a pencil but remembering to bring the juul to class & drinking homemade moonshine for barbie movie drinking games. honestly, the broadcast communications major should try to keep their head down. after the events of last semester, i wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. ╰☆╮
wow hey hi hello!! i’m kaya and this is my lil crackhead, reese!! this got really long because i never know when to shut up but if you want to plot pls hit me up here on tumblr or on discord at medieval 4loko gang#5402
gigi ( booksmart ) , keanu reeves ( always be my maybe ) , serena van der woodsen ( gossip girl ) , kirby anders ( dynasty )
hard-drinking party girl , cloudcuckoolander , the trickster , upper-class equestrian , fleeting passionate hobbies , naive animal lover , fearless fool , playing with fire , parental neglect , fantasy-forbidding father
born and raised in wilmington, delaware on the du pont family ranch, reese learned how to ride and compete on her family’s thoroughbreds. she’s a seasoned equestrian who typically competed in eventing and throughout the years had accumulated a series of ribbons and trophies between dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. definitely was a horse girl growing up and tbh still is???? definitely not the type to eat grass anymore BUT if given the chance she will not shut up about them.
a veterinarian before marrying into the du pont family, reese’s mother had their ranch doubling as both a home and veterinary clinic where the kids would help with the animals and keep them company. this caused reese to develop a soft spot for them, one that contributed to her going vegetarian at the age of 12 and eventually vegan at 15. it was also this love of animals that led her to wanting to help the environment they lived in and so her parents put her in girl scouts and eventually her love for the outdoors would cause her to join steinhardt’s outing club.
while her mother, eleanor, also helps out with the du pont family business of breeding thoroughbreds as well as run her clinic, her father, pierre, is a chairman of dupont, a conglomerate who got its start in the black powder market before expanding into chemicals for agriculture, materials science, and specialty products.
he was the type to have HIGH expectations for his family, expectations that reese never met. not that she cared to. definitely not a daddy’s girl, she’ll be the first one to call her father out for being a pompous douche straight to his face. probably quoted this to her father during a thanksgiving toast of “what are we thankful for this year”.
the black sheep of her family, even at a young age she could be found stirring up some trouble and almost always dragging one of her siblings or cousins along with her. a rebellious child who didn’t like being put into a box, she lived in a fantasy world of whimsy, often playing make-believe much to her father’s chagrin. she believed in all things fantastical from fairies to mermaids and while pierre tried to stifle those thoughts, they stubbornly remained.
even through her teenage years she’s held onto the firm belief that barbie lore is real. no one knows if she actually believes that or if it’s all of the drugs and her love for the movies getting to her head, but when confronted about it she will always be adamant that it’s a legitimate form of history.
speaking of history, her concept of it is slightly skewed?? def has weird beliefs of what communists are?? like you’re an android user??? suddenly she thinks you’re a communist????
tbh you could probably tell her something about anything and she’ll believe you without a hint of doubt. research?? she dunno her!! you could say the moon is a government con-job and she’d think it’s a fact??? super gullible and it’s a mess
i guess now would be a good time to preface that she’s dumb. stupid. an idiot. the list goes on but when i say she’s lacking brain cells… i mean it. the definition of head empty, she probably has a bunch of rocks where her brain should be sdfgh. but really, she can be innovative when she wants to be but academically she just doesn’t care to do well. in high school she ditched classes more often than not and was probably the kid smoking under the bleachers.
but where she lacks in intelligence she makes up for in brawn??? def the brawn over brains type who was a jock in high school. competed for her school’s equestrian team but also was on the fencing and archery teams. she once begged to be put into archery lessons after seeing the princess diaries 2 and fencing just came along not too soon after. she also used to run track and play soccer but those two sports ended after her senior year of high school although she probably still plays for the steinhardt’s intermurral league as well as any athletic competitions her sorority, tri-zeta ( zeta zeta zeta ) enters.
definitely the jack of all trades type except she’s passable at a whole bunch of things but good at none of them. probably can change a tire but it’ll need to be changed again soon. can bake a cake but it’ll be a little dry. the list goes on. she’s just very curious and picks up a lot of things but gets bored of them easily so she changes to the next thing.
okay i know i said she could bake a cake but she really…can’t. like with supervision she probably could but she’s impulsive and following directions for that many ingredients??? impossible. she just gets tempted to toss everything into a bowl and wing it and she does that every time. she can however make rice krispy treats. especially if they’re suppose to be edibles dfghj. but ya, don’t ask her to cook bc she can. not.
a stoner and overall drug connoisseur, she’s probably most known for being that kid who forgets to bring their backpack to class but don’t worry!! she remembered her juul!! has a collection of juuls on her person at all times. definitely that party girl who shows up hungover to class whenever she did bother to show up.
calls herself an entrepreneur because she used to sell edibles and other drug-related things and definitely was that tweet where she would give discounts if you signed an environmental petition or went to a protest.
has never said no to a dare EVER. you name it and she’ll do it. and if you dare her to drink cow titty milk or eat a piece of meat she’ll do it but it just makes you a dick dfghj
gets bored easily and tends to lash out and do something chaotic because of it?? the type to spontaneously light a couch on fire because she felt like it. a mild pyromaniac who once learned how to make a molotov cocktail. she can’t do it well. at all. but the one time she did try was also the same day she realized what a dumpster fire looked like.
i’m also not saying she’s out here to ruin your life for her own whims but like home girl has ZERO boundaries for anything. if you want to say she was a homewrecker in a past relationship??? honestly full send because it probably was her. morally she’s chaotic neutral and doesn’t care to be good or evil, she just wants to live her life of chaos and whatever happens happens. it should also be noted that she’s selfish. she puts herself first and others second always.
god someone pls try to start a fight with her. she’d either pat you on the head and ignore you OR go feral and just…foam at the mouth and bite you. probably claims to have gingervitis which is where she like…sprays vegan whip cream into her mouth and just… attacks you. for fun.
WOW ALMOST FORGOT but she’s a big larper!!! loves to go to the ones that are historical-esque where she can be an elf ( because she has a collection of elf ear tips dfghjk ) and acts as a knight/ranger by using her ACTUAL fencing, archery, and equestrian skills. she learned sindarin ( elvish ) for this but also she’s a big lord of the rings fan in general so it just worked out. her character’s storyline is her acting as her cousin, taay’s, protector but she has been known to enroll in a few competitions regarding any of her three skills.
currently selling moonshine alongside her roommates of trap zeta ( also known as the residents of the moonshine & roses subplot ) and so if you saw her running around with stolen pressure cookers, that is why !! making your own alcohol is illegal, but selling it??? even worse so they only sell it to trusted customers and anyone vetted by their usual customers. they probably have secret passwords and shit just like the prohibition period.
speaking of trap zeta, with the exception of fraternities on greek row, they throw the biggest parties. their jungle juice??? fire AND strong but also, they keep it in like....these dispensing chugs with a key so the only ones with access to fill them up or trap zeta themselves. they also have a stripper pole ( or two ) around their living room so like...ya get lit, get twisted, go off ig.
let it be known that their sorority, tri-zeta, is actually known for their stellar amount of community service but after the residents of trap zeta moved in together their sophomore year, the rep for partying started to increase and that’s why the home of muse 46-50 is nicknamed trap zeta. reese has probably been sent to standards way too many times and only got in and is still in bc her mother is a very generous alumni of steinhardt’s chapter of tri-zeta. 
a broadcast communications major, she’s a social media intern for steinhardt’s barstool page but most importantly has a whole tik tok account alongside her roommates dedicated to their college antics. think the hype house except it’s not pg-13 dancing and rly just their crackhead, drunk antics. might eventually make a playlist of tik tok’s that are probably posted on their account, we’ll see.
okay so you know the whole exposing of secrets from last semester??? reese doesn’t usually get mad but rn she Big Mad. like not only are they be scrutinized by the dean but their sorority is too and suddenly tensions are high between tri-zeta bc if trap zeta gets caught they all suffer and their chapter will be shut down and it’ll be a whole ass mess. atm she suspects their customers and even their somewhat rivals, the drug dealers of the ludes plot, but does she suspect anyone from the house??? no not rly
you can find her  stats page here and a wc page here
you can also find her pinterest board here
i also have a reese playlist here and a trap zeta playlist here
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